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Subject: Share with us!

Written By: Dominic L. on 09/29/05 at 10:18 pm

Tell us a story, wether it be amazing, funny, or... just something you want to share.

But the thing is, it has to be about you and non fictional!

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Barefoot_Blues on 10/07/05 at 10:31 am

Well I'm sitting here typing on this message board. I'm rubbing my tooth with my tongue, and wondering what kind of story to tell yas....

I think some critter was in my backyard last night. Stupid thing shredded up some plastic bags that have bark in it.  Then I smelt a skunk, and went out front to see one ran over two houses away. :P

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Howard on 10/07/05 at 3:06 pm

What would I want to share?

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/07/05 at 8:47 pm

I once broke my toe because I kicked a goalpost, and I kicked it on purpose  :(

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: ktelqueen on 10/07/05 at 9:00 pm

i once broke my toe running for the phone in sock feet on cushion flooring  ::) ;D

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: whistledog on 10/08/05 at 5:50 pm

Here's a real near tragic story:

Back in 2003, I was hit in the head by ice that fell off the side of a shopping mall.  It split my head open, and I was rushed to emergency where I was given 8 stitches.  The doctor told me that because I was wearing a baseball cap, it cushioned the blow, and had I not been wearing the hat, there's no telling what fatal damage the ice might have done  :o

Ever since then, whenever I hear ice cracking in the winter, I get scared sh!tless  :\'(

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 10/08/05 at 5:54 pm

Here's a real near tragic story:

Back in 2003, I was hit in the head by ice that fell off the side of a shopping mall.  It split my head open, and I was rushed to emergency where I was given 8 stitches.  The doctor told me that because I was wearing a baseball cap, it cushioned the blow, and had I not been wearing the hat, there's no telling what fatal damage the ice might have done  :o

Ever since then, whenever I hear ice cracking in the winter, I get scared sh!tless  :\'(

Wow... that's kinda like what happened to me not long ago...

I was in the stock room at work, and I had to get this tray of beer from the bottom of a pile. I took everything down and piled it up elsewhere to get to the beer, then I put the beer on the top of another pile whilst I shifted the original pile out of the way. When I was pushing, a case of 4pack 1 pint beer cans fell onto my head. No concusions or stitches, but it bloody hurt! Had my head not been made of wood, god knows what damage it would've done

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: whistledog on 10/10/05 at 10:48 am

Here's a story ...

A few years ago, I was at Future Shop buying a CD.  Total price of the CD w/ Tax included was $19.54 and I was paying with a $20 Bill.  Just as I was about to hand the bill to the sales clerk, one of her co-workers came over to scan something over the de-magnetizer thingy, and I guess that must of confused her because when I handed her the $20 Bill, she gave me back $19.54 in change  :o

The nice guy that I am, I didn't want to point out her obvious mistake and make her feel stupid, so I left the store having paid my 46 cents for the CD and didn't look back MWAHAHA  ;D

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 10/10/05 at 10:50 am

Here's a story ...

A few years ago, I was at Future Shop buying a CD.  Total price of the CD w/ Tax included was $19.54 and I was paying with a $20 Bill.  Just as I was about to hand the bill to the sales clerk, one of her co-workers came over to scan something over the de-magnetizer thingy, and I guess that must of confused her because when I handed her the $20 Bill, she gave me back $19.54 in change  :o

The nice guy that I am, I didn't want to point out her obvious mistake and make her feel stupid, so I left the store having paid my 46 cents for the CD and didn't look back MWAHAHA  ;D

You are eeeeeeeeeeeevil!  ;D

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 10/10/05 at 10:51 am

Here's a story ...

A few years ago, I was at Future Shop buying a CD.  Total price of the CD w/ Tax included was $19.54 and I was paying with a $20 Bill.  Just as I was about to hand the bill to the sales clerk, one of her co-workers came over to scan something over the de-magnetizer thingy, and I guess that must of confused her because when I handed her the $20 Bill, she gave me back $19.54 in change  :o

The nice guy that I am, I didn't want to point out her obvious mistake and make her feel stupid, so I left the store having paid my 46 cents for the CD and didn't look back MWAHAHA  ;D

that happened to us one time too. Chris and I went to Wendy's for lunch and our bill came to like $12.00 or he hands her a $50...and she gives us back like $47.00 in change! LOL!, ya....Chris was like...ok! LOL!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 10/10/05 at 10:56 am

that happened to us one time too. Chris and I went to Wendy's for lunch and our bill came to like $12.00 or he hands her a $50...and she gives us back like $47.00 in change! LOL!, ya....Chris was like...ok! LOL!

