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Subject: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/02/05 at 3:25 pm

I have a huge library full books at home. It's ever increasing, but there are always some that I often return to and they find their way back to my bedroom in stacks. I love my room though, because it feels so homey with all those books stacked up high. I feel like one of those old professors at Oxford or something..

Well, I just thought it would be interesting if anyone had a favorite book, or one that they were currently reading and wanted to share what they thought about it.. It can be anything, fiction or non-fiction.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/02/05 at 5:03 pm

I just read Mary Higgins Clark's new book, "No Place Like Home" was pretty good.

I am also in the middle of reading, "Trace"....a new book by Patricia Cornwell.

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 09/02/05 at 6:26 pm

I just got done reading Colossus Of New York: A city In 13 Parts by: Colson Whitheead, for the 2nd time. His depiction of New York was so vivid--right down to the littlest detail. It was an awesome book.

Here are two of my favorite excerpts from the book:

"...The Famous photographer prowls here for the real-life stuff with his camera as a victims enact. Years from now she will see her photograph in a gallery and wonder why she was crying..."

"..I never got a chance to say good-bye to some of my old buildings. Some I lived in, others were part of a skyline I thought would always be there. And they never got a chance to say good-bye to me. I think they would have like to--I refuse to believe in their indifference. You say you know these streets pretty well? The city knows you better than any living person because it has seen you when you are alone..."


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/02/05 at 6:34 pm

I just got done reading Colossus Of New York: A city In 13 Parts by: Colson Whitheead, for the 2nd time. His depiction of New York was so vivid--right down to the littlest detail. It was an awesome book.

Here are two of my favorite excerpts from the book:

"...The Famous photographer prowls here for the real-life stuff with his camera as a victims enact. Years from now she will see her photograph in a gallery and wonder why she was crying..."

"..I never got a chance to say good-bye to some of my old buildings. Some I lived in, others were part of a skyline I thought would always be there. And they never got a chance to say good-bye to me. I think they would have like to--I refuse to believe in their indifference. You say you know these streets pretty well? The city knows you better than any living person because it has seen you when you are alone..."


Those are great quotes, Beth. That sounds like a really good book! Just my style!  ;D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Billy Florio on 09/02/05 at 6:42 pm

I just finished Woody Allen's Without Feathers

now Im reading Allen's Getting Even

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Marty McFly on 09/02/05 at 6:52 pm

I sometimes buy books from Goodwill and Thrift stores - haven't bought any new ones lately, but I recently re-read Stephen King's Pet Cemetary.

Not a good idea to do it at night, LOL! Luckily I'm used to it though! ;)

PS: When I saw the title of this thread, I couldn't help but think of the Full House ep where Jesse goes back to night school with his old English teacher, who'se catchphrase was "Read any good books lately?" ;D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: DeutscherGirl on 09/02/05 at 7:32 pm

Right now I'm in the middle of reading Valley of the Dolls. Really good book!


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: jaytee on 09/03/05 at 9:42 am

I've just finished reading "Vanishing Act" by Jodi Picoult.  Good read.  :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Dominic L. on 09/03/05 at 9:52 am

I'm reading the Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams (You know, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galax?). It's a collection of short stories and articles and letters that were on his Apple computer after he died... it's a funny, entertaining book!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Dagwood on 09/03/05 at 11:16 pm

My all time favorite book would have to be The Stand by Stephen King. 

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/06/05 at 1:52 pm

Probably one of the best books I've ever read is by Charlotte Bronte titled "Villette" It's a hard read (being that a good portion of it is in French), but it's worth it in the end.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/06/05 at 1:59 pm

I've started rereading A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle a few times lately, but I keep getting interrupted :P

I have never read "A Wrinkle In Time" although I know for many kids I knew in public school, it was a required reading. My class never read it. I think we read "Where the Red Fern Grows"

How is it, by the way?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Alchoholica on 09/06/05 at 2:03 pm

I'm reading the Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams (You know, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galax?). It's a collection of short stories and articles and letters that were on his Apple computer after he died... it's a funny, entertaining book!

I just finished that, i thought it was marvelous.

I have Hundreds of books.. The attic at my parents house has several bookshelves full of my books. I tend to go to Charity shops and buy a dozen or so books at a time. People also give me one's they're read because they know i'll want to have a look at them.

I'm reading 'Why Not Me?' By Al Franken, a satyrical look at the Campaign for the Presidency.

I'm also reading 'The SS - Alibi of a Nation 1922~1945' by Gerald Reitlinger.
As the title suggest's it's all about the SS in Nazi Germany, as told from several different perspectives.

My bathroom book is currently Ted Williams Autobiography.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Alchoholica on 09/24/05 at 12:55 am

Well, i got through those books and am currently reading..

'A Narrative History of America' kinda dry but full of interesting stuff.


'The Historian'.. ok.. this book is creepy.

Great book, creepy as hell

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: jackas on 09/24/05 at 1:52 am

Must be nice to be able to read. :( 

Wait.....I guess I could read if I wasn't here all night. :-\\

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Jessica on 09/24/05 at 3:14 am

I just started reading "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire. Usually I don't read the overhyped books, but I read the first chapter in the store and thought it was great. So I coughed up the money and bought it. :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: loki 13 on 09/24/05 at 10:41 am

I have just finished "in Defense of Internment" by Michele Malkin
and I am now reading "The Inferno" by Dante Alighieri

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Dominic L. on 09/24/05 at 11:50 am

Well, i got through those books and am currently reading..

'A Narrative History of America' kinda dry but full of interesting stuff.


'The Historian'.. ok.. this book is creepy.

Great book, creepy as hell

I don't read that often, but if I had access to so many books as that, I would probably read more!

one thing that bugs me is if I read, my eyes water ... A LOT

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/25/05 at 4:00 pm

I'd Like to work on some of Grisham's novels. Most of his films are great, so I would expect the books to be better. :0)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 09/25/05 at 4:16 pm

Disordered Minds by Minette Walters and it was real good  :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 09/25/05 at 4:19 pm

If you are looking for suggestions some of my favorites that I read and still love are

Devil in the White City
Romany Rye
How Green Was My Valley
Memoirs of A Geisha
Mists of Avalon

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Mr Tumnus on 09/26/05 at 10:38 am

Currently reading 'Evil Spirits' an Autobiograpy of OLIVER REED one of the sexiest most gorgeous actors to walk the face of the Earth!!    ;D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 09/30/05 at 1:05 am

I just finished reading "The Screwtape Letters" for the second time. Highly recommended book.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 09/30/05 at 5:37 am

I'm currently flicking through random bits of Jingo by Terry Pratchett.  I've read the book a couple of times so I just read from where it opens.  Likewise Fen by Freya North which is a nice girly book.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: TC1970 on 09/30/05 at 6:35 am

I have been reading Brenda Joyce's deadly series... romance/mystery. ;)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80s gail on 09/30/05 at 1:34 pm

Always have a book to read, at the moment it's Bernard Cornwell's the last kingdom.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Alchoholica on 09/30/05 at 1:56 pm

I'm reading an excellent book entitled.. 'The Friendly Guide to the Universe' by Nancy Hathaway. It's very similar to Bill Brysons scientific book, explaining.. well, everything.. this one focuses on Space, Physics etc. It's in between a text book and a 'For Dummies' book. Good reading, presented in a humerous fashion. I need to find a good novel as well to get in to.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 10/23/15 at 9:04 pm

I'm reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: violet_shy on 10/24/15 at 10:00 am

I would say my favorite book to read is "Sphinx" by Robin Cook. It's an old novel. If no one's read it yet please do you will not regret it!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/24/15 at 11:06 am

I LOVE audiobooks and listen frequently. Right now we are listening to Angels & Demons by Dan Brown.

Some of the books we listened to:
-All of John Grisham-loved most of them (a few I didn't care for).
-Some of Stephan King's (still have a bunch we have yet to listen to)
-The Mists of Avalon (loved it)
And the all time favorite (which I'm sure if anyone knows me can guess)...

HARRY POTTER!!!! (Read by Stephan Fry-when he was reading Hagrid, he sounded EXACTLY like Robbie Coltrane.)


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 10/26/15 at 5:04 am

I've just finished re-reading the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy series

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/26/15 at 12:16 pm

I've just finished re-reading the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy series

I started reading that several years ago and just couldn't get into it. Don't know why.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 10/27/15 at 4:05 am

I started reading that several years ago and just couldn't get into it. Don't know why.


I'm sure its not everyone's cup of tea.  In particular the sense of humour is quite 'British' and a little nerdy. 

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 10/28/15 at 3:06 am

Brave New World is crazy book but good.

It's pretty much a society where everyone is the same and taking pills, Soma. There's some racism in the novel, it was released in 1932 after all.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/28/15 at 10:37 am

Brave New World is crazy book but good.

It's pretty much a society where everyone is the same and taking pills, Soma. There's some racism in the novel, it was released in 1932 after all.

I recommend 1984 by George Orwell. It was written a little later (1949) but it sounds very much like what is going on today.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 10/28/15 at 11:14 am

I recommend 1984 by George Orwell. It was written a little later (1949) but it sounds very much like what is going on today.


