The Pop Culture Information Society...

These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.

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Subject: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/03/12 at 4:39 pm

I noticed there was no thread yet for this year, so I figured I'd give it a go. After all, it is getting to that time of year again. We've done this in past years, and I'd like to do it again this year. I am writing out my cards this week and hope to get them in the mail by next week.

To anyone who has my address: it's still the same as it was last year.

Don Carlos
Belle du Jour (Kkay)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/04/12 at 1:53 am

Mine are all written <smug grin>.  Except for one, I'm waiting on an address.  Unless anyone else out there decides they'd like to join in. Send a PM out if you do.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/04/12 at 3:40 am

I haven't moved either since last year, so if you have my address feel free to send me a card. If you want my address, just ask! :)

Not sure if I'll get round to sending Christmas cards this year... :-\\ Rather busy with work, and I've already plans for the weekends too... So don't expect them to be in time, anyway!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/04/12 at 8:24 am

I'm still where I've always been.  :(

Stupid lottery  >:(


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/04/12 at 5:45 pm

I can't do cards this year.  It totally snuck up on me. 

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/06/12 at 4:12 pm

I'm in.

Address is the same as last year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/10/12 at 3:34 am

Mine are all written <smug grin>.  Except for one, I'm waiting on an address.  Unless anyone else out there decides they'd like to join in. Send a PM out if you do.

I already got your one last Friday. :o Man, that was fast!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/10/12 at 11:21 am

I'm going to be sending a handful of mine out today.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: amjikloviet on 12/10/12 at 1:27 pm

Maybe I will participate next year. Even if I did now I wouldn't get all of the cards out on time. I would have liked to though :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/10/12 at 5:36 pm

Got a card from patty  ;D and Karen

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/10/12 at 6:05 pm

Got a card from patty  ;D and Karen

I got one from Karen, too.

I haven't done mine yet.  :-[  I WILL get them out before Christmas-whether they get delivered before Christmas is another story.  :-\\


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/12/12 at 5:49 pm

I have at least one more to write, and I hope to get it out in the mail by the end of the week.
Still haven't received any yet.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/12/12 at 5:52 pm

I'm in!!!  Send me a PM for an address exchange.  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/12/12 at 7:20 pm

Got Karen's yesterday.  It was cute.  Thanks. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: danootaandme on 12/13/12 at 3:52 am

I'm in!!!  Send me a PM for an address exchange.  :)

Wowzee!  Where've you been!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/13/12 at 9:29 am

Wowzee!  Where've you been!

FB  :)  like most of the people who've moved on. 

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/14/12 at 1:32 pm

FB  :)  like most of the people who've moved on.

So much for telling her I was in a multi-dimentional time warp fighting off intergalatic Confederate soldiers.  Spoil sport!! :P  Yeah, I was stuck on Fakebook.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/14/12 at 2:05 pm

So much for telling her I was in a multi-dimentional time warp fighting off intergalatic Confederate soldiers.  Spoil sport!! :P  Yeah, I was stuck on Fakebook.

sorry  :D

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/15/12 at 5:06 am

Ladies and gentlemen.... my cards are out. :) I didn't write personal messages in all of them - hope you're not disappointed if you're one of the 'unlucky' ones.

Reynolds and Karen K.: I'm still awaiting your new adresses.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: seamermar on 12/15/12 at 1:08 pm

  I'm right now sitting deep into my armchair...just writing the Xmas cards I usually send, pleased, to my closer penguin pals.
I try to concentrate into a sealed envelope all the feelings I gathered for them in my heart and in my soul, just in a few hand-writing words.

Lately I've been out more than in, but the penguin feeling never disappeared, so here I am again to be in the endless Christmas Card exchange.

Take good care of yours....times are getting weird and tough.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/18/12 at 10:52 pm

I'm working on my cards....

my penmanship is crap.... don't judge me... just be impressed I'm finally doing it...

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/19/12 at 11:24 am

I sent out a couple more in the mail this past Monday, but...

I still haven't received any yet.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/20/12 at 11:57 am

Got a card today from Patty. THANK YOU!!!

All of mine-with the exception of one, are done & out. I need to get that last one done-and it will be out very soon.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/20/12 at 5:16 pm

Ladies and gentlemen.... my cards are out. :) I didn't write personal messages in all of them - hope you're not disappointed if you're one of the 'unlucky' ones.

Reynolds and Karen K.: I'm still awaiting your new adresses.

Henk, I'm mailing it tommorow.  Depending on the speed of the postal service you'll get it by New Years.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/20/12 at 6:40 pm

Got a card today from Patty. THANK YOU!!!

So did I!!!! :) 8)

All of mine-with the exception of one, are done & out. I need to get that last one done-and it will be out very soon.


Good for you; I think I have only one left to write; I hope to get it in the mail by the weekend.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/20/12 at 6:42 pm

Got one from Cat and Carlos and one from Gis today.  Thanks. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/20/12 at 9:25 pm

Got one from belle du jour today.

Mine went out today. Who knows when you'll see them.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/21/12 at 2:39 pm

Got mine from Nally.  Thank you. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/21/12 at 2:44 pm

Got mine from Nally.  Thank you. :)

Glad you received mine! :) 8) Yours still has yet to arrive here!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/12 at 2:45 pm

I FINALLY got all of mine out.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/21/12 at 3:44 pm

I just received 4 of them in the mail today!

Q, greenjello, statqueen and Kkay (Belle du Jour).

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/21/12 at 4:26 pm

I just received 4 of them in the mail today!

Q, greenjello, statqueen and Kkay (Belle du Jour).

considering I got mine to the post office at 615 yesterday that was pretty quick!

then again we live pretty close to each other... I'm in your hood every month.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/21/12 at 7:07 pm

Got one from Belle today.  Thanks!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/21/12 at 9:17 pm

Oh vey!  I've been very naughty this year.  I'm way behind, got a handful done and actually into the mail.  Still have more to write, but I am trying...  At this rate, you'll receive them by about May... I've always been odd so that should be of no surprise to anyone.
Gonna work on them more tomorrow. 

At least today we got some snow, so I'm slightly more in the mood to write them (more so then in previous days anyway).

Glad some of the one I did manage are making their way there...

I've gotten some really nice ones from Karen (from UK), nally, Cat and Carlos.  I need to hang them on my archway like I usually do, just haven't felt well enough to decorate much...  :-\\

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/22/12 at 1:35 am

considering I got mine to the post office at 615 yesterday that was pretty quick!

then again we live pretty close to each other... I'm in your hood every month.

