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Subject: What Scares You?
Although I'm sure that there's already been a thread on this subject, my curiousity is getting the best of me.
Soooo...What I would like to know is:
Is there something that scares the crap out of you?
If so, what events led you to be afraid?
If you've managed to overcome your fear how did you do it?
Did anything embarassing happened to you because of your fear?
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I'm really scared of birds. I don't know why. Today I walked by a tree and I heard a bird's wings and so I ran. I'm just weird. :)
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
My reason for starting this thread is because in the near future I will be overcoming one of my worst fears-
ZOMBIE MOVIES (go ahead laugh)
I am deathly afraid of zombie movies(no pun intended). Whenever I enter a room where one is playing I get naseous, shaky and then I start crying. Most likely I end up have nightmares for the following week. I don't know what made me so afraid of these kinds of movies. The funny thing is I can sit and watch gory flicks but as soon as I see zombies and/or people eating people I freak out.
On March 19 a remake of Dawn of Dead will be out and my brother has talked me into going to see it. I'm getting the shakes just talking about it right now. Just a few minutes ago I went to the DOD website just to "Test" myself. Sure enough, as soon as I heard the sound effects from the site tears started welling up and I ran away from the computer.
I don't know if I'm gonna make it to the theater but I will do my best. I'm 25 y.o, to old to be afraid of something like this.
wish me luck. :-[
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
My reason for starting this thread is because in the near future I will be overcoming one of my worst fears-
ZOMBIE MOVIES (go ahead laugh)
I am deathly afraid of zombie movies(no pun intended). Whenever I enter a room where one is playing I get naseous, shaky and then I start crying. Most likely I end up have nightmares for the following week. I don't know what made me so afraid of these kinds of movies. The funny thing is I can sit and watch gory flicks but as soon as I see zombies and/or people eating people I freak out.
On March 19 a remake of Dawn of Dead will be out and my brother has talked me into going to see it. I'm getting the shakes just talking about it right now. Just a few minutes ago I went to the DOD website just to "Test" myself. Sure enough, as soon as I heard the sound effects from the site tears started welling up and I ran away from the computer.
I don't know if I'm gonna make it to the theater but I will do my best. I'm 25 y.o, to old to be afraid of something like this.
wish me luck. :-[End Quote
I won't laugh. I will, however, recommend not ever visiting me. ;D My sister collects those darned movies. She's got like every zombie movie ever made. :P
While on the topic of your fear of zombie movies, my cousin is terrified of Chucky from the "Child's Play" series. My drugged out aunt used to tell her that if she didn't behave, Chucky was going to get her. Eleven years old and she STILL can't walk past those movies or even hear sound from them. So maybe someone told you something about zombies when you were little to scare you, which sucks. :-/
As for my fears, I fear death (who doesn't?) and dying before I actually fulfill some things in my life. I'm trying to get over it though, but it's kind of hard.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
There's no such thing as real zombies, so just remember that :)
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I'm really scared of birds. I don't know why. Today I walked by a tree and I heard a bird's wings and so I ran. I'm just weird. :)
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I would not what to have your phobia. I own a few of them, they make great pets.
I am scared to death of cockroaches...the large, flying ones.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I am scared to death of cockroaches...the large, flying ones.
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Eww! Hate those gross things! >:(
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I have a fear of centipedes. I've had this fear since I was about 6 years old and we had some rather large ones that lived in an empty lot next to my family's house. I was told they were very poisonous and since then I've literally jumped everytime I've seen one (which fortunately isn't that often these days).
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
My drugged out aunt used to tell her that if she didn't behave, Chucky was going to get her. Eleven years old and she STILL can't walk past those movies or even hear sound from them. End Quote
That's terrible. :-/
I'm very scared of spiders, any size, any kind. I will freak out if I see one in a certain room of the house and then I will not be in that room for the rest of the day. Also, I hate mice... ewww!
