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Subject: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Trimac20 on 03/03/06 at 3:37 am

I know the mild irony in this post. Within limits (massive flooding is 'always' frowned upon), but I notice incredibly tolerant of 'flooders.' The average no. of posts here is also much higher than most forums. There is also a great sense of community; well, after all, it's much more than JUST a forum of message boards ;). I've always had bad experience with msg boards in the past who chastise me for 'over-posting'. My 'over-posting' was nothing compared to some of the posters here. Just an interesting point.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: karen on 03/03/06 at 3:40 am

I think it depends on what the topics are and how many new threads you would start at once.  If the topics are very similar then it does get a bit annoying I guess.

It's also worth searching to see if a topic has been done before.  The new google search isn't quite as good as the old system imo because it lists so much as archive when they're not that old a topic or one that could easily be revived.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: whistledog on 03/03/06 at 3:54 am

I've been chastised before on other messageboards for posting too much, such as only being allowed to post one "What song are you listening to" a day. 

There's no such thing as overposting.  Flooding would be like if you started the same topic like 10 times in each section.  That would be flooding, or perhaps if you started like 20 different polls back to back in a section.  That constitutes flooding

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/03/06 at 6:34 am

some people get uptight about people going off on a tangent in certain threads, and other people get anal at certain members for creating numerous topics a day...but no...for the most part, mostly everyone's pretty cool about it.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Echo Nomad on 03/03/06 at 1:59 pm

Is flooding considered about posting replys or new threads?

I personally feel that as long as one has something to contribute it isn't flooding. Spamming (advertising), recreating existing topics, or posting non conversational topics is. On another board I belong to we have a problem with spammers as well as guys who start 10-15 topics a night each dedicated to some weird piece of poetry. 

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/03/06 at 2:03 pm

Flooding could be defined as starting a ton of new threads.  Posting to a bunch of different threads in a short period of time wouldn't really cause any problems (unless it was all spam).

I've never banned anyone for flooding, but I have asked a couple people to slow down if they start a bunch of threads on a regular basis, especially if they never post any followups in any of their threads.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: nally on 03/03/06 at 2:04 pm

There's no such thing as overposting.  Flooding would be like if you started the same topic like 10 times in each section.  That would be flooding, or perhaps if you started like 20 different polls back to back in a section.  That constitutes flooding


Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/03/06 at 2:09 pm

It's clear that the members don't like the flooders, but there's never much done about it. Technically, they're not breaking any rules, they're just annoying.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Howard on 03/03/06 at 2:09 pm

How does flooding start? ???

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/03/06 at 2:11 pm

It's clear that the members don't like the flooders, but there's never much done about it. Technically, they're not breaking any rules, they're just annoying.

generally if people ignore the threads they start, they move off the front page of results quick enough anyways.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/03/06 at 2:13 pm

How does flooding start? ???

When one member either posts excessively in one thread, or posts a ton of threads.. it's basically just making an overwhelming number of posts or threads.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/03/06 at 2:13 pm

generally if people ignore the threads they start, they move off the front page of results quick enough anyways.

Some of them keep bumping their own threads, though.. that gets annoying.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Howard on 03/03/06 at 2:14 pm

When one member either posts excessively in one thread, or posts a ton of threads.. it's basically just making an overwhelming number of posts or threads.

Like repetitive posting about nonsense.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Echo Nomad on 03/03/06 at 2:17 pm

Do you have a way to automatically eliminate posts whose last activity was past a certain length of time, say a month? the board I had over a Aimoo had this feature as well as GameFaq's.  

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/03/06 at 2:37 pm

Do you have a way to automatically eliminate posts whose last activity was past a certain length of time, say a month? the board I had over a Aimoo had this feature as well as GameFaq's.  

Well, the idea is to get your posts up to show how long you've been around and how active you are. It'd be no fun if we were all stuck at 10-100 posts.

Plus, some people do a thousand posts a month or so..

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/03/06 at 2:40 pm

Do you have a way to automatically eliminate posts whose last activity was past a certain length of time, say a month? the board I had over a Aimoo had this feature as well as GameFaq's. 

yes, but that's not what I would want.  I would prefer something that archives the postings, and takes them out of the main site.

I don't think it would affect the post counts people have either.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: nally on 03/03/06 at 2:42 pm

Plus, some people do a thousand posts a month or so..

Like me... and Phil... and Maria (ktelqueen)... and IndyGent... and WhistleDog...

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/03/06 at 2:46 pm

Like me... and Phil... and Maria (ktelqueen)... and IndyGent... and WhistleDog...