Yeah, seems to be a very popular book (1984, that is). I wonder if people in 1983 was counting down to it like Y2K.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/28/15 at 12:26 pm

Yeah, seems to be a very popular book (1984, that is). I wonder if people in 1983 was counting down to it like Y2K.

Sort of-but not quite.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: nally on 10/28/15 at 11:51 pm

Brave New World is crazy book but good.

It's pretty much a society where everyone is the same and taking pills, Soma. There's some racism in the novel, it was released in 1932 after all.

I read that book in my senior year of high school! :)

I even did a little "project" on it for the class.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 10/29/15 at 1:54 am

I read that book in my senior year of high school! :)

I even did a little "project" on it for the class.

It's a wild book, eh? Don't tell me the ending, I have 50 pages left.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/03/15 at 4:23 pm

Yeah, I'm done with my book, Brave New World. Wild book! I like it, I give it a B for a grade. Definitely not a perfect book but entertaining.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/04/15 at 7:54 pm

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory right now!  :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/05/15 at 10:08 am

Listening to "The Body" by Stephen King. Most people know the story but not by that name. It was turned into a movie by the name of Stand By Me.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/05/15 at 6:59 pm

Listening to "The Body" by Stephen King. Most people know the story but not by that name. It was turned into a movie by the name of Stand By Me.


Yeah, it's amazing. That Stephen King is.  :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/12/15 at 10:59 pm

10 more pages then I'm done with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. So far I love it.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 11/13/15 at 11:53 am

reading Brokeback Mountain and other stories (or whatever the exact title is)

Lots of short stories.  I bought the book second hand at a village fete and didn't realise it had been someone's set text for Eng Lit.  It has been annotated throughout and I have to work hard not to read these notes as they sometimes give away bits of the plot (e.g. "foreshadowing of the accident")

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/13/15 at 12:27 pm

Okay, I give Charlie and the Chocolate Factory novel an B+. Really, really, good book!  :)  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/14/15 at 2:16 pm

Dean Koontz here we go!  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/14/15 at 3:48 pm

I've been reading "Gone With the Wind" off and on all year. Margaret Mitchell had such an eloquent manner of describing scenes I look to her work to inspire me I've read it 6 times already. My paperback fell apart so I got a version DL-on my laptop.  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 11/20/15 at 1:16 am

Okay, I give Charlie and the Chocolate Factory novel an B+. Really, really, good book!  :)  :D

Since you've read the book more recently than I have perhaps you might recall it better than I can.

There was a programme on tv last night following various five year old children at play.  One of them said to another

"My dear old fish.  Go and boil your head"

I'm fairly sure Willie Wonka says this to one of the mothers but do you remember this at all?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 11/23/15 at 3:06 pm

I do a bit of driving so I now do books on CD instead of the radio.  The Given Day and the Heretics Daughter are two books I tried to read but couldn't get through, but were absolutely fantastic on CD. 

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/23/15 at 3:47 pm

Since you've read the book more recently than I have perhaps you might recall it better than I can.

There was a programme on tv last night following various five year old children at play.  One of them said to another

"My dear old fish.  Go and boil your head"

I'm fairly sure Willie Wonka says this to one of the mothers but do you remember this at all?

Sorry, I did not remember it until I Googled it. Your memory is right, it's in the book! Funny line!  :D  :D

Willy Wonka is slick as hell.  :o

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/23/15 at 3:51 pm

It feels to me that Charlie is the most pure of heart person in the whole book, with Grandpa Joe in second place.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/28/15 at 2:32 pm

It feels to me that Charlie is the most pure of heart person in the whole book, with Grandpa Joe in second place.

There is recent anti-Grandpa Joe backlash from pundits who believe Charlie should have taken his mother instead because she was the parent and Joe was a selfish old man. I don't see any from the film.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 11/28/15 at 6:15 pm

There is recent anti-Grandpa Joe backlash from pundits who believe Charlie should have taken his mother instead because she was the parent and Joe was a selfish old man. I don't see any from the film.

Never heard of that point of view, but nice.

I liked Charlie. It's rare to see a kid that wasn't too into himself, but this is only one book, and we don't always know all the details.
I also liked Mike Teavee. I'm kind of like him, but except for too much TV, I go on the internet too much.
I also liked Grandpa Joe.

I was expecting to hate Veruca Salt, but I didn't. She just didn't bother me as much as I thought she would. I probably would run for the hills though, because I wouldn't want to babysit her.  ;D I didn't really like her either though, so there's that.

Overall, I didn't really hate anyone in this book. I'd say the closest to me hating a character were Veruca's parents and Violet Beauregarde's parents. And sometimes I didn't trust Willy Wonka. But I'm not sure you're supposed to.  ;)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/02/15 at 10:53 pm

From the corner of his eye, by Dean Koontz.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/03/15 at 11:25 am

Never heard of that point of view, but nice.

I liked Charlie. It's rare to see a kid that wasn't too into himself, but this is only one book, and we don't always know all the details.
I also liked Mike Teavee. I'm kind of like him, but except for too much TV, I go on the internet too much.
I also liked Grandpa Joe.

I was expecting to hate Veruca Salt, but I didn't. She just didn't bother me as much as I thought she would. I probably would run for the hills though, because I wouldn't want to babysit her.  ;D I didn't really like her either though, so there's that.

Overall, I didn't really hate anyone in this book. I'd say the closest to me hating a character were Veruca's parents and Violet Beauregarde's parents. And sometimes I didn't trust Willy Wonka. But I'm not sure you're supposed to.  ;)

There is a sequel called Willy Wonka & The Great Glass Elevator. We started listening to it on audiobook but just couldn't get through it. Not as good as the original.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/03/15 at 12:11 pm

There is a sequel called Willy Wonka & The Great Glass Elevator. We started listening to it on audiobook but just couldn't get through it. Not as good as the original.


Aaaahh, sequels. Don't you just love them?  ;D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/03/15 at 12:58 pm

Aaaahh, sequels. Don't you just love them?  ;D

Well, I hope that someone loves mine-when I write it. lol.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/12/15 at 8:13 pm

This Dean Koontz book I'm reading is long as hell. It's 622 pages. I'm on page 523, so exactly 100 more pages.
I'm reading three more books after this Koontz novel, then I'm going to shoot forward with my 'Hollywood Star' novel writing like a madman. Like a madman, I tell ya!!  :D  :D  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 12/15/15 at 8:14 pm

My CD book of the month is "The Hemings of Monticello". It is an in depth study of the lives of the Hemings family who were enslaved by Tthomas Jefferson, including the slave by whom he had several children,  fascinating.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/17/15 at 4:41 pm

Well I'm done with Dean Koontz. 622 long pages. Past 400 is gargantuan to me.  :-X

From The Corner of His Eye gets an A- from me. For atheists and agnostics the book may be too 'spiritual' or preachy. I would have given it an A, but I'm being picky, eh.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 12/18/15 at 1:35 am

Currently dipping into Alex's Adventures in Numberland by Alex Bellos.  A great book for any interested in maths puzzles and numbers

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/18/15 at 4:28 am

Currently dipping into Alex's Adventures in Numberland by Alex Bellos.  A great book for any interested in maths puzzles and numbers
That was my holiday reading book on our US trip a few years ago. I found it fascinating, and look forward to reading his next book "Alex Through the Looking-Glass" on my next holiday.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 12/18/15 at 8:20 am

That was my holiday reading book on our US trip a few years ago. I found it fascinating, and look forward to reading his next book "Alex Through the Looking-Glass" on my next holiday.

We got it out of the library for Elizabeth to read around the subjects she is studying.  She is currently reading Why Does E = mc2

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/18/15 at 8:22 am

We got it out of the library for Elizabeth to read around the subjects she is studying.  She is currently reading Why Does E = mc2
My copy as a paperback was given to a nephew of mine to further his maths.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/20/15 at 12:43 am

I'm starting a book called Say You're Sorry, by Michael Robotham.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/21/15 at 2:52 am

I'm starting a book called Say You're Sorry, by Michael Robotham.

Blech! This book is horrible! I'm getting another book. The author writes like a 7 year old. No depth, no emotion, and I lost like 20 IQ points after reading a chapter!  8-P

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/29/15 at 9:43 am

I switched to Revival by Stephen King.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/29/15 at 11:44 am

I switched to Revival by Stephen King.

The Stephen King non-scary audiobooks that we listened to that both of us liked were The Body, The Shawshank Redemption, Joyland, & The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. The Colorado Kid was ok but we both were disappointed in the ending.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/29/15 at 12:35 pm

The Stephen King non-scary audiobooks that we listened to that both of us liked were The Body, The Shawshank Redemption, Joyland, & The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. The Colorado Kid was ok but we both were disappointed in the ending.


The previous book I read was just um...not so good!  :-X

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 01/07/16 at 4:25 pm

I decided to try to read/listen to 50 books again this year. I even wrote a Python script to keep me on track!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/07/16 at 11:49 pm

I decided to try to read/listen to 50 books again this year. I even wrote a Python script to keep me on track!

Setting goals is good.  :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/15/16 at 9:14 pm

I'm on page 270 on Revival. Amazing book! I can't put it down!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 01/16/16 at 6:56 pm

I'm on page 270 on Revival. Amazing book! I can't put it down!

