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Subject: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/23/04 at 2:29 pm

I use a Munsters ringtone which is really cool.  8)

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/23/04 at 3:31 pm

Currently I'm using the song "Stinkfist" by Tool (surprise surprise) but I usually change my tune every week or so :P

For a long time I was using "Ain't Nuthin' But A G-Thang" by Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg :D

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: nally on 06/23/04 at 4:33 pm

Well, the cell phone I currently use doesn't have any interesting ringtones, but the one I'm currently using is called "Beach".

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Jessica on 06/23/04 at 4:33 pm

I also have different rings for certain people. I have my sister programmed as "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" since she's such a Marilyn Monroe fanatic. :) RockandRollFan's is programmed as the "Mexican Hat Dance". He'll understand why. ;D There are a few others, but usually it plays some stupid one that came with the phone.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Sentimentalist on 06/23/04 at 5:20 pm

How 'bout those ringtones.  I use no cel-phone.  Do you know how reg*dd**ndiculously expensive they are where I live?  Nope I will stick to 20th century means of communication.
God lyk!

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Howard on 06/23/04 at 6:50 pm

I use Electronica for my Nokia Cell Phone.See,every shnook on the street has to have a different ring therefore nobody won't be confused as much and they won't be searching to see if it was their phone that rung. ;D


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Dagwood on 06/23/04 at 7:28 pm

I have a cheap phone that you can't download rings to.  The song is a classical song, but I don't know the name.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: NbC on 06/23/04 at 8:02 pm

I use the plain, as close as you can get to a telephone ring, tone. Boring I know. 

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: annieox03 on 06/23/04 at 8:20 pm

Rondo ala Turca. I love that one.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: lebeiw15 on 06/24/04 at 12:26 am

I don't have a cell phone.  I'm only 15, so it's not one of the most important things to me right now.  They do come in handy, but most of the time I can just ask a friend to use their cell phone (90% of the people in my class have their own anyway ::) )

AAAAANYWAY, the tone my mom uses on hers is "Nokia", I believe, it annoys the crap outta me, but whateva.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: pennsygirl on 06/24/04 at 6:49 am

My husband downloaded the call to post, since he's a big horseracing fan.  We alternate that with the intro to Baba O'Reilly.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: mandamoo on 06/24/04 at 7:22 am

I used to have the tune 'Jump In My Car', but now I just have a standard telephone ring. The weird thing is, it's now easier to identify my phone ringing from all the other types of tones ! :D

Subject: Re: What ring-tone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: NbC on 06/24/04 at 9:45 am

I used to have the tune 'Jump In My Car', but now I just have a standard telephone ring. The weird thing is, it's now easier to identify my phone ringing from all the other types of tones ! :D

Isn't that so true.  There are so few that use the plain old telephone ring. 

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/24/04 at 1:02 pm

We just got a cell phone two weeks ago and we are still learning how to use it. Well, should I say, I am learning how to use it. DC just ask me how to do something. I finally figured out how to set the tone. I was looking forward to having the Turkish Rondo by Mozart (that I hear a lot of times on people's cell phones), but they only have about 4 which are different. I choose one that is called something like bee buzz or something like that. I guess it is a good thing that I don't have the Turkish Rondo because it would get kind of confusing as to who's phone it was-not saying that we take the phone EVERYWHERE with us. Only out on the boat or if we are going on long drives (as in a couple of days away or so). We don't HAVE to talk to anyone while we are going out to eat. If they call, we will just call them back when we get home.


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/24/04 at 1:21 pm

I used to have the tune 'Jump In My Car', but now I just have a standard telephone ring. The weird thing is, it's now easier to identify my phone ringing from all the other types of tones ! :D

I used to use the plain old telephone ring but I rarely heard it because it was tucked down inside my purse.  I'm hoping the volume of this new ring will make it easier for me to hear calls so hubby won't give me a hard time.  :-[

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Billy Florio on 06/24/04 at 4:59 pm

Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer"

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Howard on 06/24/04 at 6:48 pm

I use the plain, as close as you can get to a telephone ring, tone. Boring I know.

