These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.
Playful Penguin Place
Discuss preening tips, how to avoid walruses, and famous penguins throughout history. Announce your new ranking status here. Discussions amongst regulars about non-penguin related subjects are also welcome here.
June 2006
- Gardening Tips by quirky_cat_girl - 06/30/2006
- SLEEPPPP by HunkyDory - 06/30/2006
- Deep Thoughts of the Day :P by Dominic L. - 06/30/2006
- MOVED: Show us what your family looks like by ChuckyG - 06/29/2006
- Hell's Kitchen by audkal - 06/29/2006
- MOVED: Show Us What Your Dwelling Looks Like by ChuckyG - 06/28/2006
- MOVED: Let's See Your Significant Other..... by ChuckyG - 06/28/2006
- Good Thoughts/Prayers Needed by CatwomanofV - 06/28/2006
- MOVED: INTHE00S Photo Album by ChuckyG - 06/28/2006
- MOVED: Show Us What You Look Like by ChuckyG - 06/28/2006
- What Actor/Actress Do You Resemble? by velvetoneo - 06/27/2006
- when good intentions go bad by mugg - 06/27/2006
- The Virtuals are coming to town (our Virtual Band) by Trimac20 - 06/27/2006
- Happy Birthday, Paul!!! by CeramicsFanatic - 06/27/2006
- WooHoo! Happy Birthday, Miss "I Refuse Post On That Gay Forum" Jessi..! by MidKnightDarkness - 06/27/2006
- Your Theme Song by Apricot - 06/27/2006
- ARRRGH, MATEY! by Johnny_D - 06/27/2006
- What reminds you of other members? by Dominic L. - 06/26/2006
- What songs remind you of Inthe00s or its members? by ADH13 - 06/26/2006
- How The Hell? by jackas - 06/26/2006
- Top 500 Greatest Songs, from Blender (I know, they reek gym socks) by woops - 06/26/2006
- :o LIEK O MI GAWD PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!! by Apricot - 06/26/2006
- Genderific!! by quirky_cat_girl - 06/26/2006
- Bands/Singers you listened to growing up by whistledog - 06/26/2006
- Tia and Davey on Vacation Thread by KKay - 06/25/2006
- I want to move to... by quirky_cat_girl - 06/25/2006
- What happens when you dump a bucket of liquid nitrogen into a swimming pool? by Philip Eno - 06/24/2006
- Classic Beauty by quirky_cat_girl - 06/24/2006
- Past Life? Who would you be? by quirky_cat_girl - 06/23/2006
- Donnie's Deep Thoughts by Donnie Darko - 06/23/2006
- Embarrassing moments... by Dominic L. - 06/23/2006
- Irony is... by Dominic L. - 06/23/2006
- How Much Do You Weigh? by Donnie Darko - 06/23/2006
- Life Without inthe00s by Donnie Darko - 06/23/2006
- Do You Think I'm Donnie Darko? by Donnie Darko - 06/23/2006
- What do you do for a job? by Dominic L. - 06/23/2006
- When Women Drink Too Much... by babieblugurl - 06/23/2006
- What type of undergarments do you wear? by 80s_cheerleader - 06/23/2006
- Liver Spots by ultraviolet52 - 06/22/2006
- 6,666 POSTS!! by Dominic L. - 06/22/2006
- Large thread deleted. Too much crap to try and remove by ChuckyG - 06/21/2006
- New quiz thing I'm working on... here's a taste... by ChuckyG - 06/21/2006
- Does Anyone Here Have Mental Disorders? by Donnie Darko - 06/21/2006
- I'm a Junior by velvetoneo - 06/21/2006
- Happy Birthday Danoota&Me by Gis - 06/20/2006
- my 5000th post! by Tia - 06/20/2006
- What is your best win on the Lottery? by Philip Eno - 06/19/2006
- I just discovered that I like raw oysters! by Johnny_D - 06/19/2006
- My 30th birthday. by JamieMcBain - 06/19/2006
- Bad Habits Everyone Has But Won't Admit by Trimac20 - 06/19/2006
- MOVED: Favorite pizza place by ChuckyG - 06/18/2006
- You know the tunes but can you dance? by Philip Eno - 06/18/2006
- Happy Birthday Hida Kuroi Mizu by whistledog - 06/18/2006
- When I'm 64! Happy Birthday Paul by Philip Eno - 06/18/2006
- 60,000 posts and time for a vacation!! by nally - 06/18/2006
- CD Wishlist by velvetoneo - 06/18/2006
- Describe the person above you/the person below you/yourself by JohnDenver - 06/17/2006
- This Genre of Music Is by Donnie Darko - 06/17/2006
- What Song Did You Sing In The Shower This Morning/Evening? by Trimac20 - 06/17/2006
- Decadeology Gets a Forum by Donnie Darko - 06/17/2006
- The shirts are here!!! by ChuckyG - 06/17/2006
- I'm baaaaaack! (cue spooky music) by gmann - 06/17/2006
- The Naked Goose..... by jackas - 06/16/2006
- "Top 10 Greatest Female Singer/Songwriters" by woops - 06/16/2006
- promotion DENIED!! by babieblugurl - 06/16/2006
- Firefox vs Internet Explorer by whistledog - 06/16/2006
- What Mentos can do to Diet Coke! by Tam - 06/15/2006
- Summer Reading by velvetoneo - 06/15/2006
- When Did People In Your Grade First Have "Sex"? by velvetoneo - 06/15/2006
- Songs Banned in Most Music Stores (Add your own!) by ChrisBodilyTM - 06/15/2006
- Have you ever: by KKay - 06/15/2006