Hmm, another one of my fears is being stuck in an elevator. I prefer using stairs, I just feel safer that way. Probably sounds stupid, but I would prefer walking nine flights of stairs rather than taking the elevator. At least if there's a fire in a building, I will be in shape when I have to take the stairs 8)
Minor things are clowns (weird ones) and losing my wallet, keys, or other items (I constantly check my pockets).
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
At times, stuff scares me. Weird stuff. Like growing older (something which will begin happening to me in like, eight days time, unfortunately, so... I'm going to try and avoid it as best I can somehow.)
To overcome this fear, the best thing I can do is give up counting. Now. I never want to be eighteen. I'm going to continue being seventeen for the next sixty-three years.
I'm also scared and confused about death. (To which normally follows my self-riposte: "But I tried it and it no longer seems so bad.")
I also remember having a horrible fear of heights until I was like, eleven. I did some amateurish wall-abseiling when I was that age, so I'm not so afraid of it now. I seem to remember I leaned back as soon as someone threatened to push me off. It worked.
I guess that's all I can think of at the moment. Except for perhaps listening to boy-bands on the radio.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Heights and tall buildings. I have nightmares about being in tall buildings and being able to feel them sway in the wind.
Also, elevators. 9/11 gave me nightmares about being in one of the elevators when the planes hit. I still freak out thinking about those poor people.
I can't look out of a window in a tall building. That scene in Ferris Bueller where they are in the Sears Tower looking down gets to me so bad I can't watch. But, I can sit in the window seat of an airplane and look down with no problems, go figure.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Fear of my own mortality - stupid really but there you go.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
loud noises
Steve Austin's glass shattering
horror films
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Steve Austin's glass shattering
End Quote
Steve Austin's glass shattering !?!
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I'm afraid of:
I once was scratched in the face by one (if I hadn't closed my eyes I'd be blind in my left one), but I'd still hate dogs even if I hadn't been. Would someone please advertise keeping a dog as a pet for me?
"This smelly, hairy, vicious creature needs a home. May require long walks, may bark at random objects, will leave faeces all over the place, WILL PUT ITS PAWS UP ON YOUR CHEST AND STICK ITS HORRIBLE, MEATY JAWS IN YOUR FACE (that's what I hate most!), will lick you and possibly scratch or bite you. Let them infest your home today!"
I'd have to say I'm a lot more of a cat person.
Loud noises
Touching people on bare skin
I don't know the reason for this one, but it's a terrible fear I have. I'm okay with touching people when I'm in a good mood and when it's someone I know and trust, but when I'm out and about, even at school, I like to wear my gloves in case I bump hands with anyone.
Unfamiliar places.
Whenever I go on holiday, I usually feel very scared, upset and depressed for the first day or two, and I don't like to leave the hotel room (or other living quarters where we're staying). I get used to it after a while, though, and I start to enjoy the holiday. Slightly embarrassing thing about that one is I just cannot use the lavatory in an unfamiliar place. I honestly don't know why, but I once spent a week without going to the lavatory on holiday. Strange but true.
I used to be deathly afraid of crowds. A few months ago, I would have panic attacks in the supermarket whenever it was crowded. I had to get CBT to help me to overcome it. These days I have to wear gloves and I treat the crowd as a big, moving object that I have to find my way through or around.
Blimey, what an odd person am I.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Steve Austin's glass shattering !?!
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You know the entrance theme that he comes out to? The sound of the glass shattering. ;D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I used to be afraid of the bogeyman 20 years ago. As I got older,My Father stopped teasing me about it. ;D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Hubby's driving :P
Seriously, though, box elder bugs. When I was younger, I was really sick during the late summer. I was taking a nap on the living room floor and woke up with my face almost against our sliding glass patio door. I was running a 103o fever and started hallucinating that they were crawling all over me. To this day, I still can't see one without my skin crawling.
