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Subject: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Braeden on 04/28/12 at 6:10 pm
Every girl says they want a tall man. People spend hours every week admiring tall men playing sports. A bunch of (BS in my opinion) studies have been published saying tall men make more money and are smarter(!) Everyone says to kids, "Look how you've grown." When I was in middle school, all the guys put down what height they wanted to be as an adult, they all put 6'0"+. Even the English language itself is pro-tall. "The short end of the stick","look up to", etc.
Short guys get made fun of and generally screwed over. Many popular TV shows insert short-guy jokes for a cheap laugh.
My question is why? Women want a tall man to protect them, but some short guys know karate. Except for some sports, being tall doesn't enhance job performance. Short men have advantages too, like being able to fit in airplane seats.
Why does America grant such a major, automatic advantage to tall men in many aspects of life?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: danootaandme on 04/28/12 at 6:34 pm
Why does every guy want blonds with big bazookas? ::)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/28/12 at 7:29 pm
Why does every guy want blonds with big bazookas? ::)
I DO!!!!!! :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Step-chan on 04/28/12 at 7:32 pm
Why does every guy want blonds with big bazookas? ::)
I want blonds? ???
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/28/12 at 7:46 pm
I want blonds? ???
so do I wanna share? :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: gibbo on 04/28/12 at 7:48 pm
Why does every guy want blonds with big bazookas? ::)
Actually, I'm not that fussy! AK-47's will suffice... ;)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Step-chan on 04/28/12 at 9:14 pm
so do I wanna share? :D
I was asking a question in a "That's news to me" format.
Mainly because I prefer darker haired women.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/28/12 at 9:25 pm
Every girl says they want a tall man. People spend hours every week admiring tall men playing sports. A bunch of (BS in my opinion) studies have been published saying tall men make more money and are smarter(!) Everyone says to kids, "Look how you've grown." When I was in middle school, all the guys put down what height they wanted to be as an adult, they all put 6'0"+. Even the English language itself is pro-tall. "The short end of the stick","look up to", etc.
Short guys get made fun of and generally screwed over. Many popular TV shows insert short-guy jokes for a cheap laugh.
My question is why? Women want a tall man to protect them, but some short guys know karate. Except for some sports, being tall doesn't enhance job performance. Short men have advantages too, like being able to fit in airplane seats.
Why does America grant such a major, automatic advantage to tall men in many aspects of life?
I'm 6'3" and damn, I wish that was true. :(
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/29/12 at 7:20 am
Actually, I'm not that fussy! AK-47's will suffice... ;)
How about DDD's? :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/29/12 at 2:06 pm
I DO!!!!!! :D
Proving Danoot's point! LOL!
I want blonds? ???
glad howard responded first.....made it more fun!
so do I wanna share? :D
EEEEWWWW!!!!! On the bright side.... you're still proving her point! :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/29/12 at 2:06 pm
How about DDD's? :D
Down boy! ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/29/12 at 7:44 pm
Proving Danoot's point! LOL!
glad howard responded first.....made it more fun!
EEEEWWWW!!!!! On the bright side.... you're still proving her point! :D
I can talk about them all day but I'll never get to date one! ::) :P
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/29/12 at 7:45 pm
Down boy! ;D
see what happens when you're close to 40 and have no life and no woman. :P
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/29/12 at 8:00 pm
I can talk about them all day but I'll never get to date one! ::) :P
because you're a leech...if you devalued boobs and stuff you might actually have shot at dating women again! :P
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/29/12 at 8:05 pm
because you're a leech...if you devalued boobs and stuff you might actually have shot at dating women again! :P
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/29/12 at 8:16 pm
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
depends on how you feel about being alone.... :P
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/30/12 at 6:54 am
depends on how you feel about being alone.... :P
I haven't been in a relationship in 4 years.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/30/12 at 10:11 am
I haven't been in a relationship in 4 years.
kinda proving my point for me there Howard ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/30/12 at 10:46 am
I thought this thread was supposed to be about tall men-but once again it turned into another All About Howard thread. ::)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/30/12 at 10:48 am
I thought this thread was supposed to be about tall men-but once again it turned into another All About Howard thread. ::)
Cat this instance howard is more entertaining than the actual topic! ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/30/12 at 5:03 pm
I thought this thread was supposed to be about tall men-but once again it turned into another All About Howard thread. ::)
Cat this instance howard is more entertaining than the actual topic! ;D
Being a tall guy I'm pretty confident I can keep this thread on topic while at the same time keeping its quintessential Howardness intact.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/30/12 at 5:06 pm
Being a tall guy I'm pretty confident I can keep this thread on topic while at the same time keeping its quintessential Howardness intact.
