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Subject: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/05/05 at 4:42 pm
...walked right past a postbox with the intented to be posted letter still in your hand?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dagwood on 09/05/05 at 5:14 pm
Done it many times. Where I live we have group lock boxes for mail so you post the letter in a box attached to your mail box. I have taken my letters to be mailed, picked up my mail and forgot to drop off the stuff to be mailed many times.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/05/05 at 6:02 pm
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/05/05 at 7:05 pm
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there?
I do this all the time......I'm so scatterbrained.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: ADH13 on 09/05/05 at 7:06 pm
Yes and Yes....along the same lines, have you ever called someone to ask them something and by the time they answer the phone, you've forgotten what you called to ask?
it's even worse when by the time they answer the phone, you've forgotten WHO you're calling.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Apricot on 09/05/05 at 7:21 pm
it's even worse when by the time they answer the phone, you've forgotten WHO you're calling.
I do that sometimes.. my uncle does that all the time. And at the worst hours. We got a call at 2 AM one day..
"Yeah, Uncle Tracey?"
"What's up?"
"Nothing. You?"
"Why Did You Call?"
"Uh... I... Forget. My Bad. Bye."
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/05/05 at 7:50 pm
it's even worse when by the time they answer the phone, you've forgotten WHO you're calling.
LOL I've done this.....there are also times where I dial someones number and while the phone is ringing I get distrated by the TV or my kids and then I totally forget I'm on the phone at all. So when the person finally answers I'm all confused. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Alchoholica on 09/05/05 at 8:01 pm
.. Lose something, spent hours looking for it, and found it.. literally in perfectly plain view right where it should have been.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: gemini on 09/05/05 at 8:28 pm
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there?
I do that all the time, or I've meant to call someone and dial someone else, and I've answered the phone at home by saying the name of where I work, since I answer the phone at work. :-[
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dagwood on 09/05/05 at 8:43 pm
Been looking for your keys and you can't find them anywhere....then you realize they have been in your hands the whole time, and you have been switching them from hand to hand to lift stuff up to look?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Alchoholica on 09/05/05 at 8:44 pm
Been looking for your keys and you can't find them anywhere....then you realize they have been in your hands the whole time, and you have been switching them from hand to hand to lift stuff up to look?
That's as good as the.. where's my hat? On your head.. Oh ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/05/05 at 8:46 pm
That's as good as the.. where's my hat? On your head.. Oh ;D
;D ;D
My first grade teacher was a black lady with a big afro. She would always stick her pencil in her hair and then search the class for it. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Alchoholica on 09/05/05 at 8:49 pm
;D ;D
My first grade teacher was a black lady with a big afro. She would always stick her pencil in her hair and then search the class for it. ;D
;D Your kidding me!
On a teacher related story.
have you ever had a teacher who would drink HEAVILY in class. He once sent us up to get some stuff from one of the sports bags, we looked in the wrong bag and found ciggarettes and booze.. then it all made sense. The smell of Whiskey in his 'Coffee Mug' the longer the year went on the more we noticed. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dominic L. on 09/05/05 at 9:27 pm
Have you ever tried to call someone, and accidentally call the number of someone you call more frequently?
for example, once my dad was trying to call a co worker and without thinking called my number...
It was kind of funny
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Alchoholica on 09/05/05 at 10:13 pm
Have you ever tried to call someone, and accidentally call the number of someone you call more frequently?
for example, once my dad was trying to call a co worker and without thinking called my number...
It was kind of funny
Yeah, my dad could never work out how to call his cell phone, and because Andrew was the first name in his address book i'd usually get 1-2 calls a day from him ;D
My favourite was
"Hello trevor?"
'ermmm no'
"Trever, are you ill?"
;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dominic L. on 09/05/05 at 10:22 pm
hahah... My dad called and when he heard the sound of my voice he was like:
"Hi, I love you" (He wasn't quite sure what to say)
And then he hung up
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: ADH13 on 09/05/05 at 10:28 pm
Have you ever driven an automatic when you're used to driving a 5 speed, and out of habit, tried to hit the clutch, only to slam on the brake with your left foot?? I nearly gave myself whiplash doing that once. >:(
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/05/05 at 11:02 pm
Have you ever driven an automatic when you're used to driving a 5 speed, and out of habit, tried to hit the clutch, only to slam on the brake with your left foot?? I nearly gave myself whiplash doing that once. >:(
LOL I've never hit the brake doing that, but I have kicked around for a few seconds before I realized what car I was driving.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/05/05 at 11:04 pm
.....tried to step on the brake with your left foot, just for the hell of it, without realizing that your left foot has no idea of how much pressure is needed to stop a car and you end up slamming on the brake. :-[ ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 09/05/05 at 11:12 pm
I once stepped on the accelerator thinking it was the brake once.
