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Subject: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/21/05 at 8:46 am

The 20-30 option is for those of us old enough to remember and courageuous enough to admit being around then ;)

March-1975  I was living here in Colorado Springs and was 15. I was on the track team at school and remember it was the first time my parents let my hair actually get long enough to even touch my ears...I became quite popular! I went to visit my brother in Omaha and we watched some of the NCAA basketball tournament. I was also listening to the Denver Nuggets of the then ABA as the playoffs were in full swing.

1980-  I was working at a local junkyard stripping cars....not a lot going on at this point in my life :-\\  I had also just purchased an Austarlian import LP "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" by AC/DC as Bon Scott had passed away a month or so before. The version released in the US had shortened the original version of the song but the Import had it all :)

1985-  I had  moved to into a house in between Mesa and Apache Junction, Arizona...found my ex-girlfriend whom I'd met in Utah in 1982 and hadn't seen since that year. I worked at a place called "The Corn Patch Restaraunt" and did a little bit of everything, taking orders, cooking, washing dishes and buying food....

1990- Now I lived in Colorado Springs again, with my wife and 5 boys. Richard had just turned 8, Blaine was 6, Paul 4, Randall 4 and Brian was 2. A very good family friend, Dawn had moved in with us after graduating high school and her mom throwing her out. I played my last year of league basketball and we wound up winning the city title. My best friend Randy, whom I'd known since '77 was a teamate.

1995- I purchased a  1968 Baja Bug and had a blast driving around with my boys. Not much else was going on at the time.

2000- My wife Ella was still living in an apartment, contemplating moving back in, (She had left me and the boys the previous October), meanwhile I worked for a cellphone company and had a job with the Fraternal Order of Police..picking up donations around town. Blaine,  who had moved from Ella's to his best friend Jacks house in January, moved back into the house with me and the rest of his brothers. He worked at Wendy's.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Tanya1976 on 03/21/05 at 8:57 am

March 1980 - I was at the tail end of Kindergarten - learning my ABC's and watching The Electric Company, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and Sesame Street!

March 1985 - I was in the tail end of third grade at St. Columba - Corpus Christi Catholic School - learning my reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic in my pigtails!

March 1990 - I was at the tail end of my 8th grade year, preparing for High School and awaiting freedom!

March 1995 - I was a Freshman in college enjoying my first Spring Break! What happens in St. Padre Island, TX, stays in St. Padre Island TX!

March 2000 - I was working as a substitute teacher in Philadelphia and taking care of my (then) 2 year old son!

There ya go, Mark! My 30th year doesn't occur until next year!


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/21/05 at 8:58 am

Well....I can "almost" qualify for this post...I am gonna try it anyways...

1975...I wasn't even born yet....but my parents had been trying to have a baby for years. My mom was told that she wouldn't be able to have they put their names on an adoption list for a Vietnamese baby....just when they were about ready to become parents to a child from another mom proved the doctor wrong and got pregnant with me in 1977!!! (and had 2 more daughters to boot!).

1980...I was three years in Greensburg, Pa....we found out that my mom was pregnant with another child and my sister Brandy was born in 1981.

1985...I was 8 years old and was in 2nd grade at a Catholic school called St. Bruno's. I was involved in the Brownies (girl scouts) and my mother was a Brownie leader for awhile. We still resided in Greensburg area.

1990...I was 13 years old and in 7th grade at Greensburg Salem Middle School. I was currently obsessed with New Kids on the Block...and by this mom had her 3rd sister Bethany was born in 1987. We still lived in Greensburg area.

1995....This was the year that I graduated from high school (Greensburg Salem H.S.). I was involved in choir/honors travel choir/theater at school and to this day I still love that kind of stuff.

2000...This was the year that I made the mistake of marrying my first husband...he turned out to be not a nice guy. It was a beautiful wedding ceremony and reception....everything was great....except of course...the groom.

2005...I am now remarried to a guy named Chris...we have our moments...but he treats me well. We have custody of my nephew Vaughn and we raise him as our own....he makes everyday a memorable one!

I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/21/05 at 10:07 am

1975-I was living in mean West Haven, CT. I absolutely hated it. I was in jr. high.

1980-I was in high school in New York state. The funny thing was, at first I was going to a school that didn't have a very good reputation (Beacon High) but I moved and started going to what was supposed to be a better school (Kingston High) but I enjoyed Beacon High so much better. Had a lot of fun there and was sorry that I moved-and that was in my senior year too.  :(

1985-By that time, I was in the Air Force and married to the wrong guy. At first I hated my job (telecommunications) but in 1985, I retrained into Training Management which I really loved. The best job in the AF. I was stationed in San Antonio, TX (another place I hated).

1990-I had just got out of the AF a year before and I just moved to Vermont. I was no longer married but started living with a guy. At the time I really wasn't doing much, just trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

1995-I was back in school. I got rid of the guy I was living with and by 1995 I was already dating Carlos for about a year. I did my student teaching and was working on my History Honors' thesis that year. I was one year away from graduation.

2000-I think I had already withdrew from graduate school because I was so burnt out. I was living with Carlos. I was volunteering at the local food shelf and joined the board of directors for the organization. I think that was the year I made the film about the organization. I wrote, directed, and produced it. Carlos was my cameraman, and one of my best friends was my narrator. It was also the year we took my first trip to Puerto Rico. That was also the year we bought the "Big Dog" (25 foot sailboat) and sold the little one.

2005-Carlos and I are happily married. I quit the organization last year and now I am trying to figure out which direction I want to go in. I want to get my children's book published, and I am thinking that it may be time to go back to school and finish up my masters. And Carlos is looking forward to retiring in May. And I have been hanging out at Inthe00s A LOT  ;D

Ok, that is short version of the story of my life.


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/21/05 at 11:16 am

March 1980 - I was at the tail end of Kindergarten - learning my ABC's and watching The Electric Company, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and Sesame Street!

March 1985 - I was in the tail end of third grade at St. Columba - Corpus Christi Catholic School - learning my reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic in my pigtails!

March 1990 - I was at the tail end of my 8th grade year, preparing for High School and awaiting freedom!

March 1995 - I was a Freshman in college enjoying my first Spring Break! What happens in St. Padre Island, TX, stays in St. Padre Island TX!

March 2000 - I was working as a substitute teacher in Philadelphia and taking care of my (then) 2 year old son!

There ya go, Mark! My 30th year doesn't occur until next year!


Thanks...I look forward to next month, Tanya :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: whitewolf on 03/21/05 at 11:55 am

1975-I was 5 years old, living on a farm. I remember it being alot of fun.

1980- I was 10 and we moved to a new house, our own house (mom still lives there) started a new school.

1985- First year of high school, had big hair, that was close to being the best year ever for me, had a blast  :)

1990- graduated high school, started college, was in a car accident and lost the use of my right leg for awhile (aside from that it was a good year)

1995-was the worst year of my life, we found out dad had cancer and he was gone before the year ended.  :\'(
nothing has been the same since.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 03/21/05 at 12:16 pm

March 1975 - My family was living in California.  Four months later we moved to a remote Pacific island (Guam).

March 1980 - I was in 8th grade and frequenting the local skating rink with my friends.

March 1985 - I'd just quit my job at a bookstore.  Also, I bought myself my first stereo that same month!  8)

March 1990 - I was working as a waitress at an Italian restaurant and getting close to getting my college degree (which would happen 2 months later)!

March 1995 - I'd been living in Hawaii for almost a year, and I'd just gotten a job as a visual merchandiser for a high-end retail company.

March 2000 - I found out that I was pregnant with my son!  :)

March 2005 - Working on plans to add onto my house.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: jaytee on 03/21/05 at 4:54 pm

1975  Still at school Year 11 - wasn't a great year - my first huge bout of depression.

1980  Working for a Solicitor.  Had met Paul in 1979 and was having a wonderful time.  Bought a house and lived by myself which was great.

1985  Had just lost my sister to cancer the previous month. :\'(   Had been married for 10 months.  Working as a Secretary for two great bosses in a Shipping and Salvage Company.  Sold house and bought a fantastic renovater which we had huge plans for.

1990  Had first child and one on the way.  Sold house and moved (which we should never have done).  Working one day a week at old job.

1995  Had two daughters (one at school and one at Pre-school) and a two year old son.  Moved again - back to the area we had moved from in 1990.  Mourning the loss of a very close friend.

2000  Had two daughters and 2 sons.  Some renovations started on our house with extensive plans being made for 2001.  Husband had changed jobs.

2005  Two teenage daughters at highschool and the boys still at primary.  Getting ready to go on holiday next week.  Now have only my Mum, Dad having died in November 2003. :\'(

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: bbigd04 on 03/21/05 at 5:00 pm

Now (March 2005)- Nearly 18 and in 12th grade. Living in Parma (since early Nov. 2000). Spend a lot more time on the computer, lol. I finally took the darn test and got my driver's license.

5 years ago (March 2000)- I was almost 13 and in 7th grade. We were living on the west side of the city (Cleveland). I would frequent the park near my house and hang out there.

10 years ago (March 1995)- I was almost 8 and in 2nd grade. I was preparing to make my first communion. We were living in another house in Cleveland, in the same neighborhood. This was around the time I used the internet for the first time and sent my first email.

15 years ago (March 1990)- I was nearly 3. We had just moved into the house I was living in, in 1995 (until June 1996), a few months back. Most of my time was spent playing with my stuffed animals, and playing with various toys.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/21/05 at 5:12 pm

Ooh...this is gonna be a fun topic.

In March of 2000, I was in my second year of college. Among the classes I was taking was a course in Visual Basic, which I had fun with. Also, I was becoming really good at Ms. Pac-Man. At home, we were preparing to put our mobile home up for sale.

In March of 1995, I was a freshman in high school. Near the beginning of the month I met this girl (who I later found out was a senior at the time) who was real nice. On the day we met, she came running up to me and asked me if she could borrow my umbrella...but I ended up talking her out of it.

In March of 1990, I was in fourth grade. Things weren't going too well for me; kids were driving me crazy and my teacher was a pain in the donkey. On a positive note, I was in Cub Scouts, and we had weekly meetings on Thursday nights.

In March of 1985, I was in preschool, and don't remember too much about my life then.

March 1980: I was not yet born!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ADH13 on 03/21/05 at 5:38 pm

March 1975: I was 3 years old and I knew how to read & spell some already.  I guess I was a practical joker even then, my mom said I got a pkg of Quaker Oats and dropped little handfuls all over the living room carpet.  She thought it was the texture stuff from the ceiling at first.

March 1980: I was in 2nd grade, and me & my friend would shovel snow for our neighbors to make a few bucks.  I got a pair of tap shoes that year, and a speak n spell.  I wore satin jackets with glitter, designer jeans and underoos.

March 1985: We got our first computer, an atari 800xl, and I started to learn how to program in Basic.  I also first learned how to get online.  I wore Guess jeans and 501's, and Ocean Pacific/Mossimo "skater" t-shirts.  Oh yeah, and Nike's.

March 1990: I turned 18.  I had already been living on my own for about 6 months and had dropped out of high school so I could work full time.  I had to lie about my age because there were laws keeping me (a minor) from working late finally I didn't have to lie anymore. I was working for a plumbing company is a dispatcher during the day, and at a movie theater at night. 

March 1995: Not too eventful, just enjoying being 21+.  Lots of drinking, Reno trips, etc.  Was single and having a good time.

March 2000: Had been married for 10 months, my hubby was involved in a truck accident in January 2000 which left him unable to walk on his own for about 6 months.. so in March, most of my time was spent working and waiting on him.

March 2005: Turned 33 and am taking my state exam for my real estate license in 2 days! So I have spent this month studying, and visiting "inthe00's" during my study breaks.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/21/05 at 5:45 pm

Now (March 2005)- Nearly 18 and in 12th grade. Living in Parma (since early Nov. 2000). Spend a lot more time on the computer, lol. I finally took the darn test and got my driver's license.

My ex-husband was from Parma.


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/21/05 at 10:27 pm

Thanks for the replies, everyone.  I hope all of you...and more, come back next month ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Bobby on 03/22/05 at 4:21 am

March 1980: A little tot playing toys on a crocheted rug in Goodyear Avenue, Wolverhampton (I think anyway  ;D).

March 1985: I went to Whitgreave Infants School (it was my last year), rode on my bike with mates, got up to lots of hijinks and had a great time. I think this was just before my mum and dad seperated and I had to go with my mum for a while.

March 1990: This was my last year of Whitgreave Juniors School. It was chaotic as we had moved house twice in as many years but I was young enough not to understand the behind the scenes arguments. Probably the last year I kept my ties with a lot of friends so it was quite a poignant one. This was just before my mum and dad divorced a second time (I still can't fathom that  ;D).

March 1995: Oddly enough, last year of Northicote High School. So much had changed in five years. My mum and dad was divorced. My dad found himself a wife within 4 months (?) and she gave birth to a daughter that wasn't his. I was having major problems with my dad at this point and was very aware he didn't want me in the house.

March 2000: A year later, I was kicked out of house and moved to live with my mum. After 4 years of hell, we come to March 2000. I was living with a flatmate and I was still unemployed. I was recovering from getting made redundant in my previous job. I had no confidence to get a decent job so I worked part time in a woman's store - God! I hated it.  >:( I lost that job after a month. Fortunately, I was just relieved. ::)

March 2005: Life has never been more kind to me. I have a decent (if boring job), a lovely woman and a family. A normal family life was all I wanted. I've got it now. I'm trying to find some ambition at the moment. It will come to me eventually.  :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: jaytee on 03/22/05 at 5:27 am

March 2005: Life has never been more kind to me. I have a decent (if boring job), a lovely woman and a family. A normal family life was all I wanted. I've got it now. I'm trying to find some ambition at the moment. It will come to me eventually.  :)

Good for you Bobby.  After such a turbulent upbringing you deserve only good things. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Bobby on 03/22/05 at 6:30 am

Good for you Bobby.  After such a turbulent upbringing you deserve only good things. :)

Thank you very much, Jaytee. I do wish I could have had the normal growing up memories that other people have but your experiences are what shape you.  :)

That's why I've put off doing this thread until now.  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/22/05 at 7:57 am

Thank you very much, Jaytee. I do wish I could have had the normal growing up memories that other people have but your experiences are what shape you.  :)

That's why I've put off doing this thread until now.  ;D
I appreciate you taking the time and sharing with us, Rob. My intention was not to hurt anyone, I apologize.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Jessica on 03/22/05 at 11:31 am

March 2000: I was in college, studying Japanese. I wanted to become a translator and I was absolutely fascinated with Japanese culture (still am).

March 1995: Freshman year of high school. I was finally figuring out who I was and who I wanted to be friends with. I also discovered that I had a massive crush on my neighbor. He felt the same about me, but his mom didn't like me (what the hell is it with moms not liking me? ???), so he respected her wishes and went out with some flaky girl I still can't stand to this day. :D

March 1990: Living with the reality that my grandfather was slowly dying. He needed a new liver because he had a weird iron deficiency problem. That summer, we took the last camping trip together as a family. He was so sick, but kept on for the sake of his children and grandchildren. :(

March 1985: Was preparing for school in the fall. Because of my birthdate and the way the school system was set up, I couldn't start earlier, even though I was (and still am) quite brilliant. ;D

March 1980: Probably laying in my crib, doing whatever babies do. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/22/05 at 5:26 pm

March 2000: I was in college, studying Japanese. I wanted to become a translator and I was absolutely fascinated with Japanese culture (still am).

March 1995: Freshman year of high school. I was finally figuring out who I was and who I wanted to be friends with. I also discovered that I had a massive crush on my neighbor. He felt the same about me, but his mom didn't like me (what the hell is it with moms not liking me? ???), so he respected her wishes and went out with some flaky girl I still can't stand to this day. :D

March 1990: Living with the reality that my grandfather was slowly dying. He needed a new liver because he had a weird iron deficiency problem. That summer, we took the last camping trip together as a family. He was so sick, but kept on for the sake of his children and grandchildren. :(

March 1985: Was preparing for school in the fall. Because of my birthdate and the way the school system was set up, I couldn't start earlier, even though I was (and still am) quite brilliant. ;D

March 1980: Probably laying in my crib, doing whatever babies do. :)
Thanks for sharing, Jess :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Bobby on 03/22/05 at 5:28 pm

I appreciate you taking the time and sharing with us, Rob. My intention was not to hurt anyone, I apologize.

Absolutely no reason to apologise, Mark as you haven't hurt me at all. My parents did that on their own.  ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/05/05 at 6:09 pm

April 1975 - I was watching/listening to the ABA Playoffs as the Denver Nuggets defeated the Utah Stars in 6 games before starting a series with the Indiana Pacers later in the month.  1975 Western Division Semifinals:
Denver Nuggets (65-19) vs. Utah Stars (38-46)
April 6 At Denver 122, Utah 107
April 7 At Denver 126, Utah 120
April 9 At Utah 122, Denver 108
April 11 At Utah 132, Denver 110
April 12 At Denver 130, Utah 119
April 14 Denver 115, at Utah 113
Nuggets won series, 4-2

1980 - I lived with my sister in the Denver suburb of Aurora.

1985 - I was living in Mesa/Apache Junction, Arizona working at the restaraunt still.              I baked a birthday cake for my girlfriend Ella on the 23rd (her 21st birthday) and proposed that night. She accepted and we were married the very next day.

1990 - Me and my family lived here in Colorado Springs and I was playing basketball for a local church. We won the city championship and I retired from the game....for a while.

1995 - I bought my first Baja Bug and enjoyed cruising around town with my boys. It had a sun roof which made us all really happy. On the was actually a good day...we sat around the television and watched The Colorado Rockies official Coors Field Home Opener. The Rockies blew a 5-0 lead but came back to tie The Mets twice before Dante Bichette hit a 2 run home run in the bottom of the 14th inning to give The Rockies the victory.

2000 - My wife Ella moved back into the house with me and the boys, giving up the apartment she'd had for the past 6 months. She continued working nights at Wal-mart while I worked at Goodwill and Blaine was working at Wendy's.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/05/05 at 6:18 pm

April 2000...I was in my second year of college, enjoying my Visual Basic class, and my biology class to some extent (there were some friendly girls in that class), struggling a bit in my English class...and I was becoming really good at Ms. Pac-Man. At home we began packing stuff up in preparation to sell the mobile home.

April 1995...I was a freshman in high school, and I found out that this friend of mine was a senior, which disappointed me because I knew she'd be graduating in a couple months and I didn't know if we would keep in touch. (We later ended up not keeping in touch.) She invited me to come eat lunch with her in the Poetry Club during lunchtime. On Sunday the 9th, my dad had to cover a special event (on his birthday :)) at the cathedral in downtown L.A. (which no longer exists) that President Bill Clinton and family attended. We both saw him.

April 1990...In fourth grade, things weren't going well for me overall at school (although I kinda had a crush on a then-second grader). On Saturday the 21st my parents and I went to a Dodger game (in which the Astros beat 'em 6-3), I bought a Dodger jacket. Also, on Tuesdays, my mom was having physical therapy done on her right wrist, which had been injured four months earlier in a roller skating accident. She would pick me up from school on Tuesdays, take me back to her office, and then we would leave at 3:30 from there and go down to Encino, where she had her physical therapy.

April 1985...I was in preschool. The only thing I remember well about that month was our Dusty dog running away on Saturday the 6th. We found her, though.

April 1980: not yet born!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ElDuderino on 04/05/05 at 6:30 pm

April 1990 - I was just a toddler and I don't really remember anything, but I know that we were getting ready to move from the city I was born in(Dallas, Texas).

April 1995 - Lived in a house in Tyler, Texas. My brother got engaged and moved out for the last time. I was in the 1st grade.

April 2000 - I was in the 6th grade. My brother had been divorced from his first wife, and was already re-married. I lived in a different house in the same town.

April 2005 - I am a Senior in High School and preparing to graduate in May. My brother is still happily married. My parents are divorced, and my father is in Federal prison. I may or may not be(we'll see) starting a relationship, for the first time.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/05/05 at 8:50 pm

April 1980: not yet born!
STILL not born yet, Jeff ??? ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/05/05 at 8:52 pm

April 1990 - I was just a toddler and I don't really remember anything, but I know that we were getting ready to move from the city I was born in(Dallas, Texas).

April 1995 - Lived in a house in Tyler, Texas. My brother got engaged and moved out for the last time. I was in the 1st grade.

April 2000 - I was in the 6th grade. My brother had been divorced from his first wife, and was already re-married. I lived in a different house in the same town.

April 2005 - I am a Senior in High School and preparing to graduate in May. My brother is still happily married. My parents are divorced, and my father is in Federal prison. I may or may not be(we'll see) starting a relationship, for the first time.
Hey Alex, congratualations on the upcoming graduation ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/05/05 at 9:10 pm

STILL not born yet, Jeff ??? ;)

not for three more months...

In July I will be able to write something for "25 years ago." :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/05/05 at 11:24 pm

not for three more months...

In July I will be able to write something for "25 years ago." :)
Cool :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ElDuderino on 04/05/05 at 11:24 pm

Hey Alex, congratualations on the upcoming graduation ;)

Thank you, Mark. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/06/05 at 10:18 am

Thank you, Mark. :)
No problem, Alex :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: karen on 04/06/05 at 10:18 am

April 1975 I was in my first year of primary school.  just doing the usual school stuff I guess

April 1980 I was in the last year of primary school (I think).  I was in the Brownies and was probably a sixer by now.  I had just started having flute lessons.

April 1985 I was in my last year of secondary school and would be studying for my exams next month.  Generally a pretty mixed up teen and not having many real friends at this stage.

April 1990 I was working in the Physics department at this university.  I had been going out with Dai for about 10 months at this stage.  We were both studying for our uni exams, he for his finals, me for my first year retakes I think.  This is about the time I became an Akela in my local Cub Pack

April 1995 I have been married for nearly three years now (September 1992).  I was still working in the Physics department, but now had additional work in a research group and was co-author on one or two papers.

April 2000 I am now working in the Human Sciences department at the university and am a mum of an 17 month-old daughter.  We are looking at moving house (and do so in August).  I am now Assistant District Commisioner (Cubs).

April 2005  Still working in Human Sciences.  Still married to Dai and now the mum of one girl (age 6) and one boy (age 3).  Deputy District Commisioner for the scout district.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: DevoRule on 04/08/05 at 9:15 pm

15 years ago: I was almost 3 months old in April 1990
10 years ago: Moved from Sunnyvale to Concord, CA.  Knew how to use a computer
5 years ago: 2000, I lived in Montana. Was into Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, P.O.D, and Offspring then.
Today: Live in Oregon, am about to move out to the country.  The past few weeks have really sucked.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 04/08/05 at 9:21 pm

2000: In the second year of high school.
1995: Moved house. Starting to grow from a child into a young preteen (The horror  :o)
1990: Just started school... no wait, that was August. Eagerly awaiting the start of school  :)
1985: I was a mere fetus trapped inside a womb, waiting to escape 4 months later  :D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: NullandVoid on 04/09/05 at 12:23 am

April 23 1995

My best and friend an I were celebrating another's 13th birthday in her then new apartment.
I only remember this day because we discovered the joy of dyeing our food (with safe food coloring).
Yellow mashed potoatoes, green onion rings, purple fried chicken, blue pasta salad...ahhh, those were the days :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: jiminy on 04/09/05 at 12:27 am

1985: I was a mere fetus trapped inside a womb, waiting to escape 4 months later  :D

Lois, that retched woman, will pay and victory shall be mine!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: bjmolen on 04/09/05 at 1:37 am

1980:  Nothing but a twinkle in my parent's eyes.  I was conceived 1 month later, when Mount St. Helens erupted and most of the NW U.S. was forced to stay indoors
          for a week.  Born 9 months after that, amidst a Missoula, Montana baby boom on Friday the 13th of February.  (Already, this story doesn't bode well.)

1985:  4 years old, had a two year old sister.  Now living in Cut Bank, Montana (holds the worlds record for most drastic temperature change in a 24 hour period) have
          already lived in about 5 different places around the state by this point, but only remember a couple of them.  Dad worked for the Railroad, mom was preparing to
          Home School me in the fall.  (I could already read and write, but hadn't had any formal schooling, lesson plans, text books, etc. up to this point).

1990:  We now lived in Havre, Montana, I was 9 years old and in fourth grade (still Home Schooled).  I had 3 years of piano lessons including my first music festival trophy
          under my belt, 2 youth soccer trophies, and was spending most of my idle time practicing shooting my BB gun in the fields around our house.  Was getting pretty
          good too, able to kill grasshoppers and bumblebees from over 30 feet away.

1995:  Now living at the other end of town, I had attended a small town public school in 7th grade, was returned to Home Schooling for 8th and now 9th grades.  I had a
          brown belt in karate, stopping just short of black belt because my instructor had a massive heart attack, and I just never went back after he recovered.  I had
          won the county spelling bee in 8th grade, and got 9th place at the state level, before succumbing to nerves and accidentally doubling the "r" in "parable".  Decided
          then and there that I didn't care for being nervous, and decided never to be nervous in front of people any more. 

          I had worked mowing lawns for $3 an hour the summer before and decided to try for something better this year.  I started working in late April for a local 
          farmer/insurance broker doing farm work.  Learned to drive a grain truck, a tractor, a 1947 International pick-up, but mostly I became all to familiar with the user's 
          end of a garden hoe and a paint brush.  Rather than paying me in cash, at the end of the summer, he paid me with a 1953 Chevy 5-window pickup.  It didn't (and
          still doesn't) run, because I haven't ever had a garage to work on it.

          I was still in piano, and had a few more festival trophies, but by this point, my sister's flair for the artistic was becoming blindingly apparent, and as her star was
          taking off in that regard, I was becoming more interested in the writing of, rather than the performance of piano music. 

          As far as my hunting/shooting was concerned, I had become somewhat of a marksman over the years.  I had by this point killed 2 elk, 2 antelope, countless
          pheasants/doves/grouse, and far too many gophers and rabbits to count.  My grandfather was so proud of my shooting abilities, he often took me out shooting
          with his friends to show me off.  I didn't realize that's what he was doing at the time, but now I can see that's why we went so often.

2000:  Had started college the previous fall, after attending public high school for the last 3 years.  My sister, who had graduated H.S. early, (in essence, she was on par
          with me most of my life, even with my 2 year head start) and was engaged to a classmate/close friend of mine, was killed in a car accident on her way to work one
          day in October.  A month later, her fiance commited suicide.  Needless to say, I was in no condition to finish out that semester, or year, in college.  I spent much of
          the winter avoiding the pain of home by traveling around the state, pursuing my new passion of the previous 4 years, skiing. 

Today:  Today, after a few years moving around the mid-west, I have come back to Montana, and am now 3 semesters from acheiving my bachelors degree in Physics, 
          with special research in Relativity and Spectral Optics.  I have had a few minor relationships come and go, and have finally gotten around to having the typical
          college life.  In fact, my postings on inthe00's recently have been pleasantly breaking the monotony of my homework.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: AngeliK on 04/09/05 at 10:53 am

wow ok... so April....

20 years ago (1985)...well I was floating about in the womb be born in november....
15 years ago (1990)...erm lets see I was 4 so I was probably in nursery, I was a very astute baby and I know I could read pretty well
                              by this point and stuff from what I've been told by family! I wanted to be a nurse I believe.
10 years ago (1995)...I was in year four of junior or middle school, I was best friends with Min and Jackie, Min moved to kent and me
                              and jackie became inseperable. I'd been to Florida in 1994 so was popular with all my friend lol! I was the first
                              to have been abroad at the time! and by now I wanted to be an actress!
5 years ago (2000)... I was 13 going through my major goth phase, all leather and lace and black lipstick, I was listening to 80's rock
                              and reading Stephen King novels and generally acting like I was THE only depressed teenager in the world!
                              I'd started writing lyrics a while before and now they were full of angst and of course I wanted to be a Rock
and now I am kinda out of the goth phase but not wholly, I want to be a lyricist but I'm aware its not really gonnna happen I've had three jobs, in a shop, in a bar, and waitressing...I don't really socialise anymore! and soooo much has happened in between 2000 and now that looking back I realise what an idiot I was playing the downer....especially looking at my real depression at the moment...I don't think I'd like me from back then if I met her now...I guess I was a bit of a loser!!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/09/05 at 11:17 am

Thanks to everyone for sharing! I hope more of you decide to...and hope those who have already will keep coming back each month ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/15/05 at 12:46 am

I've already shared my general life for April in each year, but there's something else I want to bring up for April 1995, specifically, this date (the 14th) of that year. (For the record, it was a Friday, more specifically, Good Friday.) I was in need of a new wrist watch (my old one conked out on me), so my mom took me to a department store to get one. I came across a digital watch that had an alarm, timer, and stopwatch on it, so I decided to get it. The sales associate had told me that the battery would last only two years, but get this----it's lasted TEN years now! I'm not joking...the same battery that was in that watch ten years ago today is still running. Is that amazing or what? :o

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: danootaandme on 05/01/05 at 3:53 pm

2000-working on the big dig, fixing up my house

1995-first year in construction, first time in a union, first time making good money and great benefits,
          bought my house.

1990-found my self pregnant and even though I hadn't any intentions of marrying my family was
          thrilled(finally a grandchild), If my father had been alive, as Catholic as he was, I think he would
          have been happy.

1985-My Grandmother died, followed soon after by my uncle, then my father.  My Gran was 90, and in a
          nursing home, it wasn't a surprise, but my uncle and father, different story.

1980-I'm sure something was going on.  Riding my motorcycle, working, and just having a good old
          time with life.

1975-Went to England, then hitchhiked(alone) to Paris, and back again.  Kicked around awhile and
          while at the Place de Concord(were they used to guillotine people), I was sitting around when
          a woman pulled up on a Triumph motorcycle, full set of leathers, and laughing.  She didn't say
          anything, we just looked at each other and started to laugh.  Decided the next thing I would do
          when I got back stateside would be to get a motorcycle, and that is what I did, and why I know why
          she was laughing.
1970-First year out of high school. Worked at different jobs, protested the war, got an education in
          life, and politics. Went to listen to rock n roll, jazz, blues, good stuff.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/05/05 at 7:53 pm

1975 - I remember listening to the ABA Championship as the Kentucky Colonels beat Indiana in 5 games. I was rooting for the Pacers Undecided

1975 ABA Championship:
Kentucky Colonels (58-26) vs. Indiana Pacers (45-39)
May 13 At Kentucky 120, Indiana 94
May 15 At Kentucky 95, Indiana 93
May 17 Kentucky 109, at Indiana 101
May 19 At Indiana 94, Kentucky 86
May 22 At Kentucky 110, Indiana 105
Colonels won Championship, 4-1

On May 30th at age 24, American Runner Steve Prefontaine died in a car crash in Oregon.

1980 - I took a job at the Broadmoor Hotel and ecided to use an english accent from the first day. I also worked at a restaraunt with my girlfriend Becky and remember being very happy.

1985 - Married for  a month, Ella and I learn that we're expecting another child Smiley

1990 - I was playing a lot of softball as the season had just begun. Me and my friend Randy played a lot of pool and drank a lot of beer Cheesy

1995 - I was 2 months into my job at Goodwill Industries, working with the handicapped.   

2000 - After being gone for 6 months, Ella moved back home with me and our boys. Blaine and Richard were working at Wendy's and Ella quit her night job at Wal-Mart after nearly 5 years.

2005 - Survived yet another April, thanks to all the wonderful people here that have cared about me ;) I also begin my new job tomorow as an assistant to Sherry at a local Classic Rock station :) No I'm not the dog she's messing with!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/05/05 at 11:24 pm

5 years ago (May 2000): I was finishing my second year of college... I did quite well in my Visual Basic class; I had enjoyed it. In my English class I was working on a term paper about capital punishment; I had waited too long to start it...tisk tisk. :-\\ My final exams were during the middle of the month, since the semester had started in January, so during the second half of the month (May 18 onward), I had time off. At home, we still had nuisance neighbors.

10 years ago (May 1995): As a freshman in high school, I was enjoying my life. My friend who had invited me to eat lunch with her friends in the poetry club--Susie was her name--had already told me that she was a senior. I wanted to get her to come over to my house to see me, but she may have had her doubts.

15 years ago (May 1990): My mom was finished with physical therapy on the first of the month; she began to heal from her roller skating accident five months earlier. I was in fourth grade, not enjoying my school life...although I did look forward to Fridays.

20 years ago (May 1985): I'm pretty sure I was finishing preschool. While I have no clear recollections of any day of that month, I can be pretty sure that's what I was doing. My 60-year-old maternal grandfather had been diagnosed with cancer; he would only be alive for three more months. :\'(

25 years ago (May 1980): I was not yet born!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Climber on 05/06/05 at 1:14 am

I've already shared my general life for April in each year, but there's something else I want to bring up for April 1995, specifically, this date (the 14th) of that year. (For the record, it was a Friday, more specifically, Good Friday.) I was in need of a new wrist watch (my old one conked out on me), so my mom took me to a department store to get one. I came across a digital watch that had an alarm, timer, and stopwatch on it, so I decided to get it. The sales associate had told me that the battery would last only two years, but get this----it's lasted TEN years now! I'm not joking...the same battery that was in that watch ten years ago today is still running. Is that amazing or what? :o

That date will always stand out in my mind also, as it does every year!  ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Climber on 05/06/05 at 1:28 am

OK, here goes:

I turned 3 that year, had an older sister and brother, and in October, got another sister.  We lived in Minnesota.

Turned 7 that year.  I remember being really scared when Mt St Helens erupted; I thought the lava was going to flow all the way to Denver, where we lived at the time.  lol  We also moved back to Minnesota.

Turned 13, was in jr high, had my first boyfriend, volunteered at a hospital, did typical jr high stuff.

Turned 18, graduated, had a baby.  Basically turned my life upside down.  He's a great kid, though!  He's 14 now...

By this time I was married and had 2 kids.  We were trying to save for a house, working full time, with daycare, etc.  Hated doing laundry in our apartment building.  Had to deal with a person I called "the laundry b****".  Need I say more?

We were finally in our house!  YAY!  My own laundry room!  At the time, that was one of my favorite parts of the house.  Quickly got old though.  Now the only laundry b**** is me!  lol  I also had a new job by then.

We now have 3 kids and I'm not working outside the home for now.  I get to stay home with the baby.  I didn't really get to do that with my other 2.

That's the short version of my life so far...

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Stompgal on 05/06/05 at 6:41 am

May 1995 - I had chickenpox
May 2000 - I went to a Steps concert on my 13th birthday

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 05/06/05 at 10:45 am

2005: Sixth form's rubbish, i'm up to my eyeballs in coursework, the teachers all hate me, but I have a job that I enjoy and other than sixth form, everything's going great!

2000: Went up to the caravan park with my nana almost every weekend, and sometimes for up to 2/3 weeks during the summer hols. Man, I miss those days  :\'( School - I would've been in my second half of year 7 and just starting year 8. nothing special. liked it a lot more in the first few weeks. Pokemon was all the rage. EMBARASSING CONFESSIONS TIME: I had the cards and the Game Boy games as well.  :-[

1995: Can't remember too much about 95 other than I used to play on my Sega Mega Drive a lot, more specifically the Sonic The Hedgehog games. I loved those games, you can't beat the classics!

1990: Don't remember anything significant about 1990 (duh - i was only three), but I know it was before I moved from round the corner from my nan to where I live now. Didn't really like our old house - too small

there, ive spilled my guts. time for someone else to take center stage

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/06/05 at 1:13 pm

That date will always stand out in my mind also, as it does every year! ;)

Really?? Does it have some special significance to you? ;) ???

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Tanya1976 on 05/06/05 at 1:32 pm

5 Years ago: I was raising my two year old son and working for a living.

10 Years Ago: I was finishing my freshman year of college

15 Years Ago: I was graduating from the 8th grade and preparing for high school

20 Years Ago: I was a third grader enjoying my childhood

25 Years ago: I was four years old enjoying my childhood

30 Years ago: My mom was preparing for her August wedding to my father


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Climber on 05/06/05 at 5:17 pm

Really?? Does it have some special significance to you? ;) ???

That's the date I made my grand debut on this earth.  :D  ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/06/05 at 6:18 pm

That's the date I made my grand debut on this earth.  :D  ;)

So it's your birthday then?? ;) :D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/25/05 at 2:10 pm

It's nearing the end of May, so if anyone else would like to share thier history :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/25/05 at 3:39 pm

So many years ago for me now, I will struggle to remember them all.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/02/05 at 2:35 pm

Okay everyone, new month!  For me:

1975 - Me and my friends on the track team were still stunned from the news of Steve Prefontaines death at the end of May :\'( Later in the month I went to visit my brother in Omaha, Nebraska. We played lots of one on one basketball. A best of 7 series with games to 100...winning by 4. Some of those games went well over 100 :D My brothers wife was expecting thier first child in August. I remember listening to some favorite songs...The Hustle by Van McCoy and Listen To What The Man Said by Paul McCartney & Wings. 

1980 - I hung out most of the month with my friend Randy and my girlfriend Becky. Played a lot of softball and had a blast. I had a job at El Burrito Restaraunt and was paying off my very first car...a 1969 Mustang Coupe. Some music I remember listening to, Steal Away and Hot Rod Hearts by Robbie Dupree, Coming Up Paul McCartney & Wings,

1985 - I was newly married and living in Mesa/Apache Junction Arizona. Songs on thre radio at the time: The Heat Is On by Glenn Frey, Heaven by Bryan Adams and Sentimental Street by Night Ranger. I was still working at a Restaraunt that I'd been at since January, yet the owners, Renee and Sharon were considering closing it.

1990 - Ella was working at a restaraunt and I stayed home with my boys. Brian was not yet 2, Randall 3 and a half, Paul was 4 and a half, Blaine was 6 and a half and Rich was 8 and a half. I had my hands full but it was some of the best times I ever had raising them. We watched a LOT of Bugs Bunny cartoons as well as playing/watching sports. Late in the month a friend of mine introduced us to her friend Dawn who needed a place to stay asher mom had kicked her out after she graduated from high school. She was like a big sister to our boys and was wonderful to have in our lives. Randy and I were still friends and were playing lots of softball and pool. Songs around at the time:  It Must Have Been Love by Roxette, Cradle Of Love by Billy Idol and  I'll Be Your Shelter by Taylor Dayne

1995 - I was promoted to superviser at Goodwill Industries. I had my first Baja Bug, 1968, and the boys and I went four wheeling a lot. Not much else, it was a fun but lazy summer month. Songs around that I liked were Can't Stop Loving You by Van Halen and...well, I remember a lot of crap being out so I started to listen to my older stuff :D

2000 -  Not much to tell except that my family and I went down to Denver and had fun at amusement park, also Water World....Most songs were getting SO bad by then...but I found safe haven with some awesome 90's music by Alice In Chain, Nirvana, Collective Soul etc.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: whitewolf on 06/02/05 at 2:54 pm

1975 - June of 75 we moved to a moved to a new house.

1980 - June of 80 we once again moved to a new house, this time it was our own instead of renting.

1985 - finished my last year of Jr. High.

1990 - high school graduation

1995 - not much in June of 95, just a family reunion

2000 - had recently started a new job

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: YWN on 06/02/05 at 4:36 pm

14 YEARS AND NINE MONTHS AGO:  I was conceived.  It was pretty unsettling and inconvenient at the time, but I learned to live with it.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: bbigd04 on 06/02/05 at 4:59 pm

June 1990- Recently had moved into a new house, I'm sure we had some kind of family picnic down in the metroparks, all my aunts and uncles and even my grandpa would play baseball together, that doesn't happen anymore everybodys too old now complaining about their various pains, etc. I remember some stuff, but it's hard for me to say that it definitely occurred in June 1990, when you're 3 you don't pay attention to the month and year too much, lol.

June 1995- We went to visit my brother on vacation down in Phenix City, Alabama. Stopped at the infamous "Ruby Falls", (if you've ever been down south, you know they advertise it like every 10 miles). Overall it was a cool summer. Had dinner at some Japanese steakhouse, which I would probably like in 2005, but not when I was 8, so I went to a McDonalds after we were done there, lol.

June 2000- Went rafting in SW Pennsylvania, this was the last time I've been rafting, just haven't gotten to it since. Hung around the local park, basically didn't do all that much.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/02/05 at 5:04 pm we go with June...