do what you do!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/30/12 at 5:07 pm
do what you do!!! ;D
Are you sure you really want me to? :o :o :o
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/30/12 at 5:27 pm
Are you sure you really want me to? :o :o :o
could be entertaining! :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/30/12 at 7:32 pm
kinda proving my point for me there Howard ;D
it's better to be alone with my porn, that's my relationship, porn never leaves me and it's always there when I need it. ;)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/30/12 at 7:33 pm
I thought this thread was supposed to be about tall men-but once again it turned into another All About Howard thread. ::)
Sorry Cat ran off course! :-[
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 04/30/12 at 7:33 pm this instance howard is more entertaining than the actual topic! ;D
Thank You.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/30/12 at 8:31 pm
it's better to be alone with my porn, that's my relationship, porn never leaves me and it's always there when I need it. ;)
What if the tape breaks?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 04/30/12 at 8:32 pm
Thank You.
You're welcome ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/30/12 at 8:45 pm
Because tall guys give you a sense of security, although, everyone is taller than me, so that's not really saying much. lol :P
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: danootaandme on 05/01/12 at 5:45 am
Because tall guys give you a sense of security, although, everyone is taller than me, so that's not really saying much. lol :P
I don't know about that. I am a tall woman(5'9') who has dated men taller and shorter and that sense of security sometimes lasts only as long as the first five minutes of conversation.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/01/12 at 6:59 am
What if the tape breaks?
the computer. not a video tape.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/01/12 at 6:19 pm
I need to find me a woman that's 6' 10".
She's gotta be that tall so I can get it all in. :o
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Bobby on 05/01/12 at 6:41 pm
It's not just America, it's everywhere. We have the same type of attitude here in England.
A lot of it is down to confidence and posture rather than height. A 6'4 guy may look awkward and 'lanky' with a slumped back as a man 5'3 may walk straight, chest out and still look impressive.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/01/12 at 7:50 pm
I need to find me a woman that's 6' 10".
She's gotta be that tall so I can get it all in. :o
I bet you wouldn't even do it. :P
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: ladybug316 on 05/01/12 at 8:33 pm
It's probably because I'm so short but I'm not into tall guys at all!
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/01/12 at 10:29 pm
I don't know about that. I am a tall woman(5'9') who has dated men taller and shorter and that sense of security sometimes lasts only as long as the first five minutes of conversation.
I am just going by how it makes me feel. :)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/01/12 at 11:36 pm
It's not just America, it's everywhere. We have the same type of attitude here in England.
A lot of it is down to confidence and posture rather than height. A 6'4 guy may look awkward and 'lanky' with a slumped back as a man 5'3 may walk straight, chest out and still look impressive.
I'm going to have to agree with Bobby here. The first thing I notice about a man is the way he carries himself. I'm sure some tall men exude more confidence because of societal expectations. But I too, have dated men that were both tall and short. It makes no difference to me whatsoever. Confidence is sexy. Self knowledge is sexy. Being happy with exactly who you are, is sexy. Those are the things that matter in the long run.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/02/12 at 12:58 am
I haven't been in a relationship in 4 years.
Four. That's cute. You're just getting warmed up. The good news for you is that you stop missing it between years 5 and 10.
I'm going to have to agree with Bobby here. The first thing I notice about a man is the way he carries himself. I'm sure some tall men exude more confidence because of societal expectations. But I too, have dated men that were both tall and short. It makes no difference to me whatsoever. Confidence is sexy. Self knowledge is sexy. Being happy with exactly who you are, is sexy. Those are the things that matter in the long run.
For all those "how they carry themselves" and "security"-minded women, yeah, that's basically it. Being tall tends to be an indicator of strength and physical fitness (at the very least you aren't starving to death, which means it's likely you'll be able to kick the ass of anything that stands in your way), and the rest is evolutionary history. Better, stronger, harder, faster - more likely to be able to provide resources for your young.
In social animals like chimpanzees, the alpha is typically the one who has risen to the top of the pecking order in its pack, or tribe, or political hierarchy, and he is seen as a desirable mate, even to the point that some societies of primates have encoded it in law.
The tall guys who claim to speak on behalf of biggest Alpha imaginable (he'd totally whup your tribe's biggest-alpha-imaginable!) claim that we were created in some sort of that uber-alpha's image or something. Any resemblance between the social behavior of homo sapiens and that of other animal species, is, of course, purely coincidence.