Will be picking this up. Haven't been absorbed into a book since I read Angela's Ashes a few months ago.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/20/16 at 12:05 am

Will be picking this up. Haven't been absorbed into a book since I read Angela's Ashes a few months ago.

Revival is my first Stephen King book ever. I gave into his popularity. Just kidding.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/20/16 at 12:09 am

I'm on page 304.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 01/20/16 at 9:41 pm

I'm on page 304.

Nice. Enjoying it so far?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/20/16 at 9:48 pm

Nice. Enjoying it so far?

Yeah, very much!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/24/16 at 10:03 am

I only have 30 pages left. Hopefully the ending won't disappoint. Like a movie that was good until the last fifteen minutes.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/26/16 at 2:20 pm

Sounds like Stephen King is asking, "Does God exist?" in this novel, sounds like since he's getting older, he's asking himself the big questions.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/26/16 at 2:22 pm

I only have 30 pages left. Hopefully the ending won't disappoint. Like a movie that was good until the last fifteen minutes.
Sometimes,an author may just do not know how to end a book?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/26/16 at 2:32 pm

Sometimes,an author may just do not know how to end a book?

Yup, that does happen. I haven't finished the book though.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 01/31/16 at 6:24 pm

Woman in the Dunes - Kobo Abe

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 02/01/16 at 8:58 pm

I give the Revival book by Stephen King an A.

A  B+ if I want to be a snob.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/03/16 at 9:29 pm

Rereading Monty Python and Philosophy. :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 02/05/16 at 9:03 pm

I'm reading some Dean Koontz book, LOL.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 02/18/16 at 11:18 pm

The Dean Koontz novel is amazing!!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 03/05/16 at 2:47 pm

I'm 277 pages in, it's 442 pages. Actually gave the shivers before bed reading Koontz's What The Night Knows.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 03/27/16 at 4:36 pm

Dean Koontz rocks! I've only 40 pages left.  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 03/28/16 at 11:50 am

Caveat Emptor - Ken Perenyi

A master art forger tells about the world of forgery. 

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 03/29/16 at 6:36 am

I've just finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson again.

Someone has published a fourth book in the series and so I am re-reading the others first.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/01/16 at 5:12 pm

What Stephen King novel should I read? It's for my next book I'm reading.

Please, no spoilers!!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/02/16 at 3:46 am

What Stephen King novel should I read? It's for my next book I'm reading.

Please, no spoilers!!
Needful Things, it a great book, if not, one of his earlier books.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 04/07/16 at 1:30 am

What Stephen King novel should I read? It's for my next book I'm reading.

Please, no spoilers!!

The Green Mile

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/07/16 at 9:38 am

What Stephen King novel should I read? It's for my next book I'm reading.

Please, no spoilers!!

Joyland or The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/07/16 at 9:56 am

I didn't know there were people responding to my question.  :o

If I knew, I would've read them sooner. I did come to a conclusion, I picked one of his newest books, Doctor Sleep. I'm roughly 59 pages in. It's really good so far.

Thanks for the suggestions though.  8)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/07/16 at 9:56 am

Needful Things, it a great book, if not, one of his earlier books.

Yes, I've heard of this book before. The title sounds like a book of poems.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/07/16 at 9:57 am

The Green Mile

I was shocked when I found out he wrote this book, I found out ten years ago. Nice that he experimented with something besides horror.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/07/16 at 9:58 am

I didn't know there were people responding to my question.  :o

If I knew, I would've read them sooner. I did come to a conclusion, I picked one of his newest books, Doctor Sleep. I'm roughly 59 pages in. It's really good so far.

Thanks for the suggestions though.  8)
Is that the sequel to The Shining?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/07/16 at 9:58 am

Joyland or The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.


I tried The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, I couldn't finish it. Joyland, on the other hand, does sound really nice!  :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/07/16 at 9:58 am

Is that the sequel to The Shining?

Yup!  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/07/16 at 10:04 am

Yup!  :D
It was to be a holiday reading book for me last year, but I did not want to carry the hardback around with me.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/07/16 at 10:05 am

Needful Things, it a great book, if not, one of his earlier books.

Yes, I've heard of this book before. The title sounds like a book of poems.
Avoid the film, it did not live up to the book.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/07/16 at 12:07 pm

It was to be a holiday reading book for me last year, but I did not want to carry the hardback around with me.

Doctor Sleep is like 500 pages. Yeah, it's big and thick.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/07/16 at 12:09 pm

Doctor Sleep is like 500 pages. Yeah, it's big and thick.
I should check out my local library to see if it on the shelf.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/12/16 at 11:42 am

I'm on page 331, the novel is amazing! Psychics and eating 'mists' and all. Stephen King is disturbing and I like it!  8)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 04/13/16 at 5:32 pm

The Japanese Lover - Isabella Allende

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Starlighter on 05/12/16 at 6:45 pm

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/12/16 at 7:49 pm

The Japanese Lover - Isabella Allende

Read a couple of her books. That one I haven't.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: danootaandme on 05/12/16 at 8:30 pm

Civil War Wives

Stories of Angelina Grimké, Varina Howell Davis, and Julia Dent Grant

Angelina is a personal heroine of mine.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 05/13/16 at 8:34 pm

Civil War Wives

Stories of Angelina Grimké, Varina Howell Davis, and Julia Dent Grant

Angelina is a personal heroine of mine.

I bet you're one of those people that read at least 40 books a year.  8)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 05/14/16 at 6:32 am

Danubia  It's about the Hapsburgs.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 05/16/16 at 8:46 am

I finished Dr. Sleep by Stephen King. Not bad, I give it a B. Not as good as Revival, in my opinion. Plus, I don't have the best context to judge which book is better, I've only read his later works, and only two of his books.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 05/21/16 at 4:48 pm

John Grisham now. 421 fun pages.  :)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/21/16 at 6:59 pm

John Grisham now. 421 fun pages.  :)

Which one?


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 05/21/16 at 7:12 pm

Which one?


The Firm. No spoilers, please.  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/21/16 at 7:33 pm

The Firm. No spoilers, please.  :D

That's a good one. I was disappointed in the movie which totally rewrote the ending-but I won't tell you either of them.

I have listened to most (if not all) his books on audio. Most are pretty good but there were a few I didn't care for-but Hubby did.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 05/21/16 at 8:17 pm

That's a good one. I was disappointed in the movie which totally rewrote the ending-but I won't tell you either of them.

I have listened to most (if not all) his books on audio. Most are pretty good but there were a few I didn't care for-but Hubby did.


Ooohh, that's good news. I hope The Firm is good. I usually know if I like a book, usually after about 2-3 pages. I'm going to start the novel tomorrow.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/22/16 at 10:36 am

Ooohh, that's good news. I hope The Firm is good. I usually know if I like a book, usually after about 2-3 pages. I'm going to start the novel tomorrow.

Yeah, it is good. In fact, I would say it is ranked up there with my favorites of his.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: loki 13 on 07/31/16 at 5:59 pm

I just started reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. How good it is has yet to be determined, I will know
in a day or two.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: loki 13 on 08/04/16 at 7:12 pm

Okay, you have your absolute favorite band. They broke up years ago but recently announced they
will be reuniting and putting out an album. You wait with anticipation until the day it comes out. You
buy it, put it in the player, excited to finally hear your band again. You hear the first few notes and
and say, "Wow, this is great!" But when the last note is played you realize it just wasn't all that good.
Complete disappointment.

This is how I felt when I read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I will not give any of it away
but I was not happy with the story line, Movies and books have tried before and all have failed. It
wasn't terrible and I did like the format but I feel it could have had a better story. I am disappointed.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/17/16 at 11:40 am

Okay, you have your absolute favorite band. They broke up years ago but recently announced they
will be reuniting and putting out an album. You wait with anticipation until the day it comes out. You
buy it, put it in the player, excited to finally hear your band again. You hear the first few notes and
and say, "Wow, this is great!" But when the last note is played you realize it just wasn't all that good.
Complete disappointment.

This is how I felt when I read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I will not give any of it away
but I was not happy with the story line, Movies and books have tried before and all have failed. It
wasn't terrible and I did like the format but I feel it could have had a better story. I am disappointed.

Just finished Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Yeah, kind of disappointing but what really bothered me was the inconsistency.

FYI for those of you who want to read it, my spoiler really doesn't give away the plot but if you don't even want a hint about the book, don't read my spoiler.

When Hermione used the time-turner in Prisoner of Azkaban, she/they used it for 3 hours at the end. In Cursed, they could only use it for 15 minutes and they said it was prototype. Yet, the last time Delphi used it-it was for more than 15 minutes and they boys were stuck in the past.

I think part of the reason for disappointment was because JK didn't do ALL the writing. There were two other people involved. I'm sure if she wrote it alone, it would have been much better.

BTW, I heard that JK is coming out with 3 new eBooks next month.

I am STILL Wild About Harry!


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/17/16 at 12:08 pm

I'm going to be a dick and say I kind of knew the book wasn't going to be satisfying to fans.  ;D

It's a gut feeling/my instincts, rather than any type of intellectual guess. I was already disappointed by the 7th/last book, Deathly Hallows, so it's no surprise that this book would be lacking.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: meesa on 08/17/16 at 12:15 pm

I am wanting to read the new HP but as you all have pointed out and so have several of my friends that are book readers, it isn't as good. :(

Right now I am working through  ASOIAF by George RR Martin. I am an avid watcher of GoT and gotta say, the books (so far) are a richer experience. 99 times out of 100 I will prefer the book compared to film or tv series, so that is not surprising. However, it does not spoil the tv series for me either, as I consider GoT the best television series that I have watched.