Took out a corrigated iron fence. :-[ ;D (at least it wasn't stone, concrete or brick...)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dominic L. on 09/05/05 at 11:16 pm
I once stepped on the accelerator thinking it was the brake once.
Took out a corrigated iron fence. :-[ ;D (at least it wasn't stone, concrete or brick...)
I've never driven a car before :D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/05/05 at 11:24 pm
I once stepped on the accelerator thinking it was the brake once.
Took out a corrigated iron fence. :-[ ;D (at least it wasn't stone, concrete or brick...)
I've done this before too. I went right into the person behind me. :-[ Luckily they also had a maroon car with a maroon bumper.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 09/05/05 at 11:26 pm
I've done this before too. I went right into the person behind me. :-I guess I'm lucky I had a fence in front of me then
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Tam on 09/06/05 at 12:43 am
.. Lose something, spent hours looking for it, and found it.. literally in perfectly plain view right where it should have been.
It's always the last place you look!
;D ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/06/05 at 1:23 am
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there?
Many times. :-\\
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: NullandVoid on 09/06/05 at 1:26 am
turn your head too fast only to get an excrutiating pain in your neck ?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Paul on 09/06/05 at 7:11 am
Have you ever bumped into an inanimate object...
...then said 'sorry' to it?!!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: gemini on 09/06/05 at 8:00 am
Looked at your wrist when you talk about what time you did or are going to do something? But you don't have a watch on. :D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 09/06/05 at 9:14 am
Looked at your wrist when you talk about what time you did or are going to do something? But you don't have a watch on. :D
Done it. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/06/05 at 10:48 am
Have you ever tried to call someone, and accidentally call the number of someone you call more frequently?
for example, once my dad was trying to call a co worker and without thinking called my number...
It was kind of funny
Or when you are reading the number and dial the one before or after it.
When I was in college, I had a meeting with my advisor. When I got there the secretary said that she called to say that appointment had to be changed and left a message on my machine. I looked at her and told her that I didn't have a machine. She looked up my number on the list and dialed the number either above or below it and sure enough, that was the number she had called. She told me that when she left the message, she said, "Cat, this is such-and-such". I told her that I should have called that number and said, "This is Cat. Did I get any messages?"
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: ADH13 on 09/06/05 at 11:12 am
been driving or riding as a passenger only to find a big flying bug is hitching a ride in your vehicle?? :o
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: rich1981 on 09/06/05 at 11:18 am
... lost your cell phone?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/06/05 at 11:32 am
been driving or riding as a passenger only to find a big flying bug is hitching a ride in your vehicle?? :o
How about sticking your hand out the window of a car (to catch the wind?) only to have a bug go SPLAT right on your hand-YUCK!!! (and it hurt too-nothing like a bug hitting you at least 40 MPH :P )
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: ADH13 on 09/06/05 at 12:07 pm
How about sticking your hand out the window of a car (to catch the wind?) only to have a bug go SPLAT right on your hand-YUCK!!! (and it hurt too-nothing like a bug hitting you at least 40 MPH :P )
Eww!! I actually had a bug on my eyelash once... I was so afraid it was going to get in my eye.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/05 at 12:10 pm
Have you ever bumped into an inanimate object...
...then said 'sorry' to it?!!
All the time!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/05 at 12:12 pm
Looked at your wrist when you talk about what time you did or are going to do something? But you don't have a watch on. :D
We had a clock in our living room, but it fell off the wall and broken, and we have never got round to replacing it yet, but will still look at the spot where the clock was to see the time.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/06/05 at 12:14 pm
Have you ever bumped into an inanimate object...
...then said 'sorry' to it?!!
BTW, it is ok to talk to inanimate objects but when they start talking back to you, you have some serious problems.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/05 at 12:20 pm
BTW, it is ok to talk to inanimate objects but when they start talking back to you, you have some serious problems.
All the time!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: gemini on 09/06/05 at 1:11 pm
been driving or riding as a passenger only to find a big flying bug is hitching a ride in your vehicle?? :o
I had a mouse hitch a ride to work with me one day :o We live in the country, so we've gotten used to having the occasional mouse, but when I got to work one day and there was a mouse sitting where the windshield wipers are, well, that was one I've never seen before! :o
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Paul on 09/06/05 at 1:12 pm
Have you ever blown your nose...
...then looked at what you've just blown into the hankie?!!
