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Subject: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: wsmith4 on 04/01/08 at 3:48 pm

I just remembered these!!!!  I used to eat them about once a week with my chicksen fingles. 

Gatotots were Tatertots in the shape of Alligators. 

This is a picture from the box.

This is what they looked like.

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/01/08 at 3:52 pm

Don't remember Gatotots.  But I remember chicken nuggets shaped as animals.

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/01/08 at 10:01 pm

wow...I really don't remember those. :-\\

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: wsmith4 on 04/02/08 at 7:27 am

wow...I really don't remember those. :-\\

hehehe I'd be worried if you did  ;)

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/02/08 at 7:59 am

hehehe I'd be worried if you did  ;)

hhaahaha...silly Bill, you tricked me! :D ;D

But you remember those smiley face french fries? Those were soooo good!

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: wsmith4 on 04/02/08 at 8:03 am

hhaahaha...silly Bill, you tricked me! :D ;D

But you remember those smiley face french fries? Those were soooo good!

I do!  They still make them... I think.  I saw them not too long ago at the store.

You have to expect at least 1 completely meaningless thread from me on April Fools Day! :)

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/02/08 at 8:04 am

I do!  They still make them... I think.  I saw them not too long ago at the store.

You have to expect at least 1 completely meaningless thread from me on April Fools Day! :)

hahaah..that's true. You're the king of silly threads, so what better day than April 1st, huh?

Ya, they still make them...but they just don't taste like they did before. Have you ever noticed that? Things just don't taste the same as when we were kids! :D

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: wsmith4 on 04/02/08 at 8:08 am

hahaah..that's true. You're the king of silly threads, so what better day than April 1st, huh?

Ya, they still make them...but they just don't taste like they did before. Have you ever noticed that? Things just don't taste the same as when we were kids! :D

I have definitely noticed that... best example would be the Jello Pudding Pops... but I haven't had the smiley face fries since way back when so I can't compare them.  Did you also notice that everything is getting smaller (but the price is still going up)?  Even Cadbury Eggs... I swear they're smaller than they used to be! 

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/02/08 at 8:16 am

I have definitely noticed that... best example would be the Jello Pudding Pops... but I haven't had the smiley face fries since way back when so I can't compare them.  Did you also notice that everything is getting smaller (but the price is still going up)?  Even Cadbury Eggs... I swear they're smaller than they used to be! 

OMG yes! I was just thinking about the jello pudding pops! Do they even still make them now?  Those were the best! I used to love eating them in the summertime!!  And yes, I have noticed that things are getting smaller, yet more expensive.  Also, wasn't it refreshing when we were younger...people weren't so hung up on calorie/fat content....and it was no big deal to eat a Happy Meal?! I mean, I know it's only because time has allowed people to realize that certain foods aren't very good for us and all...but back then...people were so casual and laid back. My mom used to take us to McDonald's all the time, for a Happy Meal...the one that included the cheeseburger, fries, and yummy orange drink! Nowadays, people look at you like you are some sort of heathen for letting your kid eat that kind of stuff (which, btw, we don't go there very often...but every once in awhile I don't think is a big deal).

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: wsmith4 on 04/02/08 at 8:23 am

OMG yes! I was just thinking about the jello pudding pops! Do they even still make them now?  Those were the best! I used to love eating them in the summertime!!  And yes, I have noticed that things are getting smaller, yet more expensive.  Also, wasn't it refreshing when we were younger...people weren't so hung up on calorie/fat content....and it was no big deal to eat a Happy Meal?! I mean, I know it's only because time has allowed people to realize that certain foods aren't very good for us and all...but back then...people were so casual and laid back. My mom used to take us to McDonald's all the time, for a Happy Meal...the one that included the cheeseburger, fries, and yummy orange drink! Nowadays, people look at you like you are some sort of heathen for letting your kid eat that kind of stuff (which, btw, we don't go there very often...but every once in awhile I don't think is a big deal).

