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Subject: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Silver Power on 07/03/06 at 1:06 pm
And The Winner Is...
Congrats to everyone who entered, and please, try again next time!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Red Ant on 07/03/06 at 5:30 pm
Oh yeah?
Well yo mama's so slutty she had a state named after her: "I-da-Ho"!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: whistledog on 07/03/06 at 5:44 pm
Oh yeah? well ...
Yo mama's so fat, in high school, she sat next to everybody
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Red Ant on 07/03/06 at 5:54 pm
Oooh, snap!
Well yo mama's turned more tricks than David Copperfield!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: whistledog on 07/03/06 at 6:12 pm
Oh yeah?
Well, yo mama's so hairy, it look like she got Buckwheat in a headlock
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/03/06 at 7:00 pm
(Ok, I may take some of these from the show, Yo Momma, but I'll try to change it up...)
If you didn't have hands, you wouldn't wear gloves, right?
And if you didn't have feet, you wouldn't wear shoes, right?
And if you didn't have a head, you wouldn't wear a hat, right?
So why in the hell are you wearing underwear?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Red Ant on 07/03/06 at 7:57 pm
Check this:
Yo mama is so fat, she had her stomach stapled - to Country Buffet!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/03/06 at 8:03 pm
I'm bored, so...
Yo mama's so fat, isn't this her wedding ring:
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This better work.... Doing the ring took me about 15.... I AM bored.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/04/06 at 12:10 am
Yo mama so stupid, she cried because the DMV gave her an F in sex :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/04/06 at 10:00 am
Yo mama so fat, isn't this a picture of her? ->
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/04/06 at 10:04 am
Yo mama so fat, isn't this a picture of her? ->
No, I think that's yo mama's deodorant.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/04/06 at 11:14 am
Well, I'm not insulted. I gave it to my mom after yo mama gave it to me cuz she couldn't pay for my 'Services'. I think it was your houses roofing..
(God, that one sucked...)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Red Ant on 07/04/06 at 12:43 pm
^Yeah it did!
Yo mama's so poor, she can't afford to pay attention!
(old joke)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/04/06 at 12:57 pm
What, ya want me to be more original?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: whistledog on 07/04/06 at 12:58 pm
^ speaking of which, I still owe your mama $50 for the pleasure she gave me last night
But in fact yo mama's teeth are so yellow, she could butter a whole loaf of bread
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/04/06 at 1:07 pm
Stick the bread between your mama's buttcheeks and you'll have some French toast, too :o
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/04/06 at 2:05 pm
Yo Mama's so ugly, she tried to breast-feed herself, and half her teeth packed up and fled the country. Now it looks like her tounge's in jail!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/04/06 at 3:12 pm
Methinks that was yo mama...and she's so fat anyway that she just used your front fence as dentures.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/04/06 at 4:44 pm
Y'Know what, I have nothin' bad to say about yo mama. She'd gimme the hair off her back!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/04/06 at 9:37 pm
Yeah, your mama made me a nice rug from her moustache too. Thanks.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/04/06 at 10:10 pm
Wh-wh... No you dit-int!
Yo momma so hairy, she got afros on her tits!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/04/06 at 10:18 pm
Well, yo mama is both hairy AND nasty...but at least she can be both a street sweeper and a Zamboni, so she ain't po like your grandma.
;) :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Red Ant on 07/04/06 at 11:03 pm
Uh, Uh!
Yo check it!
Well, I guess it's time for me to start waxing poetic
Yo dawg, your yo mama jokes are really quite pathetic
In fact, your whole act is just that it's,
like watching a train wreck it's so horrific
You can't figure that out? need me to be a little more specific?
Well here's a little thing that has been proven; scientific
Yo mama's face is mo' weathered than Egyptian hieroglyphics
(the jokes are good, keep 'em coming!)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 8:20 am
I gotta give props to Red Ant, that was sweet.
It's too bad that he's so stupid, he has to pull down his pants to count to 21... Or, actually, should I say 20 1/2.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 1:12 pm
Unfortunately, poor Silver Power can still only count to 20.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 3:08 pm
For you, Rice, you'd only be able to count to 11, even if you had a dick, cuz yo mom's so fat and stupid she ate your hands off cuz she thought they was butterfingers
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/05/06 at 4:19 pm
Yo mama's so dumb, she allowed you to open up a thread with old ass jokes. lol
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 4:57 pm
Yeah, yo mama's so dumb, she thought that joke was funny.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/05/06 at 5:01 pm
Yeah, yo mama's so dumb, she thought that joke was funny.
hahaha I wasn't being funny. The whole point of "Yo Mama" jokes is to create insults of your own, not rehashed ones. Don't use the same ones I used when I was 9.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 6:33 pm
Wow, first off, what are you now? 10? I mean, why else would you make your username have 1996 in it?
