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Subject: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/23/10 at 5:41 pm

This thread will ask trivia questions about the 50 US states.  Google the answers if you must, but what's the fun in that?  If you try for an answer and miss, I will give hints.  I only used search engines to get specific facts and dates.  Most of this stuff I already knew.  You get extra points if you reside outside of the US for correct answers.  That means I will give Karma and extra emoticons. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/23/10 at 5:41 pm

Which US State has the most state borders that one can cross via ground travel, how many states directly border this state and what are the names of these states?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/23/10 at 5:47 pm

Which US State has the most state borders that one can cross via ground travel, how many states directly border this state and what are the names of these states?

Not Googling but my guess is West Virginia which borders: Penn. Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland, & I think maybe one more. Trying to remember my geography.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/23/10 at 6:03 pm

Not Googling but my guess is West Virginia which borders: Penn. Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland, & I think maybe one more. Trying to remember my geography.


Pennsylvania has six, but it is not the one with the most.  Bordering Pa. is West Virginia, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland.  I grew up there and yes I've crossed all six of these borders numerous times.  Your hint is that the state in question was a part of the Confederacy during the US Civil war. West Virginia has five and you've named them correctly.  :)  Good attempt to solve!  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/23/10 at 6:08 pm

Years ago I heard it was Missouri. Being Canadian, I'll take a guess at what borders that. I know Iowa & Illinois borders that, I am guessing Kansas does too.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/23/10 at 6:17 pm

Years ago I heard it was Missouri. Being Canadian, I'll take a guess at what borders that. I know Iowa & Illinois borders that, I am guessing Kansas does too.

No sweat Frank, I'd probably fall on my face with Canadian trivia.  ??? You are correct in that Missouri was a Confederate state during the US Civil War.  And Missouri is one of the states that the state in question borders.  I don't consider looking at a map of the US with the states displayed the same thing as doing a WWW search.  You still have to study the map.  That is how I confirmed the answer, even though I was fairly certain that the state I had in mind was the correct one.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/23/10 at 6:20 pm

The funny thing about Missouri (or Misery as we call it  :D ;D ;D ;D ), as you drive through from Illinois to Oklahoma along Route 44, there are mega "adult" stores-including a "Superstore." (I think we counted something like 18 of them) :o :o :o This is the heart of the Bible Belt.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/23/10 at 6:27 pm

The funny thing about Missouri (or Misery as we call it  :D ;D ;D ;D ), as you drive through from Illinois to Oklahoma along Route 44, there are mega "adult" stores-including a "Superstore." (I think we counted something like 18 of them) :o :o :o This is the heart of the Bible Belt.


Seems in this case the Bible Belt has lost its chastity belt. ;D  I've been in both states, but never traveled along 44.  I've always driven east and west through Illinois and north and south through Oklahoma. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/23/10 at 6:28 pm

Seems in this case the Bible Belt has lost its chastity belt. ;D  I've been in both states, but never traveled along 44.  I've always driven east and west through Illinois and north and south through Oklahoma. 

I have family in Tulsa so we go that way A LOT!


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/23/10 at 6:40 pm

I have family in Tulsa so we go that way A LOT!


I've only traveled through OK on I-35.  Once I had my second blow out of the day near Perry OK.  The temp was about 110 degrees and the tires were old so they basically melted.  The first blowout did not cause me to lose control of the car even though it was on the front.  I was expecting the second blowout and was trying to make it to the Perry exit to get help and I was only doing about 40 MPH.  I nearly lost the car on the 2nd one.  Go figure.  BTW Perry, OK is where they stopped Timothy Mcveigh.  I stayed the night while I got new tires.  This was before Mcveigh did his evil work.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/23/10 at 7:48 pm

Which US State has the most state borders that one can cross via ground travel, how many states directly border this state and what are the names of these states?

Anyone care to venture a guess on the state in question?  I have a whole lot of these trivia questions I made up today.  I'd like to try to get some mileage out of them.  They are not all this hard.  Some are actually fun.  Hint on the state's name - "volunteer".

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Red Ant on 07/24/10 at 7:44 am

Drove thru it recently - gotta be Tennessee. Borders VA, NC, AL, GA, KY, AK and Mississippi and something west. Dunno if it touches SC or not, or the last state name.

Little TN tidbit - Lynchburg, TN, home of the Jack Daniels distillery, is a dry county.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 8:38 am

Drove thru it recently - gotta be Tennessee. Borders VA, NC, AL, GA, KY, AK and Mississippi and something west. Dunno if it touches SC or not, or the last state name.

Little TN tidbit - Lynchburg, TN, home of the Jack Daniels distillery, is a dry county.



:)  ;)  Yep! that state would be Tennessee.  The eight  bordering states are:  Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and  Missouri.  I knew that fact about Lynchburg and Jack Daniels - ironic!  It's like the Amana Colonies in central Iowa.  They are Amish and they make microwave ovens and a whole slew of modern gadgets but they themselves do not use any of them.  Thanks for responding.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 8:40 am

What is the state that has the least number of political borders and how many are there for this state?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/24/10 at 9:39 am

What is the state that has the least number of political borders and how many are there for this state?

Hawaii? And the answer would be none.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 9:54 am

Hawaii? And the answer would be none.


:) ;) You get an "A" in geography.  That is absolutely correct.  8) 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 10:00 am

What state has no political borders within the United States but does have international political borders?  This is an easy one.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/24/10 at 10:14 am

What state has no political borders within the United States but does have international political borders?  This is an easy one.

Alaska ( with Canada, Russia)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 10:31 am

:)  ;) Alaska is correct!  I didn't consider Russia.  I was thinking land borders, but I didn't say that in the question.  A bonus to you for stating Russia.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/24/10 at 10:32 am

:)  ;) Alaska is correct!  I didn't consider Russia.  I was thinking land borders, but I didn't say that in the question.  A bonus to you for stating Russia.  ;)

Well, Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/24/10 at 10:36 am

Well, Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house.  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D


I can see USA from my house ( I really can, no joke)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/24/10 at 10:40 am

I can see USA from my house ( I really can, no joke)

Wow! I didn't realize you were THAT close. I can't quite see NY State from my house but it is only about 1 mile from where I am sitting at the moment. Not quite as impressive as an international border. Oh well.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 10:46 am

I can see USA from my house ( I really can, no joke)

Frank - I'm in the USA and I'm scanning north west.  Which house is yours?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/24/10 at 10:49 am

Frank - I'm in the USA and I'm scanning north west.  Which house is yours?

I'm about 15 miles away from the border, but I can see some mountains and water in Washington State. (Mt Baker being one of the many, the tallest one I can see.)

I'm the house that has a 33 foot George W Bush Voodoo doll on the roof...he's wearing a green and yellow dress, and purple high-heeled shows.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/24/10 at 10:52 am

Wow! I didn't realize you were THAT close. I can't quite see NY State from my house but it is only about 1 mile from where I am sitting at the moment. Not quite as impressive as an international border. Oh well.


You must be close to Lake Champlain.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 10:55 am

I'm about 15 miles away from the border, but I can see some mountains and water in Washington State. (Mt Baker being one of the many, the tallest one I can see.)

I'm the house that has a George Bush Voodoo doll on the roof...

Oh, I thought that was an anatomically correct pin cushion.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/24/10 at 11:03 am

You must be close to Lake Champlain.

The locks at the southern end. We keep our boat on Lake Champlain. Our marina is about a half hour's drive from here.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 11:05 am

Name all the states that border Canada - Some are seperated by any of four of the Great Lakes.   

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/24/10 at 11:37 am

Name all the states that border Canada - Some are seperated by any of four of the Great Lakes.   

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, NY, Penn, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, & Alaska.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 11:47 am

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, NY, Penn, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, & Alaska.


:) ;)  Yep Cat, there are a total of 16 and you got them all.  I thought Alaska would have been overlooked but you're way too smart for that!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 11:55 am

How many states have panhandles and what are their names?  There could be some debate on this one.  One of these states could actually have two panhandles.  This state is known as the panhandle state.  Which one?

Make it a team effort - if you don't know them all, just post what you do know.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/24/10 at 4:50 pm

I heard this question once before. Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, & Georgia. I know there is probably one or two others but I can't think of them. Again, I'm not Googling or using a map. Just my memory.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/24/10 at 7:04 pm

I heard this question once before. Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, & Georgia. I know there is probably one or two others but I can't think of them. Again, I'm not Googling or using a map. Just my memory.


Georgia is not one I have on my list, but as I said, this question may be debatable.  The other three states on your list are also on mine.  Good job for only relying on memory. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/26/10 at 3:35 am

OK, Here's a freebie - Nebraska.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 1:07 pm

So, no one likes panhandle states.  8-P  Let's try this one then.

Name the states that have two word names. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/27/10 at 1:53 pm

So, no one likes panhandle states.  8-P   Let's try this one then.

Name the states that have two word names. 

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina
North Dakota
South Dakota
New Mexico


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 3:05 pm

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina
North Dakota
South Dakota
New Mexico


  :)  ;) That would be them for sure!  Excellent!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 3:11 pm

What state was not one of the original 13 colonies to achieve statheood and when? 

If you don't know the date - just name the state. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/27/10 at 3:47 pm

What state was not one of the original 13 colonies to achieve statheood and when? 

If you don't know the date - just name the state.   

Vermont (which was its own country for a short period of time) and became a state in 1791.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 4:32 pm

Vermont (which was its own country for a short period of time) and became a state in 1791.


:) ;)  Cat you are amazing and maybe a bit clairvoyant.  Vermont is absolutely correct.  And yes it was once a republic for a short time.  I have a question for consideration that asks what states were at one time republics.  You peeking over my keyboard?  And for the record the year Vermont became a state was 1791, March 4th to be exact.  Well done!  8) 8) 8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 4:35 pm

Name the states that have shoreline along the great lakes.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/27/10 at 4:36 pm

:) ;)  Cat you are amazing and maybe a bit clairvoyant.  Vermont is absolutely correct.  And yes it was once a republic for a short time.  I have a question for consideration that asks what states were at one time republics.  You peeking over my keyboard?  And for the record the year Vermont became a state was 1791, March 4th to be exact.  Well done!  8) 8) 8)

Hawaii & Texas were the other two.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/27/10 at 4:43 pm

Name the states that have shoreline along the great lakes.

Michigan, Illinois, New York, Penn and Ohio , Minnesota, Indiana and Wisconsin.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 5:23 pm

Hawaii & Texas were the other two.


I believe that California was also a republic before it gained statheood or it was just ceded to the US by Mexico.  Read on:

Beginning in the late 18th century, the area known as Alta California was colonized by the Spanish Empire, being part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. In 1821, Mexico, including Alta California, became the First Mexican Empire, beginning as a monarchy, before shifting to a republic. In 1846 a group of American settlers in Sonoma declared the independence of a California Republic. As a result of the Mexican-American War, Mexico ceded California to the United States. It became the 31st state admitted to the union on September 9, 1850.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 5:27 pm

Michigan, Illinois, New York, Penn and Ohio , Minnesota, Indiana and Wisconsin.

:)  ;)  Absolutely correct!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 5:30 pm

Name all the states that begin with a vowel.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/27/10 at 5:45 pm

I believe that California was also a republic before it gained statheood or it was just ceded to the US by Mexico.  Read on:

Beginning in the late 18th century, the area known as Alta California was colonized by the Spanish Empire, being part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. In 1821, Mexico, including Alta California, became the First Mexican Empire, beginning as a monarchy, before shifting to a republic. In 1846 a group of American settlers in Sonoma declared the independence of a California Republic. As a result of the Mexican-American War, Mexico ceded California to the United States. It became the 31st state admitted to the union on September 9, 1850.

True. I forgot.

Name all the states that begin with a vowel.

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, & Utah.

I THINK I got them all. (Again, I'm doing this all from memory.)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 6:10 pm

True. I forgot.

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, & Utah.

I THINK I got them all. (Again, I'm doing this all from memory.)


  :)  ;) Yes Cat, there are 12 of them and you got them all!  Impressive!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/27/10 at 6:13 pm

How and when did West Virginia become a state?

  Hint - It has something to do with the US Civil war.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/27/10 at 9:23 pm

:)  ;)  Absolutely correct!   8)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 07/28/10 at 8:48 am

How and when did West Virginia become a state?

  Hint - It has something to do with the US Civil war.

I'm into that war.  1863 after Virginia seceded the area of West Virginia decided not to join them.  t
The north western counties were not keen on secession, so they seceded from the state and stayed with the Union.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/28/10 at 2:17 pm

I'm into that war.  1863 after Virginia seceded the area of West Virginia decided not to join them.  t
The north western counties were not keen on secession, so they seceded from the state and stayed with the Union.

:)  ;) That is absolutely correct.  You are up on your Civil War history.  Well played!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/28/10 at 2:23 pm

Which Colony was the first to achieve statheood?  In fact it is know as "The First State".  Bonus if you can correctly name the date.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/28/10 at 2:27 pm

Which Colony was the first to achieve statheood?  In fact it is know as "The First State".   Bonus if you can correctly name the date.

Delaware-and I don't know when.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/28/10 at 2:46 pm

Delaware-and I don't know when.


