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Subject: Hm...
Written By: Buckinghammm on 12/01/05 at 11:13 pm
Hey thar.
Warning you now... it's Justin. I've been super-banned (thanks for that, by the way, Chucky), but I still had a few things to say. I would also like to bring to your attention that if you don't want to hear any more from me in this post... click the "Back" button on your browser. Don't read the post and then say how much you didn't want to read it, please.
So here goes.
To clear up some suspicions on my actions the other night...
I was, obviously, trying to get banned. Given the fact that I've been here for over a year, and people have made fun of each other countless times, I knew that I couldn't just start insulting people and get banned. I had to take it a step further. Thus, the flooding. And heck, it worked.
People said that I brought two people (Marty and Henk) into the fray that had nothing to do with it.
... Had nothing to do with what? I was making my own arguments here. I wasn't going off of becks or anything. They irritated me, they had everything to do with it.
I made three personal attacks during this period. I posted a post with the font in size 80, and asked Marty if he was "Creaming his pants yet," I pondered the question of whether Henk was a man or a woman, because he always seemed to be eternally PMSing in his posts, and I made the "NALLY!" name and cloned nally.
Marty and I are on good terms now (or so I think... Marty?), I apologized to him, edited my post away, and realized that he's a pretty cool guy when he's not obsessing over the 80's (thing is, it's hard to find those times. :P Just kidding, Marty).
Henk I still haven't talked to, but the comment was a little... off.
Nally... nally's a nice guy. He really is. It's just that he sometimes gets on my nerves, and he's done it a lot since I joined this board. I guess it all kinda built up.
So here, for all of you guys:
I'm sorry. Perhaps I should have worded the Henk post differently, perhaps... wait, how is cloning someone insulting? Oh, well. If it insults you, I'm sorry.
A few more points.
What happened to this board? Have you guys thought back to the days of late last year/early this year? Everybody was making jokes, and nobody jumped on them nearly as much as they do today. Seriously, not to beat a dead horse or anything, but the becks thread thing? Come on, guys... The remote chance that the person is going to come back, years later, and find that thread which would probably have been buried by that point, anyway, is not even remotely worth the attention that that thread got.
I don't see how cloning someone is insulting... It's kind of like when you were a kid, and somebody would start copying you, and then you'd get all upset because... they were copying you. Thing is, that was in 3rd grade.
Which brings me to my next point:
A lot of people have said that jokes made recently were "childish" or "juvenile." While that may be... wouldn't it be even more juvenile to be insulted by said jokes? For example, say an 8-year-old came up to you and said, "You're a butt faced poopoo head!" You probably wouldn't be too insulted, because it's a childish joke. It's the same concept.
After I was banned (well... more like annihilated...), a lot of people said that my actions came out of the blue, and then they also said that I was not as mature as they thought I was.
.... But I see that as just contradicting yourself. If, on a normal basis, I'm nowhere near the way that I acted that night, how does that make me such a plague? It was one night, and I made sure things went a little over the top solely for the reason of getting banned. Going on my analogy streak... what if you ordered a pizza from a company, and it was great, so you ordered it again and again and again and you kept ordering it for months, and then, one night, the pizza sucked? Would you stop ordering from the pizza place?
Barefoot Blues, I'm going to address you directly here. You fail to see the motive behind my actions that night. The purpose wasn't to leave this forum (which I will, by the way, not only am I not welcome here anymore, it's gotten pretty lame in the past few weeks), the purpose was to get banned. That's why I didn't delete my account, that's why I didn't just leave. The purpose was to get banned.
And really... I wasn't being an attention whore. Everyone could have ignored me (you know, like they usually do :P), and as long as I'd've gotten banned, I would have been just as happy.
You guys say you come here to be in a welcome environment.
How happy can you guys be here when all you guys have been doing lately is pouncing on each other for the most petty things? Coming here is like diving into a virtual ocean of political correctness. I'm not going to tell you guys that you need to learn to take a joke, because that's been said enough on this board. All I'm going to say is that telling us that we need to stop making jokes... is kind of like the old "Well, why should I put the seat down? Why don't you put it up?" arguement. Why should we stop making them, when you could just take them for what they are? Why should you take them for what they are, when we could just stop making them?
Tam, I believe, said a comment that said that the kids were "forcing their opinions" on her. I... don't recall that... If anything, it's the adults forcing their opinions on the kids. Mostly because we're outnumbered, also because the sensitive members of the board are adults. This just pertains to the jokes made, though. Other than that, opinion forcing really doesn't take place at all on this board.
Some people asked me why I came to this board, if I thought it was boring (which I did, for the most part, I'll be honest). There were several reasons.
1.) Snyder told me about it (first time, then I left)
2.) Everyone from our class joined, and it became fun (then everybody left, but I kinda stuck around a little)
3.) I met Beth (Then, after a while, I stopped, because it was boring)
4.) A desperate attempt to give Beth and I something to talk about (we were barely talking at all, and I played a lot of RO, and she posted a lot of inthe00s. I decided that maybe I could put up with it for our relationship)
5.) Marsh and Dom joined, and with the four of us (Snyder, Beth, Marsh, Dom, and I) and occasionally Andy, some threads were pretty fun.
