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Subject: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/02/06 at 8:45 pm

I saw that quite a few of you wondered how I was doing, and I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing alright.  I'm not in a lot of pain, which is just hurts to really open my mouth wide, but I can stick a utensil in there, so eating won't be a problem.  I ate some soup and my sister bought me a milkshake from Chik-Fil-A, complete with whipped cream and a cherry!  The nurses and my doctor were really nice, although that nitrous oxide is a trip.  They give it to you to put the IV in and then once they do that, it's lights out about 2 minutes later.  Although when you're on it, BEFORE the real anesthesia kicks in, listening to other people have a conversation is hilarious.  You feel like you're 10,000 miles above the whole thing.  Very trippy.  ;)    I haven't had to dip into the Percocet yet, and hopefully I won't have to, but if I need to.....I have it.  I slept for a good chunk of the day since my nerves kept me up most of the night.

The only drawback is I have this antibacterial mouth rinse I have to use 2x a day and if you've ever wondered what peppermint-flavored ass sweat tasted like, I can tell you.  It's rank.  But it helps speed healing and make sure no germie-germs get in there and cause trouble, and I'm all for that.  It also helps stop gum bleeding, which freaked me out because I went through a lot of gauze today.  They said that even though removing upper teeth doesn't have the same bleeding issues that lower teeth do, some people don't clot as quickly as others, so it will take you longer. 

So long story short, I'm still alive and I'm very grateful for everyone's good wishes.  It meant a lot to be laying there knowing that people other than my family were hoping I was going to do well.  :)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/02/06 at 8:55 pm

good to hear that things went well's to a speedy recovery! :)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/02/06 at 8:57 pm

good to hear that things went well's to a speedy recovery! :)

Hear hear!  My mom is making my favorite casserole on Sunday, so hopefully by then I can eat it.  I might have to stick to one side chewing, but it's better than soup!

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Brian06 on 11/02/06 at 9:01 pm

Glad it all went well as I told you in the PM. I think I'm starting to have issues with one of my wisdom teeth as well cause my bottom jam aches a bit on and off, that or I need a root canal or something. Oh god I don't even wanna think about it.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/02/06 at 9:04 pm

Glad it all went well as I told you in the PM. I think I'm starting to have issues with one of my wisdom teeth as well cause my bottom jam aches a bit on and off, that or I need a root canal or something. Oh god I don't even wanna think about it.

They won't do a root canal on a wisdom tooth.  They'll just pull it.  Any other tooth, depending on the size of the cavity they would, but since you don't need them to eat, they just take them out.  I would go ahead and have it removed before it starts to give you problems like mine did me.  Go see your dentist and have them do a panoramic x-ray.....that shows the wisdom teeth better than regular bite wings.  They can give you better options after that.  :)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Brian06 on 11/02/06 at 9:18 pm

They won't do a root canal on a wisdom tooth.  They'll just pull it.  Any other tooth, depending on the size of the cavity they would, but since you don't need them to eat, they just take them out.  I would go ahead and have it removed before it starts to give you problems like mine did me.  Go see your dentist and have them do a panoramic x-ray.....that shows the wisdom teeth better than regular bite wings.  They can give you better options after that.  :)

Well this wisdom tooth is still under the gum, I have two wisdom teeth and the other two have not come up yet, I'm wondering if the wisdom tooth that has not come up yet is causing the problem or if it's the other molar that needs a root canal. Thankfully it's not that big of a problem yet but I probably should have it checked out I guess.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/02/06 at 9:29 pm

Well this wisdom tooth is still under the gum, I have two wisdom teeth and the other two have not come up yet, I'm wondering if the wisdom tooth that has not come up yet is causing the problem or if it's the other molar that needs a root canal. Thankfully it's not that big of a problem yet but I probably should have it checked out I guess.

One of my wisdom teeth is sideways underneath the gum.  The x-ray will determine if the molar next to the wisdom tooth has a cavity and that's what causing you pain or if the wisdom tooth is starting to erupt.  It won't hurt to go see your dentist and find out what they think.  I know I'm glad I did.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: nally on 11/02/06 at 9:31 pm

Well...I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well. :) Here's a karma point to help you with your recovery.

Edit: I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed six years ago; they were growing into my mouth in a crooked manner (ie, they were "perpendicular" to the rest of my teeth). Everything went well with that operation, and I could only drink milkshakes for the first 24 hours afterwards.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Dominic L. on 11/02/06 at 11:10 pm

Oh, damn, you're still alive?