You make a great point. But this board is for fun, and for a few laughs.
If you seriously don't like it, why are you here?
And I don't think you'll find anyone who makes up their own Yo Mama jokes anymore, unless they have props. It's all been done.
Yo Self is so stupid, you probably gonna object to this post.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 7:59 pm
Wow, first off, what are you now? 10? I mean, why else would you make your username have 1996 in it?
Apparently you're so cross-eyed you read 1996 instead of 1976, like it really says.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 8:14 pm
Ah sheesh.
Well, nonetheless, she's acting like a 10 year old.
There's some Rice on this board that smells so bad, it made 'Right Guard', left; 'Red Zone', Green; and 'Old Spice' New Again...
***Incase you're stupid, those are deoderants. I know some people here are. I'm not gonna say any names, but, he/she (I can't tell) was born in 1976***
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 8:18 pm
Yo mama is so fat and nasty, she's her own life preserver...all she's gotta do is fart in her panties and there ya go.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 9:04 pm
Ooohhh!!! :D
Yo Mama so fat she played the Death Star in Star Wars.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 9:06 pm
Well, yo mama is so fat, smaller fat women orbit around her.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 9:55 pm
How can that be true? Mine already orbits around yours?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 9:56 pm
Yeah, the only thing smaller than yo mama's breasts is yo dick.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 10:13 pm
think so?
Yo mama
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 10:44 pm
think so?
Yo mama
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 10:47 pm
ya.... well
Yo mama's so stinky they had to invent Chanel No. 6
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 10:50 pm
Hehe ;)
You know why they call it asphalt? Because when they pave the roads, they give yo mama a gift certificate to all-you-can-eat buffet so she'll sit her @$$ down on it.
Sorry, that was lame.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 10:53 pm
It was Rice - but we'll accept it anyway! ;)
Yo mama
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 10:55 pm
Thanks for the mulligan :D
Yo mama is sooooooooooooooooo fat, when she jumped for joy, she got stuck.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:00 pm
Yo mama's so stupid she thought Taco Bell was a phone company in Mexico
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 11:01 pm
Ah, goin' old school!
Yo mama so fat, her bathing suit size is Goodyear.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:08 pm
;D ;D 8)
Yo mama's so nasty, she has more crabs then Red Lobster
definitely taking it back to the old school! ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 11:10 pm
Yo mama is so dumb...she doesn't nod because she understands you, she's doing it so her one brain cell doesn't get bored :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:18 pm
Yo mama's so stupid she got locked in a bathroom and nearly pissed her pants!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 11:20 pm
Which leads me to...
Yo mama is so poor, she got evicted from her cardboard box because she was three months behind.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:21 pm
and I follow with....
Yo mama's so poor i saw her kicking a can down the street and asked her what she was doing...... she said "moving".
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 11:22 pm
Yo mama so poor, she bankrupted welfare :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 07/05/06 at 11:24 pm
sorry to interrupt....
but you guys are effin' hilarious!!! :D ;D
Now...carry on. ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:25 pm
too funny..... ;D ;D
Yo mama's so stupid she put a peep hole in a glass door
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 11:26 pm
Now to switch gears...
Yo mama such a ho, her legs have a sign that reads, "Open 24 hours" :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:33 pm
pffft! You almost made me shoot pepsi out my nose! ;D
Good times, good times, but I am feeling so old digging through memories for some of these! ;)
Yo mama's such a Ho that they're having to paternity test the whole state of Texas just to find out who yo daddy is!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 11:41 pm
Here's some stuff from the archives for when my friend and I rattled off for like three days.
Btw, yo mama is so fat, Godzilla took one look at her and said "F**k this sh!t!" :P
Hard to come up with good material, hehe.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 11:41 pm
Damn, this girl came outta nowhere!
Yo mama so poor, I saw her walkin down the street with one shoe on, I asked 'Hey, did ya lose a shoe', and she's like 'Naw, I found one!'
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:45 pm
bring it!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
Yo mama's so stinky that a blind man walking by her asked "How much for the shrimp platter?"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 11:47 pm
Yo mama so greasy Texaco buys Oil from her...
Reeeeeeal old skool.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:48 pm
Yo mama's so fat, every time she wears high heels, she strikes oil.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/05/06 at 11:49 pm
Yeah, well yo mama so lazy she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/05/06 at 11:57 pm
Yo Mama's so fat she has to wear her necklaces as bracelets
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 11:57 pm
Yo mama is so fat, she got a job as the famous supermodel, "Before".