In June of 2000, we were making improvements on our mobile home to prepare it for selling; this included fixing the shower stall in my bathroom so I could take showers in there rather than go into my parents' room to take them. On Saturday the 17th, we went up to Fresno for a family reunion on my mom's mom's mom's side of the family. My parents rented a minivan so we could take my grandma, great-aunt, and great-uncle (six of us) up there. The following week, I received my very first jury summons in the mail; I had to call a certain phone number every night that week to see if my group was scheduled to report; my group was excused!

In June of 1995, I was finishing my freshman year of high school. My friend who was a senior--Susie--was going to graduate; she signed my yearbook on Wednesday the 21st; I would never see her again after that. :-[ That same day, we bought a printer for our computer; it would have been nice to have it a day earlier, since I had been up very late typing up a term paper on the typewriter.

June 1990 was my last month of 4th grade. I was so glad to finally finish up a lousy year with a pain-in-the-donkey teacher. Something not so pleasant that I can remember: on Thursday the 14th, we began making a kite from plastic straws and tissue paper; I thought it was going to be fun, but I made a mistake by accidentally gluing the tissue paper together where I shouldn't have, so I threw it in the trash. :-[ So the next day, the teacher kept me in at recess, asking me to take my stuff out of the trash. (It's kind of a long story; I'll wait a couple more weeks before I elaborate some more.) My mom had to go to Arizona for a few days (June 6 thru 9) for a retreat; I missed her being around. On Sunday the 24th we went to Knotts Berry Farm with my mom's cousin and his family.

June 1985: I don't remember a great deal about my life then, although I can be sure that I was finishing preschool, and my grandpa on my mom's side was getting ill.

June 1980: I was not yet born...although it was probably getting hard for my mom to move around.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/02/05 at 9:10 pm

Thanks to those who've replied so far...c'mon everyone, share :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 06/02/05 at 9:22 pm

2005: Rather boring month, studying etc. But still, life's what you make it I guess...

2000: Very much the same. June has been a rather average month.

1995: Being a kid.

1990: Getting ready to start school.  :D

1985: Starting to feel rather cramp inside the womb.  :P

Not alot happened I can remember. June has been a rather averange month.  :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/03/05 at 4:46 pm

2005: Rather boring month, studying etc. But still, life's what you make it I guess...

2000: Very much the same. June has been a rather average month.

1995: Being a kid.

1990: Getting ready to start school.  :D

1985: Starting to feel rather cramp inside the womb.  :P

Not alot happened I can remember. June has been a rather averange month.  :)

Thanks for sharing, GRS :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/13/05 at 7:08 pm


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: annamommynous on 06/13/05 at 7:26 pm

That's the date I made my grand debut on this earth.   :D  ;)

Happy World Debut Anniversary!!!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/15/05 at 11:14 pm

June 1990 was my last month of 4th grade. I was so glad to finally finish up a lousy year with a pain-in-the-donkey teacher. Something not so pleasant that I can remember: on Thursday the 14th, we began making a kite from plastic straws and tissue paper; I thought it was going to be fun, but I made a mistake by accidentally gluing the tissue paper together where I shouldn't have, so I threw it in the trash. :-day of the school year was the following Thursday, the 21st).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: maddog on 06/16/05 at 6:54 am

Reading this thread, it occurred to me that this month is the anniversary of some significant milestones in my life, so here goes.

30 years ago - June 1975
I don't remember much, I would have been at the end of my first year at secondary school (7th grade in the USA I think). It was an all boys grammar school where we played rugby (which I loved and still do) and had all sorts of inter-house sports competitions. Summer 1975 I went on holiday with my Mum, Dad, brother and sister - camping in Brittany, France. It was a great holiday.

25 years ago - June 1980
I was doing my A-levels (did them a year earlier than most students, I was 17). Most of early summer was spent revising and taking exams. Rest of summer was spent with my girlfriend Maria. Looking back, she was a lovely girl from the local Catholic school but I was really horrible to her. I "dumped" her one evening at a club because I thought I had a chance of picking up another girl I'd had my eye on for some time. Maria was really upset, the other girl wasn't interested in me - serves me right.

20 years ago - June 1985
I had just finished University and this month is the anniversary of my graduation. Bittersweet memories of saying goodbye to all my college friends as we went our separate ways. Summer 1985 I went on holiday with 2 of my friends from Uni, a canoeing trip down the Ardeche Gorge in southern France. It's a river winding its way through some spectacular limestone scenery with some exciting white water descents. Great holiday, romantic encounters that I won't bore you with here ;).

15 years ago June 1990
Preparing to get married to my wonderful wife, Colette. We will celebrate our 15th anniversary in August.

10 years ago June 1995
Our eldest daughter, Natalie, was born May 1995 so June 1995 we were struggling to come to terms with being parents - sleepless nights, feeding and looking after a baby, all that stuff. Very happy memories though, we were so delighted to have our daughter.

5 years ago June 2000
Father of two by this point, our third and youngest daughter did not arrive until March 2001 so June 2000 must have been about the point of her conception (TMI??). In June 2000 I made a significant career change when I moved into a sales job, which is what I've been doing for the last 5 years. I'm looking to change again now, maybe 5 years is about the limit of my attention span.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/16/05 at 10:20 am

15 years ago June 1990
Preparing to get married to my wonderful wife, Colette. We will celebrate our 15th anniversary in August.

Congratulations on your anniversary, Graham. :) Interestingly enough, I remember going to a wedding on this date in 1990---it was my mom's second-cousin (the daughter of my grandma's cousin) who got married that today would be their 15th anniversary. :)


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: tv on 06/22/05 at 12:58 am

What happened 5 years ago this month?

June 2000
I was working at a Printing place as a security work only 2 days a week I think.

June 1995:
I would just be finishing my freshman year of high school. Yuck!

June 1990:

I would be in summer camp. I didn't like summer camp then.

June 1985

I would be graduating Pre-School probably.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/04/05 at 7:18 pm

30 Years ago

Not born yet, my parents got married.

25  Years ago

Still lived in Upsala, Ontario and was in junior kindergarten.

20 Years ago

Not a whole lot, the year before I moved to Thunder Bay, and went to school for the first time there.

15  Years ago

Pretty close to going to high school.

10 Years ago

Moved to Oakville, where I live now, and eventually got my first paying job.

5 Years ago

My dad and grandma died, and I went to their funerals.

My memory is somewhat fuzzy at best...  ::)  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/04/05 at 8:57 pm

1975 - I went from my brother's in Omaha, back to Colorado Springs and then off to Ogden, Utah with my parents. We went to celebrate the birth of my niece Kristen who was born on the 14th.

1980 - Continued playing softball and having a great time with my frineds. Worked at "Royal Fork Buffet" and ran 7 miles home every night Smiley

1985 - My ex and Blaine, Rich and Paul all lived in another apartment. Our utilities were cut off for a week and it was a tough time for us. I remember watching Live-Aid and being amazed at Phil Collins playing Wembley AND Philadelphia. MTV was still playing MUSIC, and it was great!

1990 - Dawn continued living with us. Ella was still working and I was taking care of our boys.

1995 - I honestly don't remember much except hanging out at my neighbor Tim and watching Nascar as we both cheered for Dale Earnhardt. Also, the Colorado Rockies were having a great season as Dante Bichette, Larry Walker, Andres Galaraga and Vinny Castilla were deemed "The Blake Street Bombers"

2000 - Worked out at the Y with the family a lot.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/11/05 at 12:15 pm

July 2000: We spent the first half of the month looking at new housing developments to find a new place to live. We started looking in the Santa Clarita area (Canyon Country, Saugus, Castaic) and found some fairly decent floorplans, but the houses were all kind of expensive, and the weather in that area often gets hot especially in the summertime. On the 4th, we looked at some places in Camarillo and Oxnard and found some nice places. We later looked at one development in Simi Valley and liked one of the floorplans, but on my birthday, we found this one tract in Oxnard that we REALLY liked more than anything else. In fact, it was the tract that contains the house in which we now live in. 8) Later that month, I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed; they were growing in my mouth very crookedly; I healed up fairly quickly.

July 1995: Mostly I was at home, relaxing, or I went to help my dad out at his office, but also I helped out with an event at church that had nightly sessions for two weeks. During the last week of the month, my dad's boss was being a pain, so we took a vacation to San Luis Obispo; while we were up there I sent a postcard to my friend who had graduated a month earlier; when we came back, we drove past her house, which had a "for sale" sign in front; her family was probably moving away.

July 1990: I was going to summer day camp on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and having fun there. My birthday was on a Wednesday that year, so I didn't do too much except go to work with my dad in the morning, meet my mom at Sizzler for lunch, and go to work with her for the afternoon.

July 1985: Turned 5. My mom was mostly staying home with me while my dad worked. (In fact, she was a stay-at-home mom for the first seven years of my life.) My maternal grandfather was getting ill; he would only be alive one more month. :\'(

July 1980: I was born on Friday the 11th, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces. :)

Just for the heck of it...July 1975...not around. But I do know that my mom was in Europe for the whole month (after the 4th).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/12/05 at 1:03 pm

July 2000 - I was probably doing much the same as I'm doing now.

July 1995 - I was pregnant with my daughter and pigging out on cantaloupe and pickled mango.  :D

July 1990 - Visited one brother in Japan for a couple of weeks, then continued on to San Francisco to visit my other brother.  :)

July 1985 - I was just getting ready to start college.

July 1980 - A good part of the month (whole summer, actually) was probably spent at the local roller rink with my girlfriends.  8)

July 1975 - My family had just moved from California to Guam, where we would spend the next 18 years.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/12/05 at 2:40 pm

July 2000 - I was probably doing much the same as I'm doing now.

July 1995 - I was pregnant with my daughter and pigging out on cantaloupe and pickled mango.  :D

July 1990 - Visited one brother in Japan for a couple of weeks, then continued on to San Francisco to visit my other brother.  :)

July 1985 - I was just getting ready to start college.

July 1980 - A good part of the month (whole summer, actually) was probably spent at the local roller rink with my girlfriends.  8)

July 1975 - My family had just moved from California to Guam, where we would spend the next 18 years.

Very interesting, Karen :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/12/05 at 2:49 pm

Very interesting, Karen :)

Is it?  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/12/05 at 3:14 pm

Is it?  ;D
I find it riveting ;D ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Step-chan on 07/12/05 at 3:28 pm

1985: Was 8 years old. I lived near downtown in Indianapolis.
1990: Moved to Beech Grove(Ugh) in Marion county(same county as Indianapolis).
1995: Had graduated from High School, didn't go to the ceremony(f*** that school).
2000: Lived with Family, worked, watched anime, played video games, got fat.
2001: moved out at the end of May. The day after moving in, I found out my workplace was closing down in another month.(That sucked).
2003: Found out that I lost alot of weight(my eating habits changed abit)
2004: Got my weight down to the 160s.
2005: Still living on my own, writing parodies and doing other things I enjoy.

Sorry about putting 2001-2004 in there, but that was when I had done something that I feel proud of.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/12/05 at 5:11 pm

I find it riveting ;D ;)

Really now?!  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/12/05 at 7:29 pm

Really now?!  ;D
Absolutely! I can hardly wait until next month :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/03/05 at 3:26 pm

1975 - Started Cross Country practice for high school. On the 17th my father and I drove from Colorado Springs to Omaha, Nebraska to be with my brother and his wife who were expecting my very lst nephew. My mother had flown out a couple days earlier. We had fun as I remember us having the windows down in the summer heat his 1973 we enjoyed listening to John Denver's "I'm Sorry" and "Rhinestone Cowboy" by Glenn Campbell, among many other great songs from that year. "Matt" was born on the 18th :)

1980 - I was still playing softball and having a blast.

1985 - My wife and sons Richard and Blaine moved into a house in Mesa, Arizona as I continued working at the restaraunt and Ella was a waitress at a cfae insede a store called "Smitty's."

1990 - The ladies, Dawn & Ella continued working at the Broadmoor while I took care of the boys.

1995 - Started playing in 9-ball tournaments at a local bar. Continued to watch NASCAR with my neighbor Tim.

2000 - Nothing much to say except we were all still regularly working out.

2005 - I'm still delivering flowers although my boss "Julie" has been down because business has been so slow. I went out a few days last week and when she went to pay me, I told her to keep  it until things get better for her.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/03/05 at 10:35 pm

In August 1980, I was a month old. I obviously have no memories of my life then, but my parents sure do. :)

August 1985: I was 5 years old; I don't remember a great deal about things that happened then, except for my maternal grandfather dying of cancer on the 29th at age 60. :\'(

August 1990: My mom was ending her job at Safety-Kleen in Sylmar and getting ready for a teaching job at a private school in Brentwood that would last for three years. She would teach music to grades K through 8, and English to grade 5. Monday the 6th through Friday the 10th, we went on a trip to Disneyland, and then to the beach. Something memorable happened while we were at Disneyland that I would like to share with you this Saturday. The rest of the month, I went to my grandparents' house for the day.

August 1995: For two days a week, for two weeks, I took swimming lessons at the college where I currently go to school. Most other days I went to work with my dad, and he would give me something to do to keep me busy.

August 2000: We got a deal for the house we wanted to buy, and finally bought it near the end of the month. On Sunday the 13th, our '92 Toyota Camry reached 200,000 miles.

I am not going to talk about my life four, three, two, one or zero years ago because this thread simply states "Your life this month 5, 10, 15, 20, etc... years ago." That does not include the current year.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: rich1981 on 08/04/05 at 12:28 am

August 1980: My mother and father got married and gave birth to me eleven months later.

August 1985: I was 4 years old, in the break between Preschool and Kindergarten, spending the best times of my life with my family and friends.

August 1990: Spent the summer at Mexico City with my mother's relatives, getting used to being in a different country. This was also the between 3rd and 4th grade where I got transferred from a Spanish Immersion class to an all English Speaking class. When I came back from break in the summer I experienced in detail Balboa Park in San Diego, learning all the cool historical facts of Old Town.

August 1995: I was also spending a summer at Mexico City, and this was arguably the summer I changed the most psychologically since I learned that my relatives weren't as friendly as I thought they were, and I was teased a lot while attending school (for about 2 months or so). I learned a great deal from this experience, about how cruel the world could be at times.

August 2000: By this time I was well into college, studying computer engineering, working hard in general while I also worked part time at Wendy's for about five months. I would have to say that this was not too different from the way I am living myfast paced  life now.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 08/04/05 at 8:25 am

I can't remember exact months and dates for 5, 10 etc etc years ago, so i'll just update you with this month  ;)

Well, year 12's over (thank god), I now hate detest my job, and the weather's been cack. Oh, and my exam results come in 2 weeks time, but it's not like they're important or anything  ::)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/08/05 at 2:16 pm

I said I was going to share something with you that happened when I was at Disneyland 15 years ago this month, but I guess I forgot. On August the 6th (which was a Monday in 1990), I was at Disneyland with my parents. We were browsing around in the clock shop, just observing what was there, and I saw another boy in there, who was dressed in the exact same shirt and pants as me!!! :D And his name was also Jeff! :D ;D So anyway, we were getting ready to go, and my mom said to the other kid (thinking it was me), "Okay, Jeff, it's time to go. (looking at the boy carefully) Wait a minute, you're not my Jeff!" So then she took a picture of me (with the other Jeff) standing side by side, and then we found out that the other boy's name was Jeff. He, too, was about 10 years old at the time. Of all the possible clothing combinations, what are the odds of two ten-year-old boys wearing the exact same clothes in the exact same shop at Disneyland at the exact same time? :o

To add for August 2000: We put our mobile home up for sale and got a buyer within a few days!!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/08/05 at 2:18 pm

I said I was going to share something with you that happened when I was at Disneyland 15 years ago this month, but I guess I forgot. On August the 6th (which was a Monday in 1990), I was at Disneyland with my parents. We were browsing around in the clock shop, just observing what was there, and I saw another boy in there, who was dressed in the exact same shirt and pants as me!!! :D And his name was also Jeff! :D ;D So anyway, we were getting ready to go, and my mom said to the other kid (thinking it was me), "Okay, Jeff, it's time to go. (looking at the boy carefully) Wait a minute, you're not my Jeff!" So then she took a picture of me (with the other Jeff) standing side by side, and then we found out that the other boy's name was Jeff. He, too, was about 10 years old at the time. Of all the possible clothing combinations, what are the odds of two ten-year-old boys wearing the exact same clothes in the exact same shop at Disneyland at the exact same time? :o

To add for August 2000: We put our mobile home up for sale and got a buyer within a few days!!
Thanks for sharing, Jeff....if that really is who YOU are ;D ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/08/05 at 2:19 pm

I said I was going to share something with you that happened when I was at Disneyland 15 years ago this month, but I guess I forgot. On August the 6th (which was a Monday in 1990), I was at Disneyland with my parents. We were browsing around in the clock shop, just observing what was there, and I saw another boy in there, who was dressed in the exact same shirt and pants as me!!! :D And his name was also Jeff! :D ;D So anyway, we were getting ready to go, and my mom said to the other kid (thinking it was me), "Okay, Jeff, it's time to go. (looking at the boy carefully) Wait a minute, you're not my Jeff!" So then she took a picture of me (with the other Jeff) standing side by side, and then we found out that the other boy's name was Jeff. He, too, was about 10 years old at the time. Of all the possible clothing combinations, what are the odds of two ten-year-old boys wearing the exact same clothes in the exact same shop at Disneyland at the exact same time? :o

To add for August 2000: We put our mobile home up for sale and got a buyer within a few days!!

Wow, what a story. Are you sure you weren't twins seperated at birth? Or a clone?  :D


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/08/05 at 2:22 pm

Thanks for sharing, Jeff....if that really is who YOU are ;D ;)

Not to worry, I know who I am. ;) ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/08/05 at 2:28 pm

Not to worry, I know who I am. ;) ;D
;D Yes but being as nice a person as you are, I wouldn't mind there being two of you in the world :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: jiminy on 08/08/05 at 3:39 pm

I can't even remember what I did last week, so how can I remember what I did 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 Years Ago  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/08/05 at 3:43 pm

I can't even remember what I did last week, so how can I remember what I did 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 Years Ago  ;D
;D Hey Jim!  I'm backwards, I can remember stuff from long ago but can't remember what I did recently. Actually most of the 1990's are a blur, but THAT is a whole other thread :D ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: jiminy on 08/08/05 at 4:00 pm

;D Hey Jim!  I'm backwards, I can remember stuff from long ago but can't remember what I did recently. Actually most of the 1990's are a blur, but THAT is a whole other thread :D ;)

I can remember events but can not pin point them to an exact month

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/08/05 at 4:16 pm

I can remember events but can not pin point them to an exact month
I can if it's to do with sports but then again, if you asked what was 1993 like....I haven't a clue. I'd have to research it :-\\

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Howard on 08/08/05 at 5:27 pm

I got fired from Genovese August 8th,1994

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/08/05 at 11:33 pm

I got fired from Genovese August 8th,1994

which, incidentally, was also a "Monday, August 8th", just like today! :D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 08/09/05 at 4:03 am

August 1985 - I was 3 years old, and sadly I don't remember much except I was being babysat a lot.

1990 - I remember more this year (of course), I was 8 years old and was in the 3rd grade. The year prior we had had the 1989 Earthquake in Oakland/San Francisco/Santa Cruz. That was still lingering in our minds.

1995 - I was entering 8th Grade. 1995 was a good year. I had a lot of fun that summer.

2000 - I graduated and I was doing remodeling work around this time on a home in Lafayette. The house next to it had been burnt down because of a lazy worker who didn't rinse off his chemical soaken rags.. so they combusted!

2005 - Now I am finishing up college studies and working and dating.. sounds typical, eh?

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: karen on 08/09/05 at 9:23 am

August 2000 In the early part of the month we were living in the house we were renting out to students waiting to move to another place.  we moved to our current house, my daughter had the chickenpox and we went on holiday to Menorca at the end of the month. turned 31

August 1995 Stayed in a cottage in Scotland with friends for the first week of August.  We were all there for a big orienteering competition.  turned 26. can't remember much else.

August 1990 Helping Dai look for his first house.  We had been going out for about a year at this point.  He had recently graduated Uni and started work.  Had a 21st party and received some wierd presents like a set of towels (???)

August 1985 on holiday in a caravan with my mum waiting for my exam results.  working at Woolworths as a Saturday girl.

August 1980 school holidays.  This is the year I started at High School.

August 1975 school holidays but can't recall anything specific.

August 1970 I was a year old and started to walk whilst on holiday.  My parents have a cine film of the moment.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/09/05 at 4:19 pm

August 1985 - I was 3 years old, and sadly I don't remember much except I was being babysat a lot.

1990 - I remember more this year (of course), I was 8 years old and was in the 3rd grade. The year prior we had had the 1989 Earthquake in Oakland/San Francisco/Santa Cruz. That was still lingering in our minds.

1995 - I was entering 8th Grade. 1995 was a good year. I had a lot of fun that summer.

2000 - I graduated and I was doing remodeling work around this time on a home in Lafayette. The house next to it had been burnt down because of a lazy worker who didn't rinse off his chemical soaken rags.. so they combusted!

2005 - Now I am finishing up college studies and working and dating.. sounds typical, eh?

Sure does :) BTW, thanks for the contribution ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/01/05 at 1:55 pm

September 1980: I was two months old.

September 1985: I was starting kindergarten, in a private school run by nuns. For some reason I felt sad/uncomfortable in the class, and to this day I still don't know why.

September 1990: I began the 5th grade, in a special ed class. I got a taste of special education because I had been having difficulties in the past. Things seemed to work out fairly well for me. The class also consisted of 4th graders and 6th graders with disabilities.

September 1995: Began my sophomore year of high school. Started to make new friends, and I kept some of the old ones. It was also around this time that I began to get popular with the girls. 8) I was placed in two honors classes: one for English and one for math. However, I would drop the English class after five weeks because things were going at a fast rate for me.

September 2000: Into my third year of college... this would be my final semester at L.A. Mission. This one girl from my biology class, who I was really starting to grow fond of (maybe because I was attracted to her; she was friendly and all, but she also had a cute face... and she was two years my senior), I found out that she worked on campus in the "foster care" department (I ran into her on Thursday the 7th, talked with her for a bit, as I walked down with her to her office... and she gave me a big hug). Also, construction on our new house began; on Saturday the 16th we saw that the foundation had been prepared, and two weeks later, the slab was poured. We began going out there every week or two to take pictures of the progress.

Once again, I am not going to discuss my current life, as it says at the top, "Your life this month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30... years ago"; it says nothing about zero years ago.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Howard on 09/01/05 at 3:10 pm

September 1985:(September 22nd)Hurricane Gloria hits New York and I was almost blown away but it never had huge force.It did however ruin my Parent's clocks.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/01/05 at 3:56 pm

September 1985 - I was about 3 1/2 years old - I can't remember a whole lot unless I thought really long and hard about it..

September 1990 - I do remember 1990 a lot more. I think this year I had gotten sick the night of my Dad's birthday party. My Dad had returned from Arizona and Myrtle Beach, S.C. from a golfing trip. I remember it was the day before I started 3rd grade and I was unable to go the first few days because of the illness.

September 1995 - My first few days of 8th grade began. I was in an independant study school now instead of Junior High. I liked the system a lot better, as I was better off learning on my own at the time.

September 2000 - Hmm, I'm trying to think on this one! Ahh, I think I was finishing up a remodeling job in Lafayette and then I was also beginning school again..

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Paul on 09/01/05 at 4:12 pm

September 1990...I was just about to purchase my first home!
(Still paying for it in a roundabout way!)

September 1985 - I was about 3 1/2 years old - I can't remember a whole lot unless I thought really long and hard about it..


I'd just turned 18 then, working in the Bank (tedious!)...partying hard!

Five years previous, I was just about to commence yet another academic year at school...yawning hard!

Five years previous to that...your guess is as good as mine! Probably terrorising the neighbourhood as most 8 year olds are wont to do...

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: YWN on 09/02/05 at 12:44 pm

Okay, let me try fifteen years ago...

Okay, so I had just been conceived last week and everything was going swell.  I had a nice roomy little spot for reflecting, although it didn't have wireless internet.  I didn't even have to go anywhere because everything I needed was right there.  Then all of the sudden nine months later, I'm ambushed by a man in a white coat and who hands me off to a strange woman.  Then they had the nerve to cut off the broadband connection to my navel!  Well, all I can say was that I was pissed and I let them have an earful.  I told them that they would be punished with years of servitude.  It gets blurry...

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 09/02/05 at 12:53 pm

Okay, let me try fifteen years ago...

Okay, so I had just been conceived last week and everything was going swell.  I had a nice roomy little spot for reflecting, although it didn't have wireless internet.  I didn't even have to go anywhere because everything I needed was right there.  Then all of the sudden nine months later, I'm ambushed by a man in a white coat and who hands me off to a strange woman.  Then they had the nerve to cut off the broadband connection to my navel!  Well, all I can say was that I was pissed and I let them have an earful.  I told them that they would be punished with years of servitude.  It gets blurry...

I feel for ya..  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Alchoholica on 09/02/05 at 1:21 pm

Well, well, well let me think about this one.

15 Years ago this month i would have 2 or so years old.
I dare say i was tormenting my poor Mother (The terrible two's were awful for her).
I didn't see much of my father, at the time he was running a Display company and running around all over Europe like the proverbial Pigmented Rectum Fly.
I believe it was either this year (not totally sure on the month) that i decided to bury my Dad's wallet in the garden.

10 Years ago this month I would have been all of 7 years old and in my Fourth year of school already. (as i say, the terrible two's hit them hard) I remember small snippets during the year. I know this was the year i had a Teacher named Mrs Gunn. Around this time would have been when we first met. I know she christend my little Gang the Infant Mafia. (Ominous considering the direction i am currently going in  ;D)

5 years ago this month I was.. Jeez, it's really been that long  :o I was in my second year of Secondary School (high school) at Saint Paul's Comprehensive. I'm not sure why they stuck the Saint at the front of it because it was about 50/50 Muslim - Christian.  ;D

I know i wasn't too keen on it and pretty muched stopped working from there on in. Come to think of it, the next time i actually did any proper school work was close to 5 years later.

That's about it really.. not too much in my short existence.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/04/05 at 5:03 pm

Okay, now that we're in a new month, I should probably give this thread a bump...

October 1980: I was only 3 months old.

October 1985: I was uncomfortable in the kindergarten class for some unknown reason, and on Tuesday the 29th I was placed in a new kindergarten class where I felt much happier. Two days later, I dressed up as a clown for Halloween; it was the first costume I ever wore.

October 1990: In the fifth grade, my life in the special ed class was a far cry from that of the "regular" class I was in for fourth grade a year earlier. I remember missing school the first two days of the month because I was sick with a cold. While "The Simpsons" were on TV Thursday nights, I never got to see it (at least regularly) because I had Cub Scout meetings on those nights; my dad was the den leader for the second year in a row. Speaking of the Simpsons, I dressed up as Bart for Halloween, wearing a mask shaped like his head and a T-shirt and a pair of denim shorts.

October 1995: I was a sophomore in high school. On
Friday the 13th, I felt that the honors English class was going at a very fast rate for me, so I switched to a regular English class. By this time I was becoming popular with lots of girls; quite a few of them began talking with me and having friendly conversations with me. When the World Series was happening, i wanted so badly for the Cleveland Idiots Indians to win...but the Braves took it in Game Six. :-\\

October 2000: Our new house was under construction; we drove out there just about every weekend during the month to view its construction stages, from the cement slab to the complete framework (and taking a picture or two each time); it was exciting. Back "home," we continued to pack stuff up into boxes. I was taking mostly nighttime classes in school, and I still had a fondness for this girl from my bio class who was working in the "foster care" (for the record, she only gave me one hug all month). 8) On a sad note, my mom's cousin Sammy passed away on the 24th, just a couple weeks after he'd turned 55. :-Once again, I'm not gonna discuss my current life due to this thread's title.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: whistledog on 10/04/05 at 5:18 pm

October 1980 - I was 2 years (and 10 months) old

October 1985 - I was 7 years old and in Grade 2

October 1990 - I was 12 years old and in Grade 7

October 1995 - I was 17 years old and in Grade 12

October 2000 - I was 22 years old and in my 5th year of College

October 2005 - I'm 27 years old and sitting here, typing out this  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 10/04/05 at 5:52 pm

October 1985 - I was 3 1/2 years old and vageuly remember things from this time. I do remember my brother's birthday party from a few months prior. He had a cake with a hamburger on it. I barely remember that Halloween except through pictures.

October 1990 - I remember starting my second month of 3rd grade. I had been sick alot at the beginning of the year and I had a teacher that not too many kids liked.

October 1995 - I was in 8th grade. I had a good Halloween that year. A boy I liked was flirting with me up to that point and he was flirting with me that night as well.

October 2000 - I was 18 and graduated from High School and working still as a helper to a remodeling contractor.

October 2005 - And here I am now, 23 years old and still going to a 2 year community college  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/04/05 at 5:54 pm

I'm 25 years old and still going to a 4 year university...but have spent a little over 4 years there! (Or should I say here, since that's where I'm posting from right now!)

However, I didn't discuss that because it says at the top, "Your life...5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years ago"...nothing about zero years ago. :-\\

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/05/05 at 1:28 pm

I'm 25 years old and still going to a 4 year university...but have spent a little over 4 years there! (Or should I say here, since that's where I'm posting from right now!)

However, I didn't discuss that because it says at the top, "Your life...5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years ago"...nothing about zero years ago. :-\\
I'd change it but I'm not a member that can change my old feel free to talk about the now as well ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 10/05/05 at 1:40 pm

I'd change it but I'm not a member that can change my old feel free to talk about the now as well ;)

Thanks, R & R fan. Now I don't feel as if I'm violating any rules or anything.  :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: danootaandme on 10/05/05 at 3:59 pm

Twenty Five years ago on October 2nd I was in Vermont on my 1968 Triumph TR6R motorcycle
coming around a hairpin turn, and didn't quite make it.  Limped around for about  a month.  Still have
the motorcycle  :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/05/05 at 4:02 pm

Thanks, R & R fan. Now I don't feel as if I'm violating any rules or anything.  :)
;) Anytime, Ultraviolet521!

Twenty Five years ago on October 2nd I was in Vermont on my 1968 Triumph TR6R motorcycle
coming around a hairpin turn, and didn't quite make it. Limped around for about a month. Still have
the motorcycle :)
And thankfully, your life as well :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: YWN on 10/05/05 at 5:21 pm

Five years ago I was nine years old and I was a generally happier person.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/05/05 at 5:26 pm

I'd change it but I'm not a member that can change my old feel free to talk about the now as well ;)

If you had kept your old account you probly could...perhaps you could pm Chucky? ;) never mind.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/01/05 at 1:45 pm

New month...

November 1980, I was only four months old.

November 1985, I was in kindergarten, and I do not remember very much about my life then...except for going to Disneyland on the last day of the month with my parents.

November 1990, I was in 5th grade. I do not remember anything very eventful during that month. Let's see, I was in Cub Scouts, which met on Thursday nights (except for Thanksgiving of course); my mom turned 39 the day before Thanksgiving and we went to a nice restaurant to celebrate her birthday; and, um, that's about it. If something pops into my mind, I'll talk about it. :)

November 1995, I was a sophomore in high school. By this time, I was popular with several girls. 8) On the day before Thanksgiving, I got my upper braces removed after having them for two years and a half (the lower ones would come off a month or so later), and on the day after Thanksgiving I began using a retainer.

November 2000, we moved out of our mobile home!!! :D ;D 8) We got everything packed up during the first two and a half weeks of the month, and we moved (temporarily) into my grandma's house. Our new home was still in frames, but coming together: the windows were installed and the black tarp (for stucco preparation) went up shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, I wasn't expecting that there would be a neverending presidential election. ::) ::) It was my first time voting in a presidential election, and little did I know how bizarre it would turn out!

And right now, I am still a college student.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: rich1981 on 11/01/05 at 3:23 pm

I haven't seen this thread in a while...

November 1980: I was in my mother's womb at the time, barely.

November 1985: I was in kindergarten as well, and I was the only child at the time.

November 1990: In 4th grade, not long after I returned from my 2nd visit to Mexico City so at this time I can remember my teacher Mr. Conseur, this was the first year I was not enrolled in the Spanish Immersion program. It is also around the time we got our first vcr as well as cox cable and renting videos from Blockbuster. A cool time really. I developed some interesting hobbies including origami and astronomy, buying and reading books on these subjects and such. Also my younger brother's memories started around this time (he was 4).

November 1995: This is actually a very interesting time because my brother and I were in Mexico City attending a "colegio" and it was quite an interesting experience to say the least, in that there were more classes and each class had its own teacher. I was actually enrolled into the 2nd year of secondary school because I needed to catch up with the rest of the class even though I should have been in 9th grade. In the end it didn't work out for us so we decided to leave the 10th of this month back home. I actually have growned quite a lot from this. Funny thing is that when we moved back home I didn't start going back to school until the last school week of the year (after Thanksgiving) because of the issues of re-enrolling myself back into 9th grade.

November 2000: I was a college sophmore in UCSD at the time but really this was a month I rather not dwell upon because I withdrew from a Computer Science class late in the quarter for the first and only time and I would've ended up with a C- at best if I didn't drop soon. Also most of grades weren't that high as a result of attempting too many tough classes in the same quarter, very smart ::). But from here on I learned my lesson.  Like 1995, this was definitely a changing experience. Of course this was also the month with that infamous election vote problem.

November 2005: I no longer attend college, not even as a grad student but I will not be receiving my diploma until this month is over and even though I have an internship now I really need to find a full-time job as soon as possible.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/03/05 at 5:06 pm

I haven't seen this thread in a while...

That's probably because it gets updated only at the beginning of each month. :-\\

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/19/05 at 6:36 pm

It was on this date five years ago that we began moving out of the mobile home. I was just so glad to get out of there!! We had rented a U-Haul truck to move our beds and other big objects (dressers, night tables, etc.) from the mobile home into my grandma's house. There were two extra bedrooms in that house which we used during the next three months; my mom had lived there while growing up. Anyway, we moved all other necessary stuff (which we would be using for the next three months, and our precious stuff which we didn't want stored in storage) into there, and called it our temporary home. My grandmother didn't feel so alone anymore.

The professional movers came to the mobile home the next day and moved the rest of our stuff (TV, bookcases, etc. --- over a hundred items altogether) into their storage.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/13/15 at 11:44 pm

5 years ago (March 2010): I was searching for somewhere to work, while volunteering at two places each week.

10 years ago (March 2005): I was in the middle of the Spring 2005 semester at Cal State Northridge, transitioning between courses of study. I'd been toying with the idea of majoring in math, but I struggled with the physics class that was part of the major.

15 years ago (March 2000): I was in my second year of college. Among the classes I was taking was a course in Visual Basic, which I had fun with. Also, I was becoming really good at Ms. Pac-Man. At home, we were preparing to put our mobile home up for sale.

20 years ago (March 1995): I was a freshman in high school. Near the beginning of the month I met a girl (who I later found out was a senior at the time) who was real nice. On the day we met, she came running up to me and asked me if she could borrow my umbrella...but I ended up talking her out of it.

25 years ago (March 1990): I was in fourth grade. Things weren't going too well for me; some kids were driving me crazy and I had to contend with a teacher who was a pain in the donkey. On a positive note, I was in Cub Scouts, and we had weekly meetings on Thursday nights.

30 years ago (March 1985): I don't remember too much about my life, aside from being in preschool.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Redhairkid on 04/04/15 at 7:15 pm

5 years ago (April 2010) - I took on a new role at work.
10 years ago (2005) - I was rearing a kitten I had acquired the previous month.
15 years ago (2000) - I had my own computer.
20 years ago (1995) - I had conflict to resolve.
25 years ago (1990) - Quite good.
30 years ago (1985) - One of the worst times of my life, culminating in a suicide attempt a month later.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: 80sfan on 04/04/15 at 10:03 pm

5- In a very dark place. Don't ask.
10- In a very confused state regarding my anxiety.
15- Reading Harry Potter and in Junior High (6th grade).
20- In kindergarten. I stole a small coloring assignment from another student. Only time I stole anything though.
25- I was still in Vietnam.
30- Wasn't alive yet, not even a fetus.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 04/05/15 at 1:52 am

5 - April 2010: I was starting my second semester at university and my parents were not separated yet.
10 - April 2005: I was at high school and planning my first USA trip (I didn't get there until October 2006 though.)
15 - April 2000: I was in 7th grade.
20 - April 1995: I was in elementary school and much happier than now.
25 - April 1990: My first vivid memories are from about that time. I didn't start kindergarten until summer, though.
30- April 1985: I was not conceived until later this year.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/09/15 at 11:09 pm

5 years ago (April 2010): I applied for a data entry job on Wednesday the 7th, got called for an interview on Friday the 9th, went down to the office in downtown L.A. for the interview on Monday the 12th, went back for a second interview on Friday the 16th, got hired later that day, and began work on Monday the 19th! :) However, it was a three-month temporary position, which I knew going in... but it would still be a positive experience for me.

10 years ago (April 2005): I was a student at Cal State Northridge, looking to change my major from comp sci to math; however, it was a bit of a challenge for me, particularly the physics course, but I did the best I could. I was also doing volunteer work at the Family Focus Center on the CSUN campus. In addition, I was posting regularly every day on here.

15 years ago (April 2000): I was in my second year of college, enjoying my Visual Basic class, and my biology class to some extent (there were some friendly girls in that class), struggling a bit in my English class (which was all about writing college essays)...and I was becoming really good at Ms. Pac-Man. At home we began packing stuff up in preparation to sell the mobile home.

20 years ago (April 1995): I was a freshman in high school, and I found out that a friend of mine was a senior, which disappointed me because I knew she'd be graduating in a couple months and I didn't know if we would keep in touch. (We later ended up not keeping in touch.) She invited me to come eat lunch with her in the Poetry Club during lunchtime. Also, on Sunday the 9th, my dad had to cover a special event (on his birthday :)) at a cathedral in downtown L.A. which no longer exists that then-President Bill Clinton and family attended. We both saw him.

25 years ago (April 1990): I was in fourth grade, and things weren't going well for me overall at school (although I sorta had a fondness for a then-second grader). On Saturday the 21st my parents and I went to a Dodger game (in which the Astros beat 'em 6-3), and I bought a Dodger jacket. Also, on Tuesdays, my mom was having physical therapy done on her right wrist, which had been injured four months earlier in a roller skating accident. She would pick me up from school on Tuesdays, take me back to her office, and then we would leave at 3:30 from there and go down to Encino, where she had her physical therapy appointments at 4.

30 years ago (April 1985): I was in preschool. The only thing I remember well about that month was our Dusty dog running away on Saturday the 6th. We found her, though.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/31/15 at 12:45 pm

5 years ago (May 2010): I was working full time, getting up early every morning and riding the train downtown. It felt good to be working and earning money.

10 years ago (May 2005): I finished another "transitional" semester at CSUN, barely passing my physics class. (I had been contemplating changing my major to math...but at the end of the month I decided on Liberal Arts.)

My info on May 2000, 1995, 1990, and 1985 can be found on an earlier post in this thread. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/17/15 at 1:11 pm

5 years ago (June 2010): I was still working my temporary job, and by this time I had made friends with some of my co-workers.

10 years ago (June 2005): I had changed my academic major to Liberal Arts, but was also toying with the idea to learn about computer systems (as suggested by people I knew at the time, but ultimately decided against it). Also, I was still doing volunteer work at CSUN; this project would last maybe one more year.

My info on June 2000, 1995, 1990, and 1985, can be found on an earlier post in this thread. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/29/15 at 11:16 pm

5 years ago (July 2010): My temporary job finished on the 16th, so it was back to being unemployed the following week. I resumed doing volunteer work at the end of the month.

10 years ago (July 2005): I was continuing to do volunteer work at the university that I was attending. I also attended religious discussions/presentations with friends, as a way to meet other young adults.

15 years ago (July 2000): We spent the first half of the month looking at new housing developments to find a new place to live. We started looking in the Santa Clarita area (Canyon Country, Saugus, Castaic) and found some fairly decent floorplans, but the houses were all kind of expensive, and the weather in that area often gets hot especially in the summertime. On the 4th, we looked at some places in Camarillo and Oxnard and found some nice places. We later looked at one development in Simi Valley and liked one of the floorplans, but on my birthday, we found this one tract in Oxnard that we REALLY liked more than anything else. In fact, it was the tract that contains the house in which we now live in. 8) Later that month, I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed; they were growing in my mouth very crookedly; I healed up fairly quickly.

