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Subject: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 03/01/06 at 11:09 am

My favorite sleeping position is my right side... :)

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: barefootrobin on 03/01/06 at 11:12 am

I always fall asleep on my left side but wake up on my stomach - but I am still sleeping on the left side of my face.  I am starting to get a funny little wrinkle on my cheek so I will have to retrain myself.......

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: karen on 03/01/06 at 11:14 am

My left side I think.  But I'm asleep so its hard to check

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/01/06 at 11:33 am


With my eyes closed!

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: ADH13 on 03/01/06 at 12:43 pm

I usually fall asleep on my back...but apparently I toss and turn alot, because I usually wake up either on my side or in a fetal position.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: whistledog on 03/01/06 at 12:48 pm

I am not sure which way I fall asleep, as I don't sleep on a bed.  I've been falling sleep on my couch for the last 8 years ;D

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/01/06 at 1:05 pm

My stomach with one leg bent-usually it doesn't matter which leg but lately I have trouble if my left leg is bent because it hurts my back.  :(


Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/01/06 at 2:08 pm

top, the top bunk on the bunk beds.  ;)  J/K 
i have to sleep on my side, either side, preferably left side, if I sleep on my back I snore
and survey says (in the buff )

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: KKay on 03/01/06 at 2:11 pm

face down with the pillows under my stomach.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: danootaandme on 03/01/06 at 2:11 pm

Under massive amounts of covers in the fetal position, occasionally peeking out to see if this is indeed my life.  :o

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/01/06 at 2:19 pm

I sleep mostly on my right side, and then my back.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Paul on 03/01/06 at 2:19 pm

I picked right side, but I'm equally at home on my left...

(...once I get 'settled', that is!)

I don't think I've ever slept on my front...much too uncomfortable even to contemplate!

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/01/06 at 2:21 pm

With a bad back, I always wake up in the fatal position.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: lorac614 on 03/01/06 at 2:24 pm

I sleep on my right side facing away from my husband.  I've got claustrophobia and I need to be facing "out" or I feel like I can't breathe.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Step-chan on 03/01/06 at 2:27 pm

Right side(left side as well). I tend to move around in my sleep, so I will often wake up facing the opposite direction that when waking up.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 03/01/06 at 2:30 pm

I don't think I've ever slept on my front...much too uncomfortable even to contemplate!

I don't think many guys would want to sleep on their front (for obvious reasons!)...

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Step-chan on 03/01/06 at 2:36 pm

I don't think many guys would want to sleep on their front (for obvious reasons!)...

Like when something suddenly comes up? :D

Sorry, couldn't resist. ::)

What does it mean by fetal?

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: lorac614 on 03/01/06 at 2:40 pm

Like when something suddenly comes up? :D

Sorry, couldn't resist. ::)

What does it mean by fetal?

Fetal would be  like a baby in the womb.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 03/01/06 at 2:46 pm

Fetal would be  like a baby in the womb.

Knees pulled up tightly to your chest...

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Step-chan on 03/01/06 at 3:04 pm

Knees pulled up tightly to your chest...

Okay, cool. I was about to say that I wasn't that flexible, but I can fold myself like that while sitting Indian style(I think it's called that).

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: MLB on 03/01/06 at 3:33 pm

I alternate sleeping on my right or left side but I also must be burrowed under numerous bed sheets etc. to feel comfortable

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: jaytee on 03/01/06 at 3:41 pm

Usually left side and on my back.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Howard on 03/01/06 at 4:02 pm


Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/01/06 at 4:04 pm

lately my sleeping position is seated in front of my computer after 6 hours of hard core inthe00s activity  ;)

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 03/01/06 at 4:08 pm

I tend to start on my right side, but then end up on my left or just flat on my back - or just curled up into a ball. I'm a very heavy sleeper, as I've been told, but so far I've never been told I snore, lol (whew!)