Q1. Is it just me?
Q2. If not, what are you expecting to find?!!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/05 at 1:14 pm
Have you ever blown your nose...
...then looked at what you've just blown into the hankie?!!
Q1. Is it just me?
Q2. If not, what are you expecting to find?!!
I only look to still if it is a natural colour and that there are no strange colours involved.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: gemini on 09/06/05 at 1:15 pm
Have you ever blown your nose...
...then looked at what you've just blown into the hankie?!!
Q1. Is it just me?
Q2. If not, what are you expecting to find?!!
I thought everyone did that!  :-[ ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/05 at 1:17 pm
I thought everyone did that!  :-[  ;DÂÂ
It is only natural!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Alchoholica on 09/06/05 at 1:19 pm
I think it's only a problem when you.. taste it.. if you catch my drift ;D
When i was in London one time (and Paul and Philip will atest to this) I was on the tube and saw a man sneeze in to his tissue.. and then.. LICK THE TISSUE! The weirdest people ride the tube. :P
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: gemini on 09/06/05 at 1:22 pm
I think it's only a problem when you.. taste it.. if you catch my drift ;D
When i was in London one time (and Paul and Philip will atest to this) I was on the tube and saw a man sneeze in to his tissue.. and then.. LICK THE TISSUE! The weirdest people ride the tube. :P
OMG, that just about made me barf :P
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/05 at 1:26 pm
I think it's only a problem when you.. taste it.. if you catch my drift ;D
When i was in London one time (and Paul and Philip will atest to this) I was on the tube and saw a man sneeze in to his tissue.. and then.. LICK THE TISSUE! The weirdest people ride the tube. :P
On one of my last tube journeys was a drunk and he was singing as they do, but this drunk was singing hits from the eighties and knew all the lyrics, more than I could do when sober.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: YWN on 09/06/05 at 1:32 pm
I look at the tissue briefly to make sure there's not too much blood or anything. I don't examine it carefully though.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: YWN on 09/06/05 at 1:34 pm
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there?
Whoa, I'm glad that I'm not alone, seeing as that happens to me all the time.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Paul on 09/06/05 at 2:05 pm
The weirdest people ride the tube. :P
Too freaking right...I work with plenty of 'em!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/06/05 at 3:14 pm
I think it's only a problem when you.. taste it.. if you catch my drift ;D
When i was in London one time (and Paul and Philip will atest to this) I was on the tube and saw a man sneeze in to his tissue.. and then.. LICK THE TISSUE! The weirdest people ride the tube. :P
That is soooo gross!
One day my mom said she saw a lady in the car next to her pick the crust out of her eye and eat it.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 09/06/05 at 3:18 pm
Have you ever blown your nose...
...then looked at what you've just blown into the hankie?!!
Q1. Is it just me?
Q2. If not, what are you expecting to find?!!
Done that too. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 09/06/05 at 3:20 pm
One day my mom said she saw a lady in the car next to her pick the "booger" out of her eye and eat it.
..omfg :o
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 09/06/05 at 3:22 pm
That is soooo gross!
One day my mom said she saw a lady in the car next to her pick the "booger" out of her eye and eat it.
Out of her eye? ??? ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/06/05 at 3:24 pm
Out of her eye? ??? ;D
Did it come out in conversation?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/06/05 at 3:25 pm
Out of her eye? ??? ;D
I would have never thought to eat that. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 09/06/05 at 3:30 pm
I would have never thought to eat that. ;D
I'm just wondering how it got in her eye. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/06/05 at 3:31 pm
I'm just wondering how it got in her eye. ;D
Eye know, the junk in the corner of your eye. ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dominic L. on 09/06/05 at 5:46 pm
Eye know, the junk in the corner of your eye. ;D ;D
I call it sleep
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/06/05 at 6:33 pm
I call it sleep
I call it sleep too, but thought it might be understood better the other way. Guess I was wrong. :-[
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dominic L. on 09/06/05 at 6:40 pm
I call it sleep too, but thought it might be understood better the other way. Guess I was wrong. :-[
You shoulda said crusties :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/06/05 at 6:44 pm
You shoulda said crusties :)
I still can. :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 09/06/05 at 7:50 pm
"..Have you ever been accepted unconditionally. Have you ever loved someone, who didn't hurt you didn't harm you...."
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/06/05 at 7:53 pm
"..Have you ever been accepted unconditionally. Have you ever loved someone, who didn't hurt you didn't harm you...."
nope! :-\\
Erin :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 09/06/05 at 7:54 pm
nope! :-\\
Erin :)
Good! That just means you're not into necrophilia!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/06/05 at 7:54 pm
Good! That just means you're not into necrophilia!
um....I could have told you that. ???
