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Subject: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Gabble Ratchet on 08/24/04 at 5:05 am

Someone please put me out of my misery, and tell me which of the Simpsons characters is to be 'outed' as gay. It's not been shown here in the UK yet (I don't think??)

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Absolutely Vile on 08/24/04 at 9:44 am

Are you talking about from the season just passed? No one, as far as I can recall, came out of the closet, but Milhouse's mum left the show.

I'll have to ask Rush for clarification...

Absolutely Vile

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Gabble Ratchet on 08/24/04 at 10:09 am

Are you talking about from the season just passed? No one, as far as I can recall, came out of the closet, but Milhouse's mum left the show.

I'll have to ask Rush for clarification...

Absolutely Vile

No, it's to feature in this new season of shows. Any bets on who it might be??

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Jessica on 08/24/04 at 12:35 pm

I'm thinking Smithers, but that would be too obvious. :P

Maybe it will be Moe or Barney.

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Koop on 08/24/04 at 2:23 pm

I'm thinking maybe Rod or Todd Flanders might be the one. 

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Marian on 08/24/04 at 2:23 pm

I'm thinking Smithers, but that would be too obvious. :P

Maybe it will be Moe or Barney.
:DSmithers IS gay.I say Lenny or Carl.Cheers!

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Bobby on 08/24/04 at 6:16 pm

I'm thinking maybe Rod or Todd Flanders might be the one. 

Interesting choice there, Koop.

I'm going for Troy Mclure.

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: gemini61 on 08/24/04 at 6:51 pm

Maybe Ned Flanders or Principal Skinner  :-\\

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Dagwood on 08/24/04 at 8:19 pm

I'm going for Troy Mclure.

Don't think so...remember, he has a thing for fish.

Reverand Lovejoy?

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Bobby on 08/25/04 at 2:38 am

Don't think so...remember, he has a thing for fish.

Reverand Lovejoy?


Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Marian on 08/25/04 at 1:06 pm

Interesting choice there, Koop.

I'm going for Troy Mclure.
:\'( :\'(It won't be Troy Macclure.The comedian who played him,Phil Hartman,was killed by his wife,who then killed herself.

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 08/26/04 at 4:49 am

All Harry Shearer would say when he guested on The Panel last night is that its not Smithers as its fairly obvious he is already out and as far as he is aware - it isnt a character he voices.

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Gabble Ratchet on 08/26/04 at 4:51 am

All Harry Shearer would say when he guested on The Panel last night is that its not Smithers as its fairly obvious he is already out and as far as he is aware - it isnt a character he voices.

Maybe we should look away from it being a 'male' character!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: danootaandme on 08/26/04 at 7:12 am

I go for Ned Flanders.

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Absolutely Vile on 08/26/04 at 9:03 am

I bet it's one of Marge's sisters, Patty and Selma.

Absolutely Vile

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Gabble Ratchet on 08/26/04 at 9:54 am

I bet it's one of Marge's sisters, Patty and Selma.

Absolutely Vile

I was thinking either of those two myself. By the way, has anyone else actually heard of this 'outing', or am I totally wrong??

Subject: Re: WHO IS IT??

Written By: Jessica on 08/26/04 at 1:21 pm

I was thinking either of those two myself. By the way, has anyone else actually heard of this 'outing', or am I totally wrong??

It's true, Gabble. I read something about it on the IMDb website. :)

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