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Subject: What do you collect?

Written By: ADH13 on 03/09/05 at 6:40 pm

Almost everyone collects SOMETHING - matchbooks, hotel pens, spoons, etc.

I collect 80s designer jeans.  I usually find them at second-hand stores.  I have lots of Jordache, Sergio Valente, Sasson, Brittania, Gloria Vanderbilt, etc.

I know there was a brand called Caribene (kar-ah-bin-AY) and the name was written in cursive across one of the back pockets.  I can even remember part of the commercial

You'll love the way they look on you, caribene!  ooh, what they do, caribene..

I still haven't found any, or anyone who has ever heard of them.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Mergal on 03/09/05 at 7:58 pm

Hmmm, what don't I collect?  Let's see Pez Dispensers, alarm clocks, salt'n'pepper shakers, My Little Ponies (guilty pleasure), angels and fairies....

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: shiprunner12 on 03/09/05 at 8:41 pm

I collect state quarters and I'm starting to collect knives.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: whitewolf on 03/09/05 at 8:43 pm

I collect coins, and any kind of native ornament, especially if it has a wolf on it.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dagwood on 03/09/05 at 8:57 pm


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: sputnikcorp on 03/09/05 at 9:04 pm

i collect sci-fi/horror figurines, die-cast toys and what not. i just got a plush cthulhu doll and i have my eye on anything godzilla or the alien (the 'alien' from the movies). so far my prized item is a die-cast eagle shuttle from the space:1999 TV series.

i also keep my eye out for old canadian coins with king george VI.

oh and i forgot my collection of buddhas. my nickname is buddha and friends through the years have given me tiny buddha figurines.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 03/09/05 at 9:52 pm

Dust, I really should move about more  :D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/09/05 at 9:54 pm

I collect old noise makers, stickers, Ramones memorbilia, children's books, antiques, vintage clothing, music, movies, cast iron antique banks, movie memorbilia, body jewelry...oh I could go on for days!!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 03/09/05 at 9:57 pm

I collect old noise makers, stickers, Ramones memorbilia, children's books, antiques, vintage clothing, music, movies, cast iron antique banks, movie memorbilia, body jewelry...oh I could go on for days!!

Erin :)
Pull my finger, I'm an old noise maker  ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/09/05 at 9:58 pm

Pull my finger, I'm an old noise maker  ;D


Erin :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 03/09/05 at 10:00 pm

I collect:

Baseball cards, which I have been collecting since I was 7; I now have over 6,000 of them. :)

"I Love Lucy" videotapes...I always enjoy watching them ;D (I also have other videos, including two copies of E.T.)

CD's...although I only have 8 right now (five of which are Weird Al) :D

Old calendars (I always save them every year), including one from my birth year, 1980 8)

I also have a collection of U.S. pennies from before 1950...I think the oldest one dates back to sometime between 1910 and 1920

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 03/09/05 at 10:04 pm

Black and Death metal CDs, I have over 200, I listen to less then half regularly, Trading Cards, I just completed the new topps chrome 14 card autographed Lord of the Rings set

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: MLB on 03/09/05 at 10:17 pm

  45's and long playing single-records, and inherited long albums :\'( of my mother's.
Postage stamps, postcards, stickers, fancy pencils, horses and carousel animals as toys, pictures, figurines, etc, etc..
Plus fancy soaps, like the swans and hearts you put out for "guests" but no one ever uses because they are a pretty decoration.  I also have some 40 original Pokemon cards but I haven't bought any  in a looooong time. 

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/10/05 at 9:58 am

Too much stuff.

Match Books
Cats (which I kind of stopped because I ran out of room to display them)
Tee-shirts (which I am also running out of room)

I'm sure there is more but that is all I can think of right now.


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: joedeertae on 03/10/05 at 10:36 am

trading cards (mostly non sports)
shot glasses
a few odd coins
beer caps
baseball caps

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: karen on 03/10/05 at 10:38 am

bookmarks of places I have visited
Pen Delfin rabbits
silver charms to remind me of holidays and events

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Ashkicksass on 03/10/05 at 10:49 am

bookmarks of places I have visited
Pen Delfin rabbits
silver charms to remind me of holidays and events

I collect Magnets from places I visit, and my husband collects shot glasses.  We have an entire curio cabinet full of the glasses, and a fridge full of magnets.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: karen on 03/10/05 at 10:59 am

I would collect fridge magnets but my hubbie hates them and throws any freebies (like from cereals or whatever) away

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Zella on 03/10/05 at 1:56 pm

