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These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.
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Subject: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/26/06 at 2:13 pm
so if you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas, I can at least try to give you what you want next year for the messageboard
so, what do people want on inth00s?
getting paid to use the site is out of the question >grin<
I think my game plan for the upcoming year, is to completely revamp the other decade sites (inthe70s, inthe80s, and inthe90s). I'm hoping to incorporate more of the inthe00s into those sites (like maybe feature a running list of new topics on the homepage of the respective decades). I also hope to get the existing sections back into shape, with picture uploads for sections that need it (clothing, toys, etc). I think the sites have been a bit neglected the past couple years while I worked on amIright and amIwrong.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: KKay on 12/26/06 at 3:26 pm
this is a lot to ask, but i was really good this year.
i want a inthe00s email address.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/26/06 at 4:13 pm
this is a lot to ask, but i was really good this year.
i want a inthe00s email address.
While I'd love to, that'll never happen. I used to do it for inthe80s a long time ago, but it was a lot of work, with very little to show for it at the end of the day. This was long before spam was near the levels it's at now. I can't even imagine what it would be like if I did it now, probably crash the server.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/26/06 at 4:19 pm
More people If they want to sign up.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 12/26/06 at 5:19 pm
^ I agree. There's some newbies out there waiting to be born :)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/26/06 at 5:22 pm
^ I agree. There's some newbies out there waiting to be born :)
Maybe in 2007,I'd like some old ones and some new ones
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 12/26/06 at 5:28 pm
yes we must bring more sycophantic inthe00s loveslaves under our control if we are ever to drain their bodily essence in order to gain greater power and attain world domination.
i mean, yes, we should think of ways to promote the site.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/26/06 at 5:41 pm
yes we must bring more sycophantic inthe00s loveslaves under our control if we are ever to drain their bodily essence in order to gain greater power and attain world domination.
i mean, yes, we should think of ways to promote the site.
Promote A Tour? ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/26/06 at 6:48 pm
I would like to be able to click on the number of replies to a thread and then have a box pop-up telling me who posted in that thread and how many posts they have in it.
I would also like the signatures to be a little bigger, character-wise. I have found some really nice quotes over the last almost year that I haven't been able to use since the character limit is 300.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Marty McFly on 12/26/06 at 8:58 pm
Hmmm, only thing that comes to mind right now is, would it be possible to have the same "Jump To Page" feature on the decade boards (as well as the other sections) as there is in individual threads.
For instance, say I wanted to go to page 100 of the '80s section. I'd have to click on page 3, which would let me click on 5 etc.
Especially since the Search was messing up the server, I think that would make an easier way to find old threads.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: whistledog on 12/26/06 at 9:56 pm
I'd like to see an option that lets people see all threads started by members. I know there is one for "Show last posts of this person", but there have been times when I'd like to search for threads by members
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Southern Image on 12/26/06 at 10:13 pm
I'd like to see an option where we can choose what color skins we'd like. Oh, and Red Rider BB gun ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/26/06 at 10:23 pm
Hmmm, only thing that comes to mind right now is, would it be possible to have the same "Jump To Page" feature on the decade boards (as well as the other sections) as there is in individual threads.
For instance, say I wanted to go to page 100 of the '80s section. I'd have to click on page 3, which would let me click on 5 etc.
Especially since the Search was messing up the server, I think that would make an easier way to find old threads.
I'd like to see an option that lets people see all threads started by members. I know there is one for "Show last posts of this person", but there have been times when I'd like to search for threads by members
I concur with these two suggestions.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 12/27/06 at 4:46 am
My own suggestion would be....
Perhaps a broader range of avatars?
Or perhaps, for those of us who lack higher technology or knowledge thereof, links to more things to use as avatars?
Mayhaps even a custom-made avatar search engine, or something along those lines.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/27/06 at 8:08 am
I'd like to see an option where we can choose what color skins we'd like. Oh, and Red Rider BB gun ;D
While the software has the ability to let people do it, I've been resisting that one because it means I have to make changes to more than just the regular template everytime I add a new function or change something. It's really a matter of time, I don't think I could keep the software up to date well enough if I had to maintain three or four different looks for the site.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/27/06 at 8:10 am
My own suggestion would be....
