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Subject: Would you be angry?
Written By: Southern Image on 02/28/07 at 11:11 am
Heres a story of MY life:
My kids class was schedule for a field trip for TODAY! I volunteered 3 weeks ago to help out. Well it rained for a few days and notices were sent home on Monday that the field trip had been canceled till next Friday March 9. This morning I was waiting for the teacher so I could talk to her. When she came outside, I told her I would not be able to help on the field trip. She said ok. Another parent was with me and she asked him if he still could help out next week, he said yes.
I leave and do some errands when I get a call from dad on my cell. He tells me Cassie forgot her homework and could I hurry home to get and bring it to her. So I did. I go up to the school and go to my daughters classroom, and there are NO kids in there. I could hear a bunch of kids talking so I followed the sound, and low and behold, I see my daughters class boarding a bus. The Principa and Teacher are there telling them the rules of field trip conduct.
I ask the Principal and the Teacher "whats going on, where are they going?", They tell me the field trip. I look at the teacher and say to her " I just spoke with you 20 minutes ago and you told me the field trip was NEXT FRIDAY. The Prinicpal and Teacher say they know, but the buses came and they are going as scheduled. WTF?!?! The teacher then askes me if I still could help out. By that time I just look at her and say NO.
I go home and I'm pissed off as hell, and I let it out. I tell my parents what just took place. They say I should get a few parents and have a meeting with the Prinicpal and Teacher. Right now I want to compose a letter stating how I feel, but I'm afraid I will use some language in it that isn't proper.
Now I'm writing to you, and keeping it clean -hahaha
What would you say or do if it happen to you?
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Jessica on 02/28/07 at 11:28 am
Oh hell no! That is beyond stupid. Why the hell didn't they think to cancel the busses for the trip? Why didn't they call all the parents in your daughter's class that had volunteered and tell them that the field trip was still on? It wouldn't have taken that long to do! Why the hell are schools so stupid?
I would so write a letter stating how you feel. And I would get the other parents involved. That's just DUMB.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 02/28/07 at 11:50 am
I am disappointed in the quality of educators in this country.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/28/07 at 12:40 pm
Heres a story of MY life:
My kids class was schedule for a field trip for TODAY! I volunteered 3 weeks ago to help out. Well it rained for a few days and notices were sent home on Monday that the field trip had been canceled till next Friday March 9. This morning I was waiting for the teacher so I could talk to her. When she came outside, I told her I would not be able to help on the field trip. She said ok. Another parent was with me and she asked him if he still could help out next week, he said yes.
I leave and do some errands when I get a call from dad on my cell. He tells me Cassie forgot her homework and could I hurry home to get and bring it to her. So I did. I go up to the school and go to my daughters classroom, and there are NO kids in there. I could hear a bunch of kids talking so I followed the sound, and low and behold, I see my daughters class boarding a bus. The Principa and Teacher are there telling them the rules of field trip conduct.
I ask the Principal and the Teacher "whats going on, where are they going?", They tell me the field trip. I look at the teacher and say to her " I just spoke with you 20 minutes ago and you told me the field trip was NEXT FRIDAY. The Prinicpal and Teacher say they know, but the buses came and they are going as scheduled. WTF?!?! The teacher then askes me if I still could help out. By that time I just look at her and say NO.
I go home and I'm pissed off as hell, and I let it out. I tell my parents what just took place. They say I should get a few parents and have a meeting with the Prinicpal and Teacher. Right now I want to compose a letter stating how I feel, but I'm afraid I will use some language in it that isn't proper.
Now I'm writing to you, and keeping it clean -hahaha
What would you say or do if it happen to you?
Write a letter-and you can include all the "colorful metaphors" (as Spock called them) you want-but don't send THAT one. Rewrite it after you calm down. I would send it to the School Board.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 02/28/07 at 12:53 pm
As a person who works in a school, it really surprises me that they wouldn't notify the parents that they were taking the field trip today instead of March 9th. There are all sorts of liability issues involved, but it's mostly wrong, because parents have a right to know where their kids are. Sure, they probably signed a permission slip originally, but still...the school should have notified everyone of the change. What if some sort emergency occured? The teacher and the principal were definitely out of bounds.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 02/28/07 at 1:58 pm
I'd be furious if that happened to me! >:(
You should definitely write a letter, as it sounds like the school and its faculty have some major communication problems!
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: lorac61469 on 02/28/07 at 2:01 pm
I would be pissed off.
I want to know where my child is at all times. If she's supposed to be at school, then that's where I expect her to be. Not on a field trip.
Write a letter or set up a meeting at the school.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Southern Image on 03/01/07 at 9:11 am
I went and made a complaint at the office, but that didn't get me anywhere. They said they had signed permissions slips, and that they had to go or lose the trip. I thought I even heard the office lady tell the other person inside that "Another Irate parent" was in complaining.
I felt the permissions slips were canceled out since they canceled said trip until following week, and even had sent out new slips for the parents to sign if they could still help out.
Some kids were able to call their parents and word spread to other parents. At NO time was I given a call about this. They have my work number, cell number, and home number. But no one called me. >:( The only reason I found out was because I happen to go back to campus to talk to my daughter, and ended up finding them boarding the bus. ::)
I am still writing a letter to the District about this little incident. There were a few parents who were upset like me, and there were some that looked at me like I was crazy for being mad and it was no big deal ? ???
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/01/07 at 11:29 am
It IS a big deal though. The school is supposed to inform you of any change in plans, that's what they SHOULD do anyway. You should keep writing that letter and send it in. If they don't respond, send in the really colorful one and sic the mayor or your congressman on them (unlikely they'd care but it'd be really funny).
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Marian on 03/01/07 at 11:34 am
As a person who works in a school, it really surprises me that they wouldn't notify the parents that they were taking the field trip today instead of March 9th. There are all sorts of liability issues involved, but it's mostly wrong, because parents have a right to know where their kids are. Sure, they probably signed a permission slip originally, but still...the school should have notified everyone of the change. What if some sort emergency occured? The teacher and the principal were definitely out of bounds.
yes,this should definitely be reported.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/01/07 at 11:35 am
Which school district was it and where were they going, btw?
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Marian on 03/01/07 at 11:37 am
Which school district was it and where were they going, btw?
I don't think she lives in san Jose,so it's probably not san Jose unified.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 03/01/07 at 12:16 pm
You should definitely contact the district office. This is inexcusable.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 03/01/07 at 1:11 pm
Here is my letter to the school
March 1, 2007
To Bonita Unified School District, Ekstrand School, Albert Cahueque, and Mrs. Campos:
I am very disappointed in what transpired on Wednesday February 28, concerning the Adobe field trip. We (The parents) were sent home notices that the field trip had been canceled. I personally spoke with Mrs. Campos that very morning regarding the field trip, to let her know I would not be able to help out on March 9th. Another parent was there with me as well.
I left school grounds and went on an errand. I received a call on my cell telling me my daughter had forgot her homework and could I bring it to school. I went home, looked for her home work, and return to the school grounds. I went to my daughters class and found it to be empty. I heard children’s voices coming from the Office side of the campus, and went to investigate.
I was shocked to see Mrs. Campos, Mr. C, and the kids lined up to board a bus. I asked them where they were going and Mr. C told me they were going on the field trip as scheduled. I looked at Mrs. Campos, and asked her why nothing was said to me, when we had talked this morning around 8 a.m. about it. She then asked me if I could still help. I told her no. I had thought this trip was canceled so I had made other plans. If I had been told this was still happening I would have helped out. But I feel there were miscommunications going on somewhere.
