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Subject: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/20/06 at 10:52 am

For anyone who has owned (or has been owned by) a pet, you know some of their antics are hysterical. So here is a place to share your favorite pet stories.

Every night I get into a bath before going to bed. Our newest addition, Elvira seems to enjoy it, too by putting her paw in the water. Sometimes she will get up on the side of tub. Both Carlos & I knew it was a matter of time before she would really join me in the tub. Well, last night was the night. Unfortunately, I had just leaned back and closed my eyes only to hear/feel a splash. When I opened my eyes, I saw her trying to get out of the tub as fast as possible. After she ran, you could see the trail of water leading into the other room. So now, I have a clean kitty.  ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/20/06 at 11:04 am

For anyone who has owned (or has been owned by) a pet, you know some of their antics are hysterical. So here is a place to share your favorite pet stories.

Every night I get into a bath before going to bed. Our newest addition, Elvira seems to enjoy it, too by putting her paw in the water. Sometimes she will get up on the side of tub. Both Carlos & I knew it was a matter of time before she would really join me in the tub. Well, last night was the night. Unfortunately, I had just leaned back and closed my eyes only to hear/feel a splash. When I opened my eyes, I saw her trying to get out of the tub as fast as possible. After she ran, you could see the trail of water leading into the other room. So now, I have a clean kitty.  ;D ;D ;D


;D  That's great!

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: MLB on 12/20/06 at 12:38 pm

We used to have a kitty who would get into the sink and sleep. When we turned the tap on so it dripped he'd bat at the water.  Slept in the tub a few times too but it was empty not wet. All mine seem to be bath protectors.  They don't care about the water, they just want to be nearby in case a pet is needed.  At the side of the tub, or outside the door, it's amazing and funny.
  My Chow/Shep dog is nuts for the sound of water from a gardenhose.  If I have the nerve to water the backyard she is fighting me for the water.  The plants get trampled, I get trampled,nudged and sometimes nipped, the neighbors only hear constant barking and snarling so I don't do it unless it is full daylight and moderately warm too Plus no one could possibly be napping. tho with older folks as neighbors you never can tell.  She will also chase small pebbles if I throw them. We have a clay tile patio so it tinkles if I skim the rocks the right way. Many times she's brought one back to me.  She doesn't regularly play fetch the ball but now and then she will do that too.  When she had pups in summer the pet place where we adverized the pups gave us a couple animal balls...squishy raccoon and rabbit with squeakers inside: dog toys you know?  And she loved chasing the puppies while they squeaked these things and ran round the yard. 
  We also have a cut out space beyond the railing where the stairs begin and the cats like to jump down there and look over to see what's going on inthe living room.    It is also above a walk way so if someone is walking by they see that too.  They don't jump down as it's about 10 feet up but they do occasionally jump up to the railing and then back into the hall if they feel someone is coming to feed them or offer treats.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/20/06 at 1:36 pm

For anyone who has owned (or has been owned by) a pet, you know some of their antics are hysterical. So here is a place to share your favorite pet stories.

Every night I get into a bath before going to bed. Our newest addition, Elvira seems to enjoy it, too by putting her paw in the water. Sometimes she will get up on the side of tub. Both Carlos & I knew it was a matter of time before she would really join me in the tub. Well, last night was the night. Unfortunately, I had just leaned back and closed my eyes only to hear/feel a splash. When I opened my eyes, I saw her trying to get out of the tub as fast as possible. After she ran, you could see the trail of water leading into the other room. So now, I have a clean kitty.  ;D ;D ;D


that is so cute!!  I have a cat like that. Anna will sit there and meow and scratch at the bathroom door until I let her in. Then...she walks all along the side of the bathtub, dipping her paws in the water. She's never had the courage to jump in with me....she almost fell in once though, as she tip-toed around the edge. LOL! :D ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: whistledog on 12/20/06 at 4:25 pm

My pet and I are both mental ...