For all you "BOOBS!" (and dat AZZ!) guys? YouWe're ruled by the same instinct. Boobs are made of fat. Where do you think the fat comes from? You ever seen a starving-to-death chick with a nice rack? Didn't think so. Those boobs aren't there just for your entertainment, they're there to supply your kid with food. And dat azz? Well, as humans, our heads are grossly out of proportion to the sizes of our bodies (specifically, the birth canals of the females that have to bear our offspring, as yo' mama will tell ya :), which means those hips have to be wide enuff to ensure that the big head can pass through the thighs.
Sure, spermatazoa are cheap, but if he has his choice of females with which to mate, who would Og the Caveman prefer to mate with? (The Queen who's the power behind the throne? The ancient and wise medicine woman? The swiftest and strongest Amazonian huntress?) Right! The one with the biggest boobs and the sweetest ass.
Male or female, we're all subject to the influence of our biology. Nothing right about it, nothing wrong about it, it just is.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/02/12 at 7:14 am
It's probably because I'm so short but I'm not into tall guys at all!
Is it because you have to stretch your neck just to talk to them?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Bobby on 05/02/12 at 4:57 pm
Four. That's cute. You're just getting warmed up. The good news for you is that you stop missing it between years 5 and 10.
An element of truth there. It's been almost 7 years without a partner for me but if I had a partner I would have got lazy and wouldn't have improved myself the way I have/am continuing to do.
That will happen when I am ready.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/02/12 at 8:02 pm
An element of truth there. It's been almost 7 years without a partner for me but if I had a partner I would have got lazy and wouldn't have improved myself the way I have/am continuing to do.
That will happen when I am ready.
Are you still looking Bobby for another partner? ???
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Bobby on 05/03/12 at 7:03 am
Are you still looking Bobby for another partner? ???
Why? Are you interested, Howard? ;)
Heh heh.
Seriously, I am at a stage where I will consider looking for a girlfriend in the very near future. I received some wonderful advice a long time ago that one of the first things to do before getting into a relationship is to 'have your s**t together'. Concentrate on improving oneself to a level where we are happy and confident in who we are and then to take that next emotional step and see what happens.
What about yourself, Howard. How is the girl-hunting going? :)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/03/12 at 7:33 am
Why? Are you interested, Howard? ;)
Heh heh.
Seriously, I am at a stage where I will consider looking for a girlfriend in the very near future. I received some wonderful advice a long time ago that one of the first things to do before getting into a relationship is to 'have your s**t together'. Concentrate on improving oneself to a level where we are happy and confident in who we are and then to take that next emotional step and see what happens.
What about yourself, Howard. How is the girl-hunting going? :)
I don't know if you remember when I used to talk about that certain girl? ??? She broke up with me 4 years ago. But right now I'm not doing any girl searching, I'm just being myself (typical bachelor)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Bobby on 05/03/12 at 5:14 pm
I don't know if you remember when I used to talk about that certain girl? ??? She broke up with me 4 years ago. But right now I'm not doing any girl searching, I'm just being myself (typical bachelor)
I do remember her though I have forgotten her name. If I remember correctly, you should have broken up with her. She was horrible to you. It seems like you are very content now, Howard, and I am very happy about that. :)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/04/12 at 7:09 am
I do remember her though I have forgotten her name. If I remember correctly, you should have broken up with her. She was horrible to you. It seems like you are very content now, Howard, and I am very happy about that. :)
Sorry but I don't want to mention her name anymore. (no offense)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: ladybug316 on 05/04/12 at 4:18 pm
Sorry but I don't want to mention her name anymore. (no offense)
I believe you were also asked to stop talking about her, so there you go!
Anyway, to answer your first question, Howard, it's not because I have to look up to talk to them, it's because they have to look down to me ;)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/04/12 at 6:20 pm
I believe you were also asked to stop talking about her, so there you go!
Anyway, to answer your first question, Howard, it's not because I have to look up to talk to them, it's because they have to look down to me ;)
Darling girl, I don't think it's possible to look down on you...
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/04/12 at 7:05 pm
You know what's nice about being tall? Having the ability to look at 95% of people and say, when necessary, "Since you're down there..."
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/04/12 at 7:40 pm
I believe you were also asked to stop talking about her, so there you go!