Perhaps a broader range of avatars?
Or perhaps, for those of us who lack higher technology or knowledge thereof, links to more things to use as avatars?
Mayhaps even a custom-made avatar search engine, or something along those lines.
I don't want to add more avatars to the defaults. I think the better idea is to write up a better tutorial for how people can either upload their own or link to one (better to save one to your hard drive and then upload it, links to pictures have a strange way of disappearing).
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/27/06 at 1:14 pm
Hmmm, only thing that comes to mind right now is, would it be possible to have the same "Jump To Page" feature on the decade boards (as well as the other sections) as there is in individual threads.
For instance, say I wanted to go to page 100 of the '80s section. I'd have to click on page 3, which would let me click on 5 etc.
Especially since the Search was messing up the server, I think that would make an easier way to find old threads.
I agree. But not just for each of the sections but for the arcade and for those of us who keep our PMs, for those too.
Also a better "Search" would be nice, too. The old "Search" was great. Anyway of putting that back in, Chucky?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/27/06 at 2:07 pm
I agree. But not just for each of the sections but for the arcade and for those of us who keep our PMs, for those too.
Also a better "Search" would be nice, too. The old "Search" was great. Anyway of putting that back in, Chucky?
you shouldn't be keeping enough PMs to need a page function... grrr....
anyways, the search... awww... I don't know. There is a newer search function that is supposed to kick the ever loving shiznit out of the old one, but I couldn't get it installed all the way. I think I need to upgrade the server software first. It's definitely something I want to bring back.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/27/06 at 3:07 pm
How about getting rid of "Show Posts",I just don't need every single post I record on here.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/27/06 at 3:30 pm
How about getting rid of "Show Posts",I just don't need every single post I record on here.
You want to make it so that no one can see their past posts?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 12/27/06 at 3:40 pm
i have a CRAZY one... you'll never do it.
we should have certain people where we can consent to let them be able to set our avatars. certain people who i'm really tight with, like KKay and davey and SM and Meat!, i think it'd be hilarious if they could change my avatar and i could change theirs. you could pick them and if you didn't like what they picked you could always choose to have your own supercede, but i think that could lead to hours of hilarity and fun.
i bet that isnt even possible, is it?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: KKay on 12/27/06 at 3:41 pm
i have a CRAZY one... you'll never do it.
we should have certain people where we can consent to let them be able to set our avatars. certain people who i'm really tight with, like KKay and davey and SM and Meat!, i think it'd be hilarious if they could change my avatar and i could change theirs. you could pick them and if you didn't like what they picked you could always choose to have your own supercede, but i think that could lead to hours of hilarity and fun.
i bet that isnt even possible, is it?
io think that would be really funny....good ideas! just an option you can click in your profile? funny!!!!
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/27/06 at 3:46 pm
You want to make it so that no one can see their past posts?
Is it possible? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/27/06 at 3:47 pm
Is it possible? ???
Why would you want to do that? If I want to find a post I made on a certain else would I go about finding that post?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/27/06 at 3:48 pm
Why would you want to do that? If I want to find a post I made on a certain else would I go about finding that post?
Then I guess it wouldn't be possible.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 12/27/06 at 3:50 pm
io think that would be really funny....good ideas! just an option you can click in your profile? funny!!!!
i guess you'd have a list. like your friends list in myspace.
that would be a good start, a friends list. although it might encourage cliquishness and that may be bad enough around here already. :-[ i'm really into the idea of a private list of people who could change your avatar, though. you'd never know WHAT you'd get!
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 12/27/06 at 4:05 pm
i guess you'd have a list. like your friends list in myspace.
that would be a good start, a friends list. although it might encourage cliquishness and that may be bad enough around here already. :-[ i'm really into the idea of a private list of people who could change your avatar, though. you'd never know WHAT you'd get!
Just don't let Howard anywhere near it.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/27/06 at 4:06 pm
Just don't let Howard anywhere near it.
don't worry,I'm not any part of Myspace whatsoever
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/27/06 at 7:09 pm
i have a CRAZY one... you'll never do it.
we should have certain people where we can consent to let them be able to set our avatars. certain people who i'm really tight with, like KKay and davey and SM and Meat!, i think it'd be hilarious if they could change my avatar and i could change theirs. you could pick them and if you didn't like what they picked you could always choose to have your own supercede, but i think that could lead to hours of hilarity and fun.
i bet that isnt even possible, is it?
