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Subject: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 11:03 am
I was thinking to myself of all the odd people i've known, now it may seem like an odd topic, but man is it funny thinking about them.
Please share with us some of your odd individual story's.
Carlton ~ My friend Carlton had a bit of a bad body odour, however he was a really nice guy so we all kind of ignored it. He used to go to school maybe one day out of ten yet was as smart as anybody there. One day i remember inviting Carlton over to my house, he asked if it would be alright if he just stayed over, 'sure fine, no worrys mate'. Two MONTHS!! Later, he was still at our house. Here's the thing, he never once said can i stay any longer or anything like that, he just, didn't leave, he would help clean the house, for the first time in years he went to school every day, yes folks, He adopted himself to my family ;D Eventually he went actually, he got a job downtown and decided to go live with his brother, but it was very odd, especially some of the things he did.
Abdul ~ Abdul once climbed out of a second story window at school and jumped out so as to not have to do the lesson, Physics would have been a good start for him because he neglected to consider the effect of gravity. He broke his leg. ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/23/05 at 11:42 am
I was thinking to myself of all the odd people i've known, now it may seem like an odd topic, but man is it funny thinking about them.
Please share with us some of your odd individual story's.
Carlton ~ My friend Carlton had a bit of a bad body odour, however he was a really nice guy so we all kind of ignored it. He used to go to school maybe one day out of ten yet was as smart as anybody there. One day i remember inviting Carlton over to my house, he asked if it would be alright if he just stayed over, 'sure fine, no worrys mate'. Two MONTHS!! Later, he was still at our house. Here's the thing, he never once said can i stay any longer or anything like that, he just, didn't leave, he would help clean the house, for the first time in years he went to school every day, yes folks, He adopted himself to my family ;D Eventually he went actually, he got a job downtown and decided to go live with his brother, but it was very odd, especially some of the things he did.
Abdul ~ Abdul once climbed out of a second story window at school and jumped out so as to not have to do the lesson, Physics would have been a good start for him because he neglected to consider the effect of gravity. He broke his leg. ;D
We somehow manage to get odd people in our shop everyday , but one of the oddest of the odd is the one who comes in and rambles on and on to you about nothing.
Once, he came in, went around, got his stuff and came up to the till like normal people do, but then when he had been served, he turned round and said "may I just ask you something, do you think it's important to have friends in life?" and it ended up being a half an hour long discussion :P
But the wierdest thing he's done was a few month back. My colleague was through the back checking her till ready to bring out, so I was on my own and I had one hell of a queue, which he was in. He said, whilst I was busy serving someone else "Excuse me, could you please tell whoever is out the back to hurry up?" and I started explaining to him that she needed to check her float, but he interrupted and started saying "Oh, is she now? Is she now? Well you can tell her to hurry up." then when I tried to explain that we had to take our tills off twice a night because there had been raids going on at other stores, he started saying "Oh she knows who it is, she knows who it is". then he started mumbling to himself, I heard him mention something about Viet Nam , and then he started laughing to himself, then saying "I shouldn't be laughing, it isn't funny" and started having a conversation with himself. I'm telling you, he's one f*king fry short of a Happy Meal...
There are a couple of other times when he's came in drunk and started talking to me about toothpaste , and a customer behind him started laughing and he went off on one, but that time when he was queueing up is the wierdest thing i've experienced since working at that store, and believe me, i have seen some headcases...
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 11:50 am
We somehow manage to get odd people in our shop everyday , but one of the oddest of the odd is the one who comes in and rambles on and on to you about nothing.
Once, he came in, went around, got his stuff and came up to the till like normal people do, but then when he had been served, he turned round and said "may I just ask you something, do you think it's important to have friends in life?" and it ended up being a half an hour long discussion :P
But the wierdest thing he's done was a few month back. My colleague was through the back checking her till ready to bring out, so I was on my own and I had one hell of a queue, which he was in. He said, whilst I was busy serving someone else "Excuse me, could you please tell whoever is out the back to hurry up?" and I started explaining to him that she needed to check her float, but he interrupted and started saying "Oh, is she now? Is she now? Well you can tell her to hurry up." then when I tried to explain that we had to take our tills off twice a night because there had been raids going on at other stores, he started saying "Oh she knows who it is, she knows who it is". then he started mumbling to himself, I heard him mention something about Viet Nam , and then he started laughing to himself, then saying "I shouldn't be laughing, it isn't funny" and started having a conversation with himself. I'm telling you, he's one f*king fry short of a Happy Meal...