Cool. However, yours will probably arrive after Christmas; I realized I'd forgotten to put it in the mail! (Silly me.) It'll go out first thing tomorrow.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/22/12 at 5:15 am

Got cards form Paco (yesterday) and Karen K (today). :) Love them!! Thanks guys!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/24/12 at 2:38 am

I want to thank several of you for fondly thinking of me this Christmas even if I haven't been around much. thanks for the cards I got from Jeff (nally), Cat & Carlos, statsqueen (Amy), karen, Gis, Jacks (Chrissy), ladybug (Shannon), & Belle du Jour (Karen). mine will arrive after Christmas because I waited too long and just wrote them all this evening and stamped them and they will be in your mailboxes soon.  8)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/24/12 at 12:19 pm

Today I received cards from Quirk, Statsqueen and a very special one from Q. Thank you so much, My Friend. I almost started crying when I read it.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/24/12 at 2:08 pm

Today I received cards from Quirk, Statsqueen and a very special one from Q. Thank you so much, My Friend. I almost started crying when I read it.



Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/24/12 at 4:27 pm

Got a card from both Paco and Q today.  Thanks!  Sarah thought it was really cool to get a card from Spain.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/24/12 at 11:39 pm

Got some really nice cards today from Q and Effie, Paco, Henk, and Shannon too. 

Thank you everyone.  :-*

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/25/12 at 12:23 am

Got sweet seasons greetings from Cat & Carlos

Also got my card from Jeff today

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/25/12 at 3:20 am

Glad you rec'd mine, Q. I received one from Kathie ("Reynolds1863").

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/25/12 at 11:29 am

Got some really nice cards today from Q and Effie, Paco, Henk, and Shannon too. 

Thank you everyone.  :-*

My pleasure!  :) I'm glad it got to you in time for the holidays.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/26/12 at 10:55 am

Got a card from Gis today.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/26/12 at 11:28 am

I got Q's the 24th.  I really, really, really, want da Snoopy decorations. 8)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/26/12 at 12:56 pm

I got Q's the 24th.  I really, really, really, want da Snoopy decorations. 8)

check your fb page...


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/26/12 at 1:07 pm

check your fb page...


I did!!!  Which is why I want them. 8)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/26/12 at 1:33 pm

I did!!!  Which is why I want them. 8)

Well the pics are the best I can do....  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/26/12 at 4:44 pm

Badfinger-Mike's card has arrived in today's mail.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/26/12 at 5:05 pm

Got a lovely card from Gis and Ian today.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/27/12 at 3:40 pm

I got a card from Cat & Carlos today. Thanks guys! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/27/12 at 6:59 pm

Got a card from Mike and a card from Henk today.  Thanks :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/27/12 at 7:32 pm

got my card from Henk, Mike, Paco....

and Michelle....remember her?

she says hi... no access to internet but was happy to hear I still remembered/thought of her. 

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/28/12 at 12:12 pm

I got a card from Cat & Carlos today. Thanks guys! :)

I'm glad you got it. I only sent it out last year.  :D ;D ;D ;D ;D  J/K. I think it took something like 2 weeks.

I got a card from Badfinger Fan.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/28/12 at 12:27 pm

Thanks everyone for the cards.

Cat and Carlos yours arrived this morning.

Henk, Gis and maybe one or two others arrived last week.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/28/12 at 10:13 pm

Got one from Mike (Badfingerfan) today.  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/29/12 at 9:56 am

Got one from Henk today. Dank u.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/30/12 at 8:21 am

It's good to see my cards are arriving. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: seamermar on 12/31/12 at 11:56 am

Hi friends ! I've been out some wife's parents home, four hundred miles western from our own.

Once again I got a deep strange pleasure beneath my penguin tails.....just two xmas cards were sleeping into my mailbox, from Michigan and The Netherlands, and it was so wonderful to read those handwriting words.

Many thanks Amy and Henks, they look lovely on my living room.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: seamermar on 12/31/12 at 12:02 pm

Got a card from both Paco and Q today.  Thanks!  Sarah thought it was really cool to get a card from Spain.

:) Tell Sarah as long as you want this "new tradition" won't you can "touch" some Spanish stuff which comes right from my heart ;)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/31/12 at 6:08 pm

:) Tell Sarah as long as you want this "new tradition" won't you can "touch" some Spanish stuff which comes right from my heart ;)

Will do. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/01/13 at 10:55 am

Got a card from Q yesterday. Thanks for the kind words and penguin! :D

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: seamermar on 01/02/13 at 11:52 am

I got a "kangaroo" (2x1) Christmas card this evening from badfinger fan, thanks Mike.

I love them  ;)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/02/13 at 2:58 pm

Got a card from Henk.  I now know what Merry Christmas and Happy New Year look like in Dutch.  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/07/13 at 5:39 am

Got a card from Henk.  I now know what Merry Christmas and Happy New Year look like in Dutch.  :)

And I got your lovely card just the other day. :) Thanks!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: seamermar on 01/08/13 at 1:07 pm

I got a card from Q today,  :D

Bravo snozberries !! a lovely penguin card joined at noon the pack.

Be blessed by God as all the members from the boards.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 01/31/13 at 5:22 pm

Today I received a card from Krissy ("Hotstuff"); she was kinda busy last month, but finally got her cards in the mail. Inside her card were four scenic photos that she took at various locations in northern CA.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: amjikloviet on 11/21/13 at 12:21 pm

If there's anyone interested in exchanging Christmas/holiday cards with me this year just send me a private message and let me know! Don't worry I don't bite, and my Christmas cards are very nice! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/21/13 at 10:13 pm

If there's anyone interested in exchanging Christmas/holiday cards with me this year just send me a private message and let me know! Don't worry I don't bite, and my Christmas cards are very nice! :)

Thanks for bumping up this thread again. I plan to send some out this year too. :)

For those of you who have my address, it's still the same as it was last year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 11/25/13 at 2:21 pm

If there's anyone interested in exchanging Christmas/holiday cards with me this year just send me a private message and let me know! Don't worry I don't bite, and my Christmas cards are very nice! :)

I trust you, and I'm in. :)

I'm planning on sending out my cards within the next two weeks, so hopefully they'll be in time for Christmas this year...
If anyone wants my address, just PM me.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Katluver on 11/26/13 at 3:00 am

Won't be doing cards until at least the first week of December, but feel free to PM me if you want to exchange.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: amjikloviet on 11/26/13 at 9:54 am

I trust you, and I'm in. :)

I'm planning on sending out my cards within the next two weeks, so hopefully they'll be in time for Christmas this year...
If anyone wants my address, just PM me.

Okay great! And, like I said on the message I always send mine out after Thanksgiving. So, you should receive it sometime in December.

Won't be doing cards until at least the first week of December, but feel free to PM me if you want to exchange.

And same as well, you should get mine maybe the second week.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/26/13 at 2:23 pm

Okay great! And, like I said on the message I always send mine out after Thanksgiving. So, you should receive it sometime in December.

And same as well, you should get mine maybe the second week.

I'll probably get started on mine next week...