I used to do a lot of posting.. kinda slowed down, though.

Part of me wonders what our posts counts would be without PBG and Postwhore threads..

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/03/06 at 2:49 pm

Some members hate it, others are slightly annoyed, some couldn't care less, some enjoy certain types of floods.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/03/06 at 2:51 pm

some enjoy certain types of floods.

I enjoy an occasion joke flood... but floods of threads that WON'T get deleted... that bothers me.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/03/06 at 2:53 pm

I enjoy an occasion joke flood... but floods of threads that WON'T get deleted... that bothers me.

I often "trim" my postings when people complain about my threads, i.e. those about decades.

Do my floods annoy you in particular?  :D

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/03/06 at 2:55 pm

Do my floods annoy you in particular?  :D

They would if you actually flooded.. you post a lot of threads, but you never flood. A flood is a ton of threads outta nowhere... you make a lot over time.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/03/06 at 2:56 pm

They would if you actually flooded.. you post a lot of threads, but you never flood. A flood is a ton of threads outta nowhere... you make a lot over time.

Ah, okay. :)

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/03/06 at 2:57 pm

Someone did that a while back in the Pre-1970's forum. It was a bunch of polls about "Best song from 196x - Part whatever" (fill in the x with any digit) ::)

Yeah, that was annoying-I think they did it with the 70s too.


Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Echo Nomad on 03/03/06 at 3:01 pm

I'm currently combing throught the 90's section and I see alot of those threads too.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: nally on 03/04/06 at 12:55 am

I used to do a lot of posting.. kinda slowed down, though.

Part of me wonders what our posts counts would be without PBG and Postwhore threads..

What's a "Postwhore" thread? ???

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/04/06 at 12:56 am

^My decade threads  ;D

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: nally on 03/04/06 at 12:58 am

^Really? I thought a PW thread was one where people keep posting nonsensical messages...or one that others might think of as "pointless" :-\\

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/04/06 at 12:59 am

^Really? I thought a PW thread was one where people keep posting nonsensical messages...or one that others might think of as "pointless" :-\\

Yeah, you're right.  I was kidding  ;)

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: ADH13 on 03/04/06 at 1:04 am

^Really? I thought a PW thread was one where people keep posting nonsensical messages...or one that others might think of as "pointless" :-\\

you mean like the @ thread? ;D

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: nally on 03/04/06 at 1:07 am

you mean like the @ thread? ;D

I was thinking more along the lines of a couple threads on PPP which I am never gonna post in.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: Apricot on 03/04/06 at 11:39 am

What's a "Postwhore" thread? ???

A Postwhore thread is a thread which is worthless... anything like "What did you just eat?" or "What Canadian Song Are You Listening To?" or "Last Thing You Tripped Over" or "Name Any Band!"... pretty much anything you can rack up a lot of posts on without saying much, or anything in the Board Games.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: ADH13 on 03/04/06 at 12:30 pm

A Postwhore thread is a thread which is worthless... anything like "What did you just eat?" or "What Canadian Song Are You Listening To?" or "Last Thing You Tripped Over" or "Name Any Band!"... pretty much anything you can rack up a lot of posts on without saying much, or anything in the Board Games.

LOL the "Last Thing You Tripped Over" is actually a biased postwhore thread... cause you can only rack up alot of posts on it if you're clumsy.  :D

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/04/06 at 4:21 pm

LOL the "Last Thing You Tripped Over" is actually a biased postwhore thread... cause you can only rack up alot of posts on it if you're clumsy.  :D

Hey, I resemble that remark.  ;D ;D ;D  Actually, I think I did post in that thread-probably only once.


Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: nally on 03/04/06 at 4:39 pm

LOL the "Last Thing You Tripped Over" is actually a biased postwhore thread... cause you can only rack up alot of posts on it if you're clumsy.  :D

I suppose you could... but often times I don't remember the last thing I tripped over. If it's something notable, then I might post it in there.

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/04/06 at 9:39 pm

I suppose you could... but often times I don't remember the last thing I tripped over. If it's something notable, then I might post it in there.

YOU....don't remember!!?? That shocks me Jeff, it seems like you remember EVERYTHING! ;)

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: whistledog on 03/04/06 at 9:40 pm

Flooding is not frowned upon, just don't flood your pants in excitement over it ;D

Subject: Re: Is Flooding Frowned Upon At in the

Written By: nally on 03/05/06 at 2:20 pm

YOU....don't remember!!?? That shocks me Jeff, it seems like you remember EVERYTHING! ;)

I do remember most everything; just not always the trivial stuff.

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