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Subject: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: Marty McFly on 05/26/08 at 10:06 pm
Even as a teen I never felt the need to rebel against my parents or authority in general. Sure I had disagreements with people (everyone does, especially with loved ones) and got ticked off about certain things, but rarely was it ever anything serious that lasted for long. I never went to parties much (even when I was invited, I felt a little shy and out of place) or wanted to do alot of the stuff that teenagers like to do, especially guys. I don't think I ever cut school, I never wanted to look at stuff like porn, or barely even played my music loud. Pretty much I was always a geek who feels more comfortable with reading the encyclopedia or having conversations with people and watching tv or just getting really into things. ;)
Yet at the same time, my surface personality is like surfer dude/Valley Girl combo. I love having simple fun and it doesn't take alot to get me excited. In fact, if someone saw me like that (which I usually only tend to be when I'm comfortable), they'd probably never suspect how much of a goody two-shoes I am and have always been, lol. Maybe that's what ultimately confuses people about me. I've also always been pretty timeless in the sense that the mature and fun traits in me have always co-existed. I didn't suddenly become mature at 18 or 21 or 25 (which I think is a huge misconception). I've always been ME, i've just improved on it. ;D
Has or does anyone else ever experience this? Sure we all have different sides to our personality, but do you ever feel like there's literally two people inside you fighting for the same space?
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/26/08 at 10:12 pm
hahaah...sometimes I feel like there are maybe 5 different personalities/people inside of me...fighting to be seen. Sometimes I can be the happiest/outgoing/friendly person on the face of the planet...yet other times I am my polar opposite (moody, dark, sarcastic, mean, etc). I can be serious...very very serious...yet other times I am so silly and immature. I know exactly what you mean. I don't think it's necessarily two different personas wanting to break's merely just fragments of you as a whole..shining in different lights. ;)
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: Davester on 05/26/08 at 10:33 pm
My old friend, John (whom I've known since the 1st grade), was a mama's boy. He always did what was expected of him. Was never a problem with me but he always seemed uptight like Cameron Frye. He said if felt good (and I assume he meant liberating) when I talked him into stealing one of his parent's wine coolers from the fridge and drinking it in the garage...
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/26/08 at 10:36 pm
My old friend, John (whom I've known since the 1st grade), was a mama's boy. He always did what was expected of him. Was never a problem with me but he always seemed uptight like Cameron Frye. He said if felt good (and I assume he meant liberating) when I talked him into stealing one of his parent's wine coolers from the fridge and drinking it in the garage... little devil, you. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: Davester on 05/26/08 at 10:40 pm little devil, you. ;) ;D
I think I totally missed Marty's point...
"Liberating" was the operative term. Like doing something stupid once in awhile...
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/26/08 at 10:54 pm
Even as a teen I never felt the need to rebel against my parents or authority in general.
( ... )
Yet at the same time, my surface personality is like surfer dude/Valley Girl combo.
In short, you're enough of a nonconformist to realize that some forms of rebellion are merely other forms of conformity. You're not crazy - maybe you're just part Yeti?
"Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive."
- Bugs Bunny
I'll be the guy making wisecracks about deck chairs even as the ship sinks under the waves. I'll also be the guy herding people onto the lifeboats while I'm making those wisecracks. Nothing says you can't do both at the same time.
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: coqueta83 on 05/26/08 at 11:18 pm
I have those feelings sometimes....there are days when I like to be talkative and sociable, other days I'm quiet and deep in thought. My emotions can range from happy to moody to excited to frustrated.
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: audkal on 05/26/08 at 11:39 pm
Yeah I'm a bit like that too, hehe. In public I'm super laid back/shy, yet at home, I can be really spunky and joke-around a lot. A lot of it just depends on who I'm with I guess.
Also, I tend to dress in kind of a clean, respectable way, and yet sometimes I just get the urge to dye my hair weird colors (which I've done a few times, temporarily though). I once dyed my hair purple before visiting my grandma, she freaked out a bit, and then my mom said, "That's like...the wildest thing she does." ::)
Subject: Re: Do you ever feel like you're literally two different people inside?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/27/08 at 2:28 am
On average, 9 days out of 10 I'm friendly and outgoing and humorous and self-confident.
However, every now and then I get really withdrawn and quiet and I feel like I'm the biggest dork on the face of the earth. :P
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