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/30/13 at 1:56 am

I'll be sending them out again, I have addresses. Hopefully I'll get them out sooner than last year. I think I put them in the mail the day after Christmas.  :-[

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 11/30/13 at 2:49 pm

I plan to write mine soon and then post the one for the US when I get there just before Christmas.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/07/13 at 1:54 am

Mine are going in the mail today...which means y'all should get them before Christmas. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: amjikloviet on 12/07/13 at 1:54 pm

Mailed most of mine yesterday, along with a small gift for everyone who requested a Christmas card from me.

Katluver and Henk, I hope you both get my cards before Christmas, I did send them out yesterday but I know you both live in different postal areas far away. 

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Katluver on 12/08/13 at 2:01 pm

Mailed most of mine yesterday, along with a small gift for everyone who requested a Christmas card from me.

Katluver and Henk, I hope you both get my cards before Christmas, I did send them out yesterday but I know you both live in different postal areas far away.

Thanks for letting us know---I mailed out yours and Henk's yesterday.  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/11/13 at 12:51 pm

Got a lovely card from Ash today! :) The first of the season!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/11/13 at 1:05 pm

Got a lovely card from Ash today! :) The first of the season!

I got one from her a couple of days ago. As for me, I haven't even bought my cards yet.  :-[


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/11/13 at 6:39 pm

Mailed most of mine yesterday, along with a small gift for everyone who requested a Christmas card from me.

Katluver and Henk, I hope you both get my cards before Christmas, I did send them out yesterday but I know you both live in different postal areas far away.

Today I got yours. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/13 at 9:08 pm

yay! I recieved a very nice card from Ash
thanks Ash  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/13/13 at 2:40 pm

Mailed most of mine yesterday, along with a small gift for everyone who requested a Christmas card from me.

Katluver and Henk, I hope you both get my cards before Christmas, I did send them out yesterday but I know you both live in different postal areas far away.

I got your card today! :) Thanks, it was lovely! And how did you know that I happen to like mills? ;)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: amjikloviet on 12/13/13 at 10:56 pm

I got your card today! :) Thanks, it was lovely! And how did you know that I happen to like mills? ;)

Glad you liked my card! And, wow you know what I'm so happy you liked the print too because I wasn't sure which one to send you, lol.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/14/13 at 10:22 am

I didn't do cards this year, sorry.  I will do better next year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/16/13 at 12:50 pm

I finally sent a couple of mine out this morning... but I still have others to write.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: amjikloviet on 12/16/13 at 3:25 pm

Just want to say thank you to Henk and Katluver for the beautiful Christmas cards! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/16/13 at 4:09 pm

Just want to say thank you to Henk and Katluver for the beautiful Christmas cards! :)

Glad you like it. :) And it's good to know it got there in time!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/16/13 at 11:59 pm

got a nice card yesterday from Gis  8) 
if Diane picks up the mail she'll usually say "looks like you got a card from one of your people"  ;D

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/17/13 at 10:18 am

Got a very nice card from Henk today.  :)  BTW, I DO celebrate  ;)-I celebrate EVERYTHING!  :D ;D ;D ;D

Started working on my cards yesterday. Maybe people will get them before Christmas-2014!  :D :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/17/13 at 3:03 pm

Got a very nice card from Henk today.  :)  BTW, I DO celebrate  ;)-I celebrate EVERYTHING!  :D ;D ;D ;D

Yay! :D

And I should have known: you celebrate LIFE! ;)

Started working on my cards yesterday. Maybe people will get them before Christmas-2014!  :D :D ;D ;D ;D


That's soon enough for me! ;D

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/17/13 at 8:03 pm

Got a card from Henk and one from Gis today.  Thanks, guys. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/18/13 at 3:36 am

I got a lovely card from Henk a couple of days ago.

Mine are written and will be posted when I get to the US on Friday.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/18/13 at 2:41 pm

I got a lovely card from Henk a couple of days ago.

Mine are written and will be posted when I get to the US on Friday.

I got yours today! :) Thanks, it's lovely!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/18/13 at 3:15 pm

Just received one from Krissy "Hot Stuff" today.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/18/13 at 8:45 pm

I do enjoy getting Christmas cards from the Netherlands and I just got one today. thanks Henk  :) I'm gonna try to get mine in the mail tomorrow

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/19/13 at 5:30 pm

And today I received a card from Ash.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/22/13 at 8:35 pm

today I recieved a very nice card from Jeff.  thanks nally  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/23/13 at 12:32 pm

Started working on my cards yesterday. Maybe people will get them before Christmas-2014!  :D :D ;D ;D ;D


Guess what the mailman brought me today... ::) Thanks, Cat & Carlos! :)

Also got a wonderful card from katluver today! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/13 at 3:53 pm

Guess what the mailman brought me today... ::) Thanks, Cat & Carlos! :)

Also got a wonderful card from katluver today! :)

WOW!!! Before Christmas. I'm impressed. And you're welcome.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/23/13 at 5:48 pm

today I recieved a very nice card from Jeff.  thanks nally  :)

You're welcome! Yours still has yet to arrive here... perhaps it'll be in tomorrow's mail

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/23/13 at 7:13 pm

Got a card from Cat and Carlos today as well.  Thanks. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/23/13 at 8:41 pm

You're welcome! Yours still has yet to arrive here... perhaps it'll be in tomorrow's mail
I don't think so Jeff. I haven't put them in the mail. I was going to mail them today and then ended up working a 12 hour day so I'm mailing them tomorrow morning

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/23/13 at 11:45 pm

I don't think so Jeff. I haven't put them in the mail. I was going to mail them today and then ended up working a 12 hour day so I'm mailing them tomorrow morning

Sorry about that. :-\\ So I'll get 'em later; I don't mind.

Btw I mailed a couple more of 'em this morning.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/24/13 at 1:04 am

Sorry about that. :-\\ So I'll get 'em later; I don't mind.

Btw I mailed a couple more of 'em this morning.
thanks, I needed to get stamps too and got them this evening so they'll be in the mail tomorrow. sorry I'm such a procrastinator  :-[

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/24/13 at 11:25 am

I forgot to say that yesterday I received one from Karen-hand delivered.  ;)


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/27/13 at 2:28 am

got 2 cards, 1 from Cat and Carlos and got one from Q & Effie  8)  thanks guys. mine went in the mail on Monday I think, maybe Tuesday. I can't remember  :-\\

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Dagwood on 12/27/13 at 7:23 am

Got one from Mike yesterday.  And, it was postmarked Tuesday so you got them in just under the line. :D

Thanks. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/27/13 at 1:00 pm

Got one from Mike yesterday.  And, it was postmarked Tuesday so you got them in just under the line. :D

Thanks. :)

I also got one from him yesterday. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/31/13 at 11:44 am

Got a card yesterday from Mike. Thanks.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/31/13 at 3:04 pm

I received one from Kathie (Reynolds1863, formerly Spaceace) today. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/01/14 at 10:22 am

Yesterday, two more cards were delivered: one from Q (& Effie) and one from Karen (KKay). Thanks, ladies! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 01/02/14 at 10:36 am

Just got back from the US this morning and there were two cards on the mat; one from Q (and Effie) and one from Mike.  Thanks guys.

