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Subject: Jury Duty
My neighbor called yesterday afternoon to see if I could watch her son after Kindergarten any days this week as she got picked for jury duty. I've gotten the "questionnaire" for eligibility, but haven't been picked yet. (*knocks on wood*) Hubby's been called too many times to count, but it was always after he had moved out of the county. He even got called for the district his hometown is in, about 15 years after he moved out of it :P
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Hiya Cheer
We dont get a questionaire here - just the letter saying show up or else.
My dad has done it at least 6 times that I know of - I dont know how he gets to the top of the list so often !!
I've only dont it once - back in 98. I had to appear every day for a week and sat it on 3 cases - none of which did we get to make a decision on.
First one on day one the entire jury got dismissed when it was discovered it would be at least a 4 month trial - we all had various reasons to not be available for that amount of time (I had a big holiday booked and paid for).
Second one on day two got thrown out of court after we had listened to about 4 hours of evidence - only to find that not a single witness had shown up - so the judge threw the prosecutors out !!
Day three showed up and didnt get called to a case by noon so I went to the movies.
Third one we sat and listened to a day and a half of evidence - then went to lunch - came back and were told the defendant had had a heart attack during lunch time and the case was cancelled.
So all in all I didnt really feel I had contributed to my civic duty. I never got to make an actual decision :(
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
I served twice. The first time was a criminal case. It was a hung jury with 2 people going against the rest. I was appald at one of the lawyers asking us which was the two. The second time was a civil case (which was really stupid actually). These two couples lived on the same road. One couple owed the road and when the other couple moved it, it was with the understanding that they could use the road (the only way in or out of their place). Well, they didn't exactly specify why but my guess is they got into some argument about whatever and the one couple said, "Well, in that case, you can't use our road!" After 4 days, they finally settled so we didn't have to come to a conclusion.
Both times, I had to sit around most of the day waiting to be called. I didn't think that I would have been called until late in the afternoon. >:(
BTW BMG, one of the times I was called up, I had already bought tickets for a trip-set on the same date. I wrote the judge explaining that. If I had to go, I would have been out about $200 (airlines were cheap back then) They just gave me another date.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
I actually have jury duty next month. I was originally scheduled for yesterday but had to request a different date because I'm in school, and I didn't want to miss my classes. Since I'll be on spring break during the week of April 5th, I requested my date to be changed to that week. So I'll go in on that day, and see what happens. My mom got a summons a year or so ago, but she didn't get on a case, so that was that. :)
I got my first summons about four years ago, before we moved. What I had to do was call this toll-free number the night before my scheduled date and see if my group number was scheduled to report, but we weren't, so I was lucky. Then I had to call again every night for the rest of the week to see if I had to report, and by Thursday they said: "The following group numbers are excused..." and my number was among them. So I never got called in; I was lucky. :)
So we'll see what happens on April 5th.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Hiya Cheer
We dont get a questionaire here - just the letter saying show up or else.
End Quote
I didn't know we got one either. I asked everyone I know and they've never gotten one. I called the State of IL, though, and they said that they send them out from time to time so they can try to prevent people having to sit there for hours on end, only to find they aren't "eligible". I guess they're going to start doing it more often. I'm sure it's only a matter of time until my number comes up :P
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
Well, today I got on a panel, but was excused. :) So I have officially served.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
BTW BMG, one of the times I was called up, I had already bought tickets for a trip-set on the same date. I wrote the judge explaining that. If I had to go, I would have been out about $200 (airlines were cheap back then) They just gave me another date.
End Quote
With that one Cat what happened was we had gone thru the actual jury selection process all morning - from 100 down to 12 (i think ! gosh my memory ! maybe it was 10 !). Then we had a break and when we returned the judge went out with the prosecutor for a while and when they came back the judge announced it was his opinion that the trial would be a lengthy one and he didnt want to inconvenience us.
He asked if people who couldnt last 4 months to stand and let him know. Parents were excused immediately, people who worked for their own business were excused too. There were a couple of us who had travel plans so he was fine with that. That left one woman and she basically said she was due to give birth in 3 months so the judge laughed and let her out !!!
I found out later from a co worker who was called up that same week and ended up on that case which ended up lasting only 6 weeks - that it was a nasty man who had been raping his daughters and granddaughters for years.
I am so glad I didnt end up on that jury - I could never have listened to awful stories like that.
Subject: Re: Jury Duty
I have never been sent a questionnaire (Thank God)
I know it's my "Civic Duty" and everything but I have no desire whatsoever to choose someone's fate.