My oldest used to be scared to death of Bayer aspirin commercials. The one where they are showing an EKG with the beeps and the loud "dun dun". He used to go screaming out of the room when it would come on.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
You know the entrance theme that he comes out to? The sound of the glass shattering. ;D
End Quote
I know. I was just wondering why it scared you? Though about 17 years ago, when I was little, I got scared of a certain Price is Right mini-game called Cliffhanger. When the man fell off the mountain he screamed a blood curdling scream and I ran out of the room!
I was also scared of Worzell Gummidge in the end credits when he screamed falling off his perch!
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I know. I was just wondering why it scared you? Though about 17 years ago, when I was little, I got scared of a certain Price is Right mini-game called Cliffhanger. When the man fell off the mountain he screamed a blood curdling scream and I ran out of the room!
I was also scared of Worzell Gummidge in the end credits when he screamed falling off his perch!
End Quote
That's ok,Bob,No problem there.glad you asked. ;)
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Ugh! they scare me more than anything else!!!!
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
(I have to say it) This administration.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Having no money scares me! :o
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Having no money scares me! :o
End Quote
I hear you!!
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Cancer :P
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
either one of my Parents dead! :'(
needles! :P
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Having no money scares me! :o
End Quote
Doesn't scare me one bit! I have other sources for money! :)
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I know. I was just wondering why it scared you? Though about 17 years ago, when I was little, I got scared of a certain Price is Right mini-game called Cliffhanger. When the man fell off the mountain he screamed a blood curdling scream and I ran out of the room!
I was also scared of Worzell Gummidge in the end credits when he screamed falling off his perch!
End Quote
Wasn't Worzell a scarecrow? And wasn't he played by Jon Pertwee of Dr. Who fame? I heard about this show but never saw it since it was never shown in America. :( The only British kiddie show we had here was "The Uncle Bobby Show" and even that was shown on a Canadian channel. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit, and we picked up tv shows from Windsor,Ontario. :) Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
When I was younger, I would always run to my room screaming and crying whenever one of those old Afrin commercials came on, with the big nose that crawled out of bed (who knows what I'm talking about here?).
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
When I was younger, I would always run to my room screaming and crying whenever one of those old Afrin commercials came on, with the big nose that crawled out of bed (who knows what I'm talking about here?).
End Quote
Sad to say, I remember those :-[
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
When I was younger, I would always run to my room screaming and crying whenever one of those old Afrin commercials came on, with the big nose that crawled out of bed (who knows what I'm talking about here?).
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I think I know what you're talking about. Wasn't that some kind of sinus relief commercial...where the person's whole head was a giant nose?
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I think I know what you're talking about. Wasn't that some kind of sinus relief commercial...where the person's whole head was a giant nose?
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Back in the 1980's, there was a woman who sued the Coca Cola company because a 32-ounce bottle of CokeŽ had exploded as she walked past it in a grocery store aisle.
In her testimony, she said that since the incident, she was having nightmares in which she was being chased by a giant CokeŽ bottle.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Back in the 1980's, there was a woman who sued the Coca Cola company because a 32-ounce bottle of CokeŽ had exploded as she walked past it in a grocery store aisle.
In her testimony, she said that since the incident, she was having nightmares in which she was being chased by a giant CokeŽ bottle.
End Quote
Oh good grief! ::) ;D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Back in the 1980's, there was a woman who sued the Coca Cola company because a 32-ounce bottle of CokeŽ had exploded as she walked past it in a grocery store aisle.
In her testimony, she said that since the incident, she was having nightmares in which she was being chased by a giant CokeŽ bottle.
End Quote
LOL!!! :D
Frivolous lawsuit aside -
That's Awesome! 8) Exploding bottles of Coke!!
If I ever had a dream where I was being chased by a giant Coke bottle, I would stop right there, turn around, look at it, grin from ear to ear and chase it in order to drink it. ;D
A giant bottle of Coke is, like, my dream come true, man. ;)
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I used to run away from ladybirds! I now make em tickle my finger
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I am surprised no one has said this one yet, but I cant stand to talk in front of a large group of people, I always go brain dead because I get nervous. I can talk in front of small groups but you get over 20 people and I freeze up. How I became scared of talking in front of people, I have no idea I just always have been. I have tried taking public speaking classes hoping it would help me talk in front of groups better, but so far its been of no use.