Also we had a card just before Christmas from Cat and Carlos - hand delivered

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/02/14 at 10:49 am

Got a card from Gis today.  :)


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/15/14 at 3:07 pm

I got another card in the mail today. Unfortunately, it was one I sent out myself (to Tam)... :-\\ Apparently I don't have her current address. :(

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: MLB on 01/16/14 at 5:24 pm

Thank you to the one who sent me a card this December 2013.
Um, right now I cannot remember...but you are in California like I am.
Mike?? Well, it meant a lot to have a greeting card appear -unbidden from "out in the world" as it were, and I wanted to express my thanks.  MANY THANKS.  I would have sent a thank you Card in return, but my $budget is not so good right now and I can't even afford a stamp!  I am borrowing a computer as it is right now to post this!  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 01/17/14 at 4:20 am

Thank you to the one who sent me a card this December 2013.
Um, right now I cannot remember...but you are in California like I am.
Mike?? Well, it meant a lot to have a greeting card appear -unbidden from "out in the world" as it were, and I wanted to express my thanks.  MANY THANKS.  I would have sent a thank you Card in return, but my $budget is not so good right now and I can't even afford a stamp!  I am borrowing a computer as it is right now to post this!  :)

sorry Michelle. I usually sent you one but I only got about 30% of my cards finished this year...  I posted on FB but not here that I had every intention of finishing my christmas cards but never really got around to it.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/05/14 at 11:32 am

Well, it's that time of the year again. Anyone wishing to take part in the card exchange this year? I know I will.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/05/14 at 7:07 pm

I'm gonna try to get some out this year.  TRY being the operative word.

Does anyone have Gis' address that they can send me in a pm?  I've lost hers and she always sends me one.  I might have to get alot of people's addresses, I am so scattered this time of year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/06/14 at 12:27 am

I won't be sending out any cards this year.  :( Sorry if you were looking forward to receiving one from me.

Money's a bit tight this year, and then there's the issue of time - a commodity there seems to be less and less of. :-\\

Of course, I have nothing against receiving cards from you feel free to PM me for my address. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/06/14 at 4:32 am

I will be trying to send some out - though they might be a little late this year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Katluver on 12/09/14 at 1:57 pm

Sorry that it's been a while since I've been MIA (took a break and then there were computer/password issues). Anyway, I would have loved to send a few out, but it looks like it might be a little too late.  :(  If you still want to exchange, just send a message with your address.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/12/14 at 7:45 pm

Today I received a card from:


Thank you so much!! Your card is on its way. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/16/14 at 9:40 am

Got a beautiful card from Patty & James today. Thank you. I haven't sent mine out YET. They are sitting on the dinning room table waiting for me to do them up. Hopefully, I will BEFORE Christmas. lol.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/16/14 at 11:43 am

I sent more out yesterday and this morning. Still a few left to send.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/17/14 at 12:21 am

I will be trying to send some out - though they might be a little late this year.

I got yours yesterday. :) Thanks!

Peace and best wishes to you and yours as well!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/17/14 at 7:21 pm

Got a card from Patty in the mail today. Thanks a bunch!! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/18/14 at 1:21 pm

Got a beautiful card from Karen-complete with penguins.  ;) Thank you, My Friend.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/18/14 at 6:00 pm

I have now sent cards to all members on my list... I think. Hope I didn't forget anyone.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/22/14 at 8:11 am

thank you for your lovely penguin card Patty

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/22/14 at 1:07 pm

Got a lovely glittery card from Jeffery today.  Thank you.  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: KKay on 12/22/14 at 1:42 pm

I won't be sending out any cards this year.  :( Sorry if you were looking forward to receiving one from me.

Money's a bit tight this year, and then there's the issue of time - a commodity there seems to be less and less of. :-\\

Of course, I have nothing against receiving cards from you feel free to PM me for my address. :)

I always send out tons of cards, but this year I moved and started a new job in December; I"m not quite organized enough to send them out. BUT if you are one of those people (Henk) that I always exchange cards with , please PM me and I will give you my new address. FYI, if you sent something to me, it will be forwarded by the post office.

Thanks and merry merry!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/22/14 at 7:07 pm

I always send out tons of cards, but this year I moved and started a new job in December; I"m not quite organized enough to send them out. BUT if you are one of those people (Henk) that I always exchange cards with , please PM me and I will give you my new address. FYI, if you sent something to me, it will be forwarded by the post office.

Thanks and merry merry!

Ah... I see. well, I already sent you a card, so hopefully you should have it by now!

Take care and merry christmas, KK! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/23/14 at 9:08 am

I received a great card from Cat and Carlos today.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/14 at 10:32 am

I received a great card from Cat and Carlos today.

Wow! You got it BEFORE Christmas. I must have done something right.  ;)  :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/23/14 at 2:33 pm

I received a great card from Cat and Carlos today.

Same here! :)

The Cat In The Hat Stocking didn't look too pleased, btw. ;D ;)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/23/14 at 2:36 pm

I always send out tons of cards, but this year I moved and started a new job in December; I"m not quite organized enough to send them out. BUT if you are one of those people (Henk) that I always exchange cards with , please PM me and I will give you my new address. FYI, if you sent something to me, it will be forwarded by the post office.

Thanks and merry merry!

As much as I love keeping a good tradition, I won't be sending cards to anyone this year - and I'm afraid that includes you. :( But I will PM you for your address, assuming you're not planning on moving again any time soon. ;)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/14 at 3:31 pm

Same here! :)

The Cat In The Hat Stocking didn't look too pleased, btw. ;D ;)

Glad you got it.

It was a toss between that cat or a cat with candy all around that said, "The stockings were hung by the chimney..." But the look on the cat's face in the stocking sold me.  :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/26/14 at 4:59 pm

Got awesome cards from Cat & Carlos (love the kitty) and karen and family (love the polar bears)

Thank you

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/28/14 at 12:32 am

hello hello hello. I missed you guys. Got some lovely Christmas cards and want to say thanks to Jeffrey (nally), Cat & Carlos, karen and family from UK, and Pat (adagio) and one from Q. thank you all for keeping me on your lists. I just didn't get around to sending them this year, maybe I'll send New Years cards. I have most of your addresses. Henk, please PM me yours as last years card from me to you returned. anyways,  I'll try to pop in and see whats up.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/28/14 at 11:42 pm

hello hello hello. I missed you guys. Got some lovely Christmas cards and want to say thanks to Jeffrey (nally), Cat & Carlos, karen and family from UK, and Pat (adagio) and one from Q. thank you all for keeping me on your lists. I just didn't get around to sending them this year, maybe I'll send New Years cards. I have most of your addresses. Henk, please PM me yours as last years card from me to you returned. anyways,  I'll try to pop in and see whats up.