There are a couple of other times when he's came in drunk and started talking to me about toothpaste , and a customer behind him started laughing and he went off on one, but that time when he was queueing up is the wierdest thing i've experienced since working at that store, and believe me, i have seen some headcases...
Sounds like he's a class one drunk mate ;D
Dodgy git or what eh.
My mate Paul worked at the Co-Op (don't know if he still does) and he said the bloke walked in one day and just started opening cans, Paul told him to stop and he ran off down the aisle then walked out of the shop :o Paul was saying that he was a bit worried that this bloke was a nut, but just couldn't stop laughing.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/23/05 at 11:56 am
Sounds like he's a class one drunk mate ;D
Dodgy git or what eh.
He's not a drunk, I know that much! I think that he actually is a psycho, because often he'll stand mumbling to himself when he's chosing what to buy... he's just plain wierd
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 11:57 am
He's not a drunk, I know that much! I think that he actually is a psycho, because often he'll stand mumbling to himself when he's chosing what to buy... he's just plain wierd
I'd have the CCTV on mate ;D
Maybe you ought to have a blunt object (heavy one) on the other side of the till so you could twat him one ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/23/05 at 11:59 am
I'd have the CCTV on mate ;D
Maybe you ought to have a blunt object (heavy one) on the other side of the till so you could twat him one ;D
With the wierdos we get in, there'd be more than him getting twatted ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Bobby on 07/23/05 at 12:09 pm
We have some characters at my work . . .
Wendy - a nice enough lady but keeps repeating everything you say and making out that she said it! Of course, she makes an aimless conversation go on forever. Political incorrectness is her bag too. ;D
Alan - Again, a nice bloke but has diagnosed himself with 'Tourettes Syndrome'. A lot of what he says in general is questionable. ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/23/05 at 12:12 pm
We have some characters at my work . . .
Wendy - a nice enough lady but keeps repeating everything you say and making out that she said it! Of course, she makes an aimless conversation go on forever. Political incorrectness is her bag too. ;D
Alan - Again, a nice bloke but has diagnosed himself with 'Tourettes Syndrome'. A lot of what he says in general is questionable. ;D
Nah, my work colleagues are all mad but in a good way, of course ;)
It's the wierd customers that concern me! ;D
Wierdest person I know of outside of work: Robocop. What a f*king nutjob he was.... he drove me crazy :P
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 12:21 pm
We have some characters at my work . . .
Wendy - a nice enough lady but keeps repeating everything you say and making out that she said it! Of course, she makes an aimless conversation go on forever. Political incorrectness is her bag too. ;D
Alan - Again, a nice bloke but has diagnosed himself with 'Tourettes Syndrome'. A lot of what he says in general is questionable. ;D
Sound like my kind of people ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Bobby on 07/23/05 at 12:23 pm
Nah, my work colleagues are all mad but in a good way, of course ;)
It's the wierd customers that concern me! ;D
We have no direct contact with customers so I have to concern myself with the eccentric characters in the work place.
It's only going to get worse. I've applied to work with the vampires in night shift. ;D
Wierdest person I know of outside of work: Robocop. What a f*king nutjob he was.... he drove me crazy :P
Robocop had a paranoia with being on the internet. Which is a bit stupid considering he was on it enough. ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 12:24 pm
We have no direct contact with customers so I have to concern myself with the eccentric characters in the work place.
It's only going to get worse. I've applied to work with the vampires in night shift. ;D
Robocop had a paranoia with being on the internet. Which is a bit stupid considering he was on it enough. ::) ;D
I think everyone was paranoid about him as well, what A CLB!
