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Subject: Fears and Phobias

Written By: shadowy_starr on 05/05/06 at 5:37 pm

Ok, there was a thread on this but it was in 2004 so I thought I'd start a new one. So, what is your fear or phobia?  For me I would definately say cocroaches, they totally FREAK me out :o

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/05/06 at 5:39 pm

Flying.  It's not a fear, it's a phobia.  The thought of even getting near an airplane makes me violently wretch.  I've only ever flown once and that was Memorial Day 2001, and I haven't been on a plane since.  There's no way in hell I'll ever get on a plane again unless I'm drugged or in a coma.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/05/06 at 5:47 pm

Two BIG ones:

Flying and needle. I'm not too sure which one is worse. So many times I have to swallow my fear-like I did in Feb. when we went to Puerto Rico and just last week when I had to take a cholesterol test.  ::)


Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: loki 13 on 05/05/06 at 6:07 pm

Ok, This is going to sound bazaar.I don't have a phobia about closed in
places.I have worked inside pipes and had to crawl around in very small
ballast tanks in ships.When ever I see someone on TV go into caves or
crawl around in tight spaces I cringe and fear of suffocation.Is it possible
to be claustrophobic for someone else?

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Morton on 05/05/06 at 7:16 pm

I hate being underwater and I dislike being in very closed spaces

I can sort of relate to what you're saying, loki. There's been a few times when i've been watching TV and someone has been trapped in an enclosed space and i've felt a bit uneasy.

If i've been watching something scary, I get really badly afraid of the dark, but most times i'm okay

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: loki 13 on 05/05/06 at 7:46 pm

I can sort of relate to what you're saying, loki. There's been a few times when i've been watching TV and someone has been trapped in an enclosed space and i've felt a bit uneasy.

At least I'm not the only one.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 05/05/06 at 8:47 pm

Flying and being around a lot of people.

Heh, I used to be afraid of a feather duster that we had, when I was little :P

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: bbigd04 on 05/05/06 at 8:48 pm

Any large strange looking insect will totally freak me out.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: whistledog on 05/05/06 at 10:02 pm

Reptiles.  If i see a frog, a turtle, snake, or any other kind of reptile up close, I will scream like a little girl  :-[

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Dominic L. on 05/05/06 at 10:15 pm

[quote author=wһіѕ

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Dominic L. on 05/05/06 at 10:16 pm

Flying and being around a lot of people.

Heh, I used to be afraid of a feather duster that we had, when I was little :P

Don't forget the porcelain doll and clowns! :O

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Apricot on 05/05/06 at 10:22 pm

My only real fear is being strangled or drowning. I mean, that's not to say I'd volunteer to be put in a bed of tarantulas, but they don't terrify me.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/05/06 at 11:00 pm

My only real fear is being strangled or drowning. I mean, that's not to say I'd volunteer to be put in a bed of tarantulas, but they don't terrify me.

That's perfectly normal...If someone were not afraid of being strangled/drowning they would be abnormal.

I have a moderate fear of heights; I don't think I could ever go skydiving, bunjy-jumping.etc. I'm also sort of scared of scary amusement park rides lol. My somewhat unconventional other fear is mild hypnophobia or somnophobia, I have an abject fear of losing consciousness/awareness...

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Apricot on 05/05/06 at 11:10 pm

That's perfectly normal...If someone were not afraid of being strangled/drowning they would be abnormal.

I have a moderate fear of heights; I don't think I could ever go skydiving, bunjy-jumping.etc. I'm also sort of scared of scary amusement park rides lol. My somewhat unconventional other fear is mild hypnophobia or somnophobia, I have an abject fear of losing consciousness/awareness...

I have a spot of a fear of heights.. not, like crippling, but I don't exactly dawdle on bridges and go out of my way to be on roller coasters either.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/05/06 at 11:48 pm

That's perfectly normal...If someone were not afraid of being strangled/drowning they would be abnormal.

I have a moderate fear of heights; I don't think I could ever go skydiving, bunjy-jumping.etc. I'm also sort of scared of scary amusement park rides lol. My somewhat unconventional other fear is mild hypnophobia or somnophobia, I have an abject fear of losing consciousness/awareness...

I have a slight fear of heights as well.  I don't go on roller coasters and if I have to go up to the top floors of a building for something, I NEVER look out the window. 

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: bbigd04 on 05/06/06 at 12:00 am

That's perfectly normal...If someone were not afraid of being strangled/drowning they would be abnormal.

I have a moderate fear of heights; I don't think I could ever go skydiving, bunjy-jumping.etc. I'm also sort of scared of scary amusement park rides lol. My somewhat unconventional other fear is mild hypnophobia or somnophobia, I have an abject fear of losing consciousness/awareness...