The thing that shocked me the most about the posts after I was gone...
I'll clarify,
Nally was pissing me and other people off, so we told it like it was in a 'F-U-C-K Y-O-U' style.
Justin decided to be a twat, but then again, what's new.
Wow, Andy... I'm sorry for whatever I did to you... but I seriously can't remember anything that I did against you... Sorry you feel that way.
I feel as if the mood of the board keeps up as it is, the board's going to die. I'm pretty sure that us kids are going to stop coming here pretty soon, at any rate. All I have to say is that I hope you guys are happy when we're gone. I really do. I'm sorry that most of the stuff that we say offends you, but that's just the kind of people that we are. And we don't like walking on eggshells around you, so a lot of times, we just say what we want. A lot of people were complaining about how slow the boards were and stuff, and how boring it was here, though. Then arguments would start (becks, me, jiminy, alex, whatev.), and the board would suddenly spring to life. The most interesting times on this board have been spent in arguement/debate, whatever you want to call it. I just hope that you guys are going to be happy with "How's the Weather, Wherever You Are?" and "What Canadian Song from Any Decade are you Listening To?".
I'm sorry, that last paragraph seemed kind of like an attack... In short... I just hope that you guys don't regret how much you want us gone (even if you say that you don't want us gone, you just want us to change... that's still not "us," that's our edited version). Maybe I'll peek in in a few months or something to see how things are going.
But until then... I'm out.
Merry Christmas, everyone. :)
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: Barefoot_Blues on 12/01/05 at 11:42 pm
Barefoot Blues, I'm going to address you directly here. You fail to see the motive behind my actions that night. The purpose wasn't to leave this forum (which I will, by the way, not only am I not welcome here anymore, it's gotten pretty lame in the past few weeks), the purpose was to get banned. That's why I didn't delete my account, that's why I didn't just leave. The purpose was to get banned.
And really... I wasn't being an attention whore. Everyone could have ignored me (you know, like they usually do ), and as long as I'd've gotten banned, I would have been just as happy.
Look, I'm new here. Most people who belong to forums , just leave when they don't like it anymore. They don't make a big production into getting banned. I've been on quite a few boards, and to me, this just seemed a bit EXTREME. I haven't noticed any changes on the board , because I'm not an old timer.
You will be missed, but this is what you wanted, I guess . If you were super banned, you wouldn't even be able to make this thread. Your IP would be blocked, unles you are using someones elses computer.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: YWN on 12/02/05 at 8:56 am
I still don't understand, Justin...
Why did you want to get banned? It's the question everyone is dying to know.
All in all, even with all your eloquently worded arguments, there is simply no way to excuse flooding the forum and attacking members. Just because you didn't like them did not mean you could post things like that about them.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: Marty McFly on 12/02/05 at 9:11 am
Marty and I are on good terms now (or so I think... Marty?), I apologized to him, edited my post away, and realized that he's a pretty cool guy when he's not obsessing over the 80's (thing is, it's hard to find those times.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: Apricot on 12/02/05 at 2:02 pm
I'm with you on the one part... posting anything in this place that isn't a compliment or a postwhore post feels like walking on eggshells with broken glass in them.
What the Hell happened to the Inthe00s of a few months?
Christ, were Bobby and jiminy the glue holding this place together?
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: Howard on 12/02/05 at 2:13 pm
I'm with you on the one part... posting anything in this place that isn't a compliment or a postwhore post feels like walking on eggshells with broken glass in them.
What the Hell happened to the Inthe00s of a few months?
Christ, were Bobby and jiminy the glue holding this place together?
I'm one of the original glues. ;D
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: YWN on 12/02/05 at 2:16 pm
Wait, was there an apology in there for flooding the forum and insulting people? And I mean in the "What I did was totally wrong" way, not the "I was a little out of line, but I still was right" kind of apology. Justin, if you really are sorry about what you did the other day, apology accepted.
...If not, you still owe inthe00s an apology. Damn, your post was long.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: danootaandme on 12/02/05 at 2:22 pm
Now wait. I don't get it. You say you want to be banned and work to that end, (instead of just walking away, I didn't get that) you get banned, then come back as a guest. Does this make sense to anyone here? It doesn't make any sense to me.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 12/02/05 at 2:31 pm
Now wait.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: whistledog on 12/02/05 at 2:34 pm
Now wait.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: danootaandme on 12/02/05 at 2:53 pm
He just wanted to apologize. And everyone was so unsure as to why he did what he did-- he wanted to explain.
But he did, ad infinatum, in the wanna get banned post. I really hate to see someone feel bad and
want to leave, there are times I have taken a break, and maybe that is what he needed, to just take
a break. I think all of us at some point do. All this chest thumping, wanna get banned, and explaining
no longer serves any purpose. Take a break Justin, no more posts for awhile, then if you wanna come
back, well, cross that bridge when you come to it. People have come back before, but you gotta leave
before you come back.
Subject: Re: Hm...
Written By: Marian on 12/02/05 at 3:15 pm
But he did, ad infinatum, in the wanna get banned post.
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