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Subject: Favorite Junior High Memories
I remember this one time, when we had a subsitute teacher, and one of the students threw a book out the window,
I got in trouble for laughing about it, well actually I was yelled at, by one of the assisstant principals
I remember when our regular teacher came back, she was really ticked off about it, I mean really upset over it.
Hey anyone ever disect a Frog? Anyone not disect a frog.
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
We had a teacher that was well past retirement age and was easily rattled. So, we would do things like everyone drop their books at 2:10 (she ran out of the classroom crying after that one), or hum (like in "Summer School") and the "big" book going around was Forever by Judy Blume so one time, we were playing hangman & I used "Ralph" as my word. Needless to say, she retired the year after our class ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
My favorite thing was disecting frogs. Then flicking gunk at each other.
Anyone ever flicked gunk at their classmates?
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
My favorite thing was disecting frogs. Then flicking gunk at each other.
Anyone ever flicked gunk at their classmates?
End Quote
No, but I put the frog's internal organs in my best friend's locker. Anyone ever put dead animal parts in anyone else's locker? ;) ;)
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
No, I haven't.
Isn't it funny that when you sit back and think about junior high you get kind of mad about things that your parent wouldn't let you do? Anyone else wish their parents would have let them do more in junior hign?
I guess that's why I hate thinking about junior high. I mean, it would have been nice to go to a movie or to the mall. But they always made me play with my big brother.
I wonder if my big brother thinks of junior high?
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
harassing old (or clueless) substitutes was always fun...there's this one who i'll call "tom" who shouldn't be able to substitute anymore. he sometimes falls asleep during class. naturally, we convinced him once or twice that we got out of class about five minutes before the bell rang. he was also known for leaving weird notes for my seventh grade math teacher, like:
1. (on a plastic bird he brought in and left on the podium) "this is the BIRD OF PEACE. please do not disturb the BIRD OF PEACE."
2. (on the fish tank) "FEED THE FISHY A PINCHY PINCHY"
he's still a sub, and he still has no clue what's going on.
another time, we had a sub for spanish and this guy didn't speak one word of spanish. in the spanish room, there were unabridged spanish-english dictionaries. you can figure out the rest of what happened that day. :D
never dissected anything in middle school though...first dissection project we had was in freshman year and i did the alternate project because i think organs are gross. :P we (well, the other kids) dissected fetal pigs. i cannot eat cold cuts without smelling formaldihyde. :-X
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
I am trying very hard to block out all my memories of Jr. High. They really sucked the big one. >:(
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
There was this one time, at band camp...
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
we would do things like everyone drop their books at 2:10 (she ran out of the classroom crying after that oneEnd Quote
We did that with a teacher in 7th grade! The class was kind of off-time dropping though, and after a short pause, our teacher said, "You guys should've planned better" (or something along those lines). It was funny. :D
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
I don't like the idea of harassing subsitutes. I remember one who suspiciously resembled a famous actress. (No saying)
Oh, and nachos for lunch...huh huh huh huh.
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
I don't like the idea of harassing subsitutes. End Quote
I am very glad to hear that because I used to sub. In fact, the last time I subbed was for Jr. High. That is why I am not doing it anymore.
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
I disected a frog in middle school! It was so fun!
Some of the best memories of middle school are writing ketchup stories and collecting ketchup packets(AND mustard, relish etc.), getting in trouble for having snoap (soap grated into a powder) and singing the gilligan's island theme song in the talent show in front of the whole school! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
Jr. High? ???
Is there not a better part of everyones life to completely disreguard? :-X
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
Well there are no Jr. Highs here (you just go from grade school to high school).
But what's Jr. High? Grades 6-8? Well, Gr. 8 had many memories, but I'll list 2.
1. For part of our year-end Gr.8 trip, our class went to Pelee Island. Everyone brought their bikes with them to get from place to place. Well, after lunch, the class decided to go for a quick bike ride. Put it shortly, me and 3 friends got too far ahead of the group and when they turned back, we kept going. We decided to find a short cut and beat them all back, but all we did was get lost.
So here is us 4, lost on an island and travelling with bikes on STONE road during a hot summer's day. There was no one around to help us get back either. Half way through, I fall off my bike and get a big gash in my left knee. Finally after 1 and 1/2 hours, we find our way back. Let's just say the teachers were about to kill us... ;D
Afterwards, I found a map and discovered we had biked across half the island! :o
2. Our school band was touring other public schools near the end of the school year. One of our pieces was the Flintstones theme song. Some one came up with a great idea that I should dress up as Wilma Flintstone during the song and hand out candy to little kids.
So here I am (I'm a guy too btw) in a wig and this tiny, short little Wilma dress handing out candy to strangers and even the Education Board Director herself! Definitely the most daring thing I've ever done. :o
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
I don't like the idea of harassing subsitutes. I remember one who suspiciously resembled a famous actress. (No saying)
Oh, and nachos for lunch...huh huh huh huh.