20 years ago (July 1995): Mostly I was at home, relaxing, or I went to help my dad out at his office, but also I helped out with an event at church that had nightly sessions for two weeks. During the last week of the month, my dad's boss was being a pain, so we took a vacation to San Luis Obispo; while we were up there I sent a postcard to my friend who had graduated a month earlier; when we came back, we drove past her house, which had a "for sale" sign in front; her family was probably moving away. ('Tis possible that she might've gone to college somewhere far away, and her parents might have decided to sell the place to be closer to their daughter.)

25 years ago (July 1990): I was going to summer day camp on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and having fun there. My birthday was on a Wednesday that year, so I didn't do too much except go to work with my dad in the morning, meet my mom at Sizzler for lunch, and go to work with her for the afternoon. When I didn't have any activities going on during the day, I found ways to have fun at home.

30 years ago (July 1985): Turned 5; this is the earliest birthday celebration of mine that I can remember. My mom was mostly staying home with me while my dad worked. (In fact, she was a stay-at-home mom for the first seven years of my life.) My maternal grandfather was getting ill; he would only be alive one more month. :\'(

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 10/16/15 at 9:38 am

5 Years Ago (October 2010): I was living in my own apartment.  My cat was just over a year old.

10 Years Ago (October 2005): I was a slacker, big time.  I was still staying in my room the majority of the time hardly even socializing with my loved ones.  I was also going through emotional abuse from my jerk step father while already being emotional. 

15 Years Ago (October 2000): At this time I had been a recluse for quit a while.  I was staying in my room the majority of the time.  I had by then realized I had severe emotional problems. 

20 Years Ago (October 1995): I was always a quit child.  It took me several years to really not be so quit (but I still am).  I didn't care to have friends.  I dressed up as a vamp for the holiday.  This was long before it became played out lol

25 Years Ago (October 1990): I was very young.  I don't recall what I dressed up as.  It might have been a clown but I'm not 100% sure.

30 Years Ago (October 1985): I wasn't even a toddler yet.  But I think I dressed as a bunny rabbit! 

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/18/15 at 9:05 pm

5 years ago (October 2010), I was desperately seeking a new job of some sorts, after my temporary one had ended three months earlier. When I didn't find a job, I did some volunteer work (at a place where I'd continue to volunteer at for 4 1/2 more years). I also kept tabs on the baseball playoffs, and specifically remember rooting for the Texas Rangers in the ALCS (and they beat the Yankees 4 games to 2).

10 years ago (October 2005), I was still an undergrad student at Cal State Northridge, adjusting to life as a Liberal Arts major. I had two classes that semester: Literature and upper-division California History. That month I had my midterms and did so-so on them (although the history midterm didn't go so well for some reason; fortunately my professor allowed me to retake it a month later (with much better results)). Also I was starting to write about my daily life at school, on a personal level. Moreover, there was this girl I started to become friends with; she was studying physical therapy and I sometimes saw her while commuting to CSUN (riding the train). I was also following the baseball postseason each day.

15 years ago (October 2000), my family and I were continuing to pack up some of our belongings, in preparation to sell our mobile home; this included discarding some items that we no longer needed (a task I specifically remember doing on the 22nd). As for my academic life, I was at Mission College for a fifth and final semester to take general ed classes, two of which were at night. I had also developed a fondness for this girl I'd met the previous semester in a class I'd taken; I'd been seeing her on a regular basis around campus, and she was cute... but in some cases I was worried about how I'd approach her. As for baseball playoffs, I didn't really watch them (due in part to not having cable tv at home), but I could still follow the progress.

20 years ago (October 1995), I was a sophomore in high school. I specifically remember changing my English class from an honors one to a regular one, since the course seemed to go at a pace too quick for me to handle; the change worked out better for me. However, I started to struggle in some of my other classes, and was up late on most nights doing homework for them... but in the end I passed. The math class was probably the one I was doing the best in. By this time I was also starting to become popular with girls at school; many of them began talking with me and having friendly conversations with me.

25 years ago (October 1990), the month began with me being sick (I missed the first two days of school) and ended with my dad being sick (he took me trick-or-treating at the shopping mall; I wore a Bart Simpson costume). I was already a month into my fifth-grade year, having early experiences with special education, which seemed to go well for me. Because my parents were both working far from home (20+ miles either direction), my grandma would often pick me up from school and I'd watch TV at her house until my mom arrived and we went home together. I also remember watching the Cincinnati Reds sweep the Oakland Athletics in the World Series.

30 years ago (October 1985), I was in kindergarten; I remember it being kind of a sad experience at first, and to this day I'm not sure why... although I think it might've had something to do with separation anxiety (but I'm not 100% sure). This was also the first year that I wore a Halloween costume; for the record it was a clown.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 10/19/15 at 9:46 am

^I think its cool that you remember stuff that happened on specific dates  :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/19/15 at 10:46 pm

^I think its cool that you remember stuff that happened on specific dates  :)

Thanks. Yep, in most cases I tend to retain that information. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: GH1996 on 10/23/15 at 3:55 am

5 years ago today (October 2010) - freshman year in high school, moved to a new house and school, left all my friends from middle school/elementary to a school that had a football team. Did pretty good that year but got whooped in the quarter finals to the champions, a 4 hour commute home (slightly regret moving schools since I lost contact with some pretty good friends)

10 years ago today (October 2005) - 4th? grade in elementary school in a quiet city east of Vancouver, pretty good sized school (around 100 students). Can't remember exactly what I was up to but most likely making forts in the forest behind our apartment complex, watching malcolm in the middle and jamming out to green day

15 years ago today (October 2000) - started kindergarten around then, lived in a duplex  off of the beach and surrounded by forest, dad's old friend lived next door. He had a daughter who was probably 9 years older than me and she had a tree house in the back, had some good times listening to Britney, blink 182 & nysnc CDs with her and her friends while she was babysitting me. Also remember sitting on my dad's lap driving around the abandoned town next to out house. Oddly enough I remember 2000 better than any other year

19 years ago today (October 1996) - (in my mothers womb) my parents would be driving from Vancouver to Edmonton in a 1980 camaro, my dad was offered a job there at a rope store which he immediately regretted since it was cold as hell there, he helped the Edmonton police with a murder case involving a rope and identified the type of rope that was used.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/28/15 at 11:33 pm

5 years ago today (October 2010) - freshman year in high school, moved to a new house and school, left all my friends from middle school/elementary to a school that had a football team. Did pretty good that year but got whooped in the quarter finals to the champions, a 4 hour commute home (slightly regret moving schools since I lost contact with some pretty good friends)

Yeah I know how it is when you move to a new school, especially when it's far from your previous one, and you lose contact with good people.

I was sorta preparing to do that almost 15 years ago, when I was moving to a different area, and hence a different community college. I was at one such place for 2 1/2 years altogether, and made some good friends during that time, but was essentially unable to keep contact with 'em. (Too bad Facebook wasn't around back then!) But then when I started at this other community college in February of '01, I didn't really know anybody, but did actually run into a few of my high school buddies. (I will talk about this part more in detail in February 2016.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/10/15 at 11:45 am

5 years ago (November 2010), I was still on the hunt for employment, while continuing to do volunteer work at this one place. Also, I got together with some friends early in the month for a retreat; for me it was much needed.

10 years ago (November 2005), I was busy at Cal State Northridge; even though I had only two courses that semester, they were both very challenging. In fact, I began work on the final paper for one such class while trying to juggle various other things in my life.

15 years ago (November 2000), my family and I were getting ready to move out of our mobile home. On most days prior to the 19th we were packing up stuff and keeping things clean in there. On days that we weren't doing any such preparations, I was going to school at Mission College (and concentrating on my academic priorities, some of which by this time were quite challenging). On the 19th we moved out of the mobile home and into my grandma's house on a temporary basis; on the 20th the movers came and moved out our things that we were going to have stored for the next three months.

20 years ago (November 1995), as a sophomore in high school, I was finding myself studying very late each night. (At school I was also getting popular with some of the girls.) Later in the month, I had my braces removed so I could once again start eating foods that I was restricted from for the previous 2 1/2 years.

25 years ago (November 1990), on weekdays at school I was in special ed all day in the 5th grade, noticing how some of the kids would misbehave, while I was well-behaved for the most part. Additionally, I was doing well academically. On weekends I would have fun by myself at home.

30 years ago (November 1985), I was in kindergarten, adjusting to my new kindergarten class, which I seemed to be comfortable in. I don't think I remember anything on any specific days, though.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/19/15 at 1:17 pm

15 years ago (November 2000), my family and I were getting ready to move out of our mobile home. On most days prior to the 19th we were packing up stuff and keeping things clean in there. On days that we weren't doing any such preparations, I was going to school at Mission College (and concentrating on my academic priorities, some of which by this time were quite challenging). On the 19th we moved out of the mobile home and into my grandma's house on a temporary basis; on the 20th the movers came and moved out our things that we were going to have stored for the next three months.

And now, 15 years later to the day, I am looking back on this occasion and remembering how good it felt to finally get out of that area, which had been going downhill for years.

We had rented a Uhaul truck to transport our beds and bedroom furniture to my grandma's house; my uncle even came over to help with transporting said items from the truck into the house; he was strong and was working at a hardware store, so that helped.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/23/15 at 11:42 pm

5 years ago--I was probably making the mad scramble to get everything to cook Thanksgiving Dinner for me and my father.
10 years ago--I still would be scrambling, but my mother would have been there in here wheelchair in the kitchen instructing me on what to do as I cooked.
15 years ago--I'd be on chopping/peeling duty cause mom would have been able to cook on her own. And I'd be sacked out for continuing to steal gizzards intended for the cornbread dressing out the pot they were simmering in.
20 years ago--I'd be vegging out playing the History album, and nowhere near the kitchen at 9 years old.
25 years ago--Same, except I'd be playing  MC Hammer.
30 years--I was gestating in my mother's belly.  ;D (I was actually conceived near my mother's birthday in late Sept 1985)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/04/15 at 6:02 pm

5 years ago (December 2010), I was still on the hunt for employment, but not really getting anywhere with that. I also did volunteer work at least once a week (just so that I'd be doing something).

10 years ago (December 2005), I was finishing an 8-page term paper for a class I was taking, as well as prepping for final exams. Also at school, I was getting email addresses for some of my lady friends so I could keep in touch with 'em; I even decided to give one of them a Christmas card. After Christmas I went with my parents to Magic Mountain (since earlier in the year we had won free tickets that were good until New Year's Eve), and then with my dad to Palm Desert so we could visit his parents. Some good times.

15 years ago (December 2000), I was preparing to say goodbye to Mission College; these were some busy times. In addition to all my academic preparations --studying for final exams, completing projects, etc.-- there were also some social things I wanted to take care of, as I had made some friends there and had to part ways with them before the 21st. This included a girl who was in a class I'd had the previous semester and was working on campus in one of the offices; on the 7th I was feeling a little upset about her because I thought she didn't wanna talk to me, but it turns out she was just busy, and later on we got our chance to talk; on the 19th I gave her a beautiful Christmas card and she was very happy upon receiving it. On the homefront, we were living at my grandma's house while our new home was being built (we even came out once every weekend to take pictures of the progress), so we spent Christmas and New Years there; it worked out well.

20 years ago (December 1995), I was a sophomore in high school and was very busy with academic stuff each day and night; I often had lots of work to do, and because of this, I was starting to falter in some of my classes. So during the winter holiday break, I would study my books (particularly biology) each day (except for Christmas Eve and Day). I also had some good times, mostly with my family, during the month.

25 years ago (December 1990), I was 10 years old, in the 5th grade, and handling life at school quite well. After school on most days, my grandma would pick me up, take me to her house, and I'd sometimes watch television... until my mom came to get me, as she was working as a music teacher at a school in Brentwood (the west part of L.A. city). Additionally, we started going to church at a place that was about 40 miles east of home, as my mom was offered a job there. I also remember getting several Christmas presents that I enjoyed.

30 years ago (December 1985), I was 5 years old, in kindergarten, and I don't remember too much about any specifics at school. However, I do remember a particular gift I got for Christmas: Computron, an electronic educational toy with math and spelling games on it. (I still have it today, but I haven't used it in 20+ years. It's packed away nicely.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/28/15 at 10:09 pm

10 years ago (December 2005), I went ... with my dad to Palm Desert so we could visit his parents. Some good times.

And it was on this date, the 28th of December, that we went out there. It was only the second time that I or my dad had traveled out to the desert, coincidentally 18 years to the day after we all went out there for the first time. My grandparents had bought a house out there sometime in the 1980s and were living out there part-time before moving out there full-time in the late 90s. The drive out there in '05 took a long time, but was fine.

And now, ten years later, he is visiting us, and we'll be driving him back home tomorrow morning, so we'll be making that drive again.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/31/15 at 5:25 pm

I also would like to mention that 25 years ago, my family and I began going out of town for New Year's Eve, spending a night at a hotel (close to the beach) and coming home on New Year's Day. This occasion (1990-91) we spent New Year's Eve at the Country Inn hotel in Port Hueneme, within walking distance of the beach; and we enjoyed the experience! :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/04/16 at 7:14 pm

5 years ago (January 2011)... I was continuing to look for work while still doing volunteer work at one particular place. Near the end of the month, I attended a motivational job search workshop at the local library, and that seemed to help, but overall I felt like I wasn't really getting very far. So I was at home for the most part, and I'm pretty sure I walked my little Chloe dog every day.

10 years ago (January 2006)... I was on break from my academics at CSU Northridge. Well, mostly. Every week during the month, I would go to campus one day to do volunteering; at the time I was working on an ongoing project. Then at the end of the month, I started the Spring semester (and that would ultimately turn out to be one of my best academic semesters ever).

15 years ago (January 2001)... this was probably the middle of a "transitional" period for me. I had the whole month off from school, mostly because I was going to be starting at a new community college, but their Spring semester didn't start until February. So mostly I hung around at "home", which in this case was my grandma's house, which we were temporarily living in while our new house was being constructed. We were still continuing to go out every week to take a look at the progress (something that excited us). So it was a transitional period in that I was between schools and between homes.

20 years ago (January 1996)... I was mostly busy in one way or another, being a sophomore in high school. This was the final month of the first semester, and I was completing several assignments for the classes I was in, including a family tree project for one class and several essays for my English class. Also, I had a tennis class for the first period of the day, and by this month it was very cold outside in the morning so I had to go and buy some sweats in order to be comfortable.

25 years ago (January 1991)... well, I was in one way or another enjoying school, being a fifth grader; outside of school in my spare time I would write some silly stories in a spiral notebook, getting inspiration from various things I saw on TV (such as cartoons and certain things that the characters were involved in). I was also adjusting to getting up very early on Sunday mornings every other week because my mom began working at a church that was a long distance from home.

30 years ago (January 1986)... I was mostly enjoying my toys at home, while also having a good time in kindergarten; I had several buddies in my class.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 02/01/16 at 8:20 pm

I'm reversing the order for the heck of it lol

February 1986 - I was about to turn a year old in a few short weeks.

February 1991 - Kindergarten me was shy from the start of school.

February 1996 - We had these snails in science class and I remember I would go over and play with them instead of paying attention in class lol

February 2001- I had just quit my job at the local grocery store.

February 2006 - My mom told my step father she had had enough. This was back in January but I declare February as when we were free.

February 2011 - My sister was now living on her own for the first time. Well with her fiance but still own from family.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/02/16 at 11:07 pm


February 1986: I was in kindergarten, having a good time with other 5-year-old kids. That's all I can remember, in a nutshell (although I do have memories of later in the year).

February 1991: I was in 5th grade; it was on Tuesday the 12th when I started to mainstream into a "regular" math class, having been in special ed for all subjects up to this point. Math had always been my favorite subject, even then, and I had demonstrated that I could do well in the subject. I was also "in my own world" so to speak, outside of school.

February 1996: The middle of my high school sophomore year. The fall semester ended on Groundhog Day, so the spring semester began on Monday the 5th; that was when my schedule of classes was screwed up. To keep me in the "honors" math class, the counselors (or whoever was in charge of students' individual program schedules) moved me into "regular" P.E. for a different period, rather than keep me in the tennis class, so during that week I arranged with them to move me back into tennis class, and place me in a regular math class. Later in the month, on Valentines Day, my parents gave me a bag of See's chocolate hearts (for the first time), and I decided, on my own, to bring them to school and hand 'em out to the girls. :D

February 2001: Perhaps a very memorable month for me. :) On Monday the 5th I began my only general-ed semester at Pierce College (needless to say, a week later I ended up swapping one history class for a better one), and only had classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. It was about this time that our new house was finished... and on Thursday the 15th, our escrow closed, so we got the keys and were very excited! During the weekend, we started moving some of our stuff into the house, and the professional movers moved everything else in on Tuesday the 20th.

February 2006: In addition to taking classes for my liberal arts degree at CSU Northridge, I also returned to Pierce College for computer-programming classes (this was for a certificate in programming, which I'd hoped would help me find a job). Fortunately for me, my classes at Pierce were on Monday/Wednesday, whereas my CSUN classes were on Tuesday/Thursday, so I didn't have to be at two campuses on any one day. Still, this was the start of one of my least stressful semesters. I also handed out chocolate hearts to my lady friends on the 14th (and subsequent days).

February 2011: I was still on the hunt for employment. When I wasn't at home doing next to nothing, I did volunteer work. I also had a personal project going on: making a scrapbook photo album with some of my childhood photos, as the old album (one with sticky pages) started fraying. I had been inspired to do this after my parents did a similar project with one of their 1970s photo albums a month earlier.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/15/16 at 2:30 pm

February 2001: Perhaps a very memorable month for me. :) On Monday the 5th I began my only general-ed semester at Pierce College (needless to say, a week later I ended up swapping one history class for a better one), and only had classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. It was about this time that our new house was finished... and on Thursday the 15th, our escrow closed, so we got the keys and were very excited! During the weekend, we started moving some of our stuff into the house, and the professional movers moved everything else in on Tuesday the 20th.

This morning my family and I were remembering this historic day and how excited we were to finally get our new house. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/20/16 at 3:10 pm

...and this was the day 15 years ago when we moved all of our stuff into the house and officially began living in it. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/04/16 at 12:48 pm

5 years ago (March 2011): Not doing much, except for volunteer work at a certain place, and trying to find work somewhere.

10 years ago (March 2006): Having a good time. I was doing very well in all my college courses; this included midterm exams. I also socialized with lady friends on campus, as well as on the train going to and from home. :) Many pleasant memories.

15 years ago (March 2001): Now settled into our new home, we were enjoying it, although we still needed to buy furniture for our living room (which we did a month later). Academically, I was doing well at Pierce College.

20 years ago (March 1996): Basically concentrating on my academic life as a high school sophomore. Also remaining popular with many girls. :)

25 years ago (March 1991): At the beginning of the month, my bedroom had a leak in the wall. So we had to clear out my bedroom, moving my bed out to the living room, where I slept each night during the month. I also cleared out my closet and moved those items into the living room as well. The carpet in my bedroom needed replacement, and a drywall replaced the panel wall(s) that sprung a leak.  At the end of the month, I hunted for Easter eggs one last time (Easter was on the 31st that year).  In school, I adjusted well to being in a "regular" math class, while staying in special ed for other subjects.

30 years ago (March 1986): All I remember about that month was (1) my life in kindergarten, and (2) likely partaking in an Easter Egg hunt with my second-cousins at the end of the month (since Easter was on the 30th).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 03/11/16 at 10:53 am

5 years ago (March 2011): I turned 26.  My cats were finally best buds. They had only met a few months before.

10 years ago (March 2006): I turned 21. I wasn't into alcohol though. I've rarely drank. We were all settled into our little house.

15 years ago (March 2001): I turned 16. I was in the 10th grade. This very month that year is when WCW went off the air. I wrote a fake news piece to go with it.

20 years ago (March 1996): I turned 11.  It was the final year of Elementary school. I remember playing with snails in Science instead of paying attention to the teacher.

25 years ago (March 1991): I turned 6.  I was in Kindergarten. 

30 years ago (March 1986): I had my first birthday. I wish I could remember it. I do remember trying to eat an Easter egg but I think it was in April that year.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/11/16 at 11:46 am

30 years ago (March 1986): I had my first birthday. I wish I could remember it. I do remember trying to eat an Easter egg but I think it was in April that year.

Easter was March 30th in 1986, so sometime during the week you might have tried to eat said egg.

I honestly cannot remember anything from when I was one year old. Sure, my parents took pictures of me, but I don't have any actual memories of such events.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 03/11/16 at 1:25 pm

Easter was March 30th in 1986, so sometime during the week you might have tried to eat said egg.

I honestly cannot remember anything from when I was one year old. Sure, my parents took pictures of me, but I don't have any actual memories of such events.

I remember random things from childhood

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/11/16 at 1:28 pm

I remember random things from childhood

As do I.

The earliest thing on which I can remember the specific date was something that occurred in early 1984, when I was 3 1/2, namely, a tooth falling out of my mouth while eating an ice cream cone. Anything I might remember from before then would be a "fuzzy" memory.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Howard on 03/11/16 at 4:21 pm

I remember random things from childhood

same here, my memory is ok at best.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/04/16 at 11:23 pm

5 years ago (April 2011): I was still volunteer-working for the most part. Doing all I could to find paid work.

10 years ago (April 2006): Still had plenty of good times, both academically and socially, although most of my socializing was done at school or on the train to and from there (I commuted). During my spring break week (2nd week of the month) I took it easy for the most part.

15 years ago (April 2001): We finally started to organize our living room. We bought new furniture on Friday the 13th, and it was delivered less than a week later; I even remember us all moving the piano from the living room into the family room (it was a task!). Academically I was doing quite well.

20 years ago (April 1996): I had spring break during Easter week rather than Holy week; because of this, we were able to go out of town for a few days to celebrate my dad's birthday, which was that week. Elsewhere, I was an avid listener of Casey Kasem's "American Top 20" countdown (which he was hosting at the time); I listened to it every Sunday night on the radio.  On the 27th of the month, the Olympic Torch was passing through Los Angeles and I was able to get a picture or two of it.

25 years ago (April 1991): On Saturday the 6th, I was finally able to move back into my bedroom; the carpeting and wall had been fully replaced. In school I was enjoying my "regular" math class and doing fine in special-ed subjects. Oh, and my mom and I began reading some books together; we would often do this on weeknights or during the weekend. (We'd continue doing this into the summer.)

30 years ago (April 1986): I remember being in kindergarten. I also remember going to a Dodgers baseball game on Sunday the 27th, with my parents and some of their then-friends from church; the opposing team was the Atlanta Braves; Dodgers won the game 7-4; I particularly remember losing a tooth while eating a Dodger Dog (hotdog with an elongated frankfurter).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 04/05/16 at 10:21 am

You lost a tooth at a ballgame? That's cool!

I would like to see the pics of the Olympic torch if you can find them :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/05/16 at 6:13 pm

You lost a tooth at a ballgame? That's cool!

Yep, my parents even remember it. It was probably one of my front baby teeth, as they were both missing by June.

I would like to see the pics of the Olympic torch if you can find them :)

They're so-so; I'd have to see about scanning them in. I took two of them.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/14/16 at 8:26 pm

20 years ago (April 1996): I had spring break during Easter week rather than Holy week; because of this, we were able to go out of town for a few days to celebrate my dad's birthday, which was that week. Elsewhere, I was an avid listener of Casey Kasem's "American Top 20" countdown (which he was hosting at the time); I listened to it every Sunday night on the radio.  On the 27th of the month, the Olympic Torch was passing through Los Angeles and I was able to get a picture or two of it.

...and it was on this date 20 years ago (April the 14th, a Sunday), when I learned how to play pool. My family and I went to a gathering with other people we knew from church at the time, at the home of a family that had a gameroom in their home. The host family's son, then 8 or so, showed me how to play pool...and I won my first game! That was only because he accidentally pocketed the 8 ball, which I was going for (because I had pocketed all the solids, that is, 1 through 7), so I won by default!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: GH1996 on 04/16/16 at 3:34 pm

5 years ago (April 2011): Was in my freshman year of HS, I wasn't doing much at the time other than studying and off-season training for football.

10 years ago (April 2006): in 4th/5th grade? enjoying life before middle school, spending my days after school terrorizing the neighbourhood with friends or playing on my PS2.

15 years ago (April 2001): lived in the same neighbourhood, closer to the beach. loved the house we lived at, huge yard with the forest behind us, a pond with fish, always had wildlife in our yard, tree house, dads friends lived next door and would always have BBQ's & it was also pretty secluded away from everything. one of my favorite houses we lived in.

20 years ago (April 1996): in my mothers stomach, she was about 3 months pregnant with me, lived with my dads parents and then moved up north to Edmonton in October of 96

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: #Infinity on 04/27/16 at 5:23 am

5 Years Ago (April 2011): I was just about to finish high school classes, my anxiety about my high school crush on the verge of disaster. In the middle of the month, I ran my personal record in the 1600m dash in track. Around the end of the month, I officially decided on my college. Currently, my favorite non-eurobeat music albums were Stevie Wonder's Songs in the Key of Life, as well as Steely Dan's Aja and Can't Buy a Thrill. I was also extremely interested in 80s music and burned CD compilations of 80s hits to listen to in my car.

10 Years Ago (April 2006): Around this time, I was starting to become less interested in DDR and more in its mid-2000s competitor, In the Groove. I was also addicted to creating simfiles for StepMania, an open-source DDR simulator. I had just recently started using Internet forums, at this point being active at DDR Freak and Bemanistyle. My family was very close to moving to a larger home in the same neighborhood, which would happen within a matter of weeks.

15 Years Ago (April 2001): My elementary school put on a musical about Lewis & Clark around this time. I was still obsessed with Pokémon, having just gotten Pokémon Stadium 2, but I was also introduced to The Sims around this time. I also watched Nickelodeon during this time, but would soon abandon the channel after The Angry Beavers was cancelled and CatDog somehow became far less funny to me.

20 Years Ago (April 1996): This is about the earliest time I remember playing computer games in my life. I wouldn't get my first personal computer until about a year later, but my dad allowed me to use his Windows 95 to play CD-ROMs during my free time. In particular, the first educational tools I ever played were The Playroom, Get Ready for School: Kindergarten, and Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds. Meanwhile, my mom often took me to Burger King for lunch, where I remember getting this cool action figure of a redheaded girl in a green flying saucer (EDIT: I looked this up, apparently this toy was from 1997; for some reason, I thought I remembered owning it before Frollo and the gargoyles from Hunchback of Notre Dame, but I still distinctly remember going to Burger King before that movie came out in June 1996), and always ordered strawberry milkshakes. In my parents first-generation Ford Explorer, I listened predominantly to Raffi tapes, Banana Phone in particular. At the time, I still watched a lot of Barney & Friends and Thomas the Tank Engine, still flat-out in love with Kathy's "Me and My Best Teddy Bear" song, which I could relate to because of how attached I was to my own teddy bear, Mel (he's still in clear sight in my room today!). Even though Thomas was more of a toddler boy's thing, my predominantly feminine traits were in naked sight (I would soon come to idolize D.W. from Arthur). My sense of memory from this period was not quite fully consistent like it would be by autumn that year, but I can definitely recall actively living in April 1996.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/27/16 at 11:28 pm

20 years ago (April 1996): I had spring break during Easter week rather than Holy week; because of this, we were able to go out of town for a few days to celebrate my dad's birthday, which was that week. Elsewhere, I was an avid listener of Casey Kasem's "American Top 20" countdown (which he was hosting at the time); I listened to it every Sunday night on the radio.  On the 27th of the month, the Olympic Torch was passing through Los Angeles and I was able to get a picture or two of it.


30 years ago (April 1986): I remember being in kindergarten. I also remember going to a Dodgers baseball game on Sunday the 27th, with my parents and some of their then-friends from church; the opposing team was the Atlanta Braves; Dodgers won the game 7-4; I particularly remember losing a tooth while eating a Dodger Dog (hotdog with an elongated frankfurter).

Just realizing these two events occurred on this date, exactly 10 years apart!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/12/16 at 6:33 pm

All right, here we go...

5 years ago (May 2011): I was absent from this site for most of the month, due to my computer catching a virus, so I needed to have it repaired. Elsewhere, I began seeing a new job counselor because I wanted to take some serious steps to finding a I met one person who started taking me out in the field to look for potential employers. (Back then I only had a B.A. in Liberal Arts and a Computer Programming certificate to my name.)

10 years ago (May 2006): The Spring semester at CSUN was winding down, and I wondered how I was going to keep in touch with some of the lady friends I had made, including this one girl who was studying physical therapy. I talked with her about possibly inviting her to come to my place sometime during the summer, and she seemed interested...but that visit never came to fruition. At home, we finally started to paint our bedroom walls; they had all been white for five years. On Saturday the 20th we painted my bedroom walls; on Monday the 29th (Memorial Day) we painted my parents' room.

15 years ago (May 2001): This was basically the final month of the Spring Semester at Pierce College, and I was finishing up my general ed. I didn't have any big papers to write, since the classes I was taking were not too difficult. (And I managed to make a few friends.) On Monday the 28th, Memorial Day, my family and I finally had our housewarming party; most of the people who came over were family members.

20 years ago (May 1996): I was still a high school sophomore, doing my daily routine of going to classes and studying/doing homework; however, I was absent only one day -- Wednesday the 15th, because I had a cold and figured I'd probably infect people if I went to school. I still had some good times.

25 years ago (May 1991): I was in 5th grade, doing pretty much the same stuff as I'd been doing the previous months. Didn't miss any days of school. I can remember going to a Dodgers baseball game on Friday the 10th, and to the beach with my family on Sunday the 19th.

30 years ago (May 1986): Still in kindergarten; that school year was coming close to the end. Can't say I remember anything on any specific days, though.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/16/16 at 10:38 pm

5 years ago (June 2011): On most days I was doing a job hunt, with help from a job coach; he helped me to feel more confident about the process. social life took a positive turn on Saturday the 11th when I was cordially invited to a party with some friends I previously knew (from young adult ministry), so I had a good time. :)

10 years ago (June 2006): I had just finished one of my best semesters (academically) and was doing all I could to find a job of some nature. I continued to seek help from sources at Cal State Northridge; they helped me all I could. Also, for a few days I went on a brief mini-vacation trip with my dad to San Luis Obispo; it was nice for him and me to get away. During the final week of the month, my parents went on a mini-vacation trip of their own, leaving me to take care of our dog.

15 years ago (June 2001): I finished my academics at the community college (general ed) early in the month and was hangin' around at home for the most part. During the second week of the month, we finally got around to putting our backyard together; I even remember that we finally got our sod in place on Friday the 15th. A few days later, I rode the Metrolink train from our home all the way to downtown for the first time; this was to go to the office with my dad. In fact, in years ahead I would get accustomed to riding the train on this route (to go to Cal State Northridge for my degree)!

20 years ago (June 1996): My sophomore year of high school was ending... and when I got my yearbook on Monday the 10th, I started having my friends sign it (18 of whom were girls!). The last day of the school year was Thursday the 20th. Elsewhere, I helped my mom move to a new office at her then-workplace. Speaking of work, I had signed up for a summer youth-employment program so that I could gain some early work experience.

25 years ago (June 1991): I was finishing fifth grade, knowing full well that I would only have a two-month summer break, because a "year round" schedule was going to take effect soon after for the entire Los Angeles Unified School District. Elsewhere... I took my first-ever train trip on Sunday the 2nd: a ride on the Amtrak from L.A. Union Station to San Juan Capistrano, with my parents; in Capistrano we visited a California mission and other places that were there.

30 years ago (June 1986): I finished kindergarten on Friday the 6th. Later in the month, my mom and I started getting together on a weekly basis with some of my other friends and their moms, to go to places like the beach, a park, or a museum... or somewhere similar. Plenty of fun times. O0

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/29/16 at 3:10 pm

5 years ago (July 2011): I was still doing my job hunt with my job coach, as well as continuing to do volunteer work at this one place (once a week). Elsewhere, I started to get more involved with a certain group of friends; I attended a birthday celebration for one of them on the 6th; this same person, a young woman, had a going away party four days later, so I wished her well. I also had a nice time on my birthday.

10 years ago (July 2006): I had some eventful things going on. I continued to seek employment opportunities through sources at CSU Northridge while continuing to volunteer at the Family Focus Center on campus; by this time, my work over there was almost completed. On Sunday the 9th I played golf with my dad in the morning; two days later I had a nice birthday (although that day, Tuesday the 11th, was one of the days that I went to CSUN). Later in the month I connected with young adults at church for the annual speaker series I've helped out with. Some good times.

15 years ago (July 2001): Where do I begin? Well, we were continuing to fix up our new house, inside and out, after moving into it five months earlier. This was also the month that I turned 21; my parents took the day off for my birthday so they could spend time with me; we decided to take a little day trip up the coast (as far north as San Luis Obispo); on the way back we stopped at a casino in Santa Ynez so I could see what it was like... but the environment overall didn't really capture my interest. Later on I prepared for my studies at Cal State Northridge, where I would begin my studies a month later.

20 years ago (July 1996): I celebrated my 16th birthday with my parents and one of my childhood friends, with the four of us spending a day at Knotts Berry Farm; we did this five days before my actual birthday. The second week of the month, I had my very first taste of work experience: I worked five days a week in the main office of a local elementary school, doing various office work; I also attended one summer-school class in the morning as part of this "summer youth employment program."

25 years ago (July 1991): I had several eventful things going on. For one thing, my mom and I read several books together, even going to the library to check a few out; we enjoyed doing this. I turned 11 on the 11th; I remember one of my presents being a Nintendo Game Boy, and the other being my very first diary (I had asked for a diary after reading a novel about a boy who keeps a diary; this was my inspiration)... and for my birthday, we spent a couple days at the beach. The third week of the month, I went to camp for the first time, and while I had some fun experiences, such as riding horses and partaking in various activities, some of the kids were mean to me, possibly because this had been my very first experience of being away from home, with other kids in a different type of setting. (Kids at that age seem to make generalizations, it seems.) In my spare time at home, I would sometimes draw doodles.

30 years ago (July 1986): I remember turning 6 and having a sea-themed birthday party with my kindergarten classmates. I also remember my mom and I having weekly get-togethers with some of my friends and their respective moms; we would all meet at a place like a park, a museum, or a beach, or even the L.A. Zoo, and all have a great time. In my spare time at home, I probably played with my toys.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: TheKid99 on 08/10/16 at 12:50 am

This month, August 2016: I have been on a journey to find myself this summer and I think I have finally done so, I will be starting my junior year in high school with an entirely new outlook on life, life is going great, Very happy with myself and where I am.

5 years ago, August 2011:Was starting 6th grade at a new school, St Johns, and a school I would absolutely regret going to for the rest of my life for various reasons. Had just fully moved into my current house, which we never should have moved to this house despite it being our only option, due to our house being foreclosed on. I remember Hurricane Irene very well. Fiscal Cliff happened and I remember that surprisingly very well with me thinking it was the end of the world that our credit was downgraded from AAA to AA.

10 years ago, August 2006: I was just starting 1st grade! Hard to believe this was that long ago! This was one INSANELY hot month IIRC, like it was literally 100 degrees even when we were starting school and it was so hot they cancelled football practice a lot during this time. We had jsut finished renovating our house with new carpet, an updated kitchen and tile in the Living and Dining room, a 10,000 renovation to try and up the value of our house... parents were thinking about selling the house at a cool 280,000 dollars and moving to a nice new subdivison but passed up on it. PArents had a very big fight with my dad possibly moving to Green Bay Wisconsin... Thank God that didnt happen!

15 years ago, August 2001: I have almost no idea of what I was doing in this world other than my parents starting to notice a lot of things were different about me, which lead to investigations which concluded I was in fact autistic.... and a Pre-9/11 world optimism that would be shattered.... my parents started looking for a new house to live in after our 2 bedroom (My bedroom was literally a closet) house was becoming ENTIRELY too small. They found the house in December 2001 and closed on it in January 2002.

20 years ago, August 1996: My parents had just moved into our old old house and my brother John was born!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: musicguy93 on 08/10/16 at 1:33 am

5 years ago, August 2011: It was the last bit of summer before my senior year of high school. I remember finishing up all my volunteer hours around the beginning of the month. I also continued to work for my mom's catering business. I was really into archery (which I started earlier in the year) and martial arts. And I had decided to take an ROP class on videography for that year. Still pretty socially awkward at this time, but was slowly improving (though things would go downhill a year later).

10 years ago, August 2006: I remember waiting anxiously for October, since that's when I would officially become a teenager. Around this time, I was really socially awkward. I guess it's typical when your going through puberty, but it wasn't helped by the fact that I was homeschooled, and had almost no social life. I still hung out with my friends from elementary school. I was playing basketball at the time (at a YMCA), and made a close friend, whom I didn't stay in contact with after I moved in 2008 (nor did I have much contact with my other friends either, after I moved). Around this time I was starting to get into crime movies, like The Godfather, Goodfellas, Casino, etc. My dad introduced me to a lot of those movies, and I saw it as sort of a "coming of age" for me. I was also starting to become obsessed with Kingdom Hearts around this time (It may have been a bit later though. Not 100% sure). I had bought the first game about a year or two prior, but lost interest in it until 2006. I played through the first game and the second, and I remember replaying them throughout the rest of 2006 and the entirety of 2007.

15 years ago, August 2001: This was around the time my grandfather (on my dad's side) passed away. All of my family from my dad's side came to visit in our house. It was a very tough time for the family, and unfortunately there was quite a bit of conflict going on in the house. On a happier note, I did get a puppy later that month (which was my first pet). I also made friends with a neighborhood girl, who had the same breed of dog as I did.

20 years ago, August 1996: Honestly, I don't really have any memories of this period. Just a few images in my head of a family trip to India. My earliest memories start a little after I turned 3 (a couple months later), while my more solid memories start at around age 4ish (which seems to be the case for a lot of people here).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: 2001 on 08/10/16 at 12:25 pm

5 years ago, August 2011: I moved from Toronto to Richmond Hill. My friends were really sad, but I was happy to finally get my own room! I was also preparing for university, went to a few orientation activities.

10 years ago, August 2006: It was the summer before high school. I was playing a bunch of MMOs, text-based browser games or my DS, most likely. I was really hyped for the Wii. My then 1-year-old sisters were probably learning how to walk, which was a beautiful thing to witness.

15 years ago, August 2001: I went to Singapore and Malaysia! I also stopped by and transferred airports in New York, it's kind of eerie that I was on an airplane headed to New York a month before 9/11.

20 years ago, August 1996: I honestly don't remember. I was probably at the park with my uncle or my aunt every day, or playing my NES and Atari.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/11/16 at 7:54 pm

This time I'm probably gonna have to make bulleted lists of each year, because I have lots of memories of each.

5 years ago - August 2011:
- My dog Chloe's health was deteriorating at such an alarming rate; first she was having trouble keeping food down, then she was hardly eating at all; the vet found out that it was a case of pancreatitis. She ultimately needed to be put down on the 15th, leaving all of us in sadness. :\'(
- We had a nice celebration for my maternal grandma's 90th birthday, despite our dog's health declining.
- On Saturday the 27th I went on a "day trip" with my parents for the first time in years, to have a good time.
- I continued to do volunteer work, while searching for paid opportunities.

10 years ago - August 2006:
- Still on summer break, I was still interested in working, even though I was still going to CSUN now and then to volunteer.
- I attended a young adult picnic on Sunday the 13th and had a great time; it was the third year in a row I went to such an event. :)
- At home I was either taking care of my dog or posting online just about every day.

15 years ago - August 2001:
- My parents were on vacation from work for two weeks; we didn't really go anywhere too far away, so it was more of a "staycation". We were also still getting acclimated to living in Oxnard, as it had been half a year since we moved there. This of course was our first summer without an air conditioner, but it didn't get too hot. (We would finally invest in one 4 years later.)
- I started attending California State University Northridge; the fall semester began on Monday the 27th. I had classes five days a week, including Calculus for one hour on all five days. For me, it was kind of a new adventure, going to school at a university for the first time. Started to make a few friends.