After school, I went to pick up my daughter. I then went to the office to make a complaint about it. I felt I was treated like another irate parent who is mad for no reason at all. I had every right to be angry with the situation. NO phone calls were made to my house, my work , or my cell to let me know that MY daughter was leaving on the field trip.
I know that there were signed permission slips. Those slips went out 3 weeks in advance. But when you send home a notice that cancels a field trip then those permission slips are no longer valid, IMHO.
I also want to know how/why the buses were there to pick up the children when we were told it was canceled. I know the buses just don’t show up and they sure don’t get to school grounds that fast. Why weren’t the buses notified that this trip was canceled?
If there had been a family emergency, or my daughter had been hurt on this field trip, WHO would have told me? I was under the impression my daughter was at school.
How many parents were notified at last minute this trip was taking place? I’m sure I’m not the only parent that is upset about this. How are we going to prevent this from happening again? The school, principal, and teachers needs to communicate with the parents on what is going on.
I try to participate and help out with as many school functions as I can. I try to keep updated on what’s going on in my daughter’s classroom. I have taken my daughter to school every morning since she was in kindergarten. I do not drop her off and let her wait in the cafeteria. I stay with her until the teacher opens the door and lets them in. I communicate with the teacher as much as I can. But this incident made me upset.
Heres one that sounds way better then mine.
Dear Mr. Cahueque,
I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the miscommunication of the February 28th Adobe field trip.
On __________, parents were notified via a letter from Mrs. Campos that, because of the weather, the field trip would be postponed until March 9. When I dropped my daughter off at school on February 28th, another parent and I spoke with Mrs. Campos, who asked if I would be able to chaperone the field trip on March 9. I told her I couldn’t and then left the school to run errands. I received a call on my cell phone from _________, telling me that my daughter had forgotten her homework and could I deliver it to school.
When I arrived at the school, my daughter’s classroom was empty. I was shocked to see that the children were lining up to board a bus and Mrs. Campos and you giving them instructions. I was shocked and confused, as Mrs. Campos had just told me earlier that morning that the field trip would be March 9. As I stood watching the children board the bus, Mrs. Campos proceeded to ask if I could assist on the field trip that day. I told her that I understood the field trip was not taking place that day and so I had made other plans.
After school, I picked up my daughter and went to the school office to make a complaint. I felt as if my concerns were not being taken seriously – as if I were an irate parent who was angry without reason. I am very upset about the situation since no one informed me that the field trip was taking place as scheduled. If I had not returned to school to drop off my daughter’s homework, I would never have known she was attending a field trip that day. I was under the impression that she would be at school all day. What would I have done if there was a family emergency and I needed to pick her up during the day? What if something happened to her and I went to the school, assuming she was there? What if something had happened to the school itself and I thought she was in there?
I know permission slips were signed for February 28 field trip, but once that trip is cancelled, and parents are informed that the trip is cancelled, does that not make the permission slips invalid?
Obviously there was a great deal of miscommunication that day. Not only were parents not informed of the changes, but apparently the bus department was never notified because they showed up as if the schedule had never changed. Or, they knew ahead of time that the trip would take place as originally planned. If the bus department knew to pick up the kids, why weren’t parents notified that the field trip was taking place as originally planned? I’m curious to know how many parents, if any, were notified that a last-minute field trip was taking place? I’m sure there are other parents who feel the same way as I. The school, principal and teacher need to communicate with parents and I feel there was a major miscommunication regarding this field trip.
Since my daughter entered kindergarten, I have done my best to be an active parent and to communicate regularly with her teacher. I volunteer regularly and try to stay updated about the goings-on of my daughter’s classroom. As a parent, I can only expect that responsible teachers and administrators would keep me informed and not take my daughter off school grounds without my knowledge.
I am very concerned about this matter and I would like to speak with you about it as soon as possible. I will be contacting your office within the next few days to schedule an appointment. If you would like to contact me, my phone number is _________________.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
I hope these helped you. :)
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 03/01/07 at 1:14 pm
Which school district was it and where were they going, btw?
