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Subject: Lies Your Teacher Told You
George Washington had wooden teeth? Columbus discovered America? It's interesting to hear the "truth" according to some teachers, whether relevant to school or not.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
Columbus DID discover America. Or at least some islands off the coast of the American continent, exposing to Europeans unaware of its existence.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
My college Econ teacher used to tell us that he NEVER paid full price for ANYTHING. He would say he'd even haggle over the price of groceries. ::)
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
My bubble of innocence has been shattered :'( ;D
Though it might be a good idea to conform to what your teacher says, for now...they do control the grades :P Especially in subjects like history and English, if you go against the teacher's grain, the grades get kinda harshed...happened to me a bunch in high school and college :(
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
Lies...hmmm...well, between elementary and junior high I learned that the stuff in the textbooks was kinda sugarcoated for my poor virgin eyes...does that count?
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
I before E, except after C.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
"Mister Florio, if you throw your pen one more time, Im sending you to the principle!"
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
"Next time you do that, Im writing you up!"
but anyways, that was sorta copying Billy....and to list some of mine:
-pre-k: if you leave your hand out, someone is gonna step on it and it will become mashed potatoes!
-1st grade: we're gonna make gifts for father's day out of shaving Creme! (I was the only one who looked back at the teacher aid cleaning off the shaving cream covered table and asked why she was wrecking our presents)
-4th grade: I see everything!
-5th grade: your reading buddy will write an english paper on the book they are reading, you will only help (this was the biggest lie yet, mainly because my reading buddy didnt speak a word of english, he understood it, but didnt speak it, and he could write it, but not in his own words, so I wound up writing it for him, but dictating every letter as he wrote it down ::) )
-7th grade: there are 746 people in the House of Representatives (actually I made up that number and told the teacher, then he told us, thinking I was right)
-10th grade: in this classroom, you speak when you are called on (oh, the irony, she had to be the rudest teacher Ive ever met!)
Yes, all of these are absolutely true! No lie!
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
My kindergarden teacher told us all that there was no such thing as Santa Claus. :'( My parents were furious. >:(
It took them awhile, but my folks were finally able to convince me that my teacher was wrong, and that Santa really did exist.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
I don't need a hall pass to go to some weekly session. :P
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
The lies I remember are along the lines of "I will grade and return this to you by Wednesday," "I am a fair teacher," "Charles Dickens is a great writer," etc.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
The lies I remember are along the lines of "I will grade and return this to you by Wednesday," "I am a fair teacher," "Charles Dickens is a great writer," etc.
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Ive encounterd the first two many many times....and the third one....I HATE CHARLES DICKENS!!!!! I think I have a standup bit on him, but I dont remember..that probably means its not funny....but anyway, yes, ive heard that lie too
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
He wrote the most bloody boring books ever. And they always switch from scene to scene far too quickly. As for Shakespeare, he just ripped off the work of other writers and passed it off as his own, to some degree.
The thing about Columbus "discovering" America... Surely one can only say that he was the first recorded European to go to America? There were already people living there, weren't there? What about all the American "Indian" tribes?
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
My teachers don't often tell outright lies to us when teaching us, but they do say some really silly things:
My Business Management teacher often tells us completely irrelevant facts during the course of the lesson.
After he's told us one, he will say, "All these extra things I'm teaching you! And it's all free!!!"
I pointed out that it was a state school and everything is free anyway. He got waxy and said that he wasn't adding any EXTRA charge for the useless facts.
The same teacher said that he hated the fact that old people were sponging off the state and living off their pensions that HE has to pay for.
Even though I'm a fairly right-wing person, I didn't agree with this- I explained to him that the same old people, a few decades ago, were paying income tax, which went towards his family's child benefits. And that when he retires, he will have to "sponge off the state" and will be paid out of OUR pockets.
As well as that, my French teacher said that she wished all children could just stay as cute little Primary school children and wouldn't grow up to be the great, big, drug-abusing, acne-ridden creatures that we apparently are.
I said to her that if that were to happen, she would be out of a job.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
The whole Charles Dickens is boring thing is more of an opinion.
Though I actaully thinks it counts if I actually took my teacher's advice a few years ago to listen to Shakira. :P
The topic was from a question I asked after school about rock music from other continents besides North America and Europe. Though he gave me good advice about music from the past.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
My 8th grade teacher told me he ws going out with Belinda Carlisle. I was all like ":o"
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
I was told in year 2 that everyone works hard to get us to learn. I said that teachers just tell us what to do and laze around all day. If teachers watched their teachers, they'd know what themselves were doing at that moment in time.
In year 1, I was told chips are bad for you. No, they're healthy - they're potatoes, right??
In year 6 (i still in year six) I was told at the start that the dreaded SATs were gonna come real quick. No.....it's real slow and i hope it goes quick - I cant wait to relax!
Something my oldddddddd teacher told me - "Never talk to your mommy and daddy if they say you cant have a choccy bar." I asked for a choccy bar, they said no, I spoke to them sayin i luv u and I didnt get squashed by a massive choccy bar or nuthin...