20 years ago - August 1996:
- During the first half of the month, I attended my summer session class in the morning and worked for four hours after then. I enjoyed my job; to recap, I assisted in the main office at an elementary school. Although my summer school class ended on Friday the 16th, I worked another week after that.
- Sunday the 18th, my great-uncle came over and gave me a chess set that he had put together all by himself; I happily thanked him for it and learned how to play chess on that very day. (My dad had taught me; my mom had no interest in chess and still doesn't today.)
- During the last week of the month, my parents and I went on a vacation trip up the California coast, to Monterey and Carmel. (For the record, I haven't been back there since.)

25 years ago - August 1991:
- I was at home for the most part, during the first week or so of the month. However, my mom and I managed one trip to the beach with one of her friends and that person's kids.
- We took a trip up north from the 14th to the 17th. On this trip, we stayed in Carmel, but drove up to Santa Cruz (and visited the Mystery Spot) and ultimately to San Francisco, somewhere I had not previously been, but was very much interested in visiting... and I enjoyed it! :)
- I had the unusual experience of starting school on the 19th of the month, thanks to a "Year round" schedule that had been implemented by the L.A. Unified School District. (The plan would only last two years, thankfully.) I was starting the 6th grade and was enjoying it for the most part, although the heat kinda got to me during the first week and I had to miss a day and a half. :P
- On the last day of the month we visited my mom's cousin and his family, who were camping at Carpinteria beach for the weekend.

30 years ago - August 1986:
- My mom and I continued to get together with my friends and their moms on a weekly basis and have a good time.
- Saturday the 23rd: I went on my very first vacation trip with my parents... first to Paso Robles, then to the Monterey/Carmel area. I was 6 at the time and loved the experience. One thing I remember well is visiting many parks with playgrounds. My parents say that for some reason I didn't want to walk on the beach (perhaps I might have not liked the water for some reason?), but seeing the beach was fun. :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/17/16 at 6:32 pm

5 years ago (September 2011): We began adjusting to life without our dog Chloe, who'd gone to heaven the previous month. I sought a new source for seeking employment (and would stick with this source for about a year). My parents went on a vacation trip the third week of the month, while I stayed home by myself... and I began attending a Bible Study with a group of friends that I was just beginning to hang out with regularly.

10 years ago (September 2006): I started a new college semester on the day after Labor Day, both at Cal State Northridge (for my Liberal Arts degree) and Pierce College (for certification in computer programming). On the 12th of the month, I ended a two-year volunteer-work stint at a place on campus, as the project was finally completed. I also continued to take ballroom dance classes at the dance studio near our home.

15 years ago (September 2001): (I know that the events of the 11th probably had an effect on all of us, but we can certainly discuss things besides that.) I was adjusting very well to life at CSU Northridge, starting to meet new people (mostly students) and making friends... and also concentrating on my academics. On most mornings, I'd ride the commuter train to and from campus, but sometimes my mom would drive me in because she worked in Canoga Park, which is relatively close to Northridge. Still, I have fond memories of being a first-year university student. :)

20 years ago (September 1996): I began my junior year of high school; it felt great to see some of my friends after the summer break. I was originally placed in a U.S. history class with a tough teacher that everyone seemed to dislike, but after seven school days everyone in the class got a different teacher who was much easier to deal with. This was also the month in which I started getting acquainted with lots of 80s music, as one radio station started playing a block of it on Friday nights (however, I would become a regular listener of it the following spring).

25 years ago (September 1991): I was well into my 6th grade year, in special ed for the most part, but mainstreaming into English and math (and even started with the D.A.R.E. program on the 9th), and was well-liked by several of the kids in the regular class. Outside of school, I started watching lots of TV, mainly kid-oriented programs; I guess I found 'em exciting in a sense.

30 years ago (September 1986): I began 1st grade at a private school; some of my kindergarten classmates were also in this class, in addition to several kids I'd not previously known, but I got to know them anyways. At home, my family and I would often watch several game shows at night, and I enjoyed those.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/26/16 at 11:02 pm

5 years ago (October 2011): I was still doing volunteer work once a week, while visiting with a "job developer" person to try seeking employment. Elsewhere I was continuing to attend Bible Study with this group of friends that I'd been in contact with for the previous few months, hoping to get together with them for other events (which I would do in the months/years ahead). I also enjoyed watching the World Series (for the record I rooted for the Cardinals, just like I did 5 years earlier). :D

10 years ago (October 2006): It was time for midterms at the colleges I was attending, so I was busy in that regard. I continued to socialize with the friends I made at CSUN and Pierce Colleges (and in retrospect, that might've been a good time for me to join Facebook! But I didn't). And of course I was following the baseball postseason, all the way through the World Series, which of course I also watched on TV.

15 years ago (October 2001): I had my first CSUN midterms, the last of which was on the last day of the month (Halloween) in my California Geography class. I was also continuing to get acquainted with life on the campus... which included playing a particular video game in the gameroom on a daily basis, until said game got taken away on Friday the 12th. Elsewhere... my parents' 25th anniversary was that month, and we had a nice celebration on Sunday the 21st at a church in Westlake Village.

20 years ago (October 1996): Most of what I remember from this month was my life at school, concentrating primarily on schoolwork, but also making friends with my classmates. More notably, on the 23rd of the month... a girl in one class came alongside me in the hallway and said "Hey Jeff, how ya doin'?" and placed her right arm around me; this felt really good, so I started giving hugs to girls. (But only to this particular one at first. Two days later another girl gave me a hug, which she initiated.)  Elsewhere... I did NOT watch the World Series that year, because it was Braves vs. Yankees, the two teams I despise the most.

25 years ago (October 1991): I was doing well in school, but on many days after school I was into watching TV, mainly kid-oriented programs such as cartoons. This was also the month when I got hooked on the sitcom Family Matters (I found the character Steve Urkel quite funny).

30 years ago (October 1986): I was in the first grade, getting well-acquainted with kids in the class, including those I was already friends with. In fact, I think two of them had birthdays that month, and they invited me to their parties.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: 2001 on 11/13/16 at 7:53 pm

5 years ago (November 2011): Probably studying my ass off for my university first semester final exams.

10 years ago (November 2006): I was extremely excited for the Wii launch. I also watched Borat.

15 years ago (November 2001): I remember SpongeBob Squarepants started to become really popular around then. The kids liked singing the theme song on the school bus.

20 years ago (November 1996): I was in kindergarten. Whenever my parents tried dropping me off at school, I'd run away on to the road.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/16/16 at 9:10 pm

5 years ago (November 2011): I had one get-together with friends when one of them celebrated a birthday at a bowling alley; I did some volunteer work every week; and I was still searching for a job each week. Oh, and my mom turned 60; we celebrated by throwing a surprise gathering for her on the night before.

10 years ago (November 2006): I was primarily concentrating on my academics, although I was also trying to be more social. In fact, on the 21st, I sat next to this girl in my Western Civilization class and started talking with her; she seemed quite friendly (and she was cute too); and for the record I remember her wearing something that really caught my eye; a week later I gave her a hug. (In retrospect, I kinda wish I'd joined Facebook then, but at the time I had no interest in social media.) Elsewhere, I remained active with learning to dance.

15 years ago (November 2001): With midterms out of the way, I continued to do well in my first semester in a university (Cal State Northridge), and in my spare time I would go to the microfilm room in the campus library to do research on sports statistics (this was before the website "" existed). We also celebrated my mom's 50th birthday, which was the day before Thanksgiving that year. I had plenty of memorable times.

20 years ago (November 1996): At school I was having some good times and others not so good (mostly with certain kids...but I would usually talk to girls every day), but I got through it all. Elsewhere, I was happy when Bill Clinton won reelection.

25 years ago (November 1991): I began taking karate classes in order to learn self defense; I also continued to do well in school. Around the middle of the month, we bought a brand new car - a Toyota Camry, which we would own for 20+ years. My mom turned 40, and we had a party for her at my grandma's house. This was also the first time we had Thanksgiving dinner at home (every year from 1980 through 1990, we would go to a family member's house). I was also really into watching TV each day.

30 years ago (November 1986): Let's see... other than being in first grade, I don't remember too much. Although I do remember that my parents replaced both of their cars, which were both getting up there in age.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/19/16 at 5:08 pm

5 years ago (December 2011): I was still on the hunt for a job; made some applications, but nothing further. I continued to do volunteer work, and started socializing with some of the other volunteers in one of the other departments at the place I volunteered. Elsewhere, I continued to have get-togethers with friends; this included a Christmas holiday party on the 18th and a birthday celebration on the 19th. (I think I may have shared a picture of one of these events on here a while back.) After Christmas, my parents and I went out to the desert to visit my paternal grandparents; my grandma's health was declining.

10 years ago (December 2006): The Fall semester was coming to a close, and final exams were held the week before Christmas, so I worked extra hard to make sure I passed my courses (which I did!). Also at CSUN I remained social with the ladies, and even started handing out Christmas cards to them (which they appreciated). 8) I was also on this site a lot every day (except for the days in the month when I was prepping for finals). Had a nice holiday season too.

15 years ago (December 2001): I finished my very first semester at Cal State Northridge; final exams were held the week of the 10th and I did well on all of them. Also for my family it was our first holiday season in our new home and we were excited about it. On another note, this is probably when I developed a fondness for the Shakira song "Whenever Wherever" (and its Spanish version), since it was climbing the charts at the time. (During the first few months of '02 I contemplated buying the CD.)

20 years ago (December 1996): I had good days at school, but when kids bothered me I tried to not let it bother me. On the day after Christmas I went roller-skating for the first time in four years (and the most recent time, to date) and had fun with that. And at home, I was longing for a new bed because I was outgrowing the one I had.

25 years ago (December 1991): When I wasn't at school or watching TV, I would hang around with a few friends I made in the neighborhood. They enjoyed riding their bikes, and I didn't really have one yet, so I wanted one for Christmas. And I got a new bike...on Christmas Eve, since it couldn't be wrapped or placed under the tree.

30 years ago (December 1986): I was in the first grade, and don't remember too much about things that happened each day... although I do remember one gift I got for Christmas: a HotWheels racing track.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/01/17 at 3:01 pm

Now we get into the years ending with "2" and "7"!

5 years ago (January 2012): Still searching in various places to look for a job, while continuing to volunteer. Later in the month I began attending a monthly workshop for personal and professional development; every month there would be one session, usually toward the end of the month; it would help me gain a profound sense of freedom and purpose.

10 years ago (January 2007): I was off from school at CSUN for most of the month; this gave me an opportunity to "regroup" in my life so to speak. (The spring semester began on Monday the 29th.) I also pursued the religious sacrament of Confirmation, as I was finally ready to go through with it. (This was also a life-changing experience for me.)

15 years ago (January 2002): My first winter break as a CSUN student. I was off for most of the month, mainly hangin' around at home. When the new semester began, on Monday the 28th, I had a good day...until I saw a young lady I knew at Mission College (and felt I was friends with, since she was nice), but unfortunately for me, she was too busy to talk. I also had my first exposure to Computer Science classes, which would ultimately prove to be kinda challenging.

20 years ago (January 1997): We started the year off by buying a new bed for me; when it got delivered to our home a couple days later, we went shopping for a night table to accompany it. At school, final exams were during the last week of the month.

25 years ago (January 1992): Due to the "year round" schedule that was in effect for the Los Angeles Unified School District, I had a super-long winter break, which covered the whole month of January. So I was enrolled in a winter-intersession class, which met every Monday-Friday during the morning hours; the session would end during the first week of February.

30 years ago (January 1987): Most of what I remember during the month had to do with either being at school in 1st grade, or watching TV in the evenings. I also remember having fun with my HotWheels racing track at home. :) Oh, and late in the month I was treated for strep throat. :o

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/10/17 at 1:33 pm

5 years ago (February 2012): I was continuing to volunteer at a certain place, and had made friends with a few of the other volunteers (young women, whom I handed out chocolate hearts to on Valentines Day)... and also continued to look for employment in various places. (In fact, I interviewed for an Admin Assistant position, which I ended up not getting selected for.) Later in the month, I went to my first Mardi Gras party, hosted by one of the young women in my bible study group; I had such a good time that I wanted to host a Mardi Gras party the following year!

10 years ago (February 2007): My academic semester was underway; it proved to be a busy time for me, even though I was only taking one class at CSUN (the others were computer-based courses at Pierce, a community college, three evenings a week). There were also a few young lady friends of mine I saw around campus on a regular basis; I even met one such person in the one class I was taking at CSUN. Oh, and on Saturday the 10th I went with my family to a doowop concert in Cerritos (featuring four bands from the doowop era that were still performing).

15 years ago (February 2002): I was starting to have my struggles with Computer Science classes at CSUN, particularly one class that involved programming in Java, which I knew cold at the time... so I asked other people for help, which in the long run didn't get me very far. But the one class I was doing well in, despite the challenges, was calculus. I also continued to make friends with various girls, whom I gave chocolate hearts to on Valentines Day.

20 years ago (February 1997): I began the second half of my high-school junior year, having pretty much the same classes as in the first half, with the same respective teachers... and was doing pretty well academically, except for chemistry.

25 years ago (February 1992): The winter-intersession ended during the first week of the month, so I was off school until the day after Presidents Day, when I resumed my regular school activities. (They were originally going to send us back to school on Valentines Day, but that was a Friday, but that would seem silly to do right before a three-day weekend.) I have memories of watching various programs on TV, as well as the Albertville Winter Olympics.

30 years ago (February 1987): Most of what I remember involves being at school in 1st grade. Sometime during the month I think my class took a field trip to the L.A. Zoo.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/20/17 at 7:34 pm

5 years ago (March 2012): I continued to do volunteer work and look for paid work... and also prepared for my very first cruise trip, which would start the following month!

10 years ago (March 2007): I was primarily concentrating on my academics, as this was kind of a demanding semester for me... especially since I had midterms in the latter part of the month. Amidst all that, I was keeping track of my pleasant conversations/encounters with friendly people.

15 years ago (March 2002): While the Computer Science courses continued to give me struggles, I was doing very well in Calculus (even though that course had some challenging chapters as well, which we were covering during that time). Also, I began taking an interest in MIDI files, as one website that I was visiting regularly at the time had a whole collection of them available for download; sometimes I would listen to them in my spare time (particularly those of popular songs that I liked).

20 years ago (March 1997): In school, I was going about my everyday activities; the last full week of the month was my spring break, as that was Holy Week that year. On Tuesday of that week I went with my mom to Disneyland and had a great time; this was our first time visiting the Toontown section of the park.

25 years ago (March 1992): I started feeling like I was watching too much TV at times, so I chose to give up certain programs for Lent, which worked to my advantage. In school I was doing well (reminder - I was in special ed for all subjects except for English and math).

30 years ago (March 1987): I remember being exposed to lots of religious music, as my parents were starting to become regular church musicians, so they needed recordings of such music to learn for singing/playing in the church. They often got together with other fellow musicians at the time to practice such music. (However, my mom was still a stay-at-home mom...until the summer months.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/27/17 at 11:06 pm

This time I'm gonna go the other way...

30 years ago (April 1987): Pretty much the usual for me: going to school in first grade, having fun with friends in the class... and watching various game shows on TV in the evening. I also remember having fun with my Easter basket.

25 years ago (April 1992): I still had my favorite TV programs that I enjoyed watching (mostly after school, but others in the evenings). At school I had several good days, even though I was absent for three such days. I also continued to enjoy riding my bike around the neighborhood and socializing with friends who also rode bikes. On Easter Sunday I came to the realization that I was outgrowing egg hunts, even though I enjoyed 'em as a younger child. And of course the L.A. Riots began at the end of the month, so that sorta had an effect on me since it was somewhat local.

20 years ago (April 1997): I began to get after-school tutoring for chemistry, since it was my weakest subject; I was doing well in my other classes. Midway through the month, I decided to start writing about my school days (particularly my interactions with friends and other people I knew) in a private book; this would last about four weeks (Sometimes I would even bring the book to school and write about things while they were fresh in my mind). now, listening to 80s music on Friday nights was pretty much a "must" for me; I really began to enjoy it more than ever.

15 years ago (April 2002): For me it was more struggles in the Computer Science classes and continued success in calculus. At the end of the month I once again saw this girl I'd met two years earlier in the community college, but once again she was too busy to have a lengthy conversation with me (and I even remember telling my parents about it at the end of the day).

10 years ago (April 2007): For the most part, I was busy with my studies. At the end of the month my parents got their first digital camera, and naturally I started longing for one.

5 years ago (April 2012): Pretty much the same as last month (more volunteer work; more searching for paid work). At the end of the month, I went on my very first cruise (with my parents)! :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/27/17 at 11:13 pm

5 years ago - May 2012:
As the month began, I was on my first cruise...a California Coastal. We had ports of call in San Francisco and San Diego; in both of them, we did a lot of exploring. There was also a port of call in Ensenada, Mexico, but we didn't get off the ship there; still, that was my first time seeing land outside of California. Had a great time. Then it was back to the job hunt for me, as I continued to also do volunteer work. Elsewhere, I began networking with other people, most of whom had their own businesses.

10 years ago - May 2007:
I was in my final month of a demanding semester, going to two colleges - CSUN for my undergrad degree; Pierce College for certification in computer programming - and working very hard to pass all my courses...which I eventually did. This included a paper for my CSUN class (Survey of the History of Latin America). Elsewhere...on Saturday the 19th, I received the sacrament of Confirmation, and went to a luncheon at Buca Di Beppo with my family.

15 years ago - May 2002:
The final month of my first spring semester at CSUN...I passed all my courses except for one (a computer science course that I would end up retaking in the summer session); I was just glad to be done with it all on Friday the 24th. Oh, earlier in the month I bought a copy of the Shakira album Laundry Service and enjoyed every single track on it once I got home and played it on my CD player. At the end of the month, during the Memorial Day week, my family and I flew to Minneapolis, MN, for a convention that my dad's work was involved in; the newspaper he worked for was nominated for a couple of awards. While in Minneapolis, we managed to have fun navigating the "skyway" system (elevated footbridges connecting buildings via the 2nd floor).

20 years ago - May 1997:
I was in the second-to-last month of my junior year of high school. While I did well academically for the most part (the single exception being chemistry), I tried to become more social in school; in fact, one of my buddies invited me to eat lunch with him and his friends, some of whom were seniors, but very friendly. Elsewhere, I spent the Memorial Day weekend listening to 80's music; the radio station in my area that was playing it regularly on Friday nights decided to play it all weekend long, so I listened to the songs while I was home.

25 years ago - May 1992:
Most every weekday I was in school, going about my daily business. On Thursday the 21st I rode in an airplane for the first time ever...from Burbank to San Jose; this was the start of a vacation trip which my parents and I took for the holiday weekend...renting a car in San Jose and then traveling to Monterey (for three nights) and down Highway 1 to San Luis Obispo...and back home on Memorial Day Monday. Traveling via airplane was a pleasurable experience for me.

30 years ago - May 1987:
Mostly I was enjoying life as a first-grader. The most notable event that month was my first spelling bee on Tuesday the 19th; I was the winner.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Redhairkid on 06/11/17 at 12:50 pm

5 Years Ago June 2012 Looking after my mother who died later that year.
10 Years Ago June 2007 I had just got Internet and was enjoying it.
15 Years Ago June 2002 Can't remember.
20 Years Ago June 1997 A good friend of mine died.
25 Years Ago June 1992 I was on a course I hated.
30 Years Ago June 1987 I began a college course. Best year of my life.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/23/17 at 4:37 pm

5 years ago - June 2012:
I started becoming more involved with "networking"; of course it was still new to me but I got to know many people. I still continued doing volunteer work; my supervisor there even wrote me a letter of recommendation (the only such letter I've received from any supervisor, to date).

10 years ago - June 2007:
With the spring academic semester having ended, I updated my resumè to include my computer skills, hoping that could help me find a job; I even did some lookin' around but came up empty. Later in the month I started taking a non-credit class in Dreamweaver at Ventura College, figuring that would be a good skill to add. During the last week of the month, our PC died, so I was going through withdrawal in not having a computer at home.

15 years ago - June 2002:
I enrolled in summer school at CSU Northridge, so that I could retake a computer science class that I didn't do well in. That seemed to go well for me. On Friday the 14th we visited the Disney California Adventure theme park for the first time.

20 years ago - June 1997:
My junior year of high school was coming to an end...and I had to say goodbye to my friends who were seniors (since they were graduating). Still, I was able to get plenty of signatures in my yearbook (27 of which were from girls, some of whom were in the aforementioned graduating class).

25 years ago - June 1992:
I graduated from 6th grade on the 25th, even though the actual last day of the school year was the 30th (which I thought seemed silly). My interest in certain TV programs was finally starting to wane, even though I liked some of them to a certain extent.

30 years ago - June 1987:
I finished first grade on the 19th, and then started weekly get-togethers with my friends the following week. I think I also took a trip to Disneyland with my parents and uncles on the 26th.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/10/17 at 2:29 pm

5 years ago - July 2012:
I was doing more networking and volunteer work, as well as getting together with friends. In fact, I went to a 4th of July party with friends at one of their homes, and celebrated my birthday with them by going out to dinner.

10 years ago - July 2007:
I was still going through withdrawal without a computer...until my dad hooked up his laptop for us to use. More notably, I enrolled in driving school so that I could finally get my license! (In fact, my instructor was a good guy, so I enjoyed learning from him.) I also continued to take dance classes/lessons.

15 years ago - July 2002:
I continued with my summer class at CSUN, which ended at the end of the month. On the days I didn't have class, I was usually at home. My mom ended a job after 3 years in it; she was offered another position elsewhere.

20 years ago - July 1997:
I began a second year of work experience, working at the same school I worked at the previous year; I supplemented this by taking a typing class at high school. I spent the day after my birthday with my parents and my mom's cousin (and his family) at the beach and then going to the Orange County Fair. Later in the month I began taking swim lessons, since I really wanted to learn how to swim this time.

25 years ago - July 1992:
I had some good times. For 4th Of July we spent a couple days at the beach in Port Hueneme; we went miniature golfing on my birthday and spent the next day at Disneyland; the following weekend we spent a night in Carlsbad (it was my first time there). Whenever I was at home, I would often spend time going through my old Highlights magazines and writing down all the jokes in a notebook (intending to compile my own joke book, which never actually came to fruition).

30 years ago - July 1987:
I had a nice birthday with my 1st grade classmates (it fell on a Saturday, so that was a perfect day to have a party). Then for two weeks, I was enrolled in a Music Camp (with other kids) at a place in Burbank; I enjoyed that experience.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/18/17 at 11:00 pm

5 years ago - August 2012:
I continued to do volunteer work and look for paid work. (I'd been meeting regularly with an advisor at a community college, but this person didn't really have anything more to offer me after the 20th.) In my paternal grandmother's health was declining quickly due to her Alzheimers condition, and she passed away early on the 21st.

10 years ago - August 2007:
I finished my formal driving lessons and then took the test for my license...and passed! As with last month, I was taking dance classes/lessons as well; this was when I started the salsa class. On Monday the 27th I began yet another year at CSU Northridge; I especially remember the weather being quite warm during that week of the month.

15 years ago - August 2002:
My summer class at CSUN was finished, so on most days I was hangin' around at home...until the final week of the month, when I started my second year at said college. In other events...a childhood friend of mine got married on Saturday the 3rd; and my mom's friend from Illinois came out to visit us with her two youngest kids for a few days.

20 years ago - August 1997:
During the first half of the month I continued with my typing class and my summer employment, both of which ended on Friday the 15th. Then I spent most of the remainder of the month preparing for my senior year of high school. In fact, I went to have my senior portraits taken on the 1st of the month...but they didn't come out very well so I scheduled a retake of them on the 29th, and that worked out much better. I also continued with my swim lessons and seemed to enjoy that...but could not continue past the end of the month (due to seasonal changes and other circumstances).

25 years ago - August 1992:
During the first half of the month, I hung around at home on most days, finding things to do...but I was also taking karate lessons to learn self defense. On Tuesday the 18th, I began junior high (aka middle school, although the terms were used interchangeably), which was a whole new experience for me... but I caught on well.

30 years ago - August 1987:
I got together with some of my friends (and their respective moms) at least once a week...and that was enjoyable. Other than that, I don't remember too much... although I think this was when I started to become interested in maps.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/28/17 at 1:09 am

30 years ago - August 1987:
I got together with some of my friends (and their respective moms) at least once a week...and that was enjoyable. Other than that, I don't remember too much... although I think this was when I started to become interested in maps.

I also remember that this is approximately when my mom went back to work, albeit part time, after being a stay-at-home mom.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: karen on 08/29/17 at 4:16 pm

5 years ago - August 2012:
I was getting ready to go back to work at my new job that I'd started in early July in the school my daughter attended. We had a family day out in the Peak District

10 years ago - August 2007:
We had not long started living in the USA and we moved from a hotel to a condo for a couple of weeks (the house move was scheduled for September 1st). Elizabeth was learning to read a street map as we worked out things were in our new town and she navigated while I drove.

15 years ago - August 2002:
My daughter started a new nursery part time that was part of the primary school she would attend next year. The entrance to our house was being rebuilt after a car drove into in mid-July.

20 years ago - August 1997:
I was completing my project and report for my MSc. Plus we had not long moved house so there was probably some redecorating and furniture buying going on. Of course this is month/year
Princess Diana died.

25 years ago - August 1992:
Finalising plans for my wedding, probably making wedding favours and last minute invitations, making sure people had somewhere to stay, etc. I seem to recall running around trying to buy ivory shoes to match my dress.

30 years ago - August 1987:
I turned 18! Went to a local nightclub with friends for the occasion. I had been working at the local university for a year and had a pay rise as a result.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/12/17 at 6:13 pm

5 years ago (September 2012):
I continued to do networking and volunteer work; sometime during the month, a mentor encouraged me to seek other volunteering opportunities, such as the library, so I applied to be a library volunteer. That worked out! I also sought guidance in other places.

10 years ago (September 2007):
While I continued my studies at CSU Northridge (in what I figured would be my final year there), I began one final semester at Pierce College for certification in Computer Programming, although the one class I took there would be for learning about databases. Elsewhere, my parents prepared for their very first cruise, which would happen the following month.

15 years ago (September 2002):
Into my second year at CSU Northridge, I took five different classes (including three that met on Mondays/Wednesdays), for a total of 15 units... not realizing at first how challenging that would turn out to be. While I was in classes Mondays thru Thursdays, sometimes I would need to go in on a Friday to get caught up on some assignments.

20 years ago (September 1997):
I began my senior year of high school! During the first period of the school day, I would help out in the school's counseling office. The other periods I had my classes, some of which would turn out to be quite challenging. (Case in point, I took calculus that semester, but I had a hard time keeping up with the pace of the course. Another class I had, Modern Literature, was quite challenging but I stayed in it so I could learn the subject.) At the end of the month I remember feeling somewhat sick.

25 years ago (September 1992):
I was in the 7th grade, doing pretty well in school for the most part. Kids had started to pick on me, but it wasn't so bad as of yet. (I seem to remember enjoying my PE class, for some reason.) Around the middle of the month I remember donating my Highlights magazines to a local library.

30 years ago (September 1987):
I began the 2nd grade, with most of my classmates being the same as those of my 1st grade class. My mom began teaching music to the school I was in, so I enjoyed that. This was also the month that Pope John Paul II made his visit to Los Angeles, and I remember being excited about that (in fact, my mom even sang in the Papal Choir).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Longaotian00 on 09/15/17 at 2:36 pm

5 years ago (September 2012): tbh I can't even remeber what I was exactly doing, however I was year 8 at High School and probably just doing PE and just enjoying how easy I had it back then.

10 years ago (September 2007): I was in year 3 at my Primary School and I remember all the scary stories that my teacher told us. I also remeber being at my old house having so much fun and hanging out with my neighbours and going to the playground and playing on the PS2/N64, however my parents were starting to look for a new house to move to :\'(

15 years ago (September 2002): No clue tbh, I was only 2. However I know I might have been playing in the sandpit at my kindergarten that I used to go to, I loved going in the sandpit lol, or I could have been just hanging out at my house. I do vaguely remmebr that my sister fell and broke her arm though, and I'm pretty sure it was around this time.

20 years ago (September 2007): Lol soz can't go back any further cause I wasnt alive here ;)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: d90 on 09/17/17 at 3:39 pm

30 years ago-September 1987. I was not born yet

25 years ago- September 1992. I was 2 years old back then and my mom had her 38th birthday

20 years ago- September 1997. I was 7 years old. It was my last school year attending Foothill Knolls Elementary school. It was the 2nd school year that I had Mrs Noyes as a teacher.

15 years ago- September 2002. My school had an assembly about 9/11 and everyone in my grade had their class picture taken. At home I was drawing maps on butcher block and drawing comic strips about a time traveler named Time Dude that I had started doing a month prior.

10 years ago- September 2007. I was in the 11th grade. My favorite websites to browse were video game websites.It was a year and one month ago that I started making pictures in Microsoft Paint listening to music and making videos with Windows Movie Maker on the New Computer that i got.

5 years ago- September 2012. I was attending Chaffey College. 

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/17/17 at 6:25 pm

15 years ago- September 2002. My school had an assembly about 9/11 and everyone in my grade had their class picture taken. At home I was drawing maps on butcher block and drawing comic strips about a time traveler named Time Dude that I had started doing a month prior.

Oh yes, the one-year anniversary was that month. I remember it well.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: GH1996 on 09/24/17 at 10:51 pm

20 years ago- September 1997. i was almost a year old, lived with my grandparents in my dads childhood home which they sold in around 2000 after living there since 1953

15 years ago- September 2002. first time starting elementary (1st grade), remember that i was super nervous my first day and hid under the table haha..

10 years ago- September 2007. started middle school, went to a small elementary school (around 150 students or so) to a middle school not too far from my house pushing around 850 students so it was bit of a change and made lots of friends.

5 years ago- September 2012. had just started 10th grade, made to move up to varsity for football

Current day: have been living in melbourne australia for about 5 months (moved from canada), snowboarding and surfing, loving it here and have made heaps of friends and have found a pretty cool girlfriend!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: DesiredUsernameWasTaken on 09/29/17 at 4:26 pm

September 1997
I was conceived.

September 2002
I started school and met most of the people I know now.

September (30), 2007
Experienced the worst day of my life.

September 2012
Started senior high.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/16/17 at 11:13 am

5 years ago - October 2012: I began volunteering at the library, while also continuing to seek employment from various sources (including attending the networking meetings, where I met some friendly people). I enjoyed the library environment, wondering if someday I could actually work there.

10 years ago - October 2007: I was in the middle of the fall semester, mainly concentrating on academics, also socializing whenever possible. From the 20th to the 27th, my parents went on their very first cruise, leaving me to take care of the dog (which I didn't mind doing); this gave me a taste of independent living (in a sense); I had to drive myself to and from the train station three days during the week, and be careful not to leave my dog all alone for too long. When my parents returned from their week-long cruise, they told me how much they really enjoyed it!

15 years ago - October 2002: The middle of a very busy semester for me. Even though my classes were Monday through Thursday, I still had to go to campus on Fridays a couple times, in order to get caught up on various assignments. Elsewhere, I was enthusiastically paying attention to the baseball postseason, since the Angels were in it...and I rooted for them all the way into the World Series! One song I enjoyed that was moderately popular on the radio at that time was "Breathe Your Name" by Sixpence None The Richer.

20 years ago - October 1997: I was starting to falter a bit during my senior year of high school, as one class in particular was quite challenging for me (Modern Literature). Still, on Tuesday the 14th, I went with members of my class to Six Flag Magic Mountain for the Senior Class Picnic and had a good time with them (however, I had to leave after lunch; I told 'em I had a doctors appointment, and they understood). So, most of the month for me was spent on my studies. On Sunday the 26th I remember watching Game Seven of the World Series between the Cleveland Indians and Miami Marlins, while simultaneously working on a "Dia De Los Muertos" project for my Spanish class. (Yep, even then I knew how to multitask.)

25 years ago - October 1992: For the most part, I had a good time with junior high life, since I was still fairly new to it. However, I missed a week of school near the end of the month due to an illness I had. Elsewhere... during the World Series I became aware of theAtlanta Braves' Tomohawk Chant and hence decided I didn't like that team; so I rooted for the Blue Jays and they ended up winning.

30 years ago - October 1987: I seem to remember being sick a lot during the month; it was discovered that my tonsils were giving me eating problems. Since Halloween fell on a Saturday that year, I wore my "ALF" costume to school on Friday, the 30th; on Saturday the 31st I spent most of the day sleeping on the couch since I felt unwell.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: d90 on 10/26/17 at 2:10 am

October 1987. Not born yet
October 1992. I was 2 years old. I don't have any specific memory of what I did that month.
October 1997. My class went on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch near Foothill Blvd and Grove. There were a lot of Pumpkins and some haystacks. After that my class had Del Taco with the principal.
October 2002. I was in 6th grade back then. There was a lot of windy weather back then.
October 2007. I was 17 years and I was in 11th grade. My art class took a class photo.
October 2012.  I was attending Chaffey College.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/18/17 at 6:16 pm

5 years ago - November 2012: I was continuing to do networking, as well as find other ways to find work. Also continuing to enjoy volunteering at the library, doing various tasks.

10 years ago - November 2007: Continuing with my studies at two different colleges (liberal arts at CSU Northridge; computer programming certificate at Pierce). (Also, it was on the 2nd of the month when I achieved 100,000 posts on this site!)

15 years ago - November 2002: Continuing to stay busy with my computer-sci courses at CSU Northridge; I really felt the demand for them by this time. I have other great memories of the month, too numerous to discuss here.

20 years ago - November 1997: I was mostly concentrating on my schoolwork as a high-school senior. Two staff members from my school appeared on the "Wheel Of Fortune" episode that aired on Thanksgiving day, so I made sure to watch that (they had mentioned a month or so in advance that they'd be on there; they ended up winning the game). In other regards, every Friday night I was staying up past midnight to listen to 80s music on the radio.

25 years ago - November 1992: I was in 7th grade, still enjoying it for the most part, although I think some kids may have started picking on me. I also remember being excited about Bill Clinton being elected president (my social studies class even studied the presidential election for much of October). At home, my family hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the second straight year.

30 years ago - November 1987: One thing I remember very clearly about this month was having my tonsils removed on Monday the 9th. Once they were gone, I needed to stay home from school for two weeks to recover; my grandma often spent the days with me at home since my mom had already started going back to work each day. (Grandma and I would sometimes watch game shows on TV; this was probably the first time I can remember watching "The Price Is Right", the only game show active back then that is still on today.) Once I went back to school on Monday the 23rd, my 2nd grade class presented me with a "Get well" card.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/16/17 at 10:59 pm

I'm going to make bulleted lists for each month-year this time.

5 years ago - December 2012:
- I continued to attend networking meetings (starting to make friends with some of the people I met in these meetings), and volunteering at the library. Some good times.
- The monthly workshop for personal and professional development that I was attending, had its final session on the 28th. I kept in touch with the attendees, as well as the facilitator, in a Facebook group.
- My bible study sessions had terminated, but I still kept contact with those in the group, so we could continue to plan get-togethers in the months ahead.

10 years ago - December 2007:
- Another academic semester was ending. At CSUN, I did a "graduation check" with my advisor early in the month, since I was planning to be there for only one more semester (and graduate five months later). My only actual exam at CSUN was on Monday the 17th. At Pierce College, I had my final for the class there on Tuesday the 18th, thereby completing the "computer programming" certificate.
- I began exchanging Christmas holiday cards with folks on this site, and had lots of fun with it!
- I also handed out cards to my friends in college.

15 years ago - December 2002:
- I finished what was my most challenging semester in terms of number of units. It felt good to be done with all the exams and coursework, but I felt sick the next day from all the stress involved.
- When the exams were over, I could focus on decorating my home for the holidays.
- We had a holiday party at our home on Friday the 27th; I invited a friend of mine from CSUN and she came.

20 years ago - December 1997:
- As a senior in high school, I was doing pretty well academically except for one class, Modern Literature. (I often used my study period to get help with it.) Last day of school before the holiday break was Thursday the 18th.
- The weekend before Christmas, I spent some time at my then-church, helping to organize food to distribute to less fortunate families/households in the area.
- My paternal grandparents moved out to Palm Desert full-time, so they didn't join us for Christmas.
- The last few days of the year, my family and I went away to Pismo Beach, to the Sea Venture hotel. Had a great time, even though I ended up getting my own room for free because the one we were assigned to could not safely handle more than two people.

25 years ago - December 1992:
- At school, everything was pretty much "the usual". Due to the year-round schedule that was in effect, the first semester ended on Friday the 18th, which was also the last day before the long winter holiday break.
- For most of the month, I could not seem to go two weeks without getting a headache, and I didn't know why. (In fact, I even remember feeling like that on this date, the 16th, possibly also due in part to catching a bug from a school classmate of mine.) Sometime after Christmas I think we visited a neurologist.
- I enjoyed Christmas. We had our dinner at my grandparents' house due to my mom's busy schedule of singing at various Christmas services, leaving us no time for actual meal preparations at our own home.

30 years ago - December 1987:
- I don't remember a great deal about much of the month, except for the days leading up to Christmas (after school was out for a couple weeks). But this was the last Christmas that my great-grandma would be alive (she would pass away seven months later).
- This was also the first time that we visited my paternal grandparents at their house in Palm Desert; we journeyed out there on Monday the 28th. I thought it was kind of interesting to be out there. They took us out to dinner, and we spent a night at their place. (Ten years later they would move out there full-time, into a different house... which we would need to sell in 2016 after they both died.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/27/17 at 12:01 pm

I'm going to make bulleted lists for each month-year this time.

5 years ago - December 2012:
- I continued to attend networking meetings (starting to make friends with some of the people I met in these meetings), and volunteering at the library. Some good times.
- The monthly workshop for personal and professional development that I was attending, had its final session on the 28th. I kept in touch with the attendees, as well as the facilitator, in a Facebook group.
- My bible study sessions had terminated, but I still kept contact with those in the group, so we could continue to plan get-togethers in the months ahead.

One thing I would like to add... it was five years ago today (December 27th of 2012) when I was offered a paid work by a person I met in my networking group... she co-owned a small toy shop in downtown Ventura. I spent three hours doing some data-entry work, and was paid in cash as soon as I was done... and even though it was good to do a task and get paid for it, I think the woman might have had issues with me (what happened was, she called my house to ask my parents if I had some sort of disorder...which is illegal for prospective employers to do), so I decided not to return to this place for further opportunities. (Needless to say, the store closed its doors a year-and-a-half later.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/03/18 at 10:37 pm

Now we get into the years ending with "3" and "8"...

5 years ago - January 2013:
At the beginning of the month, I made an appointment to visit a guidance counselor to discuss the rather upsetting experience I had with the "work" I did at the end of the previous month; the guidance counselor helped me feel better about the situation. I also continued to attend networking meetings, hoping to find some kind of work... but on the 22nd I was introduced to a staffing agency, which I visited and registered with. I continued to do volunteer work, as well (by now I was getting well-acquainted with certain staff members at the library).

10 years ago - January 2008:
I prepared for what I figured was going to be my final semester at CSU Northridge; the semester started for me on the 23rd, and I had two specific classes to take (one of which met on Wednesday evenings, so I would need to come home late on those days). During my time off, I was mostly at home, taking care of the dog.

15 years ago - January 2003:
We started the month by looking to adopt a dog (whose picture we'd found on the internet at the end of December); on the 16th, we officially adopted the dog, a long-coat Chihuahua mix, whom we named Chloe; the people at the chihuahua rescue facility brought the dog to our house and made sure the place was suitable for her. Chloe had difficulties adjusting to our household at first, but eventually caught on; in fact, I stayed at home with her for a week while waiting to start another academic semester at CSUN. On the 27th, I was back in school...for what would be a challenging semester, consisting mainly of upper-division courses.

20 years ago - January 1998:
The final month of my first semester of my senior year of high school. I went back to school on the 12th; I worked mightily hard to maintain good grades in all my classes... which I eventually passed. I just remember that it felt great to be done with the semester on Friday the 30th.

25 years ago - January 1993:
Once again, the "year-round" schedule for L.A. Unified School District was in effect, meaning I had to enroll in winter-intersession at a school different from the one I was attending. I took an introductory Spanish class (which I aced, much to the chagrin of the other students; remember, I was in junior high at the time) and a Computers class (in which QBASIC was taught, on Apple IIC machines, which at the time seemed primitive). I also remember being excited about Bill Clinton becoming President.