I'd almost be willing to, I just don't think I have the time to do it. It's an interesting suggestion, I have to give you that.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/27/06 at 7:42 pm
I'd almost be willing to, I just don't think I have the time to do it. It's an interesting suggestion, I have to give you that.
what's really sad... is that as a programmer, I can even tell you how I would go about making something like this work:
change your avatar to point to a URL (instead of the upload, you point to a web address)
give the people you trust the ability to upload a file into that section, and replace the name
has the ability to be written outside of the messageboard software, so you could even use it on web pages (myspace?) etc.
if your friends are total losers, they could get you booted by posting something pornographic though, so it's clearly something you could only give to a couple people, and trust they don't give out the password, etc.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Red Ant on 12/27/06 at 9:01 pm
More arcade games would be my #1 wish.
Second would be being able to search through a topic and find my/others' posts. Like, if this thread was 29 pages long, I could search this thread with a keyword and find the post(s) I wanted.
I've a personal request for which I'll PM you (no, it's not getting paid!).
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/28/06 at 3:37 am
In the General Statistics section, I'd like the choice of just seeing the top ten of any section or category as it is now, or to be able to click and see a larger amount like top 50 Post total.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 12/28/06 at 4:50 am
In the General Statistics section, I'd like the choice of just seeing the top ten of any section or category as it is now, or to be able to click and see a larger amount like top 50 Post total.
i wish there was someplace where i could keep track of my death toll.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: KKay on 12/28/06 at 9:01 am
More arcade games would be my #1 wish.
Second would be being able to search through a topic and find my/others' posts. Like, if this thread was 29 pages long, I could search this thread with a keyword and find the post(s) I wanted.
yeah..i like the idea of easier searching.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/28/06 at 2:22 pm
Making Birthday Threads separate.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/29/06 at 7:54 pm
My new year's wish would be that people could be a bit nicer to other board members (but I guess that is just wishful thinking :-\\ )
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: KKay on 12/29/06 at 10:14 pm
Making Birthday Threads separate.
yes! genius!
i would love that.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/30/06 at 1:10 am
I'd like to thank Chucky for increasing the signature characters to 500. :)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 12/30/06 at 1:12 am
I'd like to thank Chucky for increasing the signature characters to 500. :)
I'm diggin it.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 12/30/06 at 7:04 am
My new year's wish would be that people could be a bit nicer to other board members (but I guess that is just wishful thinking :-\\ )
Admirable, but alas, you are dealing with human nature. Regrettably, "Leopards don't change their spots" too often :(
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 12/30/06 at 9:53 am
what's really sad... is that as a programmer, I can even tell you how I would go about making something like this work:
change your avatar to point to a URL (instead of the upload, you point to a web address)
give the people you trust the ability to upload a file into that section, and replace the name
has the ability to be written outside of the messageboard software, so you could even use it on web pages (myspace?) etc.
if your friends are total losers, they could get you booted by posting something pornographic though, so it's clearly something you could only give to a couple people, and trust they don't give out the password, etc.
that's a good idea, i might try it.
what if i updated my profile periodically, with the avatar pointed to that url, and just sorta said if you wanna change my avatar you have to use the full url -- like, call the file "index.jpg" or something like that. that way i wouldn't have to give out my password. i dunno, by the time i'm doing that, though, i guess i could just have folks send me pictures and i could decide whether i wanted to use them or not. which is what we have now.
hmm, let me ponder.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/31/06 at 7:49 am
yes! genius!
i would love that.
Make a Birthday thread and title it "Happy Birthday".That way,people could put all their birthday wishes in there. :)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 12/31/06 at 7:50 am
My new year's wish would be that people could be a bit nicer to other board members (but I guess that is just wishful thinking :-\\ )
Too much flaming going around. :(
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: danootaandme on 01/01/07 at 4:53 pm
I would like to see editors, instead of locking threads, use more discretion and just delete offending posts. It seems that locking the thread has become the tool of choice.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/02/07 at 8:49 am
I would like to see editors, instead of locking threads, use more discretion and just delete offending posts. It seems that locking the thread has become the tool of choice.