My father's late cat "Sam" was a real thin cat.  In her latter years, she got so old, that she would go off into a secluded spot and sleep.  But the odd time, she got playful and liked to slap string as I dragged it along.  One time, while I was looking for her, I was dragging along a string without realizing.  Suddenly, she jumped from behind a cabnet, and attacked the string.  Her sudden appearance startled me, and I lost my balance and fell backwards, landing on a cactus plant 

I was picking thorns out of my ass for a good 15 minutes :\'(  ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/22/06 at 9:44 pm

now ^is funny! ;D

Just a tidbit of info...I think I have perfected my cat's meow (Kit-Kat)...we actually have conversations with one another....but I have no idea what either of us is saying. :D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/24/06 at 11:43 am

now ^is funny! ;D

Just a tidbit of info...I think I have perfected my cat's meow (Kit-Kat)...we actually have conversations with one another....but I have no idea what either of us is saying. :D

Electra doesn't "meow", she squeaks. I say to her "Squeak" and she does.  :D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Brian06 on 12/24/06 at 11:43 am

so are mine.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: ChuckyG on 12/24/06 at 6:27 pm

We used to have a kitty who would get into the sink and sleep. When we turned the tap on so it dripped he'd bat at the water.  Slept in the tub a few times too but it was empty not wet. All mine seem to be bath protectors.  They don't care about the water, they just want to be nearby in case a pet is needed.  At the side of the tub, or outside the door, it's amazing and funny.

Not as unusual as you would think. I had three of my cats sleep in the bathroom sink at the same time once.  Not even sure how they did it.  I don't have any pets now, so now I have to note all the funny things Neal does instead.

there's a whole site devoted to cats in sinks:

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: lorac61469 on 12/24/06 at 7:58 pm

All of my animals are crazy!!

Tasha the kitten will sit on the side of the tub and watch me bathe, she even tries to climb onto my as I sit in the tub!  She hasn't gone in...yet.  I think she's just trying to figure out why I enjoy the water. 

She also shreds the rolls of toilet paper.  Can not have any toilet paper sitting out anywhere she reach or you'll wind up with nothing but confetti!  ;D

Oh, and she likes to climb to the top of my X-mas tree! 

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 12/26/06 at 12:32 pm

My dog now grabs my arm, leads me off the sofa and sits in my place.
She learned to open the gate in our yard.
She howls at the moon.
She stares at a blank wall like the dog in Amityville Horror.
She gives hip shecks like a hockey player and can bring anyone down.

God, I love her.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/28/06 at 12:21 pm

I think Elvira is going to think her name is "No".  :-\\


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 12/28/06 at 12:59 pm

I think Elvira is going to think her name is "No".  :-\\



Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/28/06 at 8:08 pm

I think Elvira is going to think her name is "No".  :-\\


that's so incredibly cute, Cat...I love kittens...they are so silly and fuzzy! ;D :D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: lorac61469 on 12/28/06 at 8:09 pm

I think Elvira is going to think her name is "No".  :-\\


I used to say that about my son!  ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 12/28/06 at 10:19 pm

tonight Bode ate part of my friend's holiday display..
just a few little people and a house...
it was like Godzilla.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/28/06 at 10:27 pm

tonight Bode ate part of my friend's holiday display..
just a few little people and a house...
it was like Godzilla.

why is that like the cutest thing I've heard all day? :D ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 12/28/06 at 10:28 pm

why is that like the cutest thing I've heard all day? :D ;D

even with that honey Vaughn around? was pretty funny.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/28/06 at 10:33 pm

even with that honey Vaughn around? was pretty funny.

I don't know....imagining Bode with little Christmas figurines and a house getting crunched in his doesn't get much funnier than that!! ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: lorac61469 on 12/29/06 at 11:14 am

tonight Bode ate part of my friend's holiday display..
just a few little people and a house...
it was like Godzilla.

Funny!!! ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 12/29/06 at 12:44 pm

Funny!!! ;D

I love it!

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: lorac61469 on 12/29/06 at 1:24 pm

I love it!

Me too!!

I bought my daughter that book and another called Kat Kong.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 12/29/06 at 4:59 pm

Me too!!