Heights used to scare me when I was younger but not anymore. I just kinda grew out of this fear.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
LOL!!! :D
Frivolous lawsuit aside -
That's Awesome! 8) Exploding bottles of Coke!!
If I ever had a dream where I was being chased by a giant Coke bottle, I would stop right there, turn around, look at it, grin from ear to ear and chase it in order to drink it. ;D
A giant bottle of Coke is, like, my dream come true, man. ;)
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But what if the giant Coke bottle were empty? or actually filled with that most vile liquid known as Pepsi?
A nightmare indeed. :P
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
But what if the giant Coke bottle were empty? or actually filled with that most vile liquid known as Pepsi?
A nightmare indeed. :P
End Quote
Hey, Pepsi rules! :P
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
When I was younger, I would always run to my room screaming and crying whenever one of those old Afrin commercials came on, with the big nose that crawled out of bed (who knows what I'm talking about here?).
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That was one dumb commercial but funny.Who ever thought of a talking nose for christ sakes? ::) ;D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
What scares me is my future. I'm afraid it won't happen the way I want it to. :P
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
coming home to hear that someone died in the family. :'( :o
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I am surprised no one has said this one yet, but I cant stand to talk in front of a large group of people, I always go brain dead because I get nervous. I can talk in front of small groups but you get over 20 people and I freeze up. How I became scared of talking in front of people, I have no idea I just always have been. I have tried taking public speaking classes hoping it would help me talk in front of groups better, but so far its been of no use.
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This is so me. :(
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I'd have to say spiders,snakes,sleeping in a room with lots of windows(don't know why) and I have an intense fear of drowning(bad experience as a child at the beach). :(
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
drowning(bad experience as a child at the beach)
End Quote
I almost drowned at the beach too Lanie :(
I was boogie boarding and a huge wave came so i went to duck dive and a boy with a boogie board next to me did too, but when he did the cord of his boogie board wrapped around my neck and pulled me under with him. He came up fine but didnt realize that i was still under the water. I wasnt scared at all, in fact it was very peacful. It didnt make me scared of water though. Just wary of other boogie boarders :-/
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Yeah Lanie. I was fished out of a swimming pool after losing my float when I was little - very scary. I've got into a swimming pool since but it's quite unnerving sometimes, especially when I can't touch the ground with my feet.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Feeling isolated. I still get pangs of it but I can brush it off these days.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Being disconnected. All forms. Oh, and the fact that I will live to see the deaths of all that I care about. :'(
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Being disconnected. All forms. Oh, and the fact that I will live to see the deaths of all that I care about. :'(
End Quote
Me too,NeoMatrix,Me too. :'(
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Being disconnected. All forms. Oh, and the fact that I will live to see the deaths of all that I care about. :'(
End Quote
Yeah that really bites. In my family, the life expectancy is really long. My Mom is 83 years old and she has outlived almost all of her friends.
She has 3 friends of her "generation" left. Two are in nursing homes, :'( and one lives next door. Same thing happened to my Dad. By the time he died at 86, almost all his friends were either dead or in nursing homes. :-/
Fortunately Mum has me and my 2 brothers to check in on her and aggravate her. ;D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Yeah that really bites. In my family, the life expectancy is really long. My Mom is 83 years old and she has outlived almost all of her friends.
She has 3 friends of her "generation" left. Two are in nursing homes, :'( and one lives next door. Same thing happened to my Dad. By the time he died at 86, almost all his friends were either dead or in nursing homes. :-/
Fortunately Mum has me and my 2 brothers to check in on her and aggravate her. ;D
End Quote
same thing LB,My Mother has mostly all of her friends and as for my Father his friend Marvin who died last year at 70 but who now has an aggravating friend named Mark who bothers him every Sunday. ;D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
same thing LB,My Mother has mostly all of her friends and as for my Father his friend Marvin who died last year at 70 but who now has an aggravating friend named Mark who bothers him every Sunday. ;D
End Quote
You know Howard, my dad had a similar friend who came around on a Saturday afternoon. He would bore me to death talking about trains and the latest bargains he got from charity shops but he was alright.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
You know Howard, my dad had a similar friend who came around on a Saturday afternoon. He would bore me to death talking about trains and the latest bargains he got from charity shops but he was alright.