End Quote
Oh, this wasn't a sub, this was our regular teacher. And, I'd like to say in our defense that she needed to retire. She'd give us assignments, then forget she gave them to us. We read "Island of the Blue Dolphins" twice. She would hand out detentions like they were going out of style. (such as if you forgot to write your name on an assignment or skipped a question on a test that you didn't know--mark the grade down, but don't give a detention for it ::)) I was always very nice to the substitutes :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
Well, even though my junior high years were the past 3 years of my life... ::) I do have a particularly funny memory.
In the 7th grade there was this guy named Landon Bruce (the class jock who I had a huge crush on :P) and he had broken his foot or something, and he was going up the stairs to geography class and me and my best friend Jodie were behind him. Well I guess he just didn't like people carrying his stuff for him because he was carrying it himself and trying to hop up the stairs. Well on one attempt to "hop" up a stair he kind of tripped, and I don't know how he did this but he practically defied the laws of gravity and literally fell UP the stairs in slow motion!!! It was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. I guess you just had to be there. :P
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
I was only in junior high for two years. Why? Because I entered junior high in the 7th grade (that's right, 6th was elementary for me); at the time, the system was changed from 7th/8th/9th grades to 6th/7th/8th; because of this, it was referred to as "middle school" altho we used the terms interchangeably.
During my 8th grade year, I had algebra 1, since I was so good in math. Sometimes I would give answers in class, and everyone around me was proud. I sometimes helped them with classwork. :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
My favorite part of junior high (or middle school) was when I left. ::)
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
Oooooh, subs, subs, subs...I did many things to subs, on my own - Should I tell you three?
1. We go on a trip to a factory with a substitute. The sub was way past retirement age - and I think past death age, she once told us she was 99 years of age. So here we are, at the start of a factory. The tour guide tells us who she is and leads us. For the first 15 minutes, it was great - getting to ride the staff transportation (like those things you get in airports that carry your luggage but with seats) and go up to such a height you couldnt see a thing underneath you. But just while we're riding the staff transportation, our sub starts to scream. I asked her what the matter was and she screamed louder. We backed away (if possible, sitting on seats going around up and down) and she asked us ALL who we were. We said we were her students, and the tour guide said who she was and tried to calm her down. Me, taking advantage, told her she was in the hands of an armed german and the german was taking her to a biiiiig bomb (this sub lived thru the WW2). She got off the seat, screamed and jumped down off the seat, into a never ending hole. Needless to say, the tour guide had to take us home. 2 days after, we found she had been put into a mental home (the sub).
2. Once I had a sub and she was only about, what, 18? So we're there, an 18 year old girl teaching us about maths, when the bell rings for Recess. I go outside, and think up how to annoy the sub. I get a piece of paper, and write a letter (Im good at faking other pplz handwritin) and write:
"Dear Miss Pernetica,
Due to my understanding, I found you did not read the rare rule. The rare rule is rarely read. It says Children must only be given detentions when they are doing work in class. The work-room is in the staff room, the special door.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. I. Lene". (Names changed) I placed it on the desk, and so she read it.
"Oh! Children, a rarely used rule says here Children should be given detentions when working in class. The work-room is in the staff room, the special door. Let's go now," and we were led out. It was cool, working in the chill-out room. I was more focused actually! But the teachers told her off and took us back to class. But Miss Pernetica became our proper teacher and made it a rule - I was surprised!
3. We all spoke quieter and quieter to a sub who belived he was deaf. We soon just mimed our words! When he got a hearing aid, we spoke as loud as could be!!!! He got furious when he found he wasnt deaf at all and actually paid for a hearing aid for nothing. He got the head-teacher and the head told us we were havin a detention. I managed to skip that without being caught! I was a right old trickster. I have millions more where that came from! Oh, and to download good pranks to play on ppl (I dunno if the website closed or not) go to www.downloads.com. Click 'Downloads' and then click 'Prank Downloads'. Then, click 'Screenmates' if you want prank-pulling screenmates, or click 'Written List' if you want written pranks. Then click 'Load me' next to the little jumping file, but if you want to cancel it click 'cancel' next to the file retreating to its little home. Then wait for the file to load and you have it. But there are lots of downloads on there - there's actually a thing on it where you create downloads!!!
Subject: Re: Favorite Junior High Memories
Oh God, where do I start?
Well, I'll just tell my very favorite one:
There was this kid in my class named Jonathan who...wasn't too bright about anything. And he really couldn't control his emotions, so this kid named Gilbert always liked to harrass him and then Johnny Boy would go running to the principal's office.
Well, you see, Jonathan loved cars...a lot. He loved to look through his Auto Trader. But one day, he couldn't find it anywhere, so he was deeply upset. He was sitting in class, practically in tears because of his lost magazine and Gilbert tried to make him get over it by saying, "Jonathan! It's just a 50 cent book!" Jonathan snapped back, with the scariest voice I've ever heard in my life: