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Subject: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/18/04 at 9:12 pm

What was your first job?

Mine was babysitting. I lived in an apartment complex and had a whole clientel and was working almost every weekend. Even though I was only making $1 an hour, prices weren't as bad as they are today. And at the age of 15-17, I managed to get quite a bit of spending money.


Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/18/04 at 9:19 pm

I dropped out of high school and became a shipping clerk.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Jessica on 09/18/04 at 9:46 pm

Babysitting. I was about 15 and made maybe $3 an hour.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/18/04 at 9:57 pm

Babysitting. I was about 15 and made maybe $3 an hour.
I'd have paid you at least $7...after all, I AM tough to watch ;)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Lanie on 09/18/04 at 10:24 pm

Same thing here...babysitting.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: mandamoo on 09/18/04 at 10:39 pm

I was 14 and delivered catalogues and pamphlets with my brother, around our suburb. I can't remember how much we made, I know it wasn't much, considering the huge area we had to cover. ::)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: blackdog on 09/19/04 at 3:11 am

Same thing baby-sitting.  Didn't every teenager do that for $1.00 - $2.00 an hour?

Second job was working in a Steak House type restaurant, where I usually had to close every night and clean up that damn kitchen.  I always had to put the Salad dressings back in big containers so.... every night I ended up smelling like French, Italian or Blue Cheese dressing. I couldn't take it after 3 months so eventually quit.   :-*   :\'(

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Paul on 09/19/04 at 3:48 am

My first job was as a 'wet-behind-the-ears' Bank clerk...

For which I blame one of my sisters who pointed me in the direction of the profession (she was in the same line of work) - at the time she informed me that 'a job in the Bank is a job for life...'

About ten years later, we were both collecting our redundancy money...!!

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: gemini61 on 09/19/04 at 4:53 am

I worked in the office and library at the vocational school I went to. I even remember what I spent my first paycheck on----tickets to a "Heart" concert, and a cool pair of boots that just had to have!  ;)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Gis on 09/19/04 at 4:59 am

Working in a Plant nursery/garden centre

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Bobby on 09/19/04 at 8:47 am

About ten years later, we were both collecting our redundancy money...!!

I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a secure job, Paul.  :-\\

I was a part time cleaner. I vaccumed and wiped tables in a school for a pittance.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/19/04 at 2:57 pm

I did lots of babysitting in my early teens, but didn't get my first 'real job' (i.e. where I had to pay taxes) until I was about 17.  I worked a temporary position in the Yardage (fabrics) department of a large store.  :) 

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: lebeiw15 on 09/19/04 at 3:00 pm

I trim gravestones at two of the local cemeteries.  One or two more times, then I'm done for the year and left jobless. :-\\

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/19/04 at 3:06 pm

I trim gravestones at two of the local cemeteries.  One or two more times, then I'm done for the year and left jobless. :-\\

If you lived here that would be a continuous job for you, since the growing season is year-round.  ;)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Paul on 09/19/04 at 4:22 pm

I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a secure job, Paul.  :-\\

Well there allegedly was back in the day, Bobby...

(...and after that, there was the dreaded 'night work' - still makes me shudder...!)

Good to see you back...was that the Blackpool holiday?

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Dagwood on 09/19/04 at 6:52 pm

Babysitting before I was old enough for a "real" job.  My first tax paying job was on the make-up table at a local drive in.  Basically I put ketchup on the hamburgers.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Tanya1976 on 09/19/04 at 8:06 pm

I also babysat before I could get a real job. However, I was the drive-thru/front line girl at McDonalds.


Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/19/04 at 9:32 pm

I got a job with the State Government Transport Dept.

I worked in the "Show Cause" section.  My job was to pull the copies of people's traffic tickets out of boxes, and put them on a file.  The file then went to court, where the driver (who had accumulated too many demerit points) would have to 'show cause' why their licence should not be suspended.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: AngeliK on 09/20/04 at 4:43 am

erm... my first job was cleaning for my dad's friend, he had a bad back and a limp so it was hard for him to hoover and stuff so I said I'd do it, at first I did it with my step sister but then I ended up doing it on my own, I also did lots of babysitting and pet sitting.