That would be a very good idea.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 01/02/07 at 8:55 am
I would like to see editors, instead of locking threads, use more discretion and just delete offending posts. It seems that locking the thread has become the tool of choice.
i've seen folks complain, though, about how much time that takes. i can't say i blame them, either, you don't want to have to spend a whole afternoon cleaning up a thread because some certain somebody has rampant rage issues.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/02/07 at 9:07 am
i've seen folks complain, though, about how much time that takes. i can't say i blame them, either, you don't want to have to spend a whole afternoon cleaning up a thread because some certain somebody has rampant rage issues.
Just kicking them out for a day would help.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 01/02/07 at 9:30 am
Just kicking them out for a day would help.
you mean barring a user for a day or two? like a suspension? that's not a bad idea, that would definitely make me panic. :o
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/02/07 at 10:01 am
you mean barring a user for a day or two? like a suspension? that's not a bad idea, that would definitely make me panic. :o
Why? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 01/02/07 at 10:38 am
Why? ???
because i would think i was banned and it would make me cry.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/02/07 at 6:25 pm
you mean barring a user for a day or two? like a suspension? that's not a bad idea, that would definitely make me panic. :o
Hey, that's not a bad idea. First offense, a talking to. Second offense, a suspension. Third offense, you are GONE!!!!
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/03/07 at 4:32 pm
because i would think i was banned and it would make me cry.
Don't worry about it. ;)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/03/07 at 8:40 pm
Was the locking of threads by the originator a recent update? ??? Every board I've frequented only gives mods/admin that power.
Yeah, I was one for diffrent colour schemes too but I read that isn't happening...
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Jessica on 01/03/07 at 8:58 pm
Let's reset the post counts! :D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 01/03/07 at 8:59 pm
Let's reset the post counts! :D
:o :o :o
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/03/07 at 9:00 pm
Let's reset the post counts! :D
You just wanna be 1337 again.
ooh, 1200! :D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/04/07 at 6:19 am
Let's reset the post counts! :D
Back To 1?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 01/04/07 at 1:13 pm
Heres one that some boards IGNORE feature. That way the person who is being picked on, or who gets upset with stuff can click a simple button and not be able to read what that specific person wrote.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 01/04/07 at 1:36 pm
how about an option to set how many messages per page you can view at a time on a thread?
another message board i go to has it set to like 100 posts per page. it's more of a pain in a lot of ways, but also has advantages in a lot of ways. which is why the best would be to be able to set it, so you could figure out where in the tradeoff is best for you.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/04/07 at 2:27 pm
Heres one that some boards IGNORE feature. That way the person who is being picked on, or who gets upset with stuff can click a simple button and not be able to read what that specific person wrote.
That's a neat idea. :)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/04/07 at 5:37 pm
Heres one that some boards IGNORE feature. That way the person who is being picked on, or who gets upset with stuff can click a simple button and not be able to read what that specific person wrote.
I would fully support this idea.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/04/07 at 7:07 pm
Heres one that some boards IGNORE feature. That way the person who is being picked on, or who gets upset with stuff can click a simple button and not be able to read what that specific person wrote.
I would fully support this idea.
Agreed. On the boards I've been on it's nice to have that can ignore posts & PMs without having to skim past what they wrote. :)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Rice_Cube on 01/04/07 at 7:15 pm
So are we resetting post counts?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Tia on 01/04/07 at 10:22 pm
That's a neat idea. :)
my idea's better.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: tv on 01/05/07 at 2:47 am
My news years resolution is to be less girl shy.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/05/07 at 2:39 pm
So are we resetting post counts?
Why not keep it the way it is at the moment? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/05/07 at 2:54 pm
I'm not resetting post counts
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/05/07 at 3:28 pm
my idea's better.
How is your idea better? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/05/07 at 8:31 pm
I'm not resetting post counts
How 'bout removing them from sight then? :D It's sad to see the mentality displayed by some that low post count = n00b, or that high post count makes you better than someone else. People post because they want to.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/05/07 at 10:21 pm
How 'bout removing them from sight then? :D It's sad to see the mentality displayed by some that low post count = n00b, or that high post count makes you better than someone else. People post because they want to.