Er.. I mean... Hurray! Glad it went well!

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/03/06 at 12:29 am

I went through the same thing about 5-6 years ago, had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. My dentist strongly recommended that I opt for anesthesia and I'm glad I did. Honestly, the first few hours after I got home was the worst, after that it wasn't that big of a deal. The only thing that really sucked was that I had these gaping holes in my mouth where my wisdom teeth used to be, and they gave me this syringe with a bent tip so I could flush out whatever crap might have gotten stuck in there after I ate, but after about a month they were all healed up.

Fun, isn't it?  ;)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/03/06 at 12:45 am

I went through the same thing about 5-6 years ago, had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. My dentist strongly recommended that I opt for anesthesia and I'm glad I did. Honestly, the first few hours after I got home was the worst, after that it wasn't that big of a deal. The only thing that really sucked was that I had these gaping holes in my mouth where my wisdom teeth used to be, and they gave me this syringe with a bent tip so I could flush out whatever crap might have gotten stuck in there after I ate, but after about a month they were all healed up.

Fun, isn't it?  ;)

Oh yeah, it's a barrel full of monkeys.  It's not as bad as I thought it would be.....I only had one tooth pulled.  The next time I go in , I'm getting the other 3 done.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Gis on 11/03/06 at 1:23 am

Glad it went well Beth.  :)

I have to say American dentists sound a darn sight more civilized than British ones!!! I had a numbing injection in the gum, no going under for me! No stitches and no painkillers, I was told to dose myself with ibruprofen, no antiseptic gargle either it was go home boil the kettle let the water go cold, add salt and gargle with that!! Mind you I believe if it's more than one wisdom tooth you have to go to hospital and have the full anasthetic. Thankfully I actually have 3 of my wisdom teeth missing, I have 5 teeth missing in all and still have two baby teeth, so I was saved the rest of them having to come out.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/03/06 at 1:37 am

so was your shirt unbuttoned or any other possible abuse done while you were under? J/K, Seinfeld at the dentist office, funny episode.  Welcome back Beth, to the land of the living. I'm glad you're surgery went well and hope your healing is quick and as painfree as can be. If not, you have some of the good stuff  ;)  It sounds like you getting excellent care at home from mom & sis, milkshakes and casseroles, man, that almost makes one want to go to the dentist.  peppermint-flavored ass sweat?  I want some  ;D

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/03/06 at 1:38 am

It is good you are on the road to recovery, take care.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/03/06 at 1:44 am

Glad it went well Beth.  :)

I have to say American dentists sound a darn sight more civilized than British ones!!! I had a numbing injection in the gum, no going under for me! No stitches and no painkillers, I was told to dose myself with ibruprofen, no antiseptic gargle either it was go home boil the kettle let the water go cold, add salt and gargle with that!! Mind you I believe if it's more than one wisdom tooth you have to go to hospital and have the full anasthetic. Thankfully I actually have 3 of my wisdom teeth missing, I have 5 teeth missing in all and still have two baby teeth, so I was saved the rest of them having to come out.

Even though I was only having one tooth pulled, there was no way I'd have it done without being knocked out.  I'm real squeamish when it comes to stuff like that. 

Your dentist sounded horrible!

so was your shirt unbuttoned or any other possible abuse done while you were under? J/K, Seinfeld at the dentist office, funny episode.  Welcome back Beth, to the land of the living. I'm glad you're surgery went well and hope your healing is quick and as painfree as can be. If not, you have some of the good stuff  ;)  It sounds like you getting excellent care at home from mom & sis, milkshakes and casseroles, man, that almost makes one want to go to the dentist.  peppermint-flavored ass sweat?  I want some  ;D

I wore a tank top just for that very reason.....I wanted no tomfoolery while I was in la-la land.  J/K.....I have a great oral surgeon....there would be no funny business. 

Yeah, I can't wait for Sunday when I can sink my teeth into my mom's casserole.  Yumm!

It is good you are on the road to recovery, take care.

Thanks Philip.....I have another couple days, but I should be better by then. 

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: karen on 11/03/06 at 3:33 am

Glad to hear it went well and you are not in too much pain.

I had nitrous oxide when I was giving birth and it made the whole thing seem a riot.  Definitely to be recommended.

I have to say American dentists sound a darn sight more civilized than British ones!!! I had a numbing injection in the gum, no going under for me!