:)  ;)  You are correct Cat!  BTW the date was December 7, 1787  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/28/10 at 2:49 pm

:)  ;)  You are correct Cat!  BTW the date was December 7, 1787  8)

Dec. 7th is an easy date to remember-besides being Pearl Harbor Day, it is also my brother's birthday, my step-son's birthday and a certain board member's birthday.  ;)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/28/10 at 2:55 pm

Dec. 7th is an easy date to remember-besides being Pearl Harbor Day, it is also my brother's birthday, my step-son's birthday and a certain board member's birthday.  ;)


If you have a twin brother then that "certain board member is you".  ???  If not then perhaps it is your spouse?  :-\\

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/28/10 at 3:02 pm

What was the first state to achieve state-hood in the 19th century?  Extra points if you know the date.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/28/10 at 4:03 pm

If you have a twin brother then that "certain board member is you".   ???  If not then perhaps it is your spouse?   :-\\

Nope & nope.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/28/10 at 4:25 pm

Nope & nope.


;)  With that I will stop my prying.  I was just curious because of the way you phrased your post.  I'll quit while I'm behind.  ::) 

It's all  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 07/29/10 at 4:25 am

What was the first state to achieve state-hood in the 19th century?  Extra points if you know the date.

Mississippi or Alabama?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 4:42 am

Mississippi or Alabama?

  :( Sorry - Neither one of these states is the correct answer.  Hint - The state is a northern state.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/29/10 at 10:20 am



Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 12:26 pm

;)  With that I will stop my prying.  I was just curious because of the way you phrased your post.  I'll quit while I'm behind.   ::)  

It's all  8)

ME! ME! ME!!!!  IT'S ME!!!

Cat knows I'll take any opportunity to draw attention to myself....any my birthday!!!  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 1:26 pm



:)  ;) And yes we have a winner!  It is Ohio and it achieved state-hood on March 1, 1803.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 1:35 pm

ME! ME! ME!!!!  IT'S ME!!!

Cat knows I'll take any opportunity to draw attention to myself....any my birthday!!!  ;D

So you and a lot of your clan have a birthday that has been dubbed "a day of infamy".  Notoriety?  :D

I really thought that it was you.  That is why I asked if you had a twin brother.  No such luck, so you're both notorious.  ;D

Y'all must have a big party every year on Dec. 7TH.  :)  8)

Now it will be easy for me to remember your birthday as well.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 1:53 pm

So you and a lot of your clan have a birthday that has been dubbed "a day of infamy".  Notoriety?  :D

I really thought that it was you.  That is why I asked if you had a twin brother.  No such luck, so you're both notorious.  ;D

Y'all must have a big party every year on Dec. 7TH.   :)  8)

Now it will be easy for me to remember your birthday as well.   8)

I have a huge celebration every year....just by myself! lol 

I was born in holland on the 7th but I live in Ca....basically - when I was born it was still the 6th here so I celebrate my birthday over two days... Midnight Dec 7th in Holland (or 1500hrs PST on Dec 6th) thru 2359hrs PST dec 7th  that's like 33hrs or so...  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 2:00 pm

I have a huge celebration every year....just by myself! lol 

I was born in holland on the 7th but I live in Ca....basically - when I was born it was still the 6th here so I celebrate my birthday over two days... Midnight Dec 7th in Holland (or 1500hrs PST on Dec 6th) thru 2359hrs PST dec 7th   that's like 33hrs or so...  ;D

My oldest son was born in Japan on Apr 26TH.  I called the grandparents and didn't realize that the time difference threw them off by a day.  I called in the morning in Japan and it was the night of the 25TH in the states.  So for the longest time everyone thought he was born on the 25TH.  And you were born on pearl harbor day and my son was born on the very last day of the Vietnam war.
April 26, 1975.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 2:08 pm

My oldest son was born in Japan on Apr 26TH.  I called the grandparents and didn't realize that the time difference threw them off by a day.  I called in the morning in Japan and it was the night of the 25TH in the states.  So for the longest time everyone thought he was born on the 25TH.  And you were born on pearl harbor day and my son was born on the very last day of the Vietnam war.
April 26, 1975.

and a certain other member was born on April Fool's Day... and another one was born on the 4th of July  :)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 2:10 pm

More US Presidents came from this state than any other state.  What state would that be and how many were there?  Can anyone name any or all who came from this state?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 2:15 pm

More US Presidents came from this state than any other state.  What state would that be and how many were there?  Can anyone name any or all who came from this state?

I'm going with Texas..... Bush, Bush and Johnson

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 2:25 pm

I'm going with Texas..... Bush, Bush and Johnson

:(  Good guess but that is a bit less than half of them from this other state.  Thanks for giving it a go, Snoz.  :) You have to go way back in history.  I think the most recent one was around 1921 and four of them, I believe died while still in office.  :\'(  Would you like to take another stab at it?  Two of them like Bush and Bush have the same last names. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/29/10 at 2:46 pm

More US Presidents came from this state than any other state.  What state would that be and how many were there?  Can anyone name any or all who came from this state?

Massachusetts. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, John F. Kennedy, & your list probably has Calvin Coolidge on it but he was NOT from Massachusetts, he was from Vermont.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 2:46 pm

:(  Good guess but that is a bit less than half of them from this other state.  Thanks for giving it a go, Snoz.  :) You have to go way back in history.  I think the most recent one was around 1921 and four of them, I believe died while still in office.  :\'(  Would you like to take another stab at it?   Two of them like Bush and Bush have the same last names. 

okay so adams and adams and what? Viginia?

or is it Roosevelt and Roosevelt and um....that one state they come from... you know...that one up there? on the left side of the map.... I mean the right.... well I guess it depends if I'm talking about my left/right or the map's left/right- doesn't it?  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 2:46 pm

Massachusetts. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, John F. Kennedy, & your list probably has Calvin Coolidge on it but he was NOT from Massachusetts, he was from Vermont.


you would know that...  :P

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/29/10 at 2:49 pm

you would know that...  :P

Of course. "And I make more money than Calvin Coolidge....PUT TOGETHER!!!"  ;)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 2:51 pm

Massachusetts. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, John F. Kennedy, & your list probably has Calvin Coolidge on it but he was NOT from Massachusetts, he was from Vermont.


  :( Ugh-ah - It is not Mass. nor is it one of the 13 original colonies.  And I did say the last one was circa 1921.  That would not be Kennedy.  Sorry.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 2:51 pm

Of course. "And I make more money than Calvin Coolidge....PUT TOGETHER!!!"  ;)


too bad it's afternoon otherwise I'd say 'Good Mornin', Good Morin': it's great to stay up late; Good Mornin' to you and you and you and you....'

and too bad it's sunny otherwise I'd be Singin' in the Rain, just singing in the rain- what a glorious feeling I'm happy again!  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 2:53 pm

  :( Ugh-ah - It is not Mass. nor is it one of the 13 original colonies.  And I did say the last one was circa 1921.   That would not be Kennedy.  Sorry.

so... um.... new york?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 2:56 pm

okay so adams and adams and what? Viginia?

or is it Roosevelt and Roosevelt and um....that one state they come from... you know...that one up there? on the left side of the map.... I mean the right.... well I guess it depends if I'm talking about my left/right or the map's left/right- doesn't it?  ;)

:(  Sorry Snoz.  There are still a pair of Presidents with the same last name that you did not post yet.  I gave you Karma for trying so hard.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 3:01 pm

:(  Sorry Snoz.  There are still a pair of Presidents with the same last name that you did not post yet.  I gave you Karma for trying so hard.  8)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 3:07 pm


OK - One more hint.  We have covered this state already in this thread.  The two Presidents with the same last name have first names of Benjamin and William Henry.  Two of the four presidents from this state that died in office were assassinated. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/29/10 at 3:08 pm

too bad it's afternoon otherwise I'd say 'Good Mornin', Good Morin': it's great to stay up late; Good Mornin' to you and you and you and you....'

and too bad it's sunny otherwise I'd be Singin' in the Rain, just singing in the rain- what a glorious feeling I'm happy again!  ;)

YAY!!!! You got my reference.

OK - One more hint.  We have covered this state already in this thread.  The two Presidents with the same last name have first names of Benjamin and William Henry.  Two of the four presidents from this state that died in office were assassinated. 

It's gotta be Ohio.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 3:11 pm

YAY!!!! You got my reference.


well of course I did!!!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 4:22 pm

YAY!!!! You got my reference.

It's gotta be Ohio.


:)  ;)  Right on, Cat!  'tis Ohio.  There were seven in all.  Anyone care to try to name some of them?  :-\\  One of them is portrayed on our money.  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 4:41 pm

:)  ;)  Right on, Cat!  'tis Ohio.  There were seven in all.  Anyone care to try to name some of them?  :-\\   One of them is portrayed on our money.   ::)

Hamilton? WASHINGTON? JACKSON? LINCOLN? FRANKLIN? of those isn't right  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 4:52 pm

Hamilton? WASHINGTON? JACKSON? LINCOLN? FRANKLIN? of those isn't right  ;)

Hamilton and Franklin were never POTUS.  :( The guy on the money is not in your post.  Sorry.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/29/10 at 4:56 pm

Grant-who was prez TWICE.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 4:58 pm

Grant-who was prez TWICE.


well duh... I never fifties so why would I ever think of grant?  ::)  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 4:59 pm

Hamilton and Franklin were never POTUS.  :( The guy on the money is not in your post.  Sorry.

hmmm the sarcasm in my post appears to have overlooked...  :-\\

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/29/10 at 5:16 pm

hmmm the sarcasm in my post appears to have overlooked...   :-\\

I caught it.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 5:22 pm

I caught it.


I knew you would! O0

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 7:37 pm

hmmm the sarcasm in my post appears to have overlooked...   :-\\

Same here...    :-\\  Grant was President twice?  He went two terms but they were in a row.  Grover Cleveland held office for two terms but not in a row. 

22. Grover Cleveland 
23. Benjamin Harrison 
24. Grover Cleveland 

He was the 22nd & the 24th POTUS with Benjamin Harrison in between Cleveland's two terms.  Is this what you meanby "TWICE"?

Here are the names of the seven Presidents from Ohio:

Ohio, nicknamed the "Mother of Presidents," has sent seven of its native sons (Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Warren G. Harding) to the White House.  All seven were Republicans. Virginia native William Henry Harrison, a Whig, resided in Ohio.

Ironically Cleveland was not one of the POTUS's from Ohio.  :o

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/29/10 at 8:49 pm

What was the last state to achieve state-hood in the 18TH century? 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/29/10 at 9:47 pm

What was the last state to achieve state-hood in the 18TH century? 

Tennessee. I don't know much but I know my state quarters

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/30/10 at 8:44 am

Tennessee. I don't know much but I know my state quarters

:)  ;) Tennessee is indeed the correct answer.  Well done, Snoz!  The date was June 1, 1796.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/30/10 at 8:53 am

(1) Name the Great Lakes.

(2) Four of the Great Lakes are shared with Canada.  Which one is entirely within the United States?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 07/30/10 at 10:00 am


I remember this from school, I tend to remember weird things. I'm thinking Erie is totally U.S. because we built the canal

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/30/10 at 10:19 am


I remember this from school, I tend to remember weird things. I'm thinking Erie is totally U.S. because we built the canal

:) ;) You named all five lakes correctly. 8) 

:(  Erie shares the border with Canada. 

It has to be one of the other four.  This is a two part six point question.  You got 5 out of 6 correct.  Want to try for 6 out of 6?  :-\\

I remember in school being taught to remember the Great Lakes names using the word HOMES.  Each letter of the word HOMES represents the first letter of each lake.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 07/30/10 at 10:22 am

Then I'll go for Michigan

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/30/10 at 10:57 am

Same here...    :-\\  Grant was President twice?  He went two terms but they were in a row.  Grover Cleveland held office for two terms but not in a row. 

22. Grover Cleveland 
23. Benjamin Harrison 
24. Grover Cleveland 

He was the 22nd & the 24th POTUS with Benjamin Harrison in between Cleveland's two terms.  Is this what you meanby "TWICE"?

Here are the names of the seven Presidents from Ohio:

Ohio, nicknamed the "Mother of Presidents," has sent seven of its native sons (Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Warren G. Harding) to the White House.  All seven were Republicans. Virginia native William Henry Harrison, a Whig, resided in Ohio.

Ironically Cleveland was not one of the POTUS's from Ohio.   :o

Last night after I turned off the computer and was eating dinner I realized my mistake. "Oh man, I was wrong-it wasn't Grant but Cleveland." Call that a blond moment (since I am not blond, maybe a senior moment?  :-\\ )

BTW, Lake Champlain was a Great Lake for a short period of time-but I always think of it as a GREAT lake.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/30/10 at 11:17 am

Then I'll go for Michigan

:) ;)  Six for six!  Excellent.  8) Thanks for playing.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/30/10 at 11:31 am

Last night after I turned off the computer and was eating dinner I realized my mistake. "Oh man, I was wrong-it wasn't Grant but Cleveland." Call that a blond moment (since I am not blond, maybe a senior moment?  :-\\ )

BTW, Lake Champlain was a Great Lake for a short period of time-but I always think of it as a GREAT lake.


Not to worry, Cat and thanks for clearing that up. 

Here is a breakdown of all the US bills from $50 to $100,000 and both McKinley and Cleveland are on one each.