My first proper job was working in a clothes shop as the saturday girl  ::)  I quit after a year because the assistant manager said some things she had no right to say  :-X


Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: joedeertae on 09/20/04 at 5:25 am

My first job was in construction. I was a painter/clean-up/gopher. I think it paid like $5/hour. My boss (the owner) was pretty cool and laid back. Only problem was, after we finished that house he blew MOST of his money on coke and couldn't afford the help anmore ???

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: danootaandme on 09/20/04 at 6:41 am

Candy Counter at Jordan Marsh, mmmmmmm goooood. :)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: conker on 09/20/04 at 10:17 am

My first real out of school job was as an elevator operator.  It had it's ups and downs.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: joedeertae on 09/20/04 at 10:20 am

My first real out of school job was as an elevator operator.  It had it's ups and downs.

LOL *BaaDaa-pshh*

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: karen on 09/20/04 at 10:53 am

First jobs were babysitting and a newspaper delivery round.

I started as Saturday girl in Woolworths when I was 15 and did that until I started work full-time.  My first 'proper' job was as a trainee laboratory technician in the Physics Department at a University.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Koop on 09/20/04 at 3:31 pm

My first job was at Arby's at the age of 16 making $3.35 an hour.  This was back when their uniforms were brown polyester with the Arby's hat logo.  :P  Not fun to wear in the summertime.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Bobby on 09/20/04 at 6:20 pm

Well there allegedly was back in the day, Bobby...

Yes my dad told me of a time you could quit a job Friday and be in a job the Monday after.  :)

(...and after that, there was the dreaded 'night work' - still makes me shudder...!)

Good to see you back...was that the Blackpool holiday?

Night work bad heh? Did it pay a little better than daylight hours?

Thank you, Paul. I've been away deliberately because my hands have been playing up so I thought I would rest them for a while. My Blackpool holiday is in October and am looking forward to it very much.  :D

Thanks for noticing my absence.  ;)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: joedeertae on 09/21/04 at 5:16 am

My first job was at Arby's

mmmm.... Arby's... One of my early jobs was at Burger King and I remember the first thing I would do after I cashed my check was to go and get a Beef N Chedder at Arby's because after payday was the only time I could afford to eat there!  :D
Come to think of it... Arby's sounds good for lunch today :)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: maddog on 09/21/04 at 7:30 am

At aged 15 I got a summer job at a local plastics moulding factory.

My job was to collect the scraps of plastic left over on the floor around the moulding machines in a sack,  then grind up these leftovers into new plastic pellets in a big grinding machine.
These recycled plastic pellets then got reused for new mouldings.

The job was low paid, dirty, smelly and BORING!

However it's convinced me that my own kids should experience the same sort of job conditions at some point, as motivation to aspire to something better!

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: nally on 09/23/04 at 10:44 pm

I first worked at Fenton Avenue Elementary School during the summer between my sophomore and junior years of high school. It was July-August of 1996; I basically worked in the main office, doing basic office duties. I also worked there a year later, but did mostly photocopying. The school was very close to where I was then living, so I actually walked home from work a few times.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Howard on 09/25/04 at 10:48 am

Pennysavers in the late 80's.


Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Stompgal on 09/27/04 at 10:32 am

Last year, I worked as a volunteer at a PDSA charity shop. What I did was sort out clothes. I also cubed and tagged them.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Kenlos on 09/27/04 at 10:43 am

My first paying job was working at Subway, I worked there for a year before I left for school.  Made a $5.15 an hour.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Davester on 09/28/04 at 4:14 am

  A paper route when I was 15-16.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: ElDuderino on 09/28/04 at 9:12 pm

I haven't had a job yet...

