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Subject: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/11/04 at 8:21 pm

Alright, I need a really really weird and original halloween costume idea for a Halloween party Im going to.  It needs to be low budget cause I dont have any money lol...canyone have any ideas?

these are what Im playing with so far:

Trojan Man (basicly, this could be the dirtyist costume ever...or the most clean)
An Angry Italian Chef
A Beer bottle in a paper bag (I take a bunch of paper bags and tape them together, then take a peice of Oak tag and make it into the neck of the bottle, and put some shaving cream or something up there for suds)
A Strippers poll (I paint myself silver and have two girls hang on the side of me....problem is finding two girls who would do this lol)
Hofstra University (I go around grabing peoples wallets and taking their money)
The Missing Link Between Iraq and Bin Ladin (I get a costume of Harry of Harry and the Hendersons fame and I add a beret)

anybody got any other ideas?

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/11/04 at 8:39 pm

heres one i found on a website:


Items needed: Four identically-sized pieces of cardboard.

This is a conceptual costume that will only take a few minutes to put together. You simply need a piece of cardboard attached perpendicularly to your back, another one attached to your front, and one parallel to each side of your body. The result is a homemade revolving door, just like the one Jennifer Lopez must have outside her bedroom.

Back-pocket one-liners: “Next number. Calling number 7.” “Mr. Affleck (or Anthony or Diddy, etc) will be done in a moment; please wait your turn.” “Please have your diamond ring ready to present upon entry.”

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/12/04 at 11:28 am

What about a Christmas present (basically have an outfit made of a box with wrapping paper on it)?


Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/13/04 at 5:06 pm

here are a few more from today:

The Incredable Hulk after he went to Anger Management Classes (He'd still be green, but he'd be wearing sandles, a Hawaiin shirt and cargo pants, while holding a stress squeeze ball)
The Lawyer who tells the truth (a guy in a suit with his pockets out all the way)
A Beer Keg
My Shadow (Id get a carboard cutout of me and Id dress all in black and Id put the cutout on the ground and Id stand at its feet...making me my own shadow lol)

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 10/13/04 at 5:33 pm

An Angry Italian Chef

I like this idea.  ;D 8)

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Fred on 10/13/04 at 6:37 pm

I like the Trojan Man idea, but maybe you could be Mr. Hankey from South Park.  ;D

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/13/04 at 11:44 pm

I like the Trojan Man idea, but maybe you could be Mr. Hankey from South Park.  ;D

I think Im dropping Trojan man because its too easy with that one for me to take it too far.....

right now, Im leaning towards with Angry Italian Chef or Hulk after Anger management

but I still love that missing link one lol

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Johnny_D on 10/23/04 at 11:23 am

How about going as your own doppelganger?  ;D

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Niko101 on 10/24/04 at 2:37 am

You should go as a homicidal maniac...they look just like everyone else!  ;)

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Billy Florio on 10/27/04 at 6:58 pm

well, since I bought the green paint and stress ball today, Im going as the Hulk after he's been to anger management classes.....thanks for all the help everyone...maybe Ill post a pic if I take one

Subject: Re: Halloween Costume ideas

Written By: Ripp on 10/28/04 at 10:36 am


i was going to answer with a goood costume

Britney Spears!!

Scare the pants off everyone

hahaha :D

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