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Subject: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: woops on 01/16/05 at 10:13 pm

What are your least favorite episodes from your favorite tv shows (before or after it 'Jumped the Shark')  :P  :D

Here's some of the worst, IMO:

1. "Seinfeld"... the finale' Enough said.  :P

2. "South Park": The Wal Mart episode... it was done better before with the Star Bucks, IMO

3.  "The Simpsons": The worst of the worst (of the latter seasons)  would have to be when Bart joins a boyband  :P

4. "The Brady Bunch"...  any episode with Cousin Oliver, the jinx

5. "Gidget"... when Sally Field's character  traded her surf board with a nun habit...wait that's another show!  :P

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/16/05 at 11:53 pm

1. "Friends" Finale

2. "Night Court" featuring the lesbian mystery writer

3. Any "Three's Company" with Priscilla Barnes

4. "Married...With Children" with Al in that music video

5. "The Jeffersons" when they were robbed.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/17/05 at 1:19 am

My favourite programme never reached the "Jumped the Shark" stage, and Basil Fawlty is doing very well thank you.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: nally on 01/23/05 at 6:19 pm

A few I can think of from the top of my head...

"Full House": the episode where DJ fell asleep in Steve's new apartment and violated curfew. They later hid in the cement truck to try and get some privacy but accidentally turned it on and cement came pouring into the kitchen.

"Saved By The Bell": the episode where the gang formed a band. The first five minutes of that particular ep weren't so bad, but I didn't care for it in general.

"Simpsons": many of the episodes from the past ten years.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: woops on 01/23/05 at 6:40 pm

"I Love the '90's: Part Duex" 1996, 1998, and 1999

And no mentioning of "Beavis & Butt-Head" in 1993!!!  >:(  :P

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Billy Florio on 01/23/05 at 7:45 pm

for the most part, before a show jumps the shark there really arent any really baad episodes to mention....there are a few exceptions

South Park: I love this show (and it hasnt jumped the shark yet) but there are a few episodes where I dont think Matt and Trey were trying.  That episode where they parody Jar Jar Binks for example. 

The Simpsons: They have jumped the shark, so most now are bad.  But nothing can beat the badness in ones like where Marge is in the cookoff or Bart joins the Boyband

M*A*S*H: While the show went down hill after Blake left, the worst episode might be the one where they all have those dreams. 

Stella Shorts: Day off

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: MooRocca on 01/23/05 at 11:53 pm

Red Dwarf -- every episode that included the nanobot-resurrected crew (which was either all or most of the final season.)  Also, the episodes that featured Arnold's alter ego, "Ace Rimmer." 

Young Ones -- the "Bambi" episode and the end of the final episode.   

Mr. Bean -- The Christmas episode where he gets the bird stuck on his head.  (I also hated the American movie.)

The Monkees -- "Fairy Tale" episode (the one where Mike's a princess... ugh.) 

Family Guy -- The episode where the dog runs away and gets involved in porn... pretty much any episode that focuses primarily on the dog.

South Park -- Brilliant at its best, mega-lame at its worst, not much middle ground.  Off the top of my head, I'd add the future-people ep to those less-than-shining examples already mentioned. 

Married With Children -- all of the eps with that jinx I mean, that kid Seven.

Dr. Who -- (I haven't had the opportunity to see the new season, so can't comment on new eps, yet.)  Four To Doomsday (aliens come to Earth to collect specimens and the specimens shown in these eps perpetuate cliched stereotypes,) the one where they spoof Incredible Journey and anything with The Rani in it.  (I also hated the American movie, don't care for that doctor in the audios and wish they'd have removed him from series canon before reviving the series.)

Kolchak -- The one with the aliens. 

