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Subject: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/26/04 at 11:37 am
I was just wondering what is going on in everyone's life right now.
At this point in time it is more a matter of what ISN'T going on.
I have already mentioned about being on a local talk show and being in the paper. This weekend, we have a food distribution coming up that I am basically coorinating. The following week, we have the Post Office food drive.
We have decided that we want to move because we don't want to be landlords anymore (we have a two family house) so we are busy looking at houses.
We are gearing up to go to Puerto Rico in about 3 weeks and the BEST news is that Don Carlos is going to be a granddaddy again-in Dec. ;D
That's what is going on in our lives (in a nutshell). What about you?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 04/26/04 at 4:56 pm
I lost my job in January, which I wasn't too sad about. Although it's been hard going trying to find another job, I think I might've gotten lucky. Yesterday I submitted my resume to a Best Western and today they called up, asked me some questions, and then asked me to come in tomorrow for an interview! I'll probably be working the graveyard shift (if I get the job), but that doesn't matter to me. :D
I start Pharmacy Technician school in June. I'm pretty excited about that, but also terribly nervous. I'm hoping that I'll do well in it.
Rice Cube and I have been together for almost seven months now. :) He makes me very happy and I love him dearly. :-*
That's about it in my life.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/26/04 at 5:10 pm
Wow! More grand-kids for Carlos! He must be lovin' it. Your lives just get better - absolutely wonderful.
My life? Er . . . Over the weekend, we went to a lovely place called Mount Edgecomb and had a little picnic. It wasn't exciting but we saw lots of wildlife and a lady sheep with three tiny lambs (I presume it's a lady sheep, it could be a male sheep taking the kids out for the day ;D).
Sunday we went to Torquay to a hotel and had a posh dinner there (it wasn't Fawlty Towers lol). I was a bit miffed that the portions were a bit stingy but I was still satisfied to some degree or other. Afterwards we went to a beach in Paignton so, all in all, it was a lovely relaxing weekend.
My girlfriend and I have reached a turning point and are getting engaged in July. How could I resist when a party is being laid out for us - way-hay! She is a bit wedding-happy at the moment and so we had a heart-to-heart about things because I didn't feel too great about the idea at first because I felt a little pressured. Honesty prevailed and I told her how I felt and, after discussion, we came to an amicable agreement that we wouldn't fix a date just yet. I feel much happier now.
Thanks for asking, Catwoman. :D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/26/04 at 5:29 pm
NP Bobby. I hope that you and your girlfriend are as happy and DC and I are. Btw, the key to planning a wedding-do it yourself. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't have. It is YOUR day and do it they way YOU want to. ;D (Advice for the "ole" married woman. ;))
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 9:27 pm
NP Bobby. I hope that you and your girlfriend are as happy and DC and I are. Btw, the key to planning a wedding-do it yourself. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't have. It is YOUR day and do it they way YOU want to. ;D (Advice for the "ole" married woman. ;))
I will concur with CatV and go one step further ! :o
If you are having the reception catered based on numbers, DON'T cater for anyone who doesn't send you an RSVP. The temptation will be there to say "I'm sure they will be there". Take it from me, if they are not replying, they probably aren't coming. Even if some of them do, they will simply make up for the ones who said they would come but have a last minute hitch.
The other thing is don't let your parents talk you into inviting great aunt maude who you have only spoken to once in your life. This is YOUR day, not Maude's.....
From one who has been there.....
Good luck Bobby, and congrats ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 04/26/04 at 9:44 pm
I got a volunteer site.I work 2 days a week doing book prep
My Father fractured his hip
My SSI will increase in a few weeks.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: lebeiw15 on 04/26/04 at 11:51 pm
I'm involved in just about every school activity right now. I have three lawn mowing jobs for this summer, plus mowing and trimming our town's cemetery. So most days I will spend hours on end looking at last names engraved on headstones. I get home from school, go to golf practice, go to play practice; get home around 10:30 at night. I actually had some fun two Saturdays ago when I went to prom (a pretty big deal for a freshman). Last Saturday night I hung out with the same girl. So those are the only times recently I can think of where I've had time to do fun stuff. Homework takes up much of my free time. I've been getting along with a lot of people, girls and guys, so I guess that's good. I eat and sleep occasionally.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobo on 04/27/04 at 12:10 am
A lot of what's happening in my life is very retrospect at the moment.
The main thing happening at this very moment is that I'm trying to get my old band back together for a couple sets. It's a hard job, ringin' round 20 people, and they would really prefer me not to do it at half five in the morning, but, you get what you pay for, and what they paid for was a lousy, hoarse piano player.
On the "Wonderful people who mean so much to me" front, I'm still with Jora, and things, you could say, are better than they've ever been. I counted the other day, and we've just had our one-year anniversary of being together. I rule!
The next things which are going to be on the schedule are that I'm going to attempt to teach myself the acoustic and electric guitars, and possibly the drums, if I have enough time. Co-ordination is another matter, however.
Otherwise, I've had to take up physiotherapy for my stupid wrists which don't work in the way they should.
That's about all, I can't think of anything else this early in the morning.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Ice_Princess on 04/27/04 at 12:40 am
My world...
Well, I'm still looking for work - no suck luck as yet - and am still thinking that my grades last year sucked so bad that I'm gonna re-do my whole HSC course!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Gis on 04/27/04 at 3:15 am
Life is pretty crap at the moment actually.
My Nan is very ill,dying infact.
My other half is having some kind of life crisis which may or may not result in us splitting up and my brother and his family are looking at emigrating.Work is sheesh and I've put on weight comfort eating.Ce la vie.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/27/04 at 4:19 am
Life is pretty crap at the moment actually.
My Nan is very ill,dying infact.
My other half is having some kind of life crisis which may or may not result in us splitting up and my brother and his family are looking at emigrating.Work is s**t and I've put on weight comfort eating.Ce la vie.
I am very sorry to hear this, Gis. I hope things work out in the future. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/27/04 at 4:32 am
NP Bobby. I hope that you and your girlfriend are as happy and DC and I are. Btw, the key to planning a wedding-do it yourself. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't have. It is YOUR day and do it they way YOU want to. ;D (Advice for the "ole" married woman. ;))
Thank you very much, Catwoman. Very sound advice as well. My girlfriend has definite ideas about the wedding day and I only really made one crucial decision and that is I didn't want a church wedding. I don't think the minister of her baptist church was too pleased but I would feel a hypocrite getting married in there knowing full well I am not a baptist (it peeves me off when people go to church to do their service just to get married in it). We both agreed on a civil wedding in a big hotel/stately home somewhere.
I am sure we will be very happy, Catwoman. She is a strong independent woman my lass and she loves me very much - despite my many faults. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/27/04 at 4:41 am
I will concur with CatV and go one step further ! :o
If you are having the reception catered based on numbers, DON'T cater for anyone who doesn't send you an RSVP. The temptation will be there to say "I'm sure they will be there". Take it from me, if they are not replying, they probably aren't coming. Even if some of them do, they will simply make up for the ones who said they would come but have a last minute hitch.
The other thing is don't let your parents talk you into inviting great aunt maude who you have only spoken to once in your life. This is YOUR day, not Maude's.....
From one who has been there.....
Good luck Bobby, and congrats ;)
Thanks, Fuss. That makes perfect sense. As it happens, she has a lot more family than I have down this way (about 300 miles from my close family). The only person I am worried about inviting is my mother. I think most people are lol. ;D
How is married life for you, Fuss and Cat? I have this irrational fear that as soon as we get married, everything changes and we get major problems. Stupid huh? My mum and dad had a tumultous married life together - they divorced and married each other twice! How dumb is that?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 04/27/04 at 5:06 am
I have this irrational fear that as soon as we get married, everything changes and we get major problems. Stupid huh? My mum and dad had a tumultous married life together - they divorced and married each other twice! How dumb is that?
You are not your parents. Try and learn from where you think their problems were. Being open and honest about these feelings with your fiancee is the best thing.
I would say that the only problem I had when I first got married was the fact that I moved into his house. Suddenly we had to find house room for all my junk! It lead to several arguments because my stuff was everywhere! He couldn't see that it was because all the cupboards were full of his stuff. I went from having two wardrobes and a set of drawers to one tiny cupboard! A bit of compromise on both our parts sorted this out. (still leave my stuff everywhere though! ;) )
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 04/27/04 at 5:15 am
At the moment I am reasonably busy at work. I have taken on some more work after a colleague died just before Christmas. I now look after 3 research groups which means I have loads more equipment to learn how to use. I am cuurently trying to get to grips with the sound level meters.
I am the branch secretary for the technician union on campus and am currently involved in re-evaluating all the support staff jobs on campus I clearly love committees because I'm also the minutes sec for the consultative committee of the nursery my son goes to.
My hubby is working away this week so I'm also busy at home trying to sort out my two children. Elizabeth has her first dance exam next Sunday so we've been practicing bits for that. Unfortunately I'm going camping with the Cubs for the weekend. I was going to take Elizabeth but her exam put the kibosh on that so I'm taking James instead. Hope the weather is nice!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 04/27/04 at 6:55 am
Half and half with me. I have lupus, but have been in remission for 4 years now. I'm very fortunate to be able to feel as good as I do. Just found out my mom is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. I'm having a tough time dealing with that, I'm just thankful she lives with my brother and his wife and is not alone and I try to see her as much as I can, which. She lives in Pennsylvania and I'm in NY, so it isn't that far to make a trip there. I'm still in shock over the Alzheimers.
My job (I am the admin asst to a President of a major publishing company in NYC) is going ok. But my husband lost his job awhile ago and is not having any luck finding anything else.
In a nutshell, things are not so good, but they could be alot worse.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jaytee on 04/27/04 at 7:27 am
Things are busy with our family at the moment. My husband Paul is keeping well so far but his next check up will be a stressful time. I've been busy with church things - I'm involved with a group called "Care & Concern". We try to keep in contact with the oldies around the parish - make sure they're okay. Every so often we put on a luncheon for them and that is happening this week so I'll be cooking. The school fete is also on the way and I've been asked to make 20 pairs of boxer shorts for the craft stall. I'm still doing pilates, aqua aerobics and boxing (which I love) regularly so I'm feeling quite fit.
My sons' rugby season has just commenced so that's Saturday and Sunday mornings gone. Our 11 year old, Patrick is training for cross-country at the moment and has also taken up netball! The two girls have decided not to play netball which frees up Saturday afternoons. Our eldest daughter's Art Teacher has nominated her to attend a two day workshop in contemporary jewellery design which is happening in May. She loves art and is very excited.
Paul and I celebrate 20 years of marriage in June so I'm currently looking for somewhere nice for the two of us to go for the weekend of our anniversary. I've found a great luxury apartment at the north coast which overlooks the ocean and I think I'll book that. There's a huge spa in the bathroom - just the sort of spot to sit with a glass of champagne, some good music and my wonderful husband. ;D
See Bobby - look what you have to look forward to on wedding anniversaries!! :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 04/27/04 at 3:33 pm
In approximately seven days I am going on a six month stay in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The New York Job market let me down so, I decided to look for a job out there. Forturnately with a little hook up from a friend I scored a cool job that pays a disturbingly nice sum for doing something simple. I'm gonna be a housekeeper for a Posh Hotel/Golf Resort over there.
I'm so anxious to go but it will be my first time being away from my little brother so long, he's my best friend :(
Once I leave I probably won't be back on the boards until July :-[ I'm not sure how available net access is there. I'll be sure to say goodbye before I go.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 04/28/04 at 8:41 pm
Friday would be my Mother's last day for her radiation therapy!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Kenlos on 04/28/04 at 9:03 pm
Right now with in the next week I have 3 papers to finish writing, a calculus test, 2 Final Exams, and to get ready to go home for the summer. Once I get home it will then begin look for a summer job.
Over the summer I have plans to go to Charlotte, NC for two of my nieces b-days, then to Orlando, FL, Then to Key Largo (hopefully), and then either back to Orlando, FL to go to Walt Disney World or maybe Rome, Italy don't know which yet, probably going to go with WDW since its cheeper. So I have a busy but fun summer ahead of me.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: gamblefish on 04/28/04 at 9:20 pm
Work, work and more work. After that, I will be working.
Oh, and did I mention work?
The following week, we have the Post Office food drive.
Hey Cat, I will be participating in this as well...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 04/28/04 at 10:29 pm
To update: I got the job I applied for! Yay me! ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/29/04 at 5:59 am
You are not your parents. Try and learn from where you think their problems were. Being open and honest about these feelings with your fiancee is the best thing.
Yes. It's difficult Karen (as most irrational ideas and neurosis's are) and I understand where they stem from. I try to be very honest with my girlfriend about things as much as I can because I don't want to get caught out later on (not that I would want to lie to her anyway).
When my girlfriend and I were first going out. I had to explain why I didn't have much to do with my mum. Her family is very close-knit so found it a little odd - I remember sitting on a park bench with her trying to talk as objectively as I could about my mother. Initially, I thought I was the one going crazy until she met her - now she defends me. The validation and support from my girlfriend is overwhelming. She is very special. :)
You mentioned that the only problem you had was space? I remember moving in to my girlfriend's a year or so ago and I think I've taken over the house. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Gis on 04/29/04 at 12:24 pm
You mentioned that the only problem you had was space? I remember moving in to my girlfriend's a year or so ago and I think I've taken over the house. ;D
Oh boy and don't you men do that ! I thought I was a hoarder until the other half moved in the 'stuff' he brought with him was untrue.Some of the boxes he had even labelled s**t,s**t and more s**t ! The whole loft space is full of his boxes I have one box of books up there and you couldn't fit another thing in if you tried.The downstars looks like a Blockbuster video store and the spare bed in the other bed room i haven't seen for months it's buried ! Also it's a good job I like Star Wars. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/29/04 at 12:46 pm
The following week, we have the Post Office food drive.
Hey Cat, I will be participating in this as well...
Glad to hear it. What will you be doing? Putting out food? Picking up food? other? All participation is needed.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 04/29/04 at 2:39 pm
I've been on the April know about Blaine, but I have been able to talk to my other sons on the phone everyday and that has been wonderful. I'm starting a job next Tuesday and will begin a second job....(I can still post because it's my own business that I'll be working at) i sometime in June or July. I also plan on going down to Utah In June to pick up my son Brian....and to visit Dagwood and her daughter, Sara :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/29/04 at 6:02 pm
Oh boy and don't you men do that ! I thought I was a hoarder until the other half moved in the 'stuff' he brought with him was untrue.Some of the boxes he had even labelled s**t,s**t and more s**t ! The whole loft space is full of his boxes I have one box of books up there and you couldn't fit another thing in if you tried.The downstars looks like a Blockbuster video store and the spare bed in the other bed room i haven't seen for months it's buried ! Also it's a good job I like Star Wars. ;D
Lol. It's great if you share the same interests (as it seems with you and your man). My girlfriend hates wrestling with a passion and I have a whole walk-in cupboard full of wrestling videos upstairs. I've been trying to convert them onto DVD with my recorder but that takes a lot of time. I have about 150 videos at about 3 hours a time . . . I have my work cut out.
The loft is filled with my guilty pleasure, comic book collecting. Whizzer and Chips, Buster, Whoopee annuals all of the 70s/80s early 90s.
Lucky she loves me, isn't it? ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: gamblefish on 04/29/04 at 6:05 pm
The following week, we have the Post Office food drive.
Hey Cat, I will be participating in this as well...
Glad to hear it. What will you be doing? Putting out food? Picking up food? other? All participation is needed.
Picking up. I work in some of the poorer neighborhoods around here and I am always blessed to see some of these people who could be recipients themselves of charity giving what they can to help someone else.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/29/04 at 6:06 pm
Oh boy and don't you men do that ! I thought I was a hoarder until the other half moved in the 'stuff' he brought with him was untrue.Some of the boxes he had even labelled s**t,s**t and more s**t ! The whole loft space is full of his boxes I have one box of books up there and you couldn't fit another thing in if you tried.The downstars looks like a Blockbuster video store and the spare bed in the other bed room i haven't seen for months it's buried ! Also it's a good job I like Star Wars. ;D
Lol. It's great if you share the same interests (as it seems with you and your man). My girlfriend hates wrestling with a passion and I have a whole walk-in cupboard full of wrestling videos upstairs. I've been trying to convert them onto DVD with my recorder but that takes a lot of time. I have about 150 videos at about 3 hours a time . . . I have my work cut out.