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 12:01 am
Yo mama's so fat she's got more Chins than a Hong Kong phone book!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 12:05 am
Yo mama so fat, the dentist uses several cement mixers to do her fillings.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 12:10 am
here's a real old one....
Yo mama's like a bowling ball. She's picked up, fingered, and then thrown in the gutter.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 12:13 am
Yo mama is so poor, she has to eat hamBOOGERS :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Red Ant on 07/06/06 at 12:16 am
Yo mama's like a padlock to a dumpster; big, rusty, old, loose, had keys stuck in her more times than I can count, and when you finally get it open all you find is stank inside!
BTW, although this thread is fun, some of you *cough*Silver Power*cough*, need to watch the language a bit. Overly sexual jokes will be deleted.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 12:18 am
Yo mama's so poor when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers!!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 12:20 am
Yo mama so fat, she doesn't break a sweat, she shatters it.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 12:23 am
Yo mama's so ugly she made an onion cry.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 12:32 am
Yo mama got another job in public transportation...she'd let people ride her flab and then slap her thigh to send them to their destinations. Do the wave!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 12:34 am
^ I'm cringing at the thought!!! ;D
Yo mama's so stupid she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jif.
And with that I am out for the night.
It's been fun Rice! :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Dominic L. on 07/06/06 at 12:38 am
Yo mama's so short, you can see her feet in her driver's license!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 1:12 am
Yo mama's so poor she was in K-Mart with a box of Hefty bags. I said, "What ya doin'?" She said, "Buying luggage."
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Red Ant on 07/06/06 at 1:13 am
Yo mama's so short, you can see her feet in her driver's license!
Yo mama's so fat she don't know she's even got feet!
Yo mama's so ugly that if she were here we'd give her "DOG-MA" points!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 1:15 am
Yo mama's so fat when she gets on the scale it says we don't do livestock
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/06/06 at 1:32 am
Wow, first off, what are you now? 10? I mean, why else would you make your username have 1996 in it?
You make a great point. But this board is for fun, and for a few laughs.
If you seriously don't like it, why are you here?
And I don't think you'll find anyone who makes up their own Yo Mama jokes anymore, unless they have props. It's all been done.
Yo Self is so stupid, you probably gonna object to this post.
Yo self is so stupid, you read 1976 as 1996. Reading is fundamental. lol
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Mr. Dick on 07/06/06 at 6:52 am
Yo Mama's so fat, She uses a "Boring machine" as a Vibrator or Toy.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: imadick on 07/06/06 at 7:15 am
Yo Mama's so fat, She uses a "Boring machine" as a Vibrator or Toy.
^ Me Posted it before loging in YO :p
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/06/06 at 9:29 am
Yo mama's like a padlock to a dumpster; big, rusty, old, loose, had keys stuck in her more times than I can count, and when you finally get it open all you find is stank inside!
BTW, although this thread is fun, some of you *cough*Silver Power*cough*, need to watch the language a bit. Overly sexual jokes will be deleted.
Yeah, 'Silver Power', you dirt bag. Pssh. What a freak.
Yo mama so flat she's jealous of a piece of paper*
*Is that too overly sexual? Just wondering. Delete it if it is.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 11:03 am
Yo mama is even lamer than your joke...she can't roll over without falling down.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Umbrella Weather on 07/06/06 at 11:57 am
Yo mama is so sad, she's crying more than me.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 7:29 pm
Yo mama is so broke, her version of Frosted Flakes is her dandruff.
Actually, she can't even afford dandruff, can she scratch your head?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/06/06 at 7:44 pm
Yo mama so broke she got you a Sony P... The SP's still on layaway.
And fo yo birthday, she was so poor, she got you an XBOX 180.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 8:32 pm
Yo mama is even more broke, because she gave me an IOU.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/06/06 at 9:10 pm
Yo mama so stupid, she went and had you!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 9:48 pm
Yo mama so fat, the doctor had to check her blood pressure with a tire gauge.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Tam on 07/06/06 at 10:01 pm
Yo mama so stupid, she went and had you!
Hey! ^ that's a little below the belt! >:(
Yo mama's so hairy she has more butt fur than an Ewok!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 10:17 pm
Except for the Ewoks who shave their butts :D
Yo mama so fat, she uses Mini Coopers for roller skates.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/06/06 at 10:23 pm
Yo mama's so hairy she has more butt fur than an Ewok!
Um, excuse me, I think you mean "Yo STEPmama's so hairy she has more butt fur than an Ewok!".