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: whitewolf on 07/23/05 at 12:25 pm
one guy around here, used to walk around town and once in awhile he would start laughing, when anyone asked what he was laughing at, he said "I just told myself a new joke that I never heard before"
Nobody really considered him odd though, he was like that because of drugs, he took to much and he was permantly stoned from the brain damage that resulted from it.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Bobby on 07/23/05 at 12:25 pm
Sound like my kind of people ;D
Wendy would do your head in. Alan is a funny one. The only 50 odd year old sandal wearing Eminem fan I have ever known.  ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 07/23/05 at 12:27 pm
he never once said can i stay any longer or anything like that, he just, didn't leave
;D That's funny. I wish some random person would do that to my family.
Well, my friends are oddballs {in the best sense, of course}...maybe I'll elaborate later.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 12:28 pm
one guy around here, used to walk around town and once in awhile he would start laughing, when anyone asked what he was laughing at, he said "I just told myself a new joke that I never heard before"
Nobody really considered him odd though, he was like that because of drugs, he took to much and he was permantly stoned from the brain damage that resulted from it.
LOL, that's righteous, permanently stoned.
;D That's funny. I wish some random person would do that to my family.
Well, my friends are oddballs {in the best sense, of course}...maybe I'll elaborate later.
Inculding the French Nympho ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/23/05 at 12:29 pm
I think that he actually is a psycho, because often he'll stand mumbling to himself when he's chosing what to buy... he's just plain wierd
Sounds like my father-in-law! ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 12:30 pm
Sounds like my father-in-law! ::) ;D
;D Christmas must be laugh then eh ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/23/05 at 12:33 pm
;D Christmas must be laugh then eh ;D
What do you mean Christmas? It's everyday!! (He lives with us)
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 12:35 pm
What do you mean Christmas? It's everyday!! (He lives with us)
Oooohhh Gawwd!
You should put up surveillance cameras, send it to america's funniest home video's.
Reminds me of a Fast show sketch.
The old aristocrat and he used to be like this..
'Well then and whatfortheoldjerryclimbedupthehillwithapphhuurrgghhhandthenBOOM AN ELEPHANT..yeswhereandthenafughyerlanipaSWEDISH EXCHANGE STUDENT WITH LARGE BREASTS!'
It was a brilliant sketch.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/23/05 at 12:37 pm
Oooohhh Gawwd!
You should put up surveillance cameras, send it to america's funniest home video's.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Bobby on 07/23/05 at 12:49 pm
Reminds me of a Fast show sketch.
The old aristocrat and he used to be like this..
'Well then and whatfortheoldjerryclimbedupthehillwithapphhuurrgghhhandthenBOOM AN ELEPHANT..yeswhereandthenafughyerlanipaSWEDISH EXCHANGE STUDENT WITH LARGE BREASTS!'
It was a brilliant sketch.
I reckon you are on about Rowley Birkin QC, the drunk barrister. He would talk absolute rubbish and then end with 'I was exceedingly drunk at the time . . ." ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/23/05 at 12:57 pm
I reckon you are on about Rowley Birkin QC, the drunk barrister. He would talk absolute rubbish and then end with 'I was exceedingly drunk at the time . . ." ;D
That was it!
And what was the chap that always said 'with my reputation'
'Two young girls, and a bottle of motor oil, with my reputation!'
My Old man has rode that one to the death, i think he says it about 15 times a day.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Bobby on 07/23/05 at 12:58 pm
That was it!
And what was the chap that always said 'with my reputation'
'Two young girls, and a bottle of motor oil, with my reputation!'
My Old man has rode that one to the death, i think he says it about 15 times a day.
Ha ha! ;D
Take a gander at this. It features all the characters of the show. 8)
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: NullandVoid on 07/23/05 at 3:30 pm
At my old job there used to be this homeless guy who would pass by. this man was friendly to everyone at the theater, but for some reason unknown to me-he hated my hair. He made it his personal business to stop by the theater and curse me out. If I just happened to be in the box office on a day when he passed by, he would go ballistic! I can't repeat the things he said, but they were nasty. the only reason why I didn't have guy ahem..taken care of is because I knew that he had a few screws loose so I just laughed it off. Unfortunately some of our customers(mostly male ones) didn't find his behavior towrds me that amusing. Guest have thrown beer, popcorn and punches at him for cussing at me. One elderly woman pushed a line divider on him.