30 years ago - January 1988:
Most of what I remember about this month is school-related. In fact, it was sometime during this month when my 2nd grade class started learning cursive handwriting; my teacher kept writing on the board in cursive, therefore many of the 42 kids in my class were eager to learn it. Oh...I was absent for a few days during the month due to illness.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/13/18 at 12:21 am

5 years ago - February 2013:
For the most part, I attended networking meetings and did volunteer work. Socially, I hosted a Mardi Gras party for the first time and had five lady friends come over for it; they all seemed to enjoy it.

10 years ago - February 2008:
I was concentrating on my studies for the most part, figuring that this was going to be my final semester of studies. I also continued learning ballroom dancing; I think in Jan/Feb I learned waltz.

15 years ago - February 2003:
Even though I was taking fewer units than usual in the semester, I still had some challenging courses (including "Discrete math", which had some interesting concepts). At home I was taking care of our dog Chloe (including the end of the month, when my parents went away for a couple nights). Also...this was when I first started posting on the old board (only as a guest; I had established my screenname after watching an episode of the GSN gameshow "Lingo").

20 years ago - February 1998:
Ah...I began my final semester of high school! I also remember plenty of rain happening during the month; it was the middle of an "El Nino" season in southern California.

25 years ago - February 1993:
The winter-intersession ended early in the month, but "regular" school resumed on the 16th (day after Presidents Day). I had various other things going on at the time.

30 years ago - February 1988:
I remember watching the Calgary Winter Olympics on TV on most days during the month. I'm pretty sure I had various things going on in school as well (although I seem to remember being absent from school on Leap Day due to illness).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/14/18 at 11:35 pm

5 years ago - March 2013:
I continued to network with others and do volunteer work (for the most part).

10 years ago - March 2008:
For me it was mostly about my studies. Since Easter occurred so early that year (on the 23rd of March), spring break was toward the middle of the month, and I spent it studying for my very last midterm exam, which was given on the day we came back (Monday the 24th).

15 years ago - March 2003:
I was proceeding through a fairly challenging semester, even though I had fewer units than usual. I remember having a challenging midterm in my software engineering class around the middle of the month. In my free time I created a little game program with Visual Basic.

20 years ago - March 1998:
I proceeded through my senior year of high school. During the first week of the month, I was getting repeatedly harassed by a particular student -- a female sophomore -- and she ended up getting transferred to another school, so that problem was solved. On Friday the 13th a number of my fellow classmates decided to do a 'Senior Ditch Day', but I did not partake in it because I wanted to have perfect attendance. The one class I seemed to enjoy the most was Intro to Computers. The class that seemed to be the most challenging was my English class, "Expository composition"; I started receiving tutoring for it.

25 years ago - March 1993:
In school, I was in 7th grade, doing well. I was enjoying my English and math classes. Also, it was sometime later in the month when I began having the hots for a particular girl in school (but didn't actually start talking to her until April). Elsewhere, I continued to take private piano lessons, but was starting to lose interest for some reason.

30 years ago - March 1988:
Most of what I remember is probably school-related. On at least one weekend I would go to a friend's house or have one come over to mine. In fact, one friend had a birthday celebration that month.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: TwilightPrince16 on 03/18/18 at 8:08 pm

15 years ago - March 2003:
I was 14 months old.

10 years ago - March 2008:
I was 6 in kindergarten. I don't remember what I was doing at this point.

5 years ago - March 2013:
I was 11 in fifth grade. I went to my dad's ex-girlfriend's son's 11th birthday party. We could be friends anymore because they were breaking up and this was the last time I could ever see him.  :\'(

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Wobo on 03/18/18 at 8:15 pm

March 2012:
I moved from Alexandria to Baltimore.
(I'm not sure if it was March 2012 but it felt like it was)
This was 6 years ago btw

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: TwilightPrince16 on 03/18/18 at 8:18 pm

March 2012:
I moved from Alexandria to Baltimore.
(I'm not sure if it was March 2012 but it felt like it was)

March 2012 was 6 years ago, not 5. ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Wobo on 03/18/18 at 8:20 pm

March 2012 was 6 years ago, not 5. ;D

Yeah I know I edited my comment before you replied I just felt like posting it.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/13/18 at 1:15 pm

5 years ago - April 2013:
I went on my second cruise, from the 6th to the 13th. It was a California coastal, just like the one from a year earlier (only the itinerary was slightly different); and of course I had a wonderful time. Elsewhere, I continued to get help seeking potential employment opportunities.

10 years ago - April 2008:
I was busy for most of the month, preparing to finish up my college degree. Mostly writing papers and doing research. Also finding time to socialize here and there.

15 years ago - April 2003:
Proceeding through a challenging semester, but taking the time to relax once spring break came around (Easter was later in that year). Also on the first of the month, my parents bought a new car - a minivan, which we would keep for 13+ years altogether.

20 years ago - April 1998:
With two months to go until graduating from high school, I was busy with schoolwork for the most part. Also our home computer, a Mac, was unusable for most of the month; it had crashed at the end of March so we needed to have it repaired. On one other note, my parents went away for a few days of vacation time...and brought back a special "aromatherapy" stuffed rabbit, to use whenever we felt stressed...and that rabbit would certainly come in handy for me over the next two months, since I often found myself being up late working on homework on most nights.

25 years ago - April 1993:
I was in school for the most part. I didn't really get a spring break, due to the year-round schedule that was in effect for the L.A. Unified School District, so the only day we had off from school was Good Friday (the 9th). Nothing really eventful to speak of.

30 years ago - April 1988:
In 2nd grade. I even remember some rainy weather late in the month.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Dundee on 04/19/18 at 2:31 pm

I'm maybe a bit too young to do this kind of stuff, but...

5 years ago - April 2013: It was a fun month! It was the month I went to a week off with my highschool to another city and it was a whole week with only BIKES. I had lots of good times that week :D

10 years ago - April 2008: The month where at some point I went to a German amusement park with my family, extremely fun day :D

15 years ago - April 2003: The month where I visited my aunt a lot because she was expecting.

20 years ago - April 1998: I dunno, probably what a 1 year old do.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/11/18 at 5:45 pm

I'm gonna use bulleted lists again this time, since I had a LOT going on, especially in the years ending with 8.

5 years ago, May 2013:
- I continued to do volunteer work and attend networking meetings.

10 years ago, May 2008:
- The biggest thing in my life was preparing to graduate from CSU Northridge. I had my last exam on Monday the 12th, and was glad to get that outta the way... but I had a paper for another class to finish up, so I spent the rest of the week working on that. On Friday the 16th, I finished it, printed it out, and submitted it to my professor. Then I could breathe a sigh of relief! Four days later, on Tuesday the 20th, it was time for the commencement.
- After it was over, I sent out an invitation for a party that we were going to have on June 1st... so during the last two weeks of the month I waited for my invitees to RSVP (this also made me wonder how I was going to keep in touch with some of my lady friends). I also wondered what I was going to do next, now that I was all done with my studies (or so it seemed?).

15 years ago, May 2003:
- I finished up a challenging academic semester. The only two days I had final exams were Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21st.
- One day during the last week of the month, I met with an employment advisor at CSU Northridge to discuss possible job plans... and I would continue to meet with this guy a few times in June... but nothing ever came to fruition. (More details on that when we get to June.)

20 years ago, May 1998:
- I spent most of the month on my studies, as my senior year of high school was getting closer and closer to the end. One notable project was a weather report that I would present in my Spanish class.
- Two weekends during the month I participated in "community service" projects as a requirement for graduating from high school. This included helping out at the Braille Institute in L.A., assisting visually impaired kids through an obstacle course.
- The night of Thursday the 21st and morning of Friday the 22nd was my 'Grad Nite' at Disneyland (even though we didn't graduate until the following month). I had lots of fun with that, hangin' out with three of my friends and going on various rides during the "graveyard shift" hours. (I should also note that this was the first time ever that I was awake from midnight all the way to 5am.) Additionally, my parents signed up to be chaperones on one of the buses. When it was over, we were all so tired, we went home and slept for a good part of the day.
- After Memorial Day, my parents & I explored various community colleges in the San Fernando Valley, so I could figure out where I wanted to go to college after graduating from high school. This included Mission College, which I would eventually decide on.

25 years ago, May 1993:
- In school I was doing well for the most part. As noted in March, a particular girl started attracting my attention (even though she wasn't particularly fond of me at first).
- On Friday the 14th I got braces (but only on my upper teeth); this meant I had to adjust my eating habits.
- In my spare time at home, I would often play with my Lego sets.

30 years ago, May 1988:
- At the beginning of the month, my mom started a full time job, so my dad took over as music teacher; he had been laid off from his previous job, which was full time.
- Sunday the 8th, which was Mother's Day, was also the day I made my First Holy Communion at church. I remember that day very well.
- Tuesday the 24th, I won another spelling bee.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: piecesof93 on 05/11/18 at 9:10 pm

Awesome. Another thread to make me feel super young. I don't even see the point in participating because I was really  young for most of these dates.  ;D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Wobo on 05/12/18 at 1:40 pm

Awesome. Another thread to make me feel super young. I don't even see the point in participating because I was really  young for most of these dates.  ;D

I was 9 five years ago and 8 six years ago. And just 4 10 years ago.  :P

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Wobo on 05/12/18 at 1:41 pm

I turned 4 ten years ago, 8 six years ago and 9 five years ago this month.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Wobo on 06/01/18 at 4:38 pm

In June 2013 i had sports day at my school i remember being really excited about it lol.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/17/18 at 9:10 pm

5 years ago - June 2013:
More of the same as in May; I continued with my volunteer work and attended networking meetings. In one such meeting I got acquainted with a staffing agency (a representative from that agency attended one meeting) and made myself available with them.

10 years ago - June 2008:
The month began with my graduation-from-college party at the dance studio. However, I found out I was not quite done with school, as I needed to complete one course for my minor--mathematics. So I tried to get into such a class that was being offered in the summer session, but couldn't.
This was also the month that we changed our TV service provider to Verizon FIOS and bought a new tv set, to enable us to start watching high definition television. That was an awesome experience.
Then near the end of the month was my 10 year class reunion. Even though fewer people showed up than I expected, it was fun to attend.

15 years ago - June 2003:
I was at home for most of the month, not doing much... although I started seeking job opportunities (as stated the previous month, I met with an advisor at CSU Northridge, but could not get very far with that).
Around the middle of the month, my great-uncle and his wife visited from the Midwest. He was the brother of my paternal grandma, who turned 75 that month; they were delighted to see each other for the celebration.

20 years ago - June 1998:
During the first half of the month, I worked very hard on my academics, since I was preparing to graduate from high school. I was worried that I wasn't gonna make it, due in part to struggles in my English class (expository comp). But I pulled through, and got to partake in the graduation ceremony on the 19th! That was so exciting... but also sad in a sense because I would miss the friends that I made. (In fact, after the graduation ceremony I got lots of hugs from various girls, and my parents took pictures of me with them.) The next day, Saturday the 20th, we had a party to celebrate my graduation; four of my classmates attended, along with family and other friends.
And so this began a transitional period in my life, as I prepared to move on to college. (I had decided on a specific community college.)

25 years ago - June 1993:
The end of my 7th grade year. (The school year went literally to the end of the month; in fact, this year-round schedule was abolished.) I remember reading a couple o' novels for my English class, learning pre-algebra in my math class... and resolving an issue between me and a kid who'd been harassing me all year. When I got my yearbook near the end of the month, I enjoyed it so much.
Oh, and I ended taking private piano lessons after two years.

30 years ago - June 1988:
I ended the 2nd grade in the middle of the month, as well as my tenure at that school. A few days later, my parents & I took a weekend vacation trip to Pismo Beach and I enjoyed the experience. During the last two weeks of the month, I didn't do much...except maybe hang around at home with my dad, since he was doing freelance writing at the time. (He'd taken over as music teacher the previous month, but when the school year ended, so did that job. And my mom was working fulltime by now.)
I also remember my great-aunt having a peach tree that grew LOTS of peaches during the middle of the year, and we made a lot of peach jam/preserves with the fruit produced.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: violet_shy on 06/20/18 at 6:25 pm

10 years ago, 2008:

My sister and I met Hanson at a meet and greet and then attended their concert. They were touring for their "The Walk" album. They were super nice to us at the meet and greet. They signed our meet and greet tickets and even had their photos taken with us! The concert was amazing. It was the first time I heard their song "Blue Sky" and loved it of course.  8)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/20/18 at 11:07 pm

10 years ago, 2008:

My sister and I met Hanson at a meet and greet and then attended their concert. They were touring for their "The Walk" album. They were super nice to us at the meet and greet. They signed our meet and greet tickets and even had their photos taken with us! The concert was amazing. It was the first time I heard their song "Blue Sky" and loved it of course.  8)

Sounds awesome!!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Wobo on 07/02/18 at 8:31 am

Five years ago this month on July 20th I went to a family reunion it was fun lol I remember we had a potato bag race there and i won  :P. It was also the year i found out i had ancestors from Gabon, Africa and Sierra Leone.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/09/18 at 7:34 pm

^ Awesome! Must've been exciting.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/09/18 at 7:48 pm


5 years ago (July 2013): I continued my volunteer work (in two places), attended networking meetings, and also attended weekly social events for young adults at a local church. :) There was also an issue that happened on here (this site) which left me kinda dismal, but it's best if we don't talk about it in detail. :-X

10 years ago (July 2008): I negotiated a deal with my academic advisor that would help me make up this course for my minor; this meant enrolling at CSUN for one more semester (but only one or two days a week). Elsewhere, my parents and I continued with the dancing.

15 years ago (July 2003): Another "off" month for me, meaning I hung around at home for the most part, with our dog. I couldn't get much more help with seeking employment from services at my university. Later in the month, I found out about 'Theology On Tap', a series of young-adult events; this was a way for me to get acquainted with other people in my age group who share my religious faith.

20 years ago (July 1998): I enrolled at the community college nearest to where I was living then, having decided I was gonna start college life there. Also I turned 18, preparing to enter adulthood; I spent my birthday with my family (we saw a movie and went out for a nice dinner). Elsewhere, my mom was preparing to leave her job after 7 1/2 years of being in it; things were out of hand at that place (it ended on the last day of the month).

25 years ago (July 1993): I was enjoying my summer vacation from school; this was my only such break between middle-school years (I went from 7th to 8th grade). My mom was taking a religious studies course at Mount Saint Marys College in L.A. (for her masters degree); sometimes I would go with her there --- on the commuter train (it was my first time riding such a train, which I enjoyed). On the 11th I entered my teenage years; we also got our first home computer that day.

30 years ago (July 1988): On Saturday mornings I was in a ceramics class at a local recreation center; this was fun for me in many ways. On the 9th we celebrated my 8th birthday (since my actual b'day was on a Monday that year) with a sports-themed party at my house; we created an obstacle course in our small backyard and I had my first non-chocolate birthday cake. Elsewhere, my dad was between jobs; most weekdays he and I would stay home together and I got acquainted with some classic-TV shows. :) One other thing... my last great-grandparent passed away at the end of the month. :\'(

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/04/18 at 11:10 pm

5 years ago (August 2013): My volunteering and networking continued; in fact, one day I did a project for a person I met through networking. At church, I found out that a friend of mine (who is now a "dear" friend) was also an attendee, with her family! Aside from that, I didn't have a whole lot goin' on. (Oh, and the issue that happened on here got cleared up, thanks to me.)

10 years ago (August 2008): On Sunday the 3rd I attended a social event for young adults, but it was at a church in the L.A. area rather than near to me. A few days later, on 08/08/08, I watched the opening ceremonies of the Shanghai Summer Olympics, while my mom's friend and three of her kids came over and watched it with us; they enjoyed their time here. I also took more ballroom dancing lessons (learning foxtrot). Near the end of the month, I prepared for a "make-up semester" at CSUN to fulfill the class for my minor.

15 years ago (August 2003): My parents & I went to the Ventura County Fair for the first time, to check it out; it was "different", but enjoyable. For the next three weeks I was at home for the most part, as I prepared for another academic semester at CSU Northridge (which started on Monday the 25th and would prove to be challenging, as I was enrolled in mainly upper-division courses). Oh, and the last 'Theology On Tap' session was on Saturday the 16th.

20 years ago (August 1998): My mom started a new job at the beginning of the month (little did we know that she would only be in it for less than a year...more details in the months ahead), while I prepared to start college life. The first day of college classes was Monday the 17th... a day to remember. I adjusted quite well; I only had three classes, and was in school four days a week. (One class, intro to computer science, was Monday/Wednesday; the other two were Geography and Trigonometry, which were on Tuesday/Thursday.) At the end of the month I got my first cell phone.

25 years ago (August 1993): The month began with a train trip; we rode the Amtrak to San Luis Obispo and came back home on Thursday the 5th. For most of the rest of the month I enjoyed the time off. Later in the month my mom and I went to the beach with a friend of mine and his mom. Oh, and our Dusty dog's health was declining quickly; by the end of the month we figured she wouldn't have much time left.

30 years ago (August 1988): I had my very first experience with summer day camp, which I enjoyed. When I wasn't there I was home with my dad (who was between jobs), sometimes watching reruns of "classic TV" programs (including Get Smart, which I really seemed to enjoy). My mom had already gone back to work full time.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Wobo on 08/09/18 at 8:24 pm

Started the 4th grade.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/09/18 at 12:03 am

5 years ago (September 2013): More volunteering and networking. (In one place I volunteered at, I gave a birthday card to a young lady who was also there and felt good about that.)

10 years ago (September 2008): I was in my "make-up semester" at CSUN; my mom was no longer in a job (but thankfully my dad's fulltime job was still intact) so we were attending several different churches.

15 years ago (September 2003): Spent a lot of time studying, as I was taking upper-division courses; it was at about this point when I began contemplating changing my course of study.

20 years ago (September 1998): My first full calendar month as a college student; I was doing quite well overall. I first started using the Internet by this point, but only at school, since we weren't online at home yet. I started getting to know other students... and even discovered that one particular girl I knew in high school was also attending this particular college (she lived in the area, which made sense anyway).

25 years ago (September 1993): Our dog Dusty died on Saturday the 4th, so that was a sad time for us. Three days later, I started 8th grade; while most everyone I knew in 7th grade remembered me, one particular girl seemed disinterested, but I did get to know a particular friend of hers (who seemed nicer). Academically, I took Algebra One, which seemed kinda challenging at first, but I would adjust.

30 years ago (September 1988): I began 3rd grade at a new school -- Sierra Canyon, a privately owned campus in the northwest San Fernando Valley of L.A. -- so it was a new environment with new people. (In fact, this would be the first of three straight years when I would change schools.) I seemed to like it for the most part, however.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: violet_shy on 09/09/18 at 12:19 pm

30 years ago: September 1988

That was the year my family and I moved to Rhode Island. And in September, we had spent 6 months. I remember starting 3rd grade at William D'bate Elementary school. I turned 8. On my birthday we had the traditional yellow cake with Strawberry icing! After school I would watch VH1 with my mom and siblings.  8)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/15/18 at 6:09 pm

One thing I'd like to add...

10 years ago (September 2008): I was in my "make-up semester" at CSUN; my mom was no longer in a job (but thankfully my dad's fulltime job was still intact) so we were attending several different churches.

Ten years ago, when the train crash occurred, I was thankfully NOT involved, but it did affect me in one way or another, in that it made me sad to see people lose their lives, AND as it occurred I wondered if it would be cleared up in time for me to get to CSU Northridge when I needed to. (Thankfully it only took a few days to get all cleared up.)
My dad was also affected in that he used the train to get to and from his work. (But he was on the next one AFTER the one that got hurt.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/06/18 at 6:50 pm

5 years ago - October 2013:
My parents went on a three-week vacation trip, leaving me to be on my own for that long. It was their first time going away for that long of a vacation trip, and I was good about taking care of the house, making my own meals, and doing other daily tasks. I was 33 at the time; by that age I should know how to live on my own anyways. I knew I had confidence to handle it. :)

10 years ago - October 2008:
I went to CSU Northridge, as needed, for my make-up semester; in a sense it felt overwhelming but I had to do it. One other thing I needed to do was take an upper-division writing exam, which I prepared extensively for; I ended up passing it (especially since the topic at hand was one that I was knowledgeable about).

15 years ago - October 2003:
I had my midterms in my upper-division classes, which were very challenging. In one of them (Software Engineering, which I was retaking, to try to improve my grade), I fell into the same trap as I did the previous semester, with not contributing adequately and getting excluded by the rest of my group...which upset me; it's just that I wasn't entirely clear on what to do in some cases and I couldn't quite ask for help. In my spare time I found some internet puzzle games to play. Elsewhere, I followed the baseball postseason coverage and became aware of the Cubs' World Series drought. (Too bad they had to wait another 13 years to finally get there...and win it all!)

20 years ago - October 1998:
This was when I had my very first college midterms...which I seemed to do well on (especially in the Trigonometry class). Socially I was getting acquainted with other fellow students (including a few girls, some of whom worked in the cafeteria and were really nice). By now I was well-acquainted with the Windows operating system (but didn't have it at home) and was trying out all the FreeCell games in my spare time; I especially remember spending two weeks during the month trying to solve one particular game (but finally got it).

25 years ago - October 1993:
For me I was probably concentrating mostly on schoolwork. I looked into after-school tutoring for my Algebra One class; that would help me improve my grade in the months ahead. Elsewhere I kept tabs on the baseball postseason (the final year before the Wild Card era) and rooted for the Phillies to beat the Braves in the NLCS (which they did) and for the Blue Jays to win the World Series (which they did). Also, this was the final year I wore a Halloween costume (I was a Conehead).

30 years ago - October 1988:
I enjoyed life as a third-grader, although around this time I might have started to have "imaginary friends" in my spare time. Elsewhere I was excited about the Dodgers being in the World Series; I remember watching each game of it.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/23/18 at 6:02 pm

5 years ago - November 2013:
I was still doing volunteer work for the most part. In my free time I was putting together a scrapbook album for my cruise from earlier in the year.
Later in the month, as we celebrated Thanksgiving, little did we know that it would be my maternal grandma's last one.

10 years ago - November 2008:
Working hard during my make-up semester at CSUN for the most part. In other news I was excited about Obama being elected President (in fact, I voted for him). In the middle of the month there were some local brushfires, including one that affected my grandma (so she spent a weekend at our place).

15 years ago - November 2003:
Just getting through the challenges of upper-division Computer Science courses, and commuting to and from CSUN on most days. (Late in the month, I met a cute girl on the train who had a male buddy; both were friendly and commuting all the way to downtown L.A.) One song from that month that stands out to me is "Waiting For You" by Seal, which was a minor hit at the time.

20 years ago - November 1998:
Having a good time at Mission College during my first semester there; I made friends with a girl whose name was Firiel (I'd never seen or heard of that name before then); and also spent time working on a term paper for one of my classes. Elsewhere, we celebrated my mom's birthday by spending the entire day at Disneyland (the most recent time, to date, that we have gone there).

25 years ago - November 1993:
Academically I was doing well, for the most part; I continued to get tutoring for Algebra One...and even started making friends with some of my classmates in that class. Not much else was goin' on.

30 years ago - November 1988:
I was in third grade. It was also during this month when I began to get hooked on the game shows "Jeopardy" and "Wheel Of Fortune" (more so with "Jeopardy").

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/20/18 at 12:48 am

5 years ago - December 2013:
I heard about the accounting program at a nearby vocational school; family and advisors of mine encouraged me to pursue it, since it involved math, a subject that I'd enjoyed my whole life. So I decided I would apply for it. Elsewhere, I continued to do volunteer work. Again my grandma stayed with us for Christmas...little did we know that this would be her final Christmas.

10 years ago - December 2008:
I finished my "make-up" semester at CSU Northridge...or so it seemed. Also my mom underwent a second thyroid surgery on the 4th so she had to take it easy for the most part. She wasn't working at any church this time, so she didn't need to worry about coordinating any Christmas services; in fact we attended a service on Christmas Eve and had a stress-free Christmas Day.

15 years ago - December 2003:
I finished a challenging semester at CSU Northridge, but later realized I would need to retake two of these courses the following semester (so I was still in a rut, of not passing a course the first time through and having to repeat it; that was the problem with the Comp Sci major). For Christmas I received a small television set as a gift; it was my first TV set and I enjoyed having it.

20 years ago - December 1998:
I finished my very first college semester (at Mission College, a community college); it was challenging getting through final exams and one term paper, but on the 16th it was all over with. Then I concentrated on the holidays.

25 years ago - December 1993:
Basically during the first half of the month it was all about school; in my Algebra One class I started to get popular with other classmates because they found out how smart I was in math. Second half of the month was about prepping for the holidays, and celebrating Christmas at my grandparents' house. One day during the last week of the month, a friend of mine came over with his family and we made a pizza for them; he and I also had a good time playing with a Scrabble game I received as a gift.

30 years ago - December 1988:
My 3rd grade class did a little "Family Feud" skit (with a script written by my teachers); this prompted me to get acquainted with said game show (which made sense, since the Ray Combs version began earlier in the year). I still enjoyed "Jeopardy" and "Wheel Of Fortune" so much, I even got box-game versions of them from my grandparents as Christmas presents. (I was also excited about Christmas being on a Sunday, for some reason.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/06/19 at 2:32 pm

And now we finally get to the years that end with "4" and "9"!

5 years ago - January 2014:
During the first full week of the month I took the assessment for the accounting course at the nearby vocational school; I was there every day during the week until Friday, when I completed it before noon. Within two weeks I found out my results and learned that I did very well on it, so on the 27th I began the program. (It would take me about eight months to complete.) It was a new environment for me, but I adjusted well over the next several months. :) (I still found time to do volunteer work on days I wasn't there.)

10 years ago - January 2009:
I continued to search for employment with help from a local "job coach" but wasn't getting very far. I also still needed to go to CSU Northridge once a week to make up a few assignments for the one course I needed to complete my minor. Elsewhere I enjoyed watching Obama's inauguration.

15 years ago - January 2004:
Mostly it was an "off" month for me, since the new Spring semester at CSUN didn't start until February 2nd. So I hung around at home for the most part, taking care of our little dog and keeping the house clean.

20 years ago - January 1999:
On Monday the 11th I started my second semester of college (at the community college), taking four classes this time: Political Science, Health, Intro to Computer Applications (MS Word, Excel, and Access), and Intro to Psychology (which was a night class that met on Mondays; this was my first time taking a night class). At the end of the month I started to do campaign work for my Poli Sci class: work on a campaign for two city council candidates. Elsewhere we were still commuting to Downey for church.

25 years ago - January 1994:
The first two weeks of the month, I was back in school (enduring some not-so-great moments with certain kids, but also continuing to do well in Algebra One). However, on Monday the 17th, my life took an unexpected turn when the Northridge Earthquake struck, causing widespread damage and affecting our own home (a mobile home), forcing us to move out of it (and pack up our belongings and have them put into storage) and live in hotels for the next three months. Fortunately for us, my parents had earthquake insurance, which would help us get through the repairs we needed to make, as well as reimbursement for our hotel stays. The earthquake also cancelled school instruction for two weeks; my school (which was close to where the quake was centered) finally reopened on the last day of the month, so we had to get up much earlier than usual for that (because we were "living" at a hotel that was further away from my school than our actual home was).

30 years ago - January 1989:
Enjoying third grade. At home, our TV conked out during the first week of the month, so we were without a TV set until Sunday the 8th, when we bought our first remote-controlled TV (which would last 17 years); and I continued to enjoy the game shows "Jeopardy" and "Family Feud". I vaguely remember the G.H.W. Bush inauguration (but I was well aware that he was becoming the new president).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/17/19 at 11:16 pm

25 years ago - January 1994:
The first two weeks of the month, I was back in school (enduring some not-so-great moments with certain kids, but also continuing to do well in Algebra One). However, on Monday the 17th, my life took an unexpected turn when the Northridge Earthquake struck, causing widespread damage and affecting our own home (a mobile home), forcing us to move out of it (and pack up our belongings and have them put into storage) and live in hotels for the next three months. Fortunately for us, my parents had earthquake insurance, which would help us get through the repairs we needed to make, as well as reimbursement for our hotel stays. The earthquake also cancelled school instruction for two weeks; my school (which was close to where the quake was centered) finally reopened on the last day of the month, so we had to get up much earlier than usual for that (because we were "living" at a hotel that was further away from my school than our actual home was).

And today I remember how stressful it was for my family & for me then.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/16/19 at 6:26 pm

5 years ago - February 2014:
I was getting acclimated to the vocational school environment, where my accounting course was held; and I was picking up on things quite well. However, on Saturday the 15th, things took a turn in our family when my maternal grandma suffered a powerful stroke that paralyzed the right side of the brain, rendering her unable to speak, eat, or swallow; she ultimately passed away nine days later. :\'( This was a sad time. (Her funeral was a week after that.) Then of course we had to start cleaning out her house.

10 years ago - February 2009:
I had to make weekly trips to CSU Northridge to make up a few assignments for the course I needed to complete my minor; elsewhere I was getting little help seeking employment opportunities from a local 'job coach.' In my spare time I got acquainted with certain Youtube vids.

15 years ago - February 2004:
On Monday the 2nd I began what would end up being my most challenging academic semester ever. I retook two upper-division Computer Science courses, one of which actually seemed more challenging the second time around even though I was taking it with the same professor (this was the "Operating Systems" class, in which I felt I needed to memorize everything just to pass the "quizzes"). My mom also had her first thyroid surgery during the first week of the month. In my spare time, I finally registered as a member on this site! (In fact, tomorrow, Sunday, is my 15th anniversary of membership.)

20 years ago - February 1999:
I was enjoying my academic life, even socializing whenever and wherever possible (on campus). In fact, when I brought my chocolate hearts to school I started handing out two of them to each girl (of course they appreciated it). I had to start handing them out on Wednesday the 10th because Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday. During the weekend ending on Valentine's Day my family & I attended a religious-education conference in Anaheim (and it was my first time attending the whole thing, because my Fridays were free, unlike a year earlier when I was in high school).

25 years ago - February 1994:
We were living in various hotels while displaced from our earthquake-damaged home, so this meant getting up much earlier and driving a long distance to get me to school (and taking detours because of a certain freeway being shut down); I adjusted to this routine well. At school I had a good time for the most part.

30 years ago - February 1989:
I was in 3rd grade , so I mainly remember my daily interactions with my classmates... as well as playing certain math-based computer games (which I developed a major fondness for, due to my passion for math). On Wednesday the 8th I had my very first experience with snow, since the weather really was that cold.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/24/19 at 5:22 pm

5 years ago - March 2014:
It began with my maternal grandma's funeral, which was a joyful celebration because it was a celebration of a 92-year life, and everyone remembered my grandmother as a very good person. So then we began clearing out her house so that we could get the place sold. Elsewhere I was learning accounting; I got through the first level of the course midway through the month.

10 years ago - March 2009:
I was trying to find work to apply to, now that I was technically done with school (even though I was making up a course for my minor). Not a whole lot of eventful things went on this month.

15 years ago - March 2004:
Boy, was this a stressful month for me. I was barely getting through these upper-division Comp-Sci courses; I even had a midterm in one of them on Wednesday the 24th (and felt the aftermath of it the next day). In my spare time I was enjoying my early membership on this site (in fact, that's when I started posting regularly in the PBG section).

20 years ago - March 1999:
Midway through my second semester of college. My classes weren't too difficult overall, although this was the month I had my midterms. In my night class I began getting acquainted with a few classmates. This particular college took its spring break the second-to-last week of the month (instead of Holy Week, like most schools conventionally do).

25 years ago - March 1994:
Most every weekday, I was commuting from Pasadena to Northridge (with my mom, on most days) to go to school, since our actual home was in the process of being repaired; and at school I was doing well overall. (The class I enjoyed the most was probably my math class, Algebra One; my second favourite class was probably English... in fact, at the beginning of the month my class watched the movie The Sandlot on video). Spring break started at the end of the month, since that's when Holy Week began.

30 years ago - March 1989:
I was in 3rd grade. One day after school, one of my classmates invited me to his birthday celebration... at a roller rink, where another classmate taught me how to rollerskate (something I had trouble with at first, but gradually picked up on). On the 29th we took a field trip to the L.A. Harbor for whale-watching; I was the only one who did not get seasick because I took safety precautions beforehand. I think it was also around then when a "spring heat wave" began.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/27/19 at 11:44 pm

In April of...

2014 (5 years ago), I was in the midst of learning various aspects of accounting, and even making friends with other students in the course. I was also helping my family with clearing out my maternal grandma's house.

2009 (10 years ago), I was busy making up a course for my academic minor, and trying to find some direction in terms of potential work. I also got together with some friends to help plan summer activities.

2004 (15 years ago), I was seriously beginning to rethink my academic major, cuz things were so stressful for me overall. At least I had spring break during the first week (and my very first taste of jury duty, but for only one day). On the 21st of the month I was glad that this site was back up and fact, I spent at least an hour or two just having fun on here!

1999 (20 years ago), I was mainly breezing through the second semester of my first year of college, but also seeking help in one class (psychology) after not doing so well on a midterm. I found it helpful. maternal uncle's hepatitis/liver disease condition took a turn for the worst, so he had to live in a convalescent hospital (which we visited on the last day of the month).

1994 (25 years ago), our mobile home was finally ready to be lived in again midway through the month... but on the day we moved back into it, I came down with chickenpox and had to miss a full week of school. Nonetheless, I was doing well overall in school. I also gained interest in listening to top-40 music on radio.

1989 (30 years ago), the month began with a record-breaking heatwave, which sortof affected me in one way or another; however, I still enjoyed being in school for the most part (particularly with playing certain educational computer games).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/26/19 at 3:23 pm

May 2014 (5 years ago): I was probably halfway through my accounting course. My parents & I were continuing to clear out my grandma's house; I think we donated some things.

May 2009 (10 years ago): I finished making up a course for my academic minor, and finally got my official B.A. degree. Elsewhere I was still having trouble finding direction for potential work.

May 2004 (15 years ago): I felt so academically distressed that I visited my university's career center for advice/direction. The staff/advisors there started by giving me an "occupational exam" to determine what kind of work my skills might fall under. In the midst of this, I barely finished up my toughest academic semester ever (taking final exams Monday the 24th through Wednesday the 26th).

May 1999 (20 years ago): It started with my maternal uncle dying on the 2nd, and then having a memorial service for him five days later. This must have caused my grandma so much stress that she had a heart attack on Mother's Day, barely survived, and underwent serious heart surgery a few days later. This led my mother to resign from her then-job, which was a long drive away from home, and seek a new one closer so that she could be closer to her mother. In the midst of this, I finished up my first year of college (taking my last exam on Monday the 17th) and had the final two weeks of the month free. I even helped my mom with helping her mom.

May 1994 (25 years ago): Having a good time at school overall, just getting through the final two months or so of junior high (aka middle school). (However, the 13th, which happened to be a Friday, was a not-so-good day.)

May 1989 (30 years ago): Some good times in 3rd grade. The school I was attending had a "State Fair" on the 3rd Sunday of the month, which I partook in. Also I went to a Dodgers game with my family on Memorial Day.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: MyAdidas on 06/07/19 at 9:53 pm

June 2014- A few months away from getting married, stressed out.

June 2009- My grandmother had Alzheimer’s and was visiting her a lot and spending a lot of time on the east coast.

June 2004- I had just starting dating a woman ten years older than me, it was fun, but not serious.

June 1999- Had just graduated from college and was doing a lot of partying.

June 1994- My first girlfriend and I broke up after 2 years of dating, tough time.

June 1989- My mom almost died after having a massive heart attack. Just finished 8th grade.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/17/19 at 1:40 pm

June 2014: I was learning a lot of interesting things about accounting and payroll, then had a two-week summer break starting on the 23rd (with instruction to resume on July 7th). This gave me time to help my parents finish clearing out my maternal grandma's house, which we finally completed doing on the 27th; after that we put it up for sale.

June 2009: I was still trying to find some direction for potential work; just not getting anywhere. My B.A. degree was finalized. On the 22nd I joined Facebook and that opened some doors for me socially; this included reconnecting with people I'd known in highschool, as well as people I knew locally.

June 2004: I made trips to my university campus every week, to receive guidance from the career center about a new direction to go, academically. This didn't help me too much in the long run, but it was kind of a learning experience. Later I tried to figure out birthday plans.

June 1999: For the most part I was at home, enjoying my first-ever summer break from college; this gave me time to work on some personal projects I had going on. Towards the end of the month, I helped my mom clean out her office at her then-job, which she would end on the last day of the month; she had a new job lined up, which started the following month.

June 1994: This was quite a busy and eventful month for me...
- The first half of the month, I was in my final days of middle school. I graduated on Thursday the 16th.
- We had my party to honor this graduation on Friday the 17th; my mom & I had spent a good part of the day prepping for it. Then after the party started, one of my guests informed me of the O.J. Simpson chase on the TV, so I turned it on, and soon all of us in the house were glued to the TV, watching it.
- The weekend of the 18th and 19th, we prepared for a two-week vacation trip, during which we would be flying to Chicago.
- Monday the 20th: we took off. It was my first time ever traveling outside of California. I enjoyed seeing Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin; it was quite a pleasurable experience for me. (In the Chicago area, we visited a lifelong friend of my mother's; in Iowa we went to Dubuque and Cedar Rapids (my dad had an uncle who lived there at the time); in Minnesota we visited St. Paul and Minneapolis; in Wisconsin we saw the Wisconsin River.)

June 1989: I finished the 3rd grade early in the month; during the last week of the month I started my second year of summer day camp (at the same campus as the school where I attended 3rd grade). On the last day of the month we invited a friend of mine from school to attend a Dodgers game with us; we all enjoyed ourselves.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Lizardmatum on 06/19/19 at 2:08 pm

June 2014: Getting ready to take the leaving cert exam and preparing to go to college in my nearest city.
June 2009: Just finished 1st year in secondary one of the most fun years of my life. It felt more like summer camp then school!
June 2004: Just finished second class in primary school and looked forward to going back as i had just changed schools.
June 1999: preschool year. (my brother would be born a month later!)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: annimal on 06/19/19 at 2:20 pm

don't ask me this in the ask me thread

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/19/19 at 7:54 pm

don't ask me this in the ask me thread

Don't worry. We won't. ::)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/26/19 at 11:26 pm

July 2014: My grandma's house was sold, and finally off our hands. I was still learning about accounting, even on my birthday, which was a Friday (but a few of my classmates took me out for lunch). (I thought I'd be in the accounting course for another month, but I realized I wasn't gonna finish all the coursework that quickly)

July 2009: Still not getting anywhere with weekly visits to a supposed "job coach" who wasn't doing very much for me. Socially, I was involved with some religious events for young adults (known as 'Theology On Tap'); I helped out with those and enjoyed it. I also had some great times on this site. Celebrated my birthday with family.

July 2004: Visiting the university on a weekly basis to see about a new academic path. Also enjoying my time as a member on this site; getting acquainted with the Penguin Quizzes. Celebrated my birthday with family, although I tried extending the invitation to a friend (who couldn't join us because of transportation issues). Socially I started attending 'Theology On Tap' for a second year, since I really enjoyed it the previous year.

July 1999: My mom started a new job; this one was much closer to home than her previous two jobs were. As for me, I was enjoying my first summer between college years. I had a Sunday birthday, so we celebrated all weekend (bowling with friends, then to the Aquarium Of The Pacific in Long Beach with family on my actual birthday). We also went to the Orange County Fair on Wednesday the 21st to see Weird Al perform..

July 1994: Returned home from our trip to the Midwest on the 2nd. On most weekdays I would go to work with one of my parents. Tried to stay cool at home. Listened to a lot of top 40 music on the radio.

July 1989: In my second year of summer day camp. On days that I wasn't at summer day camp, I spent the day at one of my grandparents' houses...where I normally watched TV and became an avid watcher of The Price Is Right. Celebrated my 9th birthday at a roller rink with various friends; one of my gifts was my very first camera, which had film. Enjoyed a visit to Disneyland on Sunday the 16th. In my spare time at home I played with Legos.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/24/19 at 10:54 pm

August 2014: Learning the more challenging aspects of accounting; I was learning about Automated Accounting, but not yet Quickbooks.

August 2009: Finishing up my religious social events, then still trying to find employment somewhere. (Also continuing to have great times on this site.)