The loft is filled with my guilty pleasure, comic book collecting. Whizzer and Chips, Buster, Whoopee annuals all of the 70s/80s early 90s.
Lucky she loves me, isn't it? ;D
You should have seen it when I moved in here with DC. I am such a packrat and he is so neat and tidy. Yes, it is very much like Oscar and Felix (well, I'm not AS bad as Oscar). I am trying but I agree with you, I am very glad that he loves me and puts up with my mess and my junk that I save.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/29/04 at 6:11 pm
You should have seen it when I moved in here with DC. I am such a packrat and he is so neat and tidy. Yes, it is very much like Oscar and Felix (well, I'm not AS bad as Oscar). I am trying but I agree with you, I am very glad that he loves me and puts up with my mess and my junk that I save.
Ho ho! What a great analogy. I am definitely Oscar. The way I see it, I can find what I want if my girlfriend doesn't put everything away. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Junior on 04/29/04 at 6:26 pm
Life is satisfactory. I have 15 more school days before a peaceful summer (and we're going on vacation almost immediately after school is out).
I recently was announced the "opinion editor" for my school newspaper. I'm so excited! Basically, my job is to layout, place, and watch over 3 of 16 pages each issue. Also, along with four other page editors and the EIC, I get to boss all the staff writers around. :D
On the flip side, I've been - well, not depressed - just lonely, I suppose. I haven't felt like I have a best friend, and I don't have anyone to confide in or share interests with .
Also, my friend tried to commit suicide through anti-deprresants over spring break (about a month ago). I've talked to her and she's doing much better - she's out of therapy - and is being schooled at home . She will be back at regular school next year, but I'm not sure if she will stay in 9th grade, or be a sophomore with us.
But overall, life isn't too bad.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 04/29/04 at 6:48 pm
On the flip side, I've been - well, not depressed - just lonely, I suppose. I haven't felt like I have a best friend, and I don't have anyone to confide in or share interests with .
Ah man. You've said it. :D
I have friends at work and am very sociable but I don't have that special best friend that you can talk crap to and get away with it. I did have a mate called James and we did just that but he was forced to change groups in my workplace and left after a while.
My workplace is full of insecure teenage/early 20s people who think that being slightly different to anyone else is enough to brand you a total weirdo which is not fair. The disconnection you mentioned perfectly sums up how I feel as well, Junior. I never seem to be on anybody else's wave-length.
I am very sorry to hear about your friend but am glad that she is in the process of recovery. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/30/04 at 7:51 pm
You should have seen it when I moved in here with DC. I am such a packrat and he is so neat and tidy. Yes, it is very much like Oscar and Felix (well, I'm not AS bad as Oscar). I am trying but I agree with you, I am very glad that he loves me and puts up with my mess and my junk that I save.
Ho ho! What a great analogy. I am definitely Oscar. The way I see it, I can find what I want if my girlfriend doesn't put everything away. :)
I know exactly what you mean. Once things get cleaned up-I can't find anything.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/30/04 at 8:01 pm
The following week, we have the Post Office food drive.
Hey Cat, I will be participating in this as well...
Glad to hear it. What will you be doing? Putting out food? Picking up food? other? All participation is needed.
Picking up. I work in some of the poorer neighborhoods around here and I am always blessed to see some of these people who could be recipients themselves of charity giving what they can to help someone else.
That is great. My job will be sitting in the Food Shelf all day sorting what we get. I, too am amazed at the generosity of people. We live in a town where a good portion are close (if not at) the poverty level. Some of them give back by volunteering. But we do have many generous people in this small town. A few years ago, an anonymous donator donated a truck of food. We know that cost $5000 :o and last week this guy wrote a check to the Food Shelf for $1000. (I'm now wondering if that was our anonymous donator). He handed me the check and I thanked him and then I looked at the check. I almost had a heart attack. That will pay for half of the distribution we are having tomorrow. We got the food today-over 50,000 lbs of food that we will be handing out. My biggest concern is that we have A LOT of rice. I hope we manage to get rid of most-if not all of it. We still have 2 cases sitting in the Food Shelf. Anyone want any? We do have enough. lol
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: QueenAmenRa on 04/30/04 at 8:04 pm
What is going on in my life...
Well first of all, ending school: I have finals next week and then I'm through for the semester. WOO-HOO!
But here's a sad thing: "my" guy moved away...and didn't even bother to tell me. >:( I had to find out from his ex-roommate instead. Accepting any sympathy cards :'(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/30/04 at 8:07 pm
What is going on in my life...
Well first of all, ending school: I have finals next week and then I'm through for the semester. WOO-HOO!
But here's a sad thing: "my" guy moved away...and didn't even bother to tell me.  >:( I had to find out from his ex-roommate instead.   Accepting any sympathy cards  :'(
That sucks, Queen. As Stephenie from Full House would say, "How RUDE!!!" He probably isn't worth your time anyway.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 04/30/04 at 8:39 pm
My Father will be coming home from his rehabiliation of his fractured hip.When he's home,he'll be using those handicapped bars people use when they're disabled when showering.This was not the way he wanted to retiire. :(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Neo Matrix on 05/01/04 at 12:07 am
My dad is giving his evil girlfriend the boot! ;D I'm happy. Prom is Friday! Graduation is May 30th! I go to college soon! In Daytona Beach! YAY! ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/01/04 at 12:00 pm
What is going on in my life...
Well first of all, ending school: I have finals next week and then I'm through for the semester. WOO-HOO!
But here's a sad thing: "my" guy moved away...and didn't even bother to tell me.  >:( I had to find out from his ex-roommate instead.   Accepting any sympathy cards  :'(
Blimey. That's a bit bad. I am sending over a telepathic sympathy card. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/01/04 at 6:39 pm
My Father fractured his hip last week so he will get a physical therapist to come to the house and help him.This had happened a few weeks before his retirement.And My Mother was utterly tired this past week. :P
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/02/04 at 10:33 am
My Father fractured his hip last week so he will get a physical therapist to come to the house and help him.This had happened a few weeks before his retirement.And My Mother was utterly tired this past week. :P
Hey Howard,
Have the therapist take a look at the couch and the easy chair to make sure that your Dad knows the proper way to stand up when he wants to get up from them. It is a common way for someone to injure their hip if they are not careful.
My Mom has problems getting up because the couch was too low and too soft. So we:
1. Raised the couch up two inches
2. Tilted it slightly forward
3. Put a sheet of plywood under the cushions
Now she has no problem getting up, and there is less stress on her joints.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/02/04 at 5:03 pm
My Father fractured his hip last week so he will get a physical therapist to come to the house and help him.This had happened a few weeks before his retirement.And My Mother was utterly tired this past week. :P
Hey Howard,
Have the therapist take a look at the couch and the easy chair to make sure that your Dad knows the proper way to stand up when he wants to get up from them. It is a common way for someone to injure their hip if they are not careful.
My Mom has problems getting up because the couch was too low and too soft. So we:
1. Raised the couch up two inches
2. Tilted it slightly forward
3. Put a sheet of plywood under the cushions
Now she has no problem getting up, and there is less stress on her joints.
Well,LB,My Father is an old fart so me and my mother should check the couches to see if it's comfy enough for the Archie Bunker of the household. ;DThanks for caring,LB. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/02/04 at 7:40 pm
My Father fractured his hip last week so he will get a physical therapist to come to the house and help him.This had happened a few weeks before his retirement.And My Mother was utterly tired this past week. :P
Hey Howard,
Have the therapist take a look at the couch and the easy chair to make sure that your Dad knows the proper way to stand up when he wants to get up from them. It is a common way for someone to injure their hip if they are not careful.
My Mom has problems getting up because the couch was too low and too soft. So we:
1. Raised the couch up two inches
2. Tilted it slightly forward
3. Put a sheet of plywood under the cushions
Now she has no problem getting up, and there is less stress on her joints.
Well,LB,My Father is an old fart so me and my mother should check the couches to see if it's comfy enough for the Archie Bunker of the household. ;DThanks for caring,LB. ;D
That's very good advice, LyricBoy.....I hope things work out, Howard ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/03/04 at 5:34 pm
I bought my girlfriend an engagement ring last Saturday. She is pleased with it. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: SmithsGirl on 05/03/04 at 6:03 pm
 Just found out my mom is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers.ÂÂ
I am so very sorry pennysgirl to hear about your mom...
I also recently found out my Dad is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. He is bordering on stage 1 and 2.
It is a very confusing disease for me to deal with as it has changed him so much. All he does is smile at me and tell me how lucky he is to have such a beautiful 'niece' :(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/03/04 at 6:41 pm
 Just found out my mom is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers.ÂÂ
I am so very sorry pennysgirl to hear about your mom...
I also recently found out my Dad is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. He is bordering on stage 1 and 2.
It is a very confusing disease for me to deal with as it has changed him so much. All he does is smile at me and tell me how lucky he is to have such a beautiful 'niece' :(
Sorry to hear that about both of you, pennsygirl and SmithsGirl.
Last year we had a scare with my Mum. It seemed like she was going senile and possibly Alzheimer's. As it turned out, she had severely low blood sugar and basically was always running on an empty tank.
She's now LOADS better (got the sugar back up) but still has some cognitive problems.
Best wishes and prayers for both of you... :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/03/04 at 8:48 pm
 Just found out my mom is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers.ÂÂ
I am so very sorry pennysgirl to hear about your mom...
I also recently found out my Dad is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. He is bordering on stage 1 and 2.
It is a very confusing disease for me to deal with as it has changed him so much. All he does is smile at me and tell me how lucky he is to have such a beautiful 'niece' :(
I am very sorry to hear that SmithsGirl and PennysGirl. Like LyricBoy, my thoughts are with you both and your families.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/03/04 at 8:56 pm
My Father fractured his hip last week so he will get a physical therapist to come to the house and help him.This had happened a few weeks before his retirement.And My Mother was utterly tired this past week. :P
Hey Howard,
Have the therapist take a look at the couch and the easy chair to make sure that your Dad knows the proper way to stand up when he wants to get up from them. It is a common way for someone to injure their hip if they are not careful.
My Mom has problems getting up because the couch was too low and too soft. So we:
1. Raised the couch up two inches
2. Tilted it slightly forward
3. Put a sheet of plywood under the cushions
Now she has no problem getting up, and there is less stress on her joints.
Well,LB,My Father is an old fart so me and my mother should check the couches to see if it's comfy enough for the Archie Bunker of the household. ;DThanks for caring,LB. ;D
That's very good advice, LyricBoy.....I hope things work out, Howard ;)
Thanks A lot man!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: SmithsGirl on 05/04/04 at 5:26 pm
Thank you very much lyricboy and cat. I hope your mom is feeling better lyricboy.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/04/04 at 5:33 pm
Both Pennysgirl and Smithsgirl, I am so sorry to hear of your news. I truly hope you will both make best with your situations.
What is Lupus, Pennysgirl? I have heard of it but I don't know what it is.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/04/04 at 5:37 pm
Friday would be my Mother's last day for her radiation therapy!
My mother is supposed to have radiation treatment fairly soon. She had her thyroid removed in early February, and is now waiting to have her radioactive iodine treatment. Hopefully it won't be this weekend because it's Mother's Day; however, she does want to get it over with. life is very busy right now. I am taking 13 units at Cal State Northridge; final exams are in a few weeks. My classes are very tough; I'm considering changing my major. It's very stressful for me right now.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/04/04 at 5:39 pm
My mother is supposed to have radiation treatment fairly soon. She had her thyroid removed in early February, and is now waiting to have her radioactive iodine treatment. Hopefully it won't be this weekend because it's Mother's Day; however, she does want to get it over with.
Having the thyroid removed? Oh dear. My mum has an adrenaline gland problem and an underactive thyroid which she controls with tablets. An awful combination.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/04/04 at 7:54 pm
Don Carlos isn't feeling that great these days. He has a major pain in his side. He already went in for an x-ray and a bone scan. He has another appointment tomorrow and is taking pain killers. We think it is a bone fragment that he got when he had surgery many years ago when they took a bone plug from his hip to replace the vertebrae in his neck. So, it looks like he is going to have to have surgery again to remove that fragment. :( Meanwhile, he is in pain. It comes and goes. One moment he will be fine and the next he is in excruciating pain. So when he isn't feeling well, I don't feel well.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/04/04 at 9:30 pm
Don Carlos isn't feeling that great these days. He has a major pain in his side. He already went in for an x-ray and a bone scan. He has another appointment tomorrow and is taking pain killers. We think it is a bone fragment that he got when he had surgery many years ago when they took a bone plug from his hip to replace the vertebrae in his neck. So, it looks like he is going to have to have surgery again to remove that fragment. :( Meanwhile, he is in pain. It comes and goes. One moment he will be fine and the next he is in excruciating pain. So when he isn't feeling well, I don't feel well.
Hope you and Don feel better... :-*
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/05/04 at 5:29 am
Hope you and Don feel better... :-*
Yes, I follow Howard's sentiments, Catwoman. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 05/05/04 at 7:31 am
Both Pennysgirl and Smithsgirl, I am so sorry to hear of your news. I truly hope you will both make best with your situations.
What is Lupus, Pennysgirl? I have heard of it but I don't know what it is.
Thanks to everyone for keeping my family in your thoughts. My mom actually isn't doing too bad lately, but she does have times where she just gets so confused and frustrated. I just have to hope and pray. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease. It is incurable and there are not a whole lot of treatments out there for people who have it. What happens with lupus is that the body's immune system cannot tell the difference between healthy cells, tissue and joints and foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, etc., so the immune system attacks healthy cells. In other words, my immune system is attacking my own body. I take meds to try to suppress my immune system and try to control my symptoms (inflamation, joint pain, incredible fatigue, skin rashes, and 'brain fog") but the meds are really for malaria (that's what they have found to work) and are not designed to be taken over the course of one's lifetime. Lupus can be a fatal disease for many and for some who are worse off than me, the treatments given (steroids) have side effects worse than the disease itself. I have been very blessed that I have been in remission for about 4 years now. I still take meds and have to pace myself, but I've been very fortunate. The worst thing for me is the fatigue and having to stay out of the sun in the summer (sunlight triggers the disease, along with stress). But if those are the worst things I"ve had to deal with, I'm very lucky.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/05/04 at 9:50 am
Having the thyroid removed? Oh dear. My mum has an adrenaline gland problem and an underactive thyroid which she controls with tablets. An awful combination.
Well, the next few days my mom is going to have some tests run; probably have her treatment very soon.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/05/04 at 3:57 pm
Hope you and Don feel better... :-*
Thanks Howard and Bobby. He appreciates that but his name is CARLOS (or Charlie) not Don. (Don is his "title")
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/05/04 at 6:42 pm
Thanks Howard and Bobby. He appreciates that but his name is CARLOS (or Charlie) not Don. (Don is his "title")
Yes Howard, CARLOS. ;D
Would calling him Don be the equivalent of being called Mr.,Catwoman? If so, Howard's in danger of sounding like those little kids going around saying 'Mr can we have our ball back?' (kidding with ya, Howard ;))
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/05/04 at 8:29 pm
Thanks Howard and Bobby. He appreciates that but his name is CARLOS (or Charlie) not Don. (Don is his "title")
You mean like Don Vito Corleone ?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/05/04 at 8:50 pm
Yes Howard, CARLOS.  ;D
Would calling him Don be the equivalent of being called Mr.,Catwoman? If so, Howard's in danger of sounding like those little kids going around saying 'Mr can we have our ball back?' (kidding with ya, Howard ;))
Why not call him Mr.Che? remember that avatar he had a few years ago? ???
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/05/04 at 8:51 pm
Thanks Howard and Bobby. He appreciates that but his name is CARLOS (or Charlie) not Don. (Don is his "title")
your welcome :-*
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/11/04 at 8:25 am
Well, when I got home yesterday I found out that my mom would have her radioactive iodine treatment beginning today (Tuesday), and will continue until Thursday. When she comes home, she'll have to stay away from me, Dad, and the dog for a couple of days, so by Saturday or Sunday things should be back to normal. I wish her the best.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Fred on 05/11/04 at 6:51 pm
On the flip side, I've been - well, not depressed - just lonely, I suppose. I haven't felt like I have a best friend, and I don't have anyone to confide in or share interests with .
I have tons of great friends, but I feel lonely as well. Not too much fun if you ask me. :(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Powerslave on 05/11/04 at 7:50 pm
Last week I received a $4000 tax refund. Because I hadn't put my tax return in for two years, none of the money I had paid towards my uni fees had been credited. Once I finally did my taxes, I had overpaid the fees by $5000! So after they took out a few other expenses, I got $4000 back! And I'm likely to get around the same this year too! My wife and I are buying a small t-shirt business off a friend with the money. Woo-hoo. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: scarletgail on 05/11/04 at 11:23 pm
what's going in my life now is i'm jobless after 8 1/2 yrs at the same restaurant on my day off they closed. bang zoom filed chapter 7, and my stereo is still in there too. well that's not that important but it still annoys me along with the rug being pulled out from underneath me :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/12/04 at 9:46 am
nally, I wish your mom the best as well. I won't go into detail, but my mom is ill as well.
Thank you. She's in isolation at the hospital right now; she's scheduled to come home tomorrow. However, she'll have to stay away from us for the next couple of days after that, so that we don't get exposed to the radiation. And to do that, she'll have to stay in the guest room downstairs.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/13/04 at 5:14 am
Why not call him Mr.Che? remember that avatar he had a few years ago? ???
Yeah. I imagined Carlos to look like that for quite some time before I saw his photograph.
I heard yesterday that our work team of 25 is being split up into other groups due to a cliq in the group who is always causing trouble. I'm split from my friends :\'( but it means I can still keep them as friends and make new ones! :D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: scarletgail on 05/13/04 at 10:24 am
Well, when I got home yesterday I found out that my mom would have her radioactive iodine treatment beginning today (Tuesday), and will continue until Thursday. When she comes home, she'll have to stay away from me, Dad, and the dog for a couple of days, so by Saturday or Sunday things should be back to normal. I wish her the best.
awww bless best of thoughts for you and ur mom :-*
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/13/04 at 10:32 am
awww bless best of thoughts for you and ur mom :-*
Thanks. By the way, she may or may not be coming home today. It may or may not be safe, depending on how much radiation is left in my mom's body. However, she'll have to stay away from us so that we don't get exposed; this will be for the next few days. So by Sunday, things should be back to normal.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: SuperFreak on 05/13/04 at 11:09 am
Thank you. She's in isolation at the hospital right now; she's scheduled to come home tomorrow. However, she'll have to stay away from us for the next couple of days after that, so that we don't get exposed to the radiation. And to do that, she'll have to stay in the guest room downstairs.
Please know that i am thinking of you and your mom, nally. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: SuperFreak on 05/13/04 at 11:11 am
what's going in my life now is i'm jobless after 8 1/2 yrs at the same restaurant on my day off they closed. bang zoom filed chapter 7, and my stereo is still in there too. well that's not that important but it still annoys me along with the rug being pulled out from underneath me :-\\
That's just horrible, scarletgail. I'm sorry it had to end like that. What are you going to do?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: scarletgail on 05/13/04 at 3:54 pm
That's just horrible, scarletgail. I'm sorry it had to end like that. What are you going to do?
thanks, hmmmm what am i going to do, good question. I think i'm going to use this time to find something i really want to do. It kinda feels like a big fork in the road for me and i may never get another chance like this ya know what i mean? so i hope I make a a wise choice whatever it is. now was that ramble or what? lol welcome to my crazy mind, i think :P
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/13/04 at 6:50 pm
what's going in my life now is i'm jobless after 8 1/2 yrs at the same restaurant on my day off they closed. bang zoom filed chapter 7, and my stereo is still in there too. well that's not that important but it still annoys me along with the rug being pulled out from underneath me :-\\
That's rotten, Scarletgail - they're just cowards who didn't have the courage to let you know. >:(
I was mildly luckier than you. I was told 5 minutes before the end of the working day. The bright side of it is that I got a better job so you don't know what's around the corner. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/13/04 at 9:43 pm
My Father just came back from the hospital last week.He fractured his hip at Tourneau where he worked.He will sue the construction company and hopefully we will get the $750.000 dollars from these douchebags. >:(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/14/04 at 6:05 am
My Father just came back from the hospital last week.He fractured his hip at Tourneau where he worked.He will sue the construction company and hopefully we will get the $750.000 dollars from these douchebags. >:(
Howard, what happened? Did he get hit with a piece of construction equipment, or did they have construction debris all over the floor? That must have HURT ! :-[
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/14/04 at 2:50 pm
Well, my mom came home from the hospital yesterday! :D :) My dad was there for several hours waiting for her to be discharged, but it was around 5:30 PM (Pacific Time) when she was good to go. We can get close to her, but not for very long periods of time. By late tomorrow (or Sunday) things should be back to normal.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/14/04 at 5:29 pm
Howard, what happened? Did he get hit with a piece of construction equipment, or did they have construction debris all over the floor? That must have HURT ! :-Wet Paint so he assumed it was dry and tried to go around it and he slipped on his side,fracturing his hip in the process.The vice president from Tourneau had witnessed the whole thing.We will sue hopefully for $750.000 dollars.With this money,I could fix my room up or maybe buy a whole lot of things I couldn't even imagine buying.We'll just have to wait and see. ;) Hopefully,we win! :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/14/04 at 6:00 pm
Good luck on the case, Howard!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/14/04 at 6:02 pm
Good luck on the case, Howard!
Thanks Bob and I hope I get half of the $750.000 thousand. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: scarletgail on 05/14/04 at 6:33 pm
That's rotten, Scarletgail - they're just cowards who didn't have the courage to let you know. >:(
I was mildly luckier than you. I was told 5 minutes before the end of the working day. The bright side of it is that I got a better job so you don't know what's around the corner. :)
yeah i know there's something else it's just taken about 2 weeks to come outta shock i think :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/14/04 at 8:51 pm
stupid idiot construction people never had a sign that said Wet Paint so he assumed it was dry and tried to go around it and he slipped on his side,fracturing his hip in the process.The vice president from Tourneau had witnessed the whole thing.We will sue hopefully for $750.000 dollars.With this money,I could fix my room up or maybe buy a whole lot of things I couldn't even imagine buying.We'll just have to wait and see. ;) Hopefully,we win! :)
Sounds like you have a solid case there. Good luck on getting the $750k !
Does your Dad want to adopt me? :D Heh heh...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Fred on 05/17/04 at 6:13 pm
Good Luck Howard!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/17/04 at 8:24 pm
Sounds like you have a solid case there. Good luck on getting the $750k !
Does your Dad want to adopt me? :D Heh heh...
I can always send you half of $750.000! ;D
What would you do with the money? ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Rio_Rhodes on 05/17/04 at 8:25 pm
I actually have A LOT going on in my life!! And thankfully it is all good stuff!!
I just moved into my new place, and I have it ALL to myself! YAY!!!!!! No more roommate! We still talk but I needed my own space, I have no real furniture, but I am working on it!
My grandparents are driving across the country as I type, coming from Mass to NV. Today, Monday, they made it to Colorado and are staying at my Uncles place for the night, they want to be in my part of NV by either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning! They sold their house and will be living in the town called Pahrump, just outside of Vegas, with my parents.
And in other news.... ;D
I got a kitten!!! Yay! I found her outside my roommates apartment before work last week, she is about 9 or 10 weeks old. I decided to keep her as soon as I picked her up! She is a little gray ball of fur with a white chest and tummy, white front toes and white boots on her hind legs. I named her Kyra after a week of hunting for a name!!
I might be starting a band with a guy I work with, nothing definet yet, but if it takes off, I'd be the singer and he'd be the guitarist, so I'll keep you posted on what happens!
Other than that, there isn't that much other news, so I'll leave it at that!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/17/04 at 9:03 pm
I can always send you half of $750.000! ;D
What would you do with the money? ;D
For starters I would buy a "Wet Paint" sign and donate it to the Douchebag Construction Company. ;D
And as an added thank-you, I would send you a case of Raid Bug Spray for those pesky cockroaches! ;)
Heh heh...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/18/04 at 4:50 am
I got a kitten!!! Yay! I found her outside my roommates apartment before work last week, she is about 9 or 10 weeks old. I decided to keep her as soon as I picked her up! She is a little gray ball of fur with a white chest and tummy, white front toes and white boots on her hind legs. I named her Kyra after a week of hunting for a name!!
I might be starting a band with a guy I work with, nothing definet yet, but if it takes off, I'd be the singer and he'd be the guitarist, so I'll keep you posted on what happens!
Kyra the Kitten. What a lovely name. I'm thinking of that Mr Mister song. Oh that's Kyrie lol.
Wow. A singer. Any idea what kind of songs you will be doing - Duran Duran covers? :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: MooRocca on 05/18/04 at 1:18 pm
It doesn't seem very long ago that I walked her in for her first day of pre-school, but tomorrow is my oldest daughter's last day of classes in high school. She goes full time at her job, day after tomorrow and her gradation is on the 30th. Her last high school "thing" will be later next month, though, when she represents her troupe and school at Thespian nationals in Nebraska. My middle daughter will be graduating Jr. High on the 26th. Hers will be the last graduating class at that Jr. High. She'll actually start her high school responsibilities before my oldest daughter finishes hers as she made next year's dance/ pom team and their season begins June 7. When my son graduates from the new Jr. High, two years from now, he'll graduate with the last class to have attended the old Jr High. Next fall, I'll have one kid in elementary school, one in Jr. High, one in high school and one in college. (Boy, do I feel old!!)
I just got a 25 cent an hour raise at my little part time job. Most (not all) of the people there got a raise, but since I work only 8 hours a week for them and haven't been there for a full year, yet, I was very surprised that I was included. I know it probably doesn't sound like a big deal to anyone else, but it's a pretty big deal to me. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/18/04 at 2:57 pm
For starters I would buy a "Wet Paint" sign and donate it to the Douchebag Construction Company. ;D
And as an added thank-you, I would send you a case of Raid Bug Spray for those pesky cockroaches!  ;)
Heh heh...
send me a whole box full for the Summer Rains. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/18/04 at 2:59 pm
ummm, you'd better send him a case...remember, he uses half a can each ;D
Well,the can is almost gone thanks to my father spraying it on some ants yesterday!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 05/18/04 at 4:50 pm
I just got a 25 cent an hour raise at my little part time job. Most (not all) of the people there got a raise, but since I work only 8 hours a week for them and haven't been there for a full year, yet, I was very surprised that I was included. I know it probably doesn't sound like a big deal to anyone else, but having been self-employed most of my life, this is my very first raise, so it's a pretty big deal to me. :)
It is a big deal, MooRocca - a raise is a raise. Good for you. :D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/18/04 at 8:29 pm
I just got a 25 cent an hour raise at my little part time job. Most (not all) of the people there got a raise, but since I work only 8 hours a week for them and haven't been there for a full year, yet, I was very surprised that I was included. I know it probably doesn't sound like a big deal to anyone else, but having been self-employed most of my life, this is my very first raise, so it's a pretty big deal to me. :)
Congrats on the raise MooRocca ! :) ;) :P 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: MooRocca on 05/19/04 at 1:55 pm
Thanks for the congrats on my raise... and for letting me share the good news! :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 05/19/04 at 2:56 pm
My mom is doing very well on her Alzheimers meds and is coming to visit hubby and me on Memorial Day weekend. She's going to be staying a few days into the next week. My mother in law is having a little birthday get together for me on that weekend so my mom could be here for it, which I thought was pretty cool of her.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Rio_Rhodes on 05/22/04 at 12:30 pm
Kyra the Kitten. What a lovely name. I'm thinking of that Mr Mister song. Oh that's Kyrie lol.
Wow. A singer. Any idea what kind of songs you will be doing - Duran Duran covers? :)
Actually, there will be a couple of Duran covers, a lot of Blondie covers, and probably some original stuff too. That is if I can get a hold of the guitarist... :-\\
He seems to have disappeared on me now, I heard he had to go back to California but he never told me a thing about it...oh well!
Anyone in the Western part of the USA want to start a band?? ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/22/04 at 4:34 pm
On Monday morning, at 9:00, I officially begin my final exams!!!!!!!!! :o They are going to be very tough, since my classes this semester have been very tough. Fortunately they are all on different days. (Initially, two of them were supposed to be on Tuesday, but I arranged with my professor to take it on Wednesday because I felt there wouldn't be enough time between the two exams for me to study, so I'm taking one on Wednesday while everyone else takes it on Tuesday.) So I should go study for them right now and not post anymore until after my last exam on Wednesday.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Dagwood on 05/22/04 at 5:04 pm
I've been on the April know about Blaine, but I have been able to talk to my other sons on the phone everyday and that has been wonderful. I'm starting a job next Tuesday and will begin a second job....(I can still post because it's my own business that I'll be working at) i sometime in June or July. I also plan on going down to Utah In June to pick up my son Brian....and to visit Dagwood and her daughter, Sara :)
Good to know. (I know...I haven't visited this thread until now)
My life is pretty boring, but I like it that way. My Daisy Girl Scout troop is graduating to Brownies Monday. It is our first Daisies and kinda bitter sweet. On the bright side, my daughter won't be in my troop anymore. She behaves better for others than she does for me.
I have just volunteered to help with the toddlers during church. I will be at the church for 5 hours every sunday. I will attend one service, help with the kids second service and be the teacher third service. I love the kids so it should be fun. Just getting used to going to church by 8 in the morning and leaving at 1:30 will be tough.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/23/04 at 12:13 pm
Well,this lawsuit from when my Father broke his hip still is in the process so hopefully My Father wins the big one.And maybe then they'll look into Boca Raton,Fla. :)My father deserves the million out of all the crap he's been through for many years. :(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Rio_Rhodes on 05/24/04 at 3:24 pm
More news!!!
I got my second tattoo, you can read about it on the post I started, and I also got ANOTHER kitten!
I was at work and these 2 little kittens were brought in. One of them was taken home right away and the other one, mine, was just waiting for a home!! One of my managers said "If you take her home with you, then I'll buy her food for you" So I couldn't say no!!!! She is to cute to say no to anyways!!!
Oh yeah, I named her Jordan, just in case you were wondering!!!
Well, thats the news for now!!!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/24/04 at 3:27 pm
More news!!!
I got my second tattoo, you can read about it on the post I started, and I also got ANOTHER kitten!
I was at work and these 2 little kittens were brought in. One of them was taken home right away and the other one, mine, was just waiting for a home!! One of my managers said "If you take her home with you, then I'll buy her food for you" So I couldn't say no!!!! She is to cute to say no to anyways!!!
Oh yeah, I named her Jordan, just in case you were wondering!!!
Well, thats the news for now!!!
That's nice; glad to hear it. So how many kittens do you have now? I'm just wondering. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Rio_Rhodes on 05/24/04 at 4:14 pm
That's nice; glad to hear it. So how many kittens do you have now? I'm just wondering. ;)
Oh, just two!! I can't get anymore either or I can get into big trouble with the apartment manager!! I don't need that!!!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/24/04 at 4:34 pm
Oh, just two!! I can't get anymore either or I can get into big trouble with the apartment manager!! I don't need that!!!
Well ya certainly don't want for that to happen! :) ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Dagwood on 05/24/04 at 6:43 pm
Tonight is the closing ceremonies for Girl Scouts for the summer. Kind of a bittersweet moment, it is my first Daisy troop and they are bridging to Brownies.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 05/24/04 at 8:21 pm
We're not moving yet but My family is looking into a house in Boca Raton Florida where they both can retire there.So,that could leave me with the house we've been living in for 31 years to myself,maybe.It could be for another couple of years.But,I promise If we do move,I will still talk to you all,my favorite bunch of people! ;) :-*
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/25/04 at 5:00 pm
I have one final exam left!! I just had one not too long ago; I think I did pretty well. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 05/25/04 at 5:15 pm
I have an interview this Thursday with an insurance company. I left my other job after I figured out I couldn't handle the hours or the pay. :P
I'm looking forward to this weekend so I can get out of my house for awhile. ;D Heading up north to visit the Cube. Leaving on Friday and won't be home until Monday evening.
