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Subject: Favorite Commercials
Here's some of my favorite commercials
10. The Cingular commercial with the song "867-5309/Jenny"
9. Parkay Butter
8. MTV2 ninja promos (Better than the doll promos)
7. MTV promo with the snake going through a maze
6. '80's Pepsi commercial that took place in the future
There's a scene that's relevant to today with the arceologist & the students finding a guitar and looked at it as an acient artifact. :P
5. "Smarienberg" Schmirnoff comercial directed by Michel Gondry
4. The Volkswagon commercial with the "Da Da Da" (Trio) song
3. The animated Raid commercials
2. The Mentos commercials
1. Hawaii punch commercial with the cartoon mascot
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
i'm gonna be the minority (crap, now that song is gonna be stuck in my head for days...), but i like the new quizno's commerical with the squashed hamster things. it's just so...random.
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
My favorite commercial is a coke commercial.
This delivery guy for Pepsi is stocking the cooler. He looks at the coke, picks it up and takes a sip. All of a suden, all of the Pepsi's fall off of the shelves and cause attention in the store. The delivery guy puts the Coke back on the shelf and walks away. The commercial is shot from a security camera's point of view and Hank Williams "Your Cheatin' Heart" is playing in the background.
That has been my favorite commercial for ages now!
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
I always like the Staples commercial when they are playing the song "It's the most wonderful time of the year" about the kids going back to school and the dad is wheeling around in the cart. The look on those two kids faces are just priceless.
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
i'm gonna be the minority (crap, now that song is gonna be stuck in my head for days...), but i like the new quizno's commerical with the squashed hamster things. it's just so...random.
End Quote
Man, I love this commercial. I go around work singing "WE LOVE DE SUBS!!!". Those things are "sponge monkeys" from what I hear.
I also like the commercial with the yard gnome who is kidnapped and taken all over. It's for a travel company, I think. "I've been pilfered from the garden." Cracks me up when he says, "That's me on the luge, feeling, I dare say, a bit sexy!!". Ha!!
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
The Gap had some neat commercials in the late 90's. My favorite of those was the people skateboarding/rollerblading/ect. to The Crystal Method's "Busy Child".
Another older favorite commercial of mine is Ray-Ban's sunglasses...where it shows the sun rising, & some young vampires are wearing Ray-Ban's, except for one vampire who couldn't find his...and had later burst into flames. lol
...just to name a couple. 8)
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
Man, I love this commercial. I go around work singing "WE LOVE DE SUBS!!!". Those things are "sponge monkeys" from what I hear.
End Quote
OHH!! Are those the same sponge monkeys that Joel Veitch created? I haven't seen this advert, but he's done several, including the adverts for Crusha and Maestro.
Check out his website at www.rathergood.com.
See if they're the same sponge monkeys who do the song "We Like The Moon"- my personal favourite ;D. A while ago, my friends and I watched it on the computer during Maths (our teacher, The Artist Formerly Known As El Beardo, lets us have a five-minute break in the middle of it)... We turned the volume up really high and sang along to it.
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
How 'bout those Enzyte commercials?
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
i'm gonna be the minority (crap, now that song is gonna be stuck in my head for days...), but i like the new quizno's commerical with the squashed hamster things. it's just so...random.
End Quote
Oh man those get on my nerves!!! Plus it hurts my throat when I try to imitate them
Anyway my favorite commercial is probably that old one for...I think it was Pizza Hut....anyway this guy's having a great day:
"My wallet! Oh boy!" *ching ching ching* ("I changed my mind I really WILL marry you!") "O-KAY!!!" *arff arff* "BUDDY! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!"
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
OHH!! Are those the same sponge monkeys that Joel Veitch created? I haven't seen this advert, but he's done several, including the adverts for Crusha and Maestro.
Check out his website at www.rathergood.com.
See if they're the same sponge monkeys who do the song "We Like The Moon"- my personal favourite ;D. A while ago, my friends and I watched it on the computer during Maths (our teacher, The Artist Formerly Known As El Beardo, lets us have a five-minute break in the middle of it)... We turned the volume up really high and sang along to it.
End Quote
They are indeed the same. In fact, "We Like The Moon" is the same song used for the Quizno's commercials, except the words are changed..."WE LOVE THE SUBS!!"
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
'Cause it is clooose tooo us,
We like da MOOOOOOON!!!
But not as much as a spoon...
'Cause dat's more use fo eatin' soup,
An' a fork isn't very useful for dat,
Unless it has got many vegetables,
And den you might be better off wid a
Unlike de moon,
It is up in de sky,
It up dere very high,
But not as high as maybe
Dirigibles or zeppelins or LIGHTBULBS!
Or maybe clouds...
Oh, I love that song... I'll listen to it again!
Subject: Re: Favorite Commercials
The new quiznos subs comercial, I don't usually like comercials, but that one's hysterical!!