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/25/05 at 3:45 pm

One Foot In The Grave, when Victor Meldrew sadly died.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: nally on 06/06/05 at 4:43 pm

I do have a few favorite eps of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air", but one that I didn't like was the one where Tom Jones guest-starred. Will was accepted into Princeton but Carlton was rejected, and so Carlton got mad at the advisor.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: nally on 08/11/05 at 10:33 am

I do have a few favorite eps of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air", but one that I didn't like was the one where Tom Jones guest-starred. Will was accepted into Princeton but Carlton was rejected, and so Carlton got mad at the advisor.

Another ep of that show that I don't like is the one where Will got mad at a psychic who helped Hilary get over Trevor; his anger caused a hex on his family; it turned out to be a nightmare for him.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: jiminy on 08/11/05 at 11:29 am

It's not my favourite show but any episode of the Drew Carry show when they do the improve copying the show Who's Line is it, I hate that show too, a few bits might be funny but most of it's stupid

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: nally on 11/07/06 at 12:40 pm

Ah...time to bump up an old thread. Since I saw a spider viewing it, I figured I'd post something in it.

"Family Matters"...the ep where Steve Urkel accidentally shrinks himself and Carl down to 1 inch tall. In that episode, the two guys never return to their normal size. That's not the main reason why I don't like it, though. On the kitchen counter, they are stranded, unable to reach the transformation chamber to get back to normal size. While they're up there, they must dodge flying cereal bits/crumbs (in the style of Indiana Jones)...and a cat comes into the house (through the open window) and the guys have to fight it on the table. Eventually, the cat goes away. Also, on the table there are items with fake brand names (which are actually ripoffs of real products, such as "Bringle's" potato chips). ::)

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: whistledog on 11/07/06 at 12:50 pm

Not really my favourite show, but Seinfeld ...

- The one where they wait in that Chinese Restaurant to get a table.  "Seinfeld, 4"

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Howard on 11/07/06 at 12:59 pm

Not really my favourite show, but Seinfeld ...

- The one where they wait in that Chinese Restaurant to get a table.  "Seinfeld, 4"

That was a dumb episode. ::)

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: loki 13 on 11/07/06 at 1:20 pm

People often mention the three part "Jump the shark" episodes of Happy days as being the worst.
In my opinion, the worst episode ever in television history was not these episodes but another Happy
Day's episode where Chachi sells his soul to the devil's nephew, Melvin Scratch.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Howard on 11/07/06 at 1:24 pm

People often mention the three part "Jump the shark" episodes of Happy days as being the worst.
In my opinion, the worst episode ever in television history was not these episodes but another Happy
Day's episode where Chachi sells his soul to the devil's nephew, Melvin Scratch.

Who played Melvin?

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: loki 13 on 11/07/06 at 1:27 pm

Who played Melvin?

Richard Levin

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Howard on 11/07/06 at 1:29 pm

Richard Levin

I tried googling him.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: loki 13 on 11/07/06 at 1:41 pm

I tried googling him.

Best I can do for now Howard.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: nally on 11/07/06 at 3:20 pm

"Full House"...the 146th episode, where DJ falls asleep in Steve's new apartment and violates her curfew.

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Howard on 11/07/06 at 3:22 pm

Best I can do for now Howard.

Thanks Loki  ;)

Subject: Re: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Stompgal on 11/08/06 at 7:47 am

The Powerpuff Girls  - Fuzzy Logic and Geschundfight, they're boring.
Little Britain - The episode where Maggie vomits over a Brownie.
SpongeBob SquarePants - Good Neighbours. Squidward tells SpongeBob and Patrick that they're the worst neighbours ever and at the end, they all get Sunday community  service for the rest of their lives.
Rugrats - The halloween episode where Angelica keeps whining, "I want my Reptar Bar!"
Honey We're Killing the Kids - Series 3, episode 2 with the Hopewell-South family from Sheffield, England.

Subject: Worst episodes of your favorite show

Written By: Dude111 on 10/22/24 at 7:13 pm

"The Brady Bunch" - Episodes with that Cousin Oliver dude. (Im sorry Oliver but you just ruin the show)

"Threes company" - The last episode - It was so sad seeing that... I love that show alot!!

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