50      Dollar bill Ulysses S. Grant
100    Dollar bill Benjamin Franklin
500    Dollar bill William McKinley
1,000  Dollar bill Grover Cleveland
5,000  Dollar bill James Madison
10,000  Dollar bill Salmon P. Chase
100,000 Dollar bill Woodrow Wilson

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/30/10 at 11:37 am

Not to worry, Cat and thanks for clearing that up. 

Here is a breakdown of all the US bills from $50 to $100,000 and both McKinley and Cleveland are on one each.

50      Dollar bill Ulysses S. Grant
100     Dollar bill Benjamin Franklin
500     Dollar bill William McKinley
1,000   Dollar bill Grover Cleveland
5,000   Dollar bill James Madison
10,000  Dollar bill Salmon P. Chase
100,000 Dollar bill Woodrow Wilson

I knew that. I collect money.  :D ;D ;D ;D  BTW, the $100 is the highest bill in circulation today.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/30/10 at 12:18 pm

I knew that. I collect money.  :D ;D ;D ;D  BTW, the $100 is the highest bill in circulation today.


I meant to include the fact that the $100.00 bill is the highest denomination in circulation today.  I've been collecting coins since I was a kid so I kind of know a lot about the subject.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/30/10 at 3:45 pm

I knew that. I collect money.  :D ;D ;D ;D  BTW, the $100 is the highest bill in circulation today.


Can you collect mr one o' each of them bills higher than the huddled. I'd love to have em in my collection!  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/30/10 at 5:19 pm

What is the name of the only US state with one syllable?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/30/10 at 10:32 pm

What is the name of the only US state with one syllable?


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 12:10 am


  ;) Alright Snoz!  You nailed it!  :) Thanks for playing this trivia.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 12:14 am

What is the most popular letter for a state to begin its name with?  Actually there is a tie for the most states that begin with the same letter.  

(1) Which letters would these be?

(2) How many states begin with either letter?

(3) Name the states for either or both sets of beginning letters.  (Just name whatever state names that you can within these parameters).

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/31/10 at 2:19 am

M = 8 


N = 8

new york
new hampshire
new jersey
new mexico
north dakota
north carolina

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 8:32 am

M = 8   


N = 8

new york
new hampshire
new jersey
new mexico
north dakota
north carolina

This is what I call "Solid State".  :)  Fine solve Snoz!  8)  Did you already know this?  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 8:36 am

What state became the last of the lower 48 to achieve statheood?  Bonus if you know the date.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/31/10 at 1:39 pm

I meant to include the fact that the $100.00 bill is the highest denomination in circulation today.  I've been collecting coins since I was a kid so I kind of know a lot about the subject.

Going off topic for just a bit:


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 07/31/10 at 1:43 pm

What state became the last of the lower 48 to achieve statheood?  Bonus if you know the date.


(I'm just kidding)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/31/10 at 1:46 pm

What state became the last of the lower 48 to achieve statheood?  Bonus if you know the date.

Arizona. It was after 1907 because that is when Oklahoma became a state and that was the 47th.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 07/31/10 at 5:10 pm

This is what I call "Solid State".   :)  Fine solve Snoz!  8)  Did you already know this?   ;)

know it? like I saw your post and said Bam! It's M & N? no... but I do know all the states so it was easy enough to work out...

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 5:19 pm


(I'm just kidding)

Frank - Are you really back?  ;)  Did you get the old silicon working again?  Glad to see you.  :)  "Oh Canada - Glorious and free" so soon the next state you'll be.  ;D  Anyway your National Anthem goes something like that except for the ad live part.  What would we do with you if you became the next state?  :-\\  I remember singing your National Anthem in school.  For some reason the music teacher like it.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 5:24 pm

Arizona. It was after 1907 because that is when Oklahoma became a state and that was the 47th.


;) Arizona became the 48TH state on Feb. 14, 1912.  Brilliant bit of deducing the answer.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 5:49 pm

What year saw the most states achieve state-hood that were not any of the original 13 colonies?  Rhode Island was the last colony to become a state and that was in 1790.  The year that solves this is after 1790.  Bonus if you can you name these states?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/31/10 at 6:00 pm

I am going to say 1850 (or there about). That was the time when the north & south were playing a balancing act.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/10 at 6:14 pm

I am going to say 1850 (or there about). That was the time when the north & south were playing a balancing act.


:(  Nope - It's way closer to the 20TH century.  This should narrow it down a bit.  All the states in this year are way northern states.  Two of these states achieved state-hood on the exact same date.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/01/10 at 2:09 pm

What year saw the most states achieve state-hood that were not any of the original 13 colonies?  Rhode Island was the last colony to become a state and that was in 1790.  The year that solves this is after 1790.  Bonus if you can you name these states?

OK - Since no one is attempting to answer this question the answer is therefore provided.
In 1889 there were four states added to the Union.  North Dakota November 2, 1889, South Dakota November 2, 1889, Montana November 8, 1889 and Washington November 11, 1889.

The US gained four new states within 9 days.  They came in number as 39, 40, 41 and 42.  Since the time between the four was so close there should not be any US Flags with 39, 40 and 41 stars.  They would not have had time to make them and get them to the public. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/01/10 at 2:41 pm

What state is known as "The Badger State"?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/01/10 at 2:51 pm

What state is known as "The Badger State"?

Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers.

I think it is Wisconsin.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: loki 13 on 08/01/10 at 4:01 pm

OK - Since no one is attempting to answer this question the answer is therefore provided.
In 1889 there were four states added to the Union.  North Dakota November 2, 1889, South Dakota November 2, 1889, Montana November 8, 1889 and Washington November 11, 1889.

The US gained four new states within 9 days.  They came in number as 39, 40, 41 and 42.  Since the time between the four was so close there should not be any US Flags with 39, 40 and 41 stars.  They would not have had time to make them and get them to the public. 

Officially, there is no 42 star flag either. Idaho was admitted July 3, 1890. Since new flag designs are put out on the July 4 following a design change, i.e.
new States, time was not an issue.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/01/10 at 5:28 pm

Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers.

I think it is Wisconsin.


:) You think correctly, Cat.  Well done!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/01/10 at 5:31 pm

Officially, there is no 42 star flag either. Idaho was admitted July 3, 1890. Since new flag designs are put out on the July 4 following a design change, i.e.
new States, time was not an issue.

Well, I learn something new everyday.  ;) I was not aware of the official date to change the flag.  Thanks for the info!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/01/10 at 5:35 pm

Three state names that begin with a vowel have borders that are in a row and all begin with the same vowel.  Name these three states.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 08/02/10 at 4:56 pm

I admit it, I looked at a map

Idaho Utah Arizona (North/South)

Iowa Illinois Indiana Ohio(4 West/East)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/02/10 at 5:08 pm

I admit it, I looked at a map

Idaho Utah Arizona (North/South)

Iowa Illinois Indiana Ohio(4 West/East)

Three state names that begin with a vowel have borders that are in a row and all begin with the same vowel.  ;) The key was that all three begin with the same vowel.  That vowel would be "I" making the correct answer, from east to west Indiana, Illinois and Iowa.  Well you were mostly right.  You didn't need Ohio.  Thanks for playing and moving this thread along.  Karma for that.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 08/02/10 at 5:16 pm

^ No, thank you.  This is fun, keep up the good work.  :)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/02/10 at 5:22 pm

Name the states that are southern most in the US.  Bonus - Of these identify which ones share a border with Mexico.  All these states either have shoreline on the Gulf of Mexico or they actually share a border with Mexico.  One of these statea has a Gulf shoreline and borders Mexico.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/02/10 at 5:31 pm

Name the states that are southern most in the US.  Bonus - Of these identify which ones share a border with Mexico.  All these states either have shoreline on the Gulf of Mexico or they actually share a border with Mexico.  One of these statea has a Gulf shoreline and borders Mexico.

New Mexico*

* Shares a border with Mexico.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/02/10 at 5:35 pm

New Mexico*

* Shares a border with Mexico.


Right again, Cat.  ;) I didn't figure Hawaii into the equation, but you are just being thorough.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/02/10 at 5:38 pm

What year was it that the most states achieved state-hood and how many were there?  These are all former colonies.  Extra bonus if you can name them.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 08/03/10 at 4:54 am

That would have to be whe the 13 colonies formed the United States 1776

Let me see if I can do it without google

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina

Note that Maine is the only New England State not listed, that is because it was part of Massachusetts until 1820

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/03/10 at 10:16 am

That would have to be whe the 13 colonies formed the United States 1776

Let me see if I can do it without google

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina

Note that Maine is the only New England State not listed, that is because it was part of Massachusetts until 1820

Vermont wasn't part of the 13 Colonies. Vermont was the 14th state and it entered the Union in 1791. You missed Georgia.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 12:42 pm

That would have to be whe the 13 colonies formed the United States 1776

Let me see if I can do it without google

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina

Note that Maine is the only New England State not listed, that is because it was part of Massachusetts until 1820

Sorry - The year was 1788 and there were eight new colonies that took on state-hood that year.  They were Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia & New York and darn it I had a couple of questions coming up about Maine and Mass. in that they were one colony until 1788, then they were one state until 1820.  Are you looking over my keyboard? 

Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey in this order all obtained state-hood in 1787.  North Carolina became the 12TH state in 1789 and little Rhode Island was number 13 becoming a state in 1790.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 1:44 pm

There are four states whose borders cross in at one single point so that one could stand on one foot and technically be in four different states at the same.  What are these states names?  This area is known as "The Four Corners".

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 2:12 pm

New Mexico

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 2:48 pm

New Mexico

Right you are Snoz.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 2:52 pm

Name the state that is the least populated in the union.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/03/10 at 2:57 pm

Name the state that is the least populated in the union.

Wyoming. (Vermont is the next least populated.)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 3:18 pm

Wyoming. (Vermont is the next least populated.)


Wyoming it is.  8) The 2009 estimate 544,270. Tucson Az has more people.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 4:52 pm

What state flag is pictured here.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 5:16 pm

What state flag is pictured here.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 08/03/10 at 5:20 pm

Vermont wasn't part of the 13 Colonies. Vermont was the 14th state and it entered the Union in 1791. You missed Georgia.


I don't think anyone out side of Georgia has ever, or will ever, miss Georgia  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/03/10 at 5:21 pm


I knew that.

I don't think anyone out side of Georgia has ever, or will ever, miss Georgia  ::)

True, true.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 5:23 pm


It is Maryland - I lived there for about 6 1/2 years.  Fine solve Snoz!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 08/03/10 at 5:25 pm

Sorry - The year was 1788 and there were eight new colonies that took on state-hood that year.  They were Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia & New York and darn it I had a couple of questions coming up about Maine and Mass. in that they were one colony until 1788, then they were one state until 1820.  Are you looking over my keyboard? 

I am from Massachusetts and love to tell Mainers they are they are just our cast offs.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 5:27 pm

What state flag is pictured here.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 5:52 pm

It is Maryland - I lived there for about 6 1/2 years.  Fine solve Snoz!   8)

I lived there a few months when I was a baby. My grandmother lived there for as long as I can remember.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/03/10 at 5:53 pm

I lived there a few months when I was a baby. My grandmother lived there for as long as I can remember.

I lived there for about 6 months.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 5:55 pm

What state flag is pictured here.

georgia?  hint.... you may want to find a link that doesn't include the state name in the image link lol

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 5:59 pm

I lived there for about 6 months.


probably not the same time period... I wanna say- 1969.  Tho now that I think of it I did live in DC for a yr from 76-77 and I spent some time in Maryland that year as well.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 6:01 pm

georgia?   hint.... you may want to find a link that doesn't include the state name in the image link lol

Some of the flags actually have the name of the state on them.  I think I'll skip over those.  I can't believe that I goofed that IMG link on the Georgia flag.  >:(  My bad for sure.  :-[

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 6:02 pm

Some of the flags actually have the name of the state on them.  I think I'll skip over those.  I can't believe that I goofed that IMG link on the Georgia flag.  >:(  My bad for sure.  :-[

's was good for a  laugh

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 6:05 pm

probably not the same time period... I wanna say- 1969.  Tho now that I think of it I did live in DC for a yr from 76-77 and I spent some time in Maryland that year as well.

Snoz - I lived in Md from around 1978 to 1984. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 6:08 pm

Snoz - I lived in Md from around 1978 to 1984.   

I was in Vegas from 77/78 to 81  then Salinas Ca

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/03/10 at 6:10 pm

probably not the same time period... I wanna say- 1969.  Tho now that I think of it I did live in DC for a yr from 76-77 and I spent some time in Maryland that year as well.

'76-'77 (or was it '77-'78) was the time when I did live there. Who knows, our paths may have crossed but we didn't know it.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 6:12 pm

'76-'77 (or was it '77-'78) was the time when I did live there. Who knows, our paths may have crossed but we didn't know it.


interesting to think that they could have... yeah I'm really not sure either I know we moved to Vegas in the summer but I can't remember if it was 77 or 78... the time is getting away from me... 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 6:14 pm

I was in Vegas from 77/78 to 81  then Salinas Ca

I did a lot of job related traveling.  I lived in Nebraska, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Texas.  I lived in Japan, traveled due to the job to South Korea, Germany when it was West Germany and about 39 of the 50 states to include Alaska and Hawaii.   