The problem in Britian is that dentists can no longer give full anasthetic in certain circumstances such as pulling wisdom teeth.  This is because it is difficult for them to maintain an open airway when they have to reach right into the back of your mouth.  If the wisdom tooth is such that the dentist feels he maybe have difficulty removing it then you are referred to the hospital so you can have the full deal.  Hubby is currently on the waiting list to have one or two of his wisdom teeth out.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: spaceace on 11/03/06 at 7:23 am

I just had a molar root taken out about two+half weeks ago.  I feel for you.  Speedy full recovery, okay? ;)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Jessica on 11/03/06 at 8:54 am

You'll be fine by Sunday, trust me.

I had the bottom two taken out when I was 21, under anethesia. It took them about 45 minutes since they had already popped out of the gums. They hurt later on, but by the third day, I was fine

Then last year I had the top two taken out because they were causing me to have headaches. The dentist did it with just the numbing injections. I was awake. I could feel him drilling holes into the teeth to get a grip on them, and it felt weird. It didn't hurt, but you could feel what he was doing and when the tooth finally popped out. I tell you though, it was a relief to get them out. They were hurting like crazy. The pain wasn't bad at all, either. Just a dull ache that was easily remedied with a Vicodin.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Gis on 11/03/06 at 8:59 am

It's the trying to resist checking out where your tooth was with your tongue every few minutes that's really hard. ;D

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Ashkicksass on 11/03/06 at 9:33 am

Glad to hear that everything went well!    :)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: La Roche on 11/03/06 at 9:44 am

Damn, you're lucky.

I had all 4 pulled, they broke my jaw.. and I was fully conscious!

Anyway, glad it went good. It'll be fine soon, they heal fast.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 11/03/06 at 10:07 am

Glad to hear things went well.  If you're still bleeding quite a bit, though, don't suck on anything through a straw because it "pulls" the clot out of place (can't think of a better way to say it :-\\).

I had all of mine pulled 6-7 years ago.  I was fully awake, but numbed like crazy.  They were all through (and not crooked or sideways or anything like that), but I couldn't get the toothbrush to clean the back of them because they were so far back in my mouth.  Needless to say, they started getting cavities and hurting so out they came.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: FaultyDog on 11/03/06 at 2:00 pm

I'm glad to hear everything went well, Beth. :) Like everyone else before me, I wish you a speedy recovery.

I still have my wisdom teeth, they're not causing me any problems (thank heavens), but I have had my four front teeth removed well over ten years ago. They were growing in front of each other, and I couldn't keep them clean anymore. (Should've had braces when I was younger... :\'()
Anyway, my dentist extracted them under local anaesthesia, and it didn't feel that bad. Well, not until anaesthetics wore off anyway... :-\\ :o For the rest of that day I really really REALLY wished I had my teeth back. Luckily the excruciating pain only lasted about a day.

...well I was trying to cheer you up. ;)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/03/06 at 2:34 pm

I wish you a very speedy recovery  :)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: nally on 11/03/06 at 3:39 pm

Mine weren't pulled; just surgically removed, that's all.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/03/06 at 7:45 pm

It's the trying to resist checking out where your tooth was with your tongue every few minutes that's really hard. ;D

I'm trying to not take a mirror and look and see where the tooth was.....that might freak me out.

Glad to hear things went well.  If you're still bleeding quite a bit, though, don't suck on anything through a straw because it "pulls" the clot out of place (can't think of a better way to say it :-\\).

I had all of mine pulled 6-7 years ago.  I was fully awake, but numbed like crazy.  They were all through (and not crooked or sideways or anything like that), but I couldn't get the toothbrush to clean the back of them because they were so far back in my mouth.  Needless to say, they started getting cavities and hurting so out they came.

I have cavities in 2 erupted wisdom teeth that are left, and the one I had pulled had a real nasty one.  The bleeding has stopped would have thought I was shot from the amount of bloody gauze I had in my trash can.  The last thing I want is dry socket, so I'm being very careful with that.

Mine weren't pulled; just surgically removed, that's all.

This was a surgical removal too, you know.  They had to cut the gum and root around to pull it out since it wasn't already loose. 

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/03/06 at 9:26 pm

Great to hear that your ok!

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: deadrockstar on 11/03/06 at 9:36 pm

I'm glad to hear your surgery went alright for you, Beth.

I had to have my wisdom teeth removed a couple of years ago.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: deadrockstar on 11/04/06 at 2:36 pm

I killed the thread, I see. ::)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/04/06 at 2:37 pm

I still have my wisdom teeth.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/04/06 at 3:06 pm

I still have my wisdom teeth.