When I left the theater in 2003, I was pretty much done with homeless man or so I thought. In February I walked past the theater with my mom. All of a sudden cars and buses started honking madly. i looked up to see homeless man racing towards me. He stopped in front of me and immediately started saying.,."WHY THE F**K DO YOU INSIST ON WEARING YOUR HAIR LIKE THAT...IT's LIKE WIRES" I'd give money to see the face that my mom put on LOL
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: ADH13 on 07/23/05 at 8:32 pm
One of my dad's friends was married 4 different times... and whenever he would have a get-together or party at his house, he would invite all three of his ex wives plus his current wife would be there. And the odd thing, is the 4 ladies would all sit together, laughing, and drinking their wine...
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 07/23/05 at 9:06 pm
one guy around here, used to walk around town and once in awhile he would start laughing, when anyone asked what he was laughing at, he said "I just told myself a new joke that I never heard before"
Nobody really considered him odd though, he was like that because of drugs, he took to much and he was permantly stoned from the brain damage that resulted from it.
I've laughed out loud whilst walking down the street before. But it wasn't for the insane reason of your friend. It just happened when my mind was obviously elsewhere and I was thinking of something funny that happened.
I just ignored everyone who looked at me and went on as if nothing happened. ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/24/05 at 7:58 am
I reckon you are on about Rowley Birkin QC, the drunk barrister. He would talk absolute rubbish and then end with 'I was exceedingly drunk at the time . . ." ;D
Aw man, that sketch would have me in stitches every time, it was so funny! ;D ;D ;D
I'm laughing now just thinking about it :D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Bobby on 07/24/05 at 9:28 am
Aw man, that sketch would have me in stitches every time, it was so funny! ;D ;D ;D
I'm laughing now just thinking about it :D
Paul Whitheouse has a talent for talking absolute rubbish, lol (Ron Manager, Rowley Birkin, Swiss Toni, Bob Fleming and Unlucky Alf were my faves :D ;D).
The others were very hit and miss for me. :)
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Paul on 07/24/05 at 11:21 am
This thread's a little bit too close to home for me...!!
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Miss Tainted on 07/24/05 at 6:02 pm
There is this young gothic guy next door named David and I looked out the window one day and he was there with some of his friends jumping on this old washing machine, it was very strange and I swear I'll never forget that day. Another time he came to our house and me and my brother were there and he had his radio and sat against the one wall of our house and started blasting a Marilyn Manson cd. He also runs around at night howling and such. I think he was at my window one night making zombie noises, I was REEEEALLY freaked out and had to get my brother because I was so scared. Also, my grandmother thinks he's good looking (I have no idea what he looks like because his hair is really long and in his face and he usually only comes out at night) anyway she told him that she thought he was handesome and he smiled and said "I know." I mean really, he seems a bit stuck-up. ::) If I were him I would be frightened when a 70 year old grandmother thinks I'm good looking.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 07/24/05 at 6:21 pm
When we were young, we lived in a town about 30 minutes from where I live now. There used to be this big house across the street from us, with overgrown trees, it really hadn't been taken care of in ages. Anyway, there was this guy who lived there, he was older, and he lived all alone...he never spoke to anyone at all...he just mainly stayed in his house and very rarely ever saw him.....but at night, he would play his violin..for hours upon was really creepy. I remember one summer, there were camera crews/etc.. in front of his house..taking pictures, we found out that they were using his house in the opening credits to some TV show...I can't remember the name of it though, it was a one-hit wonder show. Anyways, the guy eventually moved away, a family moved in, cleaned up the house, etc.
Erin :)
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: TC1970 on 07/24/05 at 7:08 pm
I can't think of anyone odd..guess that makes me the odd person. :D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 07/24/05 at 7:11 pm
When we were young, we lived in a town about 30 minutes from where I live now. There used to be this big house across the street from us, with overgrown trees, it really hadn't been taken care of in ages. Anyway, there was this guy who lived there, he was older, and he lived all alone...he never spoke to anyone at all...he just mainly stayed in his house and very rarely ever saw him.....but at night, he would play his violin..for hours upon was really creepy. I remember one summer, there were camera crews/etc.. in front of his house..taking pictures, we found out that they were using his house in the opening credits to some TV show...I can't remember the name of it though, it was a one-hit wonder show. Anyways, the guy eventually moved away, a family moved in, cleaned up the house, etc.