I read through the Hollows series again by Kim Harrison earlier this year and still love it.

After I get through ASOIF I will probably go back through some of the Austen books like Emma and S and S; I like to reread those every so often. It has also been a while since I visited Richard Adams and love all of his-haven't read Watership Down in a while so that will also probably be on the fall/early winter reading list.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/17/16 at 1:23 pm

I am wanting to read the new HP but as you all have pointed out and so have several of my friends that are book readers, it isn't as good. :(

I, too heard it wasn't that good but still had to read it. As a Harry Potter fan, I will probably read EVERYTHING-good or not just because it is Harry Potter. I also have in my own personal library:
    -Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
    -Quidditch Through the Ages
    -The Tales of Beedle the Bard

I also have a Harry Potter cookbook & a couple of Harry Potter companion books.

Almost time to listen to the audiobooks again for the 3rd (?) time. Don't know how many time I have actually read the books. When a new book of the 7 series came out, I would start from the beginning again so I read the first ones more than the last. But not this one. I just jumped in.

No, I'm not a fan at all.  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: meesa on 08/17/16 at 1:38 pm

I, too heard it wasn't that good but still had to read it. As a Harry Potter fan, I will probably read EVERYTHING-good or not just because it is Harry Potter. I also have in my own personal library:
    -Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
    -Quidditch Through the Ages
    -The Tales of Beedle the Bard

I also have a Harry Potter cookbook & a couple of Harry Potter companion books.

Almost time to listen to the audiobooks again for the 3rd (?) time. Don't know how many time I have actually read the books. When a new book of the 7 series came out, I would start from the beginning again so I read the first ones more than the last. But not this one. I just jumped in.

No, I'm not a fan at all.  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D


I normally do not like audiobooks but I LOVE the HP narrator! So those are a pleasure to listen to.

I would like to read all of the other books that you listed, I just need to make time to do so.  ;D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/17/16 at 3:49 pm

I normally do not like audiobooks but I LOVE the HP narrator! So those are a pleasure to listen to.

I would like to read all of the other books that you listed, I just need to make time to do so.  ;D

Which narrator? There were two-Jim Dale & Stephen Fry. We have the one with Stephen Fry which I think is the best. You can compare to the two:

The other books are very thin. I'm a very slow reader and I read them pretty quickly-they are pretty much under 100 pages.

BTW, Fantastic Beast will be a movie this Nov. The book was a text book at Hogwarts and reads like a reference book. The movie-what I can gather from the trailer is more about the "author" (Newt Scamander) of book.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 08/17/16 at 4:08 pm

Well, I read a the Star Wars book Tarkin recently, I really liked it.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 08/19/16 at 6:01 am

I've read loads of chick lit this holiday.  Babymoon by Melanie La'Brooy had me snorting with laughter at times.

Currently reading about the murder of Theo van Gogh, a controversial film director.  Not my usual fare at all.

Will probably read 1984 next as Elizabeth got it from the library to read when she saw it, but she needs to finish her current book.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/20/16 at 9:06 pm

The Firm is an amazing book! I'm 3/4 done!!  :o

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/20/16 at 10:53 pm

I'm reading The Firm furiously, again.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/21/16 at 2:44 pm

The Firm is an amazing book! I'm 3/4 done!!  :o

Just about all John Grisham books are. The Firm is one of my fav but I HATE that the movie pretty much rewrote it.  >:(

My LEAST fav of his was Runaway Jury but Carlos really liked that one.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/22/16 at 11:36 pm

Just about all John Grisham books are. The Firm is one of my fav but I HATE that the movie pretty much rewrote it.  >:(

My LEAST fav of his was Runaway Jury but Carlos really liked that one.


Ooh. I haven't seen the film. I'm thinking now of my next book I will read after this novel.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 02/08/17 at 10:01 pm

I finished The Firm. I grade it a B. Great book, but his writing is a bit too straightforward for my taste. But enjoyable book, for sure!  8)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/27/17 at 6:29 pm

I'm starting a book today. It's called For A Few Demons More, by Kim Harrison.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 04/27/17 at 6:35 pm

I'm reading a couple of children's books that I've read in English before, but now I'm reading them in French.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/27/17 at 6:37 pm

I'm reading a couple of children's books that I've read in English before, but now I'm reading them in French.

Bon Apetite!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 04/27/17 at 6:43 pm

Bon Apetite!

I beyond failed my goal to read 50 books, so now I'm reading French so I can have an excuse: "I decided to read books in French instead" :-X

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/27/17 at 6:52 pm

I beyond failed my goal to read 50 books, so now I'm reading French so I can have an excuse: "I decided to read books in French instead" :-X

50 books a year? If I'm remembering right.  ???  ???

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/27/17 at 6:54 pm

I started reading a bit more around July-ish 2015. I've read six book since.

This is my seventh.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 04/27/17 at 6:59 pm

50 books a year? If I'm remembering right.  ???  ???

Yes. ;D

I started reading a bit more around July-ish 2015. I've read six book since.

This is my seventh.

Nice!  8) Do you have a Goodreads account?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/27/17 at 7:11 pm

Yes. ;D

Nice!  8) Do you have a Goodreads account?

Well, Stephen King reads roughly 24 books a year. But that was just one interview, a snippet. But he might have read more when he was younger, or in the 1980's, etc, etc, etc.

No, I don't have a Goodreads account. I believe I've had too many accounts online, so.....  :(  :(  :(

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 04/29/17 at 12:09 am

I'm back on a roll with my reading. It's hard to get on the train rails when you stop for such a long time!  8)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 05/06/17 at 11:58 pm

I'm starting a book today. It's called For A Few Demons More, by Kim Harrison.

I love the book. It has a Twilight feel to it, but since it's not Twilight, I can take the pill and dosages!  ;D  ;D  ;D

The book is a fantasy world!  8)  8)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 06/06/17 at 3:09 pm

I'm 52 pages in.  :D  :D  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 06/06/17 at 4:58 pm

I'm 52 pages in.  :D  :D  :D

Same book?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 06/06/17 at 6:43 pm

Same book?

Yes!  :-X  :-X

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: KatanaChick on 06/14/17 at 6:53 am

Yeah, a couple weeks ago I finished Leviathan Wakes, the first in The Expanse series. I decided to pick it up after having seen two seasons of the show. Decent action in it, but it comes with it's dry moments too.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 06/16/17 at 6:21 pm

I'm on page 63. :(

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/15/17 at 8:43 am

Since coming back home, I have started reading books (properly) again.

The first book read was "Alex Through the Looking-Glass" by Alex Bellos, a book on mathematics in everyday life. I preferred his first maths book better.

The second book was "The Father of Spin" by Larry Tye, the biography of the legendary Edward L. Bernays, who, beginning in the 1920s, was one of the first and most successful practioners of the art of public relations. A true insight into US life and propaganda.

And currently reading "The King's Deception" by Steve Berry, an adventure that blends gripping international political intrigue, Tudor treachery, and high-octane thrills into one riveting novel of suspense.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 10/15/17 at 5:19 pm

Since coming back home, I have started reading books (properly) again.

The first book read was "Alex Through the Looking-Glass" by Alex Bellos, a book on mathematics in everyday life. I preferred his first maths book better.

The second book was "The Father of Spin" by Larry Tye, the biography of the legendary Edward L. Bernays, who, beginning in the 1920s, was one of the first and most successful practioners of the art of public relations. A rue insight into US life and propaganda.

And currently reading "The King's Deception" by Steve Berry, an adventure that blends gripping international political intrigue, Tudor treachery, and high-octane thrills into one riveting novel of suspense.

I'm putting this on my to-read list.

I renewed my city library card a few weeks back, I haven't got a chance to use it. ;D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/16/17 at 9:44 am

I'm putting this on my to-read list.

I renewed my city library card a few weeks back, I haven't got a chance to use it. ;D
btw, it should read as

The second book was "The Father of Spin" by Larry Tye, the biography of the legendary Edward L. Bernays, who, beginning in the 1920s, was one of the first and most successful practioners of the art of public relations. A true insight into US life and propaganda.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/27/17 at 5:10 am

Since finishing "The Father Of Spin", I have read another book, "The King's Deception" by Steve Berry. In this book Steve Berry is trying hard to copy Dan Brown, and it showed. The key to the book is the 'King's Deception' based on a Tudor legend. the book was so bumped up with sub-plots, it was tiresome and cumbersome. At one point I almost gave up reading it, but I suffered t the end, and will not read another Steve Berry.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Howard on 10/27/17 at 1:56 pm

maybe I'll head down my local library on my next day off and see if they have any Lizzie Borden books.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/27/17 at 2:00 pm

maybe I'll head down my local library on my next day off and see if they have any Lizzie Borden books.
Exactly as I may do when I finish the book I took out today, the book is short so hopefully it will not take long to read. I will disclose which book when I am about half way through.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/27/17 at 3:46 pm

We are listening to Harry Potter AGAIN (lost track of the number of times we have listened to them.) We are on Goblet of Fire right now. We only listen to them in the car when we have a distance to go.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/18/17 at 5:42 pm

I'm starting a book today. It's called For A Few Demons More, by Kim Harrison.