Anyway, to answer your first question, Howard, it's not because I have to look up to talk to them, it's because they have to look down to me ;)
Oh I see.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/04/12 at 7:41 pm
You know what's nice about being tall? Having the ability to look at 95% of people and say, when necessary, "Since you're down there..."
what if someone says "How's the weather up there"? ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/04/12 at 8:28 pm
what if someone says "How's the weather up there"? ;D
I guess I could always say "cloudy with a chance of meatballs." :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/05/12 at 7:12 am
I guess I could always say "cloudy with a chance of meatballs." :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/05/12 at 7:22 pm
I'm almost never cocky about being tall, except when people make snarky comments about it. A couple months back I was at an auto show and I was trying to squeeze into a Mini Cooper Coupe
(which looks like this)
but I was just too damn big for the thing because there wasn't enough head room. When I got out of the car there was a woman who looked to be in her late 40's and she said to me, "You're too tall!" And she said it to me in a scolding tone of voice, like she was mad at me, as if I'd just farted in front of her or something. And this kind of rubbed me the wrong way, so I drew myself to my full height, looked at her and then the people around her and said, "'re all a bunch of Munchkins," and walked off. ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/05/12 at 7:37 pm
Why do guys love tall women so much?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 05/05/12 at 9:16 pm
No joke..... Not that I'm a dude :P .... But last night I was standing next to a woman who's a stand in for kids on tv shows & movies. She must've been 4'2" in heeled boots..... I felt taller than I've ever felt in my life....I'm 5'2". I felt 5'8" it was kinda nice! I kept checking to see if she was standing on the floor, I was on a step up---- she too was on the step up so I wasn't imagining felt ki da weird tho cuz I'm never taller than anyone. Well I have one friend and one co-worker shorter than me but just by 3 inches.... Not the same thing.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: ladybug316 on 05/05/12 at 11:12 pm
Darling girl, I don't think it's possible to look down on you...
Thank you, dear, sweet Ash :-*
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/06/12 at 7:33 am
No joke..... Not that I'm a dude :P .... But last night I was standing next to a woman who's a stand in for kids on tv shows & movies. She must've been 4'2" in heeled boots..... I felt taller than I've ever felt in my life....I'm 5'2". I felt 5'8" it was kinda nice! I kept checking to see if she was standing on the floor, I was on a step up---- she too was on the step up so I wasn't imagining felt ki da weird tho cuz I'm never taller than anyone. Well I have one friend and one co-worker shorter than me but just by 3 inches.... Not the same thing.
Did you get her name? ???
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/12 at 10:18 am
Did you get her name? ???
Why? Do you wanna hook up with her?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/06/12 at 11:19 am
No joke..... Not that I'm a dude :P .... But last night I was standing next to a woman who's a stand in for kids on tv shows & movies. She must've been 4'2" in heeled boots..... I felt taller than I've ever felt in my life....I'm 5'2". I felt 5'8" it was kinda nice! I kept checking to see if she was standing on the floor, I was on a step up---- she too was on the step up so I wasn't imagining felt ki da weird tho cuz I'm never taller than anyone. Well I have one friend and one co-worker shorter than me but just by 3 inches.... Not the same thing.
You are 5'2"? So am I.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 05/06/12 at 11:24 am
You are 5'2"? So am I.
Cuz we're awesome like that!
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/06/12 at 2:21 pm
Why? Do you wanna hook up with her?
No No I was just asking.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Bobby on 05/07/12 at 9:58 am
Sorry but I don't want to mention her name anymore. (no offense)
Okey doke. :)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/07/12 at 7:27 pm
Okey doke. :)
Thanks for understanding Bob. :)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/08/12 at 1:14 am
America loves everything that I'm not. Speaking as a short man I can you you gotta forget about computer dating. I mean, if you're under 5'8" in your profile, let alone under 5'6", you might as say you're a pedophile chainsaw killer with peckerwarts. You'll never get a match on eHarmony, but that's 'cos the "e" is for eugenics.
Anyway, I used to be wicked hung up about my height, 'specially when it comes to women, but I came to understand the bigger problems are being perpetually laid off and broke, and on top of that, just not giving a good goddam about hiking, organic gardening, French romantic movies, Pilates, living up to your full potential, thinking outside the box, Free Tibet, let's play Karma Sutra, James Taylor on the Vineyard this summer and all the other stale old hogwash women in my so-called demographic keep busting their gums about!
It's not your height, dude, it's your attitude. Alright, alright, I could be a sensitive new age guy...but here's the rub...that only works if you're tall. If you're short and your name ain't Paul Simon, then you're a short guy who's in touch with his feelings and with that profile, you might as well take a pair of wire cutters to your sac and go join the emporer in the Forbidden City.
ALRIGHT, back in high school after the freaking growth marks on the closet door stopped at Bonzai Danny DeVito height, I started hearing about this thing called "Short Man's Disease."
