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Subject: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Visor765 on 08/29/14 at 11:53 am

Basically what the title says, but here is my experience (I'm male).

My first girlfriend was this girl in kindergarten/first grade. She was so cute and I had a crush on her. Her mom really liked me. In retrospect we were just really good friends, although my memories of what we did together had faded dramatically. We never kissed or anything (lol), that would be inappropriate. I also had crushes on other girls in elementary school. I moved to another state and left my old school behind. I stayed in public school for one year in that state, and I had some crushes there too back in fourth grade. I also had a crush on one of my friend's older sister (she was two years older! ;D). I started being homeschooled from 5th grade onwards, and I have had few crushes since. There would be a girl I would like occasionally, but I have never really had a girlfriend since. I'm just a dateless wonder!

Now that you've heard mine, I wanna hear yours. Tell me, what's the history of your romantic life?

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 08/29/14 at 1:38 pm

Well, I haven't had much experience with women but during those times I went out with two of them, one had Down Syndrome her name was Annalee and she was a bit older than I was. Her And I both enjoyed wrestling and going bowling, that's basically it. Almost 5 years we went out with each other. She broke up with me in October 2001.

The other woman I went out with, she was a part of a friendship network program where you meet people with disabilities and her name was Robin(she had Aspergers Syndrome) and in this case she was younger than I was. She lived in Long Island with her parents and so did I (in Queens). We started out as good friends but then I started getting so attracted to her, the way she looked and the way she smelled caught my senses. Afterwards I was so romantically involved with her that Her And I became boyfriend/girlfriend material the next few months. But later on she told me about her $20,000 job while I was at Pathmark as a cart attendant doing part time work.The problem later on was that I loved her but "financially" she didn't love me as much as I loved her, we didn't financially work out. She kept saying to me "if you don't get a full time job you won't get this body" and my job coach at the time as well as I was were both frustrated so to shut her up and to keep her quiet my coach got me a part time job at Pathmark but eventually she virtually cheated on me and I found out about it and the week before Valentine's Day 2008 she broke up with me cause I wasn't "material" in her eyes. I was so upset afterwards that I kept listening to Air Supply music all the time trying to drown out my sorrows. :(

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/29/14 at 2:10 pm

Now that what be telling!

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/29/14 at 6:19 pm

I'm gay, but right now all I want is to get laid.  ;D

Not really interested in a relationship right now.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 08/30/14 at 7:45 am

I'm gay, but right now all I want is to get laid.  ;D

Not really interested in a relationship right now.

and being single is the best solution.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/30/14 at 11:51 am

and being single is the best solution.

I think I do want a relationship, but it has to be the right person. Maybe I'm new at it so I'm a bit nervous!  :D

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 08/30/14 at 6:20 pm

I think I do want a relationship, but it has to be the right person. Maybe I'm new at it so I'm a bit nervous!  :D

take your time and you'll find the one.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: nally on 08/30/14 at 10:35 pm

I think I do want a relationship, but it has to be the right person. Maybe I'm new at it so I'm a bit nervous!  :D

I can relate. I've never had a steady in the entire 34 years I've been alive!

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/31/14 at 12:21 am

take your time and you'll find the one.

The clock is ticking!  :o

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/31/14 at 12:22 am

I can relate. I've never had a steady in the entire 34 years I've been alive!

25/26 years for me.  :P

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/31/14 at 6:41 am

I know exactly where my first girlfriend is right now.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 08/31/14 at 3:00 pm

The clock is ticking!  :o

then what are you waiting for?

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 08/31/14 at 3:01 pm

I know exactly where my first girlfriend is right now.

where is she?

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/31/14 at 3:05 pm

where is she?
Right here with me, I married her.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 08/31/14 at 3:28 pm

Right here with me, I married her.

wonderful. :)

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/31/14 at 3:41 pm

wonderful. :)
Thank you.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Step-chan on 09/25/14 at 2:27 pm

No one at all.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: KatanaChick on 10/16/14 at 8:05 am

Well, I haven't had much experience with women but during those times I went out with two of them, one had Down Syndrome her name was Annalee and she was a bit older than I was. Her And I both enjoyed wrestling and going bowling, that's basically it. Almost 5 years we went out with each other. She broke up with me in October 2001.