Thank you.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 10:27 pm
That made less sense than what's in yo mama's purse.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/06/06 at 10:35 pm
Nah, I was just saying, my Mom's ass ain't hairy, my stepmom's prolly is.
Idk if I said this already, and tell me if I did, but...
...Yo mama so cheap, she ain't never heard of 50 Cent... And I ain't talkin 'bout the rapper!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/06/06 at 10:48 pm
So you're saying that you shaved your mom's ass but didn't do the same for your stepmom? How impolite. Here, take my lawnmower.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: smokey_munkie on 07/07/06 at 3:46 am
don't you mean chainsaw?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/07/06 at 7:15 am
Calling me impolite? You just snatched the lawnmower away from yo own mama while she was brushin' her teeth with it.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/07/06 at 1:22 pm
That's because yo mama needs the floor buffer more ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/07/06 at 2:29 pm
<originality> Yeah, well yo face is ugly, and yo mama's a man! </originality>
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/07/06 at 3:20 pm
Yeah, he banged yo mama and I was born :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/07/06 at 5:50 pm
Here's a few for consideration:
Yo mama's so stupid- she thought a breast lift meant tying two balloons to her chest!
Yo mama's so stupid- she thought Lionel Richie was a rich kid with trains!
Yo mama's so fat- they had to change the clothing tags to "One Size Fits Most!"
Yo mama's so fat- when she wears corduroy, her thighs have a conversation!
Yo mama's so skanky- the garbagemen threw HER into the truck, and left the trash!
Yo mama's so ugly- her dentist treats her by mail!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/07/06 at 6:00 pm
^ Good ones :)
Yo mama is so fat, the dentist has to hire the Sea World crew to scrub her teeth :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/07/06 at 6:24 pm
Yo mama's so stupid- she went to a Jimmy Buffett concert, and asked where the food was!
(I'll probably get reprimanded for this one, but it's one of the ultimate best I have...)
Yo mama's so stupid- she gave yo uncle a blowjob, 'cuz she thought it'd help his unemployment!
(Sorry if that's too risque...) :-[
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/07/06 at 8:51 pm
It's okay...
That's because yo mama's so po that she'll take any job she can get :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest}
Written By: Silver Power on 07/07/06 at 11:06 pm
Yeah, well...
Yo mama so bald you can see whats on her mind.
By the way, it's Round 2, so look at page 1 of this thread to see how it's gonna work and if you're moving on!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 1:40 am
Round 2.... here we go!
I got nothind bad to say about Yo Mama - heck, her face says it all...
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: whistledog on 07/08/06 at 1:44 am
oh yeah, well ...
Yo mama's so stupid, the first time she used a vibrator, she cracked her two front teeth
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/08/06 at 9:12 am
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 9:44 am
oh yeah, well ...
Yo mama's so stupid, the first time she used a vibrator, she cracked her two front teeth
Yo pops is so stupid, that's probably why yo mama has a sore bellybutton.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 1:53 pm
oh yeah???
Yo Mama's so stupid she thought Boys II Men was a daycare!
Yo mama's so fat she tripped, fell on a rainbow and made skittles! ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 2:41 pm
Yo mama's so fat, when she put on a flannel shirt, the local car company had a picnic on her ass :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:13 pm
But yo mama's so fat, she wore yellow spandex to wal-mart and people kept yelling "TAXI!!!!"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:15 pm
Yeah, but when yo mama wore a fur coat, Animal Control tried to tranquilize her :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:25 pm
;D ;D ;D ^
Damn it, just realized that last 'yo' is as old as the crust in yo mama's underpants...
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:28 pm
^ Yeah, yo mama so poor she had to buy it so she wouldn't starve to death :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:30 pm
Why do drunks puke in the gutters?
To feed yo mama!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:32 pm
Hehehe...yo mama so ugly, that's why they puked :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:33 pm
but I heard yo mama so fat that her belt size is "Equator"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:39 pm
Yeah, yo mama's purse strap needed to be adjusted to "Prime Meridian" :P :D
That was about:
Yo mama so fat, Prince wrote a song about her:
Two-thousand zero zero
Gawd that ho is such a swine
One cut of her buttcheek would feed us
Till thirty-ninty-nine!