Erin :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Alchoholica on 09/06/05 at 7:57 pm
"..Have you ever been accepted unconditionally. Have you ever loved someone, who didn't hurt you didn't harm you...."
Yes.. what does that mean ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/06/05 at 9:19 pm
Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there?
Too often.... ::)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/06/05 at 9:21 pm
Slipped on frozen ice ?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/06/05 at 9:23 pm
Slipped on frozen ice ?
As apposed to thawed ice? :P ;)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 09/07/05 at 1:53 am
Eye know, the junk in the corner of your eye. ;D ;D
Oh yeah, I call it sleep too. She was eating her own sleep? That is just mind-bogglingly awful. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 09/07/05 at 2:21 am
...wanted to vomit after reading a thread? :P
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Paul on 09/07/05 at 7:19 am
Oh yeah, I call it sleep too. She was eating her own sleep? That is just mind-bogglingly awful. ;D
Terrible! Think of the calories!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 09/07/05 at 8:54 am
Terrible! Think of the calories!
Ha ha! The whole idea makes me feel nauseous. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/07/05 at 10:37 am
.....had plans for a busy day and decided to log on here just for a few minutes, only to find yourself here two hours later and at the mercy of your computer?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 09/07/05 at 10:38 am
.....had plans for a busy day and decided to log on here just for a few minutes, only to find yourself here two hours later and at the mercy of your computer?
Yes I have been a victim of that phenomenon, Jacks. ;D
. . . bumped into a lampost?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: jackas on 09/07/05 at 11:05 am
Yes I have been a victim of that phenomenon, Jacks. ;D
. . . bumped into a lampost?
No, but I've bumed into a street sign. :P :-[
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Howard on 09/07/05 at 4:46 pm
...looked at your arm and forgot to put on your watch? ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: YWN on 10/01/05 at 9:09 am
...wondered where your hat was only to realize it was on your head the whole time?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Howard on 10/01/05 at 9:10 am
wondered why the years go by so quickly? :o
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: YWN on 10/01/05 at 9:10 am
...bumped a whole bunch of old threads? ::)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/01/05 at 9:13 am
...bumped a whole bunch of old threads?  ::)
Yes, I have!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Alchoholica on 10/01/05 at 3:32 pm
...Knocked over your drink whilst doing some 'air drumming' ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: YWN on 10/01/05 at 5:18 pm
...Knocked over Andy's drink whilst doing some 'air drumming'?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 10/01/05 at 6:58 pm
. . . watched something on telly and wondered why you watched it?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Paul on 10/01/05 at 7:02 pm
. . . watched something on telly and wondered why you watched it?
Not often...
...but I have wandered through my record collection and wondered why I bought half the crud...!!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: whistledog on 10/01/05 at 7:03 pm
Have you ever bought something you didn't need just for the sake of buying something
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: thenewwavechick on 10/01/05 at 7:16 pm
Yes, several times
Have you ever walked out on a movie in the movie theater?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 10/01/05 at 7:26 pm
Not often...
...but I have wandered through my record collection and wondered why I bought half the crud...!!
Now now, Phil. You know you like 'Grandad' by Clive Dunn. ;D
. . . eaten octopus?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: whistledog on 10/01/05 at 7:30 pm
Slipped on frozen ice ?
I've never slipped on ice, but I've been smashed in the head quite badly by falling ice :\'(
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: mandamoo on 10/01/05 at 7:57 pm
I've never slipped on ice, but I've been smashed in the head quite badly by falling ice :\'(
Ouch :(
...fallen off a ladder :o ::)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 10/01/05 at 8:00 pm
...been almost cushed by a falling ladder.
Now I see why it is bad to walk under a ladder :D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: YWN on 10/01/05 at 8:01 pm
Have you ever walked out on a movie in the movie theater?
I only leave for bathroom breaks...
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Dominic L. on 10/01/05 at 9:04 pm
Yes, several times
Have you ever walked out on a movie in the movie theater?
Yes, once.
But only because for some reason they had more tickets than seats so when we watched it, we had to stand up... so we just left
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/01/05 at 10:46 pm
...broken your toe because you kicked a goalpost ? :(
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 10/01/05 at 10:54 pm
no, but I broke my toe by accidently putting the leg of the chair on my toe!! :-\\
Have you ever tried really hard to get a word out of your mouth...but you just keep stuttering?