The other woman I went out with, she was a part of a friendship network program where you meet people with disabilities and her name was Robin(she had Aspergers Syndrome) and in this case she was younger than I was. She lived in Long Island with her parents and so did I (in Queens). We started out as good friends but then I started getting so attracted to her, the way she looked and the way she smelled caught my senses. Afterwards I was so romantically involved with her that Her And I became boyfriend/girlfriend material the next few months. But later on she told me about her $20,000 job while I was at Pathmark as a cart attendant doing part time work.The problem later on was that I loved her but "financially" she didn't love me as much as I loved her, we didn't financially work out. She kept saying to me "if you don't get a full time job you won't get this body" and my job coach at the time as well as I was were both frustrated so to shut her up and to keep her quiet my coach got me a part time job at Pathmark but eventually she virtually cheated on me and I found out about it and the week before Valentine's Day 2008 she broke up with me cause I wasn't "material" in her eyes. I was so upset afterwards that I kept listening to Air Supply music all the time trying to drown out my sorrows. :(

Your second girlfriend sounds like someone best to be done with! That's not even a person to have as a friend.

Me and relationships go over like a fart in church. Prepare for long stories.  :-\\

Recently I ended a complicated situation with a guy I'd been on and off with for the past few years. He was a friend, but not a very nice one. When I finally told him something personal, not only was he not understanding but put me down for it. He wondered why I wasn't seeing him anymore or texting back and got an attitude about it. He was also extremely passive aggressive and couldn't discuss what was bothering him like a grown man, and he's much older than me. I got sick of it and told him I was done. A couple weeks after that he sent me a letter to supposedly apologize, but I don't even want to be his friend anymore because 7 years is a long time and wishful thinking on my part that anything will come of it. He even said to me he didn't see us as lovers but more than just friends, but that wasn't going to change and I can't deal with it.

The first guy who ever liked me was in high school and we had some things in common, but I was just...not ready so I lied and said I didn't have a crush on him because I was just scared and didn't know what to expect.

The second guy I briefly dated in college and he was super nice, but I went on medical leave and he graduated and my roommate didn't give him my email. I forgot his number too, and he lived not far from me. The problem was, he has a very common last name and I didn't want to call all those people to find the right one.

The first guy I "had relations" with was four years ago and we met online. He was a friend of a friend. It was after I got that over with that he started expecting it of me, and things I flat out refused to do and didn't want to repeat myself about. I just stopped talking to him because my point wasn't being made. So what his other girlfriends would do anything, I'm not like that and won't be just because he got used to it. They also cheated on him. Yep, those were keepers alright!

There was another guy who really had a thing for me and I wanted to feel the same way, but couldn't muster up physical attraction to him. That's a thing that doesn't come easy for me with just anyone. He moved away though. I cared about him in other ways, but he was overly romantic and I didn't know how to respond to that. I know I lead him on too, and I regret that. He was a good person.

There were more than that I'd dated very briefly, but I don't want to get into it all.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 10/16/14 at 3:07 pm

Your second girlfriend sounds like someone best to be done with! That's not even a person to have as a friend.

She was a total bitch towards the end. >:(

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/16/14 at 5:31 pm

She was a total bitch towards the end. >:(

I'm sure she was a bitch from the get-go but you didn't see it because you were infatuated with her.


Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: KatanaChick on 10/16/14 at 6:54 pm

She was a total bitch towards the end. >:(

Probably a gold digger if she was just concerned with how much you make.  >:(

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: 80sfan on 10/16/14 at 10:02 pm

My dating life for the first 25/26 years...

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 10/17/14 at 8:43 am

I'm sure she was a bitch from the get-go but you didn't see it because you were infatuated with her.


I was, she was beautiful in my eyes. I don't know if she forced an "I Love You" to me because I always said "I Love You to her but she didn't reciprocate.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 10/17/14 at 8:47 am

Probably a gold digger if she was just concerned with how much you make.  >:(

At the time that we were dating she was a full timer and I was just a measly part timer working at Pathmark being a cart attendant, she didn't accept what I did as job-related. And plus she was concerned as to how much I made and taking her out to dinner and all. She had no choice but to accept it for a small amount of time.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: KatanaChick on 10/17/14 at 6:19 pm

At the time that we were dating she was a full timer and I was just a measly part timer working at Pathmark being a cart attendant, she didn't accept what I did as job-related. And plus she was concerned as to how much I made and taking her out to dinner and all. She had no choice but to accept it for a small amount of time.

