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Subject: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: GH1996 on 09/28/14 at 2:40 am
What's your earliest memory and what year was it?
Here's mine!
I'm not that old but my earliest memory would be mid 1998 (strangely enough I was born in 96 so I'm not sure how I remember this) we were living at my grandparents house and I clearly remember going down the hallway to my grandpas room and climbing onto his bed and sharing his lunch with him (cottage cheese and tomatoes).. I wasn't sure if this was a dream or not until I asked my parents and I told them about it and how the bedroom door was to the left and everything.. they said it was all true, they remember that day as well...
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 09/28/14 at 4:36 am
It's actually not too weird to have memories from the 8-year if you were born in the 6-year. My first memories are from about the second half of 1988 and I remember that I had a "carton house" at my room which I played with. I also remember watching miniature car magazines and the first very vivid memory is from around Christmas 1988 when I was on a walk with my dad near the coast.
I think there are also some vague memories from our summer vacation in Denmark 1988. I was only 2 years old.
Clear childhood memories however do not start before 1990/91.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/28/14 at 11:52 am
Believe it or not, I can remember having my diapers changed-by my brother no less-on the bathroom floor. :o :o :o
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Mitch Kramer on 09/29/14 at 3:56 am
Another 6-year-born chiming in here. :)
Earliest memory that I can tie to an approximate date: seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) at the Cinerama Theater. This was probably in June of 1968, which would've made me about one and half years old. I remember the weather was hot and clear, the sun nearly straight overhead. We sat about halfway between the front and back of the theater, in the center section near the right aisle.
Earliest memory that I can tie to an exact date: watching the Apollo 11 Moon landing on TV, July 20, 1969. I was less than 3 years old. Many people were skeptical that I could remember this, and for many years I had some doubts about whether I really saw it. I told an elementary school classmate that I remembered seeing the lunar module descending and finally landing on the surface of the Moon. He pointed out that would be impossible, since they were the first to land, how could there be a camera there to film it? However, a couple years ago, I saw the CBS News footage on Youtube. Guess what? They actually did portray the landing using animations and simulations with miniatures. I also checked the weather and the time of day of the landing, and it does match what I remember (it was around the middle of the day and raining over the mountains, cloudy over parts of the city, but with some sun near the beach).
I have other memories from the late 1960s, but not sure of the dates for most of them: swimming lessons at the YMCA (if I could find that little card they give you when you pass the course... but I think it was 1969), one of my aunts going to the hospital, my mother going to the hospital, our dog returning home after running away, going to the mall with two of my aunties where they gawked at a crowd of hippies hanging out in the parking lot near Sears, going to a revolving restaurant for my birthday (1968, 1969, 1970, probably), visiting my grandmother's house and staring at the lava lamp in the living room. There's also the TV, the morning cartoons, Sesame Street, Romper Room, etc. Finally, the radio. I have a good memory for music; I remember everything I heard: The Beatles, The Monkees, The Beach Boys, The Hollies, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplane (my older sister was really into them), Judy Collins, Joan Baez, The Supremes, Martha & the Vandellas, The Byrds, Simon & Garfunkel, The Kinks, The Who, The Moody Blues, and many many more.
What's your earliest memory and what year was it?
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: GH1996 on 09/29/14 at 3:03 pm
Another 6-year-born chiming in here. :)
Earliest memory that I can tie to an approximate date: seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) at the Cinerama Theater. This was probably in June of 1968, which would've made me about one and half years old. I remember the weather was hot and clear, the sun nearly straight overhead. We sat about halfway between the front and back of the theater, in the center section near the right aisle.
Earliest memory that I can tie to an exact date: watching the Apollo 11 Moon landing on TV, July 20, 1969. I was less than 3 years old. Many people were skeptical that I could remember this, and for many years I had some doubts about whether I really saw it. I told an elementary school classmate that I remembered seeing the lunar module descending and finally landing on the surface of the Moon. He pointed out that would be impossible, since they were the first to land, how could there be a camera there to film it? However, a couple years ago, I saw the CBS News footage on Youtube. Guess what? They actually did portray the landing using animations and simulations with miniatures. I also checked the weather and the time of day of the landing, and it does match what I remember (it was around the middle of the day and raining over the mountains, cloudy over parts of the city, but with some sun near the beach).
I have other memories from the late 1960s, but not sure of the dates for most of them: swimming lessons at the YMCA (if I could find that little card they give you when you pass the course... but I think it was 1969), one of my aunts going to the hospital, my mother going to the hospital, our dog returning home after running away, going to the mall with two of my aunties where they gawked at a crowd of hippies hanging out in the parking lot near Sears, going to a revolving restaurant for my birthday (1968, 1969, 1970, probably), visiting my grandmother's house and staring at the lava lamp in the living room. There's also the TV, the morning cartoons, Sesame Street, Romper Room, etc. Finally, the radio. I have a good memory for music; I remember everything I heard: The Beatles, The Monkees, The Beach Boys, The Hollies, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplane (my older sister was really into them), Judy Collins, Joan Baez, The Supremes, Martha & the Vandellas, The Byrds, Simon & Garfunkel, The Kinks, The Who, The Moody Blues, and many many more.