Yea I also somewhat have a fear of heights.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: CeeKay on 05/06/06 at 12:08 am

Yea I also somewhat have a fear of heights.

Me too -- a mild fear of heights.  And I recently have developed an irrational fear (only in the winter) of slipping on the ice.  I don't know where that came from.  But if I'm walking along and notice ice up ahead, I have a vision of slipping and cracking my head open.  I know.  It's weird.  And it's scary too!  ???

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/06/06 at 12:48 am

Ok.....just to warn you, I am very odd! :o :D

Ok...the normal ones first:  I am very afraid of heights, flying (never flown, never want to), sharks (their beady eyes and numerous sharp teeth scare the crap out of me), spiders (I can't get near them). the odd ones: I am very afraid of large things in the sky...example: low flying airplanes, hot air balloons, blimps, water towers in the distance, etc..  I always have this image of riding up over a hill, and when I get to the top...all I can see is a huge monster/creature taking up part of the entire sky...that would be so very freaky.  Oh, and I am also very much intimidated by sunflowers (they are so tall, and overwhelmingly large for a flower).

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: shadowy_starr on 05/06/06 at 1:58 am

Ok.....just to warn you, I am very odd! :o :D

Ok...the normal ones first:  I am very afraid of heights, flying (never flown, never want to), sharks (their beady eyes and numerous sharp teeth scare the crap out of me), spiders (I can't get near them). the odd ones: I am very afraid of large things in the sky...example: low flying airplanes, hot air balloons, blimps, water towers in the distance, etc..  I always have this image of riding up over a hill, and when I get to the top...all I can see is a huge monster/creature taking up part of the entire sky...that would be so very freaky.  Oh, and I am also very much intimidated by sunflowers (they are so tall, and overwhelmingly large for a flower).

No, that's not weird at all..... ::).....j/k I think the whole creature taking up the sky is very interesting, that would be a little scary ;D

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 05/06/06 at 3:38 am

I have a pretty bad stair phobia.

Most people assume its related to a hieght phobia but I am not remotely afraid of hieghts - I have abseiled off the edge of the highest building in Perth, I have skydived several times, I have been hot air ballooning, etc etc - heights dont bother me.

But I can be standing at the top of a flight of steps or escalators and be absolutely frozen with fear - unable to go down them. And its even happened with a small flight of like 3 steps. I cant make one foot take the first step and start moving.

Consequently I know the locations of every lift/elevator in my city and those of most cities I visit !

My other phobia is dentists. I cant even watch articles about them on the news - I nearly vomit. I cant make appointments with them - I actually have anxiety attacks just making the phone call. And then I have to get someone else to call up and cancel for me. The last dental work I had done was in 2001 and I had a tonne of work done then under a general aneasthetic. The aneasthetist asked me when I wanted to be put under - and I replied "Before the dentist has pulled up in the car park" ! So I was well and truly out by the time the dentist walked in the surgery.  I really desperately need a lot of work done but I just cant bring myself to do it. My teeth are like chalk and break so easily - last week I broke three just flossing.
So I put up with a lot of pain when eating and avoid hard, crunchy, cripsy, crusty food. Thank gawd for pasta - nice and soft !!!

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/06/06 at 4:35 am

I have a fear of major surgery - though thank God I haven't needed it..The idea of surgeons cutting open any part of my anatomy, and of my innards being exposed fills me with a nauseous feeling.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: KKay on 05/06/06 at 9:08 am

One of my problems is i'm not afraid of things i should be...I've been told I should be on Fear Factor- I"ll climb things, i'll play with bugs, I'll eat absolutely ANYTHING!

This does not mean I don't hide my completely irrational fears of TV and radio static and aliens.
climbing things, playing with bugs and eating anything can kill you....but these two basically non-threatening and non-existent things can't.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: loki 13 on 05/06/06 at 10:03 am

I have a pretty bad stair phobia.

Most people assume its related to a hieght phobia but I am not remotely afraid of hieghts - I have abseiled off the edge of the highest building in Perth, I have skydived several times, I have been hot air ballooning, etc etc - heights dont bother me.

But I can be standing at the top of a flight of steps or escalators and be absolutely frozen with fear - unable to go down them. And its even happened with a small flight of like 3 steps. I cant make one foot take the first step and start moving.

Consequently I know the locations of every lift/elevator in my city and those of most cities I visit !