~dead people~  ;)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 03/10/05 at 2:13 pm

Besides music, I collect keychains from different parts of the world.  :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Marian on 03/10/05 at 2:21 pm

;DI collect vintage jewelry,records,tins,russian stuff,cedar boxes,dolls,Godiva and Victoria's secret animals,ans sterling.A lot of antique stuff.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 03/10/05 at 2:37 pm

porno tapes
music CDs and cassettes
wrestling tapes and magazines
memorabilia stuff
Michael Jackson(what I used to collect long time ago)


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/10/05 at 2:57 pm

Points towards my BA (Honours) in Business Studies.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jreuben on 03/10/05 at 3:00 pm

When I'm really lazy, I collect dust  :)

Otherwise, baseball cards and Star Wars books.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/10/05 at 3:05 pm

I collect the occasional autograph too!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Davester on 03/10/05 at 3:39 pm

porno tapes
music CDs and cassettes
wrestling tapes and magazines
memorabilia stuff
Michael Jackson(what I used to collect long time ago)


  Heh...I do admire your candor, Howard...

  Been collecting movie posters since I was 15...

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: gemini61 on 03/10/05 at 3:52 pm

antique 50s diner stuff
old syrup pitchers
McCoy flower pots
old thimbles
rusty stuff
various antiques

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/10/05 at 3:54 pm

antique 50s diner stuff
old syrup pitchers
McCoy flower pots
old thimbles
rusty stuff
various antiques

In other words, you do not throw things away?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: gemini61 on 03/10/05 at 3:56 pm

In other words, you do not throw things away?

Hey, everything has its place!  ;) 

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/10/05 at 3:57 pm

Hey, everything has its place!  ;)   

All items are proudly placed on shelves?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: gemini61 on 03/10/05 at 3:59 pm

All items are proudly placed on shelves?

Dustily placed on shelves! That's the worse thing about collecting, you have to dust everything  :( 

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: danootaandme on 03/10/05 at 4:11 pm

figurines that are reading books
Motorcycle Memorabilia

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Alchoholica on 03/10/05 at 4:25 pm

Baseball Caps - I have close to 50

Metallica stuff... i have.. tons!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: gord on 03/10/05 at 5:00 pm

-Racing Programs- when you go to race day or weekend the programs are like a magazine, good keep-sakes,  I've got a bunch and add 3 or 4 a yr.

-CDs- this is it for me, I've bought music on 8-track, cassette and vinyl and I'm not switching again so no matter how obselete CDs get I'm done. :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: ElDuderino on 03/10/05 at 5:02 pm


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jackas on 03/10/05 at 6:20 pm

NOTHING!  It's a waste of space and money.  And it looks bad in the house.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 03/10/05 at 9:08 pm

I forgot to mention: marbles. I have only 265 of them now, but I'm still collecting them.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/10/05 at 10:20 pm

Cd's I guess

...but lately...enemies  :-\\....*sigh*

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: ElDuderino on 03/10/05 at 10:20 pm

Cd's I guess

...but lately...enemies :-\\....*sigh*

Don't sweat the haters.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/10/05 at 10:21 pm

Pretty much 2/3 of this world consist of haters

..I never expect too much out of people

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: ElDuderino on 03/10/05 at 10:22 pm

Pretty much 2/3 of this world consist of haters

..I never expect too much out of people

Expecting too much has been one of my faults in the past. I'm getting past that though I think..

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/10/05 at 10:25 pm

yeah i've learned not to put people too high on a's too easy to get hurt that way

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: ElDuderino on 03/10/05 at 10:27 pm

yeah i've learned not to put people too high on a's too easy to get hurt that way


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 03/10/05 at 10:27 pm

Pretty much 2/3 of this world consist of haters

..I never expect too much out of people
It's called natural selection, since humans have no natural enemies we kill each other plus there is the occasional helping hand from mother nature in the form of natural disasters and disease but mainly we eradicate each others...have a nice day    :D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/10/05 at 10:28 pm

...ummmm....huh....yeah  :-\\

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 03/10/05 at 10:30 pm

does anyone want to see my scab collection?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: ElDuderino on 03/10/05 at 10:32 pm

does anyone want to see my scab collection?

Hittin' the crack pipe tonight? :P

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: ADH13 on 03/10/05 at 10:33 pm

does anyone want to see my scab collection?

No thanks Jiminy... :)  Do you keep that collection separate from your toenail collection?  :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 03/10/05 at 10:36 pm

smokin the olde peace pipe.... ???