Yay! I'm done with this book!  :D  :D  :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 12/18/17 at 9:09 pm

I had that goal to read 50 books in 2017 and I didn't even come close.  :-Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman for like 8 months now.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sfan on 12/18/17 at 9:17 pm

I had that goal to read 50 books in 2017 and I didn't even come close.  :-Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman for like 8 months now.

Maybe you're just not a fiction reader. Not anything bad, it's just not your cup of tea.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 08/15/19 at 3:56 pm

I'm reading a couple of children's books that I've read in English before, but now I'm reading them in French.

2 years later, I am just about done with French version of Hunger Games (book 1). ;D

In truth, it took me about 2 years to finish 30% of it, and I read another 60% in just the past month. Just goes to show the importance of making reading a daily habit!


In the past 4 months I have finished reading/listening to 4 books:

*Home Fires: An Intimate Portrait of One Middle Class Family in Post War America by Donald R. Katz
*Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson
*The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
*Atomic Habits by James Clear

The first book was epic. Literally—it's a very long book. I think it will be of interest to inthe00s members. It follows a New York Jewish-American family from 1945 to 1992 with a chapter dedicated to each year.

The second book was very fascinating. It's a thesis on why certain countries remain poor while others thrive. It actually reads like a very long history book, and for that it was an enjoyable read. The central thesis is that rich countries are rich because they are governed for the people while poor countries are poor because their rulers rig the economy to benefit themselves. I was not 100% convinced (maybe 95% convinced) but it was a great read nonetheless.

The last two are self-help. I've been trying to build good habits this summer (such as reading more!) and they've been very helpful. What's funny is that I figured out a lot of the ideas in these books all on my own, back when I was running a language learning blog in my teens. I've been dusting those ideas up and reapplying them. I started by reading Korean just 15 minutes a day. I made a habit of showing up everyday, even if I was learning an insignificant amount. A month or two later, I graduated to 30 minutes, and then to an hour, until I was reading Korean 2 hours a day and became fluent in it. Compare that to my French where I made heroic efforts (1-2 hours+ of reading) on some days but then let it languish for months at a time.  :-[

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 09/21/19 at 6:05 am

Currently reading The Gifted School by Bruce Holsinger

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/21/19 at 6:20 pm

I finally finished my summer reading last week. The books that I read were:

-Michelle Obama's book
-Blue Cat of Castletown by Catherine Coblentz
-A sequel to the Blue Cat and another book by the same author
-Snape by Lorrie Kim

Michelle's book was GREAT. Very well written. I loved it.

The Blue Cat was a sweet book-it was written in 1949.

The sequel was written fairly recent by another author. I am kind of sorry that I read that along with the other book she wrote. She was a TERRIBLE writer. I couldn't follow along because she was all over the place.

Snape is another Harry Potter book. This is basically an analysis of Snape. If you like Harry Potter, I recommend this book because the author gives a really good insight to Snape. You will probably never look at the character the same way again.

At the moment, I don't have another book lined up-but as usual, we are listening to Harry Potter in the car. Who knows what number we are on. When we finish the series, we just start it again. And each time we listen, there is ALWAYS something that we never caught before.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 09/27/19 at 8:47 am

I'm reading John Adams by David McCulluch (?) .  Very interesting looong book, lots  I didn't know about our 2nd prez

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Criz on 09/28/19 at 1:27 pm

I read The 86 Fix by Keith A Pearson

It's a time travel book where a guy believes his sh*tty life all results back to that one fateful day in 86 when he lost his virginity. Then he finds himself back in that  place and the same time.

It's a really easy read and I very much enjoyed it. Not my favorite time travel book - All Our Wrong Todays would take that prize.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 10/06/19 at 9:08 am

I read 3 books in the past two months :

*Hunger Games (French version) by Suzanne Collins
*Burmese Days by George Orwell.
*Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Audiobook) by Yuval Noah Harari.

Reading Hunger Games in French was 3 years in the works, but I've finally done it! I used a trick I learnt from reading Atomic Habits, he calls it "temptation bundling": take an action you want to do and pair it with something you need to do. I buy coffee or make myself a cup of tea around noon and spend 30 minutes reading French. I do not read French unless I can have my tea, so the habit is less "read French for 30 minutes a day" and more "have a cup of tea around noon" and I can say I have been very consistent with this habit ;D

Burmese Days was an amazing read. It's a book set in 1920s Burma when it was still part of the British Empire. It was one of those books I couldn't put down: "Just one more chapter and then I'll stop!" Before I knew it, 3 hours had gone by. A Burmese official tries to sully the reputation of a local Indian doctor by getting the British to have a bad opinion of him. The one British official who's friends with the doctor doesn't buy into it, and the story is centred on him and his love for Burmese culture and his loneliness in finding another Brit who shares his love for it. It was a fascinating insight into the way colonialism changes the mindset of people. I think unless there's genocide or slavery people don't think of colonialism as all that serious of an offence. But this book illustrates the damage colonialism can have on the psyche.

Sapiens was the most interesting book of all. I thought it was going to be a book about how we evolved from being simple apes into modern humans, but it was much more than that. The book is more about the author's musings and personal thoughts than a factual recount of our evolutionary history, but his insights are fascinating. Were we happier as hunter-gatherers than as a civilization? Is there anything actually "natural" about nuclear family unit? Is "progress" inevitable? Is capitalism actually natural? These are all the kinds of topics he opines on and his opinions seem to not be confined by any limitations of the imagination. That's what I found so fascinating about this book.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/06/19 at 9:35 am

I read 3 books in the past two months :

*Hunger Games (French version) by Suzanne Collins
*Burmese Days by George Orwell.
*Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Audiobook) by Yuval Noah Harari.

Reading Hunger Games in French was 3 years in the works, but I've finally done it! I used a trick I learnt from reading Atomic Habits, he calls it "temptation bundling": take an action you want to do and pair it with something you need to do. I buy coffee or make myself a cup of tea around noon and spend 30 minutes reading French. I do not read French unless I can have my tea, so the habit is less "read French for 30 minutes a day" and more "have a cup of tea around noon" and I can say I have been very consistent with this habit ;D

Burmese Days was an amazing read. It's a book set in 1920s Burma when it was still part of the British Empire. It was one of those books I couldn't put down: "Just one more chapter and then I'll stop!" Before I knew it, 3 hours had gone by. A Burmese official tries to sully the reputation of a local Indian doctor by getting the British to have a bad opinion of him. The one British official who's friends with the doctor doesn't buy into it, and the story is centred on him and his love for Burmese culture and his loneliness in finding another Brit who shares his love for it. It was a fascinating insight into the way colonialism changes the mindset of people. I think unless there's genocide or slavery people don't think of colonialism as all that serious of an offence. But this book illustrates the damage colonialism can have on the psyche.

Sapiens was the most interesting book of all. I thought it was going to be a book about how we evolved from being simple apes into modern humans, but it was much more than that. The book is more about the author's musings and personal thoughts than a factual recount of our evolutionary history, but his insights are fascinating. Were we happier as hunter-gatherers than as a civilization? Is there anything actually "natural" about nuclear family unit? Is "progress" inevitable? Is capitalism actually natural? These are all the kinds of topics he opines on and his opinions seem to not be confined by any limitations of the imagination. That's what I found so fascinating about this book.
A few weeks ago, I was in a charity bookshop, and had the urge for a copy of "1948" by George Orwell, but the only Orwell they had was "Burmese Days". May be another day!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 10/06/19 at 9:46 am

A few weeks ago, I was in a charity bookshop, and had the urge for a copy of "1948" by George Orwell, but the only Orwell they had was "Burmese Days". May be another day!

I am reading 1984 right now (in French). They're all solid reads. Anything George Orwell is amazing :D

Most books written before 1950 or thereabouts are going to be dirt cheap due to no copyright. You can walk into any bookstore and get them for less than $5.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/06/19 at 9:51 am

I am reading 1984 right now (in French). They're all solid reads. Anything George Orwell is amazing :D

Most books written before 1950 or thereabouts are going to be dirt cheap due to no copyright. You can walk into any bookstore and get them for less than $5.
I will be close to my local library in the next few days, I am still a member, I will check the shelves there.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 10/06/19 at 10:05 am

I will be close to my local library in the next few days, I am still a member, I will check the shelves there.

1984 is very slow to start but once you get to Part 2 it becomes interesting. I just got to Part 2.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/06/19 at 10:51 am

1984 is very slow to start but once you get to Part 2 it becomes interesting. I just got to Part 2.
Thank you for the warning.

...and somewhere there should be the film "1984" which stars my favourite John Hurt.

...and it is not on Netflix!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 10/07/19 at 9:33 am

Try6 George Orwell's Down and Out in Paris and London.  It's a fascinating read

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 10/15/19 at 9:23 am

Try6 George Orwell's Down and Out in Paris and London.  It's a fascinating read

I will put that next on my list.  8)

Merriam-Webster's word of the day is "belfry". That's one word I learnt in French (beffroi) before I learnt in English, thanks to 1984 :D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/15/19 at 9:27 am

Try6 George Orwell's Down and Out in Paris and London.  It's a fascinating read

I will be close to my local library in the next few days, I am still a member, I will check the shelves there.