"Oh yeah, that guy's an a-hole, he's got a real bad case of Short Man's Disease."
Does Short Man's Disease exist? Yeah.
Why? Maybe if you learned to like yourself for who you are...
I like myself just fine for who I am, but the cheerleaders would only love me as a mascot! B!thches!
And as for you, buddy, you call it "Short Man's Disease," I call it a matter of you cockblocking me at will and hitting on my girlfriend at the bar because you think being 6'2" makes you entitled to all my sh*t. You, you mudderfugger, you!
So you won't respect my place in your horrible canine pecking order unless I drag your Marfan-stricken ass around the back, crack your ribs, and puncture your spleen!
Tell your Nephilim friends it's easier to be nice to me from the get-go, huh?
Other that, I'm a reasonable guy and we'll get along just fine s'long as we have an understanding!
Oh Nnn....
:D :D :D :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/08/12 at 1:40 am
Because tall guys give you a sense of security, although, everyone is taller than me, so that's not really saying much. lol :P
Per the above, I don't think it was a vertical disadvantage that made women feel less secure around me, it had more to do with me being insecure. You can't impart something you ain't got. I also had a problem with a sort William S. Burroughs screed of paranoid and cynical observations running through my head and scary movies of past traumas playing all night in the cerebral cortex cinema. A couple of girlfriends told me my rhetoric was making their worlds go dark. I calmed down a lot as I got into middle I'll only make your world go overcast. I mean, I was never abuse, I was just dogmatic about what's what in society. I told my girlfriend Tanya she needed to stop watching Suzie Ormond because was getting brainwashed by the corporations. Really not kind or constructive to say at all.
Danoota is right, the "security" does not come with the height, it comes with the self-confidence and self-efficacy of the man. Of course, tall men are sent more confident messages from the world, and thus they are more likely to bear a confident affect.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/08/12 at 6:36 am
But what if you have a tall man and he's dating a midget? or if just you wanted to go out with Debbie Lee Carrington? remember the midget who played Mickey Abbott's girlfriend in "The Stand In" on Seinfeld?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/08/12 at 4:47 pm
And as for you, buddy, you call it "Short Man's Disease," I call it a matter of you cockblocking me at will and hitting on my girlfriend at the bar because you think being 6'2" makes you entitled to all my sh*t. You, you mudderfugger, you!
So you won't respect my place in your horrible canine pecking order unless I drag your Marfan-stricken ass around the back, crack your ribs, and puncture your spleen!
Tell your Nephilim friends it's easier to be nice to me from the get-go, huh?
Other that, I'm a reasonable guy and we'll get along just fine s'long as we have an understanding!
Oh Nnn....
:D :D :D :D
^ That is totally NOT me. :(
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/10/12 at 12:11 am
Not quite short enough to be self-conscious about it, but I owe you a point of karma for an epic rant.
Marfan-stricken ass
Some of those guys ended up like Abe Lincoln (hypothesis disputed, untested, but still testable). Others end up like that bearded guy who caused a kerfuffle 10 and a half years ago. (talk to the fish!)
Danoota is right, the "security" does not come with the height, it comes with the self-confidence and self-efficacy of the man. Of course, tall men are sent more confident messages from the world, and thus they are more likely to bear a confident affect.
What he said.
she needed to stop watching Suzie Ormond because was getting brainwashed by the corporations.
Depending on when we're talking about, Suze Orman wasn't that bad. Her general advice - differentiate needs from wants, and budget accordingly, and don't depend on a partner to do your financial planning for you - was sound. Where she crossed the line from "educating and empowering women to take control of their financial destiny" to "hawking any product that paid her to slap her name on it" is unclear - I placed it as around the time she hooked up with Oprah's infotainment network and slapped her brand onto a prepaid debit card, but the seeds had been planted much earlier than that. Somewhere in the early-2000s, maybe 1998-2002, she appeared to become aware of her status as a celebrity, and started hawking that instead of basic financial planning. These days, she's a motivational speaker, not an advocate of sound financial planning. A pity - once upon a time, she was more than that.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/10/12 at 12:22 am
But what if you have a tall man and he's dating a midget? or if just you wanted to go out with Debbie Lee Carrington? remember the midget who played Mickey Abbott's girlfriend in "The Stand In" on Seinfeld?
"Little person" or "little people." "Dwarf" or "dwarfs"* if you must. "Midget" is derogatory. Little People don't like it.
* Dwarfs is plural. "Dwarves" are characters from Tolkien!
