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Subject: What's Your Ethnicity?
Hey folks, I just would like to get an Idea of the Diversity of our Penguin "Clan", so tell me what's your ethnicity/racial background?
I myself am African American and Native American(cherokee Ancestry with a lil bit of Blackfeet)
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I am White, half Italian and half German.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
White, Mexican, and Greek.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
English/Scottish/Norwegian/Canadian :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I am Native American, as are both my parents.
On my Father's side, my grandfather was Native American (His parents were Scottish, though) and my grandmother Scottish.
On my Mother's side, both grandparents were Native American. Their parents were all Irish.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Latino :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm pretty diverse, but still considered "white." My mom's side of the family is mostly Swedish, some German/Austrian and some Danish. My dad's side of the family is mostly Scottish, but there is some Cherokee and Comanche. Also, just a *weeeeeeeee* bit Seminole, so technically I am just an *teeny-tiny-bit* black...although I'm the only one in the family who looks remotely close to being an African American.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Where to begin
Father's side: Russian-Jew, Polish-Jew, German (?)
Mother's side: English, French-Canuck, Scottish (?), Irish (?)
The funny thing is, people think I am Italian but I don't have a speck of Italian in me. But, when I went to Greece, they thought I was Greek, again, not a drop.-it is the Jewish ancentry that gives me that Mediterranean look.
I am pretty much your average mutt. ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm just a white girl. My ancestors are Swedish, Irish, French, English and Indian. My great great, etc Grandparents were Pocahontas and John Rolf. I always thought that was cool.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
:DI'm Russian,Polish ,French,Swedish,English,and Irish or Scots Irish.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm Jewish! ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm a mix of almost everything in northern Europe... I'm white, mostly English (mostly Northern- my mother's from Middlesex but her parents were Geordies and my father was from Yorkshire. Strange how I speak with an Oxford-ish accent...) but 1/4 Dutch, 1/8 Irish and a little bit Orcadian (which would probably lead to Norse ancestry or something) and a little bit Glaswegian as well.
I always had something of a prejudice against Weegies until I found out (a) that I was an honourary Weegie myself, (b) that several of my dearest friends were born in Glasgow and (c) that the guy I have a crush on at school is purely Glaswegian.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
umm, German (surname is dead givaway), Dutch, Irish, French (I'm told) and... (wait for it..) English..
I'm also as white as they come.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I am English, white with Welsh Ancestory (Baaa!) ;D.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I really have no idea beyond my grandparents, who all came from various parts of England.
Not wishing to offend but I have noticed this seems to be an American obsession with noting your racial heritage. Beyond a couple of generations does it really matter that much?
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Beyond a couple of generations does it really matter that much?
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That's what I was thinking... though I wouldn't have included the "Beyond a couple of generations" bit ;-)
I'm a bit of a European mishmash, myself: Polish, Russian, German and English (in no particular order)
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Predominantly English, with a splash of Irish thrown in there somewhere.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
My mom is Irish, German and Scottish
My dad was half Italian and half Irish.
I inherited the Irish skin because I'm as white as they come!
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
1/2 Scot, 1/4 English and 1/4 Acadian (French Canadian but NOT Quebec it can be touchy with some Acadians). All in all I burn easily in the sun.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Not wishing to offend but I have noticed this seems to be an American obsession with noting your racial heritage. �Beyond a couple of generations does it really matter that much?
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I am sure that wouldnt come across as offensive Karen. In Aus and NZ its pretty similar to the US where no matter how small the indigeanous percentage is in the family tree its still a factor when explaining your heritage.
Percentage wise its also very important with regards to social security and land claims.
I remember enrolling in a school once and politely being advised by the headmaster that if I was "anything more than 8% aboriginal I was welcome to apply for the free uniform and stationery". Took me all day to work out how many great grand parents that equalled !!
The different with the UK is you guys have been there "forever" !! You actually ARE the native indigeanous folk. I guess you have some Brits that stake claim to Norse/Viking backgrounds - I remember reading about a guy in the paper trying to prove he was the ancestor of the first person ever to set foot on the land via DNA.