I bought my daughter that book and another called Kat Kong.

look at that cat! more like Fat Kong!

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/29/06 at 7:06 pm

Me too!!

I bought my daughter that book and another called Kat Kong.

I've read those two.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/31/06 at 4:10 pm

I think Elvira has a new nickname-Spaz.  :D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: pink daisy on 01/02/07 at 6:42 am

I've had a whole string of mental cats - I think when they enter my household, they kind of catch it.  We've had:

Gizmo (a legend) - he was the original cat burglar.  He brought me a joint (of meat, sadly) which he'd stolen from a neighbour's house and dropped on my bed at three in the morning.  Another time I came home to half a guinea pig (just half) on my living room carpet.

Portia, who used to like to sit on top of a box of Kleenex and shred her way right to the bottom.  Hysterically funny to witness!

Soldier, the three legged, toothless tabby who used to quite literally suck mice to death (ugh!)

Jay, who used to sit on your chest when you were lying in bed, get right into your face, and then DROOL.

Psychotic Sammy, who would also sit on your chest, as above.  She would purr happily and then suddenly flip and swipe you round the face.

And many more - all completely demented.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 01/04/07 at 8:12 am

Since I had to go out after work, my friend took my dog, along with her dog, to the local dog run (where both dogs are well-kknown).  At about 5PM it became dark and everyone was getting ready to go home.....
so, Bode the evil one opened the gate and all the other dogs followed her to the beach and they all went swimming..i can just see what was described to me; 7 people running around in the dark trying to catch their dogs.

ugh. bode. sooo bad, yet sooo good.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 01/04/07 at 8:39 am

My bad cat likes to get up on the back of my husband's computer chair, stand up on her hind paws and either sniff in my hubby's ear or head-butt him off the back of his head.  Every now and then she'll start munching on his hair like it's cat food.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 01/04/07 at 10:03 am

My bad cat likes to get up on the back of my husband's computer chair, stand up on her hind paws and either sniff in my hubby's ear or head-butt him off the back of his head.  Every now and then she'll start munching on his hair like it's cat food.

that picture is great! ahhaaaaaaaa

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/04/07 at 12:20 pm

My bad cat likes to get up on the back of my husband's computer chair, stand up on her hind paws and either sniff in my hubby's ear or head-butt him off the back of his head.  Every now and then she'll start munching on his hair like it's cat food.

that is so incredibly funny! ;D :D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/15/07 at 11:47 am

This morning I was watching my cat at her water dish. First she sticks one paw in the water. Lifts it up and shakes it a bit only to put it back into the water. After a few minutes of doing this, she puts her paw back into the water and leaves it there. Then she takes her other paw and puts that in the water, too. I have no idea what that was all about. Lately, she has been giving her toy mouse a bath in the water dish. She will then fish it out.

Elvira: "Mischief" of the dark (and light and any time).  :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/15/07 at 12:32 pm

This morning I was watching my cat at her water dish. First she sticks one paw in the water. Lifts it up and shakes it a bit only to put it back into the water. After a few minutes of doing this, she puts her paw back into the water and leaves it there. Then she takes her other paw and puts that in the water, too. I have no idea what that was all about. Lately, she has been giving her toy mouse a bath in the water dish. She will then fish it out.

Elvira: "Mischief" of the dark (and light and any time).  :D ;D ;D ;D


that is SO cute, Cat...karma for the cuteness! I have one cat that loves to dip her paw in the's like she wants to jump in...but she's too nervous to do so.  Right now I am in the middle of changing my cats from hard to soft food. Last night they gobbled it up, but one cat is rebelling against me! Haa...if she's hungry enough, she'll eat. :D ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/15/07 at 12:47 pm

that is SO cute, Cat...karma for the cuteness! I have one cat that loves to dip her paw in the's like she wants to jump in...but she's too nervous to do so.  Right now I am in the middle of changing my cats from hard to soft food. Last night they gobbled it up, but one cat is rebelling against me! Haa...if she's hungry enough, she'll eat. :D ;D