I will put that next on my list.  8)
Thanks for the reminder, due to circumstances, of which I do not wish to discuss here, I have been unable to visit my local library.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 11/17/19 at 7:11 pm

I finished reading 1984 in French.  :)

I thought it was alright. I felt it was short on story and way too long on political monologues. Animal Farm has the same problem. I thought the ending was lame unttiiiiiil the very last paragraph. That was a shock!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 11/18/19 at 9:08 am

I finished reading 1984 in French.  :)

I thought it was alright. I felt it was short on story and way too long on political monologues. Animal Farm has the same problem. I thought the ending was lame unttiiiiiil the very last paragraph. That was a shock!

Maybe it was the translation?  2 oldies but goodies

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 12/08/19 at 6:04 pm

I finished reading We Were The Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter a few days ago. It is based on a true story about about a Polish Jewish family and how they managed to survive the Holocaust. It was an emotional roller-coaster of a book, bringing me almost to tears of sadness at the end of every chapter to tears of happiness towards the end of the book. 5/5 stars !

But that is enough WW2 books for me now, I feel like I've read too many for a lifetime. Instead, to get my mind off it, I've picked up a book about WW1 :P

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 12/11/19 at 12:51 pm

Currently re-reading the Harry Potter series

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/11/19 at 4:45 pm

Currently re-reading the Harry Potter series

What number? I lost count of how many times we read/listened to them. As the moment we are on the Deathly Hallows (audiobook). The problem with reading/listening to them, I have a hard time with the movies.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 12/12/19 at 12:11 pm

What number? I lost count of how many times we read/listened to them. As the moment we are on the Deathly Hallows (audiobook). The problem with reading/listening to them, I have a hard time with the movies.


I am reading Goblet of Fire at the moment.  The first couple of books are falling apart now, they've been read so often.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 12/12/19 at 8:00 pm

I just finished Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang. It was a loooooong read (it took me 2 months) but it was so worth it. I think this might be one of my favourite books of all time!

It is a half history, half biography of three generations of women (grandmother, mother, author). It starts at around 1900 in the dying days of the Qing Dynasty when women still bound their feet and men kept concubines, and ends in the late 1970s after the death of Mao Zedong and with the liberalization of China.

In between you have the intermittent warlord period, the unification of China under the dictator Chiang Kai-shek, the Japanese invasion and resulting war of independence, the Chinese civil war, the initial optimistic years under the Communists, the Great Leap Forward (and the famine that killed 30 million people), the Cultural Revolution which shows how ugly humanity can get.

An interesting passage towards the end of the book is about how the Chinese Communists didn't need a KGB because people were willing to do the dirty work for them for free.  :-\\

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 12/17/19 at 6:48 am

I just finished reading my third French book of the year this morning. Le Salon Marocain (The Moroccan Living Room) by Djalil Djezzar is about a gay Algerian dude in France and his coming out story. He was sexually abused by his meglomaniac of a father who also beat his wife, who accepted it as normal and also downplayed the abuse her son was going through. It made for some very dark reading :o But it has many positive moments interspersed to keep you sane. The content itself was captivating, but the book isn't winning awards for prose, you won't find much poetry or creative writing here.

And that's the problem for me. I could read several pages and sometimes even entire chapters without needing a dictionary. But that says more about how easy the book was than how good my French is. I need to pick out a more difficult book this time and get out of my comfort zone. :P

That's book #12 that I've read this year.  :D (with book #13 and #14 coming up soon).

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/20/20 at 5:03 pm

I have read A Very Stable Genius by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig of the Washington Post. It was good but it really wasn't anything that I didn't already know-being the news junkie that I am.

Right now I am reading The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden which is the first book of the Winternight Trilogy. I am really enjoying it.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 04/24/20 at 1:11 am

I fell off the wagon with my reading habits the first three months of this year. I didn't finish my first book of the year, which was an audiobook, until a couple of days ago.  :-how the Rothschilds control the entire universe banking and financial literacy. Very useful information. The finance section of the newspaper that talks about yield spreads or securities no longer goes over my head at least.

The book I'm reading in French is Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It is about a Nigerian woman who immigrates to America. If I was reading this in English, it would have been one of those books where you start reading and you realize it's 2AM and you've been reading for the past 5 hours. The stories in it are so human and relateable.

Before this I was trying to read L'histoire populaire du Québec (People's History of Quebec) but either my French was not good enough or it really is just boring. But anyway, I dropped it.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 04/24/20 at 8:49 am

Just finished Blowout by Rachel Madow, which was interesting, and am now finishing Michelle Obama's Becoming which is very insightful

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/25/20 at 2:40 am

I am spending some of my time in sorting out my books whether to keep some of donate to charity, all goes fine till I pick up one book that could be interesting and I start to read it. Currently reading a book on Good Luck and Superstitions.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 05/05/20 at 1:17 am

I finished another audiobook The Other Side of History by The Great Courses. It was about history through the lens of "normal people" as opposed to kings, emperors etc. Let's be glad we have the coronavirus and not the Athenian plague! But it wasn't all depressing. People in history were humans just like us in many ways. They liked music, they liked to dance, they had fun, they loved each other, they had festivals, and they loved art and beautiful things.

The main consistent and depressing things are how common slavery was (and still is today) and how women were second-class citizens in every civilization up until the 1970s (and in the West only).  :-\\

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/05/20 at 1:25 pm

I'm on the second book of the Winternight trilogy: The Girl In The Tower.  In between the two books, I read a book I have on Russian fairy tails. It helped out because these books refer to a lot of the fairy tails.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/05/20 at 1:31 pm

I am spending some of my time in sorting out my books whether to keep some of donate to charity, all goes fine till I pick up one book that could be interesting and I start to read it. Currently reading a book on Good Luck and Superstitions.
I have now put that book to one side, and now reading several of a series of publications of famous scandals, murders, etc.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 05/18/20 at 1:32 pm

The Knights Templar Encyclopedia by Karen Ralls.  Pretty good if you're into the Templars.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/18/20 at 1:47 pm

I have now put that book to one side, and now reading several of a series of publications of famous scandals, murders, etc.
With my scandal book, I have started reading selected chapters, I last chapter read was on Lord Byron.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 05/18/20 at 2:34 pm

Just finished reading A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. It’s a young adult novel that I really enjoyed. I only started it last night around 11pm and finished it this afternoon.

Next I am going to read Elinor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/18/20 at 2:37 pm

Just finished reading A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. It’s a young adult novel that I really enjoyed. I only started it last night around 11pm and finished it this afternoon.
many years back, it took me about the same length of time to finished "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/18/20 at 4:35 pm

I'm on the last book of the Winternight trilogy-The Winter of the Witch.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 05/18/20 at 5:04 pm

many years back, it took me about the same length of time to finished "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.

I read this for English Literature o level. We had to read it out in class and it took ages.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 05/19/20 at 8:21 am

I just finished Sub Busters by T. Garth Connelly.  Its about the US Coast Guard's WWII 83 foot cutters.  My father served on one in both the Caribbean and in Rescue Flotilla One at Normandy, thus my interest.  I already knew as much as it said about Normandy, and it said nothing about anti sub actions.  It does describe everything about the boats themselves though

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 05/23/20 at 7:36 pm

I finished an audiobook on the Stock Market about a week ago.

And I finally finished my first physical book of the year in Nelson Mandela's autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. That was a mammoth sized book. I started reading in 2015 but couldn't get it done but now I finally have! He was such an inspirational figure. I try to think of who we have like that who is still around today but I'm struggling. He was a wonderful and intelligent man.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 05/23/20 at 7:38 pm

I just finished Sub Busters by T. Garth Connelly.  Its about the US Coast Guard's WWII 83 foot cutters.  My father served on one in both the Caribbean and in Rescue Flotilla One at Normandy, thus my interest.  I already knew as much as it said about Normandy, and it said nothing about anti sub actions.  It does describe everything about the boats themselves though

I notice you have a keen interest in ships!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 05/24/20 at 2:14 am

I finished another book! This one was was in French (the original translation was in English).. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It is about a Nigerian immigrant in America (and also the UK for a short bit). It didn't really have any story arc which is what made it such an enjoyable read. I felt like I was living her life, made the same friends she did and learnt to love the characters. It put me at ease and comfort. I'm gonna feel a bit disoriented not being a part of this universe anymore.

That's the 4th book I've finished in French! My French improved a lot and I even started dreaming in French, haha. I think it was my 2017 New Year's resolution to finish 5 books in French. Of course I finished 0, I didn't finish my first book until August 2019 or thereabouts. I started in July though, so if I can finish another book in the next 1.5 months I can hit that goal of reading 5 French books in a year.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 05/24/20 at 8:46 am

I notice you have a keen interest in ships!