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But this friend is My Father's friend who smells like a smokestack with ciggarettes,constantly worries about the stockmarket and is a coin collector. :D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
The thought of not being needed. :-[
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
But this friend is My Father's friend who smells like a smokestack with ciggarettes,constantly worries about the stockmarket and is a coin collector. :D
End Quote
Er . . . I haven't told anyone on the board, Howard, But I'm a bit guilty of collecting a few coins as well. I have British old pennies and threpenny bits and stuff. I don't go a bundle on it but I keep them for when they may become valuable. :)
Is your dad's friend a businessman? I can understand it if he has put money into the stock market. Though investing money loses it's point when you lose your health through stress over investing it!
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Er . . . I haven't told anyone on the board, Howard, But I'm a bit guilty of collecting a few coins as well. I have British old pennies and threpenny bits and stuff. I don't go a bundle on it but I keep them for when they may become valuable. :)
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Same here Bobby. I have quite a collection-not just of coins but also paper money too from all over the world.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Same here Bobby. I have quite a collection-not just of coins but also paper money too from all over the world.
End Quote
Very nice. I bet they will be worth a bob or two in a few years time.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Er . . . I haven't told anyone on the board, Howard, But I'm a bit guilty of collecting a few coins as well. I have British old pennies and threpenny bits and stuff. I don't go a bundle on it but I keep them for when they may become valuable. :)
Is your dad's friend a businessman? I can understand it if he has put money into the stock market. Though investing money loses it's point when you lose your health through stress over investing it!
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I don't think he's a businessman.He used to be a hair stylist in the past.But anyway you should hear the 2 of them screaming at each other's throat about The Stock Market.It's annoying. ;D
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Very nice. I bet they will be worth a bob or two in a few years time.
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That's what I am hoping for but I suspect that the money I have from Afganistan STILL won't be worth too much. ::)
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
I almost drowned at the beach too Lanie :(
I was boogie boarding and a huge wave came so i went to duck dive and a boy with a boogie board next to me did too, but when he did the cord of his boogie board wrapped around my neck and pulled me under with him. He came up fine but didnt realize that i was still under the water. I wasnt scared at all, in fact it was very peacful. It didnt make me scared of water though. Just wary of other boogie boarders :-/
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Mine was a little on the comical side. I was in the water next to my cousin. All of a sudden this HUGE wave topples us and the undertow tried to drag me out to sea but I managed to grab ahold of my cousin's bathing suit. When we got back to shore she was in tears...I asked her why. She said when I pulled on her bathing suit,I pulled on her strap and it broke. The whole top part came undone! Not to mention there were like 5 or 6 surer guys not too far from us! I felt really bad.
Subject: Re: What Scares You?
Yeah Lanie. I was fished out of a swimming pool after losing my float when I was little - very scary. I've got into a swimming pool since but it's quite unnerving sometimes, especially when I can't touch the ground with my feet.
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Oh,I know what you mean. After the beach incident,I went to a birthday pool party. I was,to say the least,petrified with fear. My friends managed into talking me into going into the shallow part. I was fine. Then my best friend asked me to go to the deeper part. I said no. She told me I could hold onto the edge. After alot of begging,I finally gave in. We got half way when she told me to let go. I said no,that I was so scared and I wanted to go back. She begged me again. So I said okay. As soon as I let go,she let go! I went straight to the bottom and was struggling to get back to the top. She just watched me the whole time. :o Then she decided to help me. When we got out,I was SO mad at her. All she could say was that she thought I was faking. :-/