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Subject: I have a special announcement!
I proposed to my girlfriend of the past 18 months this weekend.
She accepted.
We will be tying the knot in a small ceremony this September.
We had already discussed it, and set the date, met with the priest, etc. but we were waiting to tell most people until I made it "official" with a formal proposal and a ring, which I surprised her with Saturday evening on one of the bridges in Elm Park in Worcester at sunset.
For those who don’t know, Elm Park is the oldest park in the country, designed by Olmstead who also designed Central Park and the Emerald Necklace in Boston. It holds the title as being the first public park. Here’s a link to some old pictures on my never updated Worcester website:
Her name is Susan, and she currently provides the Lyrics Quiz for amiright every day (except for the days I want to put one of my own in). So at some point you'll see the editor list slightly change when we're married.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations ChuckyG!!! :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations ChuckyD!!! :D
End Quote
ChuckD? isn't that a rapper?
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
ChuckD? isn't that a rapper?
End Quote
ooops...I'll fix that! lol
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Hearty congrats, Emperor Penguin ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations Chucky!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations Chucky. I hope that you and your girlfriend will be as happy as Don Carlos and I are. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Hi Chuck,
Haven't been around for a while, busy with other stuff, but when Cat told me about this announcement, I just had to "get back into the game" to say go boy go. I can only wish that you two make each other as happy as Cat and I do. May your union be happy, sexy, secure, and peaceful. My best to you and your bride to be.
Don Carlos
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations Chucky. I hope that you and your girlfriend will be as happy as Don Carlos and I are. ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
thank you... I sure hope I am too...
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
That's wonderful news, Chucky!! I wish you both the best of luck! :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
A man marries a woman expecting her to never change, and she does...
A woman marries a man expecting him to change, and he never does...
Anyway, congrats Chucky! ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations, ChuckyG! :)
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats Chucky!! May the only ups and downs be between the sheets ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats, Chucky!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats Chucky! :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats to you Chucky Cheese! ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Well done, Chuck, and congratulations to yourself and Susan :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
ChuckyG!! :D
To you and Susan,
http://www.animationlibrary.com/Animation11/Animals/Penguins/Wedding.gif http://www.animationlibrary.com/Animation11/Animals/Penguins/Penguin_4.gif
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Oooh, a best penguin ;D But wait, they're both wearing tuxedos! :o :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Quoting:But wait, they're both wearing tuxedos! :o :DEnd Quote
Check out the veil though!! Sweeeeet. ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations!!! What a beautiful setting you selected to propose to her.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Thats wonderful news Chucky, best wishes to you and Susan. :)
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
That's so wonderful, Chucky. Best wishes to you and your lovely bride to be. ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Way to go Chucky :)
I wish you and Susan all the very best together for the future.
Hmmmm do we get to watch the wedding via webcam ???
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations and best wishes to you both
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations!!! ;D :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
I wish you Grosvenors the best of luck! :)
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats...I wish the both of you many years of happiness.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
That's beautiful ChuckyG, best wishes! ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Great stuff. Congratulations to you both.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations to you and Susan, Chucky. How exciting! What a wonderful place you chose to propose. :)
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations I wish you both every happiness.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations to both of you!!!!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats, Chucky!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats Chucky and Susan!!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Best Wishes Chucky G!
From: Diva & Wild Man!
Relationships are never easy, it's what you make them!
I have a few cousins, in Hudson, Mass.
Their greetings would go-- something like this..
We hope yas have a MONSTA wedding.
Don't forget to PARK ya CAR and eat
LOTSA bread with BUUDAH! ;D
Seriously though... Good luck to the both of you!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations on this wonderful news :)
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Thanks everyone for all the positive comments! ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Excellent news. Let's hope she likes song parodies. After 21 years, my wife still tells me "I can't believe you could write something that's SO DEMENTED!"
Best of luck to you two.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations and best wishes to you and your bride, Chucky!
My wife Mary and I will be celebrating our 23rd wedding anniversary on April 25, 2004 ... I hope you and your bride will be celebrating your own 23rd anniversary in 2027 !
Johnny D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats! A Mrs. ChuckyG cool!
Wish I had a girlfriend. :'(
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrads ChuckE!!!! (E for engaged) I wish you both the best.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congrats to a genuinely cool dude. (isn't this gettiing just a bit monotonous by this point? ;))
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Awww...congratulations Chucky!! :D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
i guess i'm kind of late, but CONGRATS, CHUCKY & SUSAN!
(diva...i read that as "lots of bread with buddha"...) ::)
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations Chucky! Best of luck to you!
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
3 Words - "Bride Of Chucky"!
(seriously, congrats all round 8) )
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations and best wishes, ChuckyG and Susan!! Elm Park looks beautiful (as does the Worcester website) and I commend you for picking that spot to make it official.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
i guess i'm kind of late, but CONGRATS, CHUCKY & SUSAN!
(diva...i read that as "lots of bread with buddha"...) ::)
End Quote
I did too. But, shouldn't it be "PAHK ya CAH"? ;D
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
ChuckyG - I find myself at a loss - unable to come up with any wise remarks or puns. So let's go with "Congratulations...may it be a long and happy Union".
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
There's no need of my wise cracking, but congratulations. I wish you both the best days of your lives together forever.
from S.T.G.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
3 Words - "Bride Of Chucky"!
(seriously, congrats all round 8) )
End Quote
D'oh! You beat me to it! :) Be afraid...BE VERY AFRAID!!! ;D
Anyway...congratulations and best of luck, ChuckyG. May you have eternal happiness. :)
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
I proposed to my girlfriend of the past 18 months this weekend.
She accepted.
We will be tying the knot in a small ceremony this September.
We had already discussed it, and set the date, met with the priest, etc. but we were waiting to tell most people until I made it "official" with a formal proposal and a ring, which I surprised her with Saturday evening on one of the bridges in Elm Park in Worcester at sunset.
For those who don’t know, Elm Park is the oldest park in the country, designed by Olmstead who also designed Central Park and the Emerald Necklace in Boston. It holds the title as being the first public park. Here’s a link to some old pictures on my never updated Worcester website:
Her name is Susan, and she currently provides the Lyrics Quiz for amiright every day (except for the days I want to put one of my own in). So at some point you'll see the editor list slightly change when we're married.End Quote
Congrats, dearie.
Subject: Re: I have a special announcement!
Congratulations to the both of you :D