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 6:15 pm

Name all the states that have shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean.  Or just name what you can.  There are between 12 and 18.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 6:35 pm


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 6:43 pm


Snoz - you lived in one that you missed and the another is close by.  You got 11 of the 14.  ;) I'd call that quite good,  8) but missing the one where you once lived - How did that happen?  ??? Also West Virginia is landlocked.  :( You missed one of the New England states.  Give it another go and pick up those last three. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 6:49 pm

Snoz - you lived in one that you missed and the another is close by.  You got 11 of the 14.  ;) I'd call that quite good,   8) but missing the one where you once lived - How did that happen?  ??? Also West Virginia is landlocked.  :( You missed one of the New England states.  Give it another go and pick up those last three. 

we never went to the ocean when I lived in Maryland/DC... I've never seen the atlantic cept on Tv... I don't like it... it's green....

I don't know why I put I knew it was landlocked... I think I was thinking VA which was already on the list 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 6:51 pm

what else am I missing? Deleware or something?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 6:59 pm

what else am I missing? Deleware or something?

Snoz - Yes Delaware and of course Maryland and Connecticut.  I did a bit of vacationing when I lived in Maryland at Ft. Miles Delaware.  Actually the water there was quite nice.  You got yourself between 79 and 80%.  That's not bad at all.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/03/10 at 7:01 pm

Name the states that are known as Commonwealths - there are four in all.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/03/10 at 7:14 pm

Name the states that are known as Commonwealths - there are four in all.

I'ma say Penn, Delaware, Conn and um.... New Hampshire.... total guess tho

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 4:16 am

I'ma say Penn, Delaware, Conn and um.... New Hampshire.... total guess tho

Snoz - You got one correct.  The four states that are commonwealths are: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky.  Thanks for giving it a go.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 4:19 am

What is the population necessary in order to achieve state-hood.

A 150,000
B 200,000
C 60,000
D 500,000
E None of the above

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/04/10 at 12:35 pm


New Hampshire.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 12:55 pm

New Hampshire.


What is a commonwealth vs. state? Is Virginia a state or a commonwealth? How many commonwealth states do we have in the U.S.?

There is no difference between a commonwealth and a state in the U.S. To Locke, Hobbes, and other 17th-century writers the term "commonwealth" meant an organized political community -- what we today call a "state." Officially Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts are all commonwealths. When Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts became part of the United States, they merely took the old form of state in their title.

Today, commonwealth also means a political unit having local autonomy but voluntarily united with the U.S. These are Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 2:56 pm

What is the population necessary in order to achieve state-hood.

A 150,000
B 200,000
C 60,000
D 500,000
E None of the above

Nobody wish to take a stab at this?    ???  It's multiple guess.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/04/10 at 3:00 pm

My guess is None of the Above.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 3:14 pm

My guess is None of the Above.


That would be incorrect.  ???  Try again?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/04/10 at 3:19 pm

That would be incorrect.   ???  Try again?



Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/04/10 at 3:47 pm

I'm guessing more than two  :D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 4:18 pm



  ;) That would be the magic number according to my sources - 60,000 and you can have your own state.  Of course there is other criteria to meet.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 4:24 pm

What US state flies this flag?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/04/10 at 4:30 pm

What US state flies this flag?

Pennsylvania  :D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 4:34 pm

Pennsylvania   :D

  ;)  8) Yes - my home state!  How'd ya guess?    ???

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/04/10 at 4:36 pm

 ;)   8) Yes - my home state!  How'd ya guess?    ???

just wise like that........  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/04/10 at 7:18 pm

Name the state with the most letters in its name.  States that have two words in their name do not count.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/05/10 at 11:38 am



Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/05/10 at 12:23 pm



  :( You got the first letter correct, but Mississippi is not it.  This state has two more letters than Mississippi.  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/05/10 at 12:30 pm

  :( You got the first letter correct, but Mississippi is not it.  This state has two more letters than Mississippi.  ::)

Massachusetts-well not the first TWO letters.  :-\\


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/05/10 at 12:47 pm

Massachusetts-well not the first TWO letters.  :-\\


;)  Correct!  North Carolina and South Carolina both have the same amount of letters in their name as does Mass.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/05/10 at 12:52 pm

What state does this flag belong to?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/05/10 at 12:57 pm

What state does this flag belong to?



Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/05/10 at 1:29 pm



  ;)  Cat does it again!  That flag most definately belongs to Ohio.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/05/10 at 1:43 pm

Pictured here is the flag of which state?

A Alabama
B Delaware
C Tennessee
D Arkansas
E None of the above

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/05/10 at 10:16 pm

Pictured here is the flag of which state?

A Alabama
B Delaware
C Tennessee
D Arkansas
E None of the above

this is just a guess....right off the top of my head.....but could it be.... um.... Tennessee?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/06/10 at 3:59 am

this is just a guess....right off the top of my head.....but could it be.... um.... Tennessee?

  ;) I see that you see that it's Tennessee.  That is correct!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/06/10 at 4:36 am

Which state uses "The Treasure State " as its nickname

A None of the below
B Colorado
C Arizona
D Montana
E South Dakota

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/06/10 at 4:37 am

  ;) I see that you see that it's Tennessee.  That is correct!  8)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/06/10 at 5:29 pm

Which state uses "The Treasure State " as its nickname

A None of the below
B Colorado
C Arizona
D Montana
E South Dakota


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/06/10 at 5:54 pm


;)  Another winner.  Fine solve, Snoz.  Montana is "The Treasure State"  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/06/10 at 6:01 pm

Which county name is the most popular in the 50 states?

A Jackson
B Washington
C None of the above or below
D Franklin
E Lincoln

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/06/10 at 10:08 pm

Which county name is the most popular in the 50 states?

A Jackson
B Washington
C None of the above or below
D Franklin
E Lincoln

Wild guess...Washington?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/07/10 at 9:15 am

Wild guess...Washington?

  ;) Good guess - Washington is the most popular county name.  8) The top five are:

Washington 31
Jefferson 28
Franklin 26
Jackson 25
Lincoln 24

And they all end in the letter "N".

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/07/10 at 10:25 am

What was the last state to achieve statheood in the 19th century?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/07/10 at 5:27 pm

What was the last state to achieve statheood in the 19th century?

um... Hawaii? it was in the late 50s... I remember an ep of Happy Days when they had a party to celebrate it.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/07/10 at 5:39 pm

um... Hawaii? it was in the late 50s... I remember an ep of Happy Days when they had a party to celebrate it.

Sorry, My Friend, you have the wrong century. The 1950s (1959 to be exact) is the 20th Century.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Bobo on 08/07/10 at 5:45 pm

um... Hawaii? it was in the late 50s... I remember an ep of Happy Days when they had a party to celebrate it.

That would be Utah, and, a square six months after their admission to the union on January 4, 1896, a forty-fifth star was added to the United States flag. You would have thought they would have the nous to do it in a 9 x 5 formation, but no, it's 8-7-8-7-8-7. Silly stuff. :D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/07/10 at 5:47 pm

Sorry, My Friend, you have the wrong century. The 1950s (1959 to be exact) is the 20th Century.


I just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention to me.  :P

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/07/10 at 5:48 pm

That would be Utah, and, a square six months after their admission to the union on January 4, 1896, a forty-fifth star was added to the United States flag. You would have thought they would have the nous to do it in a 9 x 5 formation, but no, it's 8-7-8-7-8-7. Silly stuff. :D

only bobo could answer a question about geography and somehow equate it to math  8-P

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/07/10 at 5:52 pm

I just wanted to see if anyone was paying attention to me.  :P

Of course I was paying attention to you. Don't I always?  ;)

That would be Utah, and, a square six months after their admission to the union on January 4, 1896, a forty-fifth star was added to the United States flag. You would have thought they would have the nous to do it in a 9 x 5 formation, but no, it's 8-7-8-7-8-7. Silly stuff. :D

Did you know that or did you Google it (that is Utah & the date-not all that other stuff because I know you and math  ;) )? If you knew that, I am VERY impressed for someone who isn't from the U.S.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Bobo on 08/07/10 at 5:57 pm

Did you know that or did you Google it (that is Utah & the date-not all that other stuff because I know you and math  ;) )? If you knew that, I am VERY impressed for someone who isn't from the U.S.

For some very odd reason (possibly because I am just very odd), I've learnt all the admission dates of the US states, and the configurations of each flag as it was newly adopted on each July 4 after the given states were added to the union...

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/07/10 at 5:58 pm

Of course I was paying attention to you. Don't I always?  ;)

Did you know that or did you Google it (that is Utah & the date-not all that other stuff because I know you and math  ;) )? If you knew that, I am VERY impressed for someone who isn't from the U.S.


yes you do...and I appreciate it...

bobo knows lots of useless information about many countries....but mostly he just likes to throw numbers around to annoy me!  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Bobo on 08/07/10 at 6:00 pm

No no - this time it's nothing to do with weird numbers... I've just learnt off by heart a ton of silly US state trivia recently...

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/07/10 at 6:01 pm

For some very odd reason (possibly because I am just very odd), I've learnt all the admission dates of the US states, and the configurations of each flag as it was newly adopted on each July 4 after the given states were added to the union...

Well, I am VERY impressed. And karma to you.

yes you do...and I appreciate it...

bobo knows lots of useless information about many countries....but mostly he just likes to throw numbers around to annoy me!  ;)

And karma to you, too-just because.  ;)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Bobo on 08/07/10 at 6:03 pm

Having said that, last week I tried to draw a fifty-star US flag and got desperately confused..!

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/07/10 at 7:10 pm

Well, I am VERY impressed. And karma to you.

And karma to you, too-just because.  ;)


Aw thanks. I think I still have some time before I can return the favor. But let mr try....just in case.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/08/10 at 12:40 am

That would be Utah, and, a square six months after their admission to the union on January 4, 1896, a forty-fifth star was added to the United States flag. You would have thought they would have the nous to do it in a 9 x 5 formation, but no, it's 8-7-8-7-8-7. Silly stuff. :D

;) Right you are!  Good solve!  ???  Utah is was but they had been trying for decades to achieve statheood.  The issues with their polygamy beliefs delayed their entry for years.  And thanks for the info on the 45 star flag.  Your Karma just went up. +1  :)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/08/10 at 1:16 am

Most US states end in vowels.  22 of them end in the letter "A".  Name as many states as you can with names that end in "A".  For states that contain two word names only the last letter of the last word qualifies.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/08/10 at 1:45 am

1 Cali
2 Nevada
3 Az
4 'bama
5 Georgia
6 Florida
7 nebraska
8 montana
9 NC
10 SC
11 ND
12 SD
13 Alaska
14 LA
15 Iowa
16 Indiana
17 Minn
18 VA
19 W.VA
20 PA
21 OK
22  ummmm  canada?  ;) :D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/08/10 at 9:19 am

1 Cali
2 Nevada
3 Az
4 'bama
5 Georgia
6 Florida
7 nebraska
8 montana
9 NC
10 SC
11 ND
12 SD
13 Alaska
14 LA
15 Iowa
16 Indiana
17 Minn
18 VA
19 W.VA
20 PA
21 OK
22  ummmm   canada?  ;) :D

Snoz - My bad!  :-[  Only 21 states end in "A".  I miscounted or typoed - not sure which.  Your response is
100% correct. ;)  Very fine solve!  8)

All total, 34 state names end in vowels which leave 14 that end in consonents.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/08/10 at 9:19 am

Name the 14 US state names that end in consonents.  Again two word state names uses the last letter of the second word to qualify.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Bobo on 08/08/10 at 1:08 pm

All total, 34 state names end in vowels which leave 14 that end in consonents.

Say again? Are you implying there are only 48 states? Oddly enough, I am looking through a book of pop art, and a piece I've just stumbled upon is a Jasper Johns piece with a 48-star American flag...

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/08/10 at 3:04 pm

Say again? Are you implying there are only 48 states? Oddly enough, I am looking through a book of pop art, and a piece I've just stumbled upon is a Jasper Johns piece with a 48-star American flag...

Whoops typo.  Again my bad.  :-[  that 14 should read 16 and yes there are 16 states that end in consonents.  Thanks for catching me on that.  +1 Karma  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/08/10 at 4:51 pm

Say again? Are you implying there are only 48 states? Oddly enough, I am looking through a book of pop art, and a piece I've just stumbled upon is a Jasper Johns piece with a 48-star American flag...

BOBO....did you miss the time machine that took us back to 1958 again? I keep telling you the time listing is US mountain time....  :P

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/08/10 at 6:35 pm

Name the 14 US state names that end in consonents.  Again two word state names uses the last letter of the second word to qualify.

1. Utah
2. Oregon
3. Washington
4. Wyoming
5. Kentucky
6. Texas
7. Rhode Island
8. New York
9. New Jersey
10. Wisconsin
11. Kansas
12. Arkansas

Going from memory here and that's all I got.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/08/10 at 9:40 pm

1. Utah
2. Oregon
3. Washington
4. Wyoming
5. Kentucky
6. Texas
7. Rhode Island
8. New York
9. New Jersey
10. Wisconsin
11. Kansas
12. Arkansas

Going from memory here and that's all I got.

yer missing


and..... I gotta think for a second...