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/10/12 at 1:47 am
Not quite short enough to be self-conscious about it, but I owe you a point of karma for an epic rant.
Some of those guys ended up like Abe Lincoln (hypothesis disputed, untested, but still testable). Others end up like that bearded guy who caused a kerfuffle 10 and a half years ago. (talk to the fish!)
What he said.
Depending on when we're talking about, Suze Orman wasn't that bad. Her general advice - differentiate needs from wants, and budget accordingly, and don't depend on a partner to do your financial planning for you - was sound. Where she crossed the line from "educating and empowering women to take control of their financial destiny" to "hawking any product that paid her to slap her name on it" is unclear - I placed it as around the time she hooked up with Oprah's infotainment network and slapped her brand onto a prepaid debit card, but the seeds had been planted much earlier than that. Somewhere in the early-2000s, maybe 1998-2002, she appeared to become aware of her status as a celebrity, and started hawking that instead of basic financial planning. These days, she's a motivational speaker, not an advocate of sound financial planning. A pity - once upon a time, she was more than that.
My friend said she was interested in Suze's philosophy of "building the courage to be rich." I proposed, "So being poor is a character flaw?" Orman and the other pop-financial mavens are just as toxic as Rush Limbaugh, and far more insidious!
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/11/12 at 9:21 pm
My friend said she was interested in Suze's philosophy of "building the courage to be rich." I proposed, "So being poor is a character flaw?" Orman and the other pop-financial mavens are just as toxic as Rush Limbaugh, and far more insidious!
No argument on that point. The only "courage" involved in wealthbuilding is about seizing opportunities, but it's a minor thing when compared for the need of a realistic assessment of whether something's truly an opportunity or a trap. There's a lot of opportunities, if there aren't you can make them - make or break them.
- Pet Shop Boys, Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money), 1985.
Bonus points to the creator for including the full ending to the song.
To argue that a philosophy can somehow make you wealthy is magical thinking. Doesn't matter if it's Oprah hawking The Secret (new-age magical thinking), Suze hawking motivational speeches (somehow finding a way to invoke magical thinking without invoking anything supernatural), or Joel Osteen hawking the Prosperity Gospel (same thing, except with a cartoon God as a cosmic slot machine.)
Facebook goes public next week. I think the biggest winner of the IPO was Instagram. 13 employees built an image filter that applies rounded edges, some color balancing, and some scratches and dust, and voila. A billion dollars.
Zuckerberg was a shrewd negotiator, paying only $1B, when Instagram's Systrom asked for $2B. He got about 1% of Facebook stock, assuming Zuck gets $100B on IPO day. Call it a hunch, but I'll bet that Systrom doesn't care if Facebook goes from $100B to $200B, or if it implodes the day the lock-up expires. Someone had the brains, I don't think it was Zuck, and 13 people made lots of money.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/11/12 at 10:20 pm
Neil Tennant was surprised to learn people thought the guy in the song was actually going to make any money!
One thing's for sure Joel Osteen, Suze Ormond, and Tony Robbins made piles of money for...
Joel Osteen, Suze Ormond, and Tony Robbins.
So, my advice to you, son, is to write a book telling people how to make lots of money!
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/11/12 at 10:27 pm
Back on topic:
I avoid the crowds and traffic jams
They just remind me of how small I am...
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/13/12 at 12:08 pm
Back on topic:
I avoid the crowds and traffic jams
They just remind me of how small I am...
Sometimes I get self-conscious about my height, especially when I go to concerts. Even though no one ever really says anything to me, I feel kind of bad about blocking people's view behind me, like everyone behind me thinks I'm a jerk or something. :-\\
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 05/13/12 at 12:12 pm
Sometimes I get self-conscious about my height, especially when I go to concerts. Even though no one ever really says anything to me, I feel kind of bad about blocking people's view behind me, like everyone behind me thinks I'm a jerk or something. :-\\
speaking on behalf of all short people....we do :-[
We know it's not your fault but it really pisses me off when I go to an event and find "the perfect" seat and then someone super tall sits in front of me... but the worst is when they are tall and have big hair (or are wearing a hat) >:(
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/13/12 at 12:17 pm
speaking on behalf of all short people....we do :-[
We know it's not your fault but it really pisses me off when I go to an event and find "the perfect" seat and then someone super tall sits in front of me... but the worst is when they are tall and have big hair (or are wearing a hat) >:(
Basically I just make an effort to be extra nice to people when I'm in that situation. And if I'm in a theater or someplace where I'm sitting down in front of people I'll turn around and ask the people behind me if they can see all right and I'll slump down a little bit if I'm blocking their view.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 05/13/12 at 12:22 pm
Basically I just make an effort to be extra nice to people when I'm in that situation. And if I'm in a theater or someplace where I'm sitting down in front of people I'll turn around and ask the people behind me if they can see all right and I'll slump down a little bit if I'm blocking their view.
that makes you way cooler than 99% of the people who've ever sat in front of me...