Glad you got my card, Mike. And from others. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/29/14 at 2:27 am

very happy to have gotten one from Gis also, thank you

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 01/04/15 at 2:26 pm

I received a lovely photocard from snoz.  many thanks and happy new year to you

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 01/11/15 at 11:46 am

Finally received a card from Amy (statsqueen) in yesterday's mail.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/11/15 at 11:58 am

I received a lovely photocard from snoz.  many thanks and happy new year to you

Yeah, I received one too! (not today, obviously, but yesterday)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/13/15 at 6:54 pm

Just mailed out five of my cards this weekend.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: snozberries on 12/13/15 at 10:38 pm

I'm not sending out cards this year.

Just wanted to let you guys know

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/14/15 at 11:57 am

I'm working on mine. Was hoping for them to go out today but didn't work on them yesterday like I should have.  :-[

Today, I got one from Patty & James.  :)


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/14/15 at 4:00 pm

I posted some of mine today

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/14/15 at 5:47 pm

Today I received two: one from Patty (bookmistress) and another from violet_shy. Thank you both!! :) 8)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/16/15 at 9:02 am

As much as I love keeping a good tradition, I won't be sending cards to anyone this year - and I'm afraid that includes you. :( But I will PM you for your address, assuming you're not planning on moving again any time soon. ;)

Well, I wasn't planning on sending cards out this year again... But now that it is this time of year I feel somewhat guilty. So if anyone wants to send me a card, or wants me to send them a card, by all means PM me!

(Of course, I cannot guarantee a delivery before Christmas)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/16/15 at 4:17 pm

My cards would get to people faster if I remembered to put them in a postbox

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/16/15 at 5:52 pm

My cards would get to people faster if I remembered to put them in a postbox

Yeah, a little minor thing like that would help.  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/20/15 at 12:57 am

My cards would get to people faster if I remembered to put them in a postbox

Nevertheless, I got your card yesterday! :) Thanks very much!

I'm working on mine. Was hoping for them to go out today but didn't work on them yesterday like I should have.  :-[

Today, I got one from Patty & James.  :)


I got yours yesterday as well! Thanks to you two too. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/20/15 at 11:31 am

Nevertheless, I got your card yesterday! :) Thanks very much!

I got yours yesterday as well! Thanks to you two too. :)

Wow! It got there before Christmas? I don't know if I should be impressed with the postal service or the fact that I actually got my cards out in time.  :D ;D ;D ;D

Oh, You're welcome.  ;)


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/21/15 at 7:14 pm

Got a card from Amy (Statqueen) in the mail today. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/22/15 at 11:14 am

Got a card from Karen, Dai, Elizabeth, & James.  :)  Thank you.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/24/15 at 5:42 am

Got a card from Karen, Dai, Elizabeth, & James.  :)  Thank you.


And I received your lovely card this morning Thank you!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/24/15 at 8:35 am

Received a lovely card from Karen and family yesterday. Thank you

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/24/15 at 10:27 am

And I received your lovely card this morning Thank you!

You are more than welcomed.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/24/15 at 2:52 pm

In yesterday's mail I received one from Kathie (Reynold1863/formerly Spaceace).

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/04/16 at 4:47 am

Have any of my cards reached their destination yet..? ???

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/04/16 at 10:57 am

Have any of my cards reached their destination yet..? ???

I was just about to post here that I got your card today. Thank you.

Unfortunately, I also got back the card that I sent Patty & James. I guess I had the wrong address. Sorry.  :-[


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/05/16 at 3:29 am

I was just about to post here that I got your card today. Thank you.


Thank goodness. I don't know why it takes my cards this long to arrive, whereas cards from the US and UK seem to be getting here in no time. :-\\ It just about makes me want to give up on the whole Christmas card exchange...

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 01/10/16 at 8:15 am

I had a lovely card from you Henk.  I also received a great card from Patty and James

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/27/16 at 11:00 pm

I have just started a preliminary list of people to write cards to for this year.

To those of you who wish to send a card to me, my address is the same as it was last year. (If you don't have it, please PM me and I will gladly respond with it.)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 11/28/16 at 11:16 am

Penguin cards purchased - just need to write them.

Does anyone have a new address for Patty?

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 11/28/16 at 2:21 pm

Anyone care to exchange Christmas cards with me this year?

You can PM me with your postal address, and I'll gladly do the same. :)

Don't worry, I'm not a stalker and I would never give out your postal addresses to anyone.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/28/16 at 10:35 pm

Anyone care to exchange Christmas cards with me this year?

You can PM me with your postal address, and I'll gladly do the same. :)

Don't worry, I'm not a stalker and I would never give out your postal addresses to anyone.

I'm in!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 11/30/16 at 12:12 pm

I'm in!

Is your postal address still the same, Jeff?

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/30/16 at 12:21 pm

Is your postal address still the same, Jeff?


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/02/16 at 1:19 pm

You know what..? Count me in this year. :)

PM me if you don't have my address (anymore), and I'll gladly reply.
Please bear in mind though that it might take weeks for cards from you to arrive at my address, or vice versa.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/03/16 at 3:20 am

You know what..? Count me in this year. :)

PM me if you don't have my address (anymore), and I'll gladly reply.
Please bear in mind though that it might take weeks for cards from you to arrive at my address, or vice versa.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/05/16 at 1:03 pm

I'm in!!!  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/05/16 at 4:08 pm

I'm in!!!  :)

cool! I was just about to message you on Facebook to ask you if your address was still the same as last year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/06/16 at 5:40 pm

Amy (statqueen) has sent me a card, which I received in the mail today!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/07/16 at 3:31 pm


Well, you seem to be the only one feeling that way...  :-\\

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/09/16 at 4:07 pm

I'm in!!!  :)

Have you moved recently?  I have an address from a few years back!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/09/16 at 4:15 pm

Well, you seem to be the only one feeling that way...  :-\\

Well you haven't posted all that regularly this year Henk

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/09/16 at 11:28 pm

Have you moved recently?  I have an address from a few years back!

I have her address from last year, so I messaged her a few days ago to see if it was still the same this year. I still have yet to get a response.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/11/16 at 3:18 pm

Well you haven't posted all that regularly this year Henk

Not just THIS year, truth be told... ;)

Anyway - cards have been posted today. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/14/16 at 1:46 pm

Anyone care to exchange Christmas cards with me this year?

You can PM me with your postal address, and I'll gladly do the same. :)

Don't worry, I'm not a stalker and I would never give out your postal addresses to anyone.

I got your lovely card today! :) Thanks!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/14/16 at 3:03 pm

I got your lovely card today! :) Thanks!

I, too, received a lovely card from jessica-ann today! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/14/16 at 7:13 pm

Wowzee!  Where've you been!

Somewhere in a galaxy far, far way.  Facebook and stuff. ::)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/14/16 at 7:17 pm

cool! I was just about to message you on Facebook to ask you if your address was still the same as last year.

Haven't moved.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/14/16 at 11:37 pm

Haven't moved.

