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Subject: I'm wondering when Neal will realize I'm teaching him things his classmates...

Written By: ChuckyG on 10/10/10 at 9:28 pm

...have no chance in Hades of relating to. I mean at age 2 I got him watching/listening to Devo and the Association.  Now he's into Weird Al Yankovic (he requested "Dare to Be Stupid" by name).  He loves Static-X too... so yeah, warping his taste in music at an early age. Tonight I started him on Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" thanks to the viking kittens flash thing from like ten years ago so had to have that on his mp3 player.

He knows what an Atari 2600 joystick looks like and has used one (though not on an Atari).  He's played Rampage often enough to ask for it by name (both versions). I'm going to hook up Pong soon I think. I've got a Radioshack one from my childhood that still works.

Tomorrow I'm going to dig out some vinyl records from his closet. I need to scan an album cover I can't find the full image for (ONJ's Greatest Hits Vol. 2, I can't find scans of the full gatefold front and back covers).  I think I'll blow his little mind and play them on the turntable. 

I was thinking of showing him how to save stuff to a floppy disc so he'd at least know what the stupid icon means on most applications.  I saw someone online mention their five year old called it a refrigerator.  Totally adorable.

Sadly he has discovered Jar Jar Binks.  He was reading over my shoulder when I was reading a Boondocks collection, and he had a parody of Jar Jar in there, and he somehow recognized it as a Star Wars character.  I bet it was some kid on the playground.  At least he watched the original movies on VHS tapes.

Subject: Re: I'm wondering when Neal will realize I'm teaching him things his classmates...

Written By: danootaandme on 10/11/10 at 6:26 am

There will be numerous heartaches of this sort.  :(

Subject: Re: I'm wondering when Neal will realize I'm teaching him things his classmates...

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/11/10 at 11:20 am

Don't forget to play Revolution #9 backwards for him.  ;)


Subject: Re: I'm wondering when Neal will realize I'm teaching him things his classmates...

Written By: Foo Bar on 10/13/10 at 2:34 am

...have no chance in Hades of relating to.

Just wait'll he gets older and be prepared for his revenge:

For every thread, there exists one xkcd strip: Scary, isn't it?  (And don't forget to hover over the alt text...)

Subject: Re: I'm wondering when Neal will realize I'm teaching him things his classmates...

Written By: karen on 10/13/10 at 10:51 am

Tomorrow I'm going to dig out some vinyl records from his closet. I need to scan an album cover I can't find the full image for (ONJ's Greatest Hits Vol. 2, I can't find scans of the full gatefold front and back covers).  I think I'll blow his little mind and play them on the turntable. 

Dai was trying to explain guitar strumming to James and dug out Space Oddity as a good example.  This then went on to examples of great guitar solos and Dai reliving his youth through his vinyl collection.

Subject: Re: I'm wondering when Neal will realize I'm teaching him things his classmates...

Written By: wildcard on 10/13/10 at 10:25 pm

Yup, yousa in big trouble now Chucky

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