Erin :)
I thought that was intriguing. I hope I'm like that when I get older!
Mom told me the name of the show before...but I can't remember it either.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: gemini61 on 07/24/05 at 7:16 pm
When we were young, we lived in a town about 30 minutes from where I live now. There used to be this big house across the street from us, with overgrown trees, it really hadn't been taken care of in ages. Anyway, there was this guy who lived there, he was older, and he lived all alone...he never spoke to anyone at all...he just mainly stayed in his house and very rarely ever saw him.....but at night, he would play his violin..for hours upon was really creepy. I remember one summer, there were camera crews/etc.. in front of his house..taking pictures, we found out that they were using his house in the opening credits to some TV show...I can't remember the name of it though, it was a one-hit wonder show. Anyways, the guy eventually moved away, a family moved in, cleaned up the house, etc.
Erin :)
It seems like every neighborhood has someone like that. We had a woman down the street when I was a kid, everyone always said she was a witch. Of course looking back, she was probably just a lonely old lady, but nobody would go near her house.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: ktelqueen on 07/25/05 at 3:20 am
It seems like every neighborhood has someone like that. We had a woman down the street when I was a kid, everyone always said she was a witch. Of course looking back, she was probably just a lonely old lady, but nobody would go near her house.
Rhonda girl!!we totally had a woman/house like that in my neighborhood too!haven't thought about that house in years :o
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: gemini61 on 07/25/05 at 5:00 am
Rhonda girl!!we totally had a woman/house like that in my neighborhood too!haven't thought about that house in years :o
Yep! Scaaarrryyyy! :D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Alchoholica on 07/25/05 at 9:57 pm
The people across the road from my Mom & Dad's house were called mr and mrs evil. No I'm not bullshi*ting you. Anyway, these were the weirdest people in the world. They always had the TV on 24/7. Cars used to pull up there and all sorts, always respectable looking people it was very strange. I used to call the bloke Cat Weasel. ;D Anywho, one day they vanished... just like that.
I bet they were arrested or something.. not sure, but they looked to be around mid 50's. Perfectly respectable.. weird as hell though.
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: jaytee on 07/25/05 at 11:04 pm
It seems like every neighborhood has someone like that. We had a woman down the street when I was a kid, everyone always said she was a witch. Of course looking back, she was probably just a lonely old lady, but nobody would go near her house.
We had one in our neighborhood too.
There's a place called Stones Corner not far from where I live that, for some reason, has more than its fair share of odd people. Last week my daughters and I were drinking coffee in an outdoor cafe watching the passing parade (which I love to do) and saw a midget bikie! He was talking on his mobile phone and had the most evil laugh I've ever heard. We also saw a couple, the "mother" I'd say was part way through a gender reassignment with her very odd looking partner, who were pushing a baby's pram with a dressed up chihuahua in it. :o :D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/26/05 at 3:28 am
There's a place called Stones Corner not far from where I live that, for some reason, has more than its fair share of odd people. Last week my daughters and I were drinking coffee in an outdoor cafe watching the passing parade (which I love to do) and saw a midget bikie! He was talking on his mobile phone and had the most evil laugh I've ever heard. We also saw a couple, the "mother" I'd say was part way through a gender reassignment with her very odd looking partner, who were pushing a baby's pram with a dressed up chihuahua in it. :o :D
That's pretty wild, Janine!! :D
Subject: Re: Odd People
Written By: Gis on 07/26/05 at 6:09 am
Our old neighbours never bothered to take their christmas decorations down one year.Their living room looked like something out of Great Expectations with this dead, lopsided christmas tree in the corner and dusty decorations hanging up everywhere.
As to odd people what can I say?? I work in a big university library I'm surrounded by them, staff and readers !! I could go on for hours about some of the nutters/graduates here.By far the worst one that I have NEVER forgotten was the man who had a gangreous foot.He must have been in agony but he came in every day, but oh dear god the was indescribable.
I did work with someone who thought he was jesus, he ended up in care strangely enough..... ::)
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