Neither have I.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/16/16 at 10:01 am

Anyway - cards have been posted today. :)

And received today - thank you.  Love the penguins

Also had a card from Gis earlier this week

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/16/16 at 2:34 pm

And received today - thank you.  Love the penguins

You're welcome! :)

Coincidentally, I received your card today! Thank you very much - Love the penguin! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/17/16 at 8:08 am

And received today - thank you.  Love the penguins

Also had a card from Gis earlier this week

Karen could you please ask Gis to pop in so I can get her new address.  Also if you'd like a card PM me.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Gis on 12/23/16 at 7:48 am

Karen could you please ask Gis to pop in so I can get her new address.  Also if you'd like a card PM me.

She did and I did after a bit of help from Tammy!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/24/16 at 10:26 am

She did and I did after a bit of help from Tammy!

Yay! You made it

I got a great card from Cat and Carlos yesterday.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/24/16 at 11:34 am

Yay! You made it

I got a great card from Cat and Carlos yesterday.

Glad you got it before Christmas. I must have done something right this year.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/25/16 at 12:43 am

I got a great card from Cat and Carlos yesterday.

Same here! :) Thanks!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/25/16 at 9:56 am

Same here! :) Thanks!

You are welcome. I'm glad you got it before Christmas.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/25/16 at 12:37 pm

Karen could you please ask Gis to pop in so I can get her new address.  Also if you'd like a card PM me.

Hey Kathie: I received your card in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much!! :) 8)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/27/16 at 2:24 pm

Bedankt voor de mooie kaart, Henk.

BTW, if the translation is off, blame Google.  ;) :D :D


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/30/16 at 10:20 am

Bedankt voor de mooie kaart, Henk.

BTW, if the translation is off, blame Google.  ;) :D :D


For once, Google has it right! ;D

I'm glad you like it, but a bit sad that it didn't arrive in time for Christmas.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/30/16 at 12:25 pm

For once, Google has it right! ;D

I'm glad you like it, but a bit sad that it didn't arrive in time for Christmas.

No problem because our Christmas hasn't happened yet. It will begin tonight when Carlos' youngest and her crew arrive this evening. The rest will be arriving tomorrow for a total of 13 overnight guests.  :o :o :o  For us Christmas will actually be this Sunday.

Oh, and today we received a card from Karen & Family. Thank you.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/28/17 at 10:34 pm

The time is almost here again... thought I'd give this thread another bump for this year. Anyone in?

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 11/30/17 at 11:24 am

I will be sending some cards out

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 12/03/17 at 3:11 pm

Anyone else interested in exchanging Christmas cards with me?

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/03/17 at 5:36 pm

Anyone else interested in exchanging Christmas cards with me?

I sure am!

I haven't moved, by the way.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 12/06/17 at 2:55 pm

I sure am!

I haven't moved, by the way.

I still have your address. I sent your card yesterday!  :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/06/17 at 4:00 pm

I still have your address. I sent your card yesterday!  :)

Thanks! Yours is going into the mail tomorrow! (I assume your address from last year is still current.)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/10/17 at 10:36 am

I still have your address. I sent your card yesterday!  :)

...and yesterday I received it in the mail. Thanks so much!!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 12/10/17 at 12:19 pm

...and yesterday I received it in the mail. Thanks so much!!

You're very welcome!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 12/11/17 at 2:43 pm

Thanks! Yours is going into the mail tomorrow! (I assume your address from last year is still current.)

I received your Christmas card today! It's beautiful thank you!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/11/17 at 6:18 pm

I received your Christmas card today! It's beautiful thank you!

Thanks! I'm glad you loved it! 8)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/12/17 at 10:39 pm

Today I received one from Amy (Statqueen), who messaged me on FB earlier to let me know that she received mine!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/14/17 at 3:03 pm

I will be sending some cards out

And one of those cards reached me today! :) Loving the penguin motive!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/16/17 at 1:52 pm

And one of those cards reached me today! :) Loving the penguin motive!

Your lovely card arrived this morning, thank you

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/19/17 at 3:45 pm

I got another lovely card from Cat & Carlos today! :) Thank you!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/19/17 at 4:10 pm

I got another lovely card from Cat & Carlos today! :) Thank you!

You are welcome.

We got one from Karen & family yesterday.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/20/17 at 2:27 am

You are welcome.

We got one from Karen & family yesterday.


And yours arrived here as well.  Loving the cute cats!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/05/18 at 5:05 pm

I forgot to mention that I received a beautiful card from Henk a couple of days ago. Thank you.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 01/06/18 at 3:22 am

I forgot to mention that I received a beautiful card from Henk a couple of days ago. Thank you.


I'm glad it arrived in time for the 2018 celebrations. :D

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/25/18 at 7:07 pm

I'm gonna need to get started on this again pretty soon. Who's in?

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/03/18 at 5:28 pm

Anyone wishing to exchange/mail cards this year?

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: wsmith4 on 12/05/18 at 10:26 am

I have received lovely Christmas cards from the following members which I hang proudly ever year over my fireplace

Spyro Kev
Spacibo Guy

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/15/18 at 6:17 am

I'm sorry, but there will be no cards from me this year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/15/18 at 4:48 pm

^ no worries; Merry (early) Christmas to you Henk!

Today I actually received two of them in the mail: one from Jessica Ann and one from Kathie (whose current username, I believe, is Reynolds1863).

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: wsmith4 on 12/17/18 at 8:22 am

I received your card, Nally.  Thank you! It's beautiful, reminds me of Christmases of yore.

I did not, however receive it or send mine.  I can't find it!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/18 at 1:00 pm

Got a card from Karen & family today. Thank you.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/23/18 at 5:10 pm

Oh, I also got a card from Amy (Statqueen) last Tuesday.

And all members that I've sent cards to have let me know that they've received the ones I've sent!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Indy Gent on 12/25/18 at 2:21 am

Everyone in my family hates gift cards. My dad threw the ones I gave him in the trash; I lost a few 10 dollars worth

Holiday cards are better.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 11/21/19 at 5:42 am

OK guys, it's that time of year again... and I hope to be in this year.

So if anyone wants a card from me, please send me a PM with your current address.... ASAP please! :)


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/23/19 at 2:24 pm

I will work on my list maybe next week and hopefully finalize it by December 1. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 11/30/19 at 9:53 pm

To all who have my mailing address: it's still the same.

To all who wish to receive a card from me: please PM me with your address, and I will gladly PM you back with mine!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/03/19 at 12:29 am

OK guys, it's that time of year again... and I hope to be in this year.

So if anyone wants a card from me, please send me a PM with your current address.... ASAP please! :)


My Christmas cards are on their way! :) I hope they all arrive in time for Christmas... :-\\

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/03/19 at 11:37 am

My Christmas cards are on their way! :) I hope they all arrive in time for Christmas... :-\\

You are doing better that me. I just ordered mine yesterday and they should get here by the end of the week and then I get to start writing them.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/05/19 at 11:42 am

I wrote out three of them the other day, all to people on this site who live in the Eastern time zone, and put them in the mail yesterday.

