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Subject: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: ktelqueen on 10/24/04 at 12:23 am

picking up where NbC left off..

1.manicures or pedicures

2.malls or outlet stores

3.bake or cook

4.tent or hotel room

5.heels or flats

6.chick flick or drama talk or cocktails

8.InStyle magazine or People

9.retro or current music

10.high maintenance or low maintenance

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: ktelqueen on 10/24/04 at 12:25 am

1.manicures or pedicures               love getting French manicures but i also do my own
2.malls or outlet stores                  i'm all about the mall

3.bake or cook both                     bake more often than i cook but i really enjoy doing both-it's more about sharing my baking

4.tent or hotel room                    love the comfort of a hotel but i've been known to rough it
5.heels or flats                             generally wear some sort of heel unless i'm off for a run  :)

6.chick flick or drama                     love going to see a chick flick with my friends talk or cocktails               quit coffee in april(whitening)but i still enjoy cocktails  :D

8.InStyle magazine or People         like both but i really enjoy InStyle

9.retro or current music                what can i tell ya?my name says it all  ;)

10.high maintenance or low maintenance  a bit higher than i'd like to be  ::)

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: alwayssearching on 10/24/04 at 12:37 am

Great Topic!!
Great questions!

Pedicure-hate shoes so dogs are rough(ruff)...sorry.


Cook/bake-both are bad..are chocolate chips supposed to start on fire while melting in the microwave?

Tent with husband, Hotel if kids are along.

Heels w/o husband, Flats w/husband(he's 4" shorter than me).

Drama-(I need ideas)

Cocktails!(My fave lately is a "Pink Panty Pulldown"



High/Low maintenance?...depends on who you ask;)

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: ktelqueen on 10/24/04 at 12:40 am

^  ;D

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Niko101 on 10/24/04 at 1:01 am

1.manicures or pedicures
Neither. I can't justify spending the $$$ on such things. I know, I suck!  ::)
2.malls or outlet stores
Ugh! I'm a bit of a "guy" when it comes to shopping. Don't like either. I just run in, grab what I need and get the heck out!
3.bake or cook
Baking for comfort. Cooking for substance.
4.tent or hotel room
Hotel. I had a bad camping experience last year (let's just say that the bat died quickly!)
5.heels or flats
Flats. Heels hurt my screwed up legs...years of retail/waitressing (shin splints, tendonitis, cyst on ankle, etc.). Plus, heels would make me taller than my husband...hahaha!
6.chick flick or drama
Depends on my mood. Probably chick flick? talk or cocktails
Cawffee!!!! (I'm such a Seattle-ite)
8.InStyle magazine or People
Neither. I'm more the "Q" or "Mixmag" type.
9.retro or current music
Both as long as it's good.
10.high maintenance or low maintenance
Low maintenance. Of course, I'm reminded of that scene from "When Harry Met Sally" where they discuss the difference between the two, so maybe I'm high maintenance and don't know it?  ;)

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Tanya1976 on 10/24/04 at 2:47 am

1.manicures or pedicures pedicures

2.malls or outlet stores outlet stores

3.bake or cook cook

4.tent or hotel room hotel room

5.heels or flats heels

6.chick flick or drama drama talk or cocktails cocktails, but it really depends on my mood

8.InStyle magazine or People InStyle

9.retro or current music retro

10.high maintenance or low maintenance depends though, I'm middle of the road


Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: danootaandme on 10/24/04 at 6:50 am

1.manicures or pedicures
    pedicures-rub my aching feet

2.malls or outlet stores
    they have kinda morphed into the same thing, and I hate shopping, too

3.bake or cook

4.tent or hotel room
    hotel, upgraded, what is a queen without a throne

5.heels or flats
    heel days are over, flat with arch supports

6.chick flick or drama
    how about a dramatic chick flick talk or cocktails
    coffeeeeeeeeee.., besides alcohol makes me sarcastic

8.InStyle magazine or People
    Vanity Fair

9.retro or current music

10.high maintenance or low maintenance
      low, as long as I get my own way

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Absolutely Vile on 10/24/04 at 7:27 am

1.manicures or pedicures Manicures

2.malls or outlet stores Malls

3.bake or cook Bake - I love baking :)

4.tent or hotel room Hotel room

5.heels or flats Flats - can't wear heels, unfortunately

6.chick flick or drama Both talk or cocktails Cocktails

8.InStyle magazine or People Neither - I like Cosmo :)

9.retro or current music :D

10.high maintenance or low maintenance Usually low maintenance, but high maintenance if I have a reason

Absolutely Vile

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 10/26/04 at 10:02 pm

1.manicures or pedicures

2.malls or outlet stores  (Too many people at malls!)

