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Subject: How can we explain 80's music to youth of today?
Hey all,
I work with a lot of people in their 20's and I've recently come under a barrage of fire about the music of the 80's. >:( I was born in 1969, so the 80's were my major "formative years". The music of my youth. Def Leppard, Ozzy, Bryan Adams, Whitesnake, Monsters of Rock, Bon Jovi, just to name a few..I loved them all, even some of the pop stuff. 8) I'm rapidly running out of ammo to repel some of the negativity, I'm looking to others to relay some personal anecdotes or just some favorite 80's tunes/artists that may (or may not!) have had some staying power to counterract those that say the best music is the late 90's-2000's. I personally can't relate. I'm ripped-acid-washed jeans, concert t-shirt, 'tunes-a-blazin'-in-my-really-awful-car, "Wanted Dead or Alive"-lighter-wavin'. 80's through and through. Thanks for any responses.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
it's not what you were into but the longevity of the likes of the "household names" like Cure, Clash, and the hip hop songs that are still played on radio like sugarhill gang's rappers delight, white lines grand master flash and klymaxx's meetin inthe ladies room?? The fact that they don't get your point is because they don't want to. Sorry, but it is true. they are locked in their own insular space of nostalgia and because your reference of youth is different, they feel they have to laugh at the 80s in order not to betray the fact that the probably do know a few of these tunes you speak of but they can't outright tell you so without losing face. I'm bordering on 30 and my sister is 15. I know what you are going thru. She thinks i'm crazy and I hate the rap andR&B she likes.
The 80s was a retaliation against the 70s disco wasn't it?
Try and work from that angle. They still probably aren't going to be very forgiving or tolerant tho'
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
My question is why even try to explain 80's music to these 20 yr olds in the first place?
Seems to me that they're pretty shallow if they scorn music just due to it's time or era...
That era's music was important to you because it was the music that was around you as you formed your adult life.
As you get older, you'll see no time will ever be like it, and no other time should be...if they can't see it for that, then scr*w 'em.
With age comes wisdom and understanding, try and be satified with that, they will have to see that later in their lives when the time comes....
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Tell them to give it a few years and all of the good songs from the 80's will be remade anyway ::) :P
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Tell them to give it a few years and all of the good songs from the 80's will be remade anyway ::) :P
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That is definitely true. ;D
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
You can also tell them that at least you could understand what they were singing about. The stuff my kids listen to, like rap.....it's a wonder why there is so much violence today. I even fell like ripping someones head off listening to that crap.
I was a teen in the 80's and the music was different because it was the birth of MTV and the British Invasion. ;D. That is what made it great. It was mostly about bands that we (USA) may have never heard of it they hadn't been first in producing music videos, God bless them.
I agree with 80's Cheerleader, lots of the songs out today are bad imitations of the original, IMO. ;D
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Rap was around since the mid '70's and wasn't popular until the mid/late '80's.
And I don't think it's a reason why kids today are violent.
Remember how the PMRC blamed heavy metal, Madonna, Prince, etc. in the mid '80's.
Back on topic, Every generation has it's share of what kids like & parents dislike.
Example) The scene of "Forrest Gump" where his mother dissaproves young Forrest's taste for Elvis Pressely.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Point taken woops,it was only my opinion.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
I think the best defence is not to actually defend the 80s. Sounds crazy from a 80s mad fan but people have come up to me asking to borrow 80s cds just to find out why I am crackers over the era.
The more you feel you have to defend it, the more indifference you will recieve.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
The way i explain it to my daughter is that in the 80s,
it was a different time, there was so much new groups doing their own thing. people were "free" to do what they wanted. I say free because nobody looked down on you as a result of your choices. every different style was accepted and every opinion was respected. thats why there are so many different singing styles that came out of the 80s.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Hey all,
I work with a lot of people in their 20's and I've recently come under a barrage of fire about the music of the 80's. >:( I was born in 1969, so the 80's were my major "formative years". The music of my youth. Def Leppard, Ozzy, Bryan Adams, Whitesnake, Monsters of Rock, Bon Jovi, just to name a few..I loved them all, even some of the pop stuff. 8) I'm rapidly running out of ammo to repel some of the negativity, I'm looking to others to relay some personal anecdotes or just some favorite 80's tunes/artists that may (or may not!) have had some staying power to counterract those that say the best music is the late 90's-2000's. I personally can't relate. I'm ripped-acid-washed jeans, concert t-shirt, 'tunes-a-blazin'-in-my-really-awful-car, "Wanted Dead or Alive"-lighter-wavin'. 80's through and through. Thanks for any responses.
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Well be honest now, when you were 19 or 20 years old back in 1989, would YOU have listened to some 35 year old guy going on and on about how great he thought the 60's or 70's were? You know it's a lie if you say that most 20 year olds in 1989 wanted to get into the Baby Boomer, flower power loving 60's.
I agree with you that the 80's ruled, but I don't think you can fault people for acting their age and preferring something current. That's just the way things are. At no time since the 1950's (or human history actually) have the youth in mass wanted to embrace the pop music of 15-20+ years ago. Just try to remember what you thought about music from 15-20+ years ago when you were their age.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Well, I don't know what kids you're hanging out with, but the young folks I know are all in love with the music from my generation. It's weird! I wrote in another post that a couple of weekends ago I was hanging out in a club that has a night called "Trash" that plays a lot of britpop from the 80s. "Blue Monday" came on and all the kiddies all started screaming saying "Oh, I LOVE THIS SONG!!!" it made me laugh, because I remember saying that when I was their age!