This is " Bathmophobia", fear of steps, escalators or deep slopes. A friend of mine had
this fear, it was hell to go anywhere with him.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: CeeKay on 05/06/06 at 10:11 am

My other phobia is dentists. I cant even watch articles about them on the news - I nearly vomit. I cant make appointments with them - I actually have anxiety attacks just making the phone call. And then I have to get someone else to call up and cancel for me. The last dental work I had done was in 2001 and I had a tonne of work done then under a general aneasthetic. The aneasthetist asked me when I wanted to be put under - and I replied "Before the dentist has pulled up in the car park" ! So I was well and truly out by the time the dentist walked in the surgery.  I really desperately need a lot of work done but I just cant bring myself to do it. My teeth are like chalk and break so easily - last week I broke three just flossing.
So I put up with a lot of pain when eating and avoid hard, crunchy, cripsy, crusty food. Thank gawd for pasta - nice and soft !!!

Egads!  Yes!  Dentists!  I have so many dental problems and I finally got myself to the dentist and at one point I almost started crying sitting there in the chair...a low level of panic seeting in.  It's awful.  I'm sorry for how bad that is for you.

And the stair thing....that would be very hard to deal with.  Do you travel much?  So many airports require stairs or escalators -- ooh, but you can do elevators, yes?

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 05/07/06 at 3:44 am

This is " Bathmophobia", fear of steps, escalators or deep slopes. A friend of mine had
this fear, it was hell to go anywhere with him.

Wow - I never knew the name for that phobia ! 

Egads!  Yes!  Dentists!  I have so many dental problems and I finally got myself to the dentist and at one point I almost started crying sitting there in the chair...a low level of panic seeting in.  It's awful.  I'm sorry for how bad that is for you.

And the stair thing....that would be very hard to deal with.  Do you travel much?  So many airports require stairs or escalators -- ooh, but you can do elevators, yes?

Me thinks anyone in their right mind should be afraid of dentists ! Its a lack of control thing for me - laying there prone with someones hands  in your mouth. I would much rather be unconscious and unaware.

Yep I am perfectly fine in elevators - no fear of them at all. So I go miles out of my way to use them instead of stairs/escalators. Yep airports and bus/train stations can be the worst. Never mind women with prams and people with disabilities - there are always too few elevators !  I am fine with those moving sidewalk conveyor belt things in airports - even when they go down a slope. Its only things shaped like actual steps that the problem sets in.  My friends are accustomed to me just diverting off to an elevator and meeting them at the bottom !
Needless to say - fire drills in my building are a BIG issue as I calmly explain to them that had I been in the World Trade Centre on Sept 11 - I would have chosen to go out the windows rather than down the stairs. And thats deadly serious. It killed me to watch those people falling because I knew that would have been my choice too.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Sister Morphine on 05/07/06 at 3:55 am

Needless to say - fire drills in my building are a BIG issue as I calmly explain to them that had I been in the World Trade Centre on Sept 11 - I would have chosen to go out the windows rather than down the stairs. And thats deadly serious. It killed me to watch those people falling because I knew that would have been my choice too.

That stopped me dead in my tracks.  I mind can't comprehend being in that situation.  I was scared sh*tless just watching it on TV.  Someone was looking out for you that day.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: imadick on 05/07/06 at 5:04 am

I have a fear of Height = The vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top  ;D

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/07/06 at 5:24 am

I have a fear of Height = The vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top  ;D

Nutter  ::)

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: danootaandme on 05/07/06 at 7:27 am

I am the quintessential landlubber.  I don't like flying, and hate being out on a boat.  I am not too, too bad on the boat(I am anxious but can control myself) but once I am out of sight of land it is panic attack time. Cruises to the Caribbean are definitely out. I used to have "night terrors" but they stopped when I quit drinking caffeinated tea. It wouldn't happen with coffee, just with caffeinated tea.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: CeeKay on 05/07/06 at 8:42 am

Me thinks anyone in their right mind should be afraid of dentists ! Its a lack of control thing for me - laying there prone with someones hands  in your mouth. I would much rather be unconscious and unaware.

Yep, it's the same for me, exactly.  And I know I'm not the only one but...I until now I've only met one other person who got as panicky as I do.  :-\\

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: KKay on 05/07/06 at 9:13 am

Yep, it's the same for me, exactly.  And I know I'm not the only one but...I until now I've only met one other person who got as panicky as I do.  :-\\

there is a time and a place to be laying there with someones' hands in your mouth and at the dentists' is not that time
the worst.
i'd rather just loose my teeth and wear dentures.
i'd rather eat jello

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: HunkyDory on 05/10/06 at 7:30 pm

uhh....I am afraid of riding in elevators....i know it is LAME

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: KKay on 05/11/06 at 12:55 pm

i"m not scared of heights, but it is very hard for me to look up at tall things...buildings, bridges, cliffs..