3.bake or cook

4.tent or hotel room  (I do like camping though...)

5.heels or flats  (I don't really need heels because I'm tall)

6.chick flick or drama talk or cocktails

8.InStyle magazine or People

9.retro or current music

10.high maintenance or low maintenance

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Dagwood on 10/26/04 at 10:20 pm

1.manicures or pedicures - Pedicures

2.malls or outlet stores - Malls.  I'm a child of the 80's, what else would I say?  ;)

3.bake or cook - Bake

4.tent or hotel room - Hotel room.  I hate camping

5.heels or flats - Flats.

6.chick flick or drama - Drama talk or cocktails - Coffee talk

8.InStyle magazine or People - People

9.retro or current music - Retro

10.high maintenance or low maintenance - If you mean me, I am low maintenance...I would also prefer a low maintenance guy.

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Jessica on 10/26/04 at 10:52 pm

1.manicures or pedicures -I like my nails to look nice.

2.malls or outlet stores -I'm a bargain shopper.

3.bake or cook -Both. I love making stuff to eat.

4.tent or hotel room -I like the outdoors.

5.heels or flats -I really miss wearing my heels. All 10 pairs of them. :P

6.chick flick or drama -Chick flicks bore the hell out of me. talk or cocktails -I really miss my martinis too. :P

8.InStyle magazine or People -Neither. Celebrities and cr*ppy fashion don't really interest me that much.

9.retro or current music -Both.

10.high maintenance or low maintenance -I think I'm pretty low maintenance. That's just my opinion though.

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Gis on 10/27/04 at 5:16 am

So I'm gonig to inject a little Englishness into this list  ;)

1.manicures or pedicures
Definatly manicures (I own over 100 nail colours !) I've never had a professional one though I do my own. 

2.malls or outlet stores
Hmm, not too sure what outlet stores are we have outlet villages which are like loads of 'named brand' shops selling old stock cheap.If it's the same then it's the High Street and the Mall for me.

3.bake or cook
Bake I guess Mmmmmmm cake.

4.tent or hotel room
Dear god a hotel room every time my camping days are over and I never intend to return to them ! I need my creature comforts.

5.heels or flats
Depends.flats to work,and heels for play, but I tend to wear platform/chunky heels rather than stiletto's

6.chick flick or drama
Depends on my mood.I like both. talk or cocktails
Cocktails ! I have worked hard to perfect the Daquari.A forest fruit flavour one was my latest Yum !

8.InStyle magazine or People
I get to read all the women's mags at work(there are some perks to working in a library !!) so I get through Marie Claire,Company,She,Cosmo and Now.

9.retro or current music
Mostly retro though I do like some current stuff.

10.high maintenance or low maintenance
Generally low but i have my moments !

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 10/27/04 at 6:59 am

1.manicures or pedicures  Neither - never had one - cant stand people touching those parts of me !

2.malls or outlet stores  We now have entire malls of outlet and brand direct stores.  I kinda like them cos I am a cheapskate - but I actually hate shopping.  I order my groceries, clothes, dvds etc online !

3.bake or cook  neither - anything that takes me longer than 5 minutes to make means I should be in a restaurant !

4.tent or hotel room  Tent was for my girl guide days - 5 star hotels for me now !!!

5.heels or flats  definately flats - I roll my ankles and fall off heels (even half an inch !)

6.chick flick or drama  love both but a good ole chick flick wins. talk or cocktails  I dont drink coffee - could have a hot choc talk - but yummmmm cocktails.

8.InStyle magazine or People  I read Who - which is the australian sister mag of People.

9.retro or current music  more retro than current

10.high maintenance or low maintenance  hmmm as I pay for everything - I guess I am low maintenance.

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: mandamoo on 10/27/04 at 8:21 am

1.manicures or pedicures

2.malls or outlet stores – ironically, I dislike shopping  :P

3.bake or cook – though it has to be quick and easy

4.tent or hotel room – comfort all the way !