Good music is good music, and music lovers are music lovers, no matter what age they are. When I was in the 8th grade, I had an English teacher who gave us Beatles' lyrics to read and analyze. I've been a lyric person ever since!
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
^You are missing my point. Good music is good music, yeah I agree. And I remember growing up in both the 80's and 90's and there were several kids that loved the music of the previous eras. For many kids who got into the 60's or 70's back then, it was more of a chic retro thing.
But the original poster here is shocked to find out that most younger people today prefer current music over 80's music. That fundamentally, is nothing new and I can't believe anyone would expect any different. In 2054, I don't expect kids, as a whole mind you, to still want to listen to the pop music of 2034 or 2039.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
^You are missing my point. Good music is good music, yeah I agree. And I remember growing up in both the 80's and 90's and there were several kids that loved the music of the previous eras. For many kids who got into the 60's or 70's back then, it was more of a chic retro thing.
But the original poster here is shocked to find out that most younger people today prefer current music over 80's music. That fundamentally, is nothing new and I can't believe anyone would expect any different. In 2054, I don't expect kids, as a whole mind you, to still want to listen to the pop music of 2034 or 2039.
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Yea, but probably because they will be chillin in zero gravity power suits with personal memory chips for archives of everything. So chances are, their time will be taken up with things of their era, so who has time to look back? Eventually we will be obsolete except to a handful of the future, dare I say, fring populations. (meaning the future fans won't be in the majority listening to everything everyone else likes)
Hoard those memories!
I was underage for most of the 80s so my memories pick up and leave off accordingly. If I had been 18 sooner than mid-90, surely I'd remember more but many of the big events didn't pass me by,so I'm thankful for what I have in memory recall.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
I don't bother explaining it to the dunderheads at my school, if they're too dumb to think it's cool then they're not worthy of it.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
I can't actually believe that twenty-year olds aren't grooving to 80's music, considering how hard 80's nostalgia has come back.
Matter of fact, it's perfectly normal for nostalgia to hit a twenty-year cycle: The era that looks coolest happened twenty years from the current era. For example:
70's: Grease, American Graffitti, Sha Na Na, Happy Days, Animal House
80's: Neo-hippies, Grateful Dead have only hit, Lenny Kravitz' early records
90's: Boogie Nights, disco revival, Jackie Brown, Brady Bunch movie,
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
I'm 15 and I didn't need any explaining. My collection is full of 80s music (and older).
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
I'm 15 and I didn't need any explaining. My collection is full of 80s music (and older).
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I'm 14, and while my collection isn't as full of 80s music as Lebeiw's (or at least I assume), I have some 80s (and 70s and 60s) CDs, as well as many 50s/60s/70s/80s songs in my mp3 playlist. I also enjoy listening to the "oldies" station sometimes.
ETA: Stuff.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
It might be nice if you could tell people that you listen to stuff that sounds good to you, rather than the most popular/trendy tunes of the day to "fit in".
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
it's very disheartening to see the current musical trends of today compared to those of the eighties.the eighties were without a doubt one of the most creative periods in rock and pop music history.Although i'm only 25 years old, i remember fondly all of the music i grew to love from new wave pop to heavy metal,hungry like a wolf to jump,these songs were memorable unlike the forgettable crap of the 90's(depressing)and 00's (overproduced).I don't identify with my generation's music because it's garbage!Hip hop is like your old enemy disco except now it's our enemy.The excess that ruined the eighties doesn't even compare to the excess that we see today in the music industry.It's a hundred times worse.I see the empire of (c)rap crumbling to the ground soon
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Rap was around since the mid '70's and wasn't popular until the mid/late '80's.
And I don't think it's a reason why kids today are violent.
Remember how the PMRC blamed heavy metal, Madonna, Prince, etc. in the mid '80's.
Back on topic, Every generation has it's share of what kids like & parents dislike.
Example) The scene of "Forrest Gump" where his mother dissaproves young Forrest's taste for Elvis Pressely.
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Heavy metal videos were never inhererently violent, neither were the lyrics as explicit in their depiction of violence as rap songs are now.Heavy metal, for the most part, was good against evil whenever it presented violence in it's lyrics.Rap of the 70's and 80's wasn't nearly as violent and explicit in nature as the 90's and present day rap music .All you have to do is look at the east coast and west coast violence that took place in the 90's between rappers tupac and biggie.I never heard of Bret Michaels from poison trying to gun down james hetfield for dissin' his crew.As for the sexual explicitness that could be seen in 80's heavy metal videos...well...i think the rappers could make even David Coverdale of Whitesnake blush with embarassment with some their raw, rump-shakin' videos.If you have a healthy dose of what these rappers are putting out every day, i think the temptation to emulate them will be even greater for a teen who wants to fit in.I try to emulate my heroes too, except i do it with a six string, not a six-shooter.That is why the 80's ruled to me.
Subject: Re: How can we explain 80's music to youth of toda
Tell them to give it a few years and all of the good songs from the 80's will be remade anyway ::) :P
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And lots of 'em already have: "The Boys Of Summer", "It's My Life", and the Cure's "Love Song", to name a few. ::) I prefer some of the originals better than the remakes. I'm almost 24, by the way, so my age was in the single digits throughout the 80's.