That was probably even lamer. I'm almost out of ideas :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:41 pm
I'm sure you will be able to come up with more! ;)
Yo mama's so hairy that your brother was born with rug-burn :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:43 pm
Hehehe...I got some dirty ones involving yo mama's hair and Velcro but I don't think they'd stay too long :D
Yo mama such a pig, she ate the cookies AND the cookie jar :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:44 pm
Just re-word them like I did above! ;) ;D
Yo mama's so fat even her clothes have stretch marks!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:48 pm
So I was a tax preparer once. One of my clients was a nice Asian gentleman who ran a laundry service. We were working on his business deductions when I noticed that he had a fire truck and a fire helicopter listed on his expense report. I asked them what those were, and he said they weren't a mistake, it was the only way he could clean yo mama's underpants.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:53 pm
Ya.... well.....
Yo mama's so stupid, she took a box of crayons back to the store cause they didn't match!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:55 pm
Yeah, then yo mama ate them because she saw one of them was "berry red" :D
But then she puked, so she went to throw them away...but she couldn't, because the trash can said "refuse" :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 3:56 pm
too funny!!!!
Reminds me of the last time I was at Krispy Kreme....
Yo mama so stupid that she returned her donuts cause they had holes in them!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 3:58 pm
That's okay, yo mama has to buy Krispy Cremes because those are her "Cheerios" :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 4:10 pm
that's how it is huh? ;D
Yo mama's so stank when she walks in a room she sets off the smoke detectors!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 4:13 pm
Yo mama so stank, when she went to the zoo, the monkeys had to sniff their own butts to drown out her stank :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 4:15 pm
Oh no you didn't!!!!!! ;D
Yo Mama's so dumb I told her Christmas was around the corner, and she went lookin'
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 4:16 pm
Yo mama so fat, she makes sumo wrestlers look like Beanie Babies ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/08/06 at 4:20 pm
And yo mama's so fat her crack is bigger than the San Andreas Fault! ;D
I'm out for now Rice - see ya later!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/08/06 at 4:26 pm
Yo mama so nasty, the dry cleaner charges her hazard pay :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: whistledog on 07/09/06 at 2:51 am
Yo ugly mama's chest hair is so damn long, it's growing all the way down to her willy
No seriously, under all that hair yo Mama is really a Saint....a Saint Bernard!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/09/06 at 12:26 pm
Yo mama is more broke than the Ten Commandments ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/09/06 at 10:36 pm
The tried and true...yo mama so fat, she smokes turkeys :D
Or...yo mama so fat and nasty, the last time she farted, Hiroshima disappeared.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/09/06 at 11:18 pm
Yo mama's so stupid, she thought "Hooked On Phonics" was a job offer for sex in a foreign country.
Yo mama's so fat, she caused a tidal wave, at the beach. Out of 40,000 ppl, only 7 were saved.
Yo mama's so fat & stupid, when she saw the sign "Crack Kills", she got a license to use her ass as a weapon, & hired out as a "sit" woman.
Yo mama's so skanky, King Edward Sardines called her, to see if she stuffed theirs in her pooder!
Yo mama's such a fat-ass, she had hemorrhoid surgery, & the doctor found a couch!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/09/06 at 11:21 pm
Yo mama is such a good samaritan...when she heard New Orleans was flooded, she beached herself in the Gulf and stopped the flooding. Very neighborly of her.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: whistledog on 07/10/06 at 12:58 am
On a lighter note, Yo Mama is so nice ...
She just helped me get my 20,000th post!
but seriously, Yo Mama stink so bad, when she spread her legs, I got sea sick
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/10/06 at 1:27 am
Yo mama's so poor, she can't afford a compliment!
Yo mama's so lazy, she told the garbagemen to leave 3 cans!
Yo mama's so stupid, she thought "La-Z-Boy" was a poor man's transsexual operation!
Yo mama's so fat, she's got more chins than Hong Kong!
Yo mama's so gullible, she thought a breathalizer test was giving a cop oral sex!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/10/06 at 7:11 am
Yo mama's so gullible, she thought a breathalizer test was giving a cop oral sex!
Yo mama so po, she flies Air Nike.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/10/06 at 12:01 pm
Yo mama's so stupid, she looks for the doorknob in a revolving door.
Yo mama's so stupid, she thinks she'll catch a disease while driving in the H.O.V. lane.
Yo mama's so fat, putting on her pants involves motor oil and a crane!
Yo mama's butt is so fat, when she bends over, wolves start howling!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/10/06 at 12:16 pm
Yo mama's butt is so fat, when she bends over, wolves start howling!
This one deserves kudos :D
Yo mama so fat, she needs a zamboni to wax her legs :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/10/06 at 12:20 pm
Yo mama's butt's so fat- when she's laying on her belly, little kids mistake her for sand dunes!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/10/06 at 2:59 pm
Well, yo mama's so fat, when she dipped her ass into the ocean, she sank my battleship.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/10/06 at 3:53 pm
Yo mama's butt's so big- when she farts, radio stations change without anyone moving the dial!