Psha.. shh n00b!
Of course, I'm about 8 times newer than you. ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/06/07 at 2:09 am
Psha.. shh n00b!
Of course, I'm about 8 times newer than you. ;D
Okay, here's a legit wish: Give regular members the ability to post room alerts in FlashChat. Why? Because it's fun. :D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/06/07 at 7:03 am
How 'bout removing them from sight then? :D It's sad to see the mentality displayed by some that low post count = n00b, or that high post count makes you better than someone else. People post because they want to.
Not by how many posts you've got.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/06/07 at 3:54 pm
Not by how many psosts you've got.
bwa? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 5:02 pm
I would like to see editors, instead of locking threads, use more discretion and just delete offending posts. It seems that locking the thread has become the tool of choice.
That's still a better option than what we did in the past, which was to just delete the entire thread, regardless of how large or small it was.
When you get a thread with 200 posts that all need to get culled due to a couple of jerks in a 24 hour spree having fun, it tends to become rather tedious trying to sort out where to start, and how much to remove, etc.
Instead of complaining that threads get locked after people don't report anything for days on end, perhaps the users could be a little more proactive in notifying the moderators with either the report tool or a PM? Then the mess wouldn't be as hard to clean.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 5:04 pm
Was the locking of threads by the originator a recent update? ??? Every board I've frequented only gives mods/admin that power.
I'm not sure that is intentional. Is that currently an option? If it's causing problems, I'll turn it off
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 5:05 pm
Heres one that some boards IGNORE feature. That way the person who is being picked on, or who gets upset with stuff can click a simple button and not be able to read what that specific person wrote.
Check your profile, should work. If it doesn't, I can try and install it again the next time I upgrade the software
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/06/07 at 5:07 pm
I'm not sure that is intentional. Is that currently an option? If it's causing problems, I'll turn it off
Yeah, it is. If you have a certain box checked in your profile options (can't remember which one it is), when you see a thread you've posted on the boards somewhere, you'll see a padlock next to it and you click on that to lock it.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/06/07 at 5:09 pm
Check your profile, should work. If it doesn't, I can try and install it again the next time I upgrade the software
I see that in my profile.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 5:16 pm
If you look in your profile, under "Look and Layout Preferences"
you will now see two new options:
The number of topics to show per page in a board:
The number of posts to show per page in a topic:
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/06/07 at 5:17 pm
Wow Chucky, you done made this site sho-nuff purty!
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 5:38 pm
Wow Chucky, you done made this site sho-nuff purty!
Fortunately, the stuff people want, is stuff other sites that run this software have wanted as well.
I can safely say that after complaints this past week of nonsense involving avatar changes, etc. I won't be doing any modifications to support those types of things
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/06/07 at 5:40 pm
Fortunately, the stuff people want, is stuff other sites that run this software have wanted as well.
I can safely say that after complaints this past week of nonsense involving avatar changes, etc. I won't be doing any modifications to support those types of things
Have you given any thought to my suggestion of being able to click on the number of replies to a thread and seeing who has posted in it and how many posts they have in it? If that's not something available on this software, it's no biggie. I just thought it might be cool to see who's posted the most in the LTE. ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 6:01 pm
Have you given any thought to my suggestion of being able to click on the number of replies to a thread and seeing who has posted in it and how many posts they have in it? If that's not something available on this software, it's no biggie. I just thought it might be cool to see who's posted the most in the LTE. ;D
I think it's interesting, but nothing is pre-existing for it, which means it would be potentially a lot of work for me to code up.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 6:09 pm
so do people think we should have entire Birthday wishes board like we do for the welcome new users? seems a bit excessive really. Are there really that many birthday threads?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Rice_Cube on 01/06/07 at 6:10 pm
so do people think we should have entire Birthday wishes board like we do for the welcome new users? seems a bit excessive really. Are there really that many birthday threads?