Bonita Unified School District in Los Angeles County. They were going 2 cities away which is only about a 10 min ride. But thats not the point. I was told it was canceled and they ended up going anyways.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/01/07 at 7:53 pm
Bonita Unified School District in Los Angeles County. They were going 2 cities away which is only about a 10 min ride. But thats not the point. I was told it was canceled and they ended up going anyways.
No, regardless of where they were going, they should have informed you. I think that the admins brushed it off because the trip was in such close proximity to school grounds though, not that it excuses them for being stupid.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/02/07 at 11:02 am
Here is my letter to the school
March 1, 2007
To Bonita Unified School District, Ekstrand School, Albert Cahueque, and Mrs. Campos:
I am very disappointed in what transpired on Wednesday February 28, concerning the Adobe field trip. We (The parents) were sent home notices that the field trip had been canceled. I personally spoke with Mrs. Campos that very morning regarding the field trip, to let her know I would not be able to help out on March 9th. Another parent was there with me as well.
I left school grounds and went on an errand. I received a call on my cell telling me my daughter had forgot her homework and could I bring it to school. I went home, looked for her home work, and return to the school grounds. I went to my daughters class and found it to be empty. I heard children’s voices coming from the Office side of the campus, and went to investigate.
I was shocked to see Mrs. Campos, Mr. C, and the kids lined up to board a bus. I asked them where they were going and Mr. C told me they were going on the field trip as scheduled. I looked at Mrs. Campos, and asked her why nothing was said to me, when we had talked this morning around 8 a.m. about it. She then asked me if I could still help. I told her no. I had thought this trip was canceled so I had made other plans. If I had been told this was still happening I would have helped out. But I feel there were miscommunications going on somewhere.
After school, I went to pick up my daughter. I then went to the office to make a complaint about it. I felt I was treated like another irate parent who is mad for no reason at all. I had every right to be angry with the situation. NO phone calls were made to my house, my work , or my cell to let me know that MY daughter was leaving on the field trip.
I know that there were signed permission slips. Those slips went out 3 weeks in advance. But when you send home a notice that cancels a field trip then those permission slips are no longer valid, IMHO.
I also want to know how/why the buses were there to pick up the children when we were told it was canceled. I know the buses just don’t show up and they sure don’t get to school grounds that fast. Why weren’t the buses notified that this trip was canceled?
If there had been a family emergency, or my daughter had been hurt on this field trip, WHO would have told me? I was under the impression my daughter was at school.
How many parents were notified at last minute this trip was taking place? I’m sure I’m not the only parent that is upset about this. How are we going to prevent this from happening again? The school, principal, and teachers needs to communicate with the parents on what is going on.
I try to participate and help out with as many school functions as I can. I try to keep updated on what’s going on in my daughter’s classroom. I have taken my daughter to school every morning since she was in kindergarten. I do not drop her off and let her wait in the cafeteria. I stay with her until the teacher opens the door and lets them in. I communicate with the teacher as much as I can. But this incident made me upset.
Heres one that sounds way better then mine.
Dear Mr. Cahueque,
I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the miscommunication of the February 28th Adobe field trip.
On __________, parents were notified via a letter from Mrs. Campos that, because of the weather, the field trip would be postponed until March 9. When I dropped my daughter off at school on February 28th, another parent and I spoke with Mrs. Campos, who asked if I would be able to chaperone the field trip on March 9. I told her I couldn’t and then left the school to run errands. I received a call on my cell phone from _________, telling me that my daughter had forgotten her homework and could I deliver it to school.
When I arrived at the school, my daughter’s classroom was empty. I was shocked to see that the children were lining up to board a bus and Mrs. Campos and you giving them instructions. I was shocked and confused, as Mrs. Campos had just told me earlier that morning that the field trip would be March 9. As I stood watching the children board the bus, Mrs. Campos proceeded to ask if I could assist on the field trip that day. I told her that I understood the field trip was not taking place that day and so I had made other plans.