Statqueen (Amy), JesicaAnn, Reynolds1863 (Kathie)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/08/19 at 12:06 pm

My Christmas cards are on their way! :) I hope they all arrive in time for Christmas... :-\\

Mine arrived on Friday.

I posted mine to everyone yesterday

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/09/19 at 1:32 pm

Got one from Henk today with a VERY nice message.  :) Thank you.

I'm still working on mine.  :-[  I was hoping to have them done by now but no such luck. But, I do believe that I am earlier than I have been in previous years.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/11/19 at 12:41 pm

Wow! It is the 11th and all the cards are done! As I am writing this, Carlos is on the way to the Post Office to mail them all. (Had close to 40 this year.) Now, to finish up with the gifts for the grandkids.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/12/19 at 12:46 pm

Mine arrived on Friday.

I posted mine to everyone yesterday

I got yours in the mail today! :) Thanks, I love it!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/12/19 at 12:50 pm

Got one from Henk today with a VERY nice message.  :) Thank you.


Glad you like it!
I'm not exactly sure anymore what I wrote to whom, but I do remember it all came from the heart. :)

Yes, I got mine out extremely early this year, and it seems to be paying off.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/12/19 at 1:34 pm

Glad you like it!
I'm not exactly sure anymore what I wrote to whom, but I do remember it all came from the heart. :)

Yes, I got mine out extremely early this year, and it seems to be paying off.

What was really weird was the day after I got your card, I was reading an article in the Washington Post and at the end of the article, they said the same thing that was on the front of your card-a term I never heard before (Merry Everything & Happy Always). Something tells me that I am going to hear that term a lot more-and I first read it on your card.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/14/19 at 7:47 pm

Received a lovely card from Amy (Statqueen) today. She is doing well. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/18/19 at 1:25 pm

Got a card from Karen & family. Thank you.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 12/18/19 at 3:31 pm

I couldn't send any holiday cards out this year  :-[

But I wish everyone a great Christmas!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/21/19 at 1:47 am

Got a card from Cat & Carlos earlier this week, and one from Jessica & Rice Cube yesterday! :)

Thank you all so much!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/22/19 at 1:09 pm

Got a card from Cat & Carlos earlier this week, and one from Jessica & Rice Cube yesterday! :)

Thank you all so much!

Your welcome. I'm glad you got it BEFORE Christmas.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/23/19 at 5:05 am

I had a lovely card from Cat and Carlos - thank you.

I also had one from Gis and her partner Ian

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/19 at 11:24 am

I had a lovely card from Cat and Carlos - thank you.

I also had one from Gis and her partner Ian

Again, you're welcome and I'm glad you got it BEFORE Christmas.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/15/20 at 4:58 pm

Yesterday I mailed out two holiday cards, both of which are for members on this site.

I still have yet to receive any.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: violet_shy on 12/15/20 at 5:23 pm

Yesterday I mailed out two holiday cards, both of which are for members on this site.

I still have yet to receive any.

I won't be able to send out holiday cards this year because of the move and I'm really busy. But I will send you something electronically. You can make a photo copy of it and put it in your scrapbook. It'll count as a card! And they usually look really nice.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/15/20 at 5:30 pm

I won't be able to send out holiday cards this year because of the move and I'm really busy. But I will send you something electronically. You can make a photo copy of it and put it in your scrapbook. It'll count as a card! And they usually look really nice.

Sure, I would love that! 8)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/28/20 at 10:03 pm

Saturday I received a card in the mail from Amy (Statqueen), who hasn't been on here in a long while (but I am very much in touch with her on FB).

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/28/20 at 10:32 pm

Saturday I received a card in the mail from Amy (Statqueen), who hasn't been on here in a long while (but I am very much in touch with her on FB).

Christmas cards seem to have traveled very slowly this year. Some domestic cards I sent here in the US in the second week of December are just getting to people yesterday and today. On the other hand, some larger packages I mailed got to the recipient in a matter of a few days. Very odd.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/28/20 at 10:38 pm

Christmas cards seem to have traveled very slowly this year. Some domestic cards I sent here in the US in the second week of December are just getting to people yesterday and today. On the other hand, some larger packages I mailed got to the recipient in a matter of a few days. Very odd.

That is quite interesting.

Mail in general seems to have traveled slowly as well, depending on where you're sending it.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/31/20 at 3:17 am

I've sent out a dozen or so cards a couple of weeks ago. Haven't had any confirmation that they've actually arrived... :-\\

There's also some good news, however: I DID receive a Christmas card from Cat & Carlos. :) Thanks guys!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/31/20 at 11:47 am

I've sent out a dozen or so cards a couple of weeks ago. Haven't had any confirmation that they've actually arrived... :-\\

There's also some good news, however: I DID receive a Christmas card from Cat & Carlos. :) Thanks guys!

YAY! Glad it got there.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/02/21 at 1:52 pm

Got a card from Henk. Thank you and I LOVE your message.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 01/04/21 at 2:58 am

I've sent out a dozen or so cards a couple of weeks ago. Haven't had any confirmation that they've actually arrived... :-\\

Henk, your card arrived this morning.  Great picture and message

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/12/21 at 11:41 am

I still have yet to get started on mine this year. :-\\

I received one from a local friend on Friday, which reminded me that I gotta get my card-writing started!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/15/21 at 2:14 am

I had a lovely penguin card from Henk

I posted mine out last week.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/18/21 at 2:00 am

I had a lovely penguin card from Henk

I posted mine out last week.

So glad it arrived in time. :)

I've received yours too, as well as a lovely little one from Jess & Kin & Jason. Thanks everyone (again)!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/21/21 at 11:12 pm

I received one from Amy (Statqueen) in the mail today.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/22/21 at 1:44 pm

Received a card from Karen. Thank you. Ironically it is the same day that I mailed yours off.  :-[  Yeah, you may get it before New Years. (It was sitting here for about a week to go to the Post Office. Sorry.)


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/21 at 4:42 pm

Got a card from Henk today. Thank you. You should be getting yours...hopefully, before next year.  :-[


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/31/21 at 8:23 am

Got a card from Henk today. Thank you. You should be getting yours...hopefully, before next year.  :-[


Just about! It arrived in the mail today! :) Thank you both very much.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/31/21 at 8:26 am

To Karen K., Karen B., Cat & Carlos, Gis, Jessica & Kin, Amy:

Thank you all for the lovely cards and kind words. :)
I hope to "see" you all on the boards in 2022. I'll try and be more prolific.

Have a great New Years Day all!

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/31/21 at 1:37 pm

Just about! It arrived in the mail today! :) Thank you both very much.

Yay! Glad you got it. Oh, and you are welcome.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/31/21 at 6:52 pm

Lovely card from Cat and Carlos. Thank you

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/01/22 at 2:06 pm

Lovely card from Cat and Carlos. Thank you

Glad you got it. Sorry it was so late.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 11/16/22 at 2:42 pm

Christmas card exchange, anyone...? ???

If you're in, please PM me your address, and I'll respond.

After all, 'tis the season to be jolly (again). :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 11/26/22 at 12:28 am

Christmas card exchange, anyone...? ???

If you're in, please PM me your address, and I'll respond.

After all, 'tis the season to be jolly (again). :)

* crickets chirping *  :-\\

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 11/26/22 at 12:40 pm

* crickets chirping *  :-\\

Maybe only those whose address you already have are interested in doing this

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/03/22 at 5:10 pm

I still need to make my list of addressees.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/04/22 at 1:57 am

Maybe only those whose address you already have are interested in doing this

Yeah, that may be the case. It's mostly the "old" gang that are still on the bandwagon, I'd say.
The "younger" folks probably don't even know what a card is!  ;D ;D :D (j/k)

Anyway, cards are already in the mail. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/04/22 at 2:19 pm

Yeah, that may be the case. It's mostly the "old" gang that are still on the bandwagon, I'd say.
The "younger" folks probably don't even know what a card is!  ;D ;D :D (j/k)

Anyway, cards are already in the mail. :)

Haven't done mine yet. They are sitting on the table waiting for me to embark on that chore endeavor. I do about 40 every year so I tend to procrastinate doing them.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/05/22 at 12:35 pm

Yeah, that may be the case. It's mostly the "old" gang that are still on the bandwagon, I'd say.
The "younger" folks probably don't even know what a card is!  ;D ;D :D (j/k)

Anyway, cards are already in the mail. :)

And we got it today. Thank you.

I started working on mine but as I went to write, it was like, "Minerva stop!" "Minerva, get down!" As I'm writing, there are little paws attacking my arm from underneath. After doing about a 1/4 of them, I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I need to work on them when she is taking a nap.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/06/22 at 12:05 am

And we got it today. Thank you.

Oh wow, that's pretty quick. Hope you liked it.

I started working on mine but as I went to write, it was like, "Minerva stop!" "Minerva, get down!" As I'm writing, there are little paws attacking my arm from underneath. After doing about a 1/4 of them, I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I need to work on them when she is taking a nap.


Yeah, well...good luck with that! ;D

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/07/22 at 2:11 pm

Oh wow, that's pretty quick. Hope you liked it.

It was beautiful-thank you. And of course it had a windmill.  :)

Yeah, well...good luck with that! ;D

She was asleep today so I managed to get some done but didn't finish before she woke up.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/16/22 at 11:45 pm

In yesterday's mail I received a card from Amy (Statqueen)... and today I finally got around to mailing a card to her.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/22/22 at 12:52 pm

She was asleep today so I managed to get some done but didn't finish before she woke up.


And guess what..? It arrived in time for Christmas! :)

I can tell your Dutch has improved. ;) Thank you ever so much. :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/22/22 at 1:49 pm

And guess what..? It arrived in time for Christmas! :)

I can tell your Dutch has improved. ;) Thank you ever so much. :)

Actually, Google Translate improved.  ;) But I'm glad you got it on and time and liked it. Oh, I forgot to say that your card is beautiful.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/22 at 2:56 pm

Got a (penguin) card from Karen & family. Thank you so much.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/09/23 at 2:29 pm

I still have yet to write out my cards for this year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/12/23 at 4:09 pm

Posted all mine now.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/18/23 at 5:11 pm

Posted all mine now.

I got yours. Thank you.

Haven't even started mine yet.  :-[


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/18/23 at 7:54 pm

Got one from Amy (Statqueen) in today’s mail. Coincidentally, she messaged me on Facebook this afternoon to let me know that she received the one I sent to her! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/23/23 at 8:50 am

Lovely card today from Cat.

Also had cards from Henk and Amy (statsqueen)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/23 at 9:00 am

Lovely card today from Cat.

Also had cards from Henk and Amy (statsqueen)

Wow, you got it in time!

It was hard this year-especially that first one when I did not write Carlos' name on it.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/23 at 11:43 am

Got one from Henk. Thank you for your kind words.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/23/23 at 5:34 pm

Lovely card today from Cat.

Also had cards from Henk and Amy (statsqueen)

Today I received yours! Many thanks! :)

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/03/24 at 9:13 am

It’s that time of the year again…

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/14/24 at 9:19 pm

Earlier this week, I mailed a card to Amy (Statqueen); she messaged me on Facebook today to tell me that she received my card! She also mentioned that she mailed a card to me today (so hopefully I’ll receive it next week).

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: nally on 12/19/24 at 7:36 pm

Earlier this week, I mailed a card to Amy (Statqueen); she messaged me on Facebook today to tell me that she received my card! She also mentioned that she mailed a card to me today (so hopefully I’ll receive it next week).

Today I just received a card from her in the mail!! :)

Is anyone else still exchanging holiday cards with fellow members?

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/20/24 at 5:16 am

Today I just received a card from her in the mail!! :)

Is anyone else still exchanging holiday cards with fellow members?

I posted out one or two. I had a card from Gis.

Those on Facebook will know that Henk hasn’t been well recently so he isn’t sending cards this year.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: karen on 12/23/24 at 12:49 pm

Thank you Cat for my lovely card

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/24 at 1:16 pm

Thank you Cat for my lovely card

Glad you got it. I was actually on time this year.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Henk on 12/28/24 at 1:14 am

Glad you got it. I was actually on time this year.


I got yours in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much! :)
Google Translate got it right this time, btw.

For those of you who aren't on Facebook: I have been in hospital for some time in November, after suffering from persistent constipation. VERY painful! Turned out my colon was twisted, which ultimately was fixed by removing a large part. Woke up after surgery with a colostomy. Took me quite a while to recover and getting used to, but I'm doing fine now. :)


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: Howard on 12/28/24 at 7:29 am

I got yours in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much! :)
Google Translate got it right this time, btw.

For those of you who aren't on Facebook: I have been in hospital for some time in November, after suffering from persistent constipation. VERY painful! Turned out my colon was twisted, which ultimately was fixed by removing a large part. Woke up after surgery with a colostomy. Took me quite a while to recover and getting used to, but I'm doing fine now. :)


Glad to hear you're doing well.

Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/28/24 at 11:10 am

I got yours in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much! :)
Google Translate got it right this time, btw.

For those of you who aren't on Facebook: I have been in hospital for some time in November, after suffering from persistent constipation. VERY painful! Turned out my colon was twisted, which ultimately was fixed by removing a large part. Woke up after surgery with a colostomy. Took me quite a while to recover and getting used to, but I'm doing fine now. :)


I am sorry to hear this but glad you are in recovery.


Subject: Re: Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange anyone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/30/24 at 1:56 pm

Got one from Karen & Dai. Thank you.


Check for new replies or respond here...