I don't think so. Unless you were to merge the birthdays with the obituaries, that would be enough to make a whole new board, albeit a tad morbid.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/06/07 at 10:54 pm
The ignore modification was defective... and I think it was slowing down the board. So I removed it for now. Will try again in a few weeks when I upgrade the system software
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 6:50 am
so do people think we should have entire Birthday wishes board like we do for the welcome new users? seems a bit excessive really. Are there really that many birthday threads?
That would be such a neat idea,I like it. :)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 6:50 am
bwa? ???
What do you mean by that? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/07/07 at 11:29 am
That would be such a neat idea,I like it. :)
It's unnecessary, really. Birthday threads are only active for what, 3-4 days at the most. You don't need a forum for that. The threads will just disappear down the PPP and they're no bother anymore.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: DJ Midas on 01/07/07 at 11:51 am
What do you mean by that? ???
Basically I didn't understand what your response to my post before that one meant. It's a non-issue, so nevermind.
Oh, and Marty McFly said he'd like a fridge in the chatroom, to keep cold tasty beverages on hand for everyone. :D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 01/07/07 at 11:59 am
I think everything is perfect the way it is, Chucky *Kiss-ass grin*
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Dominic L. on 01/07/07 at 12:13 pm
I think everything is perfect the way it is, Chucky *Kiss-ass grin*
Yanno, when you said that, I thought of you literally kissing... Oh, ew.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:00 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/07/07 at 1:04 pm
There were times on here that birthday threads would stay for many years on here.
I know, but they wouldn't stay for many years on the 1st page. After a few days, they usually end up on page 3 or 4, unless someone has a belated greeting or something.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:06 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/07/07 at 1:09 pm
Remember when we wished Bobby Happy Birthday 2 years in a row? ;D
..I often wish people happy birthday 2 or more years in a row Howard.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:11 pm
..I often wish people happy birthday 2 or more years in a row Howard.
But you should be doing it once a year.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/07/07 at 1:11 pm
..I often wish people happy birthday 2 or more years in a row Howard.
At least until they're dead.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/07/07 at 1:12 pm
But you should be doing it once a year.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/07/07 at 1:12 pm
But you should be doing it once a year.
Well done. Then the next year, you tend to do it again.. it's one of those weird coincidences.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/07/07 at 1:13 pm
Well done. Then the next year, you tend to do it again.. it's one of those weird coincidences.
Like saying Merry Christmas or Happy New Year.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:13 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/07/07 at 1:14 pm
Only if they're alive.
Which is what I just said.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:15 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/07/07 at 1:20 pm
It's a bit confusing.
Not... really.
Never mind. Carry on making suggestions.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:22 pm
So no talks of smileys with sound? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/07/07 at 1:25 pm
So no talks of smileys with sound? ???
I think smileys with sounds would be exceptionally annoying.
If they were initiated I would hope that there'd be an option to mute them.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:26 pm
I think smileys with sounds would be exceptionally annoying.
If they were initiated I would hope that there'd be an option to mute them.
I agree with you.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/07/07 at 1:26 pm
I think smileys with sounds would be exceptionally annoying.
If they were initiated I would hope that there'd be an option to mute them.
Completely agree. It's bad enough we can't mute people here, none the less having to deal with annoying sound-enabled smilies.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/07/07 at 1:27 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: whistledog on 01/07/07 at 7:34 pm
How about a hidden sex room that Howard could moderate? :D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/08/07 at 6:21 am
How about a hidden sex room that Howard could moderate? :D
Why didn't I think of that? ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/08/07 at 6:35 am
Why didn't I think of that? ;D
Right.. and it'd only be visible to you... right?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Dominic L. on 01/08/07 at 10:55 am
But you should be doing it once a year.
I vote on three times a year. Maybe four, because it's a better number.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/08/07 at 4:47 pm
Right.. and it'd only be visible to you... right?
And for others who are into my kind of stuff. ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/08/07 at 6:20 pm
When people say they want to see different themes.... would different color schemes be ok instead?
Because I could probably very easily make different color schemes using the same theme (with a little css magic)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/08/07 at 6:22 pm
When people say they want to see different themes.... would different color schemes be ok instead?
Because I could probably very easily make different color schemes using the same theme (with a little css magic)
What kind of color? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 01/08/07 at 6:23 pm
When people say they want to see different themes.... would different color schemes be ok instead?