And as I type, another place has emailed me asking for the best time to contact me about a job! Yippee! :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Dagwood on 05/25/04 at 7:47 pm
Good luck, Jessica.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 05/26/04 at 6:47 am
I have an interview this Thursday with an insurance company. I left my other job after I figured out I couldn't handle the hours or the pay. :P
Good Luck with the interview, Jessica.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 05/26/04 at 3:38 pm
I just finished my last final exam! Yay!!! :D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 06/14/04 at 2:40 pm
Today I had to enroll for classes online. Unfortunately I had to repeat some classes because this past semester was very tumultuous for me. What's worse is that I'm in a very tough major. The good part is that I've been meeting with a career advisor the past month or so; I go back to see him at the campus tomorrow. In the meantime, I had to just enroll in classes temporarily; I will be changing them once the semester starts.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/14/04 at 6:46 pm
Oh yeah, I named her Jordan, just in case you were wondering!!!
I'm sure there is a joke in there somewhere, Rio but people beyond Britain may not get it.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/14/04 at 6:47 pm
I just finished my last final exam! Yay!!! :D
WA-HAY! Nice one Nally. I'm sure that's a huge relief.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 06/14/04 at 9:28 pm
WA-HAY! Nice one Nally. I'm sure that's a huge relief.
Thanks, Bobby, but I posted that almost three weeks ago. I had my exams the last week of May, and now we're in mid-June.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/14/04 at 9:41 pm and my friend are about to open a business that we've been working on for almost a year now. It's a Day-Spa/Gift Shop. Problem is that lately I've been having some major dizzy spells...they come outta nowhere and go away pretty fast...about 10 minutes...sometimes they last a half hour or so but rarely....can't really afford a Dr. just yet. I usually go to a place called the Community Health Center but when I called them last week I was told that because we all signed up as family, I was resposible for my exs' bils..even though the Judge in my divorce said that we were to "Split the bills....thier reply was that they don't get into legal for now I'm just kinda drifting :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 06/15/04 at 12:31 am and my friend are about to open a business that we've been working on for almost a year now. It's a Day-Spa/Gift Shop. Problem is that lately I've been having some major dizzy spells...they come outta nowhere and go away pretty fast...about 10 minutes...sometimes they last a half hour or so but rarely....can't really afford a Dr. just yet. I usually go to a place called the Community Health Center but when I called them last week I was told that because we all signed up as family, I was resposible for my exs' bils..even though the Judge in my divorce said that we were to "Split the bills....thier reply was that they don't get into legal for now I'm just kinda drifting :-\\
That's not right. They should take you regardless of the bills. I hope you start feeling better. Those spells have me worried. :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 06/15/04 at 3:51 am
I'm currently involved in organising a camp for about 450 Cub Scouts this coming weekend.
I have a dual role in the camp, both co-ordinating my group of cubs and leaders (about 65 in total) in their activities etc and organising the Friday night activities. Plus anything else the main organiser asks me to do.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/15/04 at 7:56 am
That's not right. They should take you regardless of the bills. I hope you start feeling better. Those spells have me worried. :-\\
Don't worry Jess, if they get really bad I'll end up going to the emergency room ;) Thanks fr caring though :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/15/04 at 8:10 am and my friend are about to open a business that we've been working on for almost a year now. It's a Day-Spa/Gift Shop. Problem is that lately I've been having some major dizzy spells...they come outta nowhere and go away pretty fast...about 10 minutes...sometimes they last a half hour or so but rarely....can't really afford a Dr. just yet. I usually go to a place called the Community Health Center but when I called them last week I was told that because we all signed up as family, I was resposible for my exs' bils..even though the Judge in my divorce said that we were to "Split the bills....thier reply was that they don't get into legal for now I'm just kinda drifting :-\\
I agree with Jessica, you should definitely get that checked out. Dizzy spells worry me as well.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/15/04 at 12:20 pm and my friend are about to open a business that we've been working on for almost a year now. It's a Day-Spa/Gift Shop. Problem is that lately I've been having some major dizzy spells...they come outta nowhere and go away pretty fast...about 10 minutes...sometimes they last a half hour or so but rarely....can't really afford a Dr. just yet. I usually go to a place called the Community Health Center but when I called them last week I was told that because we all signed up as family, I was resposible for my exs' bils..even though the Judge in my divorce said that we were to "Split the bills....thier reply was that they don't get into legal for now I'm just kinda drifting :-\\
Have you had your blood pressure checked lately? That is a classic sign of high blood pressure, my mother is going through it right now.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/15/04 at 12:30 pm and my friend are about to open a business that we've been working on for almost a year now. It's a Day-Spa/Gift Shop. Problem is that lately I've been having some major dizzy spells...they come outta nowhere and go away pretty fast...about 10 minutes...sometimes they last a half hour or so but rarely....can't really afford a Dr. just yet. I usually go to a place called the Community Health Center but when I called them last week I was told that because we all signed up as family, I was resposible for my exs' bils..even though the Judge in my divorce said that we were to "Split the bills....thier reply was that they don't get into legal for now I'm just kinda drifting :-\\
I agree with everyone else, you really need to get that checked out and FAST! It could be something very serious. Please don't put it off. I do understand about costs but if it is something serious, it is worth it.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: QueenAmenRa on 06/15/04 at 5:21 pm
Well, what's happenin' with me now....
I'm living with my sister (not wombert) and trying to look for a JOB!!! I just had an interview at this temp agency yesterday. I took a data entry test and a typing test and I did really good. (Typing test showed 68 wpm) The interview went real well, until the guy told me they had NO JOBS FOR ME! At least not yet, anyway, and I'm only available for temp./summer work :-\\ Strange that every single place I apply at won't hire me.
What else....well I'm still a little sad about my guy leaving. But now I've got this guy friend I'm pretty sure he's got a crush on me. Fun to just use him for money. :D ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/15/04 at 5:30 pm and my friend are about to open a business that we've been working on for almost a year now. It's a Day-Spa/Gift Shop. Problem is that lately I've been having some major dizzy spells...they come outta nowhere and go away pretty fast...about 10 minutes...sometimes they last a half hour or so but rarely....can't really afford a Dr. just yet. I usually go to a place called the Community Health Center but when I called them last week I was told that because we all signed up as family, I was resposible for my exs' bils..even though the Judge in my divorce said that we were to "Split the bills....thier reply was that they don't get into legal for now I'm just kinda drifting :-\\
Don't screw around with this. Dizzy spells are nothing to fool with. Maybe it is just the stress of starting a new business that is getting to you. Here is some advice I have to give you:
1. Make sure that you are eating properly, enough protein, carbs, etc.
2. Make sure you are getting enuf rest, and call a "time out" on yourself if you feel stressed.
3. If you absolutely, positively will not see a doctor, AT LEAST go to a drug store and get your blood pressure checked. Those drugstore machines usually are free or $0.25 a pop. Dizzy spells can be too much or too little blood pressure.
4. Also as somebody said, your blood sugar could be out of whack. I bet that you know someone who is diabetic who would be GLAD to check your sugar for you. Simple and quick. But you need to do it a few times, preferably near the time you have a "spell".
Best course of action is to come up with a way to see a doc.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/15/04 at 6:41 pm
Thanks to all who offered advice and concern here ;) I JUST went to a grocery store and blood pressure was 104/66....that's about right for me being that I try to stay in shape. I'll look into the blood sugar thing next. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/15/04 at 8:04 pm
Thanks to all who offered advice and concern here ;) I JUST went to a grocery store and blood pressure was 104/66....that's about right for me being that I try to stay in shape. I'll look into the blood sugar thing next. :)
I have low blood sugar and sometimes it drops like a rock, usually when I haven't eaten in a while. When that happens, I HAVE to eat. Usually bread does the trick for me and then I just lay down for about 5 minutes or so to let the bread do it's thing and then I am fine. But that works for me. First you have to find out if you do have low blood sugar and then figure out what works for you.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/15/04 at 8:25 pm
I have low blood sugar and sometimes it drops like a rock, usually when I haven't eaten in a while. When that happens, I HAVE to eat. Usually bread does the trick for me and then I just lay down for about 5 minutes or so to let the bread do it's thing and then I am fine. But that works for me. First you have to find out if you do have low blood sugar and then figure out what works for you.
Thanks Cat, that seems to be the most I've gotten as for the problem...blood sugar....we shall find out ??? BTW, I'm very happy to hear that you figured out something that works for you ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/15/04 at 8:32 pm
Thanks, Bobby, but I posted that almost three weeks ago. I had my exams the last week of May, and now we're in mid-June.
Oh right. I'm sorry I'm late. Still better late than never, eh? ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/15/04 at 8:33 pm
We're not moving yet but My family is looking into a house in Boca Raton Florida where they both can retire there.So,that could leave me with the house we've been living in for 31 years to myself,maybe.It could be for another couple of years.But,I promise If we do move,I will still talk to you all,my favorite bunch of people! ;) :-*
Absolutely Howard, The board would definitely look a lot different without you, man (I presume the kisses are for the ladies of the boards ;D).
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 06/15/04 at 10:59 pm
Oh right. I'm sorry I'm late. Still better late than never, eh? ;)
Yup. ;) I guess nobody responded to the thread after I announced the end of my final exams.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 06/16/04 at 12:20 am
Let's see...the only thing that has really happened in my life lately is that Rice Cube lives with me now. :) It's kinda cool, despite the fact that I had to switch rooms with my sister because of it. :P
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/16/04 at 7:36 am
Thanks to all who offered advice and concern here ;) I JUST went to a grocery store and blood pressure was 104/66....that's about right for me being that I try to stay in shape. I'll look into the blood sugar thing next. :)
104/66 sounds a bit low to me. I have low blood pressure and it can give you the same dizzy spells that high blood pressure can. All of a sudden it can just plummet and will bring on the dizzy spells. When you get the blood sugar thing checked out, ask about your blood pressure too.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/16/04 at 8:37 am
104/66 sounds a bit low to me. I have low blood pressure and it can give you the same dizzy spells that high blood pressure can. All of a sudden it can just plummet and will bring on the dizzy spells. When you get the blood sugar thing checked out, ask about your blood pressure too.
Well, 120/80 is what they consider perfect blood pressure, but everyone is different, like for me, my systolic number is usually lower than that, but that's "normal" for me. As long as that bottom number doesn't go below 50 and the top number isn't too high, it should be okay. But then again, I am no doctor so don't listen to me ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/16/04 at 9:57 am
Well, 120/80 is what they consider perfect blood pressure, but everyone is different, like for me, my systolic number is usually lower than that, but that's "normal" for me. As long as that bottom number doesn't go below 50 and the top number isn't too high, it should be okay. But then again, I am no doctor so don't listen to me ;D
Mine was 90/60 for years, that's when I had all the problems with the dizzy spells. The past few years, it's been around 110/60, I still get dizzy spells, but not as often as I used to.ÂÂ
The most important thing is that RNRF gets this checked out.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 10:17 am
Mine was 90/60 for years, that's when I had all the problems with the dizzy spells. The past few years, it's been around 110/60, I still get dizzy spells, but not as often as I used to.ÂÂ
The most important thing is that RNRF gets this checked out.
I never thought much of the low blood pressure thing....early on when I was in school running track it was always like 95/58. Coach always said that was great. I think now that he may have meant the second number? I think the first one has to do with the dizzy stuff?? I'm not sure....anyway, I'm registering with the Health center today and we'll go from there ::)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/16/04 at 10:52 am
I never thought much of the low blood pressure thing....early on when I was in school running track it was always like 95/58. Coach always said that was great. I think now that he may have meant the second number? I think the first one has to do with the dizzy stuff?? I'm not sure....anyway, I'm registering with the Health center today and we'll go from there ::)
I'm glad to hear you are registering today. My doctor told me many years ago that if you are extremely active all the time, like a professional athlete, then low pressure, like my reading of 90/60 let's say, wouldn't be a big concern, but otherwise, you need to keep an eye on it. Even it it's not that, it's best to get it checked.
Dizzy spells in anyone concern me.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 10:59 am
Problems occur when there is too great a difference between the 2 numbers. (Or, if both are too high or low) I think the least they should be is 26 and the greatest is 46? I'll have to dig out my old EMT textbooks to find out for sure.
Thanks...let me know ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 11:01 am
I'm glad to hear you are registering today. My doctor told me many years ago that if you are extremely active all the time, like a professional athlete, then low pressure, like my reading of 90/60 let's say, wouldn't be a big concern, but otherwise, you need to keep an eye on it. Even it it's not that, it's best to get it checked.
Dizzy spells in anyone concern me.
I have a few hurdles before I can actually see a doctor...first they have to accept my registration...earining, ect., then it'll probably be a couple weeks before I can actually get seen :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/16/04 at 11:08 am
I have a few hurdles before I can actually see a doctor...first they have to accept my registration...earining, ect., then it'll probably be a couple weeks before I can actually get seen :-\\
Geez. Its a good thing you don't have a gaping head wound. :P
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 06/16/04 at 11:13 am
I just checked in a physiology text book at work.
The normal blood pressure reading for a male aged 40-44 would be 129/81
aged 45-49 would be 130/82
The pressure starts to rise steadily after the age of 8 and doesn't level out until your 70's. Therefore what was an acceptable figure in your twenties is very low in your forties. Of course blood pressure will be different if you are very physically fit.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/16/04 at 12:08 pm
I have a few hurdles before I can actually see a doctor...first they have to accept my registration...earining, ect., then it'll probably be a couple weeks before I can actually get seen :-\\
Unbelievable. I think there's more red tape in the medical field than there ever was or will be in government.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/16/04 at 2:44 pm
Whenever I got my blood pressure taken, it would hurt like hell. I figured out because they were pumping it up WAY too much. They are so used to people with high blood pressure and I have low blood pressure. Now, whenever I get it checked, I tell them that they don't have to pump it up too high. I can never remember what it is-just know that it is low.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 06/16/04 at 3:56 pm
Whenever I got my blood pressure taken, it would hurt like hell. I figured out because they were pumping it up WAY too much. They are so used to people with high blood pressure and I have low blood pressure. Now, whenever I get it checked, I tell them that they don't have to pump it up too high. I can never remember what it is-just know that it is low.
Speaking of blood pressure, I had mine taken today. That's because I went to the doctor's office for my physical for the first time in a few years.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/16/04 at 7:15 pm
Absolutely Howard, The board would definitely look a lot different without you, man (I presume the kisses are for the ladies of the boards ;D).
Don't worry,they're for you too. ;D But,were not moving yet.Let's say by 2010 or earlier than that.It's kind of like a thought-out process right now. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/16/04 at 7:38 pm
Don't worry,they're for you too. ;D But,were not moving yet.Let's say by 2010 or earlier than that.It's kind of like a thought-out process right now. ;)
Er . . . Cheers man. :D
Ah! I understand.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 9:46 pm
Well....I saw the doctor today! My Hemoglobin is excellent at 16....I do NOT have diabetes....and my blood pressure is fine. The bad news is they don't know why I'm having dizzy spells :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/16/04 at 9:55 pm
When I was a kid I had very low blood pressure (100/60 or 90/50) and if I stood up too quickly I would sometimes get dizzy and/or pass out.
Made for some fun times as an altar boy.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/16/04 at 9:58 pm
Well....I saw the doctor today! My Hemoglobin is excellent at 16....I do NOT have diabetes....and my blood pressure is fine. The bad news is they don't know why I'm having dizzy spells :-\\
Could it be your equalibrium is off? Is it possible you have an inner ear infection or some sinus troubles? ??? Hope you feel better, Mark!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 06/16/04 at 10:03 pm
Well....I saw the doctor today! My Hemoglobin is excellent at 16....I do NOT have diabetes....and my blood pressure is fine. The bad news is they don't know why I'm having dizzy spells :-\\
I trust they're going to do more tests on you. Keep taking care of yourself though. :-*
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 10:32 pm
What are you usually doing when they happen? If you move suddenly, sometimes that can "spike" your blood pressure and cause it. Or, depending on what you've eaten, your blood sugar could be dropping. Next time it happens, try slamming some oj and see if that helps any.
I would LOVE to SLAM OJ....into a wall! Oh wait...I thought you meant ::)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 10:35 pm
When I was a kid I had very low blood pressure (100/60 or 90/50) and if I stood up too quickly I would sometimes get dizzy and/or pass out.
Made for some fun times as an altar boy.
I Bet ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 10:37 pm
Could it be your equalibrium is off? Is it possible you have an inner ear infection or some sinus troubles? ??? Hope you feel better, Mark!