A lot of people do.  Many don't have them erupt, and they choose to keep them instead of going through surgery that is more painful the older you get.  Those people are lucky.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/04/06 at 3:15 pm

A lot of people do.  Many don't have them erupt, and they choose to keep them instead of going through surgery that is more painful the older you get.  Those people are lucky.
When I went for my extraction about 2

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/04/06 at 3:22 pm

How's everything going,are you feeling any better SM? :)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/04/06 at 3:24 pm

When I went for my extraction about 2

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/04/06 at 3:26 pm

That can happen.  My lower-right wisdom tooth is crooked in my jaw.  The next time I go in for a consultation, I'm going to ask him what the chances are of it erupting later in life.  If there's no chance it's going anywhere, I don't know if I want to add more pain onto my plate.

The dentist described it as no need to worry.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Dominic L. on 11/04/06 at 3:37 pm

The real question, Beth, is "Are you REALLY alive?"

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/04/06 at 3:50 pm

The real question, Beth, is "Are you REALLY alive?"

Of course she is,Do you think there's a ghost named Sister Morphine? ::)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Dominic L. on 11/04/06 at 3:58 pm

Of course she is,Do you think there's a ghost named Sister Morphine? ::)

Perhaps I was speaking figuratively.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/04/06 at 3:59 pm

Perhaps I was speaking figuratively.

Maybe there is a ghost,hey you never know. ;D

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: deadrockstar on 11/04/06 at 4:04 pm

Aaaaaand nothing.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: deadrockstar on 11/04/06 at 4:04 pm

I see how it is..

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/04/06 at 4:06 pm

Aaaaaand nothing.

Do you think there's a ghost of Sister Morphine? ;D

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: karen on 11/06/06 at 9:08 am

I'm glad to hear your surgery went alright for you, Beth.

I had to have my wisdom teeth removed a couple of years ago.

Aaaaaand nothing.

I see how it is..

Details, man, we need details.  Then we can dissect your wisdom teeth extraction story bit by bit.  Just telling us you had some teeth extracted doesn't cut it!

I still have all of my wisdom teeth, but only because I had loads of other molars removed before my wisdom teeth came through.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/06/06 at 4:28 pm

Hope you're feeling better Sister? :)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/06/06 at 7:10 pm

Hope you're feeling better Sister? :)

I'm fine's been 5 days.  I'm pretty much eating normally now, and with the exception of a slight ache in my jaw where the tooth was, I'm not in any pain.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 11/06/06 at 7:14 pm

Wow, I must've missed out on some stuff here.. I had no idea you were getting this done. Yet, I am glad the surgery went well and so far, so good.  :) I am also gratefull of your description of it, as I will be experiencing it myself in just short of a few months  :( Yet, from seeing how you survived, I think I can get through it!

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/06/06 at 7:20 pm

Wow, I must've missed out on some stuff here.. I had no idea you were getting this done. Yet, I am glad the surgery went well and so far, so good.  :) I am also grateful of your description of it, as I will be experiencing it myself in just short of a few months  :( Yet, from seeing how you survived, I think I can get through it!

I had a great doctor and great nurses who made it go as well as it did.  Are you doing general or a local?  If it's not that much more expensive, I'd go for general anesthesia.  Whether you do one or the other, it should take the same amount of time, but it might be easier on you if you're just knocked out cold.  At least, I know it was for me.  ;D

I still have 3 more wisdom teeth to get removed, but I'm going to do all those at one time as soon as I get insurance. 

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/07/06 at 2:10 pm

What about a cleaning?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 11/07/06 at 2:12 pm

I had a great doctor and great nurses who made it go as well as it did.  Are you doing general or a local?  If it's not that much more expensive, I'd go for general anesthesia.  Whether you do one or the other, it should take the same amount of time, but it might be easier on you if you're just knocked out cold.  At least, I know it was for me.  ;D

I still have 3 more wisdom teeth to get removed, but I'm going to do all those at one time as soon as I get insurance. 

I will be getting general anesthetic, as all four will be removed and I know there's no way I'll want to be awake through that blood bath  ;D

I wish you best on the next 3 removals.  ;)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/07/06 at 3:30 pm

I'm fine's been 5 days.  I'm pretty much eating normally now, and with the exception of a slight ache in my jaw where the tooth was, I'm not in any pain.

Did they clean the tooth before the surgery?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/07/06 at 5:26 pm

Did they clean the tooth before the surgery?

