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These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.
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Subject: Apricot!!!
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/11/05 at 9:52 pm
who sings that song on your xanga???.....I love it..
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: pimpinsteelersfan on 03/11/05 at 9:55 pm
if you have a single question to ask someone than just pm them. don't start new topics over stupid things.
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: pimpinsteelersfan on 03/11/05 at 10:01 pm
just a bad mood i guess.
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: Apricot on 03/11/05 at 10:04 pm
It's Ween. The song is "Is This What Deaner Was Talking About?" IM me. AIM, Poison Blackjack. I'll send it to ya. ;)
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: ADH13 on 03/11/05 at 10:48 pm
if you have a single question to ask someone than just pm them. don't start new topics over stupid things.
Hey, I have been here only a couple weeks.. the first couple days are a little confusing, you don't really know what goes where... If you notice on the main screen (with the lists of threads) there is NOTHING that tells you how to send a private message.. nothing that even shows you CAN send one...
For a new person who just got here, the "General Penguin Related Stuff" could easily be interpreted as it's really supposed to be about penguins.
Please give people a couple days to figure out what's going on before jumping on them, or if you don't want to wait a couple days, let them know nicely... I don't think MidKnight is trying to irritate anyone, she is just a little confused, just like I was...
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/11/05 at 10:49 pm
Thank you :)
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: Apricot on 02/18/06 at 10:43 pm
Thank you :)
I'm sure you're NOT welcome!!! >:( :o :D
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 02/19/06 at 9:57 pm
Ugh. Annoying. Why did you bump this? Now I'm going to have to slaughter you.
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: Apricot on 02/19/06 at 10:24 pm
Why did you bump this?
Cause you're gay and you have sex with men.
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: deadrockstar on 02/19/06 at 10:29 pm
Cause you're gay and you have sex with men.
Does not compute.
Wow what an old thread..
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: Apricot on 02/19/06 at 10:32 pm
Does not compute.
Compute THIS! *caps, leaves quickly so as to avoid incarceration*
Subject: Re: Apricot!!!
Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 02/19/06 at 10:36 pm
Check for new replies or respond here...
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