That too, but the 83's are personal since my dad served on them.  His service records were destroyed in a fire back in '93 so my sister and I are trying to track down the specific boats he served on to learn more about his experiences through the action reports of those boats

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/28/20 at 5:42 am

With my scandal book, I have started reading selected chapters, I last chapter read was on Lord Byron.
With my same scandal book, I am halfway through a long chapter on Hollywood scandals.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 08/15/20 at 9:46 am

Finished 3 on politics, Rucker/Leonig's A Very Stable Genius, Steve Banen's The Imposters, ans Mary Trump's To Much, butt Never Enough.  The first adds some details, the second argues that the Repubs have forgotten how to govern, and the third really does expose the dysfunction of the Trump family.  All are good reads

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 09/18/20 at 9:43 am

I just finished Caroline Alexander's The Bounty which is based on lots of documentary sources and paints a very different picture of Captain Bligh.  Turns out he was a rather benevolent  captain for the time an was trashed by the family of one of the mutineers who was pardoned.  Very interesting read   

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 10/01/20 at 4:13 pm

Just finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and have started The Girl Who Played With Fire

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/22/20 at 7:51 am

Finally got to finish my book.

"The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper"

In mythical history, it is believe that Jack the Ripper killed only prostitutes, on the assumption from this book, he killed only one, and the other four women were just ordinary women.

Problem now, it is get back to the library...

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/22/20 at 2:10 pm

Today I finished the second book of the original Wizard of Oz series.

I have decided that I am going to try to do what Slowpoke wanted to do (read 50 books a year or 5 French books) but decided to aim for 10 books a year. I am a slow reader and thought that would be a realistic goal. The book I finished today make it #9. The books so far this year:

-A Very Stable Genius-Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig.
-Blowout-Rachel Maddow
-Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man-Mary Trump
-The Impostors- Steve Benen
-Winternight Trilogy - Katherine Arden 
    *The Bear and the Nightingale
    *The Girl in the Tower
    *The Winter of the Witch
-Wizard of Oz Series-L. Frank Baum
    *The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
    *The Marvelous Land of Oz
Tomorrow I will start Ozma of Oz (10th book this year).

I'm sure I will surpass the 10 because the Oz books are easy reading and I can finish a book in just a few days. Don't know if I will be able to finish the entire series this year but what is on the queue after is Wicked by Gregory Maguire. I know there are a few in that series but I only have the first one (so far) that I bought from my neighbor across the street at a yard sale a few months ago.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: 2001 on 11/30/20 at 11:08 pm

Today I finished the second book of the original Wizard of Oz series.

I have decided that I am going to try to do what Slowpoke wanted to do (read 50 books a year or 5 French books) but decided to aim for 10 books a year. I am a slow reader and thought that would be a realistic goal. The book I finished today make it #9. The books so far this year:

-A Very Stable Genius-Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig.
-Blowout-Rachel Maddow
-Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man-Mary Trump
-The Impostors- Steve Benen
-Winternight Trilogy - Katherine Arden 
    *The Bear and the Nightingale
    *The Girl in the Tower
    *The Winter of the Witch
-Wizard of Oz Series-L. Frank Baum
    *The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
    *The Marvelous Land of Oz
Tomorrow I will start Ozma of Oz (10th book this year).

I'm sure I will surpass the 10 because the Oz books are easy reading and I can finish a book in just a few days. Don't know if I will be able to finish the entire series this year but what is on the queue after is Wicked by Gregory Maguire. I know there are a few in that series but I only have the first one (so far) that I bought from my neighbor across the street at a yard sale a few months ago.


How did it go? Have you reached the magic 10 yet?

I am making an application to keep track of my reading progress. This is the command-line version of it (work in progress).

I have NOT made a goal yet, I put down "50 books in a year" as the default. Looks like it will require me listening 4-5 hours a day of a 35 hour audio book to maintain. That sobered me right up. I will have to make a more realistic goal in the new year.  :-[  ;D

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/01/20 at 1:09 pm

How did it go? Have you reached the magic 10 yet?

I am making an application to keep track of my reading progress. This is the command-line version of it (work in progress).

I have NOT made a goal yet, I put down "50 books in a year" as the default. Looks like it will require me listening 4-5 hours a day of a 35 hour audio book to maintain. That sobered me right up. I will have to make a more realistic goal in the new year.  :-[  ;D

Yeah, I thought 10 is a realist goal-try that next year and if you go beyond that, you can be proud of yourself.

And yes, I have gone beyond myself. I am still in the middle of the Oz books. I finished the 6th (#13 of the year) and will start the 7th maybe tomorrow. Yeah, I would LOVE to finish the entire series (15 total books) before the end of the year but that will not happen. I only read about 1-2 hours a day-on days when I do read. If I spent most of the day reading, I could but there are just too many other things I need/want to do that I can't devote that much time to reading.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: nally on 12/10/20 at 6:09 pm

A recently-released nonfiction: Joe Biden: The Life, The Run, and What Matters Now by Evan Osnos. It is a biography of our next U.S. President, profiling his political life; the last part of it discusses his presidential campaign from this year, up to about August/September. (The book was published in October.)

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/08/21 at 1:36 pm

I just finished #9 of the Oz series. Only 6 more to go. At this point I wondering if I really want to finish or take a break from them. And if I take a break, would I get back to them?

At this point, it seems like it is a chore to read them. This last one I read was ok but the one before I didn't care for at all.

Just wondering if anyone here has read all of them.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 04/03/21 at 11:50 am

I recently finished 2 books on Richard III, the last Plantagenet king.  The 1st was titled The Princes in the Tower which argues that he killed his 2 nephews to get the crown.  The 2nd was a broader biography and claims that there are other likely suspects as well and that the early Tudors had strong reasons to implicate Richard.  Both quite interesting if you're into history

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 04/04/21 at 4:19 pm

I recently finished 2 books on Richard III, the last Plantagenet king.  The 1st was titled The Princes in the Tower which argues that he killed his 2 nephews to get the crown.  The 2nd was a broader biography and claims that there are other likely suspects as well and that the early Tudors had strong reasons to implicate Richard.  Both quite interesting if you're into history

If you ever get across here to visit we can go to a couple of places locally that are part of his story. Richard III is buried in the cathedral about 10 miles from here, as he was originally buried in a churchyard nearby, and Bosworth battlefield in not too far away

I have just finished reading a Jo Nesbo book The Son

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/04/21 at 5:15 pm

I'm reading The Eternal Conductor by Debbie Garneau Griffin. It is an epic novel about the Underground Railroad in Vermont. It takes place not too far from here.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 04/06/21 at 8:56 am

If you ever get across here to visit we can go to a couple of places locally that are part of his story. Richard III is buried in the cathedral about 10 miles from here, as he was originally buried in a churchyard nearby, and Bosworth battlefield in not too far away

I have just finished reading a Jo Nesbo book The Son

That would be fun.  Having read all of Ellis Peter's Cadfile books I'm now looking for something on Stephan and Matilda's civil war

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 04/06/21 at 12:01 pm

That would be fun.  Having read all of Ellis Peter's Cadfile books I'm now looking for something on Stephan and Matilda's civil war

I have read quite a few of those books as well. Matilda seems to be a little known part of history - I have answered more than one trivia quiz question about her and been the only one in the group who knew anything about her.

Stephen and Matilda: The Civil War of 1139-53 by Jim Bradbury looks a pretty decent book on the topic

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 04/07/21 at 8:52 am

I have read quite a few of those books as well. Matilda seems to be a little known part of history - I have answered more than one trivia quiz question about her and been the only one in the group who knew anything about her.

Stephen and Matilda: The Civil War of 1139-53 by Jim Bradbury looks a pretty decent book on the topic

Cool, found it on Amazon cheap.  Looks like a good summer read.  Thanks

By the way, have you seen any of the adaptations staring Derek Jacoby?  They are excellent.  Peters kept tight control over the productions so they are true to the books.  Unfortunately she died before they could film all of the stories

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/07/21 at 1:31 pm

Cool, found it on Amazon cheap.  Looks like a good summer read.  Thanks

By the way, have you seen any of the adaptations staring Derek Jacoby?  They are excellent.  Peters kept tight control over the productions so they are true to the books.  Unfortunately she died before they could film all of the stories

MOST were true to the books. Others were not even close.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/12/21 at 6:36 am

In the UK, the lockdown has been eased, and the libraries are allowed to reopen. Yippie! But I cannot remember which book wanted to take out to read.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 05/01/21 at 10:03 am

I have read quite a few of those books as well. Matilda seems to be a little known part of history - I have answered more than one trivia quiz question about her and been the only one in the group who knew anything about her.

Stephen and Matilda: The Civil War of 1139-53 by Jim Bradbury looks a pretty decent book on the topic

Just finished it a couple of days ago.  Interesting insights and a good read.  Thanks

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 01/01/22 at 2:24 pm

Just reading A Slip of the Keyboard by Terry Pritchett. A collection of Terry’s non-fiction writing, book introductions, magazine articles etc, on his life and his Alzheimer’s. It was a Christmas present.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/01/22 at 2:34 pm

I hit my 10 book quota (actually 11-I read my sister's book a few times-to edit it before she published it). Now it is on to the new year. I already have a few books picked out. I'm hoping that this year I will make it past 10 books.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 05/07/22 at 1:34 pm

I am currently reading Becoming by Michelle Obama

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/07/22 at 4:06 pm

I am already on my 7th book of my annual quota and it is only the 5th month. Not bad.