August 2004: Finished up my second year of 'Theology On Tap', then attended a picnic celebration with other attendees of the event from all over the greater Los Angeles area (at which I had lots of fun, met some other girls, and even gave hugs to several of them... but the only thing I didn't do -- because I couldn't -- was take pictures, because I didn't have a camera). Later in the month I started a "take-it-easy" semester at CSU Northridge, in which I took mostly "activity" courses...and toyed with the possibility of changing my academic major to math.

August 1999: First half of the month, I had my last two weeks of time off, before starting my second year of community college.

August 1994: A mostly relaxing month for me. At the end of the month it was discovered I would need surgery on the big toe on my left foot due to an ingrown nail.

August 1989: Finished my second year of summer day camp. Played with my Legos set at home, even taking pictures of my creations. We explored the idea of moving into a condo (in another area), but ultimately could not afford to do so, so we stayed put.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/13/19 at 2:22 pm

September 2014: Almost done with my computerized financial accounting course; all I had left to learn was Quickbooks and a few other little details.

September 2009: I remember wildfires going on (none of which affected me); closer to home I was about ready to give up on one source of employment placement because the people there had been of little or no help to me for the previous year.

September 2004: Some enjoyable times at CSU Northridge, with my "take it easy" semester (this included making friends with some girls in my art class). My mom also started a new job. Speaking of jobs, I began volunteer-work on campus, helping to create and maintain a database for one of the departments.

September 1999: Well into my second year of college, getting acquainted with several of my classmates (including some in my public speaking class; they all seemed really nice).

September 1994: It started with surgery on my big toe (which kept me "sidelined" for about two weeks); then I began high school on the 13th and had a whole new experience.

September 1989: Had my first taste of public school as I started the 4th grade.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/26/19 at 10:13 pm

October 2014: Finished my computerized financial accounting course, then spent a little time helping my instructor grading papers. Later in the month, my dad was laid off from his job, which he had held for 23+ years; that was a disappointment. Then I joined a support group for finding work.

October 2009: I gave up on this one "employment placement" place because it was not much help; later on I found, in a church bulletin, an opportunity for volunteer work, figuring that would be something in the right direction. So I contacted the person at the place for volunteer work, and that eventually worked out (more details next month). My mom was still without a job, but not for too much longer. On Saturday the 24th I was honored for my involvements in the religious events from the summer.

October 2004: For the most part I was doing well, academically; the only class I struggled in was an upper-division math course that was a nightmare from day one (and I later regretted taking it). I enjoyed watching the baseball postseason, particularly as the Red Sox were making that run to their World Series championship.

October 1999: Enjoying college classes, getting through midterms. On Monday the 11th a girl in one of my classes gave me a hug, ending a 16-month hugless drought for me; that had to feel good. During the last week of the month we had some work done to our mobile home because a mouse was loose in there; it even woke me up on Monday the 25th so we needed to get rid of it; we ended up spending two nights in a hotel before it was over. (So in a sense we had a "haunted house" a week before Halloween, albeit unplanned.)

October 1994: Second month of high school. This is when certain kids started harassing me, particularly with name-calling, which hurt my feelings. However, I seemed to be doing fairly well academically. One class I was in -- which started out as piano -- became 'World Of Music' because the class got overpopulated, and some kids in it began being mean to me, and I wanted out of there (but I would finally get relieved of it next month).

October 1989: Second month of 4th grade. While certain kids were decent, others were kinda mean. At home I often spent time playing with my Legos (and taking pictures of them). Elsewhere I started to develop an interest in listening to the radio.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/26/19 at 11:16 pm

November 2014: Applied for an accounting job and took an exam for it. Also went on two "weekend getaway" cruises and had a good time on those.

November 2009: Began volunteering at a nonprofit organization and enjoyed it. It wasn't a paid job, but at least I was getting some experience doing something useful. (I also started volunteering at another nonprofit place, Habitat for Humanity, doing some office work.)

November 2004: Moving along with my "take-it-easy-for-the-most-part" semester.

November 1999: Moving along with my second year of community college. One assignment I was working on, an English paper, took up a good part of my time.

November 1994: I finally got my class schedule changed so that I had a piano class; however, this required that two of my other classes be moved to different periods.

November 1989: Moving along with 4th grade. There were some things I enjoyed at the time, and some things I didn't necessarily enjoy. (In fact, I think it was sometime during the month when I started to sense that my teacher was a pain.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/28/19 at 11:28 am

December 2014: I interviewed for the job I took an exam for in the previous month, but it was a panel interview and I ended up not getting selected. Later in the month I began an internship in which I helped a property management company get its Quickbooks file caught up.

December 2009: I continued doing volunteer work at two nonprofit organizations. My mom was finally hired for a paid job (which she still has today). Middle of the month I got sick but felt better in time for Christmas.

December 2004: Took my finals in my "take-it-easy" classes, and continued volunteering at this one office on campus (in which I created an organized database for their directory).

December 1999: Finished another semester at the community college, finding myself busy towards the finals week. Elsewhere I guess I was excited about the year 2000 fast approaching.

December 1994: First half of the month I was concentrating on school (I was a highschool freshman) and trying to dodge the bullies. Second half of the month I was focusing on the holidays.

December 1989: In school (4th grade) I learned how to make wreaths with wire hangers and Baggies, but didn't get very far on my own project because I missed three consecutive days with an illness (however, the other kids in the class finished it for me). I remember enjoying Christmas very much because I received, as one of my gifts, an album to place my baseball cards -- complete set of 1989 Topps -- and I spent several hours putting them all in. I was also excited about the 1990s beginning soon.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/09/20 at 10:47 pm

January 2015 I met the gal who I bought this house with.  Didn't work out so well after a few years but I kept the house since I'm the one who would be working on it and paying for it.

January 2010 times were tough, I was soon to be laid off work.  Plowing snow with an old stationwagon.  Enjoying free shows on my 10 ft satellite dish.  Modding my car to save gas any way possible as gas was over $4/gallon.

January 2005 was my grandpa's funeral who had died between Christmas and New Years 2004.  That was rough, we were close.  Took my daughter over to see my grandma after things settled and told her to keep it low key.  So first thing she says when we walk in is "dad, did your grandpa DIE ?"

January 2000 I met the gal who would become my first wife and daughter's mom.  Great kid came of it, but that was the one biggest mistake of my life.

January 1995 I started my 2nd semester of my 1st year of college.  After dealing with nonstop drunks and partying, got a single room and paid more for it.  Peace at last until almost immediately they moved a guy from Finland in with me.  He was pretty reserved though and we actually got along pretty well.  Was also designing and making parts for a homemade 6 string fretless bass, that later turned out pretty well.

January 1990 I was in 8th grade, walking up town everyday for lunch, eating at the restaurant my mom managed.  Or going to the store and getting Little Debbie snacks for 25 cents and a bottle of Kick soda for 39 cents.  I was one of the 6 people qualified to take algebra in 8th grade.  It was the last year before the graphing calculator became prevalent, we had a blast collaborating and doing everything by hand.

going a little further, January 1985 I was in 3rd grade and got my first colonoscopy because I was in need of major bowel surgery which would happen in March.  I couldn't sit down for a week that January.  During that week I watched Jeopardy for the first time.  These days I am dealing with complications that started from that first surgery, and watching Alex Trebek's health fade.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/26/20 at 8:25 pm

January 2015, I was primarily in my internship, helping a property management company get its Quickbooks file updated. It was unpaid, but the experience gave me a chance to put my newly acquired skills to good use.

January 2010, I was doing volunteer work at two nonprofit organizations, while trying to find paid employment.

January 2005, I was on break from my undergrad studies at CSUN (between semesters); on select days I would go to campus for this volunteer position that was active at the time. The new semester (Spring) started on the last day of the month.

January 2000, I began a new semester at the community college I attended at the time. I had four three-unit classes; one of them was a computer-sci course in which I learned Visual Basic (something I would end up having fun with).

January 1995, I was midway through my freshman year of high school. I had made some friends, and was trying to make more. Outside of school, I was enjoying watching the "I Love Lucy" reruns; in fact, I had received several VHS tapes of it for Christmas, so I watched them on days off.

January 1990, I was in 4th grade, trying to enjoy it. There were good times and bad.

I suppose I could go one step further and talk about January 1985, which was 35 years ago... but I was only 4 1/2 then and have very few memories... except for two notable things: (1) my great-grandma's 80th birthday celebration and (2) visiting Disneyland with my parents.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/22/20 at 10:05 am

February 2015: Mainly I was in my internship. Wasn't sure how long it would take me at first, but at some point during the month I was halfway through it.

February 2010: Doing volunteer work one or two days a week, while trying to find some direction for work (that part was a struggle).

February 2005: Proceeding through my academic semester, which consisted of a physics class and an upper-division math course, and also one activity course (kinesiology).

February 2000: Enjoying my life in community college. Started getting to know several new people, including some friendly girls/young women (some of whom I gave chocolate hearts to on Valentine's Day and the day after; in fact I handed out almost 40 of them in those two days alone).

February 1995: Finished my first semester of high school and moved on to the next one. However, in one or two of my classes there were some difficult classmates to deal with.

February 1990: In 4th grade. On Friday the 2nd I had one of my most memorable days of school because my 4th grade classes (and one other) went on a field trip: first to the San Fernando Mission and then to the Southwest Museum of the American Indian in northeast L.A. Later in the month I had to build a replica of one of the California missions (I was assigned a certain one and built it with sugarcubes). (Also on Groundhog Day, my most memorable visit to Chuck E Cheese occurred.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 03/05/20 at 6:12 pm

March 2015 - This was when my life had started to get pretty bad.

March 2010 - A weird year for me but the best part of it was getting my cat😻.

March 2005 - The whole year was toxic as my stepfather had become verbally and mentally abusive towards us.

March 2000 - I was a freshman in high school and later that year I was a sophomore.

March 1995 - 10 year old me was mainly interested in television and video games at the time.

March 5, 1990 - 30 years ago today I was only 4 years old and had no idea what the future would have in store for me 🤔.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/10/20 at 3:18 pm

5 years ago (March 2015): I was finishing up my internship. In fact, I completed it on the 24th, a month ahead of schedule.

10 years ago (March 2010): I was still searching for somewhere to work, while volunteering at two places each week.

15 years ago (March 2005): I was in the middle of the Spring semester at Cal State Northridge, transitioning between courses of study. I'd been toying with the idea of majoring in math, but I struggled with the physics class that was part of the major.

20 years ago (March 2000): I was in my second year of college. Among the classes I was taking was a course in Visual Basic, which I had fun with. Also, I was becoming really good at Ms. Pac-Man. At home, we were preparing to put our mobile home up for sale.

25 years ago (March 1995): I was a freshman in high school. Near the beginning of the month I met a girl (who I later found out was a senior at the time) who was real nice. On the day we met, she came running up to me and asked me if she could borrow my umbrella...but I ended up talking her out of it.

30 years ago (March 1990): I was in fourth grade. Things weren't going too well for me; some kids were driving me crazy and I had to contend with a teacher who was a pain in the donkey. On a positive note, I was in Cub Scouts, and we had weekly meetings on Thursday nights.

And now I've come full circle on this thread, having made a reply to it in each of the last 60 calendar months!

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 03/10/20 at 4:56 pm

And now I've come full circle on this thread, having made a reply to it in each of the last 60 calendar months!

Awesome! 8) 8

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/10/20 at 8:42 pm

Awesome! 8) 8

Yep... at first I was replying to it every month when it was new (15 years ago), but then it sorta tapered off... and by December 2005 I was kinda busy with things in my own life, and a whole buncha threads in PPP were active at the time (this is before WotW was created), and I couldn't really get back to it quite yet. But that's ok in a sense, for me at least, because the "30 years ago" part would not have applied to me until 2010. Even so, from 2010 through the end of 2014, the "30 years ago" part pointed to the first half of the 1980s, which I myself have little or no memory of, since those were the first several years of my life.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/12/20 at 10:23 pm

5 years ago (April 2015): Since I had already finished my internship the previous month, I began seeking real employment; made applications to various job positions in the field of accounting, only to not get contacted for an interview on any of them.

10 years ago (April 2010): I applied for a data entry job on Wednesday the 7th, got called for an interview on Friday the 9th, went down to the office in downtown L.A. for the interview on Monday the 12th, went back for a second interview on Friday the 16th, got hired later that day, and began work on Monday the 19th! :) However, it was a three-month temporary position, which I knew going in... but it would still be a positive experience for me.

15 years ago (April 2005): At Cal State Northridge, looking to change my major from comp sci to math; however, it was a bit of a challenge for me, particularly the physics course, but I did the best I could. I was also doing volunteer work at the Family Focus Center on the CSUN campus. In addition, I was posting regularly every day on here.

20 years ago (April 2000): I was in my second year of college, enjoying my Visual Basic class, and my biology class to some extent (there were some friendly girls in that class), struggling a bit in my English class (which was all about writing college essays)...and I was becoming really good at Ms. Pac-Man (since there was a tabletop game of it on campus). At home we began packing stuff up in preparation to sell the mobile home.

25 years ago (April 1995): I was a freshman in high school, and I found out that a certain female friend of mine was a senior, which disappointed me because I knew she'd be graduating in a couple months and I didn't know if we would keep in touch. (We later ended up not keeping in touch.) She invited me to come eat lunch with her in the Poetry Club during lunchtime. Also, on Sunday the 9th, my dad had to cover a special event (on his birthday :)) at a cathedral in downtown L.A. which no longer exists that then-President Bill Clinton and family attended. We both saw him.

30 years ago (April 1990): I was in fourth grade, and things weren't going well for me overall at school (although I had some decent moments). On Saturday the 21st my parents and I went to a Dodger game (in which the Astros beat 'em 6-3), and I bought a Dodger jacket. Also, on Tuesdays, my mom was having physical therapy done on her right wrist, which had been injured four months earlier in a roller skating accident. She would pick me up from school on Tuesdays, take me back to her office, and then we would leave at 3:30 from there and go down to Encino, where she had her physical therapy appointments at 4.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/22/20 at 5:22 pm

5 years ago (May 2015) was an interesting month for me. While I was in the hunt for paid employment, I took some time out to go on a cruise vacation with my family. During the week of Mother's Day we flew up to Seattle and cruised to Alaska (as well as one port in Canada); that was my first time going to that part of the world, and I enjoyed it so much! (Beautiful scenery all around, and having a great time overall.)

My info on May 2010 and May 2005 can be found here:
My info on May 2000, 1995, and 1990 can be found here: (as well as May 1985, which is now 35 years ago!)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/23/20 at 12:42 pm

5 years ago (June 2015): Tried to find jobs to apply to; this included registering with a staffing agency (which I am still in touch with today).

10 years ago (June 2010): I was still working my temporary job, and by this time I had made friends with some of my co-workers.

15 years ago (June 2005): I had changed my academic major to Liberal Arts, but was also toying with the idea to learn about computer systems (as suggested by people I knew at the time, but ultimately decided against it). Also, I was still doing volunteer work at CSUN; this project would last maybe one more year.

20 years ago (June 2000): We made improvements to our mobile home, in preparation to sell it (after 20+ years of living in it). Middle of the month, we went to a family reunion.

25 years ago (June 1995): Finishing up my freshman year of high school; it went almost to the end of the month.

30 years ago (June 1990): Finishing up my 4th grade year; once it was over, on the 21st, I was glad to not have to deal with that unpleasant teacher anymore. During the last week of the month, we went to Knotts Berry Farm with a cousin and his family, and I started my final year of summer day camp.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/19/20 at 4:35 pm

5 years ago (July 2015): For the most part I was looking for jobs to apply to, so I could utilize my accounting skills. Not too much else going on, except for having a nice day on my birthday.

10 years ago (July 2010): My temporary job finished on the 16th, so it was back to being unemployed the following week. I resumed doing volunteer work at the end of the month. On the 11th (a Sunday), I turned 30 and had a nice restaurant gathering with friends and family.

15 years ago (July 2005): I continued to do volunteer work at the university that I was attending. I also attended religious discussions/presentations with friends, as a way to meet other young adults.

20 years ago (July 2000): We spent the first half of the month looking at new housing developments to find a new place to live. We started looking in the Santa Clarita area (Canyon Country, Saugus, Castaic) and found some fairly decent floorplans, but the houses were all kind of expensive, and the weather in that area often gets hot especially in the summertime. On the 4th, we looked at some places in Camarillo and Oxnard and found some nice places. We later looked at one development in Simi Valley and liked one of the floorplans, but on my birthday, we found this one tract in Oxnard that we REALLY liked more than anything else. In fact, it was the tract that contains the house in which we now live in. 8) Later that month, I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed; they were growing in my mouth very crookedly; I healed up fairly quickly.

25 years ago (July 1995): Mostly I was at home, relaxing, or I went to help my dad out at his office, but also I helped out with an event at church that had nightly sessions for two weeks. During the last week of the month, my dad's boss was being a pain, so we took a vacation to San Luis Obispo; while we were up there I sent a postcard to my friend who had graduated a month earlier; when we came back, we drove past her house, which had a "for sale" sign in front; her family was probably moving away. ('Tis possible that she might've gone to college somewhere far away, and her parents might have decided to sell the place to be closer to their daughter.)

30 years ago (July 1990): I was attending summer day camp on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and having fun there. My birthday was on a Wednesday that year, so I didn't do too much except go to work with my dad in the morning, meet my mom at Sizzler for lunch, and go to work with her for the afternoon. When I didn't have any activities going on during the day, I found ways to have fun at home.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: goodbants on 07/19/20 at 5:04 pm

5 years ago: I would’ve just gotten done with my sophomore year of high school. I think that was the summer where I had a job at Coldstone briefly before I got fired cause I didn’t sell enough ice cream apparently. Screw them. Oh yeah, I went to London that summer for a few weeks. I remember cause same sex marriage was legalized in the US while I was in London. I was also vegan but it wasn’t working for me and I felt tired all the time. 

10 years ago: I was 11 years old. I would’ve just moved to a new city and I would’ve just gotten done with 5th grade. Summer of 2010 was the sh*t. I hung out with friends and did whatever I wanted. Can’t remember the specifics but I probably swam at the pool and my neighborhood friend hung out with me and my sister a lot. We would make dances to songs and then go around the neighborhood searching for people to watch our “concert” lol. The songs were California Girls, Born This Way, and Hey Soul Sister.

15 years ago: I would’ve been 6. Still living in Kansas City. Would’ve just gotten done with Kindergarten. I was probably watching Spongebob and playing with my other neighborhood friends from my old city. My favorite song was (the censored version of) Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani. I would get really excited when the ice cream truck came.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: karen on 07/20/20 at 10:02 am

Sometime roundabout now 10 years ago is when we moved back to the U.K. after living in Connecticut for three years

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/20/20 at 1:48 pm

Sometime roundabout now 10 years ago is when we moved back to the U.K. after living in Connecticut for three years

Has it been that long?


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: karen on 07/21/20 at 4:11 pm

Has it been that long?


Yes, I’m not quite sure of the exact date any more. Posts here stopped on July 17th and restarted on August 8th when we finally got the internet sorted.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/20/20 at 4:15 pm

5 years ago (August 2015): I was mainly seeking employment in the field of accounting. In fact, I'd heard of a potential bookkeeping job semi-local to me and tried to inquire about it; in September I'd find out about it in full. (More to come on that later.)

10 years ago (August 2010): Now that my temporary job was finished, I wondered what I was going to do next; I tried searching for employment in various sources but came up with hardly anything based on my then- skill set. However, I did have some volunteer work I was doing once a week, but it wasn't paid.

15 years ago (August 2005): I prepared to start another year of college, this time under my liberal arts major; this began near the end of the month, but I was still going to the campus during the month to do some volunteering. Elsewhere, I went to a "young adult picnic" gathering for the second straight year on Sunday the 14th.

20 years ago (August 2000): We got a deal for the house we wanted to buy, and finally bought it near the end of the month; meanwhile, we put our mobile home of 20+ years up for sale. I started my third year of college.

25 years ago (August 1995): For two days a week, for two weeks, I took swimming lessons at the college where I currently go to school. Most other days I went to work with my dad, and he would give me something to do to keep me busy.

30 years ago (August 1990): My mom was ending her job at Safety-Kleen in Sylmar and getting ready for a teaching job at a private school in Brentwood that would last for three years. She would teach music to grades K through 8, and English to grade 5. Monday the 6th through Friday the 10th, we went on a trip to Disneyland, and then to the beach. I was just enjoying the rest of the summer.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: MarkMc1990 on 08/20/20 at 8:08 pm

5 years ago, I had recently moved to the city and was at my old job.

10 years ago, I was beginning my sophomore year of college.

15 years ago, I was entering high school.

20 years ago, I was starting 4th grade.

25 years ago, I was in pre school.

30 years ago, my mom was 7 months pregnant with me.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/03/20 at 7:08 pm

September 2015: It began with my parents embarking on a nearly three-week cruise trip to Iceland and surrounding areas, while I stayed home to try to find paid work. Having the house to myself was pleasurable, even though I did get out and socialize. Midway through the month, while my parents were still on their aforementioned vacation, I received a recommendation for a full-time bookkeeping spot in a law office...which the person in charge wanted to hire me for right away. So I reluctantly accepted the offer, but had a hard time with the tasks from day one. And at laptop of not quite six years was "on its last legs" so to speak (it kept turning itself off), but my parents emailed me from their vacation and told me I could use their laptop for the time being.

September 2010: Generally, I was trying to find some sort of work (and seeking support), but also still volunteering. During the Labor Day week, my parents went on their second-ever cruise trip -- a journey to Alaska -- while I stayed home to take care of our dog.

September 2005: Into my first semester as a Liberal Arts major, taking only two classes, and being on campus two days per week. I found this to be less stressful than my previous major, even though my two classes did have their share of demands. I even met a really nice girl who was commuting with me (on the train/shuttle); she was studying physical therapy. I was sick for about a week, from Friday the 9th through Wednesday the 14th, with a mild cold. However, I generally enjoyed my life in general.

September 2000: Into my third year of college (my final semester at L.A. Mission College). I was taking classes and socializing with other people on campus (including this one girl who'd been in a class with me the previous semester; I found out she also worked on campus in the 'foster care' department). Also, construction on our new house began; on Saturday the 16th we saw that the foundation had been prepared, and two weeks later, the slab was poured. We began going out there every week or two to take pictures of the progress.

September 1995: Began my sophomore year of high school. Started to make new friends, and I kept some of the old ones. It was also around this time that I began to get popular with the girls. 8) I was placed in two honors classes: one for English and one for math. However, I would drop the English class after five weeks because things were going at a faster rate than I could handle.

September 1990: I began the 5th grade; this was my first taste of special education; I was placed in such a class because I had been having difficulties in the past. Things seemed to work out fairly well for me. The class also consisted of 4th graders and 6th graders with disabilities.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/16/20 at 11:28 am

5 years ago (October 2015), I was stuck in a bookkeeping job that I wasn't enjoying at all. I had contemplated resigning from it, but worried that if I did so, that wouldn't look good on my resume. On weekends I was volunteering at the local library (except for the 24th, when my family & I took a day trip to enjoy ourselves).

10 years ago (October 2010), I was desperately seeking a new job of some sorts, after my temporary one had ended three months earlier. When I didn't find a job, I did some volunteer work (at a place where I'd continue to volunteer at for 4 1/2 more years). I also kept tabs on the baseball playoffs, and specifically remember rooting for the Texas Rangers in the ALCS (and they beat the Yankees 4 games to 2).

15 years ago (October 2005), I was still an undergrad student at Cal State Northridge, adjusting to life as a Liberal Arts major. I had two classes that semester: Literature and upper-division California History. That month I had my midterms and did so-so on them (although the history midterm didn't go so well for some reason; fortunately my professor allowed me to retake it a month later (with much better results)). Also I was starting to write about my daily life at school, on a personal level. Moreover, there was this girl I started to become friends with; she was studying physical therapy and I sometimes saw her while commuting to CSUN (riding the train). I was also following the baseball postseason each day.

20 years ago (October 2000), my family and I were continuing to pack up some of our belongings, in preparation to sell our mobile home; this included discarding some items that we no longer needed (a task I specifically remember doing on Sunday the 22nd). As for my academic life, I was at Mission College for a fifth and final semester to take general ed classes, two of which were at night. I had also developed a fondness for this girl I'd met the previous semester in a class I'd taken; I'd been seeing her on a regular basis around campus, and she was cute... but in some cases I was worried about how I'd approach her. As for baseball playoffs, I didn't really watch them (due in part to not having cable tv at home), but I could still follow the progress.

25 years ago (October 1995), I was a sophomore in high school. I specifically remember changing my English class from an honors one to a regular one, since the course seemed to go at a pace too quick for me to handle; the change worked out better for me. However, I started to struggle in some of my other classes, and was up late on most nights doing homework for them... but in the end I passed. The math class was probably the one I was doing the best in. By this time I was also starting to become popular with girls at school; many of them began talking with me and having friendly conversations with me.

30 years ago (October 1990), the month began with me being sick (I missed the first two days of school) and ended with my dad being sick (he took me trick-or-treating at the shopping mall; I wore a Bart Simpson costume). I was already a month into my fifth-grade year, having early experiences with special education, which seemed to go well for me. Because my parents were both working far from home (20+ miles either direction), my grandma would often pick me up from school and I'd watch TV at her house until my mom arrived and we went home together. I also remember watching the Cincinnati Reds sweep the Oakland Athletics in the World Series.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/12/20 at 4:43 pm

5 years ago (November 2015), I finally got out of that "not-meant-for-me" job during the first week of the month (after a 1 1/2 months in it); to make a long story short, it just wasn't working out for me. But not long after that door closed, a new one opened: I made a serious application for an accounting job, got called in for an interview, which I did very well on.

10 years ago (November 2010), I was still on the hunt for employment, while continuing to do volunteer work at this one place. Also, I got together with some friends early in the month for a retreat; for me it was much needed.

15 years ago (November 2005), I was busy at Cal State Northridge; even though I had only two courses that semester, they were both very challenging. In fact, I began work on the final paper for one such class while trying to juggle various other things in my life.

20 years ago (November 2000), my family and I were getting ready to move out of our mobile home. On most days prior to the 19th we were packing up stuff and keeping things clean in there. On days that we weren't doing any such preparations, I was going to school at Mission College (and concentrating on my academic priorities, some of which by this time were quite challenging). On the 19th we moved out of the mobile home and into my grandma's house on a temporary basis; on the 20th the movers came and moved out our things that we were going to have stored for the next three months.

25 years ago (November 1995), as a sophomore in high school, I was finding myself studying very late each night. (At school I was also getting popular with some of the girls.) Later in the month, I had my braces removed so I could once again start eating foods that I was restricted from for the previous 2 1/2 years.

30 years ago (November 1990), on weekdays at school I was in special ed all day in the 5th grade, noticing how some of the kids would misbehave, while I was well-behaved for the most part. Additionally, I was doing well academically. On weekends I would have fun by myself at home.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/10/20 at 6:14 pm

5 years ago (December 2015), I was waiting to find out if the place I interviewed for a job at the previous month would invite me back for the next step (the background check); midway through the month they did...and I passed. I was having concerns about working at this place because it was a long drive from my house, but the woman who interviewed me (who is now my boss) seemed optimistic about the prospect of hiring me so I felt guilty about refusing. And...after Christmas my grandfather made what would be his final visit to our house.

10 years ago (December 2010), I was still on the hunt for employment, but not really getting anywhere with that. I also did volunteer work at least once a week (just so that I'd be doing something).

15 years ago (December 2005), I was finishing an 8-page term paper for a class I was taking, as well as prepping for final exams. Also at school, I was getting email addresses for some of my lady friends so I could keep in touch with 'em; I even decided to give one of them a Christmas card. After Christmas I went with my parents to Magic Mountain (since earlier in the year we had won free tickets that were good until New Year's Eve), and then with my dad to Palm Desert so we could visit his parents. Some good times.

20 years ago (December 2000), I was preparing to say goodbye to Mission College; these were some busy times. In addition to all my academic preparations --studying for final exams, completing projects, etc.-- there were also some social things I wanted to take care of, as I had made some friends there and had to part ways with them before the 21st. This included a girl who was in a class I'd had the previous semester and was working on campus in one of the offices; on the 19th I gave her a beautiful Christmas card and she was very happy upon receiving it. On the homefront, we were living at my grandma's house while our new home was being built (we even came out once every weekend to take pictures of the progress), so we spent Christmas and New Years there; it worked out well.

25 years ago (December 1995), I was a sophomore in high school and was very busy with academic stuff each day and night; I often had lots of work to do, and because of this, I was starting to falter in some of my classes. So during the winter holiday break, I would study my books (particularly biology) each day (except for Christmas Eve and Day). I also had some good times, mostly with my family, during the month.

30 years ago (December 1990), I was 10 years old, in the 5th grade, and handling life at school quite well. After school on most days, my grandma would pick me up, take me to her house, and I'd sometimes watch television... until my mom came to get me, as she was working as a music teacher at a school in Brentwood (the west part of L.A. city). Additionally, we started going to church at a place that was about 40 miles east of home, as my mom was offered a job there. I also remember getting several Christmas presents that I enjoyed.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/03/21 at 11:35 am

5 years ago (January 2016)... while I was waiting to start a part-time accounting job on the 19th (which I'd already accepted the offer for), I spent the first half of the month also seeking other employment. Didn't really find anything, so I started working there and have stuck with it ever since. (At first, however, I did not know how long I would be in it.)

10 years ago (January 2011)... I was continuing to look for work while still doing volunteer work at one particular place. Near the end of the month, I attended a motivational job search workshop at the local library, and that seemed to help, but overall I felt like I wasn't really getting very far. So I was at home for the most part, and I'm pretty sure I walked my little Chloe dog every day.

15 years ago (January 2006)... I was on break from my academics at CSU Northridge. Well, mostly. Every week during the month, I would go to campus one day to do volunteering; at the time I was working on an ongoing project. Then at the end of the month, I started the Spring semester (and that would ultimately turn out to be one of my best academic semesters ever).

20 years ago (January 2001)... this was probably the middle of a "transitional" period for me. I had the whole month off from school, mostly because I was going to be starting at a new community college, but their Spring semester didn't start until February. So mostly I hung around at "home", which in this case was my grandma's house, which we were temporarily living in while our new house was being constructed. We were still continuing to go out every week to take a look at the progress (something that excited us). So it was a transitional period in that I was between schools and between homes.

25 years ago (January 1996)... I was mostly busy in one way or another, being a sophomore in high school. This was the final month of the first semester, and I was completing several assignments for the classes I was in, including a family tree project for one class and several essays for my English class. Also, I had a tennis class for the first period of the day, and by this month it was very cold outside in the morning so I had to go and buy some sweats in order to be comfortable.

30 years ago (January 1991)... well, I was in one way or another enjoying school, being a fifth grader; outside of school in my spare time I would write some silly stories in a spiral notebook, getting inspiration from various things I saw on TV (such as cartoons and certain things that the characters were involved in). I was also adjusting to getting up very early on Sunday mornings every other week because my mom began working at a church that was a long distance from home.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/15/21 at 1:57 pm

February 2016: My first full month in my part-time job (which I still have today). It was going quite well; I felt comfortable in this setting. During the final week of the month I had heard of a possible part-time position in the place where I had done my internship a month earlier...but that turned out to not be an actual job. (I think I was deceived.) So I stuck with my employment in the true position.

February 2011: I was still on the hunt for employment. When I wasn't at home doing next to nothing, I did volunteer work. I also had a personal project going on: making a scrapbook photo album with some of my childhood photos, as the old album (one with sticky pages) started fraying. I had been inspired to do this after my parents did a similar project with one of their old photo albums a month earlier.

February 2006: In addition to taking classes for my liberal arts degree at CSU Northridge, I also returned to Pierce College for computer-programming classes (this was for a certificate in programming, which I'd hoped would help me find a job). Fortunately for me, my classes at Pierce were on Monday/Wednesday, whereas my CSUN classes were on Tuesday/Thursday, so I didn't have to be at two campuses on any one day. Still, this was the start of one of my least stressful semesters. I also handed out chocolate hearts to my lady friends on the 14th (and subsequent days).

February 2001: Perhaps a very memorable month for me. :) On Monday the 5th I began my only general-ed semester at Pierce College (needless to say, a week later I ended up swapping one history class for a better one), and only had classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. It was about this time that our new house was finished... and on Thursday the 15th, our escrow closed, so we got the keys and were very excited! During the weekend, we started moving some of our stuff into the house, and the professional movers moved everything else in on Tuesday the 20th.

February 1996: The middle of my high school sophomore year. The fall semester ended on Groundhog Day, so the spring semester began on Monday the 5th; that was when my schedule of classes was screwed up. To keep me in the "honors" math class, the counselors (or whoever was in charge of students' individual program schedules) moved me into "regular" P.E. for a different period, rather than keep me in the tennis class, so during that week I arranged with them to move me back into tennis class, and place me in a regular math class. Later in the month, on Valentines Day, my parents gave me a bag of See's chocolate hearts (for the first time), and I decided, on my own, to bring them to school and hand 'em out to the girls.

February 1991: I was in 5th grade; it was on Tuesday the 12th when I started to mainstream into a "regular" math class, having been in special ed for all subjects up to this point. Math had always been my favorite subject, even then, and I had demonstrated that I could do well in the subject. I was also "in my own world" so to speak, outside of school.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/04/21 at 6:16 pm

5 years ago (March 2016): I was adjusting well to my new paid job (which I still have today!). I said no to this other "job" because the person in charge there was taking advantage of me. Around mid-month I met a certain friend of mine for lunch and we enjoyed our time together.

10 years ago (March 2011): Not doing much, except for volunteer work at a certain place, and trying to find paid work somewhere.

15 years ago (March 2006): Having a good time. I was doing very well in all my college courses; this included midterm exams. I also socialized with lady friends on campus, as well as on the train going to and from home. :) Many pleasant memories.

20 years ago (March 2001): Now settled into our new home, we were enjoying it, although we still needed to buy furniture for our living room (which we did a month later). Academically, I was doing well at Pierce College.

25 years ago (March 1996): Basically concentrating on my academic life as a high school sophomore. Also remaining popular with many girls. :)

30 years ago (March 1991): At the beginning of the month, my bedroom had a leak in the wall. So we had to clear out my bedroom, moving my bed out to the living room, where I slept each night during the month. I also cleared out my closet and moved those items into the living room as well. The carpet in my bedroom needed replacement, and a drywall replaced the panel wall(s) that sprung a leak.  At the end of the month, I hunted for Easter eggs one last time (Easter was on the 31st that year).  In school, I adjusted well to being in a "regular" math class, while staying in special ed for other subjects.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/30/21 at 11:57 pm

20 years ago (March 2001): Now settled into our new home, we were enjoying it, although we still needed to buy furniture for our living room (which we did a month later). Academically, I was doing well at Pierce College.

I was just remembering that it was on this date in 2001 that we first ate at a local Italian eatery at which we ultimately became regulars.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/05/21 at 5:06 pm

5 years ago (April 2016): Three months into my accounting job; I was enjoying it very much. At the end of the month we got our floors redone at home.

10 years ago (April 2011): I was still volunteer-working for the most part. Doing all I could to find paid work.

15 years ago (April 2006): Still had plenty of good times, both academically and socially, although most of my socializing was done at school or on the train to and from there (I commuted). During my spring break week (2nd week of the month) I took it easy for the most part.

20 years ago (April 2001): We finally started to organize our living room. We bought new furniture on Friday the 13th, and it was delivered less than a week later; I even remember us all moving the piano from the living room into the family room (it was a task!). Academically I was doing quite well.

25 years ago (April 1996): I had spring break during Easter week rather than Holy week; because of this, we were able to go out of town for a few days to celebrate my dad's birthday, which was that week. Elsewhere, I was an avid listener of Casey Kasem's "American Top 20" countdown (which he was hosting at the time); I listened to it every Sunday night on the radio.  On the 27th of the month, the Olympic Torch was passing through Los Angeles and I was able to get a picture or two of it.

30 years ago (April 1991): On Saturday the 6th, I was finally able to move back into my bedroom; the carpeting and wall had been fully replaced. In school I was enjoying my "regular" math class and doing fine in special-ed subjects. Oh, and my mom and I began reading some books together; we would often do this on weeknights or during the weekend. (We'd continue doing this into the summer.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/15/21 at 11:48 am

5 years ago (May 2016): Four months into my accounting job. I was definitely feeling that was the right fit for me. :) I also continued to volunteer at my local library on the weekends.

10 years ago (May 2011): I was absent from this site for most of the month, due to my computer catching a virus, so I needed to have it repaired. Elsewhere, I began having appointments a new job counselor because I wanted to take some serious steps to finding a I met one person who started taking me out in the field to look for potential employers. (Back then I only had a B.A. in Liberal Arts and a Computer Programming certificate to my name.)

15 years ago (May 2006): The Spring semester at CSUN was winding down, and I wondered how I was going to keep in touch with some of the lady friends I had made, including this one girl who was studying physical therapy. I talked with her about possibly inviting her to come to my place sometime during the summer, and she seemed interested...but that visit never came to fruition. At home, we finally started to paint our bedroom walls; they had all been white for five years. On Saturday the 20th we painted my bedroom walls; on Monday the 29th (Memorial Day) we painted my parents' room.

20 years ago (May 2001): This was basically the final month of the Spring Semester at Pierce College, and I was finishing up my general ed. I didn't have any big papers to write, since the classes I was taking were not too difficult. (And I managed to make a few friends.) On Monday the 28th, Memorial Day, my family and I finally had our housewarming party; most of the people who came over were family members.

25 years ago (May 1996): I was, of course, a high school sophomore, doing my daily routine of going to classes and studying/doing homework; however, I was absent only one day -- Wednesday the 15th, because I had a cold and figured I'd probably infect people if I went to school. I still had some good times.

30 years ago (May 1991): I was in 5th grade, doing pretty much the same stuff as I'd been doing the previous months. Didn't miss any days of school. I can remember going to a Dodgers baseball game on Friday the 10th, and to the beach with my family on Sunday the 19th.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/21/21 at 12:00 am

5 years ago (June 2016): Enjoying my accounting job, which was part time, but I still tried to seek other employment opportunities (because I did not know how long I'd be in my present one). Also continuing to volunteer at my local library on the weekends.

10 years ago (June 2011): On most days I was doing a job hunt, with help from a job coach; he helped me to feel more confident about the process. social life took a positive turn on Saturday the 11th when I was cordially invited to a party with some friends I previously knew (from young adult ministry; I also met a few new folks), so I had a good time. :)

15 years ago (June 2006): I had just finished one of my best semesters (academically) and was doing all I could to find a job of some nature. I continued to seek help from sources at Cal State Northridge; they helped me all I could. Also, for a few days I went on a brief mini-vacation trip with my dad to San Luis Obispo; it was nice for him and me to get away. During the final week of the month, my parents went on a mini-vacation trip of their own, leaving me to take care of our dog.

20 years ago (June 2001): I finished my academics at the community college (general ed) early in the month and was hangin' around at home for the most part. During the second week of the month, we finally got around to putting our backyard together; I even remember that we finally got our sod in place on Friday the 15th. A few days later, I rode the Metrolink train from our home all the way to downtown for the first time; this was to go to the office with my dad. In fact, in years ahead I would get accustomed to riding the train on this route (to go to Cal State Northridge for my degree)!

25 years ago (June 1996): My sophomore year of high school was ending... and when I got my yearbook on Monday the 10th, I started having my friends sign it (18 of whom were girls!). The last day of the school year was Thursday the 20th. Elsewhere, I helped my mom move to a new office at her then-workplace. Speaking of work, I had signed up for a summer youth-employment program so that I could gain some early work experience.

30 years ago (June 1991): I was finishing fifth grade, knowing full well that I would only have a two-month summer break, because a "year round" schedule was going to take effect soon after for the entire Los Angeles Unified School District. Elsewhere... I took my first-ever train trip on Sunday the 2nd: a ride on the Amtrak from L.A. Union Station to San Juan Capistrano, with my parents; in Capistrano we visited a California mission and other places that were there.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/10/21 at 3:42 pm

5 years ago (July 2016): In the middle of the month, I celebrated half a year at my employment! But before then, I had my 36th birthday, which was a nice day; however, in the evening we found out that my paternal grandfather had died at his home in Palm Desert (after my dad had talked to him on the phone a day earlier). So then we had to start cleaning out my grandparents' home, meaning that we had to drive out there in the heat, making several trips out there over the next several months to clean it out, plus get it ready for selling. Elsewhere, on Tuesday nights I got together with some friends from church for our annual Theology On Tap series.