She never paid for dinner and expected you to every time? That's a gold digger.  >:(

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: 80sfan on 10/17/14 at 7:26 pm

At the time that we were dating she was a full timer and I was just a measly part timer working at Pathmark being a cart attendant, she didn't accept what I did as job-related. And plus she was concerned as to how much I made and taking her out to dinner and all. She had no choice but to accept it for a small amount of time.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 10/18/14 at 7:40 am

She never paid for dinner and expected you to every time? That's a gold digger.  >:(

No we sometimes went dutch treat since both of us had jobs at the time that we were dating. I wanted to be fancy on my days off, dressing up in a shirt and tie, taking her out to nice restaurants but since we didn't make enough money we settled for Subways or Nathan's, cheap food. I think I remember her telling me that I was her first taking her out to nice restaurants and then telling me you don't make enough. See, money always gets in the way of situations. I guess she didn't accept me but I accepted her. And in February 2008, the week before Valentine's Day that was the last I saw of her and it was the end of it. :( I guess in her eyes she thought I was too nice to her.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: on 11/02/14 at 7:42 pm

I've not had much luck with men and that's because there were no men around here that I was particularly infatuated with.  I don't understand guys at all particularly with the ones who like you but you have no interest in them whatsoever.
And guys who already have girlfriends and are making goofy eyes at you are not especially attractive to me.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/03/14 at 9:30 am

I've not had much luck with men and that's because there were no men around here that I was particularly infatuated with.  I don't understand guys at all particularly with the ones who like you but you have no interest in them whatsoever.
And guys who already have girlfriends and are making goofy eyes at you are not especially attractive to me.

My sister taught me a toast:

Here's to the boys that we love.
And here's to the boys that love us.
But the boys that we love aren't the boys that love us
So to hell with the boys here's to us.


Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: danootaandme on 11/03/14 at 10:23 am

My first was a hot looking guy. We were each others first love. It was fun, we went to Woodstock.  He dumped me, then wanted back in, but it was over.  We kept in touch for a long time after that.  He even called me before he asked his then girlfriend to marry him, wanted to make sure that it was over for good, flattering, but we both knew it couldn't be recreated. 

We hadn't seen each other for a long time and he called to go out to dinner.  All I can say is WHEW! Dodged that bullet  ;D

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 11/03/14 at 1:53 pm

I've not had much luck with men and that's because there were no men around here that I was particularly infatuated with.  I don't understand guys at all particularly with the ones who like you but you have no interest in them whatsoever.
And guys who already have girlfriends and are making goofy eyes at you are not especially attractive to me.

Have you tried maybe joining a club or attending an event that has guys and girls?

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: on 11/03/14 at 7:36 pm

Have you tried maybe joining a club or attending an event that has guys and girls?


Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 11/04/14 at 1:49 pm


My Mother is trying to encourage me to meet new friends and the only good friend(s) is my good friend Randy with whom I've know for over 20 years and Robert who lives Upstate I talk to him occasionally.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: amjikloviet on 11/25/14 at 9:12 pm

I had my first boyfriend when I was in 8th grade. We were 13 years old, and his name was Franklin...kind of a posh name, lol. He saw me at school and liked me and I sort of liked him. One day he walked me home from school(this was around the time we were graduating). And then just like that it didn't work out, I think because we were too young of course. So we graduated and I never saw him again, he went to a different high school.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: KKay on 12/22/14 at 2:01 pm

My first boyfriend: I was way too young, 7th grade. Everyone had boyfriends/girlfriends but it wasn't serious, we just wanted to do what the big kids did. I told him we had to break up because he was too short. I still feel bad.

My first real boyfriend was a cute 80s boy. We were like the poster kids for bad 80s fashion.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Howard on 12/22/14 at 2:30 pm

My first boyfriend: I was way too young, 7th grade. Everyone had boyfriends/girlfriends but it wasn't serious, we just wanted to do what the big kids did. I told him we had to break up because he was too short. I still feel bad.

My first real boyfriend was a cute 80s boy. We were like the poster kids for bad 80s fashion.

Was the second boyfriend you dated older or younger than you?