Oh .... DUH..... Sorry Cat.... and Carlos...


wait and we forgot about Connecticut...

hmmmm isn't that a total of 17? me thinks I duplicated one of Dags (I checked... I didn't)  or there's still something wrong with Doritos math  :-\\

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/09/10 at 4:50 am

1. Utah
2. Oregon
3. Washington
4. Wyoming
5. Kentucky
6. Texas
7. Rhode Island
8. New York
9. New Jersey
10. Wisconsin
11. Kansas
12. Arkansas

Going from memory here and that's all I got.

Kentucky and New Jersey end in vowels.  :(  Remember "A E I O U and sometimes Y"?  Well in this case both are vowels.  With Snoz's help the two of you named all but three since Kentucky and New Jersey do not qualify.  You made a good run at it.  ;)  Feel free to consult a map for the last three and post again if you wish.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/09/10 at 11:08 am

Kentucky and New Jersey end in vowels.  :(  Remember "A E I O U and sometimes Y"?  Well in this case both are vowels.  With Snoz's help the two of you named all but three since Kentucky and New Jersey do not qualify.  You made a good run at it.  ;)  Feel free to consult a map for the last three and post again if you wish.   8)

yeah I wasn't considering Y to be a vowel in this case... I would think the Y in Wyoming was a vowel but not the y in Kentucky or Jersey...  :-\\

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/09/10 at 11:12 am

Kentucky and New Jersey end in vowels.  :(  Remember "A E I O U and sometimes Y"?  Well in this case both are vowels.  With Snoz's help the two of you named all but three since Kentucky and New Jersey do not qualify.  You made a good run at it.  ;)  Feel free to consult a map for the last three and post again if you wish.   8)

wait a minute... you said there were 16.

take away KY & NJ  and Dag still has 10.

I named 5 that means only one would be left...

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/09/10 at 1:18 pm

wait a minute... you said there were 16.

take away KY & NJ  and Dag still has 10.

I named 5 that means only one would be left...

OK - here is what I found in all 50 states as it applies to the last letter of the name of each state:

21 States end in the letter "A"

North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

04 States end in the letter "E"

New Hampshire

03 States end in the letter "I"


04 States end in the letter "O"

New Mexico

02 States end in the letter "Y"

New Jersey

16 States end in consonants 

New York 
Rhode Island

We'll call this on solved by Dag & Snoz.  8)  :)  Sorry about any confusion.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/09/10 at 1:24 pm

so once again I forgot Maryland.  :-[

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/09/10 at 2:10 pm

so once again I forgot Maryland.  :-
I wasn't going to say anything although I did notice.  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/09/10 at 2:12 pm

The US presidency has seen only one bachelor in office.  All other presidents married.  He is also the only president to come from this state.  He was also the last US president to be born in the 18TH century.

Name the president described here and name the state he came from.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: karen on 08/09/10 at 2:29 pm

James Buchanan was born in Pennsylvania in 1791

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/09/10 at 2:36 pm

James Buchanan was born in Pennsylvania in 1791

  ;) You solved it!  Pa. and James Buchanan are absolutely correct and you even got his birth-year correct.  Well done.!  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/09/10 at 3:40 pm

James Buchanan was born in Pennsylvania in 1791

dang... karen comes out of no where!!!  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/09/10 at 5:02 pm

Match the state name with its nickname.

    STATE                    NICKNAME

01 South Carolina        A The Pine Tree State
02 Alabama                B The Palmetto State
03 Iowa                      C The Centennial State
04 Ohio                      D The Hawkeye State
05 Rhode Island          E The Constitution State
06 Maine                    F The Beehive State
07 Connecticut            G The Ocean State
08 Colorado                H The Peace Garden State
09 Utah                      I The Yellowhammer State
10 North Dakota          J The Buckeye State

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/09/10 at 5:53 pm

Match the state name with its nickname.

    STATE                     NICKNAME

01 South Carolina         A The Pine Tree State
02 Alabama                 B The Palmetto State
03 Iowa                      C The Centennial State
04 Ohio                      D The Hawkeye State
05 Rhode Island           E The Constitution State
06 Maine                     F The Beehive State
07 Connecticut             G The Ocean State
08 Colorado                 H The Peace Garden State
09 Utah                       I The Yellowhammer State
10 North Dakota           J The Buckeye State

01 South Carolina        B The Palmetto State
02 Alabama                H The Peace Garden State
03 Iowa                      D The Hawkeye State
04 Ohio                      J The Buckeye State 
05 Rhode Island          G The Ocean State
06 Maine                    A The Pine Tree State
07 Connecticut            E The Constitution State
08 Colorado                C The Centennial State 
09 Utah                      F The Beehive State 
10 North Dakota          I The Yellowhammer State

I wasn't too sure on S.C., Ala, & ND. So they are guesses.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: nally on 08/09/10 at 8:10 pm

Right now only two of them pop out at me, namely the "-keye" states, Iowa (Hawk) and Ohio (Buck). I probably know the other eight, but I don't wish to post what I think are the correct answers right now.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: loki 13 on 08/09/10 at 8:21 pm

Grammatically, they Y in New Jersey is not a vowel. Y is only a vowel when it takes on a vowel sound or
it is the only vowel sound in a syllable.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/09/10 at 9:34 pm

Grammatically, they Y in New Jersey is not a vowel. Y is only a vowel when it takes on a vowel sound or
it is the only vowel sound in a syllable.

Tq wins!!!  :P    ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/10/10 at 4:59 am

Grammatically, they Y in New Jersey is not a vowel. Y is only a vowel when it takes on a vowel sound or
it is the only vowel sound in a syllable.

Snoz -  ;)
The states of New Jersey and Kentucky both end in a "Y" but that "Y" sounds like a long "E" sound making it a vowel. just as is does in baby and money.  Any English majors in the house?   ???  If I am wrong I'll up your Karma +1 and if I'm right I'll still up your karma +1 just for playing at this so hard.   8)

The Karma has to wait on the clock but the check's in the mail.  Thanks for playing.  This thread would be nothing if you guys didn't take up the challenge.  8)  It is way easier and much more enjoyable to tell someone they have it correct than to tell them they missed.  :(    

I do not believe "loki 13 " is correct.  This is what I get for mixing Geography with English.   >:(

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/10/10 at 5:08 am

01 South Carolina         B The Palmetto State
02 Alabama                H The Peace Garden State
03 Iowa                      D The Hawkeye State
04 Ohio                      J The Buckeye State  
05 Rhode Island           G The Ocean State
06 Maine                     A The Pine Tree State
07 Connecticut             E The Constitution State
08 Colorado                 C The Centennial State  
09 Utah                       F The Beehive State  
10 North Dakota           I The Yellowhammer State

I wasn't too sure on S.C., Ala, & ND. So they are guesses.


Cat I believe that you mixed two of them up.  You get an 80% and I know than no one is looking up answers.  I'll post all the correct answers later on.  In the meantime please feel free to look up the ones you missed.   8)  Hint you mixed up a southern state with a northern state.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Bobo on 08/10/10 at 5:15 am

BOBO....did you miss the time machine that took us back to 1958 again? I keep telling you the time listing is US mountain time....  :P

*grins* Very true. :D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/10/10 at 8:18 am

Right now only two of them pop out at me, namely the "-keye" states, Iowa (Hawk) and Ohio (Buck). I probably know the other eight, but I don't wish to post what I think are the correct answers right now.

Cat got all but two of them correct.  Yours are correct - Ohio=Buckeye and Iowa=Hawkeye.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/10/10 at 10:00 am

Cat I believe that you mixed two of them up.  You get an 80% and I know than no one is looking up answers.  I'll post all the correct answers later on.  In the meantime please feel free to look up the ones you missed.   8)  Hint you mixed up a southern state with a northern state.

I'm sure I mixed up S.C. & Alabama. I wasn't sure when I posted it and thought that maybe I did mix them up and was going to change it-but kept my original answers.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/10/10 at 10:22 am

01 South Carolina         B The Palmetto State
02 Alabama                H The Peace Garden State
03 Iowa                      D The Hawkeye State
04 Ohio                      J The Buckeye State   
05 Rhode Island           G The Ocean State
06 Maine                     A The Pine Tree State
07 Connecticut             E The Constitution State
08 Colorado                 C The Centennial State 
09 Utah                       F The Beehive State 
10 North Dakota           I The Yellowhammer State

I wasn't too sure on S.C., Ala, & ND. So they are guesses.


Cat, This should help you immensely.  In your response, S.C. is correct.  That leaves two states switched.    ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/10/10 at 10:24 am

Cat, This should help you immensely.  In your response, S.C. is correct.  That leaves two states switched.    ::)

Then it MUST be Alabama & ND.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/11/10 at 4:42 am

Then it MUST be Alabama & ND.


Yeah Cat, those two were mixed up.  You do well at these.  ;)  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/11/10 at 11:18 am

Yeah Cat, those two were mixed up.  You do well at these.   ;)  8)

I think it is because I have a good memory and can remember trivial stuff. Sometimes I will tell Carlos some piece of trivia and he will say, "How do you remember that?" Then he will say, "WHY do you remember that?"  ;D ;D ;D  Can't help it. That is just how my brain works.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 7:25 am

Podunk USA

I will be putting oddly named towns onto this post in question form every so often. 

This one is multiple guess

The town of Cut -n- Shoot is in which state?

A Texas
B Tennessee
C West Virginia
D Arizona
E Kentucky
F Pennsylvania
G None of the above

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 4:45 pm

On this thread I give +1 Karma to all responders unless I gave Karma within the past 24 hours and the software won't permit it.  I try to remember who needs Karma and when the time expires on the Karma clock I try to bestow a +1 Karma for that person who is time restricted.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/12/10 at 5:01 pm

On this thread I give +1 Karma to all responders unless I gave Karma within the past 24 hours and the software won't permit it.  I try to remember who needs Karma and when the time expires on the Karma clock I try to bestow a +1 Karma for that person who is time restricted.

I gave you karma for making us think.  ;)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/12/10 at 5:07 pm

On this thread I give +1 Karma to all responders unless I gave Karma within the past 24 hours and the software won't permit it.  I try to remember who needs Karma and when the time expires on the Karma clock I try to bestow a +1 Karma for that person who is time restricted.

I gave you karma for making us think.  ;)


I'll give you karma if you make the last question go away  :P

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 5:10 pm

I gave you karma for making us think.  ;)


Why thank you Cat.  +1 Karma right back at you.  :)  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/12/10 at 5:14 pm

I'll give you karma if you make the last question go away  :P

I don't know it. I thought YOU knew it.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 5:18 pm

I'll give you karma if you make the last question go away  :P

Snoz - It's multiple guess.  Take a stab at it. :-\\  ;)  I will, when I can, provide how the town came by it's weird name. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/12/10 at 6:07 pm

aw hell... if there's shooting involved then that means guns and guns mean texas...and I hates texas nearly as much as I hate arizony.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/12/10 at 6:54 pm

On this thread I give +1 Karma to all responders unless I gave Karma within the past 24 hours and the software won't permit it.  I try to remember who needs Karma and when the time expires on the Karma clock I try to bestow a +1 Karma for that person who is time restricted.

Back atcha. I like your threads.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 6:58 pm

aw hell... if there's shooting involved then that means guns and guns mean texas...and I hates texas nearly as much as I hate arizony.


Where else but Texas would a town have a name like Cut -n- shoot?  Your Karma just went up.  ;)  Nice solve.  8)

Here is how it suppossedly got its name:

Legend has it...

The City Hall of Cut and Shoot, Texas according to one local legend, Cut and Shoot was named after a
1912 community confrontation that almost led to violence. According to differing versions of the
story, the dispute was either over:

The design of a new steeple for the town's only church,
The issue of who should be allowed to preach there, or
The conflicting land claims among church members.
Whatever the circumstances were, a small boy at the scene reportedly declared "I'm going to cut around
the corner and shoot through the bushes in a minute!" This statement apparently stayed in the
residents' minds and was eventually adopted as the town's name.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 7:07 pm

Back atcha. I like your threads.

Thanks Dagnabbit for the kind complement!  ;)  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/12/10 at 7:09 pm

Thanks Dagnabbit for the kind complement!  ;)  8)

You're quite welcome. :)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 7:43 pm

Podunk USA

This one is multiple guess

The town of Eighty Four is in which state?

A West Virginia
B Nebraska
C Pennsylvania
D Maine
E Arkansas
F Oregon
G South Dakota

Origin of town's name and some history will post after this one is solved.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/12/10 at 8:15 pm

Eighty Four is in Pennsylvania.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 8:53 pm

Eighty Four is in Pennsylvania.

  ;) You've heard of it?  I grew up near there.  I went to school with people from there.  Great solve!  8)

Origin of name for Eighty Four, Pa.

Eighty Four Pa.

Eighty Four is a small unincorporated community mostly within Somerset Township in Washington County, Pennsylvania, United States. It lies approximately 25 miles southwest of Pittsburgh and is in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.

Eighty Four is home to the 84 Lumber company's world headquarters and home of the first 84 Lumber store. It is also a part of the Canon-McMillan, Trinity, Ringgold, and Bentworth school districts.

Eighty Four is accessible via Pennsylvania Route 519 and Route 136 and interstates 79 and 70. The closest international airport is the Pittsburgh International Airport in Findlay Township.