That's awesome!
My parents were born in 63' and both clearly remember it.
My grandfather was born in 1916 and had an amazing memory, his earliest memory was when my great grandfather brought him to a jack Dempsey fight in 1919 after he returned from France, I still even have the ticket from the fight which is pretty amazing!
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 09/29/14 at 4:45 pm
My earliest memories were living in my second home, playing SNES and having my first dog Poochie and then looking for him. This was all happening when I was 2/3 years old.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 09/29/14 at 11:00 pm
It's actually not too weird to have memories from the 8-year if you were born in the 6-year. My first memories are from about the second half of 1988 and I remember that I had a "carton house" at my room which I played with. I also remember watching miniature car magazines and the first very vivid memory is from around Christmas 1988 when I was on a walk with my dad near the coast.
I think there are also some vague memories from our summer vacation in Denmark 1988. I was only 2 years old.
Clear childhood memories however do not start before 1990/91.
Yeah, it's certainly possible to have some memories from when you're two. My parents moved into a larger house in early 1991 in anticipation of my brother being born, and I definitely have some vague memories of living in our first house. In fact, despite having not set foot in that house in almost 24 years, I can actually still picture the inside of it in my head.
Probably my earliest confirmed memory is from Christmas 1989, when a small snowstorm hit our area. It's possible that I could have a few memories older than that, but that's the oldest that I'm absolutely certain when it's from.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Mitch Kramer on 10/02/14 at 7:51 am
That's awesome!
My parents were born in 63' and both clearly remember it.
My grandfather was born in 1916 and had an amazing memory, his earliest memory was when my great grandfather brought him to a jack Dempsey fight in 1919 after he returned from France, I still even have the ticket from the fight which is pretty amazing!
My father was born in 1916, too. He used to tell me about Hawaii in the 1920s and 1930s. Large swaths of Honolulu were still farmland, swampland, forest and "wilderness". He and the other kids used to play basketball in the street, in an intersection next to a sugar cane field. Today, thousands of cars go through that intersection every day in a neighborhood crammed with high-rises. That sugar cane field was still there when I was kid in the 1970s. I remember the last burning and harvest before it was converted into a park. He and my mom (*) also told me about the day Pearl Harbor was bombed, the war-time blackouts, martial law, rationing, etc.
(*) born in 1926. Hmmm, something about 6s, here. My paternal grandmother was born in 1876. One of my uncles was born in 1906.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: karen on 10/02/14 at 1:01 pm
I can remember sitting in my high chair in the kitchen and playing with a rattle toy that had a sucker to stick it to the high chair tray. No clue what age that was, but neither of my kids fitted into that high chair past the age of 2 and a half.
I can also remember sitting in my cot which was in my parents room, but its possible that I was old enough not to need to be in it. My mum said she sometimes put me in it as a play pen while she cleaned the upstairs of the house.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: GH1996 on 10/02/14 at 2:52 pm
My father was born in 1916, too. He used to tell me about Hawaii in the 1920s and 1930s. Large swaths of Honolulu were still farmland, swampland, forest and "wilderness". He and the other kids used to play basketball in the street, in an intersection next to a sugar cane field. Today, thousands of cars go through that intersection every day in a neighborhood crammed with high-rises. That sugar cane field was still there when I was kid in the 1970s. I remember the last burning and harvest before it was converted into a park. He and my mom (*) also told me about the day Pearl Harbor was bombed, the war-time blackouts, martial law, rationing, etc.
(*) born in 1926. Hmmm, something about 6s, here. My paternal grandmother was born in 1876. One of my uncles was born in 1906.
I have the 6 thing in my family too! My great grandfather was born 1886, grandpa in 1916, dad in 1963 and myself in 1996! I had lots of stories from my grandfather too, his old neighborhood in St. Louis is now empty lots or run down houses. Then he moved to Winnipeg canada in the mid 20's, that old neighborhood is still intact!
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 10/02/14 at 5:18 pm
I have the 6 thing in my family too!
I am the only one in my closer family who has been born in the 6-year.
Great Grandfather 1887
Great Grandmother 1902
Grandfather (f) 1921
Grandmother (f) 1922
Grandfather (m) 1924
Grandmother (m) 1925
Uncles 1944, 1953
Father 1949
Aunts 1945, 1947, 1950
Mother 1959
Brother in Law 1975
Sister 1978
Me 1986
Nephew 2007
Niece 2010
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: aja675 on 10/02/14 at 10:34 pm
1996-born here, and my first memory was from 1997, and I have my mom to back it up.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: 80sfan on 10/02/14 at 11:06 pm
I was about 2 and a half, so about April/May 1991.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: MarkMc1990 on 10/02/14 at 11:13 pm
I can remember going to a Christmas party at a lodge with my aunt and uncle in 1992. My brother and I got red and green balloons and I accidentally let go of mine when I got out of the car.
