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Subject: Job Interview

Written By: jackas on 07/17/07 at 1:21 am

I have an issue that I'd like to get some of your opinions on.  I put out an application the other day for misc. jobs that open in the city of Boise.  So today I was offered a job interview (by e-mail) and the job pays $ 2.00 an hour less than what I am looking for.  So here are the things I was kind of wondering about.....  Should I just pass on the offer for the interview since it's less than I'm willing to accept.  Go to the interview and let them know later that I'll only accept the job (if offered) if it pays more.  Or should I call or e-mail the guy and directly ask him about the pay before bothering with an interview.  What do you suggest?

Subject: Re: Job Interview

Written By: Red Ant on 07/17/07 at 2:19 am

Personally, I'd go to the interview and try to knock them dead (i.e., be spectacular). IMO, interviews are not about saying the right things, but about being yourself and how you can help the company by doing so. I've found that if I try to "say the right things" in interviews, seldom do I get a call back.

I've come to realize that job satisfaction and pay are nearly a 50/50 split: I can't work at a job where I'm unhappy, no matter if the pay was three times what they are paying me. Conversely, if you can't make it on 2$/hr less than what they are offering, no matter how much you may like the job, you really can't work there.

You can mention the pay aspect, but waiting the typical 90 days for a raise might give them a chance to offer you more...

I should mention that "waiting and proving yourself..." thing didn't work for me at my current job, which is why today is my last day there. I did, however, get an offer from another individual that pays 3$ an hour+ more than my current job, a job that is much easier and with less BS than my current (soon to be former) job.


Subject: Re: Job Interview

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 07/17/07 at 2:38 am

I have an issue that I'd like to get some of your opinions on.  I put out an application the other day for misc. jobs that open in the city of Boise.  So today I was offered a job interview (by e-mail) and the job pays $ 2.00 an hour less than what I am looking for.  So here are the things I was kind of wondering about.....   Should I just pass on the offer for the interview since it's less than I'm willing to accept.  Go to the interview and let them know later that I'll only accept the job (if offered) if it pays more.  Or should I call or e-mail the guy and directly ask him about the pay before bothering with an interview.  What do you suggest?

Hey Chrissy. It's good to see you back.  I'd go with option #3,, call or e-mail the guy and directly ask him about the pay before bothering with an interview. It sounds like you won't accept the job offer at this wage schedule anyways. Perhaps if you go in, you'll totally WOW them &  they'll offer you more money.  Unless you want to go in for interview practice, then go for it. Otherwise, you're a bright talented woman & any company will be fortunate to get you on their payroll,  and chances are that you will probably come across something better and at the hourly wage you desire. good luck.        oh yeah, lastly but not least,  if you go in for the interview wanting to get paid more money, you should wear a short skirt.  ;)

Subject: Re: Job Interview

Written By: Green Lantern on 07/17/07 at 3:10 am

Hey Chrissy. It's good to see you back.  I'd go with option #3,, call or e-mail the guy and directly ask him about the pay before bothering with an interview. It sounds like you won't accept the job offer at this wage schedule anyways. Perhaps if you go in, you'll totally WOW them &  they'll offer you more money.  Unless you want to go in for interview practice, then go for it. Otherwise, you're a bright talented woman & any company will be fortunate to get you on their payroll,  and chances are that you will probably come across something better and at the hourly wage you desire. good luck.        oh yeah, lastly but not least,  if you go in for the interview wanting to get paid more money, you should wear a short skirt.  ;)

any company will be fortunate to get you on their payroll, ... at the hourly wage you desire. .... if you go in for the interview wanting to get paid more money, you should wear a short skirt. 

Yes, Miss Chrissy, I've had a good look at your resume, and you seem Just the person for the job. However ... we certainly can't afford to hire you at an hourly rate of $500 an hour!!
>:( >:(

Oh, excuse me, I've just dropped my pencil.

:o :o :o

  <- To Scale ->
.....  :o  ..... Is that (cough, splutter)  a skirt ??  :o

Oh, yes, I'm sure $5,000 an hour is NO problem!
:D ;D

Subject: Re: Job Interview

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/17/07 at 3:43 am

You can only know the taste of the cake once you have biten into it.

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