Because I could probably very easily make different color schemes using the same theme (with a little css magic)
YES YES YES, thats what we mean. 8)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/08/07 at 6:37 pm
When people say they want to see different themes.... would different color schemes be ok instead?
Because I could probably very easily make different color schemes using the same theme (with a little css magic)
Yeah, that would be awesome!
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/09/07 at 4:11 pm
So do you think we'll be running into anymore problems with the forum this year? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/09/07 at 4:15 pm
So do you think we'll be running into anymore problems with the forum this year? ???
probably... stuff happens.
I need to upgrade the software, which is going to take some work since I need to do it by hand. Plus any more new stuff that ends up making it in to the new software.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/09/07 at 4:18 pm
probably... stuff happens.
I need to upgrade the software, which is going to take some work since I need to do it by hand. Plus any more new stuff that ends up making it in to the new software.
Keep us updated as usual. ;)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/12/07 at 3:39 pm
I resolve never to use the phrase "my bad."
OK, it's a lame resolution, but it's one I know I can keep! If I say, "This year I'm going to make a million dollars and marry the woman of my dreams," I'll be disappointed next New Years Eve!
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/12/07 at 3:55 pm
I resolve never to use the phrase "my bad."
OK, it's a lame resolution, but it's one I know I can keep! If I say, "This year I'm going to make a million dollars and marry the woman of my dreams," I'll be disappointed next New Years Eve!
Is that a resolution for this website?
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/12/07 at 4:02 pm
I resolve never to use the phrase "my bad."
OK, it's a lame resolution, but it's one I know I can keep! If I say, "This year I'm going to make a million dollars and marry the woman of my dreams," I'll be disappointed next New Years Eve!
Then are you going to keep your resolution? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 01/16/07 at 5:29 pm
When people say they want to see different themes.... would different color schemes be ok instead?
Because I could probably very easily make different color schemes using the same theme (with a little css magic)
If you mean we'd have the ability to make the quote boxes *say* yellow and the post box *say* orange and the part that's grey now *say* red, yes, that's what we mean. ;)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/16/07 at 5:54 pm
If you mean we'd have the ability to make the quote boxes *say* yellow and the post box *say* orange and the part that's grey now *say* red, yes, that's what we mean. ;)
I should be able to accommodate that once I upgrade the software.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 01/18/07 at 8:53 am
I should be able to accommodate that once I upgrade the software.
Cool 8) Although, I'm so used to the current colors, I probably won't be happy with anything else ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/18/07 at 10:36 am
Cool 8) Although, I'm so used to the current colors, I probably won't be happy with anything else ;D
I'm thinking of doing something like what I did for amIwrong. If you go visit the site, you'll notice the letter A repeated three times. Each one changes the font size on the site. Instead of changing the font size, I would be changing the site colors.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: whistledog on 01/18/07 at 1:45 pm
How about a quick reply box at the bottom of the page? Lots of other boards I visit have these
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/18/07 at 1:59 pm
How about a quick reply box at the bottom of the page? Lots of other boards I visit have these
That's a good idea.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/18/07 at 2:10 pm
How about a quick reply box at the bottom of the page? Lots of other boards I visit have these
We've always had one. You have to turn the option on in your profile. I've been using it for several months now.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/18/07 at 5:22 pm
We've always had one. You have to turn the option on in your profile. I've been using it for several months now.
news to me... there's so many features in this software I've never even seen.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/18/07 at 5:24 pm
news to me... there's so many features in this software I've never even seen.
Yup. Profile ---> Look and Layout Preferences ---> Use quick reply on topic display
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/18/07 at 5:33 pm
Yup. Profile ---> Look and Layout Preferences ---> Use quick reply on topic display
You are right, yes and it works!
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: whistledog on 01/19/07 at 2:22 pm
news to me... there's so many features in this software I've never even seen.
news to me too. MAn, it's so much more convenient 8)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: jackas on 01/19/07 at 7:40 pm
I would loooooove the ability to unsubscribe from a thread.
I don't know if it's been requested yet and I'm too lazy to read through 10 pages to find out. :-\\
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/19/07 at 7:59 pm
I would loooooove the ability to unsubscribe from a thread.