No, they just cut it out.  Why would they clean it? 

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/07/06 at 5:27 pm

I will be getting general anesthetic, as all four will be removed and I know there's no way I'll want to be awake through that blood bath  ;D

I wish you best on the next 3 removals.  ;)

Yay for general!!  I wish you luck hurts. 

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/08/06 at 3:38 pm

Beth, it has been over half a week since, how are you feeling now?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 3:43 pm

Beth, it has been over half a week since, how are you feeling now?

I'm fine.  Aside from the blinding pain in my jaw.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/08/06 at 3:51 pm

I'm fine.  Aside from the blinding pain in my jaw.
Hopefully you are taking tablets?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 3:52 pm

Hopefully you are taking tablets?

Yeah, but only when I absolutely need to.  They're narcotics and I don't want to run the risk of becoming dependent on them.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/08/06 at 3:53 pm

Yeah, but only when I absolutely need to.  They're narcotics and I don't want to run the risk of becoming dependent on them.
...or in reverse, you may become emmuned to them.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/08/06 at 4:11 pm

No, they just cut it out.  Why would they clean it? 

tartar and plaque buildup?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:12 pm

tartar and plaque buildup?

If they're cutting it out, there's no reason to do that. 

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/08/06 at 4:14 pm

If they're cutting it out, there's no reason to do that. 

Why not? ???

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:16 pm

Why not? ???

Why clean a tooth you're taking out of my mouth?  That makes no sense.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/08/06 at 4:16 pm

Why not? ???

because Howard...that would be defeating the purpose. Why clean something that isn't going to exist after it's taken out? ???

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/08/06 at 4:17 pm

Why clean a tooth you're taking out of my mouth?  That makes no sense.

Wouldn't you want to have a nice shiny tooth instead of a yellow gunky tooth?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:18 pm

Wouldn't you want to have a nice shiny tooth instead of a yellow gunky tooth?

Why would I want a clean tooth that is no longer in my mouth?  You're not making any sense.  I don't have the tooth anyway...what would I do with it?  Look at it in awe? 

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/08/06 at 4:20 pm

Why would I want a clean tooth that is no longer in my mouth?  You're not making any sense.  I don't have the tooth anyway...what would I do with it?  Look at it in awe? 

keep it in a jar? ???

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:21 pm

keep it in a jar? ???

What would I possibly need a wisdom tooth in a jar for?

I can't believe I'm even having this argument.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/08/06 at 4:21 pm

keep it in a jar? ???

ya, right next to the shrunken head, right? ::)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:22 pm

ya, right next to the shrunken head, right? ::)

Hey....who told you about that?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/08/06 at 4:22 pm

What would I possibly need a wisdom tooth in a jar for?

I can't believe I'm even having this argument.

I'm sorry Sister,ok no more questions. :(

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/08/06 at 4:23 pm

Hey....who told you about that?

a little birdie? ??? ;D

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:24 pm

I'm sorry Sister,ok no more questions. :(

I didn't say you couldn't ask questions, it's just that the questions you were asking were a little off.  Oral surgeons don't clean teeth; that's a dental hygienist's job and I couldn't see my dental hygienist until I had the surgery.  I didn't keep the tooth because I have no need for body parts that aren't on my body anymore.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/08/06 at 4:29 pm

I didn't say you couldn't ask questions, it's just that the questions you were asking were a little off.  Oral surgeons don't clean teeth; that's a dental hygienist's job and I couldn't see my dental hygienist until I had the surgery.  I didn't keep the tooth because I have no need for body parts that aren't on my body anymore.

So they're 2 different occupations?

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:30 pm

So they're 2 different occupations?

Well obviously.  An oral surgeon's job is to remove teeth that a dentist cannot.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Howard on 11/08/06 at 4:31 pm

Well obviously.  An oral surgeon's job is to remove teeth that a dentist cannot.

Ok,Thanks Sister ;)

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/08/06 at 4:33 pm

Ok,Thanks Sister ;)

I should say that oral surgeons do more than just teeth removal.  They can also do facial reconstruction and surgery involving the jaws.

Subject: Re: Don't worry everyone.....I'm still alive. :)

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 11/08/06 at 4:45 pm

Yeah, but only when I absolutely need to.  They're narcotics and I don't want to run the risk of becoming dependent on them.

I doubt you'll become dependent on them. I've taken stuff (as in narcotics) for pain and if it's not in your nature to become dependent of such things, then you should use them for their intended purpose.

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