Origin of name
Eighty Four was originally named Smithville. Due to postal confusion with another town of the same name, its name was changed to "Eighty Four" on July 28, 1884. Though the origin of the name is uncertain, it has been speculated that the town was named in honor of Grover Cleveland's 1884 election as President of the United States, or for the town's mile marker on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.  Another theory states that the town was named after the year that the town's post office was built, by a postmaster who "didn't have a whole lot of imagination."

;) Correct!

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/12/10 at 9:21 pm

  ;) You've heard of it?  I grew up near there.  I went to school with people from there.  Great solve!  8)

;) Correct!

I do data entry work for a living and it comes up periodically.  Interesting story on the name. :)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/12/10 at 9:51 pm

There are five states with a town named Eureka.  Pick five states from the 25 available that have a Eureka within its borders: 

I promise that I won't let this go on until all are answered correctly.  Anyone attempting to solve gets their karma upped.

01 Mississippi
02 Alaska
03 California
04 Arizona
05 Ohio
06 Virginia
07 Pennsylvania
08 Iowa
09 Idaho
10 South Dakota
11 Maine
12 Vermont
13 Maryland
14 Utah
15 Minnesota
16 Nevada
17 North Carolina
18 Florida
19 Vermont
20 Montana
21 Texas
22 Arkansas
23 Wisconsin
24 Oregon
25 Colorado

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/13/10 at 12:19 pm

Eureka, CA is one of the 5

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/13/10 at 12:52 pm

Eureka, CA is one of the 5

:) Yes California is definately one of the states that have a town called Eureka and for solving that I will eliminate five other states that do not have a Eureka.  8) They are:


This now leaves 19 to chose the other four states that have a Eureka.  I tried to up your Karma +1 but it hasn't been 24 hours since I last gave you Karma.  Thanks for responding.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/13/10 at 8:06 pm

Utah has a Eureka as well.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/13/10 at 8:08 pm

There is one in Pennsylvania.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/13/10 at 8:32 pm

Utah has a Eureka as well.

Utah has a town named Eureka.  ;) You found it...  ::)  I'll knock four more wrong answers off the list. South Dakota, Mississippi, Arkansas. and Iowa.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/13/10 at 8:34 pm

Utah has a Eureka as well.

Hey Dag.... we know our own states!!! That's awesome!  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/13/10 at 8:55 pm

There is one in Pennsylvania.

Frank - Check back a few posts.  Pennsylvania has been knocked off the list along with:

South Dakota

This is what's left to choose from.  There are three left to identify.

North Carolina

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 5:38 am

OK I'll take away another five wrong answers.


Three of what remains has a town named Eureka within its borders.  Can anyone name any or even take a guess please?  :-\\  You have a one in three chance of guessing at least one correctly.   ::)

North Carolina

If no one guesses anything within one day I will reveal the answers and move on.  :(

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/14/10 at 8:43 am

Hey Dag.... we know our own states!!! That's awesome!  ;)

It is, huh? ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/14/10 at 10:39 am

Frank - Check back a few posts.  Pennsylvania has been knocked off the list along with:

South Dakota

This is what's left to choose from.  There are three left to identify.

North Carolina

You have Vermont on both of those lists.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 11:45 am

;)  Cat, Vermont has been removed.  Thanks for catching my bad.  Vermont is not one of the five.  The
list of possibilities is reduced by one. 

The possible candidates are now: ???

North Carolina

Care to take a guess now?  :-\\  I'd like to finish this and move on.  I guess I chose a not so good question.  :-[

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/14/10 at 11:52 am

;)  Cat, Vermont has been removed.  Thanks for catching my bad.  Vermont is not one of the five.  The
list of possibilities is reduced by one. 

The possible candidates are now: ???

North Carolina

Care to take a guess now?  :-\\  I'd like to finish this and move on.  I guess I chose a not so good question.   :-[

My guess, Colorado.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 12:09 pm

My guess, Colorado.


:( Cat, sorry, good guess but no cigar.  Colorado is now removed from the list along with Maryland which is not one of the states in question.. No Eureka in that state.  Anyone. ???

Here is what is left:

North Carolina

At this point should I just name the last three and move on or do you wish to guess more than one state?  :-\\  Choosing three states should get you at least one correct answer.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 2:35 pm

OK - the five states that have a town named Eureka are as follows:


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/14/10 at 2:45 pm

OK - the five states that have a town named Eureka are as follows:




Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 2:48 pm



Oregon for sure.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/14/10 at 2:54 pm



I found a Eureka Flat in WA & Eureka Springs in AR  wonder if those count?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 3:09 pm

I found a Eureka Flat in WA & Eureka Springs in AR  wonder if those count?

Snoz - why not...  It's all about Eureka or "I found it" and you found it.  :)  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/14/10 at 3:15 pm

Snoz - why not...  It's all about Eureka or "I found it" and you found it.   :)   ::)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 3:51 pm

Which two places below are not US possessions?

1 American Samoa
2 Guam
3 Northern Mariana Islands
4 Fiji
5 Puerto Rico
6 United States Virgin Islands
7 Bermuda

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/14/10 at 3:58 pm

Which two places below are not US possessions?

1 American Samoa
2 Guam
3 Northern Mariana Islands
4 Fiji
5 Puerto Rico
6 United States Virgin Islands
7 Bermuda

Fiji & Bermuda.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 4:26 pm

Fiji & Bermuda.


No fooling Cat, she knows her geography.  ;) 100% correct.  Take a bow.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/14/10 at 4:27 pm

Fiji & Bermuda.


why not the US Virgin Islands?  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 5:40 pm

why not the US Virgin Islands?  ;)

Kind of gives it away, huh?  ::) ???

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 5:47 pm

What is the capital city of the state of Washington?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/14/10 at 5:54 pm


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/14/10 at 6:03 pm


Snoz -  ;) Exactly correct - +1 Karma for the solve.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/15/10 at 7:50 am

What state was created as a direct result of the "Missouri Compromise"? 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/15/10 at 10:31 am

What state was created as a direct result of the "Missouri Compromise"? 



Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/15/10 at 10:54 am



dang..I knew that one.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/15/10 at 11:05 am



;) Maine is the state and it appears that Frank got the answer on his own.  Credit for the answer is given to both Cat and Frank.  Pretty good, Frank - probably most Canadians would not have known this.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/15/10 at 11:59 am

In what state was the famous quote by Admiral David Farragut "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." uttered?

A. Virginia
B. Maryland
C. Massachusetts
D. Alabama
E. New York

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/15/10 at 12:23 pm

In what state was the famous quote by Admiral David Farragut "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." uttered?

A. Virginia
B. Maryland
C. Massachusetts
D. Alabama
E. New York

Carlos says Alabama.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/15/10 at 12:46 pm

Carlos says Alabama.


;)  Carlos says correctly.  He knows his history. Don Carlos' karma has just been elevated for solving what I think is a hard question.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/15/10 at 12:50 pm

;)  Carlos says correctly.  He knows his history. Don Carlos' karma has just been elevated for solving what I think is a hard question.  8)

Of course he knows his history-after all he was a history professor in a former life.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/15/10 at 3:48 pm

This state's cattle population is estimated to be near 16 million.  What state would this be?

A. Wyoming
B. Iowa
C. Nebraska
D. Texas
E. Oklahoma
F. Rhode Island

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/15/10 at 7:57 pm

I am going with a wild guess...Wyoming?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/15/10 at 8:24 pm

I challenge dag and I say the Lone Star State....Tejas!  <<<< that's me saying Texas with a spanish accent

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/16/10 at 3:43 am

I challenge dag and I say the Lone Star State....Tejas!  <<<< that's me saying Texas with a spanish accent

Tejas wins the burger, though Wyoming is a good guess, Dag.  Wyoming is probably the 2nd largest IMHO.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/16/10 at 4:27 am

What state has more miles of river inside its borders than any other state?

A. Colorado
B. Nebraska
C. Montana
D. Iowa
E. Wyoming
F. Minnesota

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/16/10 at 7:55 pm


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/16/10 at 7:58 pm


:( Sorry, No, that's 10,000 lakes and seven fish, but the state with the most river mileage also ends with an "A".  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/16/10 at 8:56 pm

:( Sorry, No, that's 10,000 lakes and seven fish, but the state with the most river mileage also ends with an "A".  ;)

Montana? in the film a River Runs Through It.... ???

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/17/10 at 4:02 am

Montana? in the film a River Runs Through It.... ???

:(  Sorry, that is not it either - so what's that leave?  ???  ::)  And I know it to be true because I lived there for a while.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/17/10 at 7:08 am

Um.....could it be Nebraska? ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/17/10 at 7:32 am

Um.....could it be Nebraska? ;)

;) Nebraska has the most river mileage inside its borders than any other state.  Hard to believe but true.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/17/10 at 7:44 am

In 1920 KDKA radio (1020 on the AM dial) produced the first commercial radio broadcast ever.  What state is that radio station in?  The first broadcast was election coverage of the 1920 Presidential election.   Running for president were Warren G. Harding and James M. Cox.  

A. Pennsylvania
B. New York
C. New Jersey
D. Connecticut
E. Virginia

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 4:23 am

In 1920 KDKA radio (1020 on the AM dial) produced the first commercial radio broadcast ever.  What state is that radio station in?  The first broadcast was election coverage of the 1920 Presidential election.   Running for president were Warren G. Harding and James M. Cox.  

A. Pennsylvania
B. New York
C. New Jersey
D. Connecticut
E. Virginia

OK - It's not "E".  Anyone?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/10 at 10:33 am

My guess is C: New "Joisey"


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 10:42 am

My guess is C: New "Joisey"


  :( Sorry - It is not New Joisey - but it is in a state that borders NJ.  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 10:44 am

The town of Ding Dong is in Bell county, Texas.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/10 at 10:49 am

A: PA?


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 10:52 am

A: PA?


;)  Yes!  That be the place.    8)  The city is Pittsburgh. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 11:42 am

Sixteen of the 23 counties in this state border on tidal water. The combined length of tidal shoreline, including islands, is 4,431 miles.  Name this state. Note - nowhere does it say that it has the most tidal border of all 50 states.

A. Virginia
B. Texas
C. Florida
D. Maryland
E. Alaska

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/18/10 at 11:54 am

I don't know... Florida?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 12:01 pm

I don't know... Florida?

:( Sorry, no it is not Florida but it seems as though it ought to be.

  ;) You lived in this "tidal" state with 23 counties.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/10 at 12:24 pm

:( Sorry, no it is not Florida but it seems as though it ought to be.

  ;) You lived in this "tidal" state with 23 counties.

There goes my guess that I WAS going to say Alaska but with your clue, I will say Maryland.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 12:30 pm

There goes my guess that I WAS going to say Alaska but with your clue, I will say Maryland.


That clue sort of gave it away.  ;) I thought Snoz would have jumped on that one.  :o Maryland has so much beach area around the Chesapeake Bay is probably the reason for so much tidal mileage. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 12:37 pm

Which state never ratified the 18th Amendment prohibition.  Chose from the states listed below.

A. Georgia
B. Kentucky
C. Rhode Island
D. Idaho
E. South Dakota

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/10 at 12:45 pm

That clue sort of gave it away.  ;) I thought Snoz would have jumped on that one.   :o Maryland has so much beach area around the Chesapeake Bay is probably the reason for so much tidal mileage. 

I also lived in Maryland, too.

Which state never ratified the 18th Amendment prohibition.  Chose from the states listed below.

A. Georgia
B. Kentucky
C. Rhode Island
D. Idaho
E. South Dakota

I think it is Kentucky.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 1:19 pm

I also lived in Maryland, too.

I think it is Kentucky.


:( Kentucky has been known to lift a few spirits but it is not the obvious one that punches the ticket for this one.  The answer may surprise you.  Try again and then if you don't get it I'll name the state in the next post.  So Snoz, you and I all lived in Maryland at one time or another?  Small state, small world.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/10 at 1:23 pm

:( Kentucky has been known to lift a few spirits but it is not the obvious one that punches the ticket for this one.  The answer may surprise you.  Try again and then if you don't get it I'll name the state in the next post.  So Snoz, you and I all lived in Maryland at one time or another?  Small state, small world.  8)

By your answer, I think my second guess of Georgia is probably wrong, too. So, I will guess Rhode Island.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 1:28 pm

By your answer, I think my second guess of Georgia is probably wrong, too. So, I will guess Rhode Island.


  ;) And Rhode Island it is as surprising as it seems - must have been the Italian influence there not wishing to give up their vino.  >:(

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 1:42 pm

More turkeys are raised in this state than in any other state in the United States. Name this state.

A. Ohio
B. California
C. Iowa
D. Pennsylvania
E. Indiana

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/10 at 2:02 pm

More turkeys are raised in this state than in any other state in the United States. Name this state.

A. Ohio
B. California
C. Iowa
D. Pennsylvania
E. Indiana

There is a joke in there somewhere.  :D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 3:12 pm

There is a joke in there somewhere.  :D ;D ;D ;D ;D


No joke - it is a legitimate question with a real answer.  But I know you've heard this one.  "It's hard to soar with eagles when all you have to work with are turkeys".