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: jaytee on 09/29/04 at 8:28 am

Babysitting.  During the school holidays my sister, cousin and I would work at a chicken hatchery.  Awful work but the money was terrific.  I used to hate it when the guy that bred snakes would come and get unwanted chickens to feed his "pets" :P :(

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Niko101 on 09/29/04 at 2:29 pm

  I didn't have to look for a job until after high school, since I was so busy with extracurriculars my Senior year. I guess I had two first jobs, since I got them in the same month.
  One was as a "page" in the local library (yes, I got ribbed a lot for that one). I checked books in and out, shelved them and then when there was nothing else to do, I had to shelf-read. That means standing in a random area and reading the codes of every book to make sure they were in exact "Dewey Decimal" order ( ???).
  The other job was as a lawyer's assistant. I would run documents to and from the court house, sort client files, dictate court/document info into a micro-cassette recorder for the secretaries, etc.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Alice on 09/29/04 at 4:21 pm

Music informer at the radio station while still studying at university back in 1998.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 08/05/05 at 9:15 am

babysitting was my first unofficial first "official" job was working as a receptionist/billing clerk at a chiropractic office.

Erin :)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 08/05/05 at 9:35 am

Paper-round. 6 of them, to be exact. The sad thing is, I was on more money back then than I am in my current job  :P

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: bj26 on 08/05/05 at 10:41 am

My sister and cousins and I had a Kool-aid stand :)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 08/05/05 at 10:43 am

My sister and cousins and I had a Kool-aid stand :)

I hope quality customer service was top on your priorities list...

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: bj26 on 08/05/05 at 1:31 pm

I hope quality customer service was top on your priorities list...
You remind me of one small problem we had, was there were only a few cups that we kept rinsing off in a bowl of water until it also truned red as the Kool-aid.  None of the kids seemed to mind though! 

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: rich1981 on 08/05/05 at 1:35 pm

Worked at Wendy's as an order taker/cashier for five months.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 08/05/05 at 3:54 pm

Worked at Wendy's as an order taker/cashier for five months.

I think it's so funny that when you go to Wendy's for takeout....instead of saying, "Thanks, have a nice day"....they were saying for a while, "Thanks, see you tomorrow".  I think they only did that for a short while...because now they are back to just saying, "have a nice day". LOL!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Cait Sith on 08/05/05 at 4:09 pm

My first job was a paper was boring as hell wandering around the same streets day in day out...except sundays

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 08/05/05 at 4:22 pm

Well, I used to volunteer at an old age home when I was 12. My first paying job was "Foodland"--a grocery store.


Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: shiprunner12 on 08/05/05 at 5:45 pm

My first job was a paper was boring as hell wandering around the same streets day in day out...except sundays

I almost tried to get a paper route, but then decided it wasn't worth waking up so early during the summer.

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 08/05/05 at 5:48 pm

I almost tried to get a paper route, but then decided it wasn't worth waking up so early during the summer.

I loved my paper-rounds. I had 2 on weekday mornings, 2 on Sunday mornings and 2 on weeknights, but often I got roped in to cover other kid's rounds when they didn't show up, so one evening I ended up doing 5 rounds... I didn't get home until well past 7, I was nackered. Still, I think one week I got paid about £50 after covering 2 other rounds and odd days when people hadn't turned up, so it was worth it  8)

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: ADH13 on 12/20/05 at 8:19 pm

I never noticed this thread before.. must have been during one of my MIA's.

Anyway my first job was in a movie theater.  Sometimes I would work the registers at the snack bar... but mostly I was locked in the tiny ticket booth... and man it would get stuffy in there!! :P

Subject: Re: What Was Your First Job?

Written By: whistledog on 12/20/05 at 8:55 pm

My first job was as a paper boy for a free newspaper that nobody read.  How do I know no one read it?  Because for almost 2 years, I never delivered them, still got paid, and never received one complaint  (I was like 12 years old at the time.  I didn't know any better) ;D

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