I have another memory of sharing some kind of Italian food (lasagna? spaghetti?) with my mom in a restaurant in the mall. I remember it being very dark in the restaurant but being able to look out and see all the shoppers walking by in the mall. I apparently ate more than my fair share (aka almost the whole thing). My mom says I was 1 when she tells this story.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: GH1996 on 10/03/14 at 1:22 am
I am the only one in my closer family who has been born in the 6-year.
Great Grandfather 1887
Great Grandmother 1902
Grandfather (f) 1921
Grandmother (f) 1922
Grandfather (m) 1924
Grandmother (m) 1925
Uncle 1944
Father 1949
Aunt 1950
Mother 1959
Brother in Law 1975
Sister 1978
Me 1986
Nephew 2007
Niece 2010
That's cool, my grandparents were already pretty old when they had my dad..
Great grandpa (f) 1886, 1913 (m)
Great grandma (f) 1895, 1915 (m)
Grandpa (f) 1916, 1943 (m)
Grandma (f) 1921, 1945 (m)
Aunts + uncles (f) 1945, 1947, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1962
Dad 1963
Mom 1963
Cousins, 1967, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986 (theres just way to many of them)
Myself 1996
Brother 1998
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: amjikloviet on 10/09/14 at 2:38 pm
One very early memory I have is when I was about two years old I was at a carnival with my family. And my mother gave me some cotton candy. This was around 1982, and I believe it was early in the Fall of that year because I remember being a bit bundled up. This is not my earliest memory though.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: 80sfan on 10/10/14 at 12:42 am
The average I am getting from most people, in real life and on here is between age 2 to 4.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: XYkid on 10/14/14 at 12:17 am
The furthest back I can remember was being 2 1/2 years old, around December of 1996. My parents had driven with me from Portland to Houston. I remember it being very cold, and there was ice on the ground. Mum picked me up and walked slowly to the door of my grandma's house, slipping a couple of times and nearly dropping me.
From what I've read, the winter of 96/97 was one of the coldest on record for the continental US.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: nally on 03/11/15 at 12:28 pm
The earliest specific thing I can remember is losing a tooth while eating an ice cream cone when I was 3 3/4. Anything I might remember prior to that is fuzzy. However, I do remember toys I had at age 3, from seeing pictures that were taken then.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Redhairkid on 03/11/15 at 5:07 pm
My earliest memory is of my Da coming to bed and singing the Adam Faith hit 'What Do You Want?' as he walked up the stairs. I was 3 years old.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: MomoGFromTX on 04/14/15 at 6:57 pm
For me it's probably sneaking downstairs at my cousin's house to watch late-night anime. I was 3.
Most of my early memories involve TV, movies, or music. I also remember driving down to the AMC Theatre in Houston to go see The Tigger Movie.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Bobby on 05/03/15 at 3:27 pm
I vaguely remember playing on a crocheted blanket with toys when I was very little (perhaps 2 years old) but I don't know whether it's one of those things where a photograph influenced that memory or not. ???
My definite earliest memory was when I was three years old and going to nursery for the first time. I had a picture of a green car on my coat rack, remember drawing my teacher Mrs Parr with big earrings, drinking juice and having a biscuit and playing outside on little trikes.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Katluver on 05/11/15 at 11:25 am
I actually have a few of memories of when I was under 2.
One being in a car seat with my mom driving with a friend and her daughter in the car. When my mom stepped outside to get something in the store and left me in the car, I was freaked out about being next to the other baby but don't know the details of why (lol)---placed her hand in front of my face? Anyway, all I remember is crying to the point that the other mother turned around to try to calm me down. Unless that was all just a dream...
Another one is being placed on a gurney and later finding myself in a dark room at a hospital (I got really sick once but don't really remember the symptoms other than a bad headache), being served with ginger ale.
The other memory is being in a crib, and my mom and grandmother saying "night night" to me. My grandmother remained at the doorway and kept repeating the words, and I remember being mesmerized and watched her. That actually happened since it's noted in the baby book.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: on 06/14/15 at 12:49 am
1980 and my very horrendous first year of half day JK. >:( The teacher, for some strange reason, was very mean and shouldn't have been teaching a bunch of 4 year old kids.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Howard on 06/14/15 at 2:53 pm
1980 and my very horrendous first year of half day JK. >:( The teacher, for some strange reason, was very mean and shouldn't have been teaching a bunch of 4 year old kids.
In what way was she mean?
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: on 06/14/15 at 8:31 pm
In what way was she mean?
For some reason she just spoke so mean to us kids. It was as if the teacher took on teaching a JK class and didn't know what to do to teach a bunch of four year olds.
Subject: Re: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Howard on 06/15/15 at 2:08 pm
For some reason she just spoke so mean to us kids. It was as if the teacher took on teaching a JK class and didn't know what to do to teach a bunch of four year olds.
That's not right for a teacher to talk down to kids like that.
Subject: What's your earliest memory?
Written By: Dude111 on 04/27/24 at 10:40 pm
My earliest memory is falling off the hJungle Gym at the park when I was 5..
I fell right on my head........ My mum/dad took me to hospital and thankfully I was ok.....
Another time later (I think I was 9 or 10) I fell out of a tree onto my head and I just went home and went to bed,thankfully I was OK then also......... (I probably should have told someone)
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