After school, I picked up my daughter and went to the school office to make a complaint. I felt as if my concerns were not being taken seriously – as if I were an irate parent who was angry without reason. I am very upset about the situation since no one informed me that the field trip was taking place as scheduled. If I had not returned to school to drop off my daughter’s homework, I would never have known she was attending a field trip that day. I was under the impression that she would be at school all day. What would I have done if there was a family emergency and I needed to pick her up during the day? What if something happened to her and I went to the school, assuming she was there? What if something had happened to the school itself and I thought she was in there?
I know permission slips were signed for February 28 field trip, but once that trip is cancelled, and parents are informed that the trip is cancelled, does that not make the permission slips invalid?
Obviously there was a great deal of miscommunication that day. Not only were parents not informed of the changes, but apparently the bus department was never notified because they showed up as if the schedule had never changed. Or, they knew ahead of time that the trip would take place as originally planned. If the bus department knew to pick up the kids, why weren’t parents notified that the field trip was taking place as originally planned? I’m curious to know how many parents, if any, were notified that a last-minute field trip was taking place? I’m sure there are other parents who feel the same way as I. The school, principal and teacher need to communicate with parents and I feel there was a major miscommunication regarding this field trip.
Since my daughter entered kindergarten, I have done my best to be an active parent and to communicate regularly with her teacher. I volunteer regularly and try to stay updated about the goings-on of my daughter’s classroom. As a parent, I can only expect that responsible teachers and administrators would keep me informed and not take my daughter off school grounds without my knowledge.
I am very concerned about this matter and I would like to speak with you about it as soon as possible. I will be contacting your office within the next few days to schedule an appointment. If you would like to contact me, my phone number is _________________.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
I hope these helped you. :)
The second one is much better. The only thing I would change is what I marked.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Tam on 03/02/07 at 1:35 pm
OMG! I would be soooooooo peeved! There is nothing worse than not knowing where your child is!
When the son was in Middle school they took a field trip to Six Flags. The itinerary said they would be back to us between 10 and 11pm.
The buses rolled in at 12:05am and were greeted by parents AND a couple State Troopers.
Apparently a parent or two called them and said because their children weren't back by the time stated, that they were now kidnapped! :o
Personally, I know what it is like trying to get kids back on the bus when at Six Flags so it was no big deal to me - but not all parents have had the opportunity to realize all the drama that comes along with this type of field trip.
I know I am one of a few, but with my husband being deployed, I want to know where my son is at all times!
I'm with you. The trip was supposed to be cancelled so the permission slips became null and void.
I would be right there with you Girl raising bloody hell!!!
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Howard on 11/10/14 at 2:57 pm
Would you be angry if:
You come to work and you're a maintenance person and you always leave a few brooms and scoopers out for yourself and for a few other guys but then the next day they're not there and you're trying to find them all around the store and you can't either find a broom or a scooper. This is what's been happening to me, I try to leave two brooms and scoopers out for me when I need to sweep but when I come to work the next day, there's nowhere to be found. This irks me so much and thank god that I have low blood pressure or I would have gone mental on somebody.
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: karen on 11/11/14 at 12:13 pm
If they keep disappearing from the proper storage location then I would be cross. However if I had chosen somewhere to put them so I know where they are and someone chooses to tidy them away than I wouldn't be justified in being cross
Subject: Re: Would you be angry?
Written By: Howard on 11/11/14 at 2:54 pm
If they keep disappearing from the proper storage location then I would be cross. However if I had chosen somewhere to put them so I know where they are and someone chooses to tidy them away than I wouldn't be justified in being cross
Karen, the brooms and scoopers are sometimes in a storage closet where they're supposed to be, not scattered everywhere where I have to keep playing hide and go seek every day trying to find them in the store. ::)
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