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/13/12 at 5:11 pm
speaking on behalf of all short people....we do :-[
We know it's not your fault but it really pisses me off when I go to an event and find "the perfect" seat and then someone super tall sits in front of me... but the worst is when they are tall and have big hair (or are wearing a hat) >:(
Could you ask politely to remove their hat? ???
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: snozberries on 05/13/12 at 5:30 pm
Could you ask politely to remove their hat? ???
well I could but that doesn't help much if they are already tall anyway
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 05/13/12 at 7:12 pm
It's not that I prefer tall men necessarily. I'm just so damn short (5 foot 3ish) that most everybody was taller then me. I did have a mild crush (when I was single naturally) on this computer nerd (which is my real weakness) who was about as tall as me or slightly shorter. I thought he was cute. He might've taken offense at that terminology. He'd flirt with me but never asked me out, so... his loss really. I'm a happy girl now with my foot-taller-then-me hubby, but not just because he's tall. (Sometimes that's a disadvantage really, because he puts stuff on the top shelf or on top of the fridge and there's no way I can reach it without asking for help (or getting creative with a long-handled wooden spoon).) But from his perspective, he takes better photos. It was something I noticed when we were just dating. He, then I, posed in front of a lovely view of Pittsburgh. The picture I took of him had him blocking a good portion of the tall buildngs in the background. My perspective is low. ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/12 at 2:19 am
Short men receive the most rank discrimination from women and employers. It's not better or worse than what fat woman receive. It is different. There is an unfounded notion that fat people can always control their weight if they really try. However, height is an immutable characteristic. Thus, the discriminators don't dare to speak of why you didn't get the job or the date. They find some lame excuse not to hire you or not to go out with you. I can tell when that happens. Sometimes its not even conscious on their part, but I can tell.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/14/12 at 6:48 am
well I could but that doesn't help much if they are already tall anyway
you could tell them to shrink but in their case that could be an insult.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/14/12 at 12:23 pm
Short men receive the most rank discrimination from women and employers. It's not better or worse than what fat woman receive. It is different. There is an unfounded notion that fat people can always control their weight if they really try. However, height is an immutable characteristic. Thus, the discriminators don't dare to speak of why you didn't get the job or the date. They find some lame excuse not to hire you or not to go out with you. I can tell when that happens. Sometimes its not even conscious on their part, but I can tell.
I bet you'd still make more money than all of the women you work matter their height or weight.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/14/12 at 5:34 pm
If anything I think tall people get kind of screwed over. I've had many jobs where people have came up to me and said, "Hey Al, can you come over here and reach up and grab that box off the top shelf?" or something to that effect. And I'll do it because I'm a nice guy and I don't mind helping people out but when I stop and think about it I'm being taken advantage of. Because if everyone automatically expects us tall people (6' 2" and over) to do a little bit more work than everybody else just because we happen to be able reach stuff that they can't then to be fair, we should make a little bit more money then everybody else. Not a whole lot, just maybe an extra ten bucks a week so we can get a meal or maybe a 12-pack just as appreciation for our extra efforts.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/15/12 at 12:37 pm
Everyone has a thing.
It could be height, weight, age, race, sexuality, or even our hair. It's the one thing about ourselves that we feel the most self conscious of, and we automatically assume that everyone else fixates on it.
Except they don't.
I don't ever look around at people and notice their "flaws." I notice them as an entire entity. If someone is a good person, then they just are. I've never looked for a mate and thought "well he's too short" or "he's too fat." I'm almost always thinking "he won't like me because I'm too fat and I have zits." This is truth.
How about we all give ourselves a damn break, and just love who we are. We have to start somewhere, right?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/15/12 at 5:30 pm
Everyone has a thing.
And I'm very self-conscious about mine!
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/15/12 at 5:58 pm
And I'm very self-conscious about mine!
:-that thing. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/15/12 at 7:33 pm
Everyone has a thing.
It could be height, weight, age, race, sexuality, or even our hair. It's the one thing about ourselves that we feel the most self conscious of, and we automatically assume that everyone else fixates on it.
Except they don't.