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
The lies I remember are along the lines of "I will grade and return this to you by Wednesday," "I am a fair teacher," "Charles Dickens is a great writer," etc.
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Well, I have heard the first two MANY times. And I have a teacher who said "I am the fairest teacher you will ever have", and he turned out to be one of the least fair teachers I've had.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
today - "you will all enjoy this next game we're playing!" (yes, i completely enjoyed getting hit in the face with a basketball.)
all thoughout middle school - "now, when you're in the high school, the teachers will be much more difficult and not give you nice typed out sheets of notes like we do now." (and thank god that was a lie.)
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
all thoughout middle school - "now, when you're in the high school, the teachers will be much more difficult and not give you nice typed out sheets of notes like we do now." (and thank god that was a lie.)
End Quote
It's also not true of college... I didn't hear that much in middle school, but I definitely heard it like every week in high school. In fact, most of the things my high school teachers said about college to scare us are entirely unfounded. Of course, it's still way harder and more work-filled, but not in the way they said.
But my two favorites are both physics related: in elementary school I learned about "centrifugal force" as if it was a real force, and even all the way through high school they acted like Conservation of Mass wasn't an approximation ::).
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
The whole Charles Dickens is boring thing is more of an opinion.
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Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
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"A Christmas Carol", a holiday staple, was from Charles Dickens.
And some people like the story in various forms from Disney to the cheesy VH1 "Divas Chrismas Carol".
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
"A Christmas Carol", a holiday staple, was from Charles Dickens.
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Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
There is a book called, Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen. He also wrote a follow up called Lies Across America. I recommend reading them. Very interesting books.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
I guess the best lie my teachers told me was during high school. "If you plan on going to college, you have to have a lot of math." I took Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trig & Calculus, and Advanced Math thinking, "I have to do well in all of this because I'm going to college." Well, when I got to college I found out my major only required me to have College Algebra which was basically Algebra II. >:( No wonder I hate math!
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
I once had a teacher tell me that I had a "math mind." But, that was only because I showed her up one day. ;D I don't know if I could call that a lie or not. I can to abstract thinking and such but when it comes to simple arithmatic, I need a calculator. But I did ACE my Probs & Stats mid-term so maybe she was right. ???
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
My Business Management teacher said he would defenestrate me.
He never did.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
I guess the best lie my teachers told me was during high school. "If you plan on going to college, you have to have a lot of math." I took Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trig & Calculus, and Advanced Math thinking, "I have to do well in all of this because I'm going to college." Well, when I got to college I found out my major only required me to have College Algebra which was basically Algebra II. >:( No wonder I hate math!
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Know what you mean, had every teacher and counselor tell me I needed to get as much math as possible, so I took trig/analytical geometry and calculus w/physics in high school.
What did I go into? Art school, lotta help they were... ::)
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
This is what my English teacher told us our third year of high school.....
"What you learn here won't help you after graduation!"
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
This is what my English teacher told us our third year of high school.....
"What you learn here won't help you after graduation!"
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Sadly, that's not a lie. ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
Know what you mean, had every teacher and counselor tell me I needed to get as much math as possible, so I took trig/analytical geometry and calculus w/physics in high school.
What did I go into? Art school, lotta help they were... ::)
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Hehehe...my major was molecular biology and we were told that we'd need all that math too, but we never did...nor much physics either.
I did appreciate the math though, it helped me win a bunch of Trivial Pursuit and other contests and also allowed me to build many a catapult and potato cannon for fun. So it was useful, just not in my field :)
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
Sadly, that's not a lie. ::) ;D
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You mean my teacher actually told us the TRUTH!? ;D :P ::)
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
Know what you mean, had every teacher and counselor tell me I needed to get as much math as possible, so I took trig/analytical geometry and calculus w/physics in high school.
What did I go into? Art school, lotta help they were... ::)
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Well, I'm going to one of the top tech schools in the country - so the math through calc I had in high school was very important. Wish I'd had more of it, too, as that would have cleared up space for more electives - Mudd has two full years of core math beyond calc (which they basically assume you already know).
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
The fact that anything taught in school will be helpful in later life...
Havent used Shakespeare or Calculus yet
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
You mean my teacher actually told us the TRUTH!? ;D :P ::)
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ROFL. Around here, a lot of the universities say you need Higher English to get in.
Not the buildings themselves, I mean the... Oh, you know what I mean.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
Anyone get this one? "You will not be allowed to print in high school. You will have to use cursive." ???
Haven't connected my letters since fourth grade. Can't remember how.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
Anyone get this one? "You will not be allowed to print in high school. You will have to use cursive." ???
Haven't connected my letters since fourth grade. Can't remember how.
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Haha, that's how it's been for me. The last time I wrote cursive for an assignment in school was fifth grade.
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
"art is useless"!!
Subject: Re: Lies Your Teacher Told You
The fact that anything taught in school will be helpful in later life...
Havent used Shakespeare or Calculus yet
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As I said. You don't go to a tech school. Not only have I used high school calc frequently in the past year, I've even had to use a bit of the DEs and Lin.Al, though that's only in other classes that aren't going to be useful to me later, either. Haven't used any calc in CS classes yet, but I'm sure I will later.