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Subject: Marilyn Manson
Didn't know where to post this so I am posting it here.
I am curious what some of you have against Manson. Yeah he is an Atheist and can be kinda wierd at times but that doesn't make him a bad person. Actually when not all dressed up for a TV apperance or a concert, he is basically a redneck or atleast dresses like one with the cowboy hate and plad shirts and stuff.
Several years ago I used to think he was a freak and didn't like him at all, but then I saw him do an interview on MTV and when they did his house on Cribs it made me realise that he really isn't that bad.
Yeah I don't agree with a lot of the stuff he believes and so on, but you have to give it to the man he is a genius. Now sure I could be jumping to conclusions and assuming that many of you don't like him when actually you just don't like his music which is completely respectable. But at the same time I know there are people out there who don't like not only his music but him as a person and I am curious as to why.
I ask only because I seem to be the only one who ever really sticks up for him on here.
Subject: Re: Marilyn Manson
Oh, one of the guys I know is OBSESSED with Marilyn Manson. He can't go for more than five minutes without mentioning him. :-X
Subject: Re: Marilyn Manson
Didn't know where to post this so I am posting it here.
Yeah I don't agree with a lot of the stuff he believes and so on, but you have to give it to the man he is a genius. End Quote
I guess this depends on what you define "genius" as... ::)
If I had to pinpoint what I dislike most about Manson I guess it would be that he markets trash and filth to kids.
But I would not single him out as the only one who does this, far from it!!
It seems that every generation has it's "shock rockers". In my day it was Alice Cooper and Kiss and the like. Each generation has to push the envelope a little farther than the one before in order to "upset" the "decent folk" as it were.
Today we have Manson, Slipknot, ICP. There may be others that are worse, I really don't know.
But it makes me wonder what the next generation of shock rockers is gonna have to do to garner a reaction from this generation, who have already been exposed to so much vulgar behavior that I think they may be un-shockable.
Subject: Re: Marilyn Manson
I guess this depends on what you define "genius" as... ::)
But I would not single him out as the only one who does this, far from it!!
It seems that every generation has it's "shock rockers". In my day it was Alice Cooper and Kiss and the like. Each generation has to push the envelope a little farther than the one before in order to "upset" the "decent folk" as it were.
End Quote
What makes him a Genuis is that look at what he has done. First of all the man cannot sing at all I don't think anyone would argue that point. Yet he still sells millions of albums and to be able to do that with little talent you have to know what your doing. Look what made him famous, controversy, he knows what sells music. That and every interview I have seem him do it blows my mind how smart the guy really is. Questions that would normally stump or corner most celebraties he answers easily and always knows the best answer and basically can turn the pressure of an interview from him to the interviewer because there is nothing you can say or do to corner him in a position to where he doesnt have a good response. That and even though he is an Atheist I wouldnt be surprised if he knew more about religion than just about anyone in here as he grew up in a ultra religious family and even though he doesnt believe he finds religion fascinating.
That is very true though he is not the only controversial artist out there. You have others like Eminem, Ozzy (though he has been for a long time), and a lot of rappers besides Eminem are controversal.
Though Manson has tamed down recently, to the dislike of a lot of his fans. For example I saw him at Ozzfest last year and he refused to talk about any controversial topics at all during the show, which that isnt very much like the Manson from before. Though he is still far from not being controversial.
Subject: Re: Marilyn Manson
i would definelty have to disagre manson has an amazing voice ya amazing
Subject: Re: Marilyn Manson
i would definelty have to disagre manson has an amazing voice ya amazing
End Quote
I am not saying he has the worst voice, because their are definitly singers out there with worse voices (like Saves The Day lead singer or Macy Gray) but overall he doesnt have that great of a voice, yet it works very well with his music a lot of which I like.