- Funny Names, Simpsons-style by Donnie Darko - 06/15/2006
- AFI'S - 100 Years...100 Cheers - The Most Inspirational Movies by ultraviolet52 - 06/15/2006
- Shows you didn't "get" by Dominic L. - 06/14/2006
- Best inthe00s Prank Ever? by Donnie Darko - 06/14/2006
- Happy Birthday CS by Gis - 06/14/2006
- Shameless Promotion Thread by Donnie Darko - 06/14/2006
- Happy birthday Carol! (lorac61469) by FaultyDog - 06/14/2006
- What Makes You Special? by Trimac20 - 06/14/2006
- Chem Finals by velvetoneo - 06/13/2006
- Happy Birthday Kim! by Donnie Darko - 06/13/2006
- I'm Back by Donnie Darko - 06/13/2006
- The Worst Party Ever by velvetoneo - 06/12/2006
- Celebrities You Resemble by velvetoneo - 06/12/2006
- Anyone got any concerts or shows coming up ?? by Gis - 06/12/2006
- And the award for "Stupidest post by a drunk female" goes to... by lorac61469 - 06/12/2006
- I'm A Badtz Maru! by Trimac20 - 06/11/2006
- Happy Birthday Sasuke!! by Tam - 06/11/2006
- What's Happened To by Trimac20 - 06/11/2006
- Jokes by Tam - 06/10/2006
- Elbow Typing by Tam - 06/10/2006
- My DVD project by Tia - 06/10/2006
- Quizzes. Anyone want to test out a new script for me? by ChuckyG - 06/10/2006
- MOVED: Good Cup of Joe by ChuckyG - 06/09/2006
- MOVED: Gross Restaurant Happenings by ChuckyG - 06/09/2006
- Spike Milligan 'wrote world's best joke' by Philip Eno - 06/09/2006
- I see GREEN people by Southern Image - 06/09/2006
- My cat passed away last night :0( by ultraviolet52 - 06/09/2006
- You Learn Something New Everyday by nicki_morrissey - 06/09/2006
- The inthe00s t-shirts... possible designs? by ChuckyG - 06/08/2006
- Let's Discuss Flapjacks by Lego My Eggo - 06/08/2006
- Who Be I? by Lego My Eggo - 06/08/2006
- I LOVE ME SOME WAFFLES by Lego My Eggo - 06/08/2006
- Going On Vacation by quirky_cat_girl - 06/08/2006
- Clique titles and hangouts in high school by KKay - 06/08/2006
- I'm fed up! I'm leaving the forum! by Tia - 06/07/2006
- funny things to do in an elevator by babieblugurl - 06/07/2006
- This is a pretty goofy place by DarkRainySkies - 06/07/2006
- if u had one wish, wut wud it be???? by miss_felecia1011 - 06/07/2006
- My Summer by velvetoneo - 06/06/2006
- Why do people make threads to announce that they're Leaving? by Badfinger-fan - 06/06/2006
- On your gravestone, you would have: by Sugafairey - 06/06/2006
- I'm Leaving The Forum by Donnie Darko - 06/06/2006
- What has been your best Excuse made for being late for work? by Philip Eno - 06/06/2006
- The Numbers of The Beast --- Add to the list! by Johnny_D - 06/06/2006
- Forget that stupid "666" nonsense! Check out THIS stupid "23" nonsense! by Johnny_D - 06/06/2006
- Honours for Britain's oldest man by Philip Eno - 06/06/2006
- The Funny Captions Thread by Trimac20 - 06/06/2006
- Billy Preston has died by Philip Eno - 06/06/2006
- Smiley Impressions by jackas - 06/06/2006
- When I was 10... by CeeKay - 06/06/2006
- I want to thank.... by Dominic L. - 06/06/2006
- Strange Dreams... by Sugafairey - 06/06/2006
- Happy birthday Gaylon! by FaultyDog - 06/05/2006
- Your own board - official entry thread by ChuckyG - 06/05/2006
- Funny Road Rage by whistledog - 06/05/2006
- Cool Words by Donnie Darko - 06/05/2006
- Happy 60th Birthday Don Carlos by CatwomanofV - 06/05/2006
- does ne body get bored in this thing?????????????? by miss_felecia1011 - 06/05/2006
- Lyrics you like... by Dominic L. - 06/05/2006
- Home is... by Philip Eno - 06/04/2006
- Nerds always give in at the end of the movie by KKay - 06/04/2006
- Don't Ya Think...? by Trimac20 - 06/04/2006
- Can Guys And Girls Be Just Friends?.... by loki 13 - 06/04/2006
- Re: by slugg - 06/03/2006
- Butt Naked!! by lorac61469 - 06/03/2006
- Are you an Ascetist or a Hedonist? by Trimac20 - 06/03/2006
- A Quite cool/funny forward. by Gis - 06/03/2006
- Ipod Downloads by jackas - 06/02/2006
- Your own board on inthe00s to moderate for a month? by ChuckyG - 06/02/2006
- To Those Complaining About My Threads by Donnie Darko - 06/02/2006
- How many people born in the 19th Century are still alive today? by Donnie Darko - 06/02/2006
- The division between a 20th and 21st Century person? by Donnie Darko - 06/02/2006
- Xanga, anyone? by nicki_morrissey - 06/02/2006
- WOO-HOO! Boston.Com selected ANOTHER caption of mine --- PLEASE VOTE! by Johnny_D - 06/02/2006
- Most Likely To... by CatwomanofV - 06/02/2006
- Feel Any Way, News Of Any Form- June by Apricot - 06/01/2006
- What is your vision? by Donnie Darko - 06/01/2006
- SEX! omg! by Tia - 06/01/2006
Copyright 1995-2020, by Charles R. Grosvenor Jr.