I have seen them in the store but they're not the same... different shape, and they taste different.  Figures! LOL

I know what you mean about the way people used to eat compared to now.  I hate the whole "healthy" image that McDonald's is trying to project now... they're not healthy and they've never been healthy! LOL I don't think anybody ever went there thinking they were getting a well-rounded meal.  It was just tasty food to eat in moderation.  For me, as a kid, it was a fun activity/outing to go to McDonald's.  It wasn't just food, it was an experience.  And it was special because, I guess, even back then it was known that it wasn't so great for you, so we didn't go that often.  But I plan on taking my kid there someday.  I don't think 4 little chicken mcnuggets and a tiny bag of fries is really gonna hurt a kid.  They eat dirt, for christ's sake LOL

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/02/08 at 8:40 am

I have seen them in the store but they're not the same... different shape, and they taste different.  Figures! LOL

I know what you mean about the way people used to eat compared to now.  I hate the whole "healthy" image that McDonald's is trying to project now... they're not healthy and they've never been healthy! LOL I don't think anybody ever went there thinking they were getting a well-rounded meal.  It was just tasty food to eat in moderation.  For me, as a kid, it was a fun activity/outing to go to McDonald's.  It wasn't just food, it was an experience.  And it was special because, I guess, even back then it was known that it wasn't so great for you, so we didn't go that often.  But I plan on taking my kid there someday.  I don't think 4 little chicken mcnuggets and a tiny bag of fries is really gonna hurt a kid.  They eat dirt, for christ's sake LOL

hahaah...I totally agree. It was a fun outing! I've always loved the McDonald's characters too. When I think of nostalgic advertising characters...those are the ones that always come to mind (Birdie, Grimus, Hamburglar, the fry guys, etc). Remember how they used to have high chairs for babies, and on each high chair was like a little packet that included one of those plastic bibs with all of the characters on them? OMG..they don't do that anymore. Oh..a few years ago I bid on Ebay for these neat plastic trays from McDonald's...they had like a little cup holder in them, and a picture of a McDonald's character on it...I won the auction. I have them somewhere..I'll have to take a picture of them to see if you remember what I'm talking about.

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: wsmith4 on 04/02/08 at 8:46 am

hahaah...I totally agree. It was a fun outing! I've always loved the McDonald's characters too. When I think of nostalgic advertising characters...those are the ones that always come to mind (Birdie, Grimus, Hamburglar, the fry guys, etc). Remember how they used to have high chairs for babies, and on each high chair was like a little packet that included one of those plastic bibs with all of the characters on them? OMG..they don't do that anymore. Oh..a few years ago I bid on Ebay for these neat plastic trays from McDonald's...they had like a little cup holder in them, and a picture of a McDonald's character on it...I won the auction. I have them somewhere..I'll have to take a picture of them to see if you remember what I'm talking about.

I do remember them!!!  My brother actually found out at Goodwill not too long ago.  He's a big old nostalgia freak too LOL  They did have the best characters.  Grimus was always my favorite.  I used to love their commercials, especially the Christmas one with the kids & Ronald ice you remember that one?  It's on Youtube.. search McDonald's Christmas.  I can't get a link to youtube at work but it's so much fun to watch!! :)

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 04/02/08 at 11:23 pm

I do remember them!!!  My brother actually found out at Goodwill not too long ago.  He's a big old nostalgia freak too LOL  They did have the best characters.  Grimus was always my favorite.  I used to love their commercials, especially the Christmas one with the kids & Ronald ice you remember that one?  It's on Youtube.. search McDonald's Christmas.  I can't get a link to youtube at work but it's so much fun to watch!! :)

OMG...I loved their commercials!! They always gave me such a warm and cozy feeling! :)

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: whistledog on 04/03/08 at 8:24 am

hhaahaha...silly Bill, you tricked me! :D ;D

But you remember those smiley face french fries? Those were soooo good!

They still make those.  I just bought some about a month ago

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: Tia on 04/03/08 at 8:30 am

so here's the thing... you make up a word, then google it, and it turns out it exists!

Subject: Re: 'Member Gatotots?

Written By: wsmith4 on 04/03/08 at 9:36 am

so here's the thing... you make up a word, then google it, and it turns out it exists!

LOL too funny

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