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Dominic L. on 03/01/06 at 4:11 pm

Both sides. I always flip back and forth. Sometimes I wake up and flip at the same time and fall back asleep  :D

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: La Roche on 03/01/06 at 4:25 pm

[quote author=whis

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: gemini on 03/01/06 at 5:39 pm

I usually start on my right side with my leg bent with a pillow under it  then I toss and turn all night, in all kinds of wierd positions. Since back surgery, I can never get comfortable.  :P

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: ktelqueen on 03/01/06 at 5:42 pm

left side but i tend to flip back and forth to the right throughout the night  :)

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/01/06 at 6:34 pm

I sleep on my side or stomach. I hear sleeping on your stomach is the worst way to sleep.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 03/01/06 at 6:36 pm

I usually start on my right side with my leg bent with a pillow under it  then I toss and turn all night, in all kinds of wierd positions.

That's about what I do!  ;D

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/01/06 at 10:33 pm

I sleep on my stomach with my feet sticking out from under the covers (they get hot if I keep them under the covers).

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: La Roche on 03/02/06 at 8:54 am

I sleep on my stomach with my feet sticking out from under the covers (they get hot if I keep them under the covers).

You get.. hot feet. I won't take this any further.. apart from taunting you about your hot feet mercilessly for the next 19 months.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 03/02/06 at 10:06 am

I tend to start on my right side, but then end up on my left or just flat on my back -

Sleeping on my back is one position that I absolutely cannot tolerate!  ???

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Step-chan on 03/02/06 at 1:44 pm

Sleeping on my back is one position that I absolutely cannot tolerate!  ???

I would have to be extremely tired in order to do that myself, I don't think that I've ever felll asleep on my back though.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Howard on 03/02/06 at 3:24 pm

69  ;D

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/02/06 at 8:26 pm

You get.. hot feet. I won't take this any further.. apart from taunting you about your hot feet mercilessly for the next 19 months.

yes...they get very HOT!! HOT HOT HOT!! ;D

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/03/06 at 1:32 am

yes...they get very HOT!! HOT HOT HOT!! ;D
I don't like feet  :-[  I am the opposite and must tuck my feet in and practically make a nest for them to be totally enrobed in blankets. No tuck in the mattress, I untuck always and draw up blankets, sheets under my feet and around them like a little burrito. thats effng weird but I like it. again I am not a fan of the foot although my indian name is Chief Jacked Up Foot. go figure

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 03/03/06 at 6:10 am

Lying down  :o

I chose Right Side

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: mandamoo on 03/03/06 at 6:15 am

Either side, but left side mostly  :)

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/03/06 at 6:23 am

I don't like feet  :-[  I am the opposite and must tuck my feet in and practically make a nest for them to be totally enrobed in blankets. No tuck in the mattress, I untuck always and draw up blankets, sheets under my feet and around them like a little burrito. thats effng weird but I like it. again I am not a fan of the foot although my indian name is Chief Jacked Up Foot. go figure

meh, I don't like feet either...infact, I hate em'...they are ugly. :D

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/04/06 at 12:29 am

meh, I don't like feet either...infact, I hate em'...they are ugly. :D
thank you, another foot hater, glad to hear that you dont like them neithe,r or is it either. where's Jeff?  ::)

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Dominic L. on 03/04/06 at 7:47 am

yes...they get very HOT!! HOT HOT HOT!! ;D

Meh.. same here, though I often tear all the blankets off my bed in the middle of sleep.  :D

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Dominic L. on 03/04/06 at 7:48 am

thank you, another foot hater, glad to hear that you dont like them neithe,r or is it either. where's Jeff?  ::)

it's either, not neither,r!!



Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Apricot on 03/04/06 at 11:41 am

Right Side.. however, if I sleep on my right side in my bed, I'm facing the wall... but any other bed, it's right side all the way. However, since I'm in my own bed most, it's Left Side I voted for.

I also sleep in standard Coffin-position also.

Subject: Re: Sleeping Positions - A Poll

Written By: Tanya1976 on 03/05/06 at 7:28 pm

right side or fetal

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