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Subject: Movies you thought lasted too long
Nothing worse than a movie that goes on waaaayy too long.My picks are Green Mile,Titanic,Jerry Maguire and The ABYSS. ::)
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Lord Of The Rings
Of course it didn't help that I thought the movie was totally boring anyway! ::)
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Lord Of The Rings
Of course it didn't help that I thought the movie was totally boring anyway! ::)
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You must be talking about the first one, because out of the three it had the least amount of action.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
You must be talking about the first one, because out of the three it had the least amount of action.
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I don't recall which one it was (that's how disinterested I was). I have a feeling that it was the one about the towers (third?). ???
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
I am not sure if this movie was long, but it sure as heck felt like it... "In The bedroom", holy crap, this was the most boring/dumbest/pointless movie ever. And it was an acadamy award nominee too :P!
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Titanic and Lord of the Rings. I tried to enjoy Lord of the Rings, really I did, but I just couldn't get into it. I'm more of a Trekkie/Dwarfie than an Elfie.
Then I tried to sleep through it, really I did, but a six-year-old was kicking me in the back. So I turned round and gave my best orc impression and scared the crap out of him. He stopped then! ;D
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
The 2nd Lord of the Rings is the one that bored me.
But don't forget Gone With The Wind. The movie either bores you to death or makes you extremely angry at Scarlett.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Catch Me If You Can was way to long for me. It wasn't a bad movie but just had so many boring parts. And the movie wasn't even very long but it felt like it lasted over 2 hours.
Lord Of The Rings wasn't long enough. So sad that the trilogy is over....so soon. :'(
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
"Pirates Of The Carribean" Great movie but that last swordfight was WAY to long :P
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
movies that have bored me to death because they are too long for their own good (and I know Im gonna get yelled at for these):
Lawrence of Arabia
Bridge on the river Kwai
Master and Commander
The Longest Day (how appropiate)
Gee, anyone notice any similarities between these? hmmm
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
movies that have bored me to death because they are too long for their own good (and I know Im gonna get yelled at for these):
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I actually agree on "Braveheart".
And the already mentioned "Gone With The Wind". :P
Plus, "Dances With Wolves".
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
I agree with Dances With Wolves. It was the first movie I watched that actually put me to sleep. :P
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Master and Commander
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Seriously, there's a movie that could have withstood a lot taken out of the middle.
I thought the Blues Brothers went on for way too long (though I wouldn't call it boring in a million years).
A film I WOULD call boring is Black Hawk Down. After the second full hour of non-stop explosions, I was dying to leave.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Plus, "Dances With Wolves".
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ooh, completely forgot about that one! awful movie!
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
the English patient!
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
At 4 hours long it was actually released with its own intermission break at the 2 hour mark.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
48 HRS. :P
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
I would have to say Lord of the Rings as well. I never thought it would end. (this was the first one, by the way). We went to go see a different movie, but it was sold out, so we decided to watch this piece of crap. Bad idea. It was so long and terrible, and we were with other people so we couldn't just leave. I would have left after 25 minutes if I could have, though. Stupid plot, stupid story. Not interesting. Yell at me if you want. I don't care. ::)
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
I would have to say Lord of the Rings as well. I never thought it would end. (this was the first one, by the way). We went to go see a different movie, but it was sold out, so we decided to watch this piece of crap. Bad idea. It was so long and terrible, and we were with other people so we couldn't just leave. I would have left after 25 minutes if I could have, though. Stupid plot, stupid story. Not interesting. Yell at me if you want. I don't care. ::)
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I left my husband watching the movie alone while I sat out in the lobby of the theater! That's how bad I thought the movie was! :o
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
^ ^^ infidels! blasphemy! :D
No, in all seriousness, even though I loved the movies, they were a little too darned long ;) It is really no fun to have to do the Dance of Many in your seat for four hours (that's previews + movie) in order to catch everything without having to take a wee-wee break.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
The Abyss!?! True, I haven't seen it in ages, but I remember it being absolutely awesome, and I wished it was longer ;-).
As for LoTR, I was a big fan... but I had to agree with gripes about the length of the third one. I totally wouldn't have minded it being as longer or longer if it was because they added more plot, personally - but the ending sequence was a bit gratuitously drawn out, as were a couple of the battle sequences.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
^ ^^ infidels! blasphemy! :D
No, in all seriousness, even though I loved the movies, they were a little too darned long ;) It is really no fun to have to do the Dance of Many in your seat for four hours (that's previews + movie) in order to catch everything without having to take a wee-wee break.
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Well, I was there, and I thought it was so long and boring that I refused to take my royalties
Then again, maybe not ;D
For a hobbit, I have to buck the trend and say that the movies had great effects and cinematography, but were way too long by half.....
Other movies which sent this hobbit to sleep were
Gone With the Wind ::)
On Golden Pond (that was too long by the time the title came up on the screen) >:(
Pearl Harbor (they should have bombed out all the romance scenes and left the ships standing!) ;D
and I know what Kenny means about the Blues Brothers, but it is still enjoyable, even after the hundredth viewing ;D
On the other hand, Blues Brothers 2000, would have to be the worst thing that Dan Ackroyd ever put his name to....(read too long) ;D
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
2001: A Space Odyssey. I fell asleep trying to watch it when I was 9. I fell asleep again trying to watch it when I was 39. I'm not even trying to watch it again when I'm 69...I might wake up dead or something.
"In space, no one can hear you snore."
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Count me in on Lord of the Rings, I & II. There's something wrong when the best actor in a movie is a CGI creation.... That Viggo Mortensen is some exciting actor though, huh?
For anyone that didn't like Dances With Wolves, and I can't blame you, rent Little Big Man. It's long, but leagues better than anything Costner has done.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Other movies which sent this hobbit to sleep were
On Golden Pond (that was too long by the time the title came up on the screen) >:(
Pearl Harbor (they should have bombed out all the romance scenes and left the ships standing!) ;D
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Both great movies, IMHO. I didn't think that either of them were too long. :)
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
On the other hand, Blues Brothers 2000, would have to be the worst thing that Dan Ackroyd ever put his name to....(read too long) ;D
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apprently you havent seen many Dan Ackroyd movies lol......though BB2000 is VERY BAD.....
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Maybe it's just me, but I thought the last Star Wars movie was way too long. I liked the original three. I know that George Lucas has this vision and everything, but I think he should just give it up.
I have to agree about the Lord of the Rings I & II. We own them both on DVD and I have yet to watch either one without falling asleep. It doesn't matter when I watch them, I still fall asleep.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Amadeus (I don't why I wanted this video when it first came out. ::))
Ordinary People (Dull and unpleasant, a bad combo)
The Ten Commandments (4 hours with commercials?!)
The Goonies (Sorry fans)
Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves (Costner made lots of long boring films, but this was his biggest endurance test.)
Brazil (it was OK up until the surprise ending, which there shouldn't have been)
Any film about King Arthur, JKF, or the Titanic.
Subject: Re: Movies you thought lasted too long
Lost in Translation- I love Bill Murray, but this movie was boring!
Irreversible-No Comment
The Passion of the Christ- This movie just dragged on...if this wins an oscar next year I'll be mad.