5.heels or flats – with something a bit higher if I’m going out

6.chick flick or drama talk or cocktails - neither

8.InStyle magazine or People - neither

9.retro or current music – oldies, but I like the odd new release

10.high maintenance or low maintenance

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/27/04 at 9:25 am

1.manicures or pedicures: I don't usually have either but I would say manicure.

2.malls or outlet stores: It depends on what I am looking for.

3.bake or cook: I used to bake but now-neither. I let hubby do it all.  ;D

4.tent or hotel room: Motel room.

5.heels or flats: flats

6.chick flick or drama: Depends on my mood talk or cocktails: cocktails

8.InStyle magazine or People: neither

9.retro or current music: retro

10.high maintenance or low maintenance: Most deffinately low maintenance (though I could be high maintenance if I am in the mood.  ;) )


Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: ktelqueen on 10/27/04 at 11:28 am

..having a lot of fun reading these responses..thx guys..quite entertaining.. :)

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Skylark on 10/27/04 at 12:02 pm

1.manicures or pedicures - Neither. I find them both very boring, personally.

2.malls or outlet stores - Again, neither. I like to shop at more exclusive or one-off boutiques (well, the decent ones) which you can't find in shopping malls. And outlets usually sell tacky or damaged stuff. I'm very suspicious of outlets for this reason, even if they ARE cheap.

3.bake or cook - I can't really do either (unless boiling stock in a saucepan counts). Actually, I always considered baking just to be cooking in the oven. Guess that means I'm not a traditional female, lol. ^^

4.tent or hotel room - HOTEL. For sure. It's not the tent that's the problem (I don't mind tents, actually), it's the locations where they are commonly found (ie, the middle of nowhere).

5.heels or flats - Heels.

6.chick flick or drama - Neither. I go in for action movies. But I like dramas more than corny "chick-flicks". talk or cocktails - Both are great fun! Coffee for day, cocktails for night. :)

8.InStyle magazine or People - InStyle. But I'm not much of a magazine reader, usually.

9.retro or current music - Depends on your definition of 'retro'. But generally I like both.

10.high maintenance or low maintenance - Surprisingly, quite low. I have very expensive tastes, but I don't expect other people to cater to them or pamper me. I'm capable of taking very good and luxurious care of myself!

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: MLB on 10/27/04 at 7:17 pm

  1.)I think manicure--tho' I've never had one professionally done I care more about my hands than my feet.
2.)  well the collaboration of the two-- an outlet mall is very cool if you can find one.
3.) Ah, the everpresent question of food.  I think it is more satisfying to be able to cook food rather than just be good at baking.  Although I can do both well enough to suit my family.
4.)  um, well if a cabin isn't an option then hotel room.  I'm still young enough to not be overly inconvenienced by a tent, but i'd rather not be in one for more than a night.
5.)flats.  The only time i wear a heel at all it is usually no more than an inch and a half. Modesty made me....
6.)  chicken??  hahaha. No,sorry. I had to.
I prefer action/adventure actually, so I will vote for drama.
7.)  on this category, sorry, neither appeals to me at this moment.
8.)  I wouldn't know.  I'll have to see a copy of both to give my opinion which I'd prefer.
9.) Retro--with a little current music in the mix for the sake of  enjoying what's available.
10.)  ME? Am I high or low?  I don't know.  I guess I'm medium low.  I'm opinionated about my clothes, tho I don't follow fashion and that saves cash on my very small budget.  I understand the differnce between "need" and "want".  Anybody else understand the subtle difference??
And I am easily amused.  I don't mean tickle =laugh, I mean give me a book and I will be quite happy. Power outage? fine, as long as the portable radio works it's not a total loss talking with loved ones by candlelight and remembering old tunes.

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 10/28/04 at 5:54 am

2.malls or outlet stores - Again, neither. I like to shop at more exclusive or one-off boutiques (well, the decent ones) which you can't find in shopping malls. And outlets usually sell tacky or damaged stuff. I'm very suspicious of outlets for this reason, even if they ARE cheap.

We have those kinds of outlets too - where the stuff is mostly crap - but the posh outlet malls are for designer named products and its basically all their stock left over from the season just gone.  So the $140 shoes that you wanted in the normal shop last month are now half price.

2.malls or outlet stores – ironically, I dislike shopping :P

Hahaha Manda - in your job that must be hard !!  Nice to know a fellow non liker of shopping tho !!