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 03/10/05 at 10:36 pm

No thanks Jiminy... :)  Do you keep that collection separate from your toenail collection?  :)
I have this bad habit of chewing my nails so they never get long enough to collect   ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: ADH13 on 03/10/05 at 10:40 pm

I have this bad habit of chewing my nails so they never get long enough to collect   ;D

WOW you must be flexible if you can chew your toenails!!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Full_House_Fan on 03/10/05 at 11:15 pm

United States Gold, Silver, and Copper Coinage :)


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/07/05 at 3:43 pm

I just found a pretty decent porno tape so I'm putting that in my collection with all the others I've saved all from those years ago. ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/10/05 at 7:41 pm

Comic books
Beanie Babies
Video games
Stuffed animals  :-[  ::)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/11/05 at 6:11 pm

Old Newspapers
Oldies Music
Wrestling tapes

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: NullandVoid on 07/11/05 at 10:39 pm

Pepsi Stuff

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Step-chan on 07/12/05 at 2:35 pm

Anime, video games, video game magazines, anime magazines, glass rocks(used in fishtanks) on the ground, guitar picks on the ground(well, these have a pratical use since I play guitar. Of course I buy them too), music.


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/12/05 at 5:08 pm

Porno Tapes

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 07/12/05 at 5:15 pm

Porno Tapes

do ya have Dickman and Throbbin?  ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Alchoholica on 07/12/05 at 5:18 pm

do ya have Dickman and Throbbin?  ;D

Bluntman & Chronic  ;)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/12/05 at 6:16 pm

do ya have Dickman and Throbbin?  ;D

Was that a Misty Mundae film? ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 07/12/05 at 6:19 pm

Was that a Misty Mundae film? ;D

Dark Brothers I think   ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/12/05 at 6:20 pm

Dark Brothers I think   ;D

No,It was one of her films.I forgot the name of it.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 07/12/05 at 6:24 pm

Was that a Misty Mundae film? ;D

John Holmes is Dickman and Tom Byron is Throbbin. Together they are a duo of superheros known as Sexcorcists that turn frigid women into sex-craving whores. This film is all about campy, corny fun just like the old "Batman" TV show that it parodies. Sadly, all the scenes without Holmes or Byron isn't as good. Needless to say, this film while not being John Holmes best that I've seen, is still enjoyable enough. Even if the only great scene in the movie is with Holmes, Byron and a stunning Amber Lynn as a virginal pop singer. (I always laugh when porn stars play virgins for some reason, but it was a hot scene none the less)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/12/05 at 6:27 pm

John Holmes is Dickman and Tom Byron is Throbbin. Together they are a duo of superheros known as Sexcorcists that turn frigid women into sex-craving whores. This film is all about campy, corny fun just like the old "Batman" TV show that it parodies. Sadly, all the scenes without Holmes or Byron isn't as good. Needless to say, this film while not being John Holmes best that I've seen, is still enjoyable enough. Even if the only great scene in the movie is with Holmes, Byron and a stunning Amber Lynn as a virginal pop singer. (I always laugh when porn stars play virgins for some reason, but it was a hot scene none the less)

No,It was one of her lesbian chick films

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 07/12/05 at 6:31 pm

No,It was one of her lesbian chick films

Credited cast: 

John Holmes ....  Dickman
Tom Byron ....  Throbbin
Amber Lynn ....  Brooke
Joanna Storm   
Kari Foxx   
Peter North   
Keli Richards ....  Kitty
Regine Bardot   
Marc Wallice 

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/12/05 at 6:34 pm

Credited cast: 

John Holmes ....  Dickman
Tom Byron ....  Throbbin
Amber Lynn ....  Brooke
Joanna Storm   
Kari Foxx   
Peter North   
Keli Richards ....  Kitty
Regine Bardot   
Marc Wallice 

Lord Of The G-Strings.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Step-chan on 07/14/05 at 2:05 pm

Porno Tapes

Well, that defeats my collection. :D ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/14/05 at 3:07 pm

Well, that defeats my collection. :D ;D

In what way? ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/15/05 at 8:58 am

Lately, I have been collecting headaches  :(

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: mandamoo on 07/15/05 at 9:04 am

Lately, I have been collecting headaches :(

I suggest you get another hobby, Fussy  :o

I will be collecting my neighbours' mail for the next two weeks  :P

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/15/05 at 9:05 am

I suggest you get another hobby, Fussy  :o

I will gladly give all my collection to anyone who wants it  :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/15/05 at 9:06 am

I will be collecting my neighbours' mail for the next two weeks  :P

Make sure you don't get caught then Mooey  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: whitewolf on 07/15/05 at 9:36 am

wolf figurines and native crafts

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: goodsin on 07/15/05 at 10:07 am

I used to collect rave flyers & ornate ganja pipes, still have them but not really adding to the collection nowadays...