I don't know if it's been requested yet and I'm too lazy to read through 10 pages to find out. :-\\
You do that in your profile, I believe. If you go to Notifications and Email, you should be able to cancel any that you have.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/19/07 at 9:20 pm
I would loooooove the ability to unsubscribe from a thread.
I don't know if it's been requested yet and I'm too lazy to read through 10 pages to find out. :-\\
You can remove notifications about a thread in your profile. If you're talking about the "show new replies to your threads" function, I don't know if that's possible.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: jackas on 01/19/07 at 9:44 pm
You can remove notifications about a thread in your profile. If you're talking about the "show new replies to your threads" function, I don't know if that's possible.
Yeah, the "show new replies..."
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ADH13 on 01/19/07 at 10:47 pm
My only request is that we could change our usernames.... not just our display names, especially when we've been using a different name for years...
I noticed one of my topics is on the front page but it says "Posted by ADH13" and in the chatroom I show up that way too and people don't always know who I am.
Not a biggie, by any means...
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/20/07 at 11:55 am
I'm digging the little 'jump to' bar. That's cool.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/20/07 at 2:05 pm
I'm digging the little 'jump to' bar. That's cool.
Where's that option? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/20/07 at 3:20 pm
Where's that option? ???
Howard.....when you're in a forum, and you see the page numbers at the top, you should see a "jump to page" box.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/20/07 at 4:30 pm
Howard.....when you're in a forum, and you see the page numbers at the top, you should see a "jump to page" box.
Hiiiiyoooooooooooooooo. Not actually what I was talking about. Ignore her Howard, I'm war smarter! ;)
I was refering to the little bar at the bottom of the page in right hand corner that allows you to jump to a different board.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/20/07 at 4:56 pm
Hiiiiyoooooooooooooooo. Not actually what I was talking about. Ignore her Howard, I'm war smarter! ;)
I was refering to the little bar at the bottom of the page in right hand corner that allows you to jump to a different board.
that's always been there..
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/20/07 at 5:17 pm
that's always been there..
;D ;D ;D No way!
I've never noticed.
You're pulling my leg right?
Dang, I thought I was finally smarter than Beth. I guess it's because I am useing this new color scheme.. layout.. dealy, I finally noticed it.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/20/07 at 6:32 pm
;D ;D ;D No way!
I've never noticed.
You're pulling my leg right?
Dang, I thought I was finally smarter than Beth. I guess it's because I am useing this new color scheme.. layout.. dealy, I finally noticed it.
Oooh so close. ;D
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: La Roche on 01/20/07 at 6:37 pm
Oooh so close. ;D
One day. You big brained jerk.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/20/07 at 6:39 pm
One day. You big brained jerk.
I'll be eagerly awaiting it.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/21/07 at 6:48 am
Howard.....when you're in a forum, and you see the page numbers at the top, you should see a "jump to page" box.
Ok,I see what you were talking about now. ;)
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/21/07 at 2:28 pm
I'm just wondering if it is possible to delete the "guest" scores on the arcade. We all know how people are with their high scores and it doesn't seem fair for someone with the high score who is no longer a member. Just a suggestion.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/22/07 at 10:31 am
I'm just wondering if it is possible to delete the "guest" scores on the arcade. We all know how people are with their high scores and it doesn't seem fair for someone with the high score who is no longer a member. Just a suggestion.
nah... a high score is a high score. Unless it was acheived via cheating.
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/22/07 at 4:02 pm
What's that orange icon next to Frontpage? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/22/07 at 4:04 pm
What's that orange icon next to Frontpage? ???
Something to with FeedBurner
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: Howard on 01/22/07 at 4:05 pm
Something to with FeedBurner
What's a feedburner? ???
Subject: Re: Website wish list for 2007... new year resolutions
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/22/07 at 10:06 pm
What's a feedburner? ???
If you have Firefox or a news reader, it will allow you to add inthe00s to your news feeds. It will then display the most recent topics posted to inthe00s.
If you don't use something like that, you can just ignore it.
Check for new replies or respond here...
Copyright 1995-2020, by Charles R. Grosvenor Jr.