Erin :)

Gasps! You're ALL eeeeeeeeeeevil!  :P :D

I was watching this comedian on the telly once (he was an american), and he was talking about the time he'd came over to visit England. He said he went into MacDonalds and spent around a fiver, and he handed the waitress the money and told her to keep the change. He then wondered why the waitress looked bewildered... until he realised he'd given her a £50 note!  ;D

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Bobby on 10/10/05 at 11:09 am

I came third in a national Dungeons and Dragons competition.  :)

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/10/05 at 11:40 am

At my sister's birthday party on Saturday, my brother brought along his computer (well, my brother never goes ANYWHERE without his computer) and he had a whole bunch of our old family home movies on it-including ones of our old dance recitals. He decided to plug it into the t.v. that was hanging on the wall in the hall where the party was being held. I'm sure my sister's friends were wondering what that was all about and all of us didn't know whether to laugh about it or be embarrassed. At one point, I hear one of my sisters calling my name. I looked up to see ALL 4 of my sisters out on the dance floor doing a dance that we used to do all the time. I jumped up to join them. It had been a long time since I have done that dance and I am sure that I totally messed up but it didn't matter. We were all together dancing (even though my brother didn't join us). I guess we were showing my sister's friends that we could all still "do it." And then they played the song "We are Family" which we all danced to again. With as many "issues" that my family has, it was nice that we put them all aside for one day and just enjoyed being a family. I know this isn't an amazing story (well, it is if you know my family-and the fact that we were all together is also amazing too) or amusing or anything like that. It just made me feel so good and I wanted to share it.


Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 10/10/05 at 12:01 pm

At my sister's birthday party on Saturday, my brother brought along his computer (well, my brother never goes ANYWHERE without his computer) and he had a whole bunch of our old family home movies on it-including ones of our old dance recitals. He decided to plug it into the t.v. that was hanging on the wall in the hall where the party was being held. I'm sure my sister's friends were wondering what that was all about and all of us didn't know whether to laugh about it or be embarrassed. At one point, I hear one of my sisters calling my name. I looked up to see ALL 4 of my sisters out on the dance floor doing a dance that we used to do all the time. I jumped up to join them. It had been a long time since I have done that dance and I am sure that I totally messed up but it didn't matter. We were all together dancing (even though my brother didn't join us). I guess we were showing my sister's friends that we could all still "do it." And then they played the song "We are Family" which we all danced to again. With as many "issues" that my family has, it was nice that we put them all aside for one day and just enjoyed being a family. I know this isn't an amazing story (well, it is if you know my family-and the fact that we were all together is also amazing too) or amusing or anything like that. It just made me feel so good and I wanted to share it.


that sounds like it was a fun and memorable time Cat!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: JamieMcBain on 10/10/05 at 1:52 pm

Last week, I bought a frozen turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, at the store at work, and put in the freezer in the meat section for later. When I left the store, I took the turkey only to discover that:

A) it had no receipt

B) it was a turkey someone returned earlier that day.

I got the turkey that I paid back, after explaining to the cash office what happend and ended up getting $16.00 back in return!  ;D  ::)

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 10/10/05 at 2:03 pm

One time in band camp......



Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: C.NOIZE on 10/10/05 at 2:32 pm

One time in band camp......



...the trumpets were having a sectional, under the trees by the auditorium as usual.  We were about to start playing "Ninkou Latora," when Luke suggested that we do the visuals "just for fun."  So then I said (sarcastically) "Why don't we do the show, 'just for fun'?"  And everyone agreed.  So we went out onto the field and ran through "Atmadja."


Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: whistledog on 10/10/05 at 5:37 pm

One time in band camp......

... they actually played Band  :D

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Howard on 10/10/05 at 6:16 pm

Want to hear about my makeout sessions with my girlfriend? ;D

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Dagwood on 10/10/05 at 7:22 pm

NO!!!!!!!!! :o :o

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Howard on 10/10/05 at 7:23 pm


Ok Then I won't.

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: Dagwood on 10/10/05 at 7:27 pm

Ok Then I won't.

We appreciate that, Howard. ;D

Subject: Re: Share with us!

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 10/10/05 at 8:09 pm

Want to hear about my makeout sessions with my girlfriend? ;D

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o wehavealreadyheardenough :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


Erin :)

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