Take a wild turkey guess or a shot of one.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/10 at 3:17 pm

No joke - it is a legitimate question with a real answer.  But I know you've heard this one.  "It's hard to soar with eagles when all you have to work with are turkeys".

Take a wild turkey guess or a shot of one.  ;)

My guess is Ohio-only because I know a lot of turkeys from there.  :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/18/10 at 4:13 pm

That clue sort of gave it away.  ;) I thought Snoz would have jumped on that one.   :o Maryland has so much beach area around the Chesapeake Bay is probably the reason for so much tidal mileage. 

I'm working couldn't get here fast enough.... apparantly I didn't just hate Maryland/dc I really, really hated it because I keep forgetting about them even when they are put right in front of me!  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/18/10 at 4:13 pm

There is a joke in there somewhere.  :D ;D ;D ;D ;D



sami's in Iowa so that's my choice

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/18/10 at 4:15 pm

  So Snoz, you and I all lived in Maryland at one time or another?  Small state, small world.  8)

technically I lived in DC my grandmother lived in Maryland?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 4:27 pm

My guess is Ohio-only because I know a lot of turkeys from there.  :D ;D ;D ;D


  :( There may be a lot of turkeys that you know in Ohio but not enough to make it number one.  ;)  One would not think of this state as being associated with turkey raising.  You want to guess again or should I just tell you which state it is? ???

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/18/10 at 6:37 pm

  :( There may be a lot of turkeys that you know in Ohio but not enough to make it number one.  ;)  One would not think of this state as being associated with turkey raising.  You want to guess again or should I just tell you which state it is? ???

guess my guess doesn't count?  :-\\ :\'(

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 6:45 pm

guess my guess doesn't count?  :-\\ :\'(

Anyone is welcome to post an answer.  There is nothing exclusive about it, but you know that.  ;)  I tried to give you Karma to make you feel more better but I was stopped by that old 24 hour Karma clock.  What can I do, I can't handle crying...  ::)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/18/10 at 6:55 pm

you must have over looked it......

here it is again...


sami's in Iowa so that's my choice

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/18/10 at 7:05 pm

you must have over looked it......

here it is again...

Sorry Snoz - for some reason I was looking at someone elses bio a while back and thought it was yours and that person showed location as Iowa.  I thought you were making some kind of ref to Iowa as in being there, but I know that you are a bit west of Iowa and sorry Iowa is not the correct answer either.  I believe that you are in the state that IS the correct answer.  Whoda thunk it? ???

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/18/10 at 8:34 pm

Cali really? well there are a lot of farms and ag areas here so it's possible

Sami...aka 2kidsami... lives in Iowa.... her names not really sami but I made sure the nickname stuck after someone misread her user name! She's a good sport.
Especially since I call her sami on facebook and well everywhere  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/19/10 at 3:53 am

Cali really? well there are a lot of farms and ag areas here so it's possible

Sami...aka 2kidsami... lives in Iowa.... her names not really sami but I made sure the nickname stuck after someone misread her user name! She's a good sport.
Especially since I call her sami on facebook and well everywhere   ;D

I think I mixed up "Sami's" bio with yours and it is taking a while to get me to realize you are not located in Iowa, she is.  I think I have things straight in my head now on who is who and who lives where.

I've been all over Iowa and know the state fairly well.  I spent several weeks in the Sacramento area and passed through SF and LA.  Also spent one day trip to SF when I was in Sacramento.  Tahoe and Reno attracted the people I was with more than SF.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/19/10 at 4:54 am

What state nickname is "The Natural State"?

A. Montana
B. Utah
C. Arkansas
D. Wyoming

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Dagwood on 08/19/10 at 6:58 pm


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/19/10 at 8:11 pm


  :( Sorry - The correct answer is not Montana.  Montana is known as "The Treasure State" and I believe that question was asked and answered already on this thread.  Small hint - The correct state has at least one "A" in its name.  That eliminates one other state so it's 50/50 guess at this point.  I would have probably guessed Montana if I were asked this question.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/19/10 at 8:39 pm


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 4:16 am


  ;) Chalk up one for Snoz - That is a naturally correct answer!  :)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 4:40 am

This state's nickname is "The Sunflower State".  Is it?

A. Michigan
B. Nebraska
C. Iowa
D. Kansas 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/20/10 at 9:22 am

D Kansas

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 9:59 am

D Kansas

  ;) Yes indeed, Kansas is known by nickname as "The Sunflower State".  Score one for Canada!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 10:56 am

"Q" is the only letter of the English alphabet that is not used in any of the 50 states names.  Every other letter is used at least once.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/20/10 at 11:48 am

"Q" is the only letter of the English alphabet that is not used in any of the 50 states names.  Every other letter is used at least once.

You mean Quebec isn't a state?  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 12:10 pm

You mean Quebec isn't a state?  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D ;D


It is more of a state of mind.  I don't mind them 'cause they don't mind me. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 12:39 pm

What is the southern most state in the U.S.

A. Texas
B. Arizona
C. Florida
D. Louisiana
E. None of the above

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/20/10 at 2:43 pm

Q is the most awesomest letter evah!!!  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 3:18 pm

Q is the most awesomest letter evah!!!  8)

Except in Scrabble when you can't get a "U" to save your life.  Then it is awesomeless.  You going to take a shot at the "What State" question above? 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/20/10 at 4:09 pm

You mean Quebec isn't a state?  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I was born and grew up there. You wouldn't want Quebec. English Canada spells it like Kweebec.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/20/10 at 6:07 pm

What is the southern most state in the U.S.

A. Texas
B. Arizona
C. Florida
D. Louisiana
E. None of the above

well it's between tejas and florida but I honestly don't know which one it is

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 6:20 pm

well it's between tejas and florida but I honestly don't know which one it is

Snoz it is neither.  :( The answer is E - now figure out why. Something has been overlooked.  :-\\ ???

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/20/10 at 6:41 pm

Snoz it is neither.  :( The answer is E - now figure out why. Something has been overlooked.   :-\\ ???

what? Hawaii? I was thinking in terms of continental US states... oh well what ev...  you got me because on most multi choice quizzes if you see all or none you chose those but when you've used these they are never the answer so I discounted it immediately  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 6:52 pm

what? Hawaii? I was thinking in terms of continental US states... oh well what ev...  you got me because on most multi choice quizzes if you see all or none you chose those but when you've used these they are never the answer so I discounted it immediately  ;D

Yeah - I'm a prankster by nature. 

You don't even want to be around me on April 1st.  Back when you left phone messages for people using post it notes, I left a message for another worker to call this number and ask for Myra Maines.  He called and asked if Myra Maines was there and he got this really puzzled look on his face.  He couldn't understand why they said they buried them yesterday.  The call was to a local funeral home.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/20/10 at 7:37 pm

What is the largest city in South Dakota?

A. Pierre
B. Sioux City
C. Aberdeen
D. Sioux Falls
E. Deadwood

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/20/10 at 10:01 pm

Yeah - I'm a prankster by nature. 

You don't even want to be around me on April 1st.  Back when you left phone messages for people using post it notes, I left a message for another worker to call this number and ask for Myra Maines.  He called and asked if Myra Maines was there and he got this really puzzled look on his face.  He couldn't understand why they said they buried them yesterday.  The call was to a local funeral home.

that's bad! funny but bad..... the only person I want to be around on April 1st is Cat....for fairly obvious reasons!  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/21/10 at 6:34 am

that's bad! funny but bad..... the only person I want to be around on April 1st is Cat....for fairly obvious reasons!  ;)

I took care to be sensitive before I did it to him making sure that he was not activly grieving over a lost loved one or anything like that.  It was all taken in good stride.  He even laughed about it because he was had. 

Care to take the trivia question above?  Promise no tricks in the question this time.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/21/10 at 11:45 am

What is the largest city in South Dakota?

A. Pierre
B. Sioux City
C. Aberdeen
D. Sioux Falls
E. Deadwood

largest in population?
I'll guess D, Sioux falls

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/21/10 at 12:06 pm

;) Yes - score another one for Canada.  8)  I have a niece that lives there.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/21/10 at 12:17 pm

What is the only state that shares its border with only one other state?

A. Florida
B. Alaska
C. Maine
D. Delaware
E. Vermont

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: nally on 08/21/10 at 12:19 pm

The answer is...Maine.
It's also the only state with a one-syllable name.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/21/10 at 1:29 pm

;) Yes - score another one for Canada.   8)  I have a niece that lives there.

I have been there as well. (to SD)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/21/10 at 2:06 pm

The answer is...Maine.
It's also the only state with a one-syllable name.

Maine is absolutely correct.  8)  And we did entertain the one syllable question earlier in this thread.  ;)  Not sure, but I think Cat got that one.  Between you, Cat and Frank nothing seems to get by.  And oh yeah, Snoz has her moments.  We've had a whole lot of questions with Maine in them. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/21/10 at 2:20 pm

The Castilian and Burgundian flags of Spain, the Mexican flag, the Confederate flag, and the flag of the United States have all flown over the land area that is now one of the 50 states.  Name this state.

A. Lousiana
B. Arizona
C. New Mexico
D. Nevada
E. Texas

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 08/21/10 at 5:22 pm

The Castilian and Burgundian flags of Spain, the Mexican flag, the Confederate flag, and the flag of the United States have all flown over the land area that is now one of the 50 states.  Name this state.

A. Lousiana
B. Arizona
C. New Mexico
D. Nevada
E. Texas


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/22/10 at 7:49 am


Texas is a good guess but it had a total of six flags flying over it through its history.  The correct answer, believe it or not is "B", Arizona.  I believe that the Confederate flag flew over Arizona after the U.S. Civil War ended and the Confederate die hards fled to the southwest territories and Mexico hoping to keep up the resistance. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/22/10 at 8:02 am

What state  is considered the southern most northern state and the northern most southern state.

A. Maryland
B. Missouri
C. West Virginia
D. Kentucky
E. Kansas

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/22/10 at 10:11 am

I'm gonna guess without looking at a map and having never stupied the US civil war in school (In Quebec, we did not study US history at all)
Southern most northern state : Maryland
Northen most southern state: West Virginia

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: nally on 08/22/10 at 11:53 am

Maine is absolutely correct.  8)  And we did entertain the one syllable question earlier in this thread.  ;)  Not sure, but I think Cat got that one.  Between you, Cat and Frank nothing seems to get by.  And oh yeah, Snoz has her moments.  We've had a whole lot of questions with Maine in them. 

Oh. I only joined in this thread a little while ago, so I didn't know what all was discussed in it beforehand...altho I suppose I could just go to the beginning of it and read through everything. :) I just happened to know those two unique facts about the state of Maine!

As for your recent questions, I may have to think about those for a moment.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/22/10 at 1:39 pm

I'm gonna guess without looking at a map and having never stupied the US civil war in school (In Quebec, we did not study US history at all)
Southern most northern state : Maryland
Northen most southern state: West Virginia

Frank - There is only one answer.  The question may be misleading.  One of the states you chose is the right one.  So your choices are either West Virginia or Maryland.  And I'm not so sure that it had anything to do with the civil war, but Maryland seemed not to take sides in the U.S. Civil War and West Virginia broke off by Presidential declaration from Virginia in 1863. 

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/22/10 at 1:43 pm

Oh. I only joined in this thread a little while ago, so I didn't know what all was discussed in it beforehand...altho I suppose I could just go to the beginning of it and read through everything. :) I just happened to know those two unique facts about the state of Maine!

As for your recent questions, I may have to think about those for a moment.

Nally - I knew you came on board late.  I was just trying to tell you that Maine only bordering one other state was covered.  No worries, don't give it another thought.  I'm just glad that you participate and humor me.  Thanks.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/22/10 at 6:22 pm

Frank - There is only one answer.  The question may be misleading.  One of the states you chose is the right one.  So your choices are either West Virginia or Maryland.  And I'm not so sure that it had anything to do with the civil war, but Maryland seemed not to take sides in the U.S. Civil War and West Virginia broke off by Presidential declaration from Virginia in 1863. 

I'm gonna say West Virginia.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/22/10 at 7:34 pm

I'm gonna say West Virginia.

I say Maryland....since that comes up in Doritos questions a lot..  :P

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/22/10 at 7:37 pm

I say Maryland....since that comes up in Doritos questions a lot..  :P

It's  West Virginia or...the latter.. (comes up in Howard's thread when looking for work  :D)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/22/10 at 7:44 pm

It's  West Virginia or...the latter.. (comes up in Howard's thread when looking for work  :D)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/22/10 at 7:47 pm


Thought you might like that one.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/23/10 at 3:54 am

Thought you might like that one.

It is West Virginia.  I missed Howards post on it.  :(  From what I gather he should have answered this one.  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/23/10 at 3:58 am

Milk is the official beverage for this state.  Name the state.

A. Wisconsin
B. Minnesota
C. California
D. North Dakota
E. South Dakota

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/23/10 at 9:22 am

It better be Wisconsin

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/23/10 at 5:42 pm

It better be Wisconsin

:( Snoz - Sorry Wisconsin is not correct - The correct answer is North Dakota.  I would have chosen Wisconsin myself.  Good try.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/24/10 at 4:44 am

With a population of fewer than nine thousand people, the capital of this state is the smallest state capital in the U.S.