Why can't everyone have the same ring? Every shnook on the street has to have a different tone. ::)


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: mrgazpacho on 06/25/04 at 1:32 am

I use one of the ones that comes standard with the old Nokias - a minuet by Mozart, but I don't know the K number for it.

If I ever upgraded my phone, I was going to use an old "ring ring" telephone ring, but now everyone seems to be doing that so I'll have to think of something else. Maybe a digitised version of some cranky old b*stard yelling, "Answer the d*mn phone!" :D

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: mandamoo on 06/25/04 at 3:55 am

Maybe a digitised version of some cranky old b*stard yelling, "Answer the d*mn phone!" :D

Now that, I like  8) ;D

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: goldie on 06/25/04 at 4:50 pm

It's a county song "Speed" by Montgomery Gentry. I'm sure that I will changing it soon. I love to change my ringtone often.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Howard on 06/25/04 at 8:44 pm

this thread reminds me of a thread I used to do 2 years ago entitled Cell Phone Fashion Craze. ;D


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Rio_Rhodes on 06/28/04 at 12:18 pm

Do I have to say it? You ALL must know what I have for a ringtone!!!!

Whenever anyone calls me, I am alerted to the call by hearing "Stand and Deliver!" play on my phone. YAY!!!!! I am going to get Prince Charming at some point as well, but I like having my Stand and Deliver for right now. Its very original if I do say so myself!


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/14/05 at 11:25 pm

I use either:

Rockaway Beach by the Ramones

Just What I Needed by The Cars

Erin :)

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 05/14/05 at 11:43 pm

Right now it's "I wanna be sedated" By the Ramones.


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Apricot on 05/15/05 at 12:02 am

If I get a cell phone, it'd be either just a basic ring or one of those things where you program in your own song. Then it'd be Beck's "Devil's Haircut".

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/15/05 at 12:05 am

I got a normal telephone ring on my cellphone.  ;D

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/05 at 1:53 am

The Toreador March from Carmen.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: AL-B on 05/15/05 at 2:15 am

I use the standard "Nokia Song" for my cell. If I ever upgrade to a phone that uses actual recorded tones, I always thought it'd be cool to use the same tone that Austin Powers uses in his Shaguar.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: NullandVoid on 05/15/05 at 4:57 am

The Theme Song from Star Trek The Next Generation...yes very nerdy I know :)

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Bobby on 05/15/05 at 6:28 am

Either 'Ghostbusters' or 'The Final Countdown'.  ;D

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Howard on 07/22/05 at 3:24 pm


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: pieroxy on 08/02/05 at 9:52 am

I use "Josh Abrahams - The Joker" for most contacts. The funny ones are improved by the theme of the Benny Hill show. Those who knows the show will now have the song in their head for the rest of the day ;-)

Just great!

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Alchoholica on 08/02/05 at 9:59 am

Enter Sandman.. It was free and you know immediatley what it is.

I used to have the theme from Rocky, but it really didn't sound all that much like it, so unless i felt my cell vibrating, i would often think it was somebody else's phone.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: MidKnightDarkness on 08/02/05 at 10:11 am


I was shocked that they had that available.


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: nally on 01/31/25 at 10:17 pm

I just use the default ring that came with my iPhone.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: ForeverHaunted on 02/01/25 at 1:09 am

I currently have the song "Pretty Handsome Awkward" by The Used as my ringtone, although I'm considering changing my ringtone to another song I love.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Howard on 02/01/25 at 2:54 am

Just an 80's phone sound.

Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: whistledog on 02/03/25 at 9:14 pm

I use a portion of music from a Nintendo DS game called Super Princess Peach.  It is my favourite Mario themed video game to date and the music within it is fantastic.  This is the one I use as my ringtone...


Subject: Re: What ringtone do you use for your cell phone?

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/09/25 at 10:05 am

Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 5, but a computerised version.

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