10 years ago (July 2011): I was still doing my job hunt with my job coach, as well as continuing to do volunteer work at this one place (once a week). Elsewhere, I started to get more involved with a certain group of friends; I attended a birthday celebration for one of them on the 6th; this same person, a young woman, had a going away party four days later, so I wished her well. I also had a nice time on my birthday.

15 years ago (July 2006): I had some eventful things going on. I continued to seek employment opportunities through sources at CSU Northridge while continuing to volunteer at the Family Focus Center on campus; by this time, my work over there was almost completed. On Sunday the 9th I played golf with my dad in the morning; two days later I had a nice birthday (although that day, Tuesday the 11th, was one of the days that I went to CSUN). Later in the month I connected with young adults at church for the annual speaker series I've helped out with. Some good times.

20 years ago (July 2001): Where do I begin? Well, we were continuing to fix up our new house, inside and out, after moving into it five months earlier. This was also the month that I turned 21; my parents took the day off for my birthday so they could spend time with me; we decided to take a little day trip up the coast (as far north as San Luis Obispo); on the way back we stopped at a casino in Santa Ynez so I could see what it was like... but the environment overall didn't really capture my interest. Later on I prepared for my studies at Cal State Northridge, where I would begin my studies a month later.

25 years ago (July 1996): I celebrated my 16th birthday with my parents and one of my childhood friends, with the four of us spending a day at Knotts Berry Farm; we did this five days before my actual birthday. The second week of the month, I had my very first taste of work experience: I worked five days a week in the main office of a local elementary school, doing various office work; I also attended one summer-school class in the morning as part of this "summer youth employment program."

30 years ago (July 1991): I had several eventful things going on. For one thing, my mom and I read several books together, even going to the library to check a few out; we enjoyed doing this. I turned 11 on the 11th; I remember one of my presents being a Nintendo Game Boy, and the other being my very first diary (I had asked for a diary after reading a novel about a boy who keeps a diary; this was my inspiration)... and for my birthday, we spent a couple days at the beach. The third week of the month, I went to camp for the first time, and while I had some fun experiences, such as riding horses and partaking in various activities, some of the kids were mean to me, possibly because this had been my very first experience of being away from home, with other kids in a different type of setting. (Kids at that age seem to make generalizations, it seems.) In my spare time at home, I would sometimes draw doodles.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/09/21 at 11:44 pm

5 years ago - August 2016:
- I was enjoying my paid job (which I still have today).
- My parents were going out to Palm Desert at least once every week to clear out my paternal grandparents' house.
- I was doing well in other regards.

10 years ago - August 2011:
- My dog Chloe's health was deteriorating at such an alarming rate; first she was having trouble keeping food down, then she was hardly eating at all; the vet found out that it was a case of pancreatitis. She ultimately needed to be put down on the 15th, leaving all of us in sadness. :\'(
- We had a nice celebration for my maternal grandma's 90th birthday, despite our dog's health declining.
- On Saturday the 27th I went on a "day trip" with my parents for the first time in years, to have a good time.
- I continued to do volunteer work, while searching for paid opportunities.

15 years ago - August 2006:
- Still on summer break, I was still interested in working, even though I was still going to CSUN now and then to volunteer.
- I attended a young adult picnic on Sunday the 13th and had a great time; it was the third year in a row I went to such an event. :)
- At home I was either taking care of my dog or posting online just about every day.

20 years ago - August 2001:
- My parents were on vacation from work for two weeks; we didn't really go anywhere too far away, so it was more of a "staycation". We were also still getting acclimated to living in Oxnard, as it had been half a year since we moved there. This of course was our first summer without an air conditioner, but it didn't get too hot. (We would finally invest in one 4 years later.)
- I started attending California State University Northridge; the fall semester began on Monday the 27th. I had classes five days a week, including Calculus for one hour on all five days. For me, it was kind of a new adventure, going to school at a university for the first time. Started to make a few friends.

25 years ago - August 1996:
- During the first half of the month, I attended my summer session class in the morning and worked for four hours after then. I enjoyed my job; to recap, I assisted in the main office at an elementary school. Although my summer school class ended on Friday the 16th, I worked another week after that.
- Sunday the 18th, my great-uncle came over and gave me a chess set that he had put together all by himself; I happily thanked him for it and learned how to play chess on that very day. (My dad had taught me; my mom had no interest in chess and still doesn't today.)
- During the last week of the month, my parents and I went on a vacation trip up the California coast, to Monterey and Carmel. (For the record, I haven't been back there since.)

30 years ago - August 1991:
- I was at home for the most part, during the first week or so of the month. However, my mom and I managed one trip to the beach with one of her friends and that person's kids.
- We took a trip up north from the 14th to the 17th. On this trip, we stayed in Carmel, but drove up to Santa Cruz (and visited the Mystery Spot) and ultimately to San Francisco, somewhere I had not previously been, but was very much interested in visiting... and I enjoyed it! :)
- I had the unusual experience of starting school on the 19th of the month, thanks to a "Year round" schedule that had been implemented by the L.A. Unified School District. (The plan would only last two years, thankfully.) I was starting the 6th grade and was enjoying it for the most part, although the heat kinda got to me during the first week and I had to miss a day and a half. :P
- On the last day of the month we visited my mom's cousin and his family, who were camping at Carpinteria beach for the weekend.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/12/21 at 8:02 pm

5 years ago (September 2016): Doing well in my paid job. I felt like this was the right fit for me. (In fact, I learned about other aspects of the company by now.) parents took a two-week vacation trip, so I had the house to myself during that span. I enjoyed it. And at church, a certain lady friend of mine expressed interest in joining the choir (something that I myself never have had any interest in doing).

10 years ago (September 2011): We began adjusting to life without our dog Chloe, who'd gone to heaven the previous month. I sought a new source for seeking employment (and would stick with this source for about a year). My parents went on a vacation trip the third week of the month, while I stayed home by myself... and I began attending a Bible Study with a group of friends that I was just beginning to hang out with regularly.

15 years ago (September 2006): I started a new academic semester on the day after Labor Day, both at Cal State Northridge (for my Liberal Arts degree) and Pierce College (for certification in computer programming). On the 12th of the month, I ended a two-year volunteer-work stint at a place on campus, as the project was finally completed. I also continued to take ballroom dance classes at the dance studio near our home.

20 years ago (September 2001): (I know that the events of the 11th probably had an effect on all of us, but we can certainly discuss things besides that.) I was adjusting very well to life at CSU Northridge, starting to meet new people (mostly students) and making friends... and also concentrating on my academics. On most mornings, I'd ride the commuter train to and from campus, but sometimes my mom would drive me in because she worked in Canoga Park, which is relatively close to Northridge. Still, I have fond memories of being a first-year university student. :)

25 years ago (September 1996): I began my junior year of high school; it felt great to see some of my friends after the summer break. I was originally placed in a U.S. history class with a tough teacher that everyone seemed to dislike, but after seven school days everyone in the class got a different teacher who was much easier to deal with. This was also the month in which I started getting acquainted with lots of 80s music, as one radio station started playing a block of it on Friday nights (however, I would become a regular listener of it the following spring).

30 years ago (September 1991): I was well into my 6th grade year, in special ed for the most part, but mainstreaming into English and math (and even started with the D.A.R.E. program on the 9th), and was well-liked by several of the kids in the regular class. Outside of school, I started watching lots of TV, mainly kid-oriented programs; I guess I found 'em exciting in a sense.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/19/21 at 11:41 pm

5 years ago (October 2016): I was nine months into my paid job; enjoying it. I made two trips to Palm Desert with my dad to help him continue with cleaning out his parents' home; this included bringing home a rolltop desk that I would begin using (and it has become very useful for me). On Thursday the 20th, my mom lost a 47-year-old friend to cancer; this woman worked with my mom in church for a lotta years, and I knew her fairly well too...and I decided to attend the woman's funeral nine days later.

10 years ago (October 2011): I was still doing volunteer work once a week, while visiting with a "job developer" person to try seeking employment. Elsewhere I was continuing to attend Bible Study with this group of friends that I'd been in contact with for the previous few months, hoping to get together with them for other events (which I would do in the months/years ahead). I also enjoyed watching the World Series (for the record I rooted for the Cardinals, just like I did 5 years earlier). :D

15 years ago (October 2006): It was time for midterms at the colleges I was attending, so I was busy in that regard. I continued to socialize with the friends I made at CSUN and Pierce Colleges (and in retrospect, that might've been a good time for me to join Facebook! But I didn't). And of course I was following the baseball postseason, all the way through the World Series, which of course I also watched on TV.

20 years ago (October 2001): I had my first CSUN midterms, the last of which was on the last day of the month (Halloween) in my California Geography class. I was also continuing to get acquainted with life on the campus... which included playing a particular video game in the gameroom on a daily basis, until said game got taken away on Friday the 12th. Elsewhere... my parents' 25th anniversary was that month, and we had a nice celebration on Sunday the 21st at a church in Westlake Village.

25 years ago (October 1996): Most of what I remember from this month was my life at school, concentrating primarily on schoolwork, but also making friends with my classmates. More notably, on the 23rd of the month... a girl in one class came alongside me in the hallway and said "Hey Jeff, how ya doin'?" and placed her right arm around me; this felt really good, so I started giving hugs to girls. (But only to this particular one at first. Two days later another girl gave me a hug, which she initiated.)  Elsewhere... I did NOT watch the World Series that year, because it was Braves vs. Yankees, the two teams I despise the most.

30 years ago (October 1991): I was doing well in school, but on many days after school I was into watching TV, mainly kid-oriented programs such as cartoons. But I also got interested in primetime shows. In fact, this was the month when I got hooked on the sitcom Family Matters (I found the character Steve Urkel quite funny).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/17/21 at 11:03 pm

5 years ago (November 2016): I was still enjoying my work. And from the 17th to the 22nd I took a cruise with my family, seeing Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, for the first time (the whole journey was exciting).

10 years ago (November 2011): I had one get-together with friends when one of them celebrated a birthday at a bowling alley; I did some volunteer work every week; and I was still searching for a job each week. Oh, and my mom turned 60; we celebrated by throwing a surprise gathering for her on the night before.

15 years ago (November 2006): I was primarily concentrating on my academics, although I was also trying to be more social. In fact, on the 21st, I sat next to this girl in my Western Civilization class and started talking with her; she seemed quite friendly (and she was cute too); and for the record I remember her wearing something that really caught my eye; a week later I gave her a hug. (In retrospect, I kinda wish I'd joined Facebook then, but at the time I had no interest in social media.) Elsewhere, I remained active with learning to dance.

20 years ago (November 2001): With midterms out of the way, I continued to do well in my first semester in a university (Cal State Northridge), and in my spare time I would go to the microfilm room in the campus library to do research on sports statistics (this was before the website "" existed). We also celebrated my mom's 50th birthday, which was the day before Thanksgiving that year. I had plenty of memorable times.

25 years ago (November 1996): At school I was having some good times and others not so good (mostly with certain kids...but I would usually talk to girls every day), but I got through it all. Elsewhere, I was happy when Bill Clinton won reelection.

30 years ago (November 1991): I began taking karate classes in order to learn self defense; I also continued to do well in school. Around the middle of the month, we bought a brand new car - a Toyota Camry, which we would own for 20+ years. My mom turned 40, and we had a party for her at my grandma's house. This was also the first time we had Thanksgiving dinner at home (every year from 1980 through 1990, we would go to a family member's house). I was also really into watching TV each day.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/19/21 at 5:09 pm

5 years ago (December 2016): I was approaching my one-year anniversary of employment. Mid-month, I began driving a different car to and from work, because my parents bought a brand new Camry hybrid and sold our van (to a friend of ours who needed a car). Working during the final week of the year (between Christmas and New Years) was kindof a pleasurable experience for me. :)

10 years ago (December 2011): I was still on the hunt for a job; made some applications, but nothing further. I continued to do volunteer work, and started socializing with some of the other volunteers in one of the other departments at the place I volunteered. Elsewhere, I continued to have get-togethers with friends; this included a Christmas holiday party on the 18th and a birthday celebration on the 19th. (I think I may have shared a picture of one of these events on here a while back.) After Christmas, my parents and I went out to the desert to visit my paternal grandparents; my grandma's health was declining.

15 years ago (December 2006): The Fall semester was coming to a close, and final exams were held the week before Christmas, so I worked extra hard to make sure I passed my courses (which I did!). Also at CSUN I remained social with the ladies, and even started handing out Christmas cards to them (which they appreciated). 8) I was also on this site a lot every day (except for the days in the month when I was prepping for finals). Had a nice holiday season too.

20 years ago (December 2001): I finished my very first semester at Cal State Northridge; final exams were held the week of the 10th and I did well on all of them. Also for my family it was our first holiday season in our new home and we were excited about it. On another note, this is probably when I developed a fondness for the Shakira song "Whenever Wherever" (and its Spanish version), since it was climbing the charts at the time. (During the first few months of '02 I contemplated buying the CD.)

25 years ago (December 1996): I had good days at school, but when kids bothered me I tried to not let it bother me. On the day after Christmas I went roller-skating for the first time in four years (and the most recent time, to date) and had fun with that. And at home, I was longing for a new bed because I was outgrowing the one I had.

30 years ago (December 1991): When I wasn't at school or watching TV, I would hang around with a few friends I made in the neighborhood. They enjoyed riding their bikes, and I didn't really have one yet, so I wanted one for Christmas. And I got a new bike...on Christmas Eve, since it couldn't be wrapped or placed under the tree.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/27/22 at 8:01 pm

5 years ago (January 2017): I celebrated one year of work at my job. We were getting close to done with cleaning out my grandparents' home in Palm Desert. Mid-month, I had to buy a new computer...little did I know that it would only last 3 1/2 years (but in recent months I have been looking for places to get it repaired). As far as newsworthy events, of course I was displeased with the presidential transition.

10 years ago (January 2012): Still searching in various places to look for a job, while continuing to volunteer. Later in the month I began attending a monthly workshop for personal and professional development; every month there would be one session, usually toward the end of the month; it would help me gain a profound sense of freedom and purpose.

15 years ago (January 2007): I was off from school at CSUN for most of the month; this gave me an opportunity to "regroup" in my life so to speak. (The spring semester began on Monday the 29th.) I also pursued the religious sacrament of Confirmation, as I was finally ready to go through with it. (This was also a life-changing experience for me.)

20 years ago (January 2002): My first winter break as a CSUN student. I was off for most of the month, mainly hangin' around at home. When the new semester began, on Monday the 28th, I had a good day...until I saw a young lady I knew at Mission College (and felt I was friends with, since she was nice), but unfortunately for me, she was too busy to talk. I also had my first exposure to Computer Science classes, which would ultimately prove to be kinda challenging.

25 years ago (January 1997): We started the year off by buying a new bed for me; when it got delivered to our home a couple days later, we went shopping for a night table to accompany it. At school, final exams were during the last week of the month.

30 years ago (January 1992): Due to the "year round" schedule that was in effect for the Los Angeles Unified School District, I had a super-long winter break, which covered the whole month of January. So I was enrolled in a winter-intersession class, which met every Monday-Friday during the morning hours; the session would end during the first week of February.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/25/22 at 10:33 pm

5 years ago (February 2017): I was working two days a week, doing my best to enjoy life. Elsewhere, we finished clearing out and cleaning up my late grandparents' home in Palm Desert...and got it put on the market.

10 years ago (February 2012): I was continuing to volunteer at a certain place, and had made friends with a few of the other volunteers (young women, whom I handed out chocolate hearts to on Valentines Day)... and also continued to look for employment in various places. (In fact, I interviewed for an Admin Assistant position, which I ended up not getting selected for.) Later in the month, I went to my first Mardi Gras party, hosted by one of the young women in my bible study group; I had such a good time that I told them I wanted to host a Mardi Gras party the following year!

15 years ago (February 2007): My academic semester was underway; it proved to be a busy time for me, even though I was only taking one class at CSUN (the others were computer-based courses at Pierce, a community college, three evenings a week). There were also a few young lady friends of mine I saw around campus on a regular basis; I even met one such person in the one class I was taking at CSUN. Oh, and on Saturday the 10th I went with my family to a doowop concert in Cerritos (featuring four bands from the doowop era that were still performing).

20 years ago (February 2002): I was starting to have my struggles with Computer Science classes at CSUN, particularly one class that involved programming in Java, which I knew cold at the time... so I asked other people for help, which in the long run didn't get me very far. But the one class I was doing well in, despite the challenges, was calculus. I also continued to make friends with various girls, whom I gave chocolate hearts to on Valentines Day.

25 years ago (February 1997): I began the second half of my high-school junior year, having pretty much the same classes as in the first half, with the same respective teachers... and was doing pretty well academically, except for chemistry. (That's what led me to seek tutoring in the subject.)

30 years ago (February 1992): The winter-intersession ended during the first week of the month, so I was off school until the day after Presidents Day, when I resumed my regular school activities. (They were originally going to send us back to school on Valentines Day, but that was a Friday, s so that would seem silly to do right before a three-day weekend.) I have memories of watching various programs on TV, as well as the Albertville Winter Olympics.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/27/22 at 9:48 pm

5 years ago (March 2017): I was continuing with my paid job, although I was still in the hunt for other potential paid work. Mid-month, I was sick (with a cold) for the weekend but got over it within a few days.

10 years ago (March 2012): I continued to do volunteer work and look for paid work... and also prepared for my very first cruise trip, which would start the following month!

15 years ago (March 2007): I was primarily concentrating on my academics, as this was kind of a demanding semester for me... especially since I had midterms in the latter part of the month. Amidst all that, I was keeping track of my pleasant conversations/encounters with friendly people.

20 years ago (March 2002): While the Computer Science courses continued to give me struggles, I was doing very well in Calculus (even though that course had some challenging chapters as well, which we were covering during that time). Also, I began taking an interest in MIDI files, as one website that I was visiting regularly at the time had a whole collection of them available for download; sometimes I would listen to them in my spare time (particularly those of popular songs that I liked; it wasn't quite the same as the actual songs, but I still enjoyed it).

25 years ago (March 1997): In school, I was going about my everyday activities; the last full week of the month was my spring break, as that was Holy Week that year. On Tuesday of that week I went with my mom to Disneyland and had a great time; this was our first time visiting the Toontown section of the park.

30 years ago (March 1992): I started feeling like I was watching too much TV at times, so I chose to give up certain programs (particularly, animated ones) for Lent, which worked to my advantage. In school I was doing well (reminder - I was in special ed for all subjects except for English and math).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/27/22 at 11:26 pm

5 years ago (April 2017): Continuing with my paid job (part-time at the time), and interacting with friends mostly at church.

10 years ago (April 2012): Pretty much the same as last month (more volunteer work; more searching for paid work). At the end of the month, I went on my very first cruise (with my parents)! :)

15 years ago (April 2007): For the most part, I was busy with my studies. At the end of the month my parents got their first digital camera, and naturally I started longing for one.

20 years ago (April 2002): For me it was more struggles in the Computer Science classes and continued success in calculus. At the end of the month I once again saw this girl I'd met two years earlier in the community college, but once again she was too busy to have a lengthy conversation with me (and I even remember telling my parents about it at the end of the day). Also enjoying other small aspects of life.

25 years ago (April 1997): I began to get after-school tutoring for chemistry, since it was my weakest subject; I was doing well in my other classes. Midway through the month, I decided to start writing about my school days (particularly my interactions with friends and other people I knew) in a private book; this would last about four weeks (Note: sometimes I would even bring the book to school and write about things while they were fresh in my mind). now, listening to 80s music on Friday nights was pretty much a "must" for me; I really began to enjoy it more than ever.

30 years ago (April 1992): I still had my favorite TV programs that I enjoyed watching (mostly after school, but others in the evenings). At school I had several good days, even though I was absent for three such days. I also continued to enjoy riding my bike around the neighborhood and socializing with friends who also rode bikes. On Easter Sunday I came to the realization that I was outgrowing egg hunts, even though I enjoyed 'em as a younger child. And of course the L.A. Riots began at the end of the month, so that sorta had an effect on me since it was somewhat local.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/10/22 at 4:43 am

Ten years ago: May 10th 2012
This day was an interesting day
I kind of day I like
For I did not have to go to work
For the whole building was on strike.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/22/22 at 1:39 pm

5 years ago - May 2017:
Continuing to enjoy my accounting job; and volunteering at the library on weekends. Also becoming more social at church (particularly with a dear friend of mine that I'd originally met more than a decade earlier).

10 years ago - May 2012:
As the month began, I was on my first cruise...a California Coastal. We had ports of call in San Francisco and San Diego; in both of them, we did a lot of exploring. There was also a port of call in Ensenada, Mexico, but we didn't get off the ship there; still, that was my first time seeing land outside of California. Had a great time. Then it was back to the job hunt for me, as I continued to also do volunteer work. Elsewhere, I began networking with other people, most of whom had their own businesses.

15 years ago - May 2007:
I was in my final month of a demanding semester, going to two colleges - CSUN for my undergrad degree; Pierce College for certification in computer programming - and working very hard to pass all my courses...which I eventually did. This included a paper for my CSUN class (Survey of the History of Latin America). Elsewhere...on Saturday the 19th, I received the sacrament of Confirmation, and went to a luncheon at Buca Di Beppo with my family.

20 years ago - May 2002:
The final month of my first spring semester at CSUN...I passed all my courses except for one (a computer science course that I would end up retaking in the summer session); I was just glad to be done with it all on Friday the 24th. Oh, earlier in the month I bought a copy of the Shakira album Laundry Service and enjoyed every single track on it once I got home and played it on my CD player. At the end of the month, during the Memorial Day week, my family and I flew to Minneapolis, MN, for a convention that my dad's work was involved in; the newspaper he worked for was nominated for a couple of awards. While in Minneapolis, we managed to have fun navigating the "skyway" system (elevated footbridges connecting buildings via the 2nd floor).

25 years ago - May 1997:
I was in the second-to-last month of my junior year of high school. While I did well academically for the most part (the single exception being chemistry), I tried to become more social in school; in fact, one of my buddies invited me to eat lunch with him and his friends, some of whom were seniors, but very friendly. Elsewhere, I spent the Memorial Day weekend listening to 80's music; the radio station in my area that was playing it regularly on Friday nights decided to play it all weekend long, so I listened to the songs while I was home.

30 years ago - May 1992:
Most every weekday I was in school, going about my daily business. On Thursday the 21st I flew in an airplane for the first time ever...from Burbank to San Jose; this was the start of a vacation trip which my parents and I took for the holiday weekend...renting a car in San Jose and then traveling to Monterey (for three nights) and down Highway 1 to San Luis Obispo...and back home on Memorial Day Monday. Traveling via airplane was a pleasurable experience for me.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/18/22 at 12:07 pm

5 years ago - June 2017:
Still enjoying my accounting job; continuing with volunteering at my local library on weekends. Continuing to become more social at church.

10 years ago - June 2012:
I started becoming more involved with "networking"; of course it was still new to me but I got to know many people. I still continued doing volunteer work; my supervisor there even wrote me a letter of recommendation (the only such letter I've received from any supervisor, to date).

15 years ago - June 2007:
With the spring academic semester having ended, I updated my resumè to include my computer skills, hoping that could help me find a job; I even did some lookin' around but came up empty. Later in the month I started taking a non-credit class in Dreamweaver at Ventura College, figuring that would be a good skill to add. During the last week of the month, our PC died, so I was going through withdrawal in not having a computer at home.

20 years ago - June 2002:
I enrolled in summer school at CSU Northridge, so that I could retake a computer science class that I didn't do well in. That seemed to go well for me. On Friday the 14th we visited the Disney California Adventure theme park for the first time.

25 years ago - June 1997:
My junior year of high school was coming to an end...and I had to say goodbye to my friends who were seniors (since they were graduating). Still, I was able to get plenty of signatures in my yearbook (27 of which were from girls, some of whom were in the aforementioned graduating class).

30 years ago - June 1992:
I graduated from 6th grade on the 25th, even though the actual last day of the school year was the 30th (which I thought seemed silly). My interest in certain TV programs was finally starting to wane, even though I liked some of them to a certain extent.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/07/22 at 10:34 pm

5 years ago - July 2017:
Working part time during the week, and volunteering at the library (on the weekends). Also attending "Theology On Tap" for another year (a series of gatherings/topics for young adults).

10 years ago - July 2012:
I was doing more networking and volunteer work, as well as getting together with friends. In fact, I went to a 4th of July party with friends at one of their homes, and celebrated my birthday with them by going out to dinner later in the month.

15 years ago - July 2007:
I was still going through withdrawal without a computer...until my dad hooked up his laptop for us to use. More notably, I enrolled in driving school so that I could finally get my license! (In fact, my instructor was a good guy, so I enjoyed learning from him.) I also continued to take dance classes/lessons.

20 years ago - July 2002:
I continued with my summer class at CSUN, which ended at the end of the month. On the days I didn't have class, I was usually at home. My mom ended a job after 3 years in it; she was offered another position elsewhere.

25 years ago - July 1997:
I began a second year of work experience, working at the same school I worked at the previous year; I supplemented this by taking a typing class at high school. I spent the day after my birthday with my parents and my mom's cousin (and his family) at the beach and then going to the Orange County Fair. Later in the month I began taking swim lessons, since I really wanted to learn how to swim this time.

30 years ago - July 1992:
I had some good times. For 4th Of July we spent a couple days at the beach in Port Hueneme; we went miniature golfing on my birthday and spent the next day at Disneyland; the following weekend we spent a night in Carlsbad (it was my first time there). Whenever I was at home, I would often spend time going through my old Highlights magazines and writing down all the jokes in a notebook (intending to compile my own joke book, which never actually came to fruition).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/21/22 at 12:42 am

5 years ago - August 2017:
Working part time (still two days a week), volunteering at the library (mostly on weekends), and socializing with friends at church.

10 years ago - August 2012:
I continued to do volunteer work and look for paid work. (I'd been meeting regularly with an advisor at a community college, but this person didn't really have anything more to offer me after the 20th.) In my paternal grandmother's health was declining quickly due to her Alzheimers condition, and she passed away early on the 21st.

15 years ago - August 2007:
I finished my formal driving lessons and then took the test for my license...and passed! As with last month, I was taking dance classes/lessons as well; this was when I started the salsa class. On Monday the 27th I began yet another year at CSU Northridge; I especially remember the weather being quite warm during the final week of the month.

20 years ago - August 2002:
My summer class at CSUN was finished, so on most days I was hangin' around at home...until the final week of the month, when I started my second year at said college. In other events...a childhood friend of mine got married on Saturday the 3rd; and my mom's friend from Illinois came out to visit us with her two youngest kids for a few days.

25 years ago - August 1997:
During the first half of the month I continued with my typing class and my summer employment, both of which ended on Friday the 15th. Then I spent most of the remainder of the month preparing for my senior year of high school. In fact, I went to have my senior portraits taken on the 1st of the month...but they didn't come out very well so I scheduled a retake of them on the 29th, and that worked out much better. I also continued with my swim lessons and seemed to enjoy that...but could not continue past the end of the month (due to seasonal changes and other circumstances).

30 years ago - August 1992:
During the first half of the month, I hung around at home with my mom on most days, finding things to do (either reading or going through my old Highlights magazines to save all the jokes)...but I was also taking karate lessons to learn self defense. On Tuesday the 18th, I began junior high (aka middle school, although the terms were used interchangeably), which was a whole new experience for me... but I caught on well.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/09/22 at 11:22 pm

5 years ago (September 2017):
Still worked two days a week, and volunteered at the library. Even though I was enjoying that setup, I still tried to see what other employment opportunities I could find. Continued to socialize whenever and wherever I could. At the end of the month I had a bout of sickness.

10 years ago (September 2012):
I continued to do networking and volunteer work; sometime during the month, a mentor encouraged me to seek other volunteering opportunities, such as the library, so I applied to be a library volunteer. That worked out! I also sought guidance in other places. On Sunday the 16th we went to Dodger Stadium and had special tickets for the "Club Level" suites!

15 years ago (September 2007):
While I continued my studies at CSU Northridge (in what I figured would be my final year there), I began one final semester at Pierce College for certification in Computer Programming, although the one class I took there would be for learning about databases. Elsewhere, my parents prepared for their very first cruise, which would happen the following month.

20 years ago (September 2002):
Into my second year at CSU Northridge, I took five different classes (including three that met on Mondays/Wednesdays), for a total of 15 units... not realizing at first how challenging that would turn out to be. While I was in classes Mondays thru Thursdays, sometimes I would need to go in on a Friday to get caught up on some assignments.

25 years ago (September 1997):
I began my senior year of high school! During the first period of the school day, I would help out in the school's counseling office. The other periods I had my classes, some of which would turn out to be quite challenging. (Case in point, I took calculus that semester, but I had a hard time keeping up with the pace of the course. Another class I had, Modern Literature, was quite challenging but I stayed in it so I could learn the subject.) At the end of the month I remember feeling somewhat sick.

30 years ago (September 1992):
I was in the 7th grade, doing pretty well in school for the most part. Kids had started to pick on me, but it wasn't so bad as of yet. (I seem to remember enjoying my PE class, for some reason.) Around the middle of the month I remember donating my Highlights magazines to a local library.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/16/22 at 11:38 pm

5 years ago - October 2017: Working, while preparing for another cruise trip (which would start on the 18th and end on the 25th). We flew to Vancouver and boarded the ship for a "repositioning" cruise in which I also visited Nanaimo (B.C.) for the first time, as well as other West Coast ports (and having a great time overall); it ended in Los Angeles (where we picked up a rental car and drove home). I was excited about the Dodgers being in the World Series for the first time in 29 years, but they would ultimately not win it.

10 years ago - October 2012: I began volunteering at the library, while also continuing to seek employment from various sources (including attending the networking meetings, where I met some friendly people). I enjoyed the library environment, wondering if someday I could actually work there.

15 years ago - October 2007: I was in the middle of the fall semester, mainly concentrating on academics, also socializing whenever possible. From the 20th to the 27th, my parents went on their very first cruise, leaving me to take care of the dog (which I didn't mind doing); this gave me a taste of independent living (in a sense); I had to drive myself to and from the train station three days during the week, and be careful not to leave my dog all alone for too long. When my parents returned from their week-long cruise, they told me how much they really enjoyed it!

20 years ago - October 2002: The middle of a very busy semester for me. Even though my classes were Monday through Thursday, I still had to go to campus on Fridays a couple times, in order to get caught up on various assignments. Elsewhere, I was enthusiastically paying attention to the baseball postseason, since the Angels were in it...and I rooted for them all the way into the World Series! It felt like an enjoyable month overall, I must say.

25 years ago - October 1997: I was starting to falter a bit during my senior year of high school, as one class in particular was quite challenging for me (Modern Literature). Still, on Tuesday the 14th, I went with members of my class to Six Flag Magic Mountain for the Senior Class Picnic and had a good time with them (however, I had to leave after lunch; I told 'em I had a doctors appointment, and they understood). So, most of the month for me was spent on my studies. On Sunday the 26th I remember watching Game Seven of the World Series, while simultaneously working on a "Dia De Los Muertos" project for my Spanish class. (Yep, even then I knew how to multitask.)

30 years ago - October 1992: For the most part, I had a good time with middle school life, since I was still fairly new to it. However, I missed a week of school near the end of the month due to an illness I had. Elsewhere... during the World Series I became aware of the Atlanta Braves' Tomohawk Chant and hence decided I didn't like that team; so I rooted for the Blue Jays and they ended up winning.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/10/22 at 12:12 am

5 years ago - November 2017: Working at my paid job two days a week; volunteering at the library on weekends; socializing with friends at church. My parents & I celebrated Thanksgiving with just the three of us.

10 years ago - November 2012: I was continuing to do networking, as well as find other ways to find work. Also continuing to enjoy volunteering at the library, doing various tasks.

15 years ago - November 2007: Continuing with my studies at two different colleges (liberal arts at CSU Northridge; computer programming certificate at Pierce). (Also, it was on the 2nd of the month when I achieved 100,000 posts on this site!)

20 years ago - November 2002: Continuing to stay busy with my computer-sci courses at CSU Northridge; I really felt the demand for them by this time. I have other great memories of the month, too numerous to discuss here.

25 years ago - November 1997: I was mostly concentrating on my schoolwork as a high-school senior. Two staff members from my school appeared on the "Wheel Of Fortune" episode that aired on Thanksgiving day, so I made sure to watch that (they had mentioned a month or so in advance that they'd be on there; they ended up winning the game). In other regards, every Friday night I was staying up past midnight to listen to 80s music on the radio.

30 years ago - November 1992: I was in 7th grade, still enjoying it for the most part, although I think some kids may have started picking on me. I also remember being excited about Bill Clinton being elected president (my social studies class even studied the presidential election for much of October). At home, my family hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the second straight year.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/18/22 at 7:30 pm

5 years ago - December 2017:
- The month was primarily marked by the Thomas Fire, which was rather close to where I live, but thankfully it did not affect my neighborhood too badly. I still managed to find some enjoyable moments in life.
- Work was going along well for me. I was still doing two days a week.

10 years ago - December 2012:
- I continued to attend networking meetings (starting to make friends with some of the people I met in these meetings), and volunteering at the library. Some good times.
- The monthly workshop for personal and professional development that I was attending, had its final session on the 28th. I kept in touch with the attendees, as well as the facilitator, in a Facebook group.
- My bible study sessions had terminated, but I still kept contact with those in the group, so we could continue to plan get-togethers in the months ahead.

15 years ago - December 2007:
- Another academic semester was ending. At CSUN, I did a "graduation check" with my advisor early in the month, since I was planning to be there for only one more semester (and graduate five months later). My only actual exam at CSUN was on Monday the 17th. At Pierce College, I had my final for the class there on Tuesday the 18th, thereby completing the "computer programming" certificate. (Little did I realise it wouldn't do me a whole lotta good in finding work.)
- I began exchanging Christmas holiday cards with folks on this site, and had lots of fun with it!
- I also handed out cards to my friends in college.

20 years ago - December 2002:
- I finished what was my most challenging semester in terms of number of units. It felt good to be done with all the exams and coursework, but I felt sick the next day from all the stress involved.
- When the exams were over, I could focus on decorating my home for the holidays.
- We had a holiday party at our home on Friday the 27th; I invited a friend of mine from CSUN (a woman who was actually a staff, not a student, but we commuted together on the train so that's how I knew her) and she came.

25 years ago - December 1997:
- As a senior in high school, I was doing pretty well academically except for one class, Modern Literature. (I often used my study period to get help with it.) Last day of school before the holiday break was Thursday the 18th.
- The weekend before Christmas, I spent some time at my then-church, helping to organize food to distribute to less fortunate families/households in the area.
- My paternal grandparents moved out to Palm Desert full-time, so they didn't join us for Christmas.
- The last few days of the year, my family and I went away to Pismo Beach, to the Sea Venture hotel. Had a great time, even though I ended up getting my own room for free because the one we were assigned to could not safely handle more than two people.

30 years ago - December 1992:
- At school, everything was pretty much "the usual". Due to the year-round schedule that was in effect, the first semester ended on Friday the 18th, which was also the last day before the long winter holiday break.
- For most of the month, I could not seem to go two weeks without getting a headache, and I didn't know why. (In fact, I even remember feeling like that on this date, the 16th, possibly also due in part to catching a bug from a school classmate of mine.) Sometime shortly after Christmas we visited a neurologist.
- I enjoyed Christmas. We had our dinner at my grandparents' house due to my mom's busy schedule of singing at various Christmas services, leaving us no time for actual meal preparations at our own home.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/06/23 at 11:12 pm

5 years ago - January 2018:
I "celebrated" my two-year work anniversary (still part time, two days a week), and continued to volunteer at the library on weekends (where I was acquainted with a few friendly young women who worked there). Despite being comfortable with my paid employment, I still looked to see what else I could find.

10 years ago - January 2013:
At the beginning of the month, I made an appointment to visit a guidance counselor to discuss the rather disappointing experience I had with the "work" I did at the end of the previous month; the guidance counselor helped me feel at ease about the situation. I also continued to attend networking meetings, hoping to find some kind of work... but on the 22nd I was introduced to a staffing agency, which I visited and registered with. I continued to do volunteer work, as well (by now I was getting well-acquainted with certain staff members at the library).

15 years ago - January 2008:
I prepared for what I figured was going to be my final semester at CSU Northridge; the semester started for me on the 23rd, and I had two specific classes to take (one of which met on Wednesday evenings, so I would need to come home late on those days). During my time off, I was mostly at home, taking care of the dog.

20 years ago - January 2003:
We started the month by looking to adopt a dog (whose picture we'd found on the internet at the end of December); on the 16th, we officially adopted the dog, a long-coat Chihuahua mix, whom we named Chloe; the people at the chihuahua rescue facility brought the dog to our house and made sure the place was suitable for her. Chloe had difficulties adjusting to our household at first, but eventually caught on; in fact, I stayed at home with her for a week while waiting to start another academic semester at CSUN. On the 27th, I was back in school...for what would be a challenging semester, consisting mainly of upper-division courses.

25 years ago - January 1998:
The final month of my first semester of my senior year of high school. I went back to school on the 12th; I worked mightily hard to maintain good grades in all my classes... which I eventually passed. I just remember that it felt great to be done with the semester on Friday the 30th.

30 years ago - January 1993:
Once again, the "year-round" schedule for L.A. Unified School District was in effect, meaning I had to enroll in winter-intersession at a school different from the one I was attending. I took an introductory Spanish class (which I aced, much to the chagrin of the other students; remember, I was in junior high at the time) and a Computers class (in which QBASIC was taught, on Apple IIC machines, which at the time seemed primitive). I also remember being excited about Bill Clinton becoming President.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/16/23 at 10:27 pm

5 years ago - February 2018:
The first weekend of the month, I met this family that my parents had originally met on a transatlantic cruise; this family, which lives on the East Coast, had flown to L.A. and were planning on taking a long trip, so we took them out to dinner before they had to catch their next flight. (And I was excited about meeting them.) During the rest of the month, I continued with my paid work, and volunteered at the library on weekends. I wasn't very social outside of church or the library, though.

10 years ago - February 2013:
For the most part, I attended networking meetings and did volunteer work. Socially, I hosted a Mardi Gras party for the first time and had five lady friends come over for it; they all seemed to enjoy it. I also tried to find some direction for paid work.

15 years ago - February 2008:
I was concentrating on my studies for the most part, figuring that this was going to be my final semester of studies. I also continued learning ballroom dancing; I was in a waltz class (which was held on Thursday nights; it began on January 10th, and ended on Valentine's Day).

20 years ago - February 2003:
Even though I was taking fewer units than usual in the semester, I still had some challenging courses (including "Discrete math", which had some interesting concepts). At home I was taking care of our dog Chloe (including the end of the month, when my parents went away for a couple nights). Also...this was when I first started posting on the old board (only as a guest; I had established my screenname after watching an episode of the GSN gameshow "Lingo").

25 years ago - February 1998:
Ah...I began my final semester of high school! (For the first week I was placed in a math class that I didn't belong in, but I was able to get it straightened out at the beginning of the second week.) I also remember plenty of rain happening during the month; it was the middle of an "El Nino" season in southern California.

30 years ago - February 1993:
The winter-intersession (for LAUSD) ended early in the month, but "regular" school resumed on the 16th (day after Presidents Day). I had various other things going on at the time.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/21/23 at 11:42 pm

5 years ago - March 2018:
Working during the week; seeing if I could find other work in the field of accounting; trying to socialize with others.

10 years ago - March 2013:
I continued to network with others and do volunteer work (for the most part). Also received guidance from people I knew, with regards to finding work.

15 years ago - March 2008:
For me it was mostly about my studies. Since Easter occurred so early that year (on the 23rd of March), spring break was toward the middle of the month, and I spent it studying for my very last midterm exam, which was given on the day we came back (Monday the 24th).

20 years ago - March 2003:
I was proceeding through a fairly challenging semester, even though I had fewer units than usual. I remember having a challenging midterm in my software engineering class around the middle of the month. In my free time I created a little game program with Visual Basic.