Thanks PoPCultureGirl....I have thought about that and will mention that at my next appointment on July 22nd ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/16/04 at 10:40 pm
I trust they're going to do more tests on you. Keep taking care of yourself though. :-* seems to help! Seriously though, I hope they find something because I really am getting tired of this :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/17/04 at 7:16 am
Could it be your equalibrium is off? Is it possible you have an inner ear infection or some sinus troubles? ??? Hope you feel better, Mark!
I was thinking the same thing. I hope you feel better too!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/17/04 at 6:40 pm
I was thinking the same thing. I hope you feel better too!
Thanks, pennsygirl :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/17/04 at 7:29 pm
After July 4th,I won't be volunteering for a while cause they don't need me for the Summer so they told me to come back September 1st. :(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/17/04 at 7:38 pm
After July 4th,I won't be volunteering for a while cause they don't need me for the Summer so they told me to come back September 1st. :(
Bummer, Howard. Have you ever thought about volunteering some other place? I'm sure there are a lot of places that need volunteers.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/17/04 at 7:44 pm
Bummer, Howard. Have you ever thought about volunteering some other place? I'm sure there are a lot of places that need volunteers.
Thanks Cat.I'll give it a try.Thank You. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: goldie on 06/18/04 at 9:55 am
Not much here. Just working and living life. My oldest is bugging me to let him take his driver's exam so he can be a legal driver. He's not ready so he has to wait a little longer. Plus he just got his first job so I'm playing chaufer now too. Life is good! :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: goldie on 06/18/04 at 10:24 am
I'm wearing a pair of shorts that I haven't been able to squeeze my fat butt into since 1994.
<-- doing a happy dance :D
Way to go, Cheer!!!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 06/18/04 at 10:39 am
Right now I'm busy sharpening a 100 pencils for a Cub thing tonight. I bought two boxes of new pencils but didn't realise they needed sharpening ::) Anybody wanna help?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/18/04 at 1:18 pm
I'm wearing a pair of shorts that I haven't been able to squeeze my fat butt into since 1994.
<-- doing a happy dance :D
ALL RIGHT!!! That happened to me before. I kept a bunch of clothes thinking "some day." I noticed that my usual pants were a bit baggy and I thought, "I wonder." I started trying on all those old clothes and THEY FIT!!!! I know what you mean about doing a happy dance. I was glad that no one was around when I doing that. But alas, that was many, many years ago and once again I can't fit into those clothes. :\'( Well, SOME DAY!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Dagwood on 06/18/04 at 7:07 pm
Way to go, Cheer and Cat!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/18/04 at 7:12 pm
My Father is in the beginning stages of looking for a condo in Boca Raton Florida.We're not moving yet.Not for a dozen of years.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/18/04 at 8:37 pm
My Father is in the beginning stages of looking for a condo in Boca Raton Florida.We're not moving yet.Not for a dozen of years.
One of my old teachers lives in Boca in the winter... Chicago in the summer.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/18/04 at 11:01 pm
I JUST got home from a long day at work...the phone won't be hooked up until Monday so it's boredom city when I'm not on here! Anyway, I am going to play basketball with my son Brian and the guys tomorrow (Weather permitting)....then off to work and then back here! :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Gis on 06/19/04 at 1:31 am
Right now I'm busy sharpening a 100 pencils for a Cub thing tonight. I bought two boxes of new pencils but didn't realise they needed sharpening ::) Anybody wanna help?
Wow I hope you didn't get RSI from that !?!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Gis on 06/19/04 at 1:38 am
Well I know I haven't been about much lately but hopefully that will change.
The big blow up came in my relationship but thankfully we managed to get things sorted (I hope...........) so we are taking it slowly at the moment but I'm back to being a nauseating Pollyanna again and not a miserable cow ;D
Work has been crazy mad but that's quieting down now though it has to be said the future there is kind of wobbly too as there are job cuts and demotions happening all over the show.
Other than that I've had my whole social life take place in the last week,out every night and boy am I tired now ! Can't hack the pace anymore............. :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/19/04 at 12:12 pm
Well,I got my letter from The Friendship Network I was talking about and they gave me some Jewish girls and their numbers.From what they wrote,it is my obligation to contact them(The Network) after each introduction and when I'm ready to meet again for my next one.I'm so nervous I have to make a number 2. :( ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/19/04 at 11:28 pm
HUBBY KILLED THE SPIDER!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D :D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/20/04 at 5:59 am
My girlfriend last night got scared by a whacking great moth that flew in through the bathroom window. I came to her rescue by doing one of the most barbaric things I have ever done. I trapped it behind the shower curtain and drowned it with a shower hose! :o
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Corky on 06/20/04 at 8:24 am
I am living my dreams.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/20/04 at 1:23 pm
I am living my dreams.
What are your dreams, Corky? :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 06/21/04 at 5:42 am
Well I didn't need to sharpen all those pencils in the end. SOme other people also bought pencils along.
I just survived an annual activity camp with about 450 cubs taking part.
This weekend happened to be designated Giant Sleepover weekend in an attempt for Brtain to hold the World Record. Our camp was the biggest group taking part. We haven't heard yet if we broke the world record (adding up all the groups taking part)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/21/04 at 9:57 am
So much has happened in my life over the past week, that I don't even know where to start. All that matters is, I am incredibly happy & I am so excited to see what happens next. Sometimes the most beautiful things are staring at us right in the face, but it's not until we actually open our eyes to realize what's really there. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/21/04 at 12:06 pm
I've been looking for a job for about the past 6 months. I'm starting to get really bored.
Saw a job posted in my hometown newspaper that is absolutely right up my alley! :) Me applying for that job is like John Holmes applying for a job in a porn movie. I ought to at least get an interview.
These days most companies do not even give you the courtesy of a "ding letter".
Crossing my fingers... ??? :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/21/04 at 12:33 pm
The kids are doing fine, I am recovering from my pneumonia and hubby just got a new job (which will start June 30). :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: resinchaser on 06/21/04 at 4:54 pm
For about a year I saw this person who I had so much in common with and was just too shy to do anything about it. But somehow fate led us to the same place and the pieces just seemed to fall into place. Everyday I learn something more and i've never been so excited to see what tomorrow will bring :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Corky on 06/21/04 at 9:29 pm
What are your dreams, Corky? :)
Well seeing Davy Jones live and now I am writing a song for Davy.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/21/04 at 9:35 pm
Well seeing Davy Jones live and now I am writing a song for Davy.
Whatever happened to fellow Monkee Peter Dork? ???
You never see him any more...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/21/04 at 9:55 pm
I am going to meet my new friend Eric this weekend. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/22/04 at 12:54 pm
nothing new...hubby's out of town, the house is a wreck, I can't sleep, and I'm bored. Of course, I could be spending this time productively (like cleaning) but that's no fun.
I know very well what you mean about trying to keep the house clean, Cheer. It's an endless battle when you have little ones!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/22/04 at 12:58 pm
I know very well what you mean about trying to keep the house clean, Cheer. It's an endless battle when you have little ones!
I feel your pain Cheer. My house is declared a disaster area from the minute they wake-up until they go to bed. :P As soon as they are old enough I'm gonna start making them clean up after me ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/22/04 at 1:18 pm
I feel your pain Cheer. My house is declared a disaster area from the minute they wake-up until they go to bed. :P As soon as they are old enough I'm gonna start making them clean up after me ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pennsygirl on 06/22/04 at 1:23 pm
nothing new...hubby's out of town, the house is a wreck, I can't sleep, and I'm bored. Of course, I could be spending this time productively (like cleaning) but that's no fun.
It's an endless battle when you have a husband! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/22/04 at 7:42 pm
I am going to MSG this weekend for WWF Wrestling. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Corky on 06/22/04 at 7:47 pm
Whatever happened to fellow Monkee Peter Dork? ???
You never see him any more...
Well now that I am offended with "Dork" when it is Tork. Anyway, I never saw Peter live. I never saw Micky and Mike live either, just Davy(twice).
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 06/22/04 at 8:46 pm
Whatever happened to fellow Monkee Peter Dork? ???
You never see him any more...
Peter Dork? Laugh out flippin' loud! Very funny. ;D
One of The Monkees produced an old British 'comedy' called Metal Mickey. It was about a cheeky robot living with a family. I forgotten which Monkee it was.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/22/04 at 10:47 pm
Now, THAT'S a thought...although hubby is certainly old enough and I can't even get him to clean up after himself ;D
My neighbor will stay up past midnight cleaning her house, knowing the kids (2) will destroy it the next day. I, why bother. As long as the dishes are not piled in the sink and there's no food or crumbs anywhere, it's good enough. If you don't like it, don't come in ;D
HEY now ladies....I always instilled the values of responsibility in my kids and always tried to be very helpful around the house....yet I am a divorcee ::)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: annieox03 on 06/23/04 at 8:33 pm
Lets see where do I start.
I love my job though it is extremely stressful. I put in at least 9 hours a day then bring it home and work another 5 hours. Kids are out for the summer and stay at home. The hubby got a promotion at work and his hours have changed. we are both very stressed right now and are trying our hardest to not let it interfere with our relationship.
My cat had kittens and they both have vet appointments to be fixed on Friday.
My sister had a baby,she was emergency c-section and weighed 4 pounds. Both mom and baby went home after 3 weeks. She beautiful
I did buy a 2002 Nissan Altima, Pewter, she is sweet.
My grandmother fell yesterday and bruised her face and broke her arm :(, she is going to have to have someone stay with her now.
That wraps it up.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/24/04 at 11:17 am
Going to the in-laws next weekend to help them clean out hubby's grandma's house. His dad actually broke down and sprung for a dumpster :o SO, next weekend, we're moving the furniture out that they are keeping and going through the stuff they thought we might like to have and bringing that home.
My sister had to go through that not too long ago. Her mother-in-law reciently passed away and her father-in-law didn't want to get rid of any of her stuff. (Appearently they were both pack rats) Instead of donating her clothes to charity, he wanted them to "stay in the family". The problem is, my sister is basically the only female in the family (her husband is one of two boys and his brother is not married) and she is not the same size as her MIL was. My sister ended up bringing most of her MIL stuff home-to apease her FIL. So her FIL's house was getting cleaned out but her house was getting full. Not too sure what she did with most of it (probably gave a lot away without her FIL knowing).
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Gis on 06/24/04 at 11:39 am
Peter Dork? Laugh out flippin' loud! Very funny. ;D
One of The Monkees produced an old British 'comedy' called Metal Mickey. It was about a cheeky robot living with a family. I forgotten which Monkee it was.
It was Micky Dolenz (sp?)hence the Metal Mickey !
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Sentimentalist on 06/25/04 at 5:34 pm
Okay I will make this short. I lost my job at the brewery on Jan 20, 2003. Since then I have been actively pursuing a career in nursing. I finished my first year of generals in spring and did okay gradewise. Second semester my wife broke her knee and my "nursing" duties took its toll on my grades. I worked 2 jobs to keep us afloat. Nurses aide at a nursing home and a clerk in the sporting goods dept at Wal-Mart. Now I am working full time at the nursing home and preparing for my second year of college. My wife's going through a crisis and I am helping her through it. That's all.
God lyk!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/04/05 at 4:27 pm
Well,looking forward to supportive employment in a couple of weeks after I finish my 100 hours of volunteer service :)
In the middle of this small soap opera with Robin and her Family ::)
going out more often and doing more recreational activities :)
I'm making more new friends. :)
and that's what's going on in my life so far. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/04/05 at 6:40 pm
It was Micky Dolenz (sp?)hence the Metal Mickey !
Ah, thanks Gis. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 03/05/05 at 2:10 am
Absolutely nothing at the moment. I was supposed to go to an Audio Research School ( I want to be a Studio engineer) but I couldn't get up enough of my tuition money by the application deadline.
So now here I am back at square one wondering what the heck am I gonna do. I certainly cannot work in Massachusetts again. My job is guaranteed but a place to live is not.
I'm already 26, I feel like by the time I get my life "started". It's gonna be too late. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that there are people my age who are CEOs or big executives already.
I'm gonna stop here before I get myself in a bad mood.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jiminy on 03/05/05 at 2:16 am
Well,looking forward to supportive employment in a couple of weeks after I finish my 100 hours of volunteer service :)
In the middle of this small soap opera with Robin and her Family ::)
going out more often and doing more recreational activities :)
I'm making more new friends. :)
and that's what's going on in my life so far. :)
why do you have to do comunity service?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jiminy on 03/05/05 at 2:20 am
The current plan is to go to Romania for 90 days, not sure when I'll go though
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/05/05 at 5:07 am
Well at the moment i am saving up as much money as possible for the big move. My mother keeps trying to push it back. It is supposed to go ahead around the middle of april, but she is pushing for me to stay until June. I expect we will reach a compromise and i will leave in May. We'll see.
I am really kind of in a funk you see. I have committed myself to leaving and as such don't see what i can do to improve my lot whilst i am here. I'll just stick it out i suppose.
My best friend is joining the army in three weeks and is being shipped off to god knows where fairly soon, it's tough knowing i won't see him for at least a year, more than likely a lot longer.
My girlfriend of 8 months moved back to Canada (after spending 2 years here) 6 weeks ago. Wasn't much fun, she said it would be great if i could go up and see her.. which will be nice, but she made it pretty clear it would be as friends. ::)
I am currently working out a list of subjects i would like to take next year. I am still not 100% on what is going to happen because i have only taken one examination for where i will be placed in High School. (if you wanted to know, my English skills are sooo totally excellent compared to normal Missouri state standards ;D)
That's aboot it. Oh yeah and i am still working out, improveing myself so i can at least go to the OVW Training Camp (wrestling)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/05/05 at 5:54 am
Well at the moment i am saving up as much money as possible for the big move. My mother keeps trying to push it back. It is supposed to go ahead around the middle of april, but she is pushing for me to stay until June. I expect we will reach a compromise and i will leave in May. We'll see.
I am really kind of in a funk you see. I have committed myself to leaving and as such don't see what i can do to improve my lot whilst i am here. I'll just stick it out i suppose.
My best friend is joining the army in three weeks and is being shipped off to god knows where fairly soon, it's tough knowing i won't see him for at least a year, more than likely a lot longer.
My girlfriend of 8 months moved back to Canada (after spending 2 years here) 6 weeks ago. Wasn't much fun, she said it would be great if i could go up and see her.. which will be nice, but she made it pretty clear it would be as friends. ::)
I am currently working out a list of subjects i would like to take next year. I am still not 100% on what is going to happen because i have only taken one examination for where i will be placed in High School. (if you wanted to know, my English skills are sooo totally excellent compared to normal Missouri state standards ;D)
That's aboot it. Oh yeah and i am still working out, improveing myself so i can at least go to the OVW Training Camp (wrestling)
Well mate, good luck in everything you do over there and hope to see you in the WWE very soon (as long as you act like yourself and not like a rapper ;)).
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/05/05 at 5:55 am
Aye. Well i will definatley go to one of the tryout camps. It can't hurt. Obviously i wouldn't get in but they may be able to tell me what i could do to improve.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/05/05 at 5:57 am
Aye. Well i will definatley go to one of the tryout camps. It can't hurt. Obviously i wouldn't get in but they may be able to tell me what i could do to improve.
Do you feel your injuries could hold you back?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/05/05 at 5:59 am
It would depend, i know it wouldn't help me, however with something like that wearing a knee brace is no trouble. When i was doing Freestyle they didn't like people wearing anything like that.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/05/05 at 6:04 am
It would depend, i know it wouldn't help me, however with something like that wearing a knee brace is no trouble. When i was doing Freestyle they didn't like people wearing anything like that.
Why is that?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/05/05 at 6:07 am
Why is that?
Because when you are doing freestyle wrestling it is constant close contact, you are always linked together and having any sort of metal or plastic objects around you could pose a danger to the other person.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/05/05 at 7:24 am
Because when you are doing freestyle wrestling it is constant close contact, you are always linked together and having any sort of metal or plastic objects around you could pose a danger to the other person.
I see. Is freestyle the same type of wrestling the WWE use or is that something different?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/05/05 at 7:31 am
I see. Is freestyle the same type of wrestling the WWE use or is that something different?