Elvira will dip her paws in my bath, too-and sometimes she will dip her paw in the toilet.  :o  She loves to watch the toilet being flushed. What can I say, the cat LOVES water. She will do great on the boat this summer-I just hope she doesn't decide to jump in the lake.  :-\\


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/15/07 at 12:48 pm

Elvira will dip her paws in my bath, too-and sometimes she will dip her paw in the toilet.  :o  She loves to watch the toilet being flushed. What can I say, the cat LOVES water. She will do great on the boat this summer-I just hope she doesn't decide to jump in the lake.  :-\\


aww, that's so cute. She'll probably love the water. You should get a little sailor's suit for her! ;D :D ;)

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/15/07 at 1:26 pm

aww, that's so cute. She'll probably love the water. You should get a little sailor's suit for her! ;D :D ;)

I was thinking more of a life jacket. lol


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/15/07 at 1:32 pm

I was thinking more of a life jacket. lol


oh yes...I suppose that would be much more beneficial! ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/15/07 at 1:47 pm

My cat hates getting wet.  Hates it.  I inadvertently splashed her with some water one time and she ran around the house like a chicken with no head.  She'll drink it, but she won't let her fur get wet.  She is such a priss.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Howard on 03/15/07 at 2:23 pm

My cat hates getting wet.  Hates it.  I inadvertently splashed her with some water one time and she ran around the house like a chicken with no head.  She'll drink it, but she won't let her fur get wet.  She is such a priss.

So she doesn't like the water at all?

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/15/07 at 2:26 pm

So she doesn't like the water at all?

..................Howard..................that's what I just said.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Howard on 03/15/07 at 2:29 pm

..................Howard..................that's what I just said.

Do You have a dog?

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/15/07 at 2:29 pm

Do You have a dog?

Yes, I do.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/21/07 at 12:55 pm

Elvira LOVES birds. She will sit on the window sill, look out (and up) and make little meow sounds (not quite a meow). We have our hummingbird feeder on the window and when George or Gracie (so we dubbed the hummingbirds) come around, Elvira just goes crazy. But, last night took the cake. We were watching t.v. and they showed a bird sitting on a fence post. She got up and went straight for the t.v. and started making her little meow sounds like she does when she is watching the birds outside. Carlos and I just laughed. I should tell you that we have a big console t.v. that sits on the floor-at her eye-level.

We once had a cat who tried to get involved in a basketball game that was on t.v. "Hey guys, throw me the ball. I'm open."  :D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/21/07 at 7:15 pm

Elvira LOVES birds. She will sit on the window sill, look out (and up) and make little meow sounds (not quite a meow). We have our hummingbird feeder on the window and when George or Gracie (so we dubbed the hummingbirds) come around, Elvira just goes crazy. But, last night took the cake. We were watching t.v. and they showed a bird sitting on a fence post. She got up and went straight for the t.v. and started making her little meow sounds like she does when she is watching the birds outside. Carlos and I just laughed. I should tell you that we have a big console t.v. that sits on the floor-at her eye-level.

We once had a cat who tried to get involved in a basketball game that was on t.v. "Hey guys, throw me the ball. I'm open."  :D ;D ;D


my cats love to do that too. They sit at the window and make chirping's SO funny! ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 05/21/07 at 9:16 pm

today bode dug a hole about a foot long...then rolled around on top of it as if her four foot long body was in the it was a poor man in a tub full o cash.  it was weird and cute.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: La Roche on 05/21/07 at 9:40 pm

Halle disgraced herself three times in the past 2 weeks.

She's living with my mom and dad for a while until I finish college so thankfully I don't have to deal with her episodes.  ;D

They're selling their house and had a real estate guy around, Halle decided this was the perfect time to practice for the next hockey season and proceeded to body check him to the ground - Hard. She's built like a small tank, weighs about 85lbs or so, not sure exactly what, but she's all muscle. Anyway, she knocked this guy down so hard he hit the back of his head on the floor!  :o ;D

A couple of days before, she was in her room (which is where the washing machine is) and she decided she didn't like the washing machine and proceeded to unhook the water pipe and fill the room about 2 feet full of water, as if that wasn't enough, all that water sloshing around allowed her to open one of the big cupboards in that room and get in to her dog food.. so there was a shredded bag of dog food floating around a flooded utility room.

