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Subject: I've been adopted by a....
Yeah, I am now owned by a cat. I only say that because she followed me around all night and kept meowing at the apartment door. I didn't have the heart to leave her out all night because she is so friendly. She is the friendliest stray I've ever seen, and she definetly is a stray. Well, here is the story...
I was doing my laundry last night, and as I went to the laundry room to put my clothes in the dryer, this little tiny thing shoots across my path. I thought it was like a rat or something cuz it was so small. But as I looked at it around the corner, I saw a little face with big green eyes peeking back at me! I called her over and she came right to me. She is the skinniest cat I have ever seen, and she is full grown too!I figured she must have a home since she came right up to me and let me hold her and pet her, but then I went back to my apartment and she followed me there. I left here outside at first. Then I went to get my clothes out of the drier about an hour later.
She wasn't at my door but as soon as I got to the laundry room, she jumped out from a corner and meowed at me. She ran up to me and started rubbing against my legs and everything. She followed me back to the apartment and this time, I told my roommate about her. As I walked down the hall, I heard the cat howling outside the door.
I opened the door and she let herself right in. My roommate was like " OK, were gonna have to keep her cuz she already made herself at home!"
So here I am, I have a cat, no cat food, no litter box, no nothing. I had to walk down to Albertsons and 11:00 at night and get this stuff!
So, I put down a can of Fancy Feast and she goes to town on it! The little thing was starving!So, I get into bed later on and she plops down next to me. I wake up this morning and she is in the exact same place she was last night. She completly konked out!
So, I have to take her to the vet ASAP because she has a cat cold and there is something wrong with one of her eyes. But I'll find a way to get her all fixed up, and spayed so she can stay with me.
Now, I think I should describe her a little bit...
She is a tiny cat, probably only ways 3 or 4 punds if that. She is a Tiger cat, she is a brownish gray with black stripes all over. And her eyes are a really pretty green. My roomate's cat has blue eyes so its a change for me now to see a green eyed cat, even though they are more common. And I also named her Chloe. She looks kinda like a Chloe in a way!
Wish me luck with my new project everyone!!
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
Cats are cool ;D
Have fun with the kitty, looks like y'all are good for each other :)
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
That is great Rio. I too was adopted a long time ago by a cat. We had two at the time and this little one wanted to live with us in the worse way. The door was open and she walked right in. Went up to our other two cats (both of them hissed and growled at her) and then she went into the bedroom, jumped up on the bed and curled up and went to sleep. We didn't have the heart to put her out so we said that we would keep her for about a week. That week lasted 18 years. Enjoy your little kitty. I'm sure she will bring you much joy (not to mention hours of free entertainment. ;D).
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
Cats are fun...and of course it adopted you. You never own a cat, they own you. Remember that and you will both be happy. ;)
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
That is so sweet, Rio! I just love cats myself! Your kitty sounds like she's found herself the perfect home! :D
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
ooooohh my childhood cat was a Chloe too !! What a great name choice Rio.
I do love how cats just decide for themselves who they are going to live with. And we mere humans have utterly no choice in the matter - we are compelled by some bizarre force to feed them and buy kitty litter !!!!!!!
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
So the cat's your dad now? :o :P
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
Isn't it nice to be adopted by a cat? We've got two. One is sitting in my lap as I type this.
Two things to remember, 1) dogs have owners while cats have staff and 2) no outfit is complete with out cat hair.
I couldn't imagine life without my little babies. They give me as much love as I give them. They are awesome.
Chloe is a nice name, too. That's what I was going to name our first cat, but she wound up being Gracie Lou. Our other one is Mercy Mae.
So, Gracie and Mercy says hi to Chloe! ;D
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
So the cat's your dad now? :o :P
End Quote
That's what I want to know. ;D HEEHEE!
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
No, the cat is not my Dad!!! :D ;)
She just decided I was worthy enough to take care of her. :)
This isn't my first cat either. I have been taking care of cats for years now, I've seen three litters be born and countlees kittens grow up. I love cats, and Dagwood, BrianMannixGirl, and Onaree know exactly what they are talking about with the way cats live!! Onaree couldn't have said it better when she said that cats have staff! I have always felt like a slave to my cats but I love em to death!! She is doing fine, but she is unfortunatley partially blind from malnutrition :'(. I'm taking care of her though.
I saw on Animal Planet once a cat who had the same kind of blindness, she was fed and taken care of and her vision came back almost perfectly, so I know Chloe will be fine!
Thanks for the congrats!!
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
I was adopted by a fish - somehow!
I have a pond outside which links to other water sources. Once when I came outside to do the gardening, I saw a fishy swimming nicely in my pond, along with 3 other fishies. Now the particular fish was a bluish - purple with a massive tail. Anyway, I fed the fish and went inside. Somehow, I turned on the tap later and the fish came through and it wiggled! I made more water and the fish waded through the water. It looked up at me (how?!) and I noticed I had no fish food left or anything to take care of a fish with. I got the little fishie everything and just watched it for hours on end...I was weirded out that nite...
Subject: Re: I've been adopted by a....
I was adopted by a fish - somehow!
I have a pond outside which links to other water sources. Once when I came outside to do the gardening, I saw a fishy swimming nicely in my pond, along with 3 other fishies. Now the particular fish was a bluish - purple with a massive tail. Anyway, I fed the fish and went inside. Somehow, I turned on the tap later and the fish came through and it wiggled! I made more water and the fish waded through the water. It looked up at me (how?!) and I noticed I had no fish food left or anything to take care of a fish with. I got the little fishie everything and just watched it for hours on end...I was weirded out that nite...
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was your father the shark? ;D :D