Freestyle wrestling is amatuer wrestling Bob. Like, head in armpit wrestling ;D
It's very much BANG BANG BANG fast paced, however i remember seeing somebody get Belly To Back suplex, like back time it was hilarious, he didn't get up for about 10 mins. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/05/05 at 7:35 am
Freestyle wrestling is amatuer wrestling Bob. Like, head in armpit wrestling ;D
Ah I see. Eugh! That must get sweaty betty. :P
It's very much BANG BANG BANG fast paced, however i remember seeing somebody get Belly To Back suplex, like back time it was hilarious, he didn't get up for about 10 mins. ;D
Yes, I find it quite interesting that it takes longer to get up from a belly to back suplex when properly applied. The wrestlers in WWE bounce back up from that in real life. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/05/05 at 7:45 am
Ah I see. Eugh! That must get sweaty betty. :P
Yes, I find it quite interesting that it takes longer to get up from a belly to back suplex when properly applied. The wrestlers in WWE bounce back up from that in real life. :)
If executed properly.. just on to mats. Any sort of suplex will hurt like hell. I only ever got suplexed out of my shoes the one time ;D I was heavy enough to twist and offset the manouver so that i didn't get hurt. Yeah it was horrible sweaty.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/05/05 at 7:50 am
If executed properly.. just on to mats. Any sort of suplex will hurt like hell. I only ever got suplexed out of my shoes the one time ;D I was heavy enough to twist and offset the manouver so that i didn't get hurt. Yeah it was horrible sweaty.
I got suplexed onto a sofa once. It surprised the hell out of me, I didn't think I was movable. ;D
It was quite a cool experience, of course, landing on the canvas would be different.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/05/05 at 8:20 am
why do you have to do comunity service?
It's not community service,it's volunteering.I do it to help out.hopefully,this Supportive Employment will help me in the long run.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/09/05 at 7:39 am
let's see...we are in the midst of trying to buy a house...we found a nice one but we just need to wait and see if everything gets approved...I am also attempting to restart my online business (I sell vintage/retro items on Ebay)....I am trying to get back to exercising...I joined an exercise place just for ladies called Curves....trying to get back into my "skinny" clothing.....getting ready for Easter...I've been buying Vaughn endless amounts of candy! LOL!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jaytee on 03/09/05 at 7:49 am
I've a friend whose just finished her chemo and is in remission from breast cancer (happy), a friend whose husband has been given 3 months (sad), a friend who was operated on last week for a Grade IV brain tumour with a dreadful prognosis (I have cried for most of today). At the moment the theme of the 2005 for me is a line from Monty Python's "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life":
"Life's a piece of sh!t when you look at it"
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 03/09/05 at 8:06 am
hugs to you jaytee
At the moment the theme of the 2005 for me is a line from Monty Python's "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life":
"Life's a piece of sh!t when you look at it"
It can be hard to find the bright side sometimes can't it?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jaytee on 03/09/05 at 8:28 am
hugs to you jaytee
It can be hard to find the bright side sometimes can't it?
Thank you Karen. I'm having one of those "what's it all about" days. :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Davester on 03/09/05 at 9:05 am
Working for the man...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/09/05 at 6:59 pm
looking forward to Supportive Employment or a possible paying job at the hospital
Robin's stressing me out :(
having a good time at my program
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ADH13 on 03/12/05 at 12:47 pm
Any parents of teenagers out there?
I'm having a little issue with my 12 year old nephew and could use a little advice. First of all let me say that I don't have any kids myself, but have periodically taken various nieces & nephews (on my husbands side) into our home while their parents were busy partying...i think you get the idea...
Anyway, my nephew stays with us on the weekends and school is my question.
Lately he seems to have this fascination with death... and I don't mean in the goth-culture way, I mean he reads the obituaries every day, he watches every documentary he can on people who have died.. (He is obsessed with Selena and owns every album of hers and has seen the movie probably 100 times). I took him with me to a cemetery to visit a famiy member of mine and he wandered all over the cemetery reading all the inscriptions... He says he wants to be a coroner when he grows up...
Outside of this, he seems to be a happy kid.. he helps out around the house without having to be told, he doesn't listen to rap music, isn't into guns or knives, doesn't have a temper or any other obvious emotional problems, he's into football at school...
Should I be concerned that this could be the beginning of something unhealthy?? Or is this a somewhat normal phase a pre-teen goes through? Any advice would be appreciated.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 12:54 pm
Any parents of teenagers out there?
I'm having a little issue with my 12 year old nephew and could use a little advice. First of all let me say that I don't have any kids myself, but have periodically taken various nieces & nephews (on my husbands side) into our home while their parents were busy partying...i think you get the idea...
Anyway, my nephew stays with us on the weekends and school is my question.
Lately he seems to have this fascination with death... and I don't mean in the goth-culture way, I mean he reads the obituaries every day, he watches every documentary he can on people who have died.. (He is obsessed with Selena and owns every album of hers and has seen the movie probably 100 times). I took him with me to a cemetery to visit a famiy member of mine and he wandered all over the cemetery reading all the inscriptions... He says he wants to be a coroner when he grows up...
Outside of this, he seems to be a happy kid.. he helps out around the house without having to be told, he doesn't listen to rap music, isn't into guns or knives, doesn't have a temper or any other obvious emotional problems, he's into football at school...
Should I be concerned that this could be the beginning of something unhealthy?? Or is this a somewhat normal phase a pre-teen goes through? Any advice would be appreciated.
I have had a fixation with guns and shooting and brutality all my life.. dosen't mean to say i would want to brutally slay somebody it just.. seems.. interesting. IMO (and i am a few years older than he is) because death is such an alien concept it intrigues the lad.. as well it should. If you know nothing of death, when it strikes close you aren't prepared. I wouldn't be too worried.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 12:55 pm
Any parents of teenagers out there?
I'm having a little issue with my 12 year old nephew and could use a little advice. First of all let me say that I don't have any kids myself, but have periodically taken various nieces & nephews (on my husbands side) into our home while their parents were busy partying...i think you get the idea...
Anyway, my nephew stays with us on the weekends and school is my question.
Lately he seems to have this fascination with death... and I don't mean in the goth-culture way, I mean he reads the obituaries every day, he watches every documentary he can on people who have died.. (He is obsessed with Selena and owns every album of hers and has seen the movie probably 100 times).  I took him with me to a cemetery to visit a famiy member of mine and he wandered all over the cemetery reading all the inscriptions... He says he wants to be a coroner when he grows up...
Outside of this, he seems to be a happy kid.. he helps out around the house without having to be told, he doesn't listen to rap music, isn't into guns or knives, doesn't have a temper or any other obvious emotional problems, he's into football at school...
Should I be concerned that this could be the beginning of something unhealthy?? Or is this a somewhat normal phase a pre-teen goes through?  Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi ADH13.  :)
I am a guardian of a 13 year old. He has a major fascination with war at the moment. I think teens go through a phase of getting obsessed over certain aspects of human nature, it's the way they gain a perspective/make sense of the world around them. I remember being very philosophical as a teen myself and always wanted to know about the beyond.
I'm not too sure if I am best to 'advise' you but I suggest you shouldn't be concerned with your nephew. If he loses that smile of his, then ask him in a non-threatening way, what is making him sad.
I hope this is okay.  :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/12/05 at 12:58 pm
I don't think its anything to wrory about. I agree with Alcholica, death is usually a very alien subject for kids. Its no suprprise to me he has a a strong interest in it. I mean, its something EVERYONE has to deal with in their own way, right? And wanting to be a coroner does not make a person weird. One of the most sensible people I know wants to be a mortician.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 1:00 pm
Lot of money in it.. not many people want to do it.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ADH13 on 03/12/05 at 1:00 pm
Thanks for the second opinion... in my heart I don't think there's anything to worry about... but at the same time I can't help but worry that I might be "missing" the obvious, like they always say about serial killers when looking back at their childhoods... "We should have noticed that"...
Thanks =)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 1:03 pm
Thanks for the second opinion... in my heart I don't think there's anything to worry about... but at the same time I can't help but worry that I might be "missing" the obvious, like they always say about serial killers when looking back at their childhoods... "We should have noticed that"...
Thanks =)
One of the most predominant traits in Serial killers is abuse of animals.. He dosen't do anything like that right?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 1:06 pm
One of the most predominant traits in Serial killers is abuse of animals.. He dosen't do anything like that right?
Very true. Though I used to pick Daddy-Long-Legs wings and legs off at the age of 8, I should be killing people by now. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 1:07 pm
Very true. Though I used to pick Daddy-Long-Legs wings and legs off at the age of 8, I should be killing people by now. ;D
As long as you weren't beheading cats and disembowling dogs, i think we're safe.
I used to fry ants.. i doubt there brains are even big enough to process pain.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ADH13 on 03/12/05 at 1:11 pm
No, he isn't violent at all... and even though I used Selena as an example, his fascination is not strictly people who were killed... he enjoys documentaries about Princess Diana too, who died in a car crash...
It's funny because our home is the only place he has with consistency, structure and rules...and he seems to prefer it that way over his parents wild lifestyles.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 1:13 pm
As long as you weren't beheading cats and disembowling dogs, i think we're safe.
No I can't deal with that. :-\\
I used to fry ants.. i doubt there brains are even big enough to process pain.
Really? You sadistic sod.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 1:22 pm
No I can't deal with that. :-\\
Really? You sadistic sod.
Tee Hee..
You can do it with all sorts.. watch works well..
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 1:54 pm
Tee Hee..
You can do it with all sorts.. watch works well..
What other insects have you made a gourmet meal out of? ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: gemini61 on 03/12/05 at 2:07 pm
I used to fry ants.. i doubt there brains are even big enough to process pain.
Did you put salt on slugs too? :P
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:08 pm
Did you put salt on slugs too? :PÂÂ
Lol. That is serious creature torture. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: gemini61 on 03/12/05 at 2:10 pm
Lol. That is serious creature torture. ;D
Yea, pretty disgusting :P
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:12 pm
Yea, pretty disgusting :PÂÂ
Oh and cutting up worms and finding out that both halves wriggle.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: gemini61 on 03/12/05 at 2:14 pm
Oh and cutting up worms and finding out that both halves wriggle.
Or watching the legs of a daddy long legs twitch when you pull them off :P Not the I ever did that of course. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:15 pm
Or watching the legs of a daddy long legs twitch when you pull them off :P Not the I ever did that of course. ;)ÂÂ
Yep (a few posts up, I mention them ;D). You are too much of a lady to do such a dastardly deed. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/12/05 at 2:16 pm
Ew, how could you guys do all of that stuf to those little creatures? Bugs, spiders, worms etc. grossed me out as a kid and still do.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:20 pm
Ew, how could you guys do all of that stuf to those little creatures? Bugs, spiders, worms etc. grossed me out as a kid and still do.
I used to dig in the garden when I was little. It was based on the childhood delusion that I would find a society of hidden underground people. ::)
I never found them. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/12/05 at 2:21 pm
I used to dig in the garden when I was little. It was based on the childhood delusion that I would find a society of hidden underground people. ::)
I never found them. ;D
Looking for the underwear knomes? ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 2:22 pm
Did you put salt on slugs too? :P
Hey Bob, at primary school we used to dig in this hill because we thought there were little people in it as well.. what's the thinking there is a big conspiracy?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:26 pm
Looking for the underwear knomes? ;D
Well, my grandad used to draw some made up aliens he called 'Moonies' (no relation to the religion). I used to dig hoping I would get deep enough to find one. Then one day, I realised that my grandad also drew spaceships and moon rock with these Moonies as well so I was looking in the wrong place. ::)
Still, I managed to find creatures and cut up worms so that's cool. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 2:28 pm
Well, my grandad used to draw some made up aliens he called 'Moonies' (no relation to the religion). I used to dig hoping I would get deep enough to find one. Then one day, I realised that my grandad also drew spaceships and moon rock with these Moonies as well so I was looking in the wrong place. ::)
Still, I managed to find creatures and cut up worms so that's cool. ;D
When i went to the states when i was about 7 i had a field day.
All these bigger bugs to mess with.. Fantastic!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:29 pm
Hey Bob, at primary school we used to dig in this hill because we thought there were little people in it as well.. what's the thinking there is a big conspiracy?
I reckon in the year 2093, these underground people will arise from the earth and will put Wimpey and Tarmac out of business.  ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 2:29 pm
I reckon in the year 2093, these underground people will arise from the earth and will put Wimpey and Tarmac out of business. ;D
I reckon you should seek help
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:30 pm
When i went to the states when i was about 7 i had a field day.
All these bigger bugs to mess with.. Fantastic!
Way cool. Bigger bugs to fry.  ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:31 pm
I reckon you should seek help
We can get help by concreting as much earth as we can so the little blighters don't come out. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 2:32 pm
We can get help by concreting as much earth as we can so the little blighters don't come out. ;D
Bob, have you ever considerd moving to Alaska.. i hear there is plenty of earth up there and everyone you would be perfectly safe.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:36 pm
Bob, have you ever considerd moving to Alaska.. i hear there is plenty of earth up there and everyone you would be perfectly safe.
Lol. Yes, but earth is the enemy, I need to be protected by living in urban areas. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/12/05 at 2:40 pm
Lol. Yes, but earth is the enemy, I need to be protected by living in urban areas. ;D
I see... ???
We've gone off on another of our tagents haven't we...
You think we should give the thread back to them?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:41 pm
I see... ???
We've gone off on another of our tagents haven't we...
You think we should give the thread back to them?
Yes we have and yes we should. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ADH13 on 03/12/05 at 2:44 pm
I used to dig in the garden when I was little. It was based on the childhood delusion that I would find a society of hidden underground people. ::)
I never found them. ;D
Did anyone ever tell you (in the US) that if you dig a hole deep enough, you'd end up in China? :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/12/05 at 2:44 pm
Did anyone ever tell you (in the US) that if you dig a hole deep enough, you'd end up in China? :)
That's it! I'm going back in the garden again, lol. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/12/05 at 6:41 pm
looking forward to a part time job
having a great time with Robin :)
being with nice friends at the moment
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/16/05 at 5:49 pm
looking forward to Supportive Employment soon
having an excellent time with my girlfriend Robin
enjoying my new friends
I'm going out more often :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/16/05 at 7:33 pm
YAY Howie!!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/05 at 2:31 pm
YAY Howie!!
Erin :)
Thanks Quirk. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/17/05 at 2:33 pm
no prob! how long have you and your gf been dating? Is it serious?
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/05 at 2:36 pm
no prob! how long have you and your gf been dating? Is it serious?
Erin :)
about 6 months now and at first we started out as friends then worked our way up.It's serious but no that serious.She's a pain in my butt and a nudge but I love her so :) & I wish she would stop nagging me about getting a paying job for christ sakes already. ::)
enough is enough
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/17/05 at 2:37 pm
what does she do? does she work a paying job? do you guys live together or seperate?
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/05 at 2:40 pm
what does she do? does she work a paying job? do you guys live together or seperate?
Erin :)
she goes to Molloy College on Saturday for classes and works during the week.No,we live with our parents.Thanks for asking. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/17/05 at 2:45 pm
that's seems like you are really close with your family?? am i right? I am very close with my family...I see them all the time..and my younger sis stays at my house on the weekends.
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/05 at 2:47 pm
that's seems like you are really close with your family?? am i right? I am very close with my family...I see them all the time..and my younger sis stays at my house on the weekends.
Erin :)
I love my Mother and I'm not too crazy about my Father so we are somewhat close.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/17/05 at 2:56 pm
that's cool!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/05 at 2:58 pm
what's going on in your life Quirk? :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/17/05 at 3:00 pm husband and I are trying to buy a house...we met with a broker to talk about loans...etc...last friday..he was supposed to get back to us on Monday and it is Thursday and no word from him....I called him and they said he was out of the office all I left a message on his cell phone..>GRRRRR...I hate irresponsible people....
other than that....getting ready for Easter....trying to lose some weight at Curves, and now I am thinking about taking up jogging again. I also started my Ebay business back I will be listing lots of things again soon.
Thats about it for now!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/05 at 3:45 pm husband and I are trying to buy a house...we met with a broker to talk about loans...etc...last friday..he was supposed to get back to us on Monday and it is Thursday and no word from him....I called him and they said he was out of the office all I left a message on his cell phone..>GRRRRR...I hate irresponsible people....
other than that....getting ready for Easter....trying to lose some weight at Curves, and now I am thinking about taking up jogging again. I also started my Ebay business back I will be listing lots of things again soon.
Thats about it for now!