Yo mama's butt's so big- it looks like two badly parked Volkswagen Beetles.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/10/06 at 4:01 pm
Yo mama's farts so stank, the palm trees wilted.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/10/06 at 5:33 pm
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/10/06 at 8:30 pm
Awww, but he's funny.
And yo mama so po, she has to use her yeast infections to make bread.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/10/06 at 10:21 pm
Awww, but he's funny.
And yo mama so po, she has to use her yeast infections to make bread.
Yo mama's so fat she has to use sheep for tampons!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/11/06 at 8:15 am
Yo mama so fat, when she died, they gave her a 441 gun salute!
That's 21-squared, btw.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/12/06 at 12:08 pm
Yo mama's house so small, the front and back door are on the same hinge!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/12/06 at 12:19 pm
Yo mama so po, the only air conditioning she has is if she sneezes.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/12/06 at 12:35 pm
Oh yeah? Well yo mama's so fat that in a family picture she's on both sides!
{I'm running out of jokes here Cube! Is it just me or is this getting harder?} ???
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/12/06 at 1:00 pm
Of course it's getting harder, all the good jokes have been I just totally used yo mama! :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/12/06 at 6:18 pm
Of course it's getting harder, all the good jokes have been I just totally used yo mama! :D
I'ma slap a b!tch....
No wait - that's how yo mama likes it!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: whistledog on 07/12/06 at 7:24 pm
The jokes might be getting harder, but not as hard as yo mama's willy
She so nasty I called her for phone sex and she gave me an ear infection
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/12/06 at 7:31 pm
Yo mama so fat, she blew your daddy a kiss and he got a concussion.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/13/06 at 2:56 am
Well I feel sorry for yo mama....
she doesn't need a hair cut cause she so ugly - her hair runs away from her face!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/13/06 at 6:50 am
Yo mama so fat, she stepped on a dime and made FDR's nose bleed.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/13/06 at 1:15 pm
ATTENTION: Round 2 has been extended to July 16th!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 07/13/06 at 1:17 pm
Silver- you suck donkey mud, and so does yo mama.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/13/06 at 2:28 pm
Yo mama is so fat, she can't even use the asteroid belt :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Silver Power on 07/14/06 at 2:40 pm
Yo mama is so fat, she can't even use the asteroid belt :P
The jokes might be getting harder, but not as hard as yo mama's willy
She so nasty I called her for phone sex and she gave me an ear infection
Yo mama so fat, she blew your daddy a kiss and he got a concussion.
Yo mama so po, the only air conditioning she has is if she sneezes.
Lol. Ho-larious.
Rice, He'll get another chance next month.
Hawk, if you're mad because you didn't move on, it's because you just came at the end with about 5 parodies per topic. That's not clever. You have to have parodies that can bounce off the one before.
Don't get mad at me.
Your extra posts aren't going to give you a second chance.
You should just wait until the next competition, which will be next month, I think. Around the beginning of August.
Red Ant moved on, so how come he hasn't posted and made a joke yet?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Tam on 07/14/06 at 11:00 pm
Red Ant moved on, so how come he hasn't posted and made a joke yet?
'coz his mama's house so nasty, he went for a visit and the cockroaches carried him away.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/14/06 at 11:19 pm
Well, yo mama so dirty, the cockroaches declared her a biohazard zone.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: whistledog on 07/15/06 at 12:29 am
Oh yeah, well ... yo Mama so fat her blood type is Ragu
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 2 - Find Out If You're Moving On!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/15/06 at 12:37 am
Yo mama so stupid, I asked her to debug my computer, so she slapped it with a flyswatter.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Silver Power on 07/17/06 at 7:15 am
Okay, it's finally Round 3, so look at page 1 of this thread to see if you're moving on! Seriously, congratulations to everyone who made it past round 1, you were all great, but I couldn't pick all of you...
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/17/06 at 9:08 am
Yo mama so stupid, she got fired from a handjob :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/19/06 at 10:25 am
Well, since no one else wants to play...
Yo mama so evil the Devil paid her to take her soul back.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 07/19/06 at 10:27 am
Well, I am on vacation so I will only be here periodically... but
Yo Mama so fat, they have to grease the door and hold a twinkie on the other side to get her through!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/19/06 at 12:58 pm
Are you taking a yo mama? :D
Kidding...have fun relaxing :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 07/20/06 at 8:21 am
We are having a good time!
Going to DC today for some shopping!
Yo mama's so ugly, when she looks in the mirror, the reflection ducks. ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Silver Power on 07/20/06 at 11:46 am
Tam, around what day will you be back? I can extend the final round for you.
