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Subject: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 07/16/07 at 1:13 pm
Every major station except for Fox, has a morning show. I find most are good. The only one I am not too keen on is the Today show. Their segments are a bit too glossy for me and have too much background music to them. Some of the interviews can be good, but I still find it as a lot of empty journalism. I'd say I find Good Morning America the most appealing of the 3 during the weekdays. I enjoy watching CBS Sunday Morning the most, though. The stories are very well done.
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 07/16/07 at 1:13 pm
Today Show
Good Morning America
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/16/07 at 1:43 pm
Mornings? I don't do mornings? :D ;D ;D Of course I usually wake up AFTER these shows are over but my "morning show" is the newspaper and cup of tea.
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: Paul on 07/16/07 at 1:48 pm
Okay, you didn't ask us in Englandland, but I normally have the BBC's effort on for about 20 minutes before I leave for work...
This is only because I can keep an ear out for any train cancellations...other than that, it's just background noise...
And we were certainly late in the day in having breakfast TV...1983 ours started!
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: statsqueen on 07/16/07 at 2:32 pm
GMA but only during the school year. When Micah is out for the summer, I tend to sleep in a little and don't turn the tv on as I have it timed to where I leave right about the time I finish getting ready. ;D Sept. is gonna suck, having to get up a half hour earlier again.
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/16/07 at 2:35 pm
None of the above.
I don't watch TV in the mornings...and I certainly don't listen to talk radio! :P
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: Howard on 07/16/07 at 3:49 pm
The Today Show with Meredith Viera.
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 07/16/07 at 3:55 pm
Okay, you didn't ask us in Englandland, but I normally have the BBC's effort on for about 20 minutes before I leave for work...
This is only because I can keep an ear out for any train cancellations...other than that, it's just background noise...
And we were certainly late in the day in having breakfast TV...1983 ours started!
Sorry 'bout that Paul. I went on and did just a general international morning show option for those outside the states. There would just be too many to investigate otherwise. Hope that helps ;)
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: whistledog on 07/16/07 at 8:32 pm
I usually only watch morning shows when I hear talk of someone I want to see is going to be on there. A while ago on CITY-TV (Station out of Toronto) they had promos for their morning show Breakfast Television (BT) that SAGA was returning home to Canada and they were going to perform live, so I definately woke up to watch that, but my cable went out so I never got to see it :\'(
Subject: Re: What's Your Favorite Morning Show (USA, Mostly)?
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 07/16/07 at 11:30 pm
I watch Today and Fox News in the Morning (local show). I can't watch GMA because Diane Sawyer bugs the crap out of's that "I'm smarter than you" tone in her voice (which Martha Stewart also has)
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