Erin :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: mandamoo on 10/02/05 at 12:10 am
...broken your toe because you kicked a goalpost ? :(
We kick balls here in N.S.W. ??? ;)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/02/05 at 3:23 am
...broken your toe because you kicked a goalpost ? :(
I think the renown football player Gary Linekar has done that just thing.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/02/05 at 3:44 am
We kick balls here in N.S.W. ??? ;)
Ah yes, most droll ;D :P :P :P
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/02/05 at 3:45 am
I think the renown football player Gary Linekar has done that just thing.
Regrettably, Lineker went to be England's all time goalscorer.
I did it in the Brisbane 4th Division, which is not quite at the same standard ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Howard on 10/03/05 at 6:38 pm
HYE wondered how many times you wind up going to the bathroom? ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: karen on 10/04/05 at 3:53 am
Yes, several times
Have you ever walked out on a movie in the movie theater?
Yes when it wasn't the sort of film I thought it would be.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/04/05 at 3:55 am
Yes when it wasn't the sort of film I thought it would be.
I have never walked out of a film, I just fall asleep if it is that bad.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 10/04/05 at 5:54 am
HYE seen just how many people send 'private' messages to each other on this board??
What's wrong with email? ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/04/05 at 5:58 am
HYE seen just how many people send 'private' messages to each other on this board??
What's wrong with email?  ;D ;D ;D
This way seems cheaper?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: karen on 10/04/05 at 7:04 am
HYE seen just how many people send 'private' messages to each other on this board??
What's wrong with email?  ;D ;D ;D
Sometimes you just don't get around to swapping e-mail addresses with people. Sometimes you want to 'chat' with them and PM's are the quickest way to do this.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/04/05 at 7:06 am
Sometimes you just don't get around to swapping e-mail addresses with people. Sometimes you want to 'chat' with them and PM's are the quickest way to do this.
This way your e-mail still remains private...
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: karen on 10/04/05 at 7:07 am
Exactly. I PM a few different people here but only 3 know my e-mail addy. And one of them has probably lost it by now knowing him!
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Howard on 10/04/05 at 7:36 am
Why we always have to change our clocks back and forward April and October? ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 10/05/05 at 4:26 am
This way your e-mail still remains private...
..and that's the point I'm implying - people are quite prepared to swap goss' via the pm system here but when it comes to using their (private) email that's possibly (for some) a step too far.  ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: karen on 10/05/05 at 6:31 am
..and that's the point I'm implying - people are quite prepared to swap goss' via the pm system here but when it comes to using their (private) email that's possibly (for some) a step too far.  ;D ;D ;D
Because you can choose to ignore people here if they get annoying. Say if you'd misread someone's personality and in reality they're a bit of a stalker. It's really hard to do something about that once they have your personal e-mail address.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 10/05/05 at 6:40 am
Because you can choose to ignore people here if they get annoying. Say if you'd misread someone's personality and in reality they're a bit of a stalker. It's really hard to do something about that once they have your personal e-mail address.
Hmm but the same people have pm'd each other for months/years - how do you explain that one then Karen?ÂÂ
Is it just convenience do you think?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: karen on 10/05/05 at 6:41 am
Hmm but the same people have pm'd each other for months/years - how do you explain that one then Karen?ÂÂ
Is it just convenience do you think?
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/05/05 at 10:34 am
Have you ever walked out on a movie in the movie theater?
Once. It was a movie called "Don't go into the woods" and the recomendation is "Don't go to see it". It was so bad I had never seen it on video/t.v. or anywhere else after the theatrical release. It might be a movie for Mystery Theatre 3000. :D ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 10/05/05 at 11:00 am
HYE seen just how many people send 'private' messages to each other on this board??
What's wrong with email?  ;D ;D ;D
It's more convenient to use the 'private messaging' system. Instead of having two things up on screen at once after typing your user and password in (how long does it take to get into Yahoo? ::)), you only have the forum site up instead. :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Bobby on 10/05/05 at 11:23 am
Yes, several times
Have you ever walked out on a movie in the movie theater?
I was so tempted to walk out on the film 'Spawn' when it was released about 6 or 7 years ago. It was just mindless pants.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/05/05 at 11:37 am
OH GOD!!!! I think I've seen that :o My friend and I watched it and "Don't Open the Door" one night :P
The only movie I've ever walked out on was "Altered States" when I was 9 or something....we had gone to see 9 to 5 and it was sold out so we went to see that and it freaked the crap out of me :o
I am surprised that someone has even HEARD of it but to have SEEN it?? So, you know what I am talking about.
Subject: Re: Have you ever...
Written By: Howard on 10/05/05 at 6:29 pm
bumped into a telephone without looking where you're going? ;D
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