Reply back.
-Silver Power
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/20/06 at 4:17 pm
We are having a good time!
Going to DC today for some shopping!
Yo mama's so ugly, when she looks in the mirror, the reflection ducks. ;D
Hope you guys are taking it easy as yo mama ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 07/23/06 at 1:29 pm
It has been a minute since my last post and it will probably be a minute longer before my next one!
I am going to cede to you Rice - it was a hard fought battle but I can't come up with anything more, and probably wont have the time to do so. I'll see you when I get back from vacation.....
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Silver Power on 07/23/06 at 1:34 pm
Rice, i sent this to Tam, and I'm posting it here so you can read it:
"We will wait.
Rice Is Temporary Champion, but once you get back, find the topic in the Comedy Boards, and post there. I'll tell Rice Cube that you 2 will battle for the official Champion title.
It's Summer, I don't expect you to be on the computer everyday. :)"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 11:27 am
Well, I am back.
It is amazing how a young child's mind works. I asked for yo mama jokes from them (10 & 12 respectively)
and my next few jokes are what I got!
Yo mama so stupid she puts a ruler on her pillow to see how long she slept!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 11:32 am
Hee hee, yo mama so stupid even the kids make fun of her :D
Hope you had a good vacation :) I heard Jenny Craig is beautiful this time of year ;) :D ;D (kidding)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 12:27 pm
Jenny Craig huh??!!! So that's how it is gonna be....
Well yo mama so fat her fave food is seconds! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 1:15 pm
Yo mama so fat, my mama can't even get seconds! :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 1:21 pm
Yo mama so ugly, she put Marilyn Manson out of business.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 1:25 pm
Well, yo mama so fat, she doesn't break wind, she breaks hurricanes :o
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 1:27 pm
And yo mama so ugly, she put the boogey man out of business!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 1:28 pm
Yo mama so ugly, she opened up a sex shop but nobody came...
HA! Double entendre :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 1:34 pm
Good One!!!!! Applause for that! :D
Yo mama like a Scooter - everybody ridin' her but nobody admitting it!!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 1:38 pm
Yo mama so broke, she steals from the rich to give to herself :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 1:48 pm
Well, yo mama is so achingly stupid she thinks Beirut is a famous baseballer.....
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 1:56 pm
Yo mama so fat, I have to put a jackhammer in the cracks in the sidewalk to break her back :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 2:00 pm
Did you hear that Oxford had to change the definition of now reads:
Dumb(n) - yo' Mama
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 2:05 pm
It would still take Michelangelo less time to paint the Sistine Chapel than to do a portrait of yo mama :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/08/06 at 4:38 pm
Your mama is so poor, I walked into her house, asked to use the bathroom, and she said "3rd tree to your right."
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 7:39 pm
Yo mama so po, she can't even afford Hobotussin when she gets a cold.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Silver Power on 08/08/06 at 8:48 pm
Yes! They're back! This Round Will End August 20th.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 08/08/06 at 9:08 pm
At least SOMEONE is back!
Unlike yo' mama!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/08/06 at 9:47 pm
At least SOMEONE is back!
Unlike yo' mama!
No no...yo mama's GOT back though ;)
Or she's on her back most of the time :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/10/06 at 9:17 am
Driving home from vacation was long and the roads through Arkansas are flat like yo mama!!!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/10/06 at 12:11 pm
Yo mama so flat and hairy people mistake her for a floor mat :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/10/06 at 8:02 pm
Better a floor mat than Sasquatch....
Oops - dang!!! That's yo mama!!!
{I'm reaching now! ::)}
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/11/06 at 1:39 pm
Yo mama doesn't clean lint from her bellybutton...she picks out Sasquatches :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 2:03 am
ok ok ok.....
yo mama so fat, when she tripped and fell, it registered higher than the richter scale can go!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 2:05 am
oOo and
Yo mama so ugly, when she looked in the mirror, her reflection started screaming!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/15/06 at 1:44 pm
Yo mama so fat and old, she farted and parted the Red Sea :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 2:34 pm
Yo mama's so old, she was a waitress at the last supper.
I dont know about you Rice - but I am thinking hashing this out till the 20th is a bit long!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/15/06 at 2:37 pm
Wait, why are we going until the 20th? :o Is that all-you-can-eat day at yo mama's favorite restaurant?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 9:57 pm
Wait, why are we going until the 20th? :o
Yes! They're back! This Round Will End August 20th.