I don't ever look around at people and notice their "flaws." I notice them as an entire entity. If someone is a good person, then they just are. I've never looked for a mate and thought "well he's too short" or "he's too fat." I'm almost always thinking "he won't like me because I'm too fat and I have zits." This is truth.
How about we all give ourselves a damn break, and just love who we are. We have to start somewhere, right?
that's good advice. :)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/15/12 at 7:34 pm
And I'm very self-conscious about mine!
women don't want to look at my thing. :(
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/16/12 at 7:17 am
women don't want to look at my thing. :(
I can't see my thing when I'm peeing unless I stick my neck out because my belly is too big. :-[
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/16/12 at 7:19 am
I can't see my thing when I'm peeing unless I stick my neck out because my belly is too big. :-[
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/16/12 at 7:47 am
I have a really bad case of dicky-doo disease.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/16/12 at 7:50 pm
I have a really bad case of dicky-doo disease.
what's dicky-doo? ???
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/16/12 at 9:25 pm
what's dicky-doo? ???
When your belly sticks out further than your dicky do.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/16/12 at 9:58 pm
When your belly sticks out further than your dicky do.
My dad's best friend, who was a longtime friend to all of our extended family, was named Dick. My aunt always called him Dicky Do. It was really a term of endearment, but funny all the same.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/17/12 at 2:03 am
I can't see my thing when I'm peeing unless I stick my neck out because my belly is too big. :-
What is it with foot fetishists anyways?
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/17/12 at 7:26 am
When your belly sticks out further than your dicky do.
oh ok so that's what dicky do does.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/17/12 at 1:05 pm
I can't see my thing when I'm peeing unless I stick my neck out because my belly is too big. :-[
My metabolism has slowed to the point where I finally have to watch what I eat. Time was I had six-pack abs and didn't have to think twice about a second helping of chocolate cake! That time has passed.
God wouldn't let me grow more at the ends, but he made me a deal. When I turned forty, I could grow more around the middle!
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/17/12 at 2:14 pm
My metabolism has slowed to the point where I finally have to watch what I eat. Time was I had six-pack abs and didn't have to think twice about a second helping of chocolate cake! That time has passed.
God wouldn't let me grow more at the ends, but he made me a deal. When I turned forty, I could grow more around the middle!
I'm getting close to 40 and I used to be such a skinny kid but as I grew older I wound up with a big belly.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: danootaandme on 05/17/12 at 4:58 pm
I used to be tall, thin and all leg. Now, well, at least I have the memories, for now. ::)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Step-chan on 05/17/12 at 5:27 pm
glad howard responded first.....made it more fun!
Yeah, although I'm not big on blonds as I mentioned before. :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Step-chan on 05/17/12 at 5:45 pm
If anything I think tall people get kind of screwed over. I've had many jobs where people have came up to me and said, "Hey Al, can you come over here and reach up and grab that box off the top shelf?" or something to that effect. And I'll do it because I'm a nice guy and I don't mind helping people out but when I stop and think about it I'm being taken advantage of. Because if everyone automatically expects us tall people (6' 2" and over) to do a little bit more work than everybody else just because we happen to be able reach stuff that they can't then to be fair, we should make a little bit more money then everybody else. Not a whole lot, just maybe an extra ten bucks a week so we can get a meal or maybe a 12-pack just as appreciation for our extra efforts.
Weirdly enough, I get asked to reach for stuff at my job and I'm only 5'7", while not the shortest height I still sometimes need a boost from a shelf to reach stuff.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/18/12 at 7:17 am
Yeah, although I'm not big on blonds as I mentioned before. :D
what is your preference? ???
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Step-chan on 05/18/12 at 12:06 pm
what is your preference? ???
Brunettes mostly. (Which I said on the first page)
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/18/12 at 7:53 pm
Brunettes mostly. (Which I said on the first page)
I'll take both. :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/22/12 at 9:27 pm
My metabolism has slowed to the point where I finally have to watch what I eat. Time was I had six-pack abs and didn't have to think twice about a second helping of chocolate cake! That time has passed.
God wouldn't let me grow more at the ends, but he made me a deal. When I turned forty, I could grow more around the middle!
Back in the late 1600s, before there was Bourbon, a Scotsman named William Laird settled in what would eventually become New Jersey, and produced a brandy distilled from apples. He called it Applejack, his great-grandson gave the recipe to George Washington, and the rest was American boozing history.
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/27/12 at 7:56 pm
Because it's patriotic. :D
Subject: Re: Why does America love tall men so much?
Written By: Howard on 05/28/12 at 6:28 am
Because it's patriotic. :D
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