Erin :)
Good Luck. :) BTW what's Curves?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: pimpinsteelersfan on 03/17/05 at 3:52 pm
trying to get a girlfriend
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/17/05 at 3:57 pm
trying to get a girlfriend
good luck in finding one ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/17/05 at 4:32 pm
I went and got a haircut today. I always love that feeling.
Anyway, my barber was telling me how barbers are a dying profession in this country. They are being replaced by "cosmotoligists".
He told me all about the profession..and I am impressed. He only works 3 days a week, cuts about 30 heads a day, and he makes 900-1,000 a week. You really get to know your customers, you get to talk all day, its pretty low stress. You can have the t.v. or music on all day(which you wouldn't be able to do in most jobs or professions)..and the spare time would allow me to work on eventually becoming a novelist. Barber college lasts 18 months and costs about 6,000..
I think I might want to be a barber.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/18/05 at 4:47 pm
finally rid myself of an aggravating friend last night so now my Saturdays are free.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/19/05 at 9:05 am
I went and got a haircut today. I always love that feeling.
I certainly know what you mean. I just had mine cut and it feels easier to manage now. :)
Anyway, my barber was telling me how barbers are a dying profession in this country. They are being replaced by "cosmotoligists".
What does a 'cosmotologist' do? I go to a barber that's just down the road from me. He even uses a razor to remove hair from the back of my neck. :o
He told me all about the profession..and I am impressed. He only works 3 days a week, cuts about 30 heads a day, and he makes 900-1,000 a week. You really get to know your customers, you get to talk all day, its pretty low stress. You can have the t.v. or music on all day(which you wouldn't be able to do in most jobs or professions)..and the spare time would allow me to work on eventually becoming a novelist. Barber college lasts 18 months and costs about 6,000..
I think I might want to be a barber.
You and me both, Dude.
"Something for the weekend, sir." ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 03/19/05 at 9:05 am
What does a 'cosmotologist' do? I go to a barber that's just down the road from me. He even uses a razor to remove hair from the back of my neck. :o
and from your feet, and knuckles...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/19/05 at 9:06 am
and from your feet, and knuckles...
Ho ho. As long as you aren't going to go further with the parts hair sprouts from. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 03/19/05 at 9:12 am
Not much...didn't feel like doing much yesterday, today I feel a bit better :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 03/19/05 at 9:17 am
Not much...didn't feel like doing much yesterday, today I feel a bit better :)
I'm glad you feel better, Mark. Sometimes you've got to have a 'day of rest' to recharge the batteries. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/19/05 at 3:57 pm
Good Luck. :) BTW what's Curves?
hey howard!
Curves is a workout place that is just for women. They have machines that are all hydraulic and you work out on them for a period of time. It's a fun place to get some exercise in plus meet other nice women!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/20/05 at 7:27 pm
hey howard!
Curves is a workout place that is just for women. They have machines that are all hydraulic and you work out on them for a period of time. It's a fun place to get some exercise in plus meet other nice women!
Erin :)
dumped an old friend(Matthew)
have a girlfriend
making new friends
enjoying life :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/20/05 at 10:15 pm
Good for you Howie!!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 03/21/05 at 12:14 am
I have an awesome job working at home and the baby is doing great. He's six weeks old now and very long and skinny...except for his face. He's got chipmunk cheeks. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/21/05 at 8:44 am
what kind of work do you do at home?? I was just curious because I stay at home with my little boy and I do Ebay on the side.
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/21/05 at 6:05 pm
Good for you Howie!!
Erin :)
Thank You.I think I had accomplished everything that I wanted to so far within the past 6 months. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 03/21/05 at 6:08 pm
hey howard!
Curves is a workout place that is just for women. They have machines that are all hydraulic and you work out on them for a period of time. It's a fun place to get some exercise in plus meet other nice women!
Erin :)
My mom exercises at Curves; she says she's met some nice women there. :) I have been inside there once, even though I'm a guy. I just observed what my mom and the other ladies do.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/21/05 at 6:23 pm
dumped an old friend so now my social circle is open again
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Jessica on 03/22/05 at 11:23 am
what kind of work do you do at home?? I was just curious because I stay at home with my little boy and I do Ebay on the side.
Erin :)
I do research for a local non-profit organization. It's awesome. I get to sit at home on the internet all day. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 03/22/05 at 4:35 pm
still going out with Robin Sundays
hanging out with newer friends
going into Supportive Employment within the next week or 2
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 04/08/05 at 2:32 pm
still maintaining a good relationship with Robin(pain in my A-S-S) ;D
going out more often to places wheere I've never been before.
taking one step at a time :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/16/05 at 10:22 am
We are settling in our new home...getting ready to start some summer projects around the house. We are planning on putting a whole new front porch on the house (new roof, railing, steps, floor, spindles, etc). We aren't going away on vacation this summer, but rather doing things around here...and saving up for a trip to Florida for next summer.
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 06/16/05 at 10:49 am
We are getting work down in our house. The side extension has already been started and the conservatory is well under way too. The pipework and the double doors are being put in this week, which is cool but it's also bad because i'll be offline for a while :\'( (See the feel any way, news of any form thread)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/16/05 at 12:31 pm
We're starting to add on to our house. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 06/16/05 at 3:18 pm
I'm going to start filling out the Supportive Employment papers
still going out with Robin (9 months)
feeling optimistic about getting a part time job :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 07/19/05 at 5:15 pm
We're starting to add on to our house. :)
You mean expand it?? ;) Sounds interesting...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/19/05 at 5:47 pm
doing fantastic with Robin(10 Months)
filling out job applications for possible jobs.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/19/05 at 5:49 pm
I don't know. All I know is I have a special person with me on my journey through it. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jiminy on 07/19/05 at 5:56 pm
doing fantastic with Robin(10 Months)
filling out job applications for possible jobs.
you might end up with more then one job ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/19/05 at 6:05 pm
you might end up with more then one job ;D
That's possible but she told she won't put her mouth on it at all.Robin must be a germaphobic. ::)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/19/05 at 6:36 pm
That's possible but she told she won't put her mouth on it at all.Robin must be a germaphobic. ::)
Er . . . Oh I get you now . . . :-[ ;D
She probably just doesn't feel comfortable with that kind of job right now. She may when she has been with you a while. Until then, don't force it (wrong choice of words I know . . . ::) ;D).
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/19/05 at 6:42 pm
Er . . . Oh I get you now . . . :-[ ;D
She probably just doesn't feel comfortable with that kind of job right now. She may when she has been with you a while. Until then, don't force it (wrong choice of words I know . . . ::) ;D).
Yes.I'll wait till over a year and then I'll test her. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 07/19/05 at 6:42 pm
I've reunited with my Boyfriend ;D
My friend took his life over the weekend :( :\'( Strangely enough I can't cry anymore about it. My sadness is slowly being replaced by Anger. is that normal?
oh god i still can't believe it..I feel sick
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/19/05 at 6:44 pm
Yes.I'll wait till over a year and then I'll test her. ;D
You may not have to wait that long if you are good to her in bed. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/19/05 at 6:45 pm
You may not have to wait that long if you are good to her in bed. ;)
I'm pretty good to her on her couch. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/19/05 at 6:46 pm
I've reunited with my Boyfriend ;D
My friend took his life over the weekend :( :\'( Strangely enough I can't cry anymore about it. My sadness is slowly being replaced by Anger. is that normal?
oh god i still can't believe it..I feel sick
I'm not understanding, Shaq. I may have missed something . . .  :(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/19/05 at 6:47 pm
I'm pretty good to her on her couch. ;)
There ya go. Give it time and, you never know . . . ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/19/05 at 6:48 pm
There ya go. Give it time and, you never know . . . ;)
I want to see her buried treasure. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 07/19/05 at 6:48 pm
I'm not understanding, Shaq. I may have missed something . . .  :(
A friend of mine killed himself on saturday, I'm having a weird time dealing with it
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/19/05 at 6:53 pm
A friend of mine killed himself on saturday, I'm having a weird time dealing with it
Oh I am so sorry to understand this, Shaq. Believe me, having a weird time dealing with it is probably the most normal way of dealing with it. I went through a weird stage of numbness about a week or so just after my nan died.
You are trying to come to terms with the tragedy. We are here on the boards if you would like to talk. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 07/19/05 at 6:59 pm
Oh I am so sorry to understand this, Shaq. Believe me, having a weird time dealing with it is probably the most normal way of dealing with it. I went through a weird stage of numbness about a week or so just after my nan died.
You are trying to come to terms with the tragedy. We are here on the boards if you would like to talk. :)
thank you Bobby
I'm just mad at him for not thinking of his children. but anyway I don't want to dampen the mood here.
On a lighter note I have an old/new love in my life. It feels good being back with him.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/19/05 at 7:08 pm
thank you Bobby
I'm just mad at him for not thinking of his children. but anyway I don't want to dampen the mood here.
I get you now. That is a selfish thing for him to do. :(
Don't be afraid of changing the mood. We are more than flexible enough to handle it. ;)
On a lighter note I have an old/new love in my life. It feels good being back with him.
Now that is something positive to concentrate on. :D 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 07/19/05 at 9:28 pm
I've reunited with my Boyfriend ;D
My friend took his life over the weekend :( :\'( Strangely enough I can't cry anymore about it. My sadness is slowly being replaced by Anger. is that normal?
oh god i still can't believe it..I feel sick
I am so sorry to hear of your loss Shaq.....anytime a friend/relative dies, for any's very hard to get over something like that.
on the otherhand, I am very happy for you that you are back with your boyfriend...I hope happy things come your way and that your relationship is wonderful!!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 07/19/05 at 10:18 pm
I am so sorry to hear of your loss Shaq.....anytime a friend/relative dies, for any's very hard to get over something like that.
on the otherhand, I am very happy for you that you are back with your boyfriend...I hope happy things come your way and that your relationship is wonderful!!
Erin :)
Thank you Erin.
I'm doing ok but I think sleeping is going to be an issue for me for a bit. Everytime I close my eyes I see his face. I know how cliche' that sounds but it's scary. I had to take a sedative just to get in a few hours for work. My boyfriends letters have been a welcome respite for me. I've been reading them repeatedly since the weekend. Cassanova has nothing on this guy. :)
what a weird mix of emotions though.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/19/05 at 10:41 pm
D-E-P-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N :\'(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Apricot on 07/19/05 at 10:52 pm
~Severe depression, to the extent I'm suicidal.
~Recent relationship, ended quickly by affair on my partner's part.
~Friends going through bad times, bringing my mood down as a result.
~Developing taste in music.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/19/05 at 11:01 pm
~Severe depression, to the extent I'm suicidal.
~Recent relationship, ended quickly by affair on my partner's part.
~Friends going through bad times, bringing my mood down as a result.
~Developing taste in music.
IF I'm your friend...please know that I'm going to survive...and therefore I hope you do too ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Apricot on 07/19/05 at 11:05 pm
IF I'm your friend...please know that I'm going to survive...and therefore I hope you do too ;)
Thanks, man.. I hope you get through what's keeping you down.. It'll be a tough fight, it is for us all.. but if you have that hope, you're at a great advantage. Keep it up. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/19/05 at 11:09 pm
Thanks, man.. I hope you get through what's keeping you down.. It'll be a tough fight, it is for us all.. but if you have that hope, you're at a great advantage. Keep it up. :)
Anytime...and thank YOU for the kind words. You've no idea how much they mean to this lonely old goat!
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jaytee on 07/19/05 at 11:14 pm
D-E-P-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N :\'(
{{hugs}} and :-* :-* :-* - one day at a time Mark.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jaytee on 07/19/05 at 11:16 pm
~Severe depression, to the extent I'm suicidal.
{{hugs}} and :-* :-* thinking of you.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Apricot on 07/19/05 at 11:17 pm
{{hugs}} and :-* :-* thinking of you.
Thank you very much for that.. it helps to know people care.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jaytee on 07/19/05 at 11:23 pm
I've reunited with my Boyfriend ;D
My friend took his life over the weekend :( :\'( Strangely enough I can't cry anymore about it. My sadness is slowly being replaced by Anger. is that normal?
oh god i still can't believe it..I feel sick
I'm glad to hear the boyfriend bit but thoroughly sad to hear about your friend.  Yes, it is normal to feel angry especially with suicide (my cousin felt it was the only way out in 1999 :\'().  His sister was very, very angry with him but I tried to explain to her that when you have chronic depression, your brain just does not work in a rational manner.  So when you finally get over the anger just feel sorry that his mental anguish drove him to it.  It can be as painful as any physical ailment and sometimes even worse. :(
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 2:10 am
~Severe depression, to the extent I'm suicidal.
~Recent relationship, ended quickly by affair on my partner's part.
~Friends going through bad times, bringing my mood down as a result.
~Developing taste in music.
Yes, I know your relationship experience hasn't been great Apricot. Just know that suicide is definitely not the answer as you really don't know what it is positively around the corner for you. You may find somebody that completely surpasses your expectations and if you are dead, you won't know.
Besides, you are 14/15? You really do have your life ahead of you. You are smart and intelligent. Just be smart enough to keep going, alright? ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 2:11 am
D-E-P-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N :\'(
You know you can always talk to me in PMs, Mark in confidence. ;)
I hope you feel better soon.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: TC1970 on 07/20/05 at 6:34 am
Enough with the depression you guys! your head up and think of all the things that you have to be thankful for. Get rid of the things or friends that bring you down. Yes it is selfish but sometimes you have to put YOU first.
From what I read here, you two have a lot to offer in frinedship and relationships. :)
What's going on in my life...dealing with losting a good friend over some stupid drama. Concentrating on work. Dealing with being single, dealing with bills..tons of bills.. Enjoying living in new house. Trying to hold my head up and get out of my slup. ( must be the weather or something in the )
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/20/05 at 11:50 am
The new addition on our house is almost finished!! 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Paul on 07/20/05 at 12:40 pm
Enough with the depression you guys! your head up and think of all the things that you have to be thankful for.
Wise words that are meant well...
But, speaking from experience, sometimes it's easier said than done...
Whatever - best wishes to Mark and Andy...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Apricot on 07/20/05 at 12:40 pm
Yes, I know your relationship experience hasn't been great Apricot. Just know that suicide is definitely not the answer as you really don't know what it is positively around the corner for you. You may find somebody that completely surpasses your expectations and if you are dead, you won't know.
Besides, you are 14/15? You really do have your life ahead of you. You are smart and intelligent. Just be smart enough to keep going, alright? ;)
^ That's actually almost identical to what I've been telling myself. Wow.. guess it must be effective. Thanks.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Paul on 07/20/05 at 12:41 pm
The new addition on our house is almost finished!! 8)
Whoop! Bet you're delighted, Karen...
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Apricot on 07/20/05 at 12:42 pm
But, speaking from experience, sometimes it's easier said than done...
Whatever - best wishes to Mark and Andy...
That's true, true indeed. Thanks for the well-wishes, Paul.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/20/05 at 1:07 pm
Whoop! Bet you're delighted, Karen...
I'm thrilled, Paul!! :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: whitewolf on 07/20/05 at 1:38 pm
to much to deal with, so I will deal with it when I have to and not before.
I have removed my mother from my life for good. I don't need a b!tch like her.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/20/05 at 1:42 pm
to much to deal with, so I will deal with it when I have to and not before.
I have removed my mother from my life for good. I don't need a b!tch like her.
I hope you know if you need to talk that I am here.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: whitewolf on 07/20/05 at 1:51 pm
I hope you know if you need to talk that I am here.
Thanks, I know you are. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 5:52 pm
to much to deal with, so I will deal with it when I have to and not before.
I have removed my mother from my life for good. I don't need a b!tch like her.
Oh no. She came around to your house often didn't she? That sounds bad. Admittedly, I feel very similar about my mum too so I can certainly sympathise with you. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 5:58 pm
I'm doing pretty well with Robin.Next month it will be 11 months with each other.
I'm still filling out job applications
I'm feeling pretty optimistic. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 6:07 pm
I'm doing pretty well with Robin.Next month it will be 11 months with each other.