The book is The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It  by Robert Reich

I am currently reading Becoming by Michelle Obama

Excellent book. Read it a few years ago when it first came out.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: nally on 05/07/22 at 6:35 pm

I am currently reading Becoming by Michelle Obama

Excellent book. Read it a few years ago when it first came out.


Indeed it is! O0 We have it in our home library.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 05/29/22 at 10:07 am

Michelle's book is very good, so is Barack"s

I recently read Arthur Schlesinger"s The Age of Jackson, an old book, but really helpful in understanding American politics.  It's the same old fight between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, which boils down to the meaning of the word necessary

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 07/23/22 at 9:00 am

Just finished - after long last- John Quincy Adams by Paul C Nagel.  I found it very interesting as a biography but kind of disappointing when it comes to understanding the politics of that era, early to mid 1800's.  He was an interesting character and the book also gets into John and Abigail, his parents.  An 8 on a 1 to 10 for those interested in history

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/23/22 at 2:09 pm

I read "Where the Crawdads Sing". It is really good. I also read "Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindenwald". It was a screen play so it was kind of hard to follow.

Right now I am rereading the Winternight Trilogy. I love these books so much that is why I am rereading them. (I'm on the second book and my 10th for the year-YAY! Hit my quota and the year is half over. I'm wondering how high I can go.) There may be another rereading in the future.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 08/03/22 at 8:41 am

I just read The Battle of Hubbardton by Bruce M Venter (July 7 1777).  Being a local (Hubberdton is a few miles from us) I already knew the basics but I wanted to know more details.  It was a small, but important battle, a rear guard action that allowed the  American northern army to escape from fort Ticonderoga and finally led to the defeat of general Burgoyne at the battle of Saratoga.  The British actually won the battle, they forced the Americans to treat, but suffered heavy losses and were slowed down. 
It's an interesting book if you're interested in military history or US history

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/03/22 at 1:57 pm

I just read The Battle of Hubbardton by Bruce M Venter (July 7 1777).  Being a local (Hubberdton is a few miles from us) I already knew the basics but I wanted to know more details.  It was a small, but important battle, a rear guard action that allowed the  American northern army to escape from fort Ticonderoga and finally led to the defeat of general Burgoyne at the battle of Saratoga.  The British actually won the battle, they forced the Americans to treat, but suffered heavy losses and were slowed down. 
It's an interesting book if you're interested in military history or US history

You also forgot to mention that it is the first battle that Old Glory was carried into.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 08/03/22 at 4:26 pm

On a bit of a Terry Pratchett kick recently. Currently reading Nightwatch, but have recently read Moving Pictures, Going Postal and Thud.

Edited the name of one book. I muddled it with song title

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 08/18/22 at 9:13 am

Just reread Howard Zinn's Declarations of Independence: Questioning American Ideology published in 1990 but still very pertinent.  If you have read his People's History of the United States you will have a good idea of where he is coming from.  It's a thought provoking book, even for non US people

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/18/22 at 5:08 pm

I'm in the middle of reading the "Violin Conspiracy." So far, it is a good read.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/27/22 at 11:21 am

Today I managed to get a copy of a book I have been wanting to read for some while, "The Thursday Murder Club" by English television presenter, producer, novelist and comedian Richard Osman, described as a pleasant comical Crime & Thriller read of  a peaceful retirement village, when four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders, but when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep...

It is this book that Steven Spielberg's production company Amblin Entertainment bought the book's global film rights. The film will be written and directed by Ol Parker.

I have just finished Chapter 1...

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Don Carlos on 10/28/22 at 10:01 am

I finished rereading Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by Marcus Rediker.  It's a history of merchant seamen, 1700=1750, including a chapter on piracy.  Quite intereting

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/14/22 at 9:11 am

Today I managed to get a copy of a book I have been wanting to read for some while, "The Thursday Murder Club" by English television presenter, producer, novelist and comedian Richard Osman, described as a pleasant comical Crime & Thriller read of  a peaceful retirement village, when four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders, but when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep...

It is this book that Steven Spielberg's production company Amblin Entertainment bought the book's global film rights. The film will be written and directed by Ol Parker.

I have just finished Chapter 1...

After finishing this book in around two weeks, I now have, from the library, Richard Osman's second book "The Man Who Died Twice", which has a very interesting first chapter.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/14/22 at 1:18 pm

Haven't read anything (well, books that is) since August-been busy. I'm hoping that I can start a new book next week.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 11/14/22 at 4:37 pm

After finishing this book in around two weeks, I now have, from the library, Richard Osman's second book "The Man Who Died Twice", which has a very interesting first chapter.

Just about to finish the third book in the series The Bullet That Missed.

Also part way through Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/28/22 at 5:48 am

Just about to finish the third book in the series The Bullet That Missed.

Also part way through Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Finished "The Man Who Died Twice" over the weekend, now waiting for the next book in the series to appear on the library shelf, I can wait.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/28/22 at 7:56 am

I do have a book to read now, but it is a dip-in book, "The Stanley Kubrick Archives". I will start on the chapters of my favourite Kubrick first.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/28/22 at 2:04 pm

I started reading Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins that was written in 1878. I read two chapters and opted not to read it at this time. I may pick it up again sometime.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Ripley on 11/28/22 at 2:55 pm

Has anyone tried Wattpad? People post all kinds of books. Some short stories too. Fanfics as well. It’s mostly non-published stuff, a place for writers to get started.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: nally on 12/04/22 at 11:22 pm

I want to see about reading some Christmas-themed books this month. We have a handful of them in our home library. Every year I wanna pick one up and start reading it, but there's always lotsa things to accomplish!

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/03/23 at 6:55 am


Finished "The Man Who Died Twice" over the weekend, now waiting for the next book in the series to appear on the library shelf, I can wait.
I am now reading the third offering for Richard Osman "The Bullet That Missed", and if it carries on at the pace it started with, it should be his best book yet.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/05/23 at 2:23 pm

I am now reading the third offering for Richard Osman "The Bullet That Missed", and if it carries on at the pace it started with, it should be his best book yet.
Finally finished this book, his best one so far, and returning to the library tomorrow.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/23 at 6:24 pm

Finally finished this book, his best one so far, and returning to the library tomorrow.
... and eagerly awaiting for his next book to be published.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/10/23 at 3:12 pm

... and eagerly awaiting for his next book to be published.
Still waiting!

Currently reading "Wild Thing: The short, spellbinding life of Jimi Hendrix" by Philip Norman. Putting it simply, it's very interesting.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/10/23 at 3:21 pm

I had read 3 books of my annual 10 books and started book 4 in April. I was going to be ambitious and read 2 chapters of John Adams by David McCullough know. I haven't gotten back to really reading anything since. Don't know if I will go back to John Adams or start something new-SOON. I just don't know when.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/21/23 at 4:38 am

Currently reading "Wild Thing: The short, spellbinding life of Jimi Hendrix" by Philip Norman. Putting it simply, it's very interesting.
Finished the book in ten days. It had several printing errors, had not been proofread properly, it was published in 2020...

The book itself was interesting and informative, and learn several new items about Jimi Hendrix.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/22/24 at 8:45 am

Last year I wasn't able to read. I am finally able to read again. I am on the 3rd book of the year.

-From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil Frankwiler
-On Tyranny by Timothy Synder
-Prequel by Rachel Maddow

I recommend the last two. They may seem like history but both books basically says that we have been here before and we can learn from history.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/22/24 at 10:28 am

Last year I wasn't able to read. I am finally able to read again. I am on the 3rd book of the year.

-From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil Frankwiler
-On Tyranny by Timothy Synder
-Prequel by Rachel Maddow

I recommend the last two. They may seem like history but both books basically says that we have been here before and we can learn from history.

O0 Thank you for reminding me, for I still have to read Richard Osman's latest murder novel "The Last Devil To Die", but I will have to find on the shelves in my local library, or go to a bookstore and read a page-per-day?

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/21/24 at 7:44 pm

I read a book about a local club that I didn't know existed even though it was literally down the street. The author had memories of some locals and I know some of the locals.

Now I am reading The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden who wrote the Winternight Trilogy that I love.

5 books already this year. I am just about half way through my yearly quota and it is only March. Maybe I will make up for what I didn't read last year.


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/12/24 at 7:10 pm

Just finished Vermont's Creepist Classics by Joe Citro. I bought it and two more books directly from the author and he signed them. I have several of his books (a few are signed).

Last year, I read his first fiction book and I didn't like it.  :-\\


Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 05/13/24 at 12:54 pm

This Could Change Everything by Jill Mansell

Just recently finished reading The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman the fourth Thursday Murder Club book.

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: jeanette on 07/18/24 at 5:35 pm

I am reading: "A Civil Action" by Jonathan Harr.

"This is the true story of an epic courtroom showdown. Two of the nation's largest corporations stand accused of causing the deaths of children. Representing the bereaved parents, the unlikeliest of heros emerges: a young, flamboyant Porsche- driving lawyer who hopes to win millions of dollars, and ends up losing nearly everything-including his sanity."

Subject: Re: Anyone Read a good book lately - old or new - or a favorite?

Written By: karen on 07/22/24 at 12:16 pm

Currently reading The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. It seems to be one of those books you “ought” to read or at least know the basic storyline.

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