Me - I am a white australian whose family on both sides dates back to their arrival in the 1790's as free settlers (so I dont even get the privilidge of claiming a convict in the family !!). Dads side came over from Scotland and Ireland. Mums from Scotland and England.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
1/2 Scot, 1/4 English and 1/4 Acadian (French Canadian but NOT Quebec it can be touchy with some Acadians). �All in all I burn easily in the sun.
End Quote
Conker is part Cajun? Cool. 8)
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I really have no idea beyond my grandparents, who all came from various parts of England.
Not wishing to offend but I have noticed this seems to be an American obsession with noting your racial heritage. �Beyond a couple of generations does it really matter that much?
End Quote
Yeah it is a common topic in America because the country's population is such a mix. For example, there are more people of Polish descent living in Chicago USA than there are in Warsaw, Poland! In the mid-20th-century (and in some areas even to this day), many towns were segregated (some by force, some by habit) with Italian, German, Irish, Black, Hispanic, Croatian, Greek, Chinese, etc.. neighborhoods. But as the generations have had more and more mixed-marriages, the degree of "white segregation" has greatly diminished.
Segregation between whites and blacks (illegal as a matter of force, but completely legal as a matter of habit and housing choice) is still huge here in the USA. I'm not sure about Chinese since not very many here where I live.
My opinion is that a certain degree of interest, and family pride, in one's origins is great. But when it becomes an overt thing with you, when you feel that you have to jam it down everybody's throat because you have some sort of axe to grind, it is annoying and you alienate people.
So typically when I am asked my nationality, I respond that I am 2nd generation Native American, 'cause this is where I was born and so were my parents. :D
If we followed this whole "roots" thing to its logical extreme, we would all be of African origin 'cause that is where it all apparently started.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Well, I am a first generation Australian as my father was born in Ripley, Derbyshire, UK (albeit 83 years ago, and he has been in Aus for 79 of those years)....
My mother was born in Australia, but both of her parents were Danish....
So, England and Denmark :)
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Where to begin
Father's side: Russian-Jew, Polish-Jew, German (?)
Mother's side: �English, French-Canuck, Scottish (?), Irish (?)
The funny thing is, people think I am Italian but I don't have a speck of Italian in me. But, when I went to Greece, they thought I was Greek, again, not a drop.-it is the Jewish ancentry that gives me that Mediterranean look.
I am pretty much your average mutt. �;D
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Actually, I've been told that I could pass off for Greek, Italian, or Jewish- even though I don't have any of that in me. It's probably just my olive skin and my pretty-good-sized nose.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Where to begin
Father's side: Russian-Jew, Polish-Jew, German (?)
Mother's side: �English, French-Canuck, Scottish (?), Irish (?)
The funny thing is, people think I am Italian but I don't have a speck of Italian in me. But, when I went to Greece, they thought I was Greek, again, not a drop.-it is the Jewish ancentry that gives me that Mediterranean look.
I am pretty much your average mutt. �;D
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You know I often get mistaken for a Dominican. there have been times that I've been approached by people and they start speaking spanish to me and I feel so bad because I can't have a conversation with them.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Well, it took one branch of my family 275 years to get out of Pennsylvania... ::)
German on my father's side as all four of my great-grandparents on that side were German immigrants (my grandmother's maiden name was Schratzenstaller :o ).
On my mother's side (the Pennsylvania ones) I have German, Swiss, Dutch, Scots-Irish, Cornish and English. And since my one Cornish gent married Fulk Grevill's great granddaughter in Devonshire - that opens up a line into all that mixed royalty so I technically get Spanish, French, Italian, Welsh, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Byzantine &c but that would all be pretty diluted... �:D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
White English as far back as I dare (or can) trace...presumably before that my ancestry could have origins from any other nation who were looting and pillaging us on a weekly basis...!
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
White English as far back as I dare (or can) trace...presumably before that my ancestry could have origins from any other nation who were looting and pillaging us on a weekly basis...!
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Tsk tsk! Shouldn't have paid that Danegeld! ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Well, I'm as cheap as they come, Zella...!
(Read into that what you will...!)
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Well, let's see....