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/22/14 at 3:45 pm

I absolutely love that picture, Karen!  :)

As for me, my first boyfriend (that I remember) was when I was in 1st grade and he was in kindergarten or 1st as well.  We'd sit out on the playground, hold hands and kiss during recess.  ;D

Then in 3rd grade, I had a bit of a Cassanova boyfriend, that lasted a few months up until I moved away and I was replaced.  :\'(  ;D

Mom says I had a boyfriend when I was 3, the little neighbor boy.  I do not remember this at all.  But I have seen photos of us together.  ;D

My first really serious boyfriend (other then a guy I "dated" a few times) was in Junior year high school.  We spent two years together and he got me a diamond chip "promise" ring for my 16th birthday.  Mom made me break up with him right before Senior Prom and I wasn't allowed to tell him why.  I was heartbroken.  My boyfriend had plans to move across the country to California after graduation and I was gonna go with him.  He was very kind to me, but I hurt his feelings  :\'( and after him I had a string of really bad luck in boyfriends up until I struck gold with my hubby.  :-*

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/22/14 at 3:58 pm

There were a couple in the earlier grades but there was never anything "official." My first REAL boyfriend was my high school sweetheart. When people asked me what my favorite subject in school was, I said Art. I didn't take any art classes but my boyfriend's name was Arthur (AKA Art or Artie.  ;) :D :D We have kept in touch for many years-even after both of us were married (to other people). I still keep in touch with his mother.


Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/06/15 at 11:27 pm

My first boyfriend: I was way too young, 7th grade. Everyone had boyfriends/girlfriends but it wasn't serious, we just wanted to do what the big kids did. I told him we had to break up because he was too short. I still feel bad.

My first real boyfriend was a cute 80s boy. We were like the poster kids for bad 80s fashion.

Belle, I love that photo! It brings back wicked eighties memories for me! 

I've hashed out the first girlfriend (not counting alcohol-fuled make-out partners) before on this board.  I don't want to make anybody bored!  Even though I was in my late teens and she was in her early twenties, neither of us was mature enough to handle a LTR.  For my part I was too much of a mercurial little sonofabitch to make a girl happy for very long.  As for Kelly, she was a ditz.  I mean, she wasn't dumb.  She was summa cum laude, dean's list smart all the way.  However, I found her tastes, ahem, unsophisticated.  It's not like I was beating them off with a stick.  I gave my heart to the first girl who'd go all the way with me and tell me how great I was!  However, a girl who read Cosmo and had Billy Idol posters on her wall was going to turn into the object of my scorn.  It wouldn't bother me now, but then, ugh, a Miss Piggy electric toothbrush? Heaven forfend!

My lady's got the most deplorable taste
But her biggest mistake
Is hanging over the fireplace

She's got ducks, ducks on the wall
Ducks, ducks, hanging on the wall...
-- The Kinks

So I dumped her in the middle of November.  It's like they say, you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.  I racked up a series of rejections.  She moved on to some dope who wouldn't be so judgmental about her idea of great literature being Anne Rice.  I was sad and lonely, sad and lonely all the time by by Groundhog Day.  I was in a stupifying depression.  I still remember her as my first love.

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: nally on 03/31/15 at 12:00 am

My Mother is trying to encourage me to meet new friends and the only good friend(s) is my good friend Randy with whom I've know for over 20 years and Robert who lives Upstate I talk to him occasionally.

My parents have encouraged me to meet/make new friends as well, but I am able to find ways to meet people (particularly those in my age bracket).

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: on 03/31/15 at 9:35 pm

You know something? I'm feeling very strong emotions for somebody.  :) If you're talking about just celebrity people that I was crushing on as a child/teenager/pre-teenager then look no further than Platinum Blonde's guitar player Sergio Galli.  I actually do really, really, really like this guy.  :) :-* ;) In fact I like Sergio so much that I don't want anybody else to touch him.  That's how strong my feelings are for him.  :)  :-*  ;)

I do have a thing for guitar players, lead singers, and drummers and anybody who's associated with a rock band.  :) :-* ;)

Subject: Re: Your First Girlfriend/Boyfriend?

Written By: Redhairkid on 04/04/15 at 7:25 pm

I have identical emotions for my avatar, C. And I am no threat whatsoever to you and your Sergio because he isn't my type! Blonds just don't do it for me but fair play if you like that look.

But as far as real life boyfriends go.... Well, since everyone else here has been totally honest, I will do likewise. The truth is I've never had one and never wanted one. I am:

Asexual. There, I've said it!

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