Been collecting a few debts too, recently!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/15/05 at 10:22 am

Lately I seem to have a collection of dust everywhere in my house.  ::)


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/15/05 at 12:33 pm

It seems I am collecting years after my name!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: goodsin on 07/15/05 at 12:36 pm

My P45...then my giro!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Apricot on 07/15/05 at 12:36 pm

CDs from obscure artists, rare B-Sides and such.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/15/05 at 12:39 pm

CDs from obscure artists, rare B-Sides and such.
At one point I started collecting records by people who are not know as singers, like the boxer Frank Bruno's Eye Of The Tiger.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Apricot on 07/15/05 at 12:40 pm

At one point I started collecting records by people who are not know as singers, like the boxer Frank Bruno's Eye Of The Tiger.

Whoa, that's really cool. Did the collection go well?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/15/05 at 12:44 pm

Whoa, that's really cool. Did the collection go well?

Y Viva Espana by Andrew Sachs (Manuel from Fawlty Towers.
Neighbours by Australia comedian Barry Humpheys as Dame Edna Everage.

If I think of any more I will at to the list.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/15/05 at 12:57 pm

Y Viva Espana by Andrew Sachs (Manuel from Fawlty Towers.
Neighbours by Australia comedian Barry Humpheys as Dame Edna Everage.

If I think of any more I will at to the list.

William Shatner doing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/15/05 at 12:59 pm

William Shatner doing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?


That would a gem for the collection, I do have an LP by the actor Edward Woodward.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Apricot on 07/15/05 at 1:22 pm

That would a gem for the collection, I do have an LP by the actor Edward Woodward.

I just downloaded it.. I love how he's not even singing, just talking dramatically.  ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: blackbutterfly on 07/15/05 at 1:23 pm

Disney movies. I think I have almost every one of them

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/15/05 at 4:02 pm

Old wrestling memorabilia

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 07/15/05 at 4:15 pm

Old wrestling memorabilia

post a photo of you wearing some of your memorabilia... lets see you in your trunks  ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/15/05 at 4:16 pm

post a photo of you wearing some of your memorabilia... lets see you in your trunks  ;D

HELL NO! ::)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: jiminy on 07/15/05 at 4:29 pm

HELL NO! ::)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Bobby on 07/15/05 at 4:45 pm

My P45...then my giro!

Ha ha! I wonder how many people got this one, Goodsin?  ;) :D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 5:27 pm

don't collect anything atm, but when I was younger I used to collect a lot of comic books and other magazines. I remember at one stage, my mam was buying me about 6 a week! I feel kinda bad about making her pay for them all, but they have proven useful in school projects etc, so they kinda paid themselves back!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/15/05 at 5:29 pm

I already posted on this thread (a long time ago); I am still adding to my baseball card collection, which currently has 6,516 unique cards. (I have about 800 duplicates/triplicates/quadruplicates/etc, about 50 of which I am saving because they're valuable. The other 750 I want to give away or possibly sell; I just don't know yet.)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 5:32 pm

I already posted on this thread (a long time ago); I am still adding to my baseball card collection, which currently has 6,516 unique cards. (I have about 800 duplicates/triplicates/quadruplicates/etc, about 50 of which I am saving because they're valuable. The other 750 I want to give away or possibly sell; I just don't know yet.)

Wow, that's a helluvalot of cards!  :o
How long you been collecting?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/15/05 at 5:37 pm

Wow, that's a helluvalot of cards!  :o
How long you been collecting?

Since I was about 7 years old. So, for the past 18 years total. ;) Most of the cards I have are from the late 80's and early 90's.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 5:39 pm

Since I was about 7 years old. So, for the past 18 years total. ;) Most of the cards I have are from the late 80's and early 90's.

Woah, 18 years is longer than my life-span!  :D

Pat on the back for you, Jeff

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/15/05 at 5:43 pm

Woah, 18 years is longer than my life-span!  :D

Pat on the back for you, Jeff

Hehe..thanks! :) So I guess I started collecting before you were born?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 5:43 pm

Hehe..thanks! :) So I guess I started collecting before you were born?

correct... by the sounds of it, you either started collecting in late 1986 or early 1987... i'm 18 this year

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/15/05 at 5:45 pm

correct... by the sounds of it, you either started collecting in late 1986 or early 1987... i'm 18 this year

Well I just turned 25 this past Monday, so some time in the summer of 1987 is roughly around the time I began collecting bb cards.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 5:49 pm

Well I just turned 25 this past Monday, so some time in the summer of 1987 is roughly around the time I began collecting bb cards.