I'm still filling out job applications
I'm feeling pretty optimistic. :)
Excellent man. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 6:12 pm
Excellent man. 8)
Thank You.She never kept count of how long we've been dating but I have. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 6:13 pm
Thank You.She never kept count of how long we've been dating but I have. :)
Next month will count - a whole year! Do something special with Robin on that date. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 6:19 pm
Next month will count - a whole year! Do something special with Robin on that date. ;)
No,In October(October 10th,2004) :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 6:24 pm
No,In October(October 10th,2004) :)
Oh I see, lol. So October will be special. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 6:29 pm
Oh I see, lol. So October will be special. 8)
and the 15th will be Sweetest's Day. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 6:30 pm
and the 15th will be Sweetest's Day. :)
Anything lined up for the big day? :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 6:31 pm
Anything lined up for the big day? :)
maybe I'll take her out to a Steakhouse.I don't know yet.
Dessert will be chocolate or frozen yogurt.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 6:32 pm
maybe I'll take her out to a Steakhouse.I don't know yet.
Dessert will be chocolate or frozen yogurt.
Sounds good. I reckon Shaq will recommend 'Ben & Jerry's'. I am inclined to agree. ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 6:33 pm
Sounds good. I reckon Shaq will recommend 'Ben & Jerry's'. I am inclined to agree. ;)
There is a Hershey's Ice Cream Store around her area.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 6:34 pm
There is a Hershey's Ice Cream Store around her area.
Yeah? Sounds cool (no pun intended ;D).
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 6:44 pm
Yeah? Sounds cool (no pun intended ;D).
I'm going to feed her face real good. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/20/05 at 6:45 pm
I'm going to feed her face real good. :)
Excellent. I'm sure it will all go really well for you, man. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/20/05 at 6:48 pm
Excellent. I'm sure it will all go really well for you, man. 8)
I hope so.Thanks Bob. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: jiminy on 07/20/05 at 7:53 pm
There is a Hershey's Ice Cream Store around her area.
is it located on the Hershey highway?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: TC1970 on 07/20/05 at 8:03 pm
Wise words that are meant well...
But, speaking from experience, sometimes it's easier said than done...
I agree it is true but sometimes you need to hear someone be straight forward. . You make your own destiny( not that I am not understanding or insensitive.) Believe me, I have been really depressed but I decided to step back and look at why I am so down. I decided I derserve better then that. I too know from experience. I choose and still fight to stay above the depression.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: whitewolf on 07/20/05 at 9:13 pm
Had to take my 3 year old to the emergency room tonight, she had a high fever and a sore tummy. Turns out that she has the stomache flu that is going around here.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Apricot on 07/20/05 at 9:25 pm
Next month will count - a whole year! Do something special with Robin on that date. ;)
Wow.. has it really been that long? Wow. If my first love and I still had any method of communication, we too would be at 11 months.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/21/05 at 10:58 am
Had to take my 3 year old to the emergency room tonight, she had a high fever and a sore tummy. Turns out that she has the stomache flu that is going around here.
Oh dear. I hope she is doing better today.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/21/05 at 1:45 pm
Had to take my 3 year old to the emergency room tonight, she had a high fever and a sore tummy. Turns out that she has the stomache flu that is going around here.
That's awful, Tina! How is she doing now? ???
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/21/05 at 1:51 pm
Had to take my 3 year old to the emergency room tonight, she had a high fever and a sore tummy. Turns out that she has the stomache flu that is going around here.
Good luck Tina, I know you'll take good care of her :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: whitewolf on 07/21/05 at 3:40 pm
Oh dear. I hope she is doing better today.
That's awful, Tina! How is she doing now? ???
Good luck Tina, I know you'll take good care of her :)
Thanks for your concern guys,
she is doing a little better today, at least she is eating today, she still has a fever though.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 07/21/05 at 3:41 pm
Thanks for your concern guys,
she is doing a little better today, at least she is eating today, she still has a fever though.
I'm glad to hear that she's doing better. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 07/21/05 at 4:48 pm
I agree it is true but sometimes you need to hear someone be straight forward. . You make your own destiny( not that I am not understanding or insensitive.) Believe me, I have been really depressed but I decided to step back and look at why I am so down. I decided I derserve better then that. I too know from experience. I choose and still fight to stay above the depression.
It takes a certain amount of character to want to identify your problems, let alone attempt to change them for the better. ;)
Well done for fighting it. Hey! Some days we can't but the overall effort is what counts and the willingness to improve our lives. 8)
Great stuff.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/21/05 at 6:19 pm
is it located on the Hershey highway?
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 07/21/05 at 6:19 pm
Wow.. has it really been that long? Wow. If my first love and I still had any method of communication, we too would be at 11 months.
Yes It's been that long.time flies when you're having fun. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: rich1981 on 07/22/05 at 12:42 am
Re: What is going on in your life?
Quite a lot actually, this year my brother will be moving out of the house to go to college in UC Santa Cruz, I plan on getting my M.S. in Computer Science in the fall, my family is thinking about moving to a different part in town because the neighbors here are jerks and finally, I have an internship that will end so looking for a full time position or transfering from intern to full time employee, hopefully the latter. I also have been having a hard time losing weight so I've been trying to diet smarter and work out more in the gym running 30 - 40 minutes 5 times a week and lifting weights about twice a week.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/22/05 at 12:53 am
Sleep, poetry, depression, happiness, sleep, poetry, depression, happiness.....sle ::)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: woops on 07/22/05 at 1:26 am
I'm feeling good :)
...and nothing much, besides meeting relatives and stuff
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 07/22/05 at 1:31 am
Study, inthe00s, eat, sleep. Thats it. :-\\
It'll improve soon though. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 07/22/05 at 7:24 am
trying to add more clientele to my business.
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Apricot on 07/22/05 at 7:37 am
Study, inthe00s, eat, sleep. Thats it. :-\\
It'll improve soon though. 8)
Hmm.. I also have dog-walking in my schedule! :D
Buuuuuuut.. that's about it. Same as yours, replace study with reading and sleep with "try to sleep, fail, think about forum some more". ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 08/04/05 at 4:20 pm
Not a whole lot right now...later this month, my fall semester at the university will begin.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 08/04/05 at 4:23 pm
Going on 10 1/2 months on our relationship(I can't remember anymore) ;D
Still filling out job applications and getting called to come in for possible interviews.
Having optimistic days. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 08/04/05 at 5:32 pm
My life is pretty blah at the moment. Nothing special's happening, and i'm bored... :-\\
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/04/05 at 6:02 pm
We are FINALLY going to have our house painted-YAY!!!! My step-son said that he will do it. :o (Of course he will get paid.) He is supposed to come either tomorrow or Saturday and then he is going to start. I can't wait until it is DONE!!! I have only been bugging Carlos for the past 3 years about getting it painted.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 08/04/05 at 7:30 pm
We are FINALLY going to have our house painted-YAY!!!! My step-son said that he will do it. :o (Of course he will get paid.) He is supposed to come either tomorrow or Saturday and then he is going to start. I can't wait until it is DONE!!! I have only been bugging Carlos for the past 3 years about getting it painted.
Wow! Great stuff Cat!!!! :D
Have you decided on a colour for your house? :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/05/05 at 10:51 am
Wow! Great stuff Cat!!!! :D
Have you decided on a colour for your house? :)
Pretty much-but the exact color depends on the brand we get. It will be a lighter blue than what we have now but not real light with a dark red trim.
This is what it looks like now.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 08/05/05 at 12:58 pm
Pretty much-but the exact color depends on the brand we get. It will be a lighter blue than what we have now but not real light with a dark red trim.
This is what it looks like now.
Your house looks lovely as it is. It will look even more lovely when it's painted again. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/05/05 at 1:11 pm
Your house looks lovely as it is. It will look even more lovely when it's painted again. 8)
I guess this pic doesn't show all the paint that has chipped off. It really looks very bad. I'm sure all my neighbors can't wait until we paint it, too. :D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 08/05/05 at 1:14 pm
I guess this pic doesn't show all the paint that has chipped off. It really looks very bad. I'm sure all my neighbors can't wait until we paint it, too. :D
It will be well cool when it's done. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 09/15/05 at 2:42 pm
Well,It'll be almost 1 year since I've been going out with Robin :)
I'm going into Supportive Employment soon &
Hopefully,I'll be getting out of my stupid program in about a month or 2.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/15/05 at 2:50 pm
We finished the house addition and things should now be mellow from now until Christmas! (hopefully) :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 09/15/05 at 3:04 pm
I'm unemployed
I'm angry
I'm dissapointed
I'm not in school
I'm single
I'm strong
I'll be okay
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/15/05 at 3:05 pm
I'm unemployed
I'm angry
I'm dissapointed
I'm not in school
I'm single
I'm strong
I'll be okay
hey shaq...I know how it feels to have everything in your life going the wrong way....I've been in situations like that before. I really hope that things start looking up for you....and know that we are here if you need to vent!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 09/15/05 at 3:06 pm
I'm unemployed
I'm angry
I'm dissapointed
I'm not in school
I'm single
I'm strong
I'll be okay
Hey Shaq Don't worry about it.I hope you feel better soon :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 09/15/05 at 3:08 pm
Hey Shaq Don't worry about it.I hope you feel better soon :)
hey shaq...I know how it feels to have everything in your life going the wrong way....I've been in situations like that before. I really hope that things start looking up for you....and know that we are here if you need to vent!
Erin :)
Thank you.
I'm just so pissed, everything's so fresh
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 09/15/05 at 3:10 pm
Thank you.
I'm just so pissed, everything's so fresh
Give it time to heal ;)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 09/15/05 at 3:13 pm
Give it time to heal ;)
I know howard, it's only day 2
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/15/05 at 3:14 pm
I know howard, it's only day 2
it takes awhile sometimes to have your heart heal when someone you love breaks it.
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 09/15/05 at 3:18 pm
it takes awhile sometimes to have your heart heal when someone you love breaks it.
Erin :)
I felt heartbroken myself at one time but now I found someone that I'll love forever :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/15/05 at 3:19 pm
I felt heartbroken myself at one time but now I found someone that I'll love forever :)
that's cool Howard, I am happy for you!
Erin :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 09/15/05 at 3:21 pm
that's cool Howard, I am happy for you!
Erin :)
Thanks Erin. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Alchoholica on 09/15/05 at 11:10 pm
I'm unemployed
I'm angry
I'm dissapointed
I'm not in school
I'm single
I'm strong
I'll be okay
You'll find a job
You'll punch stuff then calm down
You will be again
You could be if you wanted
You shouldn't be but now can be the biggest flirt ever
You could probably kick my ass
You certainly will
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 09/16/05 at 3:00 am
oooh..hold up y'all. I'm pissed as F*ck, but my heart is not broken. No man on this planet will ever have the power to do that again.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: NullandVoid on 09/16/05 at 3:03 am
You'll find a job
You'll punch stuff then calm down
You will be again
You could be if you wanted
You shouldn't be but now can be the biggest flirt ever
You could probably kick my bum
You certainly will
Thank you, I needed this. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: ktelqueen on 09/16/05 at 3:04 am
oooh..hold up y'all. I'm pissed as F*ck, but my heart is not broken. No man on this planet will ever have the power to do that again.
dude!you know you're loved girl and you have more power and strength than you know..whatever you're missing,we're here to fill it in.. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 09/16/05 at 3:36 am
I'm unemployed
I'm angry
I'm dissapointed
I'm not in school
I'm single
I'm strong
I'll be okay
One step at a time, Shaq. Rebuild yourself first and then tackle the issues one at a time when you are ready. ;)
We are here to give you support through this time in your life. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: TC1970 on 09/16/05 at 7:06 am
What is going on in my life?
I am falling in love with the most special guy.
Wokring in my shop..paying bills and enjoying my new house.
Life is good.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: chaka on 09/16/05 at 8:37 am
Life is a total mess at the mo.
my autistic brother just seems to get worse by the day,and nobody really knows why;he's totally gone off his food and he gets irritated so often during the day.He's even become aggressive and it would be a wonder if for one single day everything worked out smoothly..I'm trying to be strong for him but it's just becoming too much for me to take.
that's what's going on in my life.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: karen on 09/16/05 at 9:25 am
Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with your brother chaka. Is there anywhere he can go for a week's holiday to give your family a break from the stress? Sometimes a short break can just let you recover and then you can cope again, even when the behaviour is the same.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: chaka on 09/16/05 at 9:29 am
No,sending him somewhere would probably scare him even more.
It's never been easy with him and we're pretty much used to it,it's just that he's getting worse.we can tell he's upset but he can't explain so he has his tantrums..that's the worst really because it hurts to see him like that.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 09/16/05 at 11:06 am
What is going on in my life?
I am falling in love with the most special guy.
Wokring in my shop..paying bills and enjoying my new house.
Life is good.
Wow! Very nice, TC. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: La Sine Pesroh on 09/16/05 at 11:59 am
Yesterday was my one-year anniversary of starting my job here in Kansas City. Moving down here from my hometown of Lincoln, NE was a bold experiment, but unfortunately I feel like I'm failing at it. I haven't made too many friends down here, which is mainly because my job limits my opportunities to interact with the locals, and my physical condition has deteriorated considerably. I haven't put on a whole lot of weight but I'm probably in the worst shape I've ever been in. All I ever do between Monday and Friday is drive, eat, and sleep. I'm starting to remember why I quit long-distance trucking in the first place (which was several years ago, and I swore I'd never do it again, but when I realized I had a shot at getting a union trucking job all I saw was the dollar signs). My plan is to transfer over to the city/dock side of Yellow the next chance I get, but it may be several months before that can happen. (Hopefully in October.) I'm not bitter or anything, I feel like I gave it my best shot and it just didn't work for me. And I'm not ready to give up on K.C. either. Once on the dock, I can work a much more regular schedule and get to know more people that way. Plus, if I can motivate myself to do so, I can start hitting the gym so I can become leaner, meaner, and able to see my weiner. ;D
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 09/16/05 at 12:02 pm
Yesterday was my one-year anniversary of starting my job here in Kansas City. Moving down here from my hometown of Lincoln, NE was a bold experiment, but unfortunately I feel like I'm failing at it. I haven't made too many friends down here, which is mainly because my job limits my opportunities to interact with the locals, and my physical condition has deteriorated considerably. I haven't put on a whole lot of weight but I'm probably in the worst shape I've ever been in. All I ever do between Monday and Friday is drive, eat, and sleep. I'm starting to remember why I quit long-distance trucking in the first place (which was several years ago, and I swore I'd never do it again, but when I realized I had a shot at getting a union trucking job all I saw was the dollar signs). My plan is to transfer over to the city/dock side of Yellow the next chance I get, but it may be several months before that can happen. (Hopefully in October.) I'm not bitter or anything, I feel like I gave it my best shot and it just didn't work for me. And I'm not ready to give up on K.C. either. Once on the dock, I can work a much more regular schedule and get to know more people that way. Plus, if I can motivate myself to do so, I can start hitting the gym so I can become leaner, meaner, and able to see my weiner. ;D
I'm sorry to hear things haven't gone that well for you and can empathise with your lack of opportunity. As it happens, my social life could be better too (due to working night shifts).
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: rich1981 on 09/16/05 at 12:05 pm
Well, next week will probably be my busiest week in a while as it is the week before my comprehensive exam the Monday following so my online time will be very limited. I also have to look for a full time job before the end of the year, for which I have some ideas in mind but haven't submitted any resumes yet.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Bobby on 09/16/05 at 12:06 pm
Well, next week will probably be my busiest week in a while as it is the week before my comprehensive exam the Monday following so my online time will be very limited. I also have to look for a full time job before the end of the year, for which I have some ideas in mind but haven't submitted any resumes yet.
Best of luck with that Rich. 8)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 09/16/05 at 3:19 pm
I'm still volunteering 2 days a week and I just started with Supportive Employment so I should be hearing from them in a couple of weeks or so with a reply & next month(I Think)will be 1 year since I've been going out with Robin. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 01/24/06 at 1:23 pm
I'm starting work this Saturday at Au Bon Pain after the orientation working until 8pm.
Then I'll be starting officially on February 3rd 12pm-6pm part time.
I'm going to be seeing Robin after a month away from each other. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 09/24/17 at 7:58 am
Nothing much happening, just working at Stop N Shop part time right now at the moment with random days off and just enjoying my requested vacation now until October 1st. :)
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: nally on 02/19/25 at 9:39 pm
Mostly the fact that I’m working, and that I’ve been in my current job for nine years now.
Subject: Re: What is going on in your life?
Written By: Howard on 02/20/25 at 2:00 am
I'm working at King Kullen as I have for the past almost 4 years now. :)
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