The Pop Culture Information Society...
These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.
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Subject: The DJ has taken over the Writing On The Walrus!!!
Written By: DJ Blaze on 01/12/10 at 8:39 pm
Yes, you know where I got the title. So, this shows that about 90% of the WOTW replies on the front page were by me a while back, and this'll hopefully become another long general discussion thread.
Subject: Re: The DJ has taken over the Writing On The Walrus!!!
Written By: Midas on 01/13/10 at 8:00 pm
I shall take no such credit for taking over WotW with the exception of LTE from time to time. :D Additionally, I admit to being an instigator and enjoy kettle corn popcorn when drama is abound at the 00ze. Forever and ever, amen.
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Copyright 1995-2020, by Charles R. Grosvenor Jr.