My mom is full blooded Portuguese so that makes me half Portuguese. :) Yay! My grandparents are from the Azores, not the mainland, in case anyone was wondering!
My Dad is half Irish and half French, making me 1/4 of both. Right? I was never good at fractions! ;) ;D
So that would make me, very unique! :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I am Irish, Scottish, Swedish, Australian, English, and Cherokee Indian.
I've been told I'm a decendent of Roger Williams! :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
mom: italian, polish, austrian, greek
dad: english, irish, french, german
i'm a 1/4 english, the rest are pretty random...i'm white, kind of pale, but my already dark brown hair seems to get darker as i get older...i've had people ask me if it's black... ???
i've also been told that i have the smallest nose any italian person has ever had. :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Third generation Australian. My father's family originally emigrated from Kent (England) and mum's from Scotland.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm English, my parents were both born in England too.
Somewhere back in my Mum's ancestry there is Dutch blood, my Grandmother's maiden name was Van Dyke. I've been mistaken more than once for a Dutch person when visiting Holland, people would come up to me and start talking Dutch but I can't speak a word.
On my Dad's side it's basically Scottish and Irish immigrants to Liverpool. My aunt did some research a few years ago to trace the family tree, I think she was hoping to find some true blood connection to a noble Scottish clan but only found poor Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine!
...and with that, I think I made 1000 posts!
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
...and with that, I think I made 1000 posts!
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Way to go, Maddog! :D ;)
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Conker is part Cajun? �Cool. �8)
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Not creole Cajun though, the real, live in the bush, cut wood, eat potatoes and tortiere Cajun. �Too cold here for craw dads and bagnes.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm African American, Creek Indian, Italian, and French! :) and that's just on my poppa's side!
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
My favorite response to the question of ethnicity: "Not much."
Russian (Lithuanian), Polish, and 25% "Miscellaneous Average White Guy."
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm all jewish. :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm all jewish. :D
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But from where? Russia? Poland? Isreal? Jews were all over Europe before coming here.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
But from where? Russia? Poland? Isreal? Jews were all over Europe before coming here.
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I don't know.From America,USA I guess ???
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
i'm metis. metis is a recognized ethnic culture in western canada. we are the result of french/scottish settlers mixing with the indiginous native peoples. my mother is metis, my father is from newfoundland. (if your canadian, you know that newfies always seemed to be treated as a seperate ethnic group)
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm White, with a whole bunch of different heritages. I am 1/4 Italian, 1/8 Polish, 1/4 German, 3/16 Norwegian, and the remaining 3/16 is a mix of English/Irish/Scotch/Dutch/French; I don't know the exact denomination of those. The Italian and Polish come from my mom's side; the Norwegian and English/Irish/Scotch/Dutch/French from my dad's side. Since each of my parents have 1/4 German, that makes me 1/4 German as well.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Lets see, I have been working on this Geneology thing, but try it when you have a common Hispanic last name. My fathers side come from Mexico, (Aztec) and from France. My moms side comes from Spain. The older generation had the red hair or blonde hair with bluw eyes. I was the shallow end of the gene pool and have the brown hair and light brown eyes. That's as far as I know.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
German from Russia (Say it loud...I'm Kraut and I'm proud!!!) ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
I'm African American, Creek Indian, Italian, and French! :) and that's just on my poppa's side!
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Could you be thinking Cree Indian? Cuz I'm Cree/Russian/Croatian. All packed together in a white body.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
Lets see, I have been working on this Geneology thing, but try it when you have a common Hispanic last name. My fathers side come from Mexico, (Aztec) and from France. My moms side comes from Spain. The older generation had the red hair or blonde hair with bluw eyes. I was the shallow end of the gene pool and have the brown hair and light brown eyes. That's as far as I know.
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:o :oI know what you mean about common last names1Do you have ANY idea how many Eric Andersons were born in Stockholm?????Other common names in my family are Morgan,Cushing(in GB,anyway),and Nicholson.
Subject: Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
1/4 Dutch 1/4 Irish 1/2 German
I was raised as a German. My last name is German. So usually I just say I'm German. I was born in Canada though.
So I guess I'm just a cake :-/