No, more like pet yo mama day at the zoo! :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/15/06 at 10:04 pm
Yo mama so stank, she doesn't use Rogaine, she uses Miracle Gro :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 10:15 pm
Yo mama's so stank, she's like Shaquille O'Neal, she don't fake the funk!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/15/06 at 10:17 pm
Yo mama so skanky, she went down faster than Kazaam's revenues (in regards to your Shaq thing) :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 10:34 pm
Yo mama's so fat, she measures 36 24 36, and the other arm is just as big.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/15/06 at 10:38 pm
Yo mama so fat, she lactates yogurt.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 10:40 pm
Yo mama's so fat, the only thing stopping her from going to Jenny Craig is the door.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/15/06 at 10:41 pm
YO mama so, she came into my house and made this really weird annoying noise, so I told her to oil her forklift.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/15/06 at 11:08 pm
Yo mama's so fat, when she wears a red dress people yell "Hey Kool-Aid Man."
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/16/06 at 12:45 pm
Yo mama so fat, she loves everyone...for LUNCH :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/20/06 at 10:37 pm
Well, yo mama so nasty, fat and ugly that on MySpace, Tom won't even be her friend! ;D ;D ;D
{stolen and re-worded from The WIlliam Shatner Roast!}
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/21/06 at 9:31 am
Well, yo mama so nasty, fat and ugly that on MySpace, Tom won't even be her friend! ;D ;D ;D
{stolen and re-worded from The WIlliam Shatner Roast!}
Yo mama so fat, she has to apply Preparation H with a caulk gun :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/21/06 at 10:12 am
Yo mama so old, she was one of the first game show contestants..... and the prize was FIRE!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/21/06 at 10:23 am
Yo mama so ugly, when she was delivered, the doctor slapped your grandma, grandpa, and great-uncle Benny!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/21/06 at 12:27 pm
Ok - it is now past the 20th!
When is this thing going to be over??!!! lmao
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/21/06 at 2:29 pm
It's over when yo momma finishes cooking her breakfast egg...on the parking lot asphalt :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/21/06 at 4:29 pm
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/21/06 at 7:09 pm
Yo mama uses supermodels as toothpicks :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 12:01 pm
Yo mama's so short, she has to cuff her underwear. ??? ::)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 12:05 pm
What's that on my shoe? Oh dang, I just stepped on yo mama cuz she's so short.
Or something.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 12:16 pm
;D ;D ;D
Yo mama's so ghetto, the only gold she wears is on her teeth.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 12:18 pm
Yo mama so black she makes charcoal shine!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 12:23 pm
Pfft!!! Mahahaha! ;D
Yo mama's so black, every time she gets in a car the oil light comes on :o
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 12:25 pm
Pfft!!! Mahahaha! ;D
Yo mama's so black, every time she gets in a car the oil light comes on :o
Yo mama is more broke than Holyfield's ear :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 12:29 pm
Hey! I'm trying over here!!!! ;D
Yo mama's so nice, she'd give me the hair off her back
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 12:32 pm
Yo mama so nasty, I paid her to keep the shirt ON her back :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 12:39 pm
Well Yo mama's so nasty, she calls Janet "Miss Jackson." ::)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 12:41 pm
Yo mama so fat, the shuttle flights have to achieve escape velocity from the Earth AND yo mama.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 12:52 pm
Yo mama's got 1 leg longer than other and they call her call her hip hop :-\\
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 12:54 pm
Yo mama was the poster girl for Sir Mix-A-Lot's calendar... :P :-[
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 12:56 pm
^ Fabulous! ;D
Yo mama's got fake hair, fake eyes and fake nails talkin' bout she wants a real man. :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 3:30 pm
Yo mama so fat, when it's cold during the winter, kids climb her nipples to sled down :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/23/06 at 4:25 pm
{groan} ^ ;D ;D
Yo mama's so short, you can see her feet on her driver's license
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/23/06 at 6:30 pm
Yo mama so fat and black, her second job is chalkboard!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 08/27/06 at 12:02 am
well yo mama's so broke, for your birthday she bought you an xbox 180!
(I think I used it already!) ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 08/28/06 at 12:31 pm
Yo mama's got so much acne that a blind man just read a Shakespearean sonnet off her face :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 09/13/06 at 4:12 am
Yo' mama's so stoopid, she thought "crack" was a sexual reference!
(I don't care if S.P. tags me- that one's jealous of my rapier wit...with which I smack his mama's @44)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/13/06 at 12:48 pm
Yo mama so fat and nasty she uses a drainage pipe to snort her coke :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama! {Contest} ROUND 3 - Are You In The Final Round?
Written By: Tam on 10/11/06 at 3:28 pm
Yo mama been married so many times that she has rice imprints on her face!
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