Then, she very nearly got put on a plane a few days ago, because she got behind the fridge, disconnected that water pipe as well! So there was water spraying all over the kitchen, then she had a spazz out and started thrashing around (and she's VERY agile) and proceeded to knock everything off the top of the fridge and break most of the things inside.. I'm amazed she didn't actually knock the fridge over.

Oh, she also ate some tile grout recently.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 05/21/07 at 9:41 pm

Then, she very nearly got put on a plane a few days ago, because she got behind the fridge, disconnected that water pipe as well! So there was water spraying all over the kitchen, then she had a spazz out and started thrashing around (and she's VERY agile) and proceeded to knock everything off the top of the fridge and break most of the things inside.. I'm amazed she didn't actually knock the fridge over.

Oh, she also ate some tile grout recently.

our dogs would get along famously.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: La Roche on 05/21/07 at 9:52 pm

our dogs would get along famously.

You might find out sooner rather than later... they're moving to a smaller house.. and I get the feeling that the pressure will be on to "Take this psychotic animal off our hands Andrew!"

You want another puppy? She's 4, she could show Bode the ropes... and she comes fully trained, just... belligerent.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: KKay on 05/21/07 at 9:55 pm

fully trained, just... belligerent.

and my pet is just like me!

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: La Roche on 05/21/07 at 9:57 pm

and my pet is just like me!

;D ;D ;D

When am I ever belligerent?!!!!? I'm always the epitome of politeness, then I make faces at people when their backs are turned.

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/31/07 at 11:48 am

Time to bump this thread up with another Elvira story:

Electra was sitting on the microwave looking out the window. Elvira joined her but sat behind her. Elvira just kept staring at Electra's back and then one paw goes up. After a second or two, another paw goes up. There she was sitting on her two back legs with both of her paws up in the air about ready to do a "gotcha" on Electra. She must have been in that position for several seconds when Electra turned around and looked as if she was saying, "Don't you dare!" Elvira put her paws down and looked as if she was saying, "What? I'm not doing anything.". Electra decided to get down off the microwave because she didn't want to keep watching her back. Elvira moved to where Electra had just been sitting, stared out the window  and it looked like she was saying/thinking "Mission accomplished".  :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/31/07 at 1:51 pm

Time to bump this thread up with another Elvira story:

Electra was sitting on the microwave looking out the window. Elvira joined her but sat behind her. Elvira just kept staring at Electra's back and then one paw goes up. After a second or two, another paw goes up. There she was sitting on her two back legs with both of her paws up in the air about ready to do a "gotcha" on Electra. She must have been in that position for several seconds when Electra turned around and looked as if she was saying, "Don't you dare!" Elvira put her paws down and looked as if she was saying, "What? I'm not doing anything.". Electra decided to get down off the microwave because she didn't want to keep watching her back. Elvira moved to where Electra had just been sitting, stared out the window  and it looked like she was saying/thinking "Mission accomplished".  :D ;D ;D ;D


OMG....that is SO funny! I love hearing cat stories! ;D

Subject: Re: My Pet Is Mental

Written By: Red Ant on 12/31/07 at 5:55 pm

Are there any cats that *aren't* crazy?

My cat, Chris, is getting really clumsy in his old age. He routinely falls off of things while sleeping, and his eyesight isn't too good, so his jumps onto things that are covered in linen of some type (bed, dining room table, the couch, etc.) often result in him coming up short and pulling the linens onto himself. He flails wildy for a second, then after everything comes crashing down, he looks around like "yeah, I meant to do that. Now, would someone get this bedspread of off me?".

Perhaps the most mental thing I've seen a cat do is stand underneath a grill while it's on, letting the hot hamburger grease drip onto his back, then lick off the grease. I suppose he had backaches and loved grilled food... pretty smart way to kill two birds with one cat.


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