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Subject: Be back soon
Written By: whitewolf on 01/28/06 at 5:47 pm
Hi everybody, I hope to be back soon, tight now I only get time to check e-mails and sometimes check this site. :)
My mom had a major heart attack with 80% of her heart damaged so this is the first day I spent at home in a week. She is still in CCU,I know she is in bad shape but I am praying that a person can live a semi-normal life with only 20% of their heart working. :( :\'(
I know that I said before that I was cutting her out of my life for things she said to me but I have put that aside, right now she needs me not my anger. :(
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: Morton on 01/28/06 at 5:52 pm
Hi everybody, I hope to be back soon, tight now I only get time to check e-mails and sometimes check this site. :)
My mom had a major heart attack with 80% of her heart damaged so this is the first day I spent at home in a week. She is still in CCU,I know she is in bad shape but I am praying that a person can live a semi-normal life with only 20% of their heart working. :( :\'(
I know that I said before that I was cutting her out of my life for things she said to me but I have put that aside, right now she needs me not my anger. :(
It's understandable, Whitewolf. Hope things get better for you both :)
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/28/06 at 5:58 pm
Hi everybody, I hope to be back soon, tight now I only get time to check e-mails and sometimes check this site. :)
My mom had a major heart attack with 80% of her heart damaged so this is the first day I spent at home in a week. She is still in CCU,I know she is in bad shape but I am praying that a person can live a semi-normal life with only 20% of their heart working. :( :\'(
I know that I said before that I was cutting her out of my life for things she said to me but I have put that aside, right now she needs me not my anger. :(
I am sorry to hear about your mother. I admire the fact that you can put aside your anger at a time when she needs you. I hope all goes well. You are in my thoughts.
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: loki 13 on 01/28/06 at 6:31 pm
I am real sorry to hear about your mother Tina,
my thoughts are with you.
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: whistledog on 01/28/06 at 6:56 pm
Hope things get better soon. You are in my thoughts
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/28/06 at 6:59 pm
You, & your mom will be in my prayers. take care
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: JamieMcBain on 01/28/06 at 7:31 pm
Sorry to here about the news. :\'( Hope things get better soon.
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/28/06 at 9:38 pm
I hope everything is well with your mom, Tina.
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: Marty McFly on 01/29/06 at 1:30 am
Hi everybody, I hope to be back soon, tight now I only get time to check e-mails and sometimes check this site. :)
My mom had a major heart attack with 80% of her heart damaged so this is the first day I spent at home in a week. She is still in CCU,I know she is in bad shape but I am praying that a person can live a semi-normal life with only 20% of their heart working. :( :\'(
I know that I said before that I was cutting her out of my life for things she said to me but I have put that aside, right now she needs me not my anger. :(
Hey. That's hard news - I really hope everything works out and she pulls through. You guys are in my thoughts too.
While I haven't lost a family member since my last grandma died 12 years ago, the way I felt will stay with me forever. I don't look forward to the day I have to face it again, so I can imagine how you're feeling now.
BTW it's cool, everybody makes mistakes. We tend to say stuff when we're mad that we don't really mean 100%. From personal experience, I've learned that anger almost never lasts very long, no matter how p**sed you are initially.
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: FaultyDog on 01/29/06 at 10:04 am
Hi everybody, I hope to be back soon, tight now I only get time to check e-mails and sometimes check this site. :)
My mom had a major heart attack with 80% of her heart damaged so this is the first day I spent at home in a week. She is still in CCU,I know she is in bad shape but I am praying that a person can live a semi-normal life with only 20% of their heart working. :( :\'(
I know that I said before that I was cutting her out of my life for things she said to me but I have put that aside, right now she needs me not my anger. :(
Sorry to hear this sad news. You and your mother are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself!
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: whitewolf on 01/31/06 at 10:46 am
Thank you everyone for your kind words :)
She is doing better, she is out of CCU but she still has a long road of recovery ahead of her.
We found out that her heart attack was caused from her diabetes. Her kidneys also stopped working for awhile. They are working again.
So far everything is looking good :)
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: Donnie Darko on 01/31/06 at 1:41 pm
Best wishes. :)
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: nally on 01/31/06 at 2:10 pm
Hi everybody, I hope to be back soon, tight now I only get time to check e-mails and sometimes check this site. :)
My mom had a major heart attack with 80% of her heart damaged so this is the first day I spent at home in a week. She is still in CCU,I know she is in bad shape but I am praying that a person can live a semi-normal life with only 20% of their heart working. :( :\'(
I know that I said before that I was cutting her out of my life for things she said to me but I have put that aside, right now she needs me not my anger. :(
oh that doesn't sound too good :-
Thank you everyone for your kind words :)
She is doing better, she is out of CCU but she still has a long road of recovery ahead of her.
We found out that her heart attack was caused from her diabetes. Her kidneys also stopped working for awhile. They are working again.
So far everything is looking good :)
Heart attack related to diabetes? My grandma had one like that about seven years ago; she had to have open-heart surgery a few days later; she's doing better now, although she does have a few problems now and then.
Subject: Re: Be back soon
Written By: Paul on 01/31/06 at 2:12 pm
She is doing better, she is out of CCU but she still has a long road of recovery ahead of her.
We found out that her heart attack was caused from her diabetes. Her kidneys also stopped working for awhile. They are working again.
So far everything is looking good :)
Sorry I missed this post earlier Tina, but it's wonderful to hear that she's on the mend (albeit not quite a 'speedy' one...)
I know you've had some issues in the past...perhaps this will make her see things in a different light...
I wish you both well...
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