A. Wyoming
B. Vermont
C. Montana
D. Idaho
E. North Dakota

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/24/10 at 7:28 am

totally guessing here.... vermont.... in honor of Cat  :)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: karen on 08/24/10 at 8:14 am

Since snoz has taken my number one guess I'll go with North Dakota.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/24/10 at 8:29 am

Since snoz has taken my number one guess I'll go with North Dakota.

sorry --- blame the dispatcher who's wife had a baby....he's the reason I'm up at this horrible hour... and it's before anyone else arrives so I can play online for about 30 more minutes.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/24/10 at 9:39 am

totally guessing here.... vermont.... in honor of Cat  :)

You are right, I'm 99.999% sure it's Vermont. I have been to Montpelier before and was told it's the smallest state capital.
So..go and lick more snozberries off the wallpaper (It's a willy wonka thing for those who may not know)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/24/10 at 10:12 am

You are right, I'm 99.999% sure it's Vermont. I have been to Montpelier before and was told it's the smallest state capital.
So..go and lick more snozberries off the wallpaper (It's a willy wonka thing for those who may not know)


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/24/10 at 10:40 am

Of course it is Montpelier. It is the only capital in the U.S. that does NOT have a McDonald's.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/24/10 at 11:28 am

Of course it is Montpelier. It is the only capital in the U.S. that does NOT have a McDonald's.


oh my!!! how can you stand it?  :o

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/24/10 at 3:11 pm

oh my!!! how can you stand it?  :o

Well, for one thing, I don't live there and for another, I don't like McDonald's. BTW, our little town has one and in fact, I know the owner of it.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/24/10 at 3:22 pm

Well, for one thing, I don't live there and for another, I don't like McDonald's. BTW, our little town has one and in fact, I know the owner of it.


soooo if I came to visit you could get me free crack??

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/24/10 at 3:27 pm

soooo if I came to visit you could get me free crack??

I said that I know her, I didn't say that I was friends with her. Though, she did buy me a tea when I was working with her on a project and we met at the McDonald's. That reminds me, I should give her a call. She is trying to get a teen center started (in the building behind our house). The last time I saw her, I asked her if she need volunteers and she said yes and to give her a call. I haven't yet.  :-[


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/24/10 at 5:02 pm

Since snoz has taken my number one guess I'll go with North Dakota.

Karen - :(  Sorry it is not North Dakota, though it is a good guess.  Thanks for posting on this thread and playing trivia.  A bit of Karma coming your way for posting.  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/24/10 at 5:04 pm

totally guessing here.... vermont.... in honor of Cat  :)

Snoz -  ;) Yes!  It is Vermont.  Montpelier is it's capital and it has less than 9,000 people soaking wet.  Good solve.  8) Adding Karma.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/24/10 at 5:33 pm

This state's capital city is the highest in elevation of all 50 states.  This capital city is over 7,000 feet above sea level.  Name the state it is in. 

A. Wyoming
B. Colorado
C. Montana
D. New Mexico
E. Idaho

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/24/10 at 5:53 pm

This state's capital city is the highest in elevation of all 50 states.  This capital city is over 7,000 feet above sea level.  Name the state it is in. 

A. Wyoming
B. Colorado
C. Montana
D. New Mexico
E. Idaho

Montpelier. Denver, Colorado.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/24/10 at 8:50 pm

Montpelier. Denver, Colorado.


Sacramento (isn't everyone high on the west coast?  :D)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 4:09 am

Montpelier. Denver, Colorado.


:( Cat, Sorry it is not Colorado as extreme as this may sound.  I've been to Denver and there is one step going up to the Capital that tells you that you are exactly 5,280 feet above sea level.  Denver is around 2,000 feet lower than this state's capital.  Take another shot?  I would have leaned toward Colorado myself if I didn't know it was only one mile high instead of 7,000 plus feet above sea level.  It's not Wyoming either.  :(

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/25/10 at 8:48 am

Having been to Montana's  and Idaho's capitals, I doubt there were 7000 feet high, so my answer ( by default) is New Mexico.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 4:16 pm

Having been to Montana's  and Idaho's capitals, I doubt there were 7000 feet high, so my answer ( by default) is New Mexico.

Alright Frank!  ;) You nailed it!  Chock up yet another win for Canada.  8) New Mexico is the correct state.  Its capital is Santa Fe and here is the reading of its altitude. 

Santa Fe, New Mexico – 7,199 ft (2134 m) right through the center of the Capitol building

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 4:28 pm

This state takes its name from a Spanish word meaning snow-clad.  Name this state.

A. Minnesota
B. Colorado
C. Nevada
D. Nebraska
E. Montana

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/25/10 at 4:31 pm

Alright Frank!  ;) You nailed it!  Chock up yet another win for Canada.  8) New Mexico is the correct state.  Its capital is Santa Fe and here is the reading of its altitude. 

Santa Fe, New Mexico – 7,199 ft (2134 m) right through the center of the Capitol building

I was thinking NM but...

This state takes its name from a Spanish word meaning snow-clad.  Name this state.

A. Minnesota
B. Colorado
C. Nevada
D. Nebraska
E. Montana

Carlos says Nevada.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: danootaandme on 08/25/10 at 4:40 pm

This state takes its name from a Spanish word meaning snow-clad.  Name this state.

A. Minnesota
B. Colorado
C. Nevada
D. Nebraska
E. Montana

I'm thinking Montana

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: nally on 08/25/10 at 5:00 pm

I'm thinking Montana

I'm thinking Nevada

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:00 pm

I'm thinking Montana

  :( Sorry it is not Montana.  I believe that word means mountain in Spanish.  +1 Karma for playing trivia.  ;)  Care for a second shot at the answer?  Go for it!  I believe that Colorado in Spanish means reddish colored.  So I have eliminated a 2nd answer.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:03 pm

I'm thinking Nevada

;) OK Nally - You win the marble.  Nevada means snow clad in Spanish.  You get +1 Karma.  8)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: nally on 08/25/10 at 5:07 pm

Thank you, kind sir! I had a feeling it would be Nevada anyway since I know a lot about the Spanish language (and I took four years of high school Spanish).

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/25/10 at 5:08 pm

;) OK Nally - You win the marble.  Nevada means snow clad in Spanish.  You get +1 Karma.  8)


Carlos says Nevada.



Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:09 pm

This state is the state where both Abraham Lincoln, President of the Union, and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, were born. They were born less than one hundred miles and one year apart.  Name the state.

A. Tennessee
B. Illinois
C. Virginia
D. Kentucky
E. North Carolina

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: nally on 08/25/10 at 5:12 pm it Kentucky?

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/25/10 at 5:14 pm

This state is the state where both Abraham Lincoln, President of the Union, and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, were born. They were born less than one hundred miles and one year apart.  Name the state.

A. Tennessee
B. Illinois
C. Virginia
D. Kentucky
E. North Carolina

And Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin that he helped his father build.  :D :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:23 pm

Thank you, kind sir! I had a feeling it would be Nevada anyway since I know a lot about the Spanish language (and I took four years of high school Spanish).

My high school only offered two years  of Spanish.  I took both, never cracked a book and made straight A's.  Learning English and Italian at the same time from infancy didn't hurt none.  My grandmother, although she could speak English, spoke Italian in her home and in the neighborhood.  She lived a few houses away from me so I saw her every day.  Everyone in my neighborhood who were of my grandmother's generation came from Italy.  So Italian was spoken on the street constantly.

It's too bad that they don't speak true Spanish in San Antonio.  They speak a dialog called Tex-Mex which only people in South Texas seem to understand.  People come here from Mexico and have a hard time with the Tex-Mex speakers which is most of the city.  I know a bit of Tex-Mex but I don't like to use it.  It is such an ignorant dialect.   

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:27 pm it Kentucky?

  ;) Kentucky it is - that one was way too easy.  Next one I'll make a hum dinger of.  I put it out because of the parallels between Lincoln and Davis.  I thought that was interesting.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:32 pm


Carlos says Nevada


;) Cat, please tell Don Carlos, lo siento mucho, he's a tad late with his response.  Nally is a quick one and beat him out.  I appreciate his interest.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:34 pm

And Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin that he helped his father build.  :D :D ;D ;D ;D


  :D Cat, you get +1 Karma for making me laugh at Abe Lincoln building the cabin he was born in.  ;D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 5:44 pm

The world's first installed parking meter was in this state on July 16, 1935. Carl C. Magee, of (I can't tell you or I'll give the answer away) is generally credited with originating the parking meter. He filed for a patent for a "coin controlled parking meter" on May 13, 1935. What state saw the first parking meter?

A. New Jersey
B. Oklahoma
C. California
D. New York
E. Iowa

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/25/10 at 5:56 pm

;) Cat, please tell Don Carlos, lo siento mucho, he's a tad late with his response.  Nally is a quick one and beat him out.  I appreciate his interest.

Um...not to nitpick but if you check the times on the posts....

Yeah, I know it is unimportant it is just that I have been getting shafted all day so I'm in the fighting mode to get what I am entitled to.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 6:16 pm

Um...not to nitpick but if you check the times on the posts....

Yeah, I know it is unimportant it is just that I have been getting shafted all day so I'm in the fighting mode to get what I am entitled to.


OK Cat - I missed the post.  Sorry, it happens.  Everybody, Carlos won the trivia question with the answer Nevada.  My bad.  Nally forfeits and I'm fresh out of trivia questions.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/25/10 at 6:18 pm

The world's first installed parking meter was in this state on July 16, 1935. Carl C. Magee, of (I can't tell you or I'll give the answer away) is generally credited with originating the parking meter. He filed for a patent for a "coin controlled parking meter" on May 13, 1935. What state saw the first parking meter?

A. New Jersey
B. Oklahoma
C. California
D. New York
E. Iowa

The first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/25/10 at 9:25 pm

Carlos says Nevada.


he would know...  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/25/10 at 9:26 pm

Thank you, kind sir! I had a feeling it would be Nevada anyway since I know a lot about the Spanish language (and I took four years of high school Spanish).

I'm surprised you didn't point out that Doritos (sorry dude) was wrong in congratulating you since Carlos (via Cat) got the answer first.....

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/25/10 at 9:27 pm



I saw it my friend... you clearly had the answer in first!

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/25/10 at 9:28 pm

And Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin that he helped his father build.  :D :D ;D ;D ;D


and that log cabin was in Illinois....  or not.... maybe he was born in Maryland...  :D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/25/10 at 9:32 pm

Um...not to nitpick but if you check the times on the posts....

Yeah, I know it is unimportant it is just that I have been getting shafted all day so I'm in the fighting mode to get what I am entitled to.


well that makes my going back to pick up these useless  :P

Carlos says Nevada.


I'm thinking Nevada

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: nally on 08/26/10 at 12:01 am

OK Cat - I missed the post.  Sorry, it happens.  Everybody, Carlos won the trivia question with the answer Nevada.  My bad.  Nally forfeits and I'm fresh out of trivia questions.

Also, I didn't see the said post at first either. But I did know the answer.

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/26/10 at 12:18 am

OK..hmm. I hope I'm the first to respond, My answer for the snow thing...Nevada?  ;)

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/26/10 at 12:41 am

OK..hmm. I hope I'm the first to respond, My answer for the snow thing...Nevada?  ;)

WRONG!!! The correct answer was Nevada....or Maryland!  :P

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Don Carlos on 08/26/10 at 10:43 am

Common guys, the "Nevada" thing isn't worth fighting about

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/26/10 at 11:09 am

Common guys, the "Nevada" thing isn't worth fighting about

I know, that was my fault. You know normally it wouldn't have bothered me except for dealing with bureaucracy that I have been dealing with. I sent DoRitos a PM apologizing. 


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/27/10 at 6:34 am

The fiddle is the official state musical instrument. It was designated as such in 1985.  What state is this?

A. Alabama
B. Arkansas
C. West Virginia
D. Kentucky
E. Tennessee

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Don Carlos on 08/27/10 at 10:54 am

The fiddle is the official state musical instrument. It was designated as such in 1985.  What state is this?

A. Alabama
B. Arkansas
C. West Virginia
D. Kentucky
E. Tennessee

I'm guessing W Virginia

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: Frank on 08/27/10 at 10:59 am

I'm guessing W Virginia

I was going to guess Hawaii, but it's not on the list....sadness... :D

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: snozberries on 08/27/10 at 11:43 am

I'm going with Kentucky

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/27/10 at 12:12 pm

I'm going with Kentucky

That is my guess, too.


Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/27/10 at 1:07 pm

:( Sorry, neither West Virginia or Kentucky is correct.  There is about a 33% chance that the next guess will be correct.  Anyone?  :-\\

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: lorac61469 on 08/27/10 at 1:14 pm

How about...
B. Arkansas

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/27/10 at 1:21 pm

How about...
B. Arkansas

;) Arkansas is the correct answer.  8)  I would have guessed one of those Appalachian states myself.   

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/27/10 at 2:57 pm

Root beer was invented in this state in 1898 by Edward Adolf Barq, Sr.  Which state would this be?

A. Ohio
B. Minnesota
C. Mississippi
D. Oregon
E. Wisconsin

Subject: Re: U.S. States Geo-political Trivia

Written By: DoRitos on 08/28/10 at 8:43 am

OK - I'll eliminate Wisconsin for the correct answer.  Seems that no one is all that excited about root beer I would surmise.

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