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: mandamoo on 10/29/04 at 7:09 am

Hahaha Manda - in your job that must be hard !! Nice to know a fellow non liker of shopping tho !!

That it is BMGirl. Though, even moreso in my previous job. Then again, being paid to shop with somebody else's money made it just  that little bit more bearable  ;D

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Tam on 02/25/05 at 4:12 pm

*bump*    ;)

1.manicures or pedicures   pedicures because my feet have to carry me around all day!

2.malls or outlet stores      outlet malls because I am cheap! You can also find great bargains and oldies but goodies

3.bake or cook                 cook - my husband loves my cooking and I dont have much time for baking

4.tent or hotel room         hotel room - I cant stand sleeping on the ground

5.heels or flats                 I wear flats because of knee surgery

6.chick flick or drama         either as long as it is an honest storyline talk or cocktails    COCKTAILS all the way!!!

8.InStyle magazine or People    Would have to say people but prefer rag mags

9.retro or current music      retro cause it just makes me feel good

10.high maintenance or low maintenance     definitely low maintenance, with kids you just have to be able to get up and go!*

*However, when my husband gets home you know I am gonna be dressed to the nines!
Great thread... I'm wondering why I havent seen it till now?    ;)

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: MooRocca on 02/25/05 at 4:53 pm

1.manicures or pedicures
I've never had either one.   

2.malls or outlet stores
Outlet stores, I guess.  I think even those are a little pricey.   

3.bake or cook

4.tent or hotel room
Hotel room. 

5.heels or flats

6.chick flick or drama
Of those two, drama -- I'd really rather watch a comedy an offbeat indie film or a good documentary, though. talk or cocktails
Coffee.  (I probably drink way too much coffee and I rarely imbibe of alcohol, so this one was easy.)

8.InStyle magazine or People
Neither.  (I don't think I've even heard of InStyle, before.)

9.retro or current music

10.high maintenance or low maintenance
Low, I guess.  (?)     

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Dagwood on 02/25/05 at 8:46 pm

1.manicures or pedicures - pedicures

2.malls or outlet stores - malls

3.bake or cook - bake

4.tent or hotel room - definately hotel room

5.heels or flats - depends.  If I am going to work, flats...special occasions heels

6.chick flick or drama - chick flick talk or cocktails - coffee talk

8.InStyle magazine or People - People

9.retro or current music - retro

10.high maintenance or low maintenance - low maintenance

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: NullandVoid on 02/26/05 at 12:38 am

They last longer than manis and they feel soooo gooood!

2. outlet stores
Malls are too big and crazy

I love making cookies

4.Hotel Rooms
98% of the time bugs will be nowhere to be found

they look nicer BUT I only wear heels when the dress code says I have to

6.Neither, I personally prefer Horror/Gore movies

7.Coffee Talk
especially if Linda Richman is hosting


People actually sang back then

10.Low maintenance
I can['t remember the last day that I wore makeup

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: Zella on 02/26/05 at 2:10 am

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!    :o

Oh, thank goodness! 

I just had a horrible nightmare that I was strapped to a chair being forced to watch the "Lifetime for Women" channel endlessly....  :-\\

~wipes cold sweat from brow~

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: NbC on 02/26/05 at 7:10 am

1.manicures - not into either but I will pick a manicure.

2.outlet stores - because we desperately need one here


4.hotel room - camping? Me?  ;D

5flats - comfort all the way

6.drama talk or cocktails - Neither


9.retro or current music - both

10.low maintenance

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: QueenAmenRa on 02/26/05 at 1:30 pm

1. Pedicures
2. Malls
3. Cook
4. Hotel room  ;)
5. Flats
6. Drama
7. Cocktails
8. Instyle
9. Current
10. Low maintenance

Subject: Re: This Or That...for the ladies

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/02/05 at 7:38 pm

1.manicures or pedicures....manicures...I love getting a pretty french manicure

2.malls or outlet stores....neither...I would much rather be thrift shopping or antiquing

3.bake or cook......neither...i hate doing both...ordering out!!

4.tent or hotel room.....hotel room

5.heels or flats.....flats

6.chick flick or drama....depends on my mood talk or about mixing them together...yummy coffee and kahlua!! LOL!

8.InStyle magazine or People......People

9.retro or current music.....RETRO baby!

10.high maintenance or low maintenance......pretty much low

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