25 years ago - March 1998:
I proceeded through my senior year of high school. During the first week of the month, I was getting repeatedly harassed by a particular student -- a female sophomore -- and she ended up getting transferred to another school, so that problem was solved. On Friday the 13th a number of my fellow classmates decided to do a 'Senior Ditch Day', but I did not partake in it because I wanted to have perfect attendance. The one class I seemed to enjoy the most was Intro to Computers. The class that seemed to be the most challenging was my English class, "Expository composition"; I started receiving tutoring for it.

30 years ago - March 1993:
In school, I was in 7th grade, doing well. I was enjoying my English and math classes. Also, it was sometime later in the month when I began having the hots for a particular girl in school (but didn't actually start talking to her until April). Elsewhere, I continued to take private piano lessons, but was starting to lose interest for some reason.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/25/23 at 11:37 pm

5 years ago - April 2018:
Working two days a week; volunteering at library on weekends. Also, on Friday the 13th of that month, I was able to take 20,000 steps in a day for the first time ever! I also found out that this "dear friend" of mine at church (whom I'd originally met in late 2005 when we were undergrads at CSUN) was dating a guy, which I had mixed feelings about; in later months I would gradually reach a state of acceptance about this.

10 years ago - April 2013:
I went on my second cruise, from the 6th to the 13th. It was a California coastal, just like the one from a year earlier (only the itinerary was slightly different); and of course I had a wonderful time. Elsewhere, I continued to get help seeking potential employment opportunities.

15 years ago - April 2008:
I was busy for most of the month, preparing to finish up my college degree. Mostly writing papers and doing research. Also finding time to socialize here and there.

20 years ago - April 2003:
Proceeding through a challenging semester, but taking the time to relax once spring break came around (Easter was later in that year). Also on the first of the month, my parents bought a new car - a minivan, which we would keep for 13+ years altogether.

25 years ago - April 1998:
With two months to go until graduating from high school, I was busy with schoolwork for the most part. Also our home computer, a Mac, was unusable for most of the month; it had crashed at the end of March so we needed to have it repaired. On one other note, my parents went away for a few days of vacation time...and brought back a special "aromatherapy" stuffed rabbit, to use whenever we felt stressed...and that rabbit would certainly come in handy for me over the next two months, since I often found myself being up late working on homework on most nights.

30 years ago - April 1993:
I was in school for the most part. I didn't really get a spring break, due to the year-round schedule that was in effect for the L.A. Unified School District, so the only day we had off from school was Good Friday (the 9th). Nothing really eventful to speak of (except maybe starting to develop a fondness for certain girls at school).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Ripley on 05/01/23 at 4:38 pm

5 Years Ago - May 2018:
Things were pretty decent. I had been at my job for a little over a year.

10 Years Ago - May 2013:
It was a pretty great year. A half a year later I would officially join the 00’s after lurking for a while. I was at my old job that I miss. That month we were renting a ton of movies!

15 Years Ago - May 2008:
My mom and I went to the theater to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and it was good.

20 Years Ago - May 2003:
I graduated high school! I’ll have to find my diploma to get the exact date but it is so hard to believe.

25 Years Ago - May 1998: I had been a teen for almost two months. This year I started to get into Nu-Metal. I was also heavily into WCW.

30 Years Ago - May 1993:
8 year old me was just finishing up the 2nd grade.

35 Years Ago - May 1988: We were about to find out that my mom was pregnant. My sister was born the following January.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/01/23 at 7:55 pm

35 Years Ago - May 1988: We were about to find out that my mom was pregnant. My sister was born the following January.

I suppose I could continue with further multiples of 5 (for example, in May of '88 I was in the 2nd grade, went through 1st Communion, had an eye exam, and won a spelling bee)... but there will come a point where I have no memories at all.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/06/23 at 6:55 pm

5 years ago, May 2018:
Continuing with my job, which was still only two days a week... even after my parents began a trip to Italy on Wednesday the 23rd. (They would be gone for 2 1/2 weeks, returning on June the 10th.) I was taking care of the house on my own, but then one week after they left, I was faced with a leak in the garage which I tried to figure out how to handle.

10 years ago, May 2013:
- I continued to do volunteer work and attend networking meetings.

15 years ago, May 2008:
- The biggest thing in my life was preparing to graduate from CSU Northridge. I had my last exam on Monday the 12th, and was glad to get that outta the way... but I had a paper for another class to finish up, so I spent the rest of the week working on that. On Friday the 16th, I finished it, printed it out, and submitted it to my professor. Then I could breathe a sigh of relief! Four days later, on Tuesday the 20th, it was time for the commencement.
- After it was over, I sent out an invitation for a party that we were going to have on June 1st... so during the last two weeks of the month I waited for my invitees to RSVP (this also made me wonder how I was going to keep in touch with some of my lady friends). I also wondered what I was going to do next, now that I was all done with my studies (or so it seemed?).

20 years ago, May 2003:
- I finished up a challenging academic semester. The only two days I had final exams were Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21st.
- One day during the last week of the month, I met with an employment advisor at CSU Northridge to discuss possible job plans... and I would continue to meet with this guy a few times in June... but nothing ever came to fruition. (More details on that when we get to June.)

25 years ago, May 1998:
- I spent most of the month on my studies, as my senior year of high school was getting closer and closer to the end. One notable project was a weather report that I would present in my Spanish class.
- Two weekends during the month I participated in "community service" projects as a requirement for graduating from high school. This included helping out at the Braille Institute in L.A., assisting visually impaired kids through an obstacle course.
- The night of Thursday the 21st and morning of Friday the 22nd was my 'Grad Nite' at Disneyland (even though we didn't graduate until the following month). I had lots of fun with that, hangin' out with three of my friends and going on various rides during the "graveyard shift" hours. (I should also note that this was the first time ever that I was awake from midnight all the way to 5am.) Additionally, my parents signed up to be chaperones on one of the buses. When it was over, we were all so tired, we went home and slept for a good part of the day.
- After Memorial Day, my parents & I explored various community colleges in the San Fernando Valley, so I could figure out where I wanted to go to college after graduating from high school. This included Mission College, which I would eventually decide on.

30 years ago, May 1993:
- In school I was doing well for the most part. As noted in March, a particular girl started attracting my attention (even though she wasn't particularly fond of me at first).
- On Friday the 14th I got braces (but only on my upper teeth); this meant I had to adjust my eating habits.
- In my spare time at home, I would often play with my Lego sets.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/17/23 at 8:31 pm

5 years ago - June 2018:
During the first ten days of the month, I was on my own, as my parents were away on their Italy trip. After they got back, we found a plumber to fix the leak in our garage (and to this day, it's still fixed; no longer a problem). At my work, a new person was employed (a woman, who would stay with the company for almost four years altogether).

10 years ago - June 2013:
More of the same as in May; I continued with my volunteer work (at a library and at a nonprofit place) and attended networking meetings. In one such meeting I got acquainted with a staffing agency (a representative from that agency attended one meeting) and made myself available with them.

15 years ago - June 2008:
The month began with my graduation-from-college party at the dance studio. However, I found out I was not quite done with school, as I needed to complete one course for my minor--mathematics. So I tried to get into such a class that was being offered in the summer session, but couldn't.
This was also the month that we changed our TV service provider to Verizon FIOS and bought a new tv set, to enable us to start watching high definition television. That was an awesome experience.
Then near the end of the month was my 10 year class reunion. Even though fewer people showed up than I expected, it was lots of fun to attend.

20 years ago - June 2003:
I was at home for most of the month, not doing much... although I started seeking job opportunities (as stated the previous month, I met with an advisor at CSU Northridge, but could not get very far with that).
Around the middle of the month, my great-uncle and his wife visited from the Midwest. He was the brother of my paternal grandma, who turned 75 that month; they were delighted to see each other in-person for the celebration.

25 years ago - June 1998:
During the first half of the month, I worked very hard on my academics, since I was preparing to graduate from high school. I was worried that I wasn't gonna make it, due in part to struggles in my English class (expository comp). But I pulled through, and got to partake in the graduation ceremony on the 19th! That was so exciting... but also sad in a sense because I would miss the friends that I made. (In fact, after the graduation ceremony I got lots of hugs from various girls, and my parents took pictures of me with them.) The next day, Saturday the 20th, we had a party to celebrate my graduation; four of my classmates attended, along with family and other friends.
And so this began a transitional period in my life, as I prepared to move on to college. (I had decided on a specific community college to attend.)

30 years ago - June 1993:
The end of my 7th grade year. (The school year went literally to the end of the month; in fact, this year-round schedule was officially abolished.) I remember reading a couple o' novels for my English class, learning pre-algebra in my math class... and resolving an issue between me and a kid who'd been harassing me all year. When I got my yearbook near the end of the month, I enjoyed it so much.
Oh, and I ended taking private piano lessons after two years.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/19/23 at 11:52 pm

5 years ago (July 2018): Still working; attended weekly social events for young adults at a local church (for another year; this was 'Theology On Tap'; see 2003 below in this post).

10 years ago (July 2013): I continued my volunteer work (in two places), attended networking meetings, and also attended weekly social events for young adults at a local church. :)

15 years ago (July 2008): I negotiated a deal with my academic advisor that would help me make up this course for my minor; this meant enrolling at CSUN for one more semester (but only one or two days per week). Elsewhere, my parents and I continued with the dancing.

20 years ago (July 2003): Another "off" month for me, meaning I hung around at home for the most part, with our dog. I couldn't get much more help with seeking employment from services at my university. Later in the month, I found out about 'Theology On Tap', a series of young-adult events; this was a way for me to get acquainted with other people in my age group who share my religious faith.

25 years ago (July 1998): I enrolled at the community college nearest to where I was living then, having decided I was gonna start college life there. Also I turned 18, preparing to enter adulthood; I spent my birthday with my family (we saw a movie and went out for a nice dinner). Elsewhere, my mom was preparing to leave her job after 7 1/2 years of being in it; things were crazy at that place (her employment there ended on the last day of the month).

30 years ago (July 1993): I was enjoying my summer vacation from school; this was my only such break between middle-school years (I went from 7th to 8th grade). My mom was taking a religious studies course at Mount Saint Marys College in L.A. (for her masters degree); sometimes I would go with her there --- on the commuter train (it was my first time riding such a train, which I enjoyed). On the 11th I entered my teenage years; we also got our first home computer that day.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/11/23 at 10:57 pm

5 years ago (August 2018): Still working part time (two days a week) while attending a job club on a weekly basis. At home, I went through some of my older belongings and decided to reorganize/downsize them; this helped free up space in the house/garage. Continued to be social at church.

10 years ago (August 2013): My volunteering and networking continued; in fact, one day I did a project for a person I met through networking. At church, I found out that a friend of mine (who is now a "dear" friend) was also an attendee, with her family! Aside from that, I didn't have a whole lot goin' on.

15 years ago (August 2008): On Sunday the 3rd I attended a social event for young adults, but it was at a church in the L.A. area rather than near to me. A few days later, on 08/08/08, I watched the opening ceremonies of the Shanghai Summer Olympics, while my mom's friend and three of her kids came over and watched it with us; they enjoyed their time here. I also took more ballroom dancing lessons (learning foxtrot). Near the end of the month, I prepared for a "make-up semester" at CSUN to fulfill the class for my minor.

20 years ago (August 2003): My parents & I went to the Ventura County Fair for the first time, to check it out; it was "different", but enjoyable. For the next three weeks I was at home for the most part, as I prepared for another academic semester at CSU Northridge (which started on Monday the 25th and would prove to be challenging, as I was enrolled in mainly upper-division courses). Oh, and the last 'Theology On Tap' session was on Saturday the 16th.

25 years ago (August 1998): My mom started a new job at the beginning of the month (little did we know that she would only be in it for less than a year...more details in the months ahead), while I prepared to start college life. The first day of college classes was Monday the 17th... a day to remember. I adjusted quite well; I only had three classes, and was in school four days a week. (One class, intro to computer science, was Monday/Wednesday; the other two were Geography and Trigonometry, which were on Tuesday/Thursday.) At the end of the month I got my first cell phone.

30 years ago (August 1993): The month began with a train trip; we rode the Amtrak to San Luis Obispo and came back home on Thursday the 5th. For most of the rest of the month I enjoyed the time off. Later in the month my mom and I went to the beach with a friend of mine and his mom. Oh, and our Dusty dog's health was declining quickly; by the end of the month we figured she wouldn't have much time left.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/18/23 at 10:54 pm

5 years ago (September 2018): Working, still two days a week; one longtime employee (a woman) retired from the company. I also still volunteered at the library, but by now I was mainly doing so on Saturdays.

10 years ago (September 2013): More volunteering and networking. (In one place I volunteered at, I gave a birthday card to a young lady who was also there and felt good about that.)

15 years ago (September 2008): I was in my "make-up semester" at CSUN; my mom was no longer in a job (but thankfully my dad's fulltime job was still intact) so we were attending several different churches.

20 years ago (September 2003): Spent a lot of time studying, as I was taking upper-division courses; it was at about this point when I began contemplating changing my course of study.

25 years ago (September 1998): My first full calendar month as a college student; I was doing quite well overall. I first started using the Internet by this point, but only at school, since we weren't online at home yet. I started getting to know other students... and even discovered that one particular girl I knew in high school was also attending this particular college (she lived in the area, which made sense anyway).

30 years ago (September 1993): Our dog Dusty died on Saturday the 4th, so that was a sad time for us. Three days later, I started 8th grade; while most everyone I knew in 7th grade remembered me, one particular girl seemed disinterested, but I did get to know a particular friend of hers (who seemed nicer). Academically, I took Algebra One, which seemed kinda challenging at first, but I would gradually get better at it.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/19/23 at 11:38 pm

5 years ago - October 2018:
I met this guy that my "dear" friend (at church) was dating and saw that he was quite nice, so I decided to be friends with him too (figuring that I'd see him around more). Also preparing for a cruise trip that I would take the following month. Kept tabs on the baseball postseason...and my team got to the World Series for a second straight year, but just could not win (except for one game which they won in extra innings).

10 years ago - October 2013:
My parents went on a three-week vacation trip, leaving me to be on my own for that long. It was their first time going away for that long of a vacation trip, and I was good about taking care of the house, making my own meals, and doing other daily tasks. I was 33 at the time; by that age I should know how to live on my own anyways. I knew I had confidence to handle it. :)

15 years ago - October 2008:
I went to CSU Northridge, as needed, for my make-up semester; in a sense it felt overwhelming but I had to do it. One other thing I needed to do was take an upper-division writing exam, which I prepared extensively for; I ended up passing it (especially since the topic at hand was one that I was knowledgeable about).

20 years ago - October 2003:
I had my midterms in my upper-division classes, which were very challenging. In one of them (Software Engineering, which I was retaking, to try to improve my grade), I fell into the same trap as I did the previous semester, with not contributing adequately and getting excluded by the rest of my group...which upset me; it's just that I wasn't entirely clear on what to do in some cases and I couldn't quite ask for help. In my spare time I found some internet puzzle games to play. Elsewhere, I followed the baseball postseason coverage and became aware of the Cubs' World Series drought. (Too bad they had to wait another 13 years to finally get there...and win it all!)

25 years ago - October 1998:
This was when I had my very first college midterms...which I seemed to do well on (especially in the Trigonometry class). Socially I was getting acquainted with other fellow students (including a few girls, some of whom worked in the cafeteria and were really nice). By now I was well-acquainted with the Windows operating system (but didn't have it at home) and was trying out all the FreeCell games in my spare time; I especially remember spending two weeks during the month trying to solve one particular game (but finally got it). Still, it was overall a good month.

30 years ago - October 1993:
For me I was probably concentrating mostly on schoolwork. I looked into after-school tutoring for my Algebra One class; that would help me improve my grade in the months ahead. Elsewhere I kept tabs on the baseball postseason (the final year before the Wild Card era) and rooted for the Phillies to beat the Braves in the NLCS (which they did) and for the Blue Jays to win the World Series (which they did). Also, this was the final year I wore a Halloween costume (I was a Conehead).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/18/23 at 9:27 pm

5 years ago - November 2018:
This can be summed up as a "rollercoaster" of a month for me. The first week, things were going along just fine... but on Thursday the 8th I was faced with an ordeal as there were a couple of wildfires that affected my commute home; I ended up getting home very late. Saturday the 10th, we began a week-long California coastal cruise that was very enjoyable; we took a detour to get down to the port because a portion of Highway 101 was shut down due to the fires. When the cruise ended on Saturday the 17th, the fires were under control; we could drive back home via Hwy 101 and could see some of the charred hills. Monday the 19th, I returned to work, only to find out that the fires messed up our "remote" connections so we had to use alternate methods to get our work done. On the evening of Wednesday the 21st, I started feeling sick; I ended up having a cold all the way through the Thanksgiving weekend (and it was my first time ever being sick on Thanksgiving). Tuesday the 27th, I was over my illness and returned to work; the remote connections were restored and I could work normally again. Friday the 30th, I completed my end-of-month duties at work and rewarded myself with a gelato treat on the way home.

10 years ago - November 2013:
I was still doing volunteer work for the most part. In my free time I was putting together a scrapbook album for my cruise from earlier in the year.
Later in the month, as we celebrated Thanksgiving, little did we know that it would be my maternal grandma's last one.

15 years ago - November 2008:
Working hard during my make-up semester at CSUN for the most part. In other news I was excited about Obama being elected President (in fact, I voted for him). In the middle of the month there were some local brushfires, including one that affected my grandma (so she spent a weekend at our place).

20 years ago - November 2003:
Just getting through the challenges of upper-division Computer Science courses, and commuting to and from CSUN on most days. (Late in the month, I met a cute girl on the train who had a male buddy; both were friendly and commuting all the way to downtown L.A.) Enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday weekend which covered the final four days of the month.

25 years ago - November 1998:
Having a good time at Mission College during my first semester there; I started making friends with some girls; and also spent time working on a term paper for one of my classes. Elsewhere, we celebrated my mom's birthday by spending the entire day at Disneyland (the most recent time, to date, that we have gone there).

30 years ago - November 1993:
Academically I was doing well, for the most part; I continued to get tutoring for Algebra One...and even started making friends with some of my classmates in that class. Not much else was goin' on.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/24/23 at 2:27 pm

5 years ago - December 2018:
Still working only two days a week; concentrated on holiday celebrations/preparations as I mailed several holiday cards and wrote out several more than I intended to hand out.

10 years ago - December 2013:
I heard about the accounting program at a nearby vocational school; family and advisors of mine encouraged me to pursue it, since it involved math, a subject that I'd enjoyed my whole life. So I decided I would apply for it. Elsewhere, I continued to do volunteer work. Again my grandma stayed with us for Christmas...little did we know that this would be her final Christmas.

15 years ago - December 2008:
I finished my "make-up" semester at CSU Northridge...or so it seemed. Also my mom underwent a second thyroid surgery on the 4th so she had to take it easy for the most part. She wasn't working at any church this time, so she didn't need to worry about coordinating any Christmas services; in fact we attended a service on Christmas Eve and had a stress-free Christmas Day.

20 years ago - December 2003:
I finished a challenging semester at CSU Northridge, but later realized I would need to retake two of these courses the following semester (so I was still in a rut, of not passing a course the first time through and having to repeat it; that was the problem with the Comp Sci major). For Christmas I received a small television set as a gift; it was my first TV set and I enjoyed having it.

25 years ago - December 1998:
I finished my very first college semester (at Mission College, a community college); it was challenging getting through final exams and one term paper, but on the 16th it was all over with. Then I concentrated on the holidays.

30 years ago - December 1993:
Basically during the first half of the month it was all about school; in my Algebra One class I started to get popular with other classmates because they found out how smart I was in math. Second half of the month was about prepping for the holidays, and celebrating Christmas at my grandparents' house. One day during the last week of the month, a friend of mine came over with his family and we made a pizza for them; he and I also had a good time playing with a Scrabble game I received as a gift.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/13/24 at 5:46 pm

5 years ago - January 2019:
I completed 3 years at my job. And the last weekend of the month, I had the house to myself as my parents went away for a weekend vacation trip.

10 years ago - January 2014:
During the first full week of the month I took the assessment for the accounting course at the nearby vocational school; I was there every day during the week until Friday, when I completed it before noon. Within two weeks I found out my results and learned that I did very well on it, so on the 27th I began the program. (It would take me about eight months to complete.) It was a new environment for me, but I adjusted well over the next several months. :) (I still found time to do volunteer work on days I wasn't there.)

15 years ago - January 2009:
I continued to search for employment with help from a local "job coach" but wasn't getting very far. I also still needed to go to CSU Northridge once a week to make up a few assignments for the one course I needed to complete my minor. Elsewhere I enjoyed watching Obama's inauguration.

20 years ago - January 2004:
Mostly it was an "off" month for me, since the new Spring semester at CSUN didn't start until February 2nd. So I hung around at home for the most part, taking care of our little dog and keeping the house clean.

25 years ago - January 1999:
On Monday the 11th I started my second semester of college (at the community college), taking four classes this time: Political Science, Health, Intro to Computer Applications (MS Word, Excel, and Access), and Intro to Psychology (which was a night class that met on Mondays; this was my first time taking a night class). At the end of the month I started to do campaign work for my Poli Sci class: work on a campaign for two city council candidates. Elsewhere we were still commuting to Downey for church.

30 years ago - January 1994:
The first two weeks of the month, I was back in school (enduring some not-so-great moments with certain kids, but also continuing to do well in Algebra One). However, on Monday the 17th, my life took an unexpected turn when the Northridge Earthquake struck, causing widespread damage and affecting our own home (a mobile home), forcing us to move out of it (and pack up our belongings and have them put into storage) and live in hotels for the next three months. Fortunately for us, my parents had earthquake insurance, which would help us get through the repairs we needed to make, as well as reimbursement for our hotel stays. The earthquake also cancelled school instruction for two weeks; my school (which was close to where the quake was centered) finally reopened on the last day of the month, so we had to get up much earlier than usual for that (because we were "living" at a hotel that was further away from my school than our actual home was).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/24/24 at 5:35 pm

5 years ago - February 2019:
Still working part time at my accounting job. At home we got a new washer/dryer set.

10 years ago - February 2014:
I was getting acclimated to the vocational school environment, where my accounting course was held; and I was picking up on things quite well. However, on Saturday the 15th, things took a turn in our family when my maternal grandma suffered a powerful stroke that paralyzed the right side of the brain, rendering her unable to speak, eat, or swallow; she ultimately passed away nine days later. :\'( This was a sad time. (Her funeral was a week after that.) Then of course we had to start cleaning out her house.

15 years ago - February 2009:
I had to make weekly trips to CSU Northridge to make up a few assignments for the course I needed to complete my minor; elsewhere I was getting little help seeking employment opportunities from a local 'job coach.' In my spare time I got acquainted with certain Youtube vids.

20 years ago - February 2004:
On Monday the 2nd I began what would end up being my most challenging academic semester ever. I retook two upper-division Computer Science courses, one of which actually seemed more challenging the second time around even though I was taking it with the same professor (this was the "Operating Systems" class, in which I felt I needed to memorize everything just to pass the "quizzes"). My mom also had her first thyroid surgery during the first week of the month. In my spare time, I finally registered as a member on this site!

25 years ago - February 1999:
I was enjoying my academic life, even socializing whenever and wherever possible (on campus). In fact, when I brought my chocolate hearts to school I started handing out two of them to each girl (of course they appreciated it). I had to start handing them out on Wednesday the 10th because Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday. During the weekend ending on Valentine's Day my family & I attended a religious-education conference in Anaheim (and it was my first time attending the whole thing, because I was off on Fridays, unlike a year earlier when I was in high school).

30 years ago - February 1994:
We were living in various hotels while displaced from our earthquake-damaged home, so this meant getting up much earlier and driving a long distance to get me to school (and taking detours because of a certain freeway being shut down); I adjusted to this routine well. At school I had a good time for the most part.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 03/15/24 at 10:18 pm

5 years ago - March 2019:
While I was still enjoying my part time job, I still sought other employment opportunities, even though I would not get selected for any. I had an eye exam on the first of the month and underwent dilation (for only the second time in my life). On the 15th I met a friend for lunch. On the 21st I got sick and had to use some sick time from work.

10 years ago - March 2014:
It began with my maternal grandma's funeral, which was a joyful celebration because it was a celebration of a 92-year life, and everyone remembered my grandmother as a very good person. So then we began clearing out her house so that we could get the place sold. Elsewhere I was learning accounting; I got through the first level of the course midway through the month.

15 years ago - March 2009:
I was trying to find work to apply to, now that I was technically done with school (even though I was making up a course for my minor). Not a whole lot of eventful things went on this month.

20 years ago - March 2004:
Boy, was this a stressful month for me. I was barely getting through these upper-division Comp-Sci courses; I even had a midterm in one of them on Wednesday the 24th (and felt the aftermath of it the next day). In my spare time I was enjoying my early membership on this site (in fact, that's when I started posting regularly in the PBG section).

25 years ago - March 1999:
Midway through my second semester of college. My classes weren't too difficult overall, although this was the month I had my midterms. In my night class I began getting acquainted with a few classmates. This particular college took its spring break the second-to-last week of the month (instead of Holy Week, like most schools conventionally do).

30 years ago - March 1994:
Most every weekday, I was commuting from Pasadena to Northridge (with my mom, on most days) to go to school, since our actual home was in the process of being repaired; and at school I was doing well overall. (The class I enjoyed the most was probably my math class, Algebra One; my second favourite class was probably English... in fact, at the beginning of the month my class watched the movie The Sandlot on video). Spring break started at the end of the month, since that's when Holy Week began.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: Howard on 03/17/24 at 4:13 pm

It was actually 20 years ago this week that I finally became clean shaven and had kept it that way.  :)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 04/06/24 at 5:35 pm

5 years ago (April 2019), I was still enjoying my job, even though it was still part-time. Easter was later that year (the 21st), and this was the 17th straight year that my parents and I went out for Easter brunch, and I paid (however, it would be the final year that this place offered an Easter brunch).

10 years ago (April 2014), I was in the midst of learning various aspects of accounting, and even making friends with other students in the course. I was also helping my family with clearing out my maternal grandma's house.

15 years ago (April 2009), I was busy making up a course for my academic minor, and trying to find some direction in terms of potential work. I also got together with some friends to help plan summer activities.

20 years ago (April 2004), I was seriously beginning to rethink my academic major, cuz things were so stressful for me overall. At least I had spring break during the first week (and my very first taste of jury duty, but for only one day). On the 21st of the month I was glad that this site was back up and fact, I spent at least an hour or two just having fun on here!

25 years ago (April 1999), I was mainly breezing through the second semester of my first year of college, but also seeking help in one class (psychology) after not doing so well on a midterm. I found it helpful. maternal uncle's hepatitis/liver disease condition took a turn for the worst, so he had to live in a convalescent hospital (which we visited on the last day of the month).

30 years ago (April 1994), our mobile home was finally ready to be lived in again midway through the month... but on the day after we moved back into it, I came down with chickenpox and had to miss a full week of school. Nonetheless, I was doing well overall in school. I also gained interest in listening to top-40 music on radio.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 05/04/24 at 5:40 pm

May 2019 (5 years ago): Still enjoying my job, which was still part time (and only two days a week); I was learning a few new things in it. I tried searching for additional employment elsewhere, but could not find anything better than my then-employment.

May 2014 (10 years ago): I was probably halfway through my accounting course. My parents & I were continuing to clear out my grandma's house; I think we donated some things.

May 2009 (15 years ago): I finished making up a course for my academic minor, and finally got my official B.A. degree. Elsewhere I was still having trouble finding direction for potential work.

May 2004 (20 years ago): I felt so academically distressed that I visited my university's career center for advice/direction. The staff/advisors there started by giving me an "occupational exam" to determine what kind of work my skills might fall under. In the midst of this, I barely finished up my toughest academic semester ever (taking final exams Monday the 24th through Wednesday the 26th).

May 1999 (25 years ago): It started with my maternal uncle dying on the 2nd, and then having a memorial service for him five days later. This must have caused my grandma so much stress that she had a heart attack on Mother's Day, barely survived, and underwent serious heart surgery a few days later. This led my mother to resign from her then-job, which was a long drive away from home, and seek a new one closer so that she could be closer to her mother. In the midst of this, I finished up my first year of college (taking my last exam on Monday the 17th) and had the final two weeks of the month free. I even helped my mom with helping her mom.

May 1994 (30 years ago): Having a good time at school overall, just getting through the final two months or so of junior high (aka middle school). (However, the 13th, which happened to be a Friday the 13th, was a not-so-good day.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 06/15/24 at 5:22 pm

June 2019: Still enjoying my part time job. At home, we decided to invest in a swimming pool for our backyard. On the 21st we went to a Dodgers game and saw the team win!

June 2014: I was learning a lot of interesting things about accounting and payroll, then had a two-week summer break starting on the 23rd (with instruction to resume on July 7th). This gave me time to help my parents finish clearing out my maternal grandma's house, which we finally completed doing on the 27th; after that we put it up for sale.

June 2009: I was still trying to find some direction for potential work; just not getting anywhere. My B.A. degree was finalized. On the 22nd I joined Facebook and that opened some doors for me socially; this included reconnecting with people I'd known in highschool, as well as people I knew locally.

June 2004: I made trips to my university campus every week, to receive guidance from the career center about a new direction to go, academically. This didn't help me too much in the long run, but it was kind of a learning experience. Later I tried to figure out birthday plans.

June 1999: For the most part I was at home, enjoying my first-ever summer break from college; this gave me time to work on some personal projects I had going on. Towards the end of the month, I helped my mom clean out her office at her then-job, which she would end on the last day of the month; she had a new job lined up, which started the following month.

June 1994: This was quite a busy and eventful month for me...
- The first half of the month, I was in my final days of middle school. I graduated on Thursday the 16th.
- We had my party to honor this graduation on Friday the 17th; my mom & I had spent a good part of the day prepping for it. Then after the party started, one of my guests informed me of the O.J. Simpson chase on the TV, so I turned it on, and soon all of us in the house were glued to the TV, watching it.
- The weekend of the 18th and 19th, we prepared for a two-week vacation trip, during which we would be flying to Chicago.
- Monday the 20th: we took off. It was my first time ever traveling outside of California. I enjoyed seeing Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin; it was quite a pleasurable experience for me. (In the Chicago area, we visited a lifelong friend of my mother's; in Iowa we went to Dubuque and Cedar Rapids (my dad had an uncle who lived there at the time); in Minnesota we visited St. Paul and Minneapolis; in Wisconsin we saw the Wisconsin River.)

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 07/09/24 at 10:12 pm

July 2019: Continuing to enjoy my work; also had some time to be social. At home, after deciding to invest in a swimming pool, we had some necessary things to do before the work could begin.

July 2014: My grandma's house was sold, and finally off our hands. I was still learning about accounting, even on my birthday, which was a Friday (but a few of my classmates took me out for lunch). (I thought I'd be in the accounting course for another month, but I realized I wasn't gonna finish all the coursework that quickly)

July 2009: Still not getting anywhere with weekly visits to a supposed "job coach" who wasn't doing very much for me. Socially, I was involved with some religious events for young adults (known as 'Theology On Tap'); I helped out with those and enjoyed it. I also had some great times on this site. Celebrated my birthday with family.

July 2004: Visiting the university on a weekly basis to see about a new academic path. Also enjoying my time as a member on this site; getting acquainted with the Penguin Quizzes. Celebrated my birthday with family, although I tried extending the invitation to a friend (who couldn't join us because of transportation issues). Socially I started attending 'Theology On Tap' for a second year, since I really enjoyed it the previous year.

July 1999: My mom started a new job; this one was much closer to home than her previous two jobs were. As for me, I was enjoying my first summer between college years. I had a Sunday birthday, so we celebrated all weekend (bowling with friends, then to the Aquarium Of The Pacific in Long Beach with family on my actual birthday). We also went to the Orange County Fair on Wednesday the 21st to see Weird Al perform..

July 1994: Returned home from our trip to the Midwest on the 2nd. On most weekdays I would go to work with one of my parents. Tried to stay cool at home. Listened to a lot of top 40 music on the radio.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 08/10/24 at 5:02 pm

August 2019: Even though I was still enjoying my part-time job, I visited a staffing agency to explore some opportunities there. At home, our pool was starting to get constructed in our backyard.

August 2014: Learning the more challenging aspects of accounting; I was learning about Automated Accounting, but not yet Quickbooks.

August 2009: Finishing up my religious social events, then still trying to find employment somewhere. (Also continuing to have great times on this site.)

August 2004: Finished up my second year of 'Theology On Tap', then attended a picnic celebration with other attendees of the event from all over the greater Los Angeles area (at which I had lots of fun, met some other girls, and even gave hugs to several of them... but the only thing I didn't do -- because I couldn't -- was take pictures, because I didn't have a camera). Later in the month I started a "take-it-easy" semester at CSU Northridge, in which I took mostly "activity" courses...and toyed with the possibility of changing my academic major to math.

August 1999: First half of the month, I had my last two weeks of time off, before starting my second year of community college.

August 1994: A mostly relaxing month for me. At the end of the month it was discovered I would need surgery on the big toe on my left foot due to an ingrown nail.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 09/07/24 at 5:27 pm

September 2019: I learnt some additional tasks in my job; and on the 17th, my office staff had a luncheon which we all enjoyed. At home, our pool was more than halfway completed.

September 2014: Almost done with my computerized financial accounting course; all I had left to learn was Quickbooks and a few other little details.

September 2009: I remember wildfires going on (none of which affected me); closer to home I was about ready to give up on one source of employment placement because the people there had been of little or no help to me for the previous 12 months.

September 2004: Some enjoyable times at CSU Northridge, with my "take it easy" semester (this included making friends with some girls in my art class). My mom also started a new job. Speaking of jobs, I began volunteer-work on campus, helping to create and maintain a database for one of the departments.

September 1999: Well into my second year of college, getting acquainted with several of my classmates (including some in my public speaking class; they all seemed really nice).

September 1994: The month started with surgery on my big toe (which kept me "sidelined" for about two weeks); then I began high school on the 13th and had a whole new experience.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 10/19/24 at 5:05 pm

October 2019: My work hours expanded from two part-time days to three, due to the departure of a longtime employee in my workplace; I had to learn some Admin Assistant tasks until a new person was found for that position. This was a good learning experience for me. At home, our pool was finished during the first week of the month, so we could finally make a splash. We were also preparing for a cruise adventure that would occur the following month.

October 2014: Finished my computerized financial accounting course, then spent a little time helping my instructor grading papers. Later in the month, my dad was laid off from his job, which he had held for 23+ years; that was a disappointment. Then I joined a support group for finding work.

October 2009: I gave up on this one "employment placement" place because it was not much help; later on I found, in a church bulletin, an opportunity for volunteer work, figuring that would be something in the right direction. So I contacted the person at the place for volunteer work, and that eventually worked out (more details next month). My mom was still without a job, but not for too much longer. On Saturday the 24th I was honored for my involvements in the religious events from the summer.

October 2004: For the most part I was doing well, academically; the only class I struggled in was an upper-division math course that was nightmarish from day one (and I later regretted taking it). I enjoyed watching the baseball postseason, particularly as the Red Sox were making that run to their World Series championship.

October 1999: Enjoying college classes, getting through midterms. On Monday the 11th a girl in one of my classes gave me a hug, ending a 16-month hugless drought for me; that had to feel good. During the last week of the month we had some work done to our mobile home because a mouse was loose in there; it even woke me up on Monday the 25th so we needed to get rid of it; we ended up spending two nights in a hotel before it was over. (So in a sense we had a "haunted house" a week before Halloween, albeit unplanned.)

October 1994: Second month of high school. This is when certain kids started harassing me, particularly with name-calling, which hurt my feelings. However, I seemed to be doing fairly well academically. One class I was in -- which started out as piano -- became 'World Of Music' because the class got overpopulated, and some kids in it began being mean to me, and I wanted out of there (but I would finally get relieved of it next month).

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 11/02/24 at 5:44 pm

November 2019: Got a last-minute flu shot, actually caught the flu a few days later (and had to miss a day or two of work), got well again within a few days, and went on a cruise with my family! The cruise we went on - my most recent one to date - went to the Mexican Riviera; I had a great time and met a new friend, a woman who shares my musical interests and is apparently a social butterfly.

November 2014: Applied for an accounting job and took an exam for it. Also went on two "weekend getaway" cruises and had a good time on those.

November 2009: Began volunteering at a nonprofit organization and enjoyed it. It wasn't a paid job, but at least I was getting some experience doing something useful. (I also started volunteering at another nonprofit place, Habitat for Humanity, doing some office work.)

November 2004: Moving along with my "take-it-easy-for-the-most-part" semester.

November 1999: Moving along with my second year of community college. One assignment I was working on, an English paper, took up a good part of my time.

November 1994: I finally got my class schedule changed so that I had a piano class; however, this required that two of my other classes be moved to different periods.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: karen on 11/13/24 at 4:37 pm

A Facebook memory for 15 years ago today is that I was waiting for Cat and Carlos to visit. They were going to visit with Cat’s sister and called in for a short visit on the way.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/13/24 at 10:11 pm

A Facebook memory for 15 years ago today is that I was waiting for Cat and Carlos to visit. They were going to visit with Cat’s sister and called in for a short visit on the way.

I remember that visit but 15 years?! Hard go believe it has been that long ago.


Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: fusefan on 11/18/24 at 8:27 pm

Can't believe I'm old enough to remember 30 years ago...  :o When I joined here in 2006, I couldn't remember 15 years ago! In my head I still think "1976" when somebody says "30 years ago"  :D

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 12/21/24 at 9:15 pm

December 2019: A new person was hired at my office to be the admin assistant, so that took a load off from me and my other coworker. I was still working three days a week, since the volume of my normal accounting work was starting to increase.

December 2014: I interviewed for the job I took an exam for in the previous month, but it was a panel interview and I ended up not getting selected. Later in the month I began an internship in which I helped a property management company get its Quickbooks file caught up.

December 2009: I continued doing volunteer work at two nonprofit organizations. My mom was finally hired for a paid job (which she still has today). Middle of the month I got sick but felt better in time for Christmas.

December 2004: Took my finals in my "take-it-easy" classes, and continued volunteering at this one office on campus (in which I created an organized database for their directory).

December 1999: Finished another semester at the community college, finding myself busy towards the finals week. Elsewhere I guess I was excited about the year 2000 fast approaching.

December 1994: First half of the month I was concentrating on school (I was a highschool freshman) and trying to dodge the bullies. Second half of the month I was focusing on the holidays.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 01/11/25 at 5:28 pm

5 years ago - January 2020, I was still moving along with my job, not knowing the big surprises that would come our way in the following months.

10 years ago - January 2015, I was primarily in my internship, helping a property management company get its Quickbooks file updated. It was unpaid, but the experience gave me a chance to put my newly acquired skills to good use.

15 years ago - January 2010, I was doing volunteer work at two nonprofit organizations, while trying to find paid employment.

20 years ago - January 2005, I was on break from my undergrad studies at CSUN (between semesters); on select days I would go to campus for my volunteer position that was active at the time. The new semester (Spring) started on the last day of the month.

25 years ago - January 2000, I began a new semester at the community college I attended at the time. I had four three-unit classes; one of them was a computer-sci course in which I learned Visual Basic (something I would end up having fun with); the others were English, Music Appreciation, and biology.

30 years ago - January 1995, I was midway through my freshman year of high school. I had made some friends, and was trying to make more. Outside of school, I was enjoying watching the "I Love Lucy" reruns; in fact, I had received several VHS tapes of it for Christmas, so I watched them on my days off.

Subject: Re: Your Life This Month 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Years Ago

Written By: nally on 02/08/25 at 5:34 pm

February 2020: Just the usual was going on with me; I had my job, I was socializing with my friends at church... also trying to make a plan for my 40th birthday in July (not knowing that we'd eventually have to change those plans).

February 2015: Mainly I was in my internship. Wasn't sure how long it would take me at first, but at some point during the month I was halfway through it.

February 2010: Doing volunteer work one or two days a week, while trying to find some direction for work (that part was a struggle).

February 2005: Proceeding through my academic semester, which consisted of a physics class and an upper-division math course, and also one activity course (kinesiology).

February 2000: Enjoying my life in community college. Started getting to know several new people, including some friendly girls/young women (some of whom I gave chocolate hearts to on Valentine's Day and the day after; in fact I handed out almost 40 of them in those two days alone).

February 1995: Finished my first semester of high school and moved on to the next one. However, in one or two of my classes there were some difficult classmates to deal with.

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