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Subject: If you were a Casting Director Part Two - Garfield
Written By: Harmonica on 01/08/06 at 11:56 pm
My main problem with Garfield was that the atmosphere and characters were all WAY TO YOUNG. Jon is supposed to be a loser who gets made fun of by his cat. For what the movie was, I enjoyed it. For what the movie was supposed to be, I didn't like it at all.
I thought Bill Murray was an excellent pick and did a great Job doing the Voice of Garfield but here are my choices for the rest of the cast.
Jon Arbuckle - Mark Linn Baker Now seriously could you pick anyone better to play the part of Jon Arbuckle? This guy is the living walking real life version of Jon Arbuckle for crying out loud! He would have been just about perfect.
Liz - Jayne Brook She has the resemblance and the feel of someone who could be very snotty and rude to Jon Arbuckle. Brook has the look that could constantly say to Jon Arbuckle "you're a dweeb". I think she would have been great.
Odie - I would have had him be a mechanical device, the same was Garfield was and had him say, "yeah yeah yeah yeah" all the time, who would I have to have been his voice. None other than Dom De Louise. Why? because he has fun at what he does and is good at what he does as well.
Subject: Re: If you were a Casting Director Part Two - Garfield
Written By: whistledog on 01/09/06 at 12:01 am
I agree with ya on DeLuise as the voice of Odie :)
A good Liz would be actress "Illeana Douglas"
Subject: Re: If you were a Casting Director Part Two - Garfield
Written By: Harmonica on 01/09/06 at 12:03 am
Whis tle D'og - yes she certainly has the look although I have never seen any of her movies, so I'm not real keen on her personality.
Subject: Re: If you were a Casting Director Part Two - Garfield
Written By: whistledog on 01/09/06 at 12:12 am
Whis tle D'og - yes she certainly has the look although I have never seen any of her movies, so I'm not real keen on her personality.
She's one of those character actors who you see in lots of movies, but never know by name
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