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Trimac20 on 05/11/06 at 9:09 pm

uhh....I am afraid of riding in elevators....i know it is LAME

I'm afraid of elevator doors...I know it's irational, as they have those sensors, but every so often the sensors malfunction. I've nearly been crushed by them before.  :-\\

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: HunkyDory on 05/11/06 at 10:40 pm

I'm afraid of elevator doors...I know it's irational, as they have those sensors, but every so often the sensors malfunction. I've nearly been crushed by them before.  :-\\

Yeah that is pretty scary

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Dominic L. on 05/11/06 at 10:47 pm

I'm afraid of elevator doors...I know it's irational, as they have those sensors, but every so often the sensors malfunction. I've nearly been crushed by them before.  :-\\

I worry about them not opening.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: lorac61469 on 05/11/06 at 11:02 pm

I'm slightly claustrophobic.  I have a difficult time watching shows with people in caves or tunnels.  I'll strat to hyperventilate. 

Even though I'm a great swimmer, I have a few of drowning. 

Once I watched a show about people scuba diving n an under water cave...I nearly passed out!  LOL!!  I read a mystery once, a murder took place inside a cave.  Most of the story was set inside the shafts, tunnels and caves.  I had a really hard time reading it.

OK, I'm going to try to explain this.  Let me first state that I have never been handcuffed, straight-jacketed or tied up, but I have a fear of  these things happening to me.  I get really nervous just thinking about not being able to use my hands or arms.  Even if my husband and I are playing around and he grabs my arms, I struggle to get free.  I read another book, Gerald's Game by Stephen King.  A woman is trapped handcuffed to a bed after her husband dies during an erotic game.  I would be INSANE if that happend to me or I'd chew off my own hand to get free!!  LOL!!

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: HunkyDory on 05/11/06 at 11:39 pm

i am a tiny bit claustrophobic too...

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Fred on 05/12/06 at 12:04 am

Heights and I as well get uneasy being in closed, small spaces.  :P

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 05/13/06 at 5:58 am

Quote from: BrianMannixGirl on 07 May 2006, 11:44:47
Needless to say - fire drills in my building are a BIG issue as I calmly explain to them that had I been in the World Trade Centre on Sept 11 - I would have chosen to go out the windows rather than down the stairs. And thats deadly serious. It killed me to watch those people falling because I knew that would have been my choice too.

That stopped me dead in my tracks.  I mind can't comprehend being in that situation.  I was scared sh*tless just watching it on TV.  Someone was looking out for you that day.

Ohhhh I hope you didnt misread and thought that I was there on the day. I too was scared sh**less watching it on TV. Sorry if I worded that in a way that you thought I was there. I meant that had I been there - thats what I would have done.

there is a time and a place to be laying there with someones' hands in your mouth and at the dentists' is not that time
the worst.
i'd rather just loose my teeth and wear dentures.
i'd rather eat jello

CeeKay and KKay - are you guys related !!!!  And yep I agree. I live on pastas and risottos - lovely soft foods where I dont risk biting into anything crunchy !

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: CeeKay on 05/13/06 at 10:00 am

CeeKay and KKay - are you guys related !!!!  And yep I agree. I live on pastas and risottos - lovely soft foods where I dont risk biting into anything crunchy !

Bing!  You have guessed correctly!  :D
(yes, we're sisters)

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Abix on 05/13/06 at 3:22 pm

I'm afraid of getting lost in an unfamiliar place.
I also am afraid of going down ladders. I can climb up them but coming down freaks me out.. Same with hiking down treacherous terrain. I don't mind climbing up but going down is scary.

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Bobby on 05/13/06 at 3:42 pm

I'm afraid of getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

I understand this . . .

I also am afraid of going down ladders. I can climb up them but coming down freaks me out.. Same with hiking down treacherous terrain. I don't mind climbing up but going down is scary.

Not quite sure I understand this though.  ;)

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Abix on 05/13/06 at 3:46 pm

I understand this . . .

Not quite sure I understand this though.  ;)

chalk it up to being a Klutz with a capital K ..and many sprained ankles.  :-[

Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: Bobby on 05/13/06 at 3:46 pm

chalk it up to being a Klutz with a capital K ..and many sprained ankles.  :-[

Ah bless . . .


Subject: Re: Fears and Phobias

Written By: deadrockstar on 05/13/06 at 3:58 pm


Also rollercoasters(or any kind of "ride" really) and hydroplaining(I always drive slower and take more time to stop, turn, and go when its raining).

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