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Subject: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Silver Power on 03/17/10 at 1:17 pm

Ok, well, I'm starting to take music fairly seriously. I've gotten a small handful of local gigs with other bands, but seriously, local music doesn't have a very high bar set around South Jersey.

I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback on my newest song, "Buried", please? Reply and vote if you have the time.  :)

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Midas on 03/17/10 at 2:11 pm

It's good!  I probably would bring the guitar in at a higher level around 1:00 in. 
Sounds like some autotune used, correct?
I'd probably bring the percussion and guitars back at the end and repeat chorus an octave higher and loud :D

Otherwise, good stuff! :)

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Bobo on 03/17/10 at 2:44 pm

Gosh, I hate criticizing production (even if I'm criticizing it in a positive way, which, I hope you will agree, I am trying to do here..!)

I agree with Midas, a lovely little verse melody at the beginning. The guitar (referenced by Midas from 1:00) does sound slightly crackly and could do with bringing up in level, but the separation between the two instruments is beautiful. The instrument at 1:18 probably needs to be parallel with the bass, on the other side of the mix, to create a more "balanced" feel, which it doesn't entirely sound as though it is on these speakers.

The percussion in the bridge (from 1:52, especially 1:54, onwards) is very intriguing, but the melody line in the bridge needs to be brought forward slightly, because you have a very beautiful line there, which needs to be heard.

I love the breakdown at 2:29, though again I would love it if the instrument was brought forward to complement the vocal.

And the end, bringing the bass in, is just a beautiful touch. The vocals are perfectly clear and distinct - much different from quite a lot of the same music of the same variety where it sounds like the lead vocalist has a bad cold.

And, like Midas says, there's nothing wrong with repeating everything at twice the volume at the end!

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Midas on 03/17/10 at 3:05 pm

^ Bobo knows music production better than me.  Good advise! :)

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Bobo on 03/17/10 at 3:09 pm

^ Bobo knows music production better than me.  Good advise! :)

That's what comes from studying it relentlessly for fifteen months..!

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Silver Power on 03/17/10 at 6:05 pm

It's good!  I probably would bring the guitar in at a higher level around 1:00 in.  
Sounds like some autotune used, correct?
I'd probably bring the percussion and guitars back at the end and repeat chorus an octave higher and loud :D

Otherwise, good stuff! :)

Thank you, Midas. You're were right about the auto-tune, but I tried not to over-use it. And I agree, the octave idea would have actually added a great piece to the song, I'm sorry I didn't think about it.

Gosh, I hate criticizing production (even if I'm criticizing it in a positive way, which, I hope you will agree, I am trying to do here..!)

I agree with Midas, a lovely little verse melody at the beginning. The guitar (referenced by Midas from 1:00) does sound slightly crackly and could do with bringing up in level, but the separation between the two instruments is beautiful. The instrument at 1:18 probably needs to be parallel with the bass, on the other side of the mix, to create a more "balanced" feel, which it doesn't entirely sound as though it is on these speakers.

The percussion in the bridge (from 1:52, especially 1:54, onwards) is very intriguing, but the melody line in the bridge needs to be brought forward slightly, because you have a very beautiful line there, which needs to be heard.

I love the breakdown at 2:29, though again I would love it if the instrument was brought forward to complement the vocal.

And the end, bringing the bass in, is just a beautiful touch. The vocals are perfectly clear and distinct - much different from quite a lot of the same music of the same variety where it sounds like the lead vocalist has a bad cold.

And, like Midas says, there's nothing wrong with repeating everything at twice the volume at the end!

Now THIS is the kind of criticism that I love. Very detailed, and it shows that you actually tried to dissect the song and listen to it. I fully accept your criticism, Bobo. The guitar at 1:00 was meant to be softer, reverberated, and towards the background. This was to keep the song mostly soft. Didn't want the guitars to rattle too hard.

Also, this was the first song I recorded and mixed listening to it through both my speakers and headphones, because sometimes a song will sound better with headphones than on speakers, and vice-versa.

The bass was the driving point of the song. I usually use synthesized bass, as I do powerpop/synthpop music, so using regular sounding bass was a pretty big change.

I agree that I should have made the melody line a bit louder, but I was sort of afraid because on ym first run through of the song with headphones, it sounded a little bit distorted. Nothing can ruin a soft song more than too much vocal distortion, and trust me, it's happened to me before.

In addition to the slight auto-tune, I added chorus to my voice. Dunno why I liked it, but I did, so I kept it.

Again, I thank you for this criticism, because, good or bad, it'll help me in the long run.

If you want to hear some of my other music, I'm at - and almost all of my songs can be downloaded for free at

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Ashkicksass on 03/17/10 at 6:59 pm

Did you write this?  WOW!  :D  It's awesome!

I know nothing about music production, but I know talent when I hear it, and you are very talented.

I have to say though, that I am not a big fan of autotune.  I would MUCH rather hear your own voice.  It's so much more real that way.  I feel like autotune takes the emotion out of things.  Have more faith in yourself - you're really good.

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Silver Power on 03/17/10 at 7:50 pm

Thanks, and yes, I wrote it, and produced, and performed, etc.

I agree with the fact that auto-tune takes some emotion out of a song, but the kind of music I do is electronic, and it suits the style. But I'm going to do a stripped-down acoustic-type song without auto-tune in the future.

Thanks again.

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Silver Power on 03/18/10 at 7:52 am

I was the one who voted 'Ok' on the poll though, just so I could see the results.  ;)

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Silver Power on 03/18/10 at 6:20 pm

Oh, and Midas, I see you enjoy techno/dance music.. I also make remixes, too. If you want, I'll post one. :D

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: DJ Blaze on 04/12/10 at 4:01 pm

Just listened, not bad at all! A little heavy on autotune, but overall a good song that deserves some radio airplay. Best part is when the guitars kick in. 8/10.

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/12/10 at 4:29 pm

Awesome song!  Best of luck!

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Silver Power on 04/12/10 at 8:52 pm

Thanks DJ and Penny. Also, Penny... I love ferrets.

On my top 3 animals list, it would probably be 3rd, after Penguins and Guinea Pigs.

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Henk on 04/13/10 at 4:14 pm

I voted OK. Which may need some explaining.

First: I think 3:30 is too short for this song. You should at least add another minute (and you can take that as a compliment).
A minute of what? you might ask. More percussion please. More volume. More climax. And then bring it down to an absolute minimum towards the end. Maybe even go a cappella. Please no fade. Those last words should really be the last words.

But hey, that's just me. Maybe that's totally not your style. And I can only wish I had your talent.

Subject: Re: Could you guys give me feedback on my music, pretty please? :)

Written By: Silver Power on 04/13/10 at 4:46 pm

Thanks for the feedback, Henk. I understand your criticism as well.

There are probably parts within the song that I should have and shouldn't have done, but I'm fairly satisfied with the outcome. Possibly, sometime, I'll re-record and rearrange a few of my songs.



New music up at - Check it out if you can.

I'd post it here, but I don't want to spam up the boards with my music.

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