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Subject: Deeply Sad!!!!!
Early Morning April 8th, my nan passed away. She was my only surviving grandparent. :'( I remember she used to want to do stunt type things, like wingwalk or ride a motorbike or drive tractors. She passed away peacefully, basically in her sleep. She was drugged up so she couldn't feel the pain. She could hear you, though. I went in and promised to go in with my mom only, I couldn't go in alone. I kissed her on the forehead and said I will always love you. I burst into tears and just had to get out. I loved her forever and I'm tearing up just writing this so I'd better stop. I will of course love her forever. I hope she's having fun motorbiking up in heaven! :')
P.S. No-one will ever replace my nan. Please, when you reply, wish my nan luck in heaven. She's my whole world.
(After being modified) P.S. I shall have to change my signature. Polo mints were what my nan always loved to eat. I can't eat another polo mint now. Nan was my best friend.
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
My sincerest condolonces for both you and your family. I know it is hard losing someone very close. Just know that she will always be with you.
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
I'm so sorry for your loss.
She can be with my nan in heaven :)
Good luck in heaven nan!
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother.My condolences to you and your Family. :'(
Hope you feel better. :)
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
I am sorry to hear about your nan. :( :'(. I lost my voa (grandmother) a few years ago and I still miss her now, but rest assured Ripp, my voa will be great friends with your nan in heaven.
I do wish your nan well up there, now she can be young again! :)
My condolences,
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you feel better.
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you Ripp. Your Nan will never leave you because you have her in your heart. :-*
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
Sorry to hear that. :'(
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
Sorry to hear about your Nan passing away. :'( I lost my last Nan when I was 10 and it was bad.
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
Really sorry to hear that, Ripp...I wish your nan luck in heaven, and I hope that you and your family will feel beter soon...
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
She lives in you; in your heart and in your memory.
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
I am very sorry for your loss, my condolences.
I wish you nan luck in Heaven!
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
Sorry to hear that Ripp....
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
I'm feeling better. The funeral is on Friday 16th April. Lucky it's not Friday 13th. :) Nan, though, I'm sorry we couldn't get you a horse drawn carrige for your coffin you'll make do with a black limo type car, won't you? :D I hope my nan likes it up in heaven. I had a dream last night that my nan was down here telling me what heaven was like. I just don't belive that nan's dead. I feel it's just a big movie or joke! A massive coincidence is that my nan used to use the 128 bus, right? Well on the day of her death, a 128 bus came up my road, stopped right in front of my home, I looked at it, and it suddenly carried up my road. Now there is NO bus stop in front of my home, and there were no traffic queues there at all. I belive it's my nan giving me a signal she's ok. Every time someone knocks at the door I belive it's my nan, and really hope it was just a mix up about who died. Every time they open the door though, it's a family member coming to talk about nan's death. I hate the thought of nan being dead, and not getting to be with her to the end. She fought till she died, I say. She was so close to dying before and she clung onto life. She died fighting. Also, when my nan's tv was on, and it was playing a film with a favrioute actor of hers in it, the door of the kitchen closed. I belive that's her telling us she's still here watching the film :)
PS: My nan was a big part of my life. If i get depressed on the boards or start to mention my nan please just think of what's going on in my life.
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
I'm feeling better. The funeral is on Friday 16th April. Lucky it's not Friday 13th. :) Nan, though, I'm sorry we couldn't get you a horse drawn carrige for your coffin you'll make do with a black limo type car, won't you? :D I hope my nan likes it up in heaven. I had a dream last night that my nan was down here telling me what heaven was like. I just don't belive that nan's dead. I feel it's just a big movie or joke! A massive coincidence is that my nan used to use the 128 bus, right? Well on the day of her death, a 128 bus came up my road, stopped right in front of my home, I looked at it, and it suddenly carried up my road. Now there is NO bus stop in front of my home, and there were no traffic queues there at all. I belive it's my nan giving me a signal she's ok. Every time someone knocks at the door I belive it's my nan, and really hope it was just a mix up about who died. Every time they open the door though, it's a family member coming to talk about nan's death. I hate the thought of nan being dead, and not getting to be with her to the end. She fought till she died, I say. She was so close to dying before and she clung onto life. She died fighting. Also, when my nan's tv was on, and it was playing a film with a favrioute actor of hers in it, the door of the kitchen closed. I belive that's her telling us she's still here watching the film :)
PS: My nan was a big part of my life. If i get depressed on the boards or start to mention my nan please just think of what's going on in my life.
End Quote
You know Ripp,When My brother was being lowered into the ground,I didn't expect to see the day it happened.I was in total awe cause I never experienced seeing someone with thrown dirt on the coffin before.My Mother and I were in hysterics So I know what you're going thru.It would've been 9 years this June that My brother passed away.He was 24. :'(
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
:(I'm sorry for your loss,it sounds like you had a lot in common.And i think she would like you to keep eating Polo Mints.Cheers!
Subject: Re: Deeply Sad!!!!!
May God bless you in this time of need. Even if you don't believe Him, may your family be at peace. :'(