I wonder how many you would have if you had started collecting in the summer of 69?  :D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/15/05 at 5:51 pm

I wonder how many you would have if you had started collecting in the summer of 69?  :D

I wasn't alive then...but I do know that my dad collected baseball cards as a kid during the 1960's; he still has them, and they're nicely protected in albums.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 5:52 pm

I wasn't alive then...but I do know that my dad collected baseball cards as a kid during the 1960's; he still has them, and they're nicely protected in albums.

Wow, how many's HE got?!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/15/05 at 5:53 pm

Wow, how many's HE got?!

Probably somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000---less than I have.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 5:56 pm

Probably somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000---less than I have.

Is that all?  ::) ;)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/15/05 at 5:59 pm

Is that all?  ::) ;)

Probably...I haven't counted them, but it's probably an estimate, based on how many cards each set of each year had, and how many cards out of the set he was able to accumulate. I, for one, have complete sets of Topps cards from 1987-91, and 1993; I am still 15 cards short of a complete set for 1992 Topps.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 6:00 pm

Probably...I haven't counted them, but it's probably an estimate, based on how many cards each set of each year had, and how many cards out of the set he was able to accumulate. I, for one, have complete sets of Topps cards from 1987-91, and 1993; I am still 15 cards short of a complete set for 1992 Topps.

It's even more pain-stakingly awkward when you're only missing like 1 card out of a set of 1,000 that's taken you decades to compile... that would irritate me past all sense of rationality

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Sugafairey on 07/15/05 at 6:41 pm

I used to collect all things She-Ra...

Bet you wouldn't have guessed.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 07/15/05 at 6:58 pm

I used to collect all things She-Ra...

Bet you wouldn't have guessed.

Nope. Nothing in your avatar or signature line to suggest any sort of she-ra connections...  ::)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Sugafairey on 07/16/05 at 7:26 am

Nope. Nothing in your avatar or signature line to suggest any sort of she-ra connections...  ::)

No, I know. Completely random choice!

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/16/05 at 5:32 pm

I'm a little bit chunkier than that. ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 07/16/05 at 5:32 pm

oldies music tapes and CDs

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 07/16/05 at 5:56 pm

It's even more pain-stakingly awkward when you're only missing like 1 card out of a set of 1,000 that's taken you decades to compile... that would irritate me past all sense of rationality

Well, most of the Topps card sets from 1982 through 1994 have 792 cards each; 1993 had 825 of them. Since then, the sets have had a fluctuating number of cards (and gotten pricy). It took me until the summer of 1990 to complete the '88 cards and mid-1994 to complete the '90 cards; a couple of the other sets I received as complete sets without having to buy any packs. I didn't really begin concentrating on the 1987 Topps set until the mid-90's, when this one baseball card store I was visiting regularly had them at a low price. And it was last year when I finally completed that set. 8)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 05/21/06 at 6:59 pm

*bumping up an old thread*

I'm sure some of the folks who have registered in the past several months collect things, so I thought I'd give this thread a bump so they could share their collections with us. :)

I still collect sports cards.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: loki 13 on 05/21/06 at 7:40 pm

I collected comic books. I don't collect them anymore but I still
have my old collection. Over 400 comic books, mostly Marvel,
and from the late 70's and early 80's.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: rich1981 on 05/21/06 at 7:44 pm

CDs, model cars, video games (SNES and older), coins (not as much today) and many many others...

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: whistledog on 05/21/06 at 10:11 pm

I collect Atari 2600/7800 Games, K-Tel records and Tapes, and most importantly, I collect Chart Hits.  There's a whole world of songs out there I've still yet to hear, and many I will probably remember ... sooner or later they will all be mine 8)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: spaceace on 01/26/07 at 1:06 am

I collect books on philosophy

Martha Stewart Living magazines

lip glosses

Monkees memoribilia

DVDs of 80's shows

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 01/26/07 at 1:54 am

I used to collect Baseball cards but stopped. I've got a few good ones in storage, and a ton of them that aren't worth a nickel. I probably have over ten thousand. Nothing really old. I had a box of cards from the 60's that I still remember throwing out when we were moving. omg, Mickey Mantle, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays all tossed out like trash. I didn't know what I had,  :\'(  Now my collection is mainly from 1979-1999  and the Cal Ripken jr. rookie card is my favorite.
I also try to collect decks of playing cards from different casinos whenever I'm at one.
I have a modest comic book collection. 

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: whistledog on 01/26/07 at 2:39 am

DVDs of 80's shows

I collect those too :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 01/26/07 at 6:15 am

Oldies Music

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: thereshegoes on 01/26/07 at 6:53 am

Ex-Boyfriends :D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: star80 on 01/26/07 at 7:01 am

Music (Cassettes and CDs, but preferably CDs now) variety

Movies (Video tapes and DVDs) of any kind

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Ashkicksass on 01/26/07 at 9:57 am

Pigs, (mostly piggy banks)   Magnets, and anything with Butterflies on it.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Gis on 01/26/07 at 10:43 am

Monkeys, elephants, old black and white movie stills and sugar sachets.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 01/26/07 at 2:39 pm

Year In Reviews from newspapers

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: spaceace on 01/26/07 at 3:49 pm

I collect those too :)

I never thought I'd be 34 and still watching Punky Brewster :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/07/07 at 1:55 pm

A bigger difference in the days between the day I was born and the current day.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: whistledog on 03/07/07 at 4:14 pm

I never thought I'd be 34 and still watching Punky Brewster :)

There's no shame in that.  I'm almost 30 and I still love watching Punky Brewster :)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 03/07/07 at 4:26 pm

There's no shame in that.  I'm almost 30 and I still love watching Punky Brewster :)

I can't remember the last time I watched that show. :o

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: La Roche on 03/07/07 at 4:30 pm


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: spaceace on 03/07/07 at 5:17 pm


When did you stop collecting Restraining Orders?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Midas on 03/07/07 at 7:19 pm

Dust and vinyl records (predominantly 12" singles from the 80's to current dance music; I have around 2500 records) which leads to more dust... :D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: La Roche on 03/07/07 at 8:05 pm

When did you stop collecting Restraining Orders?

When I was confined to a mile square area in Nebraska

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: lorac61469 on 03/07/07 at 8:05 pm

I used to collect Boyd's Bears but that was before kids and I had extra money to spend.

I don't really collect anything now.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Jessica on 03/07/07 at 8:23 pm


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: La Roche on 03/07/07 at 8:26 pm


Is there an opt out policy?

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Jessica on 03/07/07 at 8:27 pm

Is there an opt out policy?


Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: La Roche on 03/07/07 at 8:34 pm


.. wait.. even Microsoft does a trial version.. cooooome ooooon.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Jessica on 03/07/07 at 8:41 pm

.. wait.. even Microsoft does a trial version.. cooooome ooooon.


Maybe I should rephrase that...I collect men to flirt with. My mind directs me away from actually screwing someone who isn't my husband. :P

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: La Roche on 03/07/07 at 8:44 pm


Maybe I should rephrase that...I collect men to flirt with. My mind directs me away from actually screwing someone who isn't my husband. :P

He should make a JessBot.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/08/07 at 12:50 am

I used to collect Beanie Bears when I was younger, but I don't collect anything now.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 03/08/07 at 12:04 pm


Am I one of them,I just turned 33? ;) ;D

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: La Roche on 03/09/07 at 9:20 pm

Am I one of them,I just turned 33? ;) ;D

No. You belong to the state.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/10/07 at 4:31 am

retro Rt. 66 and/or roadside attraction memorabilia.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Marty McFly on 03/10/07 at 5:26 am

Vintage electronics (i.e. boomboxes, old-school VCRs or anything else generally harder to find), cool retro clothes, and '80s and '90s (as well as sporadic '60s and '70s) music. Especially tapes. I especially like the harder to find stuff, which is why I go to thrift stores and big used CD/movie shops alot.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 03/10/07 at 6:53 am

No. You belong to the state.

No I don't. ::)

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Howard on 03/10/07 at 6:54 am

Music tapes and CDs

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: nally on 02/22/25 at 12:41 pm

I already posted on this thread (a long time ago); I am still adding to my baseball card collection, which currently has 6,516 unique cards.

I now have approximately twice this amount of bb cards.

Subject: Re: What do you collect?

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/22/25 at 12:49 pm

Points towards my BA (Honours) in Business Studies.
I failed in achieving that...

I collect the occasional